NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti - This has to STOP!

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so you guys have probably already heard the news by now that computex uh nvidia just launched its latest graphics card the rtx 3080 ti and announced the upcoming very shortly within a week from now rtx 3070 ti it's kind of interesting on a couple of for a couple of reasons one they never launch cards at computex they almost always have their own standalone events for that sort of thing separate from any other event and two um it might be really an interesting time to try and introduce a new graphics card or two at a time when nobody can get their hands on it so today we benchmarked it we're gonna talk about some of the ideas behind it where it slots in some buying information i guess and whatever else we talk about in this video it's gonna be an interesting one the elite xg270 qg from vue sonic breaks the traditional ugly appearance of gaming monitors by providing an ultra clean design while still delivering gamers the features that they want most features like a one millisecond response time ips 165 hertz overclock display black brushed aluminum stand with tilt and swivel mouse and keyboard cable anchors and customizable subtle lighting to learn more about the xg270gq from viewsonic and to see current pricing click the link in the description below before we get started with the business i want to remind you guys that we are doing a giveaway right now not just of an rtx 3090 but a complete system upgrade including an i9 intel cpu motherboard memory uh power supply obviously the graphics card so if you guys want to enter to win our rtx 3090 and upgrade package then you guys can check the link in the description below to take you to a video where you guys can learn all about it make sure you're subscribed because obviously there's going to be stuff that we're going to be doing along the way that you guys are not going to want to miss so let's talk about the rtx 3080ti we've got two flavors on the table today we have got the founders edition card right here which basically looks exactly like an rtx 3080 with the exception of the fact that it's got these diamond cut edges here on the face but unfortunately you don't see when the card is inserted traditionally into a pcie slot if you use a vertical mount then you'll be able to see it but they didn't carry that design onto the back which to me is very unfortunate i feel like they kind of went halfway on that one in terms of committing to something that looks very nice actually i i do like the matte look of the 3080 but the 3080ti as soon as i took it out of the box and i saw that diamond cut edge i was like that is gorgeous but unfortunately they didn't put it on the side that you actually are going to mostly see the rtx 3080 ti from evga this is the for the win3 ultra variant this is their top of the top uh highest tier that they make they have the xc3 obviously xt3 for the win 3 and then the ultra this is a dual bios card it has a standard bios as well as an oc bios now for the sake of our testing we obviously switched it over to oc there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that i would leave it on a standard bios if the oc bios option is available to us also worth noting they got rid of the clown lips if you remember we kind of made fun of their ultra cards by having the red outlines here which are very much like the tail section of a mclaren or a clown but they got rid of it as you can see it's just nice and black now unfortunately they left the red line on the back plate but i guess you know some old habits die hard moving on um this obviously is going to carry custom boost tables boost clocks it's going to be the exact same specs as a 3080 ti however the custom variants like the for the win3 ultra it's going to have especially on the oc bios it's going to have a faster clock speed memory speed is going to be the same but it's going to have a more aggressive fan profile it's also got much more aggressive cooler than found on the 3080ti which is what i want to talk about next because one of the things that made me interested in temperature testing with the 3080ti is the fact that this has the exact same dimensions as the 3080. now if you recall i don't have it on the table here because it's in my system the rtx 30 90 founders edition card is a triple slot card not a two slot card like the founders edition uh 3080 and it's extra tall and the reason they did that is because of the core density of the amount of cuda cores and tensor cores and rt cores and rops and everything that are inside the architecture they went with a big giant beefy cooler to keep it as cool as possible now when it comes to 3080 ti it's only two less sms it's only 256 less cuda cores it's got 12 gigabytes of memory versus the 10 gigabytes of memory found on the 3080. however they brought the cooler down to the 3080 size now the 3080 has significantly less cuda cores than the 3080ti so i was really kind of concerned on what the temperatures were going to look like because of the fact that we are seeing the smaller cooler designed for the smaller core and and really shaped down version of the 3080 