I Fixed This Whale's ENTIRE Account... | Genshin Impact

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what we are doing today is attempting to save a misguided whale someone who came to me said hey look xylox i trust you you're my favorite person in the world i need you to fix my account because i spent some money and honestly i'm kind of misguided okay i'm stuck at the abyss oh what floor i think they said they peaked floor 10 or something like we need to steer them in the right direction they said and i quote i have dysphraxia which is like dyslexia but with hans le mao so i struggle to dodge things on time and in general i find a lot of things confusing this is gonna be like a unique account review because if you're someone who struggles with like dodging at the right time or whatever then we can just make you more friendly teams now the one thing i'm gonna say is that this person's favorite character is yay miko now you might notice a problem with someone who doesn't you know dodge at perfect timing and yay miko what do most characters do what does a support character like yay miko do however and this is the plot twist this account is r5 weapon c6 yay miko so um obviously we're gonna make you teams of the eye now you might be panicking you might be thinking oh but if i'm not good at dodging how am i gonna play imiko without suffering without getting hit without dying well honestly you're not you're probably going to die but you can play comfy teams i'll try to make you a team that's very comfy maybe a shield maybe quick swap something you can do to make it easier we'll find a solution what other characters you have i know you're like kind of a whale from what i can tell oh okay that's a lot of five stars that's uh level one chignan okay good account so far i will say though sarah especially c6 which you probably have synergizes very well with a lot of your electro characters so that is something you could look into eventually but we're gonna do one thing at a time i'm gonna make you two teams that are very straightforward you can focus on focus on those teams dps first and then from there you can do whatever you want zhang is gonna be your best friend by the way anyone who struggles with dodging at the right time strongly literally makes this game a joke i swear to god i got worse at the game since i pulled john lee now your hp's kind of low but it's a good start i mean it's not but it's a good start it's a good start like you just need to yeah like just put hp and just level it like there you go you're on triple hp level all these max and you'll have a shield i think what we should do is first of oh no okay it's actually not that bad it's actually not the bad it's just the goblet do you not have any electro ones oh no i feel so bad wait there's no shot you're like ar 7 million oh oh but it's still better it's still better it's actually still better it's actually and it's glad so you get a set effect and you have attack and er it might not have crit but er attack and a glad is actually not bad wait a second if uh let's look at your causeway that's good that's good elemental mastery you're insane [Music] uh you're on fiverr doesn't vendor since you already have em here em here and two vernessen pieces you can just go any em circuit it doesn't have to be on set so if you have a single one which i'm sure you do maybe um okay you don't okay you don't it's fine you'll get one eventually when you do just put it on anyways you said you had trouble focusing on some characters i'm gonna stop looking at everything and i'm gonna give you direction here's the teams you're going to use so we know you want to use amiko she's c6 r5 we're going to put yay miko next to her wife we're probably going to do a yaya writing team that's going to be your base for you you said you have trouble dodging and i want to make you a comfy team i'm going to put johnny in this team okay zhang is not optimal here he's not the best here but honestly if you run verdes inventor you have strongly on fivonius lance to give your team particles and you run a bit more energy recharge than if you had three electro this team will work okay second half honestly [ __ ] fair game like this could depend on the abyss for you you're doing could depend on the characters you like i would recommend for meta probably either ayaka freeze gonyu team or shangling those are like the meta dps right now maybe it depends on your artifacts because i don't want to make you farm too many things and if you already have trouble with that i might as well make your team with what you already have so if there's any of these characters that you already have built kind of that'll probably be your second team oh these oh my god these are not levels yeah i see what you mean by like not knowing who to invest in because that's a problem you get a lot like you have so many characters that are good and you're trying to build them all right you watched every x guide and now you're applying all of them pick two that you like one for team one one for team two unless you're running a weird team comp and just like focus on them and then only build other dps's once your first two teams are good right because you don't need three you don't need four so after looking at your characters a bit since none of your main dps's are really geared that well like they have good sets but the subsets are the main stats are pretty bad i would recommend either