25 Tips EVERY Player Needs: Genshin Impact Guide

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hey everyone mtash here and i wanted to give you some tips that i wish i knew before i started gentian impact these can help you whether you're a beginner player or even an advanced player i'm at adventure rank 30. i know there's people further than me there's some pro gamers out there there's people on other servers but i wanted to give you some tips that i wish i had known right from the start now this is going to be my first tip and i honestly think this is the first thing any player in the game should do there's a website with a gentian impact interactive map just google gentian impact interactive map and it will show you all the different things in the game between shrines and teleporters and all these different things but the big one is you want to do the animoculus and dioculus literally right when you start the game you can go and hunt the majority of these some of them like this one way out in the water you actually need an ice team that you can literally freeze the ice to walk across there that's the only way to get over there for the most part and you know that might not be accessible right at the start but the majority of these are going to be very accessible for your team i would go and get these as soon as you can and turn them in because they give you stamina which makes exploration even easier and it gives you a bunch of experience now in the other region once you advance a little further do the exact same thing you want to get all of these and if you do get all of these it also does a secret quest which i made a video on to get a five-star artifact but this is incredibly good experience you need to do this this is probably the the most important thing in the game so what i want you to do is i want you to open up the other map and then on your map in game i want you to actually mark all the locations down click there put that down click the one here put it on the map and then i want you to go to each location and look high and low i want you to clear them out and once you know that you got it in that location click it delete it and you know it's done that way you don't miss one because if you do miss one you're gonna spend hours searching and trying to figure out where the hell it is don't make this mistake because in the other region there's 131 of them there are caves there are high peaks it is going to take you eight hours i'm not even kidding it might take you 10 hours to try to find the last one if you look at my stamina bar here i've got more than double than when i started the game so if you're trying to sprint around you're trying to explore getting all of these is a benefit for everything you can be stronger in battle even you know a character like this where you can wind up and use your charged attack i can essentially wind up and do my attack two times longer because i have a bigger stamina bar i can just hold this thing and do way better dps so uh i would recommend that you check this out and get her done elemental resonance is a button that i guarantee a lot of people have never clicked they have no idea what this is by matching up multiple people of the same element you get different passives one of the best ones in the game if you're trying to explore in the early game like most of us were and are is impetus wind and it decreases your stamina consumption by 15 increases movement speed and shortens your cooldowns this is a great little passive if you're trying to explore this is my main exploration team that i'm using it on but there's some other great passives too uh if you have two fire characters you get a 25 increase to your attack damage what that's insane if you're looking to get dps there are some amazing little combos in here make sure you're looking at your elemental resonance you also get more energy from elemental particles so as you're using abilities you can see these particles coming towards you if you're the same element as another character you actually get increased amounts so if you're looking at this team venti and gene pretty much always have their ultimate abilities or their burst abilities available which is great now the other thing too is characters have passives now a lot of them might not seem that amazing if you look at the talents of this character hers is chef uh any attack boosting dish when cooked perfectly has a 12 chance to receive double the product that's great if you're crafting and cooking which we'll talk about later but then there's people like my boy razer who gives a huge 20 decreased stamina consumption while sprinting so if you pair this with something like venti who gets twenty percent uh reduced stamina costs for uh soaring around on the glider you have an amazing exploration team so make sure you're checking out those passives now another big thing is if you want to do optimal damage in your party obviously you want to max out everyone but i highly recommend you focus on one character you could focus on maybe two if you have enough resources but in the early game if you can get one cracked character that's ascended before everyone else they can carry you an example of this would be fishel or venti these are great little characters that have amazing burst potential and what i would do is level them up use your resources on leveling them up and ascending them as soon as you possibly can obviously you want to bring everyone up as you you know progress through the game but someone like fishel can literally carry your team if you've got someone like die dailok if you've got venti if you've got any of the five star characters i would build