versus 3080 ti which let's also make note this is a 30 90 that's shaved down it's like i said two less sms 256 less cuda cores for all intents and purposes the 3080 ti is a 3090 that has like a sliver of performance chopped off and half of the vram it uses the same 12 pin connector that you found on all the fe cards it requires two eight pin power pcie power plugs to be plugged into it so temperature testing on this one was something i really paid attention to it is slightly heavier because it has obviously the extra chips on there it's got extra um power traces and such and we noticed it actually holding the two side by side that there was a slight amount of weight difference there but the 413 ultra obviously has got the the big mama cooler on there the further in three ultra also comes with an anti-sag bracket that is compatible with various chassis there is a qr code that you can scan it will tell you what cases that it's compatible with but that's helped to help with anti-sag that way you're not dealing with your card trying to bust your pcie slot off of your motherboard obviously cooling on this is going to be fine because of the uh triple the triple axial fan the tr three slot oh it's a tree slot the three slot and massive cooler on here it does use three eight pin pci express uh power cables so you're gonna want to i know i said pci express whatever extra power uh so you gotta make sure that your power supply obviously is capable of handling that when it comes to other features found on here you have the usual suspects found with evga cards it has got the rgb or the argb header on the back so you can have your rgb obviously be synced with the card control and an extra fan header back here so that if you want to run any case fans or something off of the ramping up of the card so as the card ramps up you can wrap up case fans with it so that you can get a better exchange of air rather than relying on the cpu like most logic does on motherboards then you can plug that in there we also have on the table here our 2080 ti the reason for that is because that is the full generational jump of the 80 series ti models from 2080 ti to 3080 ti but it's an interesting one names aren't always directly comparative sometimes somebody might share a name or a series name like adti but be a completely different uh family of card depending on where it slots in so let's go ahead and take a look at the benchmarks here so we can see how it compares to a 2080 ti 3080 3080 ti 30 90 fe as well as the 3080 ti for the win3 ultra [Music] me [Music] me [Music] hello [Music] be [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] now as always nvidia is very active with the reviewers to make sure that they're not having any sort of problems they've never been like well you should do this and you should say this they've never been that way so i want to make sure i make that very clear i know there's been some issues in the past with reviewers in nvidia and the way that they've handled themselves we've never experienced any sort of strong arm or influence on the way we should present something we've always been very free uh on the way we handle that we're very transparent about that but one thing i did ask them is specifically and this was obviously before the keynote was um pricing and just like they we expected jensen wanted to announce the pricing so there wasn't in the reviewer's guide or anything i predicted 1199 i was correct on that nick you're my witness i did predict that before they announced it right yeah i have a note he has a note so anyway 11.99 msrp we are going to compare msrp we are well aware that the only people that are going to get them for anywhere near this price are the very first purchasers and then they're going to start reselling and scalping and then the the way we've seen the last six months go seven months ago is going to continue to be the case i guess we're almost up to eight months now on this anyway i digress when it comes to the pricing it's interesting because what they what i started to mention with we we get support from the engineering side it's not the it's not the marketing team that we get help from it's from the engineering technical marketing side so that we are able to ask technical questions and get answers from the people that know the card and the product itself not how to market it they said it was around two percent slower than a 30 90. and that really got me like kind of thinking here because the 3080 is anywhere from six to eight percent slower so that was a very narrow window to to aim for to slot a card like the rtx 380 ti in between the 3080 and 3090 now of course we're comparing fe is there what's interesting if you look at the charts obviously is if you take the 1339 dollar it's funny we're back up to like the 20 series pricing right but at least they're much more powerful custom cards msrp anyway when we compare the 39 30 80 ti for the win3 ultra it matches the 3090 fe like pretty much in every single test and even beats it in some that means the extra core clock that we're getting on this card is definitely making up for the 256 uh less cuda cores and the two less rt cores and i forget how many tensor cores less but it'll be on