This is the most BEAUTIFUL RTX 4090 yet...

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all right continuing on with graphics card Mania we got ourselves a supreme a supreme Liquid X from MSI I'm actually excited about this card because of the fact that it's uh well water cooled and it's extremely reasonable in terms of size minus the radiator versus every other freaking card out on the market so let's see if an AIO contained the Beast today's video is brought to you by the json's merch store we got t-shirts gaming mats and mugs and all that kind of stuff so whenever you go buy our stuff we don't have to put other ads here and other annoying crap so go buy our stuff in terms of Dimensions it's actually a true two slot card uh only it's uh it's like a quarter slot higher which is which makes sense the PCB pretty much stops right here where the back plate is not the plastic the rear cover area right here but it's a very reasonably sized card especially if you compare it to the founders Edition which is going to be just as tall but a little bit longer and then in terms of width it's definitely wider at three slots um I guess you know it's one of those things where we kind of expected the 4090s to just be furnaces because they can they have availability up to 600 watts but very few cards are actually hitting 600 watts even those that we've already showed with the connector um if you have all the connectors plugged in on the four the four pigtail one or using like the custom cable from Corsair they'll pull like 424 or 525 30 at the most when overclocked and then their voltage limit before power limit so they're not going to hit 600 and I'm sure that's by Design to keep it from hitting the 600 plus um it's I'm not by any means saying that that's like oh that's not a bad wattage that's a huge amount of wattage necessary to keep the card running and whatnot but anyway I've already unboxed it and taken the plastic off as you guys can see because I was playing around with it it is a dual bios card by the way I want to point that out the bio switch is right here in the back and you can see you have a silent and a gaming but let's see what else you get in the box and you know what's funny packaging these days is getting so just nice look at this when you open it up it's like Supreme I don't know why they call it supremacy of supreme but you know what whatever you do get a mouse mat uh so with silver and gold and gray matching the card and then you've got your anti-static bag that the card comes in you've got your quick start users guide if we remove this we do get a every single 40 90 is going to come with this 12 volt high power cable to a four PCI Express 8-pin cable and what's funny is this one also just like the EV not the EVGA almost said EVGA the uh Foundation card all four pins including scent zero and sense one are populated and the reason for that is basically each it knows when each one of these cables are connected which we've already showed and there's already been some back talk from those I guess whatever Steve already covered all of that all four it does know when these cables are connected whether it's an ATX 2.0 power supply or not so if you were to disconnect one of these you're going to limit yourself down to 450. disconnect 2 it won't even boot on a 490 we've already shown that you actually get these really nice machine headed screws and washers for mounting the radiator to your case other than that it's funny you see this this spot right here this almost looks like where they had thought about that slot right there where they thought about putting some sort of a support bracket but you know what not necessary it's not necessary with this because although it's fairly weighty it's it's heavier than you would expect it to be as a water cooled card because a lot of times they'll just have some basic little heatsink on there keeping the chips and the vrms cool and then just a block touching the GPU this is really heavy still because of the fact that it does have a solid heat sink in there as you can see down through the fan it has a heat sink in there touching the vrms and the ram so it is a hybrid air-cooled water-cooled card where the GPU is water cooled but everything else is air cooled so also too in terms of the cabling you can see that the cables here run down through the sleeve and into the graphics card itself so the radiator fans and the GPU fans are going to be controlled by whatever GPU tuning software that you want to use so you don't have to worry about these just kind of running at their own pace they're going to speed up and slow down with whatever you tell the fans to do on the card also too I want to point out this radiator it's got this kind of like a not really a wrinkle coat but it has a texture coat which is really nice in terms of showing scratches the downside is one it may not match any other Radiator in your system if you have another AIO and two this gives something for dust to catch on to so just keep that in mind it does end up being um kind of dirty over time in terms of the fan orientation you can see they're in push right now which means they're pushing air through the rad so right now they're kind of intending for it to go like this as an exhaust on the top of your system but if you're going to use it as an intake on the front and then you're going to use a CPU exhaust it's getting twisted on me there we go if you're going to use it on