around them and make sure they're leveled up first as a priority that also means they're weapons you want to be leveling them up and enhancing them and ascending them i can't quite do it yet because i don't have the materials but you want to get their damage up as soon as you possibly can so that they can keep dishing it out and carrying your team the other characters can support with elements and all that stuff but one character absolutely dominating is going to be very very strong that goes for artifacts as well if you've got a character that you like you want to make sure that you're actually maxing these out if you're trying to enhance an artifact you can use all the different materials from one star to three star and there's essentially a finite amount of these right now and still you start uh start farming some of the dungeons but if you're going to be leveling up artifacts they should be on your main character because the difference between a base level artifact and a maxed out one is insanity let's just look at this artifact for an example now you can see at just level 5 the attack damage is more than doubled and it's also going to get another attribute bonus that will give it crit or health or something else you need to level these artifacts up because this is going to be one of the biggest reasons why you're not doing damage in the game your artifacts need that you also want to make sure that you're choosing artifacts that scale with the character if you're looking at chi-chi if you look at her talents her abilities scale off of attack the healing is scaling off of attack so you want to build attack damage on the character any of the artifacts that you're picking should have some sort of attack percentage or flat attack but that's not the same for everyone if you look at someone like my girl barbara her scaling is off hp let the show begins we'll scale off of max hp and her shining miracle will also scale off of max hp so if you want a kick butt barbara you want to scale her up as high as you can it will make her heels incredible and she will be a literal tank like literally unkillably uh strong the heels will make it so you can keep your entire team alive so pay attention to the scaling go to the talents click on your talents and see if it says anything about scaling if not any stats will work for the most part but if they're your main damage dealer they probably want some attack or if they use abilities a lot like venti you probably want elemental ability damage stuff like that now once you get to a higher level there's expeditions you can do and i highly recommend you start doing these as soon as you can take some of your weaker characters lisa is one of my weaker characters so i send her out all the time mining i also do it for the 20 hour timer so that you can get the most rewards possible if you were trying to get this amount of rewards it would require quite a bit of farming and because i've been doing this every single day that i play i've actually got a ton of materials crafting weapons requires prototypes and a lot of materials so if you want to try to get some four-star weapons for your characters to level up then you should make sure that you're doing those expeditions but what if a four-star weapon wasn't necessarily better than a 3 star now if you look at this dragon's bane it has a base attack of 41 and it's got some elemental mastery so my tackle go up and my ability damage will go up but if you look at this bad boy right here the base attack is 39 and it has crit rate meaning if i'm auto attacking with this character which you do quite a bit you can get some amazing abilities but the other thing too is refinement so if we look at this dragon bane at base refinement it gets 20 bonus damage to uh pyro and hydro affected enemies now if we go to this white tassel it gets 24 increased damage with normal attacks that is a lot of damage but because with blue weapons you can get multiple uh you know repeats and copies of them i've now made this one refinement rank 5 and it's getting 48 more damage now even though uh this will scale up and i can i can level this weapon up and it gets some high base attack this is actually most likely a better weapon for uh this character by leveling up this white weapon i will do more damage because of this huge boost to the normal attack if i can max out the refinement ranks yes it will absolutely catch up but there are some amazing blue weapons in the game so don't be afraid to level them up in my case this is actually going to be my replacement for right now also did you know that you can level up your basic attacks and your abilities and this is one of the biggest boosts to damage in the game if you look at my normal attack on razer here i can actually level it up to level two giving me some great boosts like six percent more damage and if you stack that with all the different damage buffs you're going to get in the game that's a lot of damage it's relatively cheap to do you're going to amass these materials as you go but different characters are going to use the different materials there's a good chance that any of your main characters you're going to have these materials to level them up as soon as you ascend now if you start getting into the the late game here um you might start running into some cost problems but overall uh that's once you get into ascension like level three and four uh you should be trying to max these out as soon as you possibly can and you're gonna make your character much much stronger food and recipes is an important part of the game many of these recipes you can get from quests but also by going up to the food vendors and just