the screen here obviously the clock speed was able to make up for that deficit now that also means that this is compared to the fe right so if we took the 30 90 for the win3 ultra and compared it to the 30 90 fe uh we would see the same kind of uplift right this is a difficult one because it's one of those things where like if i had a choice to be able to buy a 1500 thirty ninety fe again hypothetical msrp please we we can't possibly address all of the craziness happening out there in the pricing so we're gonna go off the msrp but hypothetically if i had the choice to buy an rtx 3090 fe for 1500 or the 3080 ti for the win3 ultra from evga which has the dual bios and faster clock speeds although it is less respect across the board i would much rather save the 170 or 160 dollars that we can to get a fa just as fast and in some cases faster card now you might have noticed in our test bench or our test suite here that we did not include 1080p and the reason for that was we were reaching constant cpu bottlenecks on our 10900k which yes is not the fastest cpu out there but we feel like it still gives us pretty real world experience and constant engine cap so at 1080p we were seeing significant amounts of cpu bound happening when it comes to gpu bound so gpu bound means your your score is limited by the gpu that's bound to the gpu's performance but there becomes a point when the gpu starts waiting on the cpu and when that happens it becomes less gpu bound you see the cpu bound number come up and we were seeing that obviously just across the board with 1080p when it comes to 1440p we even started to see some of that in certain titles like shadow of the tomb raider being a perfect example at 1440p numbers were were very similar to the 380ti and 3090 and even the 3080 being near that but the 3080 not being far behind the 30 90 in 1440. that's uh very much a an engine slash uh you know bottleneck there when it comes to the engine and how fast it's able to actually present it's or you know render its frames and such it's time to get to 4k that you start to see a little bit of separation between the 30 90s and the 30 80 ti's uh and again that could have everything to do with vram that could have to do with the extra 256 cuda cores the two extra tensor cores the extra rt or the two extra rt cores the extra tensor cores and that really starts to show itself when you can fully max the graphics card and the engine will allow it so that brings us to the obvious uh discussion here about availability now and by the time this video went live unless you're already camped out at like micro center or best buy or you're mashing refresh on best buy's website they're the only place that you're gonna be able to buy the fe card micro center and best buy at least when it comes to the united states and best buy in canada um you're just going to it's probably too late i'm ready for to even try and get a 3080 ti i'm sure as soon as the dates were announced when jensen discussed the lines already started forming at micro center you're gonna see videos i guarantee of scalpers versus people in line and and them getting into fights because they always do scalpers always come in and they act like kids and then they try and say this this this sign up she doesn't mean anything and and they try and be souls to get their cards and that's fine normally people are willing to fight them and everything works out okay but evga fortunately has their elite program so it's again probably too late for the 3080 ti but if you want to get your hands on a 30-70 ti um then check out the elite program i'll put a link down below this isn't really a sponsored bit of the video i know for a fact through people that i've talked to the amount of people that have told me that they've been able to actually get an msrp esque card from evga through their elite program that way you have 24 hours head like start to buy a graphics card you get notified you have a window which to respond if you don't respond then that card moves on the next person in line it's uh right now being touted as one of the best ways to actually get your hands on a graphics card so again it's probably too late for 3080 ti might as well sign up for it now though when it comes to the 3070 ti but you can bet these are going to be out of stock instantaneously you're gonna probably have the best bet getting one either signing up for a program like i just mentioned or camping out at micro center either way um i you obviously know that there's not going to be enough of these to go around and i know you guys are mad i know you guys are really mad that they're even coming out with this card and there's a couple ways you can look at that you can say well at least there's two more cards coming out 3070 ti which will be coming out on june 10th our review will be just before that and then the 38 dti now the problem is the reason why people get more angry about like 30 80s being out of stock in 37 news and stuff is 3090 was already unobtainable for many people for most people because the pricing is just 1500 it's a halo card it's expensive a lot of people weren't even considering it to begin with before the inflated scalp prices so a lot of people were kind of like why