the front like that you're gonna have to flip the fans around that way it's pulling air through the rad through the front of the case metal shroud by the way this is a a true brushed metal shroud this is not plastic so you want to be careful with it because this will scratch but it looks so good like this with this two-tone black and gunmetal um brushed effect same thing on the back plate this is a metal backplate back here this lights up Phil keeps calling this the Super S even though it's not quite the Super S but still it lights up and then we have a nice shiny um retention bracket here for the socket tension on the GPU and then we have this nice kind of a gold chamfered edge here around the back plate which just looks really nice it's got this really nice silver and gold kind of a theme not a theme I ever really considered doing on a build but this card makes me sort of want to do now a silver black and gold themed build all right you know what we got to do now we got to get it on our rig and fire it up and hey look it actually kind of matches our Tai Chi so I am going back to the 7950x on this and the reason for that is I kind of want to see how it Compares on the exact system that I've got my best score on so far when it comes to overclocking a 40 90. fun fact I am way down the leaderboard now I'm like number 50. so many 490s have made their hands into uh you know different systems and so much silicon Lottery out there uh BPS Customs like completely demolished our score by like 600 points and I know Steve's getting ready to do some bearded Hardware overclocking uh with him and so I'm just going to be kind of keeping my ear to the ground and watching what they're doing in silence and then one day if I do beat their scores I'll just kind of flick it online and not really say anything I don't think this is going to be a quote-unquote rip GN rip BPS Customs type of event only because of the fact that we are so locked down with these cards where uh voltage limit being a significant factor on this one doesn't mean we won't necessarily try but the thing is I don't feel like modding the card I don't I don't necessarily want to do any sort of shunt mods and stuff that might cause damage that card sitting on the on the pegboard back there well not that exact one actually the one behind it that's the one that made ruis lostman Lewis Rossman hiss at me because I did a bad repair on that I did the shunt mod with liquid metal and then I left it on there so long it corroded the solder and then the capacitor just fell off not a problem usually but with my my soldering skills it is a problem so it's just right now with how much these cards cost and the fact that they're not the easiest to get your hands on even at the moment um I don't want to go modifying them all right so we booted up in our system you can see that both the onboard fan as well as the fans on the radiator are stopped and that's because of the fact that this does have zero RPM mode so like I said um if when it comes to fan control it's gonna mirror whatever's happening on the card now the pump doesn't stop if the pump stop then the card would just overheat so that's not going to be very good for performance obviously if it starts overheating so the pump is always running but what you'll notice is an idle temp with the water cooler stopped is slightly higher than any of the air cooled cards that are sitting there with zero RPM and that's only because of the passive cooling capability of large heat sinks is greater than the smaller cold plate found on a water block so that's why you'll notice that zero RPM it starts to kind of slowly creep up now in terms of noise at full speed it's not an unpleasant sound actually versus the air-cooled cards it's it kind of sounds like a little desk fan blowing at you it's not really intrusive it's not a high-pitched wine yeah it's it's actually uh not not that intrusive but that's a that's at 100 right there now when we do our testing right now I'm going to be putting this back to factory because the factory fan Curve will have an effect on performance so this is just out of the box testing if you were to just plop it on your system and not touch a damn thing what would happen what I think MSI really needs to fix MSI afterburner should contain the RGB Control software needed to control an MSI graphics card no you need to download MSI Mystic light to do that so another piece of software it doesn't make sense MSI should absolutely have it baked in to be able to control the RGB software on any RGB graphics card including the founders Edition card so I just think it's weird that their own software doesn't include control for RGB on their card fortunately it's just white by default so that's kind of nice now let's talk about power limit interestingly enough this card maxes out at 110. now that doesn't necessarily mean it's lower than other cards because that's 110 of its Baseline now pretty much every custom card on the market has a higher Baseline now the Baseline is 450 watt for the founders Edition card because that's the design but like for instance the strix card from it from Asus is a 500 watt Baseline with the power limit allowing it to go 33 percent uh no not 33 20 whatever whatever the math works out for it to be an extra 100 Watts available to it in terms of power limit now gamer voltage is limited before we ever hit the 600 watt but one of the downsides about MSI graphics cards and