playing the one you like the most or what i'm gonna recommend is playing characters that you can build easily so as you know everyone needs a reminiscent slash emblem domain so if you can farm for a character that needs that so you can do like two characters at once three characters at once it'll be more efficient for you could be doing something like this this could be good this team will be comfy because kokomi's gonna permanently heal you you invest into her a bit level her talents she's going to be auto-attacking in a taser team while your c6 are miko's doing a ton of damage so like this team will be pretty comfy and then the second team is comfy because bennett's field has a high up time and it heals you a lot and then ryden makes you basically like immune to getting knocked back and then you're just very comfy i mean i could just ask them if they're watching i could literally ask them what do you want to run shower ayaka oh okay shower ayaka all right we got an answer both work free seams are broken but especially because kokomi's here and because um aika is going to require you to farm blizzard strayer and learn more complex rotations with shanha than just a shao honestly i think it'll be much more simple if you just get shao geared because he's already almost geared get a bit more from the reminiscence domain that you're gonna farm anyways and you just do this team and then very comfy you have a healer you have a shield you have double geo there's like no way you die and as long as you invest into your show your team's gonna be good yeah i like these twos so i would just do this hey now that you know your teams you're only gonna invest in those eight characters until they're geared then you can move on so now you just focus on them so we're gonna do this pretty fast and we're gonna fix your account okay yay miko is already geared i already checked her i looked at her she's good good ratio your energy research is low though if there's any way you could add a bit of er to your subs oh oh my 22 attached okay this is so much better the reason why it's better is because number one you need er number two the subs are really good and number three this piece can be used on ciao this piece is good on so many characters whereas thunder fury's only good on like two or three right like electrical characters so i would do this for imiko well yes your ratio took a bit of a hit you got way more attack more energy charge and you can now use that piece on ciao so yayamiko boom she's good okay you're causal as i said wait what's your weapon oh you refined an aquila i did that that's a new mistake i did it's not bad for me but if you're using it on bennett like the refinement does nothing wait you're not using bennett did we make them two teams without bennett damn i'm crazy yeah i probably don't refine like it's okay for whales to find weapons when you have a bunch of weapons but something like jade is like bestest on so many characters that unless you have like [ __ ] six jades you probably should keep you know two or three if you're pulling for a lot of them anyways uh you're running a fav causewa actually pretty good uh we already saw your things the one thing i'm gonna say is you have four verdessen without a circuit okay what do you want to circle it elemental mastery so while you farm for your other characters you're gonna get an elemental mastery circulate passively from any domain it does not matter it could be emblem it could be like blizzards or it could be anything but once you get em put that on kazoo kokomi four clan good in this team usually i go midless as a support in this team you're like dpsing you're on field with her this is actually pretty good [Music] this is not great i can make it better hp's fine as your circlet but if you have a healing bonus one i would probably do that hydro glove that will give you a lot more damage which is something you should invest in and it could be something like this and now all you need is a healing bonus or even hp honestly so you're gonna have to go back to ocean u clam it might not be your number one priority but for kokomi it's actually really important so i would definitely do that and try to get either an onset circuit or an onset goblet and then you can go from there you can run like something mediocre for now and it's not a big deal but in the future you can go back to clam try to get onset dps set and you'll be good um oh wait for an auto attacking kokomi it's fine i will say however that when you're running a c6 r5 yai miko buffing her with thrilling tales is probably just going to be a bigger dps increase because of how relevant yurya miko's damage is okay i will say though if you just like this weapon and you pulled it and you want to use it go ahead but literally i was i would still do this other characters who else is here official oh uh string list is good oh my go dude i'm gonna have to [ __ ] pull up the dps calyx oh my okay you have insane bows like actually give this to your gonyo by the way and give that to whoever for your artifacts honestly official can go off sub stats but if you can choose two glad two thunder fury and two reminiscents are all good two pieces uh so you can mix and match what do you have this could be a this could be a good flower if you level it this could oh you oh my what yo give that the show i mean i guess how's this but dude your show is literally on a plus zero flower and you have this sitting