straight up purchasing them make sure you do because there's some great ones like this one that reduces your stamina costs and it is very strong but if you're looking for the cream of the crop you want one of the best food items in the game barbados ratatouille this food item gives you 15 minutes of reduced stamina consumption this is amazing if you're going to be exploring which i know many of you are going to be doing and it's very easy to get this and you can get it right at the start of the game no fighting no nothing let's take a peek head over to storm bearer point it's right here on the map where i'm standing and there's going to be a a little nun there talk to the nun exhaust her dialogue and she's going to give you the barbados ratatouille this is amazing you should be always using this food item uh while you're exploring i didn't get it until much later unfortunately but you should do this now also while you're exploring and you're running around talking to people always do the second dialogue option now not every single time but more often not if you choose the second dialog option it leads to you getting a quest item or reward i don't know why it's always the second one but i would say 80 to 90 of the time if you choose the second option and there is an item available you'll get it in this case i got an essentia material that's great now if you're cooking some of the more advanced dishes they require different resources and in some cases they need some prep time now there's gonna be a quest that says to process food and you probably are not really sure where it's right here in the cooking menu if you go here you can process different foods so you can take wheat and make flour you can take meat and make sausage or salt and meat and make bacon if you do some of these things you can not only get some achievements done and some experience from the game but you can use these for some more advanced dishes that give amazing bonuses so make sure you're doing that cooking is great and also the resources to buy it are right back here and in the other city now this alchemy table is really important when you start getting into late game because as you play you're going to get a lot of lower tier materials you can then infuse them or or craft them and alchemize them into higher level materials something like this which is a much higher level uh material for ascension but even if you go down here there are things like arrowheads which you get from basic enemies that you can turn into the next tier and so as you start moving up into levels you can take these lower tier materials and actually get stuff that's useful for you if you've explored around the map like i said you're gonna get a ton of these sigils now there are some great items that you can purchase these are some ascension materials for weapons that you can definitely use but there's also stuff like constellation pieces for your main character you should focus on this because it's going to be a nice boost of damage especially if you're a free to play player but you can also buy something like the north lander sword prototype and you can start building some weapons and things like that there's also a bunch of ascension materials you can buy and as i said you can craft these into uh the higher tier stuff with the alchemy table which is amazing make sure you're using these there's no other real value or use for these now let's go look at the other shop really quickly now the other region has a lot more chests and things to find so you're gonna get more of these sigils but i would recommend you buy these crystals for your geo uh main character there's four of them here it's over a thousand but there are tons and tons of them you can see i've spent literally like 2 000 of these sigils on here i've got a bunch of upgrade materials make sure you're using them there's no other real value or use for them other than this so get her done you can get some awesome essential materials and things like that as you can see i am adventure rank 30. i'm going to rapid fire give you some tips here to level this up because it's very important for your progression but it slows down to a snail's pace once there's more regions this wouldn't be as much of a problem unfortunately there's only the main two regions in the game but in a couple weeks there's gonna be another region so you're gonna get a nice spike of adventure rank once that releases which is gonna be really exciting let's go over how to level up so obviously main quests these are great do them as they come unlocked you're gonna have to rank up to unlock some of them that one's pretty obvious but i do recommend if you're going adventuring you're doing these things make sure you're doing a quest at the same time and just clearing out the chests and different activities while you're wait on your way there that way you know you're kind of carving your way through the map efficiently you're getting these quests done but the big one here is commission quests let me just show you this really quickly on your adventure book this is unlocked at like level 12. i think you get your book uh commissions are a daily quest that you get and some of these take like 13 seconds you teleport there you kill the enemies and it gives you 225 rank this is incredibly good experience and once you do all four of them you get 500. if you miss one of these if you don't do one of these and you don't get this bonus in this bonus you're literally missing out on the fastest experience in the game and you're going to pigeonhole yourself into being a low rank forever i'm telling you if you're not doing these every day this should be the first thing you