they've always been this way and I don't understand what they're afraid of maybe they're afraid of losing that that Nvidia GPU warranty because remember Nvidia does warranty the core for one year for the manufacturer so if your card dies and it's determined that the core went bad Nvidia pays for that warranty not MSI so I feel like they get really conservative with their addition No Limits because they're trying to keep their own pocketbook and you know in mind when it comes to allowing overclocks and stuff but I digress MSI almost always has some of the best hardware design on the market but then they it with software now the reason why I'm pointing this out is I've already done some testing here and that 110 do you remember how I talked about in our previous reviews how we are voltage limited just straight up voltage Limited uh power limit stays at zero nearly the entire time well check this out also too in terms of temp I went right to 55c but look we're still zero RPM right here see that set 57 there we go now they turn on and now look how fast the temp comes down so I'm starting to think that the pump itself might actually be slowing down to just a crawl and then once the pump turns on you can see how fast it shoots down so now we're down to 43c underwater 45. I think it's also important to note these temperatures although on water are not that much lower than air now sure if the air-cooled cards were running a package this I don't want to say small because it's not a small card but if they were this small like in a two slot heat sink they'd not be able to compare with these temperatures whatsoever that's for sure but what I'm looking for right now is where like some of our limits are so I'm going to go ahead and go back to zero on the core um one of the things that I'll tend to do to test for this is I'll I'll pause the scene so watch this right here okay there we go so we're at like 440 something it's it's moving so fast I wish it was a way to slow down the polling rate now watch as if I zero out the ram watch watch the FPS so it's like 4 30 4 40 4 30 and hit that 410 so you can see we are definitely gaining FPS 1700 is your 430 440 if I go 17.50 it's starting to slow down now see how we're now in the seeing a lot of twos instead of Threes right there so now we're starting to error correct 18.50 we'll probably start getting weird artifacting because it can't correct fast enough well yep there it is and then once it's in memory that's it I have to stop the test so the memory on this card already is the highest clocking Ram I have on any of the graphics cards now I don't know if that's just because it's maybe being cooled better it's just silicon lottery I have no idea um but if we want to test power limits now we need to open up Port Royal the nice thing about Port Royal is it does have a a windowed mode looping test which I can use to just start testing for uh stability it is a lot harder to run Port Royal than it is to run Heaven what I'm about to show you is the fact that this card starts to show power limit around 530 Watts so there's about a 70 watt buffer in there that MSI has baked into their power limit in the v bios not allowing you to be able to pull the full 600 watts which means that they're just they're protecting something and I think honestly they're protecting the warranty is what they're doing not that it's a bad thing and not to mention if I put a 40 90 in my system I will not be overclocking the core hardly at all I'll probably do like 150 megahertz offset maybe on water uh but the RAM I would probably run like a daily thousand megahertz offset on the ram just like I do on my 3090 at home now so if you have Port Royal you can go custom you can go Graphics test you can go windowed full screen and looping yes now the two are gonna be or the three will be paying attention to on the bottom here is GPU power GPU power limit so power this is in Watts this is our limit if it's either zero or one zero means we're that's not our limiting factor one means it's a limiting factor and there are voltage limit down here again zero means not limited one means limited so this is just a reason and it's just a it's just a binary zero or one okay so we're see how we went right at the 430 Watts now see our voltage limited right here [Music] also notice we're at 10 50 versus 1100 and that's because I haven't moved the slider so if I move the slider watch what's going to happen here I'm going to move it to a hunt to 100 which means allow full Voltage available to it at a lower part in the Curve so we're at 419 404 watch as soon as I hit that boom 471 472. so see I moved the slider which means 50 millivolts went up now we hit voltage limit and check this out there's our power limit so now if I move the power limit to 110 now when I start to play around with my overclocks okay so that part of the test look we're hitting power limit now see that and look at our wattage where is it 518 513 see we're so close when we hit 110 we'll hit it so now check this out see this power limit where voltage and power limited and there's a crash so that's what's leading to me not being able to get this this card to score higher is because of the fact that with it hitting power limit it starts it limits the voltage quickly to bring power limit back down which is leading to ins in stability because of the fact that this card not being a silicon lottery winner is probably requiring more voltage for