right there okay i might level this but yeah you're definitely equipping that on someone oh my message to everyone whenever you have a two crit piece level it especially if it's on set like gladiator like you can use this on so many characters and if it has four subsets at level zero it's even better at least it's locked though so you know it's good but yeah there you go too loud already done yeah you're kind of low on just goblets like you literally only have one electro goblet in your entire arsenal which in my opinion is kind of weird like maybe you threw some away while what are you let me check 55 tartaglia's girlfriend yeah like your ar-55 so maybe you didn't do enough artifact farming or you just got unlucky or you threw some away you will get some just by farming so when you do keep them even if they're bad like it you want to at least have a good main stat for the electric characters you're using right now you're using two yay who has one and official who doesn't so i'm just gonna leave your goblet on like attack percent or something for now but as soon as you get an electro one use that so here's what the official's gonna do two reminisce is too glad right now you're waiting for an electro goblet and you have really good two glad pieces i might give these to xiao we'll see but this is kind of what you're going for because it's probably not worth for you going to farm 30 fury just for one character however you will get good reminiscence just passively while playing because you're gonna be farming the emblem and reminiscence domain so when you do you can give that to official uh and whoever else gene very easy to build in general you want vernessen but for a shout team you're going to go four in a bless that oh what is this what have a thousand eight houses level 20 it's fine now it's fine oh okay there you go that's two three oh what the all right you have three gene pieces and you have an animal goblet your jeans actually just she's just built different yeah there you go good gene you just level it level all your artifacts and change your weapon jake cutter's best slot jr is really good are you using any other sword character that could use it albedo but your alba dusty already has your albedo already has cinnabar spindle yeah so you're good for albedo and then you can give jay cutter to gene so you're good uh zhang li very easy to build him low investment you can make up a burst support but why would you especially because you said you want like comfy teams you don't have to dodge all the time just stack his shield honestly he'll be very valuable with this millet set hp hp hp level all these artifacts to 16 at least 20 if you can and your shield won't die if you can also level him because he skills on hp yeah get your shield higher like for sure at least get him to level 80 level like eight your shield you don't really care about your burst and you don't need to give him this weapon sure it matches him but you'd rather give him a supportive weapon like fuvonius lance or black tassel but fab is better there you go boom good team albedo this oh you have husk wait never mind you don't have us dude you have so many good artifacts that you're like not using like this is a big thing double crit is in general just on average a very good piece okay so anything like this we can put this on them now because it's already leveled and has 22 percent defense so it's amazing but this is also an amazing feather oh you have a joke on set and it has defense percent and it rolled defense percent so definitely level that that's pretty good and then you can run an offset circuit because you don't have a good onset one so literally anything with crit rate quick damage what do you need more of alvideo's not your number one priority so it's not that big of a deal but just give them a credit circuit or this that's also really good for now this is good good sub stats and you're on defense geo very very good level it at your own pace eventually you'll get a criteria circle it and you'll be chilling now that your supports have like a rough draft of what they're gonna use all these artifacts you're gonna level and you might get better ones eventually but the main characters you're gonna focus on are your dps characters like yay's gonna be doing the most she's already really good but your goblets level zero so like i would level this to 20 right now and as soon as you get a better goblet just replace it because i'm sure you can get a better one eventually but attack percent er subs on set pretty good your second character you're gonna invest into is your other dps shao okay after that you can move on to supports but you just want your hyper carry to be well invested into number one level this weapon to 90 very important for a hyper carry it's huge skyrocket gps definitely definitely do this first thing you do okay talents level your auto attacks shallow is a character that crowning your normal attacks before even like leveling your burst any higher is actually worth it so i would level your normal attack to at least level eight level nine if you can it's very good artifacts two reduction two clouds good but we kind of know you have better pieces so honestly i would give your official your mediocre glad and then give your shower your amazing glad so this piece oh my god this this piece looks so good for your feather you could go too far essentially but your vanessa sucks right why would you do