do when you log in so you don't forget i'm telling you it's an absolute must especially when you start getting the higher levels this is one of the main ways to progress now the other thing is domains now there's a bunch of domains and you can farm these for experience you get a hundred each time you do it and it costs 20 of this resin now this resin generates over time it increases over time and you can use some items to increase it one of the ways you increase it is with actual premo gems and you get so many of these i would recommend that you use these each day and and you get that experience each day and you just spend the 50 primo gems because yes you could use that on character rolls down the road and everything but i honestly think that you know adventure rank and getting that experience long term is a little bit more important as you replenish it with primo gems it gets more expensive so maybe the first two you could do but the first one for sure i think is definitely worth the value because that's another 300 experience that you can do every single day for a relatively cheap cot so if you look at the map you might not have really noticed these things but there are little dungeons around the map like this now some of these you might have already done and it won't say that there's a reward but this one i just unlocked at level 30. now this gives 500 experience it gives me one of these keys it gives me some primo gems and this is a relatively easy mission to do as you level up in the game there's going to be a bunch of these all around the map make sure you're going back to them and doing them because they're typically super quick and one of the biggest boosts to your experience they're faster than some of the quests and give double the experience in some cases so make sure these are getting done now wishes whether you're spending money or you're playing free-to-play are an important part of the game there's different banners that have different rewards in them if you look at this banner there are increased rates of getting venti and official jingling and barbara now honestly i would recommend you spend all of your resources that you get on doing this banner right now you can get other characters down below you can see them but there's opt rates on those particular characters now here's why i would say this horrible literally one of the best healers in the game jai ling great little dps official is nutty and venti is one of the best characters if not best character for uh crowd control in the game so if you're gonna be making wishes you might as well be getting these characters now here's the one thing i want to say is you will get a lot of repeat characters while doing this because the rates are increased on these characters so if you're searching for new characters in different characters you can use a different banner but there is some value and benefit for getting multiple of the same character and i want to show you that each character has a constellation if you end up rolling the same character you get another passive ability on this constellation some of them are pretty boring but some of them typically at the end are incredible this extends the duration of my summon by two seconds and gives some extra damage on top of that and so if you look at my team here i've got official i've got shang ling and i've got barbara maxed out they've got maxo constellations which gives them a lot more value this one if a party member falls it will automatically revive them and it will give them their hp so that's insanity really cool passive to have and there's value in that getting a big cast of characters is really really good but if you can just get one cast of characters that kicks major butt would recommend this for free to play players because chances are you're not going to be able to max out a bunch of characters if you're not spending any money and so you might as well focus on this core group because they're so damn powerful now if you want to be summoning characters you can use your primo gems on buying intertwined fate that's the one you're gonna want uh you're gonna get acquainted fate and stuff through the gameplay but there's another thing too as you do your wishes you're going to get these star glitters typically you can use these to then buy more faiths and do more wishes but also you could even buy a character so if you save these up you can actually buy razer which i did he's a great character has some good dps that's something you might want to consider because it's kind of a guaranteed way of getting them but the other thing too is you get stardust now there's a couple of different like upgrade items you can buy and you do get quite a bit of this so if you wanted to ascend some characters and use these you could but way down here uh it's it's turned off because i've already used it i've got a few recommendations so you can buy these fates once a month and you get five of them and they're relatively cheap these are great you should buy these to summon more characters but you can also get experience and these ores now i bought like i think i think 60 of them or something like that this is a whole bunch of experience and i have been amassing a bunch of this so if you're low on experience this is another another thing you could buy as well in your inventory there is a quest tab and some of the stuff in here is just books and junk and it doesn't really do anything but some of the items actually can lead towards other quests there is a note here that gives you a location of a secret quest and a secret boss that you can fight and so you might want to take a peek in here every once in a while to see