stability now this is the kind of card that might benefit from a voltage mod um but anyway that's one of the things that's keeping me from actually being able to score really high in this particular test so I need to drop this down to like 180. on the core because what I need to do is I need to stop the core from spiking to a higher number so remember because of the because of the peace dates it can show 30 60 but it might be actually trying to go to like 30 90. and so it'll go down to 30 60 under drooping under low but in between scene loads or a change or a lighter Scene It Might Spike up really high and then the voltage isn't high enough because we're limited to support that clock at this Asic quality that's the sucky part about overclocking I wish I could take this RAM and put it in my Founders card because that Founders card is what has my highest score so far so now that we've kind of gone over the overclocking a little bit and I've let the card cool back down we'll do the stock test in Port Royal to see where it scores versus the others then we'll find where the overclocking limit is on it I'm curious now as to where it lands stock out of the box okay so 25 980 okay the 496 was a 26 192. so it's uh like a little over 200 points higher than this and I think that's going to come down to once again the Baseline power limit I really do um also too it was boosting over 2 860 megahertz on the strix card and as you can see here we're boosting the 27.75 so that score difference is entirely the Boost clock uh our Fe 25659 so this lands exactly in the middle of the strix and the Fe which is exactly as expected because Fe was going in the low 2700s the strix was going in the mid-2800s and this is in the mid 2700s at like 27.75 so it's just their artificial limit like if I if I could get them to allow the power limit to go to 600 then I feel like we would get a little more clock speed out of the core yeah 37 921 we see our GPU temperature is still too warm in my opinion 51 52 51 52. let's talk about this card real quick what it offers is a smaller package in terms of case fitment however you have to fit a radiator in there so if you're running two aios that means One's Gonna probably be in the frontier case and one's probably gonna be at the top um it's not cheap in fact let's look up the price right now 17.49 so it's a hundred and no 250 dollar premium for the AIO and unfortunately what you're getting for that is somewhat better cooling because I mean that's 100 fan speed right there if I go 100 fan speed on my Fe card I'm at like 59.60 uh if I go to 100 100 fan speed on the strix it's like 58 57 depending on the ambient temperature so it's nice in terms of Acoustics but um you can see for this particular card and my this particular card I don't mean the model I mean this exact sample does just not have a great silicon lottery winner I hate the fact that I have to say oh it's only going to 3040 megahertz or whatever that's so much but my other cards are exceeding 3100. um but it has the best memory overclock so far of any other cards like my Fe card on memory alone would not be able to get as far as this one did so you have to ask yourself is it worth 250 for the AIO portion of it it looks fantastic the metal shroud the back plate the front the location of the connector um all the way back here and so being in the middle like something stupid uh the lighting on it is tasteful it's not gaudy it's the brushed metal on here looks just great it's got its dual bios I still don't think I still don't think there's a need for a dual bios silent slash gaming mode on a water cooled card but it's there nonetheless I'm just personally disappointed in the overclocking capability of it because of msi's limitation on the power limit when the whole point of water cooling a 4090 like this was would be to get more Headroom and you saw out of the box stock settings it wasn't even boosting as High um as the air cooled strix card although that card is freaking the size of a 360 millimeter radiator so you got to keep that in mind anyway there you go guys just want to kind of take a look at the Supreme here um I feel like it's the kind of card if I were to put a custom water block on it could lift the BIOS uh or or change the BIOS out to a higher limit it'd probably probably be a good card that's not a bad car probably a good overclocking card and I'm not going to jump right to trying to bios mod this by putting another bios on here because I don't know exactly what bios are compatible with what yet I'm gonna let other people figure it out and then I'll follow suit because the only card I've ever bricked that was brand new was a GTX 780 because I put a b revision on an A1 revision card and completely bricked it to the point to where it wasn't even recognized as a GPU at all when plugged into this into the slot and I'm about to do that to a 1750 card remember you can build a whole system for the price of this thing all right guys thanks for watching sign off down below how you feel about this card and what other cards you think we should take a look at see you guys in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 699,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 4090, 4090 surpim, msi 4090, watercooled 4090, 4090 watercooled, how to watercool a 4090, is watercooled 4090 worth it
Id: D99B1IevqTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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