that when you're gonna farm an essence anyways because it's good for your other characters and you can just equip this really good glad piece you have so now you have two glad and you're gonna go two reminiscents as well before i move on to like the showcase and stuff you might be asking well where do i start what do i improve on okay so your causeways em circuit is gonna come passively don't worry about that ryden a better offset piece goblet or whatever passively same with ciao so what characters do you need to improve on well if you're playing kokomi you want to be able to get ideally like a hydro goblet but in order to do that you need a healing bonus circlet on set so you can run an offset hydro goblet like the one you have somewhere so in order to do that i would do a bit of clam just to get one piece that you want for your albedo your husk is honestly fine you could get a better circuit like a critter one or something but you know it's fine just level your artifacts once again but if you want to improve on them you could do more husk i wouldn't put that as a priority your drawing leads fine level is artifacts your gene is also pretty good you just don't have a crit circuit oh no you do yeah again level yeah all your characters are pretty good just love your artifacts honestly like i feel like right now with the artifacts you have if you level them especially because you're a whale you could probably clear the abyss okay uh let's just do a quick showcase basically with this team what you want to do for a taser team you're usually setting up with your characters and then um on the character that is law enfield attacker and this team is going to be coming inside of your burst you're gonna spamming auto attacks and that's gonna heal your party members while your off field supports are doing damage now what are you gonna do with your official supports well usually you start by pressing e on the imiko three times then you can you know use fishel uh put the jellyfish here and then try to swirl electro and hydro against the hydro signs it's not going to work but you can do that with your skill and your burst and then after that you can go to kokomi start well use your burst if you have it and then auto attack and then you're going to do good damage apply enable your off field supports and also heal your team obviously you can use im equals verse 2 uh and then press e three more times and so on and so forth but yeah this is kind of a bad place to show rotation um but like yeah you can like apply electro hydro okay he's dead ciao team very very easy there's some advanced things you can do with xiao but you don't really need to like yeah it makes you better but look zombie shield albedo e gene e uh you don't even need the genie but basically just xiao and then you just found punches and this shot was on super low artifacts and you're already doing like not good damage but okay damage you know and that's all you need to care about so yeah i kind of push them away from each other which isn't really smart for xiao but whatever like the only i guess not even hard part but just advanced tip i can give you is just give him particles when you press e on g and swap your child press your e a bunch and then as you can see you've got your burst back fast something else you can do is e and then while the particles are flying to use your burst and then boom you've got some particles uh just make sure you set up before using shalt like don't do what i just did use e on albedo use wrongly shield and then if you wanted proc jeans no blaster lives you can use your burst press e swap to them use your e and then burst do keep in mind your drawing albedo don't need to use their bursts especially if they're low investment could be a waste of time so it's really really easy it's just your shower while your albedo is passive damage your strongly buffs you with militant shields you and his shield buffs you and gene is there to heal and do damage so pretty easy but yeah like even without using kokomi here like throwing tails or anything like just swirling electro and then going through like she's gonna do decent damage but you're um like your gall this level zero it's gonna skyrocket when you level your goblet but she's gonna be doing good passive damage just because cause was buffing her and on top of that you're also buffing your kokomi and if you run throwing kills you'll buffer even more and it's just yeah good passive damage and then that's just yayamiko you can even run right in this team you can do whatever you want but that's just the eye then kokomi cause of all that stuff is gonna do even more yeah lovely weapons love your talents of your artifacts i really hope i helped i hope this video was cool this was a whale account that we tried to make better let me know what you think because i enjoyed making this type of video my chat likes it everyone likes it that's it goodbye wait the biz message ruined my goodbye take two goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 1,177,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, account review, whale, genshin, zy0x, zyox, c6, saving a whale, aqua simulacra, r5, whale account review genshin impact, genshin impact account review, c6 yae miko, c6 yae, miko, zy0x account review, abyss, spiral abyss, showcase, genshin impact guide
Id: BvutFN09iwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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