didn't they just use the manufacturing of the wafers that were here to make 3080 ti shave them shave them up or cut them up even more and make more 30 60 tis or make more 30 70s i'm sure there's an engineering reason for that and i'm sure nvidia may reach out and explain why that wasn't the case but you would like to see i'm sure as as consumers them pump the market with more mid-range cards that people are trying to get their hands on rather than coming out with more high-end cards that people already couldn't afford even if pricing wasn't screwed up to begin with because even as it is 30 60s are going for a thousand dollars when they're supposed to be a 400 card or 380 card something like that so i would have liked to have seen them maybe forgo the 3080 ti which was already delayed from its original launch it was supposed to come out earlier this year and it was delayed for obvious reasons i would have liked to have seen it scrapped entirely when we started to see the way things were going and just just pump that mid-range card market as hard as possible because it is the bulk of your sales of any manufacturer whether your amd nvidia intel cpu or gpu the mid-range market is the bulk of your sales and then you get your outliers of of the enthusiasts or extremists like myself that will always go for the high end or people that are always going to go for the super low end the yeah probably 70 percent of your mass is buying in that mid card range whether you're talking like 30 60 all the way through 30 70 somewhere around there and yes 30 70 would be mid-range at this point now because you have several cards above that i would like to have seen that but obviously that's not the case so this is where you guys sound off in the comments below on whether or not you think this was a dumb move i think i already know the answer i think you guys are just mad i don't i think they could have come out with this card and been like we're gonna give it away and you guys would still be mad because you know you're still not going to get it so there's a lot of emotion involved in this cycle of graphics cards in this family where i ask that you guys do your best to put your emotions aside and at least be objective in saying what the card is and what it's supposed to do it's obviously doing it but you can't get your hands on it they are straight up unicorns if you want this card you better already be standing in line at microcenter or you better be sitting there hitting refresh on best buy specifically for the fe card but i have been told as well that one of the reasons why this family was pushed out is so that they could bump up the supply as much as possible if they had launched this sooner obviously there'd be less cards available they've they're doing a very diligent job at least of trying to get as many cards out there as possible and with the uh the light hash rate rate or the lhr versions of these cards which the 3080 ti is obviously going to have which is the light hash rate keeping uh apparently them to not be profitable i don't know i've had people reach out to me and already say that the current hash rates even cut in half it'd still be profitable but i don't know i don't do coin mining so i couldn't tell you we just got to hope that maybe uh there's gonna be more lucky people out there able to get their hands on these cards so anyway sound off in the comments below your true opinions about this card how do you feel about another top tier card being launched uh at a time like this i think it's a i think it's a card that was already in the works and they probably already started producing these months ago which means they kind of had to go forward with it anyway i don't even know if it would have been possible to take the cores that written these and turn them into mid-range cards i don't i don't know i know the process is the process but i i'm a little ignorant to what it takes to to create a lower end card versus a hiring card you just cut it smaller i really don't know so maybe if you know you can count off the count off count off the chorus down in the comments below anyway thanks for watching guys don't forget our giveaway though at least someone's gonna get one of these bad boys right here and uh full system upgrade to go along with that thanks for watching guys as always we'll see you on the next videos this week and we'll see you next week with the 30 70 ti launch i don't know how much best physical copies best buy is physical copy physical versions how many cards best go up but
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 683,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 series video card, nvidia, nvidia rtx, rtx 3070, rtx 3080, rtx 3090, nvidia vs amd, is the 3090 worth it, is the 3070 worth it, should I buy a 3070, should i buy a 3080, is nvidia worth it, is amd worth it, how much is rtx 3070, how much is 3080, how much is 3090, how much does a 3070 cost, how much does a 3090 cost, best video card 2020, 3080 benchmark, 3080 benchmarked, 3080ti, 3070ti, 3080ti price, is the 3080ti worth it, how much is 3080ti, best video card 2021
Id: 9p5w_vY6SW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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