there's even some quest items that pop in where if you go to this location you can complete the quest or advance the quest so make sure that when you're talking and doing this quest you take a peek in here every once in a while and see if there's something that you can do another tip is if you ever see something that's glowing if you see any stone tablets always interact with them they can typically give you some little hidden quests for chests or legitimately hidden quests with great rewards if you see something that looks a little sus suss it out and check it out and make sure you actually talk to it to make sure you get access stamina is really important in this game so getting as much as you can is great but there's a couple of tricks i have that are going to save your life so swimming around is constantly going to drain stamina and if you go fast it's going to drain more now there might be a situation where you're really close to land but you're going to drown if you don't make it i have one little tip if you use activities that make you go faster typically you drain a lot more stamina if you're trying to climb something that's really short you might want to jump up it but if you're trying to get something really really high you actually don't want to do that with swimming with climbing anytime you use the sprinting or or the swimming faster or the jumping ability you actually use much more stamina and your distance traveled per stamina point is worse if you're doing something quick it makes sense but if you're trying to swim a far distance you actually don't want to yes it's more time consuming yes it's kind of slow but it's better than dying and resetting your progress you want to make sure you actually make it there now as you're exploring you're going to run out of stamina and you might think you can make it to that other mountain while gliding but you might run out of stamina now falling from this height would surely kill me and if i realize i am going to run out there's something that you can do that will save your life and that is the lunging or dropping attack before running out of stamina just do a attack and you will slam down to the ground even from the highest mountain it will typically save your life and you will take a little bit of damage but if there's enemies down below you're going to crush them so maybe you can get some free kills but save your life don't kill your characters don't waste all your resources uh trying to do that and you're gonna be winning long term also while you're exploring you might see a random flower on a ledge and think eh i don't need it yes you do in a lot of cases these are ascension materials they're upgrade materials and you're gonna go have to farm for anyways i honestly even though it might not seem efficient to go do every little chest i mean even if we look in this area there's a chest here uh there's a secret there there's another chest here right there's a lot of different activities that you can get distracted with do them because at some point you're gonna run out of main quest to do you're gonna run out of quest and you're gonna have to come back and do these so while you're searching for uh you know or making your way to quests while you're searching for jiaoculus and animoculus or whatever the hell they are just do all the stuff do all the activities in the area because it's gonna have to get done eventually and you're gonna get more experience from it you're gonna get upgrade materials i highly recommend you do it get distracted get it done now you might notice on this map i put a little marker for a mining now this cave is a great cave with a ton of crystal now i mined this yesterday and it hasn't respawned but it will eventually if you find an area with a bunch of resources make sure you mark it down so that you can come back to it later i'm going to show you an example of this right now so this is an area i farmed a day or two ago and i've come back and all the resources are back but the amount of time it takes to market down and then return here it's great you're gonna need materials like this to upgrade many of your weapons and get all the experience that you need and so there is gonna be a point in time especially as you get to the higher levels and you start getting multiple characters maxed out that you're gonna have to find you're literally gonna have to go become a miner and get a job so find these locations mark them down on the map and be happy that you did it i recommend you also have a team for fighting doing bosses and quests and then an exploration team i want to explain why this team is so damn good this is like the ultimate team i could probably level up amber but she's just doing puzzles anyways so this team is getting better stamina consumption increased movement speed and better cooldowns he reduces stamina while gliding he reduces stamina while sprinting she's for doing puzzles and this little team can do most of the puzzles in the game and explore in a in a great way this team is more for doing combos and fighting and it's great to have both now this is my final tip and is one of the biggest tips in the game this is adventure rank and it is your world tier at level 20 25 30 35 you're going to increase your world rank which increases the level of the enemies you're fighting it's also typically going to give you some big rewards sometimes there's an adventure ranked quest but this is huge and i want you to pay attention this item that you get right here is a fragile resin you can use this to replace your original resin and it gives you 60 points now if you look in my inventory right now i have a whole bunch of these uh where is it 17. so that's a lot of resin and i'm hoarding these for later on in the game and i'm going to explain why if you look at your map and you look at many of the different activities they require you to use resin to actually get the rewards if you go into these domains and you want to farm for these resources it's going to require 20 resin now this resin replenishes over time so you want to make sure you spend a little bit of it so it's always replenishing and you can use primo gems to replace this which i recommended earlier in the video but once you get to the end end game once you're at the much higher levels these rewards get much better you can start getting some of the best set pieces in the game such as this one for venti and if you want to get the best gear five-star gear if you want the you know the best stuff if you want to farm these ascension materials that will literally change your game play you need to make sure you're using this resin properly i highly recommend around the level 30 or even 35 adventure rank you can start using this stuff a little bit more uh aggressively because you're going to need a lot of these materials to progress through the game anyways and it's a lot of experience it's one of the only ways to to get experience once you start getting those higher ranks so you can't be too cheap about it okay now another thing is if you start running out of experience for your character one of the best ways to get it is actually these ley lines you can get 13 to 14 of these things it costs 20 resin you don't get as many resources but this is a good way to farm experience for your characters not so much adventure rank i mean it is a quick 100 just like everything else but if you're trying to level up your characters this can be a good way to do it now this bad boy right here the spiral abyss let's teleport there i need to show you this because this is the final part of the game and this is going to be game changer so the abyss is multiple floors with some unbelievably good rewards it gets harder as you go the first four floors they are one team so you can take your stacked cracked team once you get into floor 5 and beyond you actually need two really good teams if you want to progress it's going to go floor to floor room to room and it's going to switch between your teams now the rewards for all of this is incredible even for the first four well all of them you get a hundred primo gems for getting the max rating for each floor and so this is essentially 2400 primo gems you can do a 10 wish and a couple extras you can use these for buying stuff in the game later on if you want but on top of this there is a bunch of rewards you can see here you're getting experience for your characters you're getting items to upgrade you're getting some crafting materials these can have different um different artifacts in them and once you get even further down you start getting five star artifacts even more experience this is incredible now after you beat this this is going to take a long time you can go into this one i don't have it unlocked yet but this is something that resets weekly so you want to try to get to the end game you want to try to get to this because this is going to be one of the main things that you farm long term there's different blessings that will happen that buff and debuff your character it's kind of like a roguelike i'm going to jump in really quickly just to show you kind of what you do you would pick a team bop bop bop bop whatever and you'd pick a second half bop bop bop terrible teams i know you go in and you can actually choose uh like a passive bonus for your team on each floor or chamber and so if you have a really good attacking team and you want to to smash you might want to go with some extra attack or maybe you want to be a little bit tankier you can do that as well pick the thing that seems the most valuable to your team are you getting one hit a lot you can't beat the chambers because you keep dying maybe you need defenses do you need to just kill the enemies faster maybe you want more attack but you should really be doing this as soon as you can to get some awesome rewards awesome experience and hopefully make your way to the the final end game and uh and get yourself the best of the best that's pretty much it for this tips video i plan on doing more and honestly it would be great if you guys shared some of your favorite tips in the comment section below is there something i missed is there some crazy thing that helped you in game i would love to know and i'll make more videos to help the community thank you so much for watching make sure to share this video with your friends that are playing against impact make sure to subscribe for more because i plan on doing a bunch of videos this month and that's it for me thanks again see you soon bye-bye if you're looking for energy during your big genji impact grinding check out advanced.gg this is the best energy drink on the market advanced gg slash mtash use code m for 10 off if you want five percent off a headset astro link down below and if you need a new gaming monitor view sonic elite links are down below they've got some amazing monitors these are the monitors that i use and i would recommend them to anyone
Channel: Mtashed
Views: 3,904,561
Rating: 4.9345307 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact tips, genshin impact tier list, genshin impact guide, genshin impact best characters, genshin impact artifacts, genshin impact quest guide, genshin impact review, genshin impact beginner guide
Id: Y6kxqA8qxfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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