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and that is a hundred and fourteen thousand primo jams there's 114 000 primo jams right here right now you will see the greatest comeback of all time right here right now the greatest comeback [Music] what's going on guys asian guy here and today we have finally got something i have been waiting for for a very very very very long time and that is the vortex vanquisher one of the worst weapons in the game but simply in the name of aesthetics and filling out my title as the zhong li shrimp i must pull for this weapon i have constellation 6 wrongly i have a refinement rank 5 weapon on him because i love him so so much the very least i can do is at least get one copy of the vortex vancouver we will also be pulling for a bunch of people today in the form of scam and hopefully they are going to be blessed as well we could impart some of this streamer luck which is what i hope is going to be the case now in the very top left corner of the screen i don't know why this is the case but it says simps unite but that was the title of the stream at forward slash asian guy stream because today the sexy intelligent mature players of gentian impact the simps are united and hopefully pulling and rolling for two of their favorite characters we are currently eight times six 48 minus 246 into pity so we only need to do around two maltese here now we are currently at the j chamber i'm gonna show you guys the new naughty corner now this new naughty corner is not is not proven to work yet we're gonna find out if it works the monster naughty corner is no more so without further ado boom okay that's fine that's whatever that's whatever okay that's whatever this is the one that matters this is the one that matters here it is here it is it should be one of the last three weapons to appear in this multi here i just want the vortex vanquisher i want the vortex vanquish and that's all i want do not give me another amos bow do not give me another amos bow [Music] come for zomli [Music] bro [Music] this is this is why you don't put on the weapons banner all right you know what i'm i'm so i'm sorry monsta naughty corner you know what i dis i disowned this stinky naughty corner i'm sorry monster naughty corner okay we're gonna go back to the the roots guys all right we're gonna go back to where we belong in the monster naughty corner this is what happens i should not have i should not have betrayed this naughty corner okay here we are we're back we're back we're back watch back to back first multi kaboom easiest five star of my life never mind we got ourselves saiyu and two sacrificial bows which is actually a really good multi this is actually a very good multi sorry not bad we'll take that we'll take that multi number two is going to be the lithic blade oh my god how many primo gems am i gonna have to spend on this please me holy oh no stop oh my it's another triple four star it's another triple four star with barbara in it please stop me hoyo please stop have mercy okay it's a furvonia sword instaskip it's a dragon's pain i think this is multi number six okay it's another part of my why why why i wish they had kaya on this banner all right here we go vortex vanquisher right here right now [Music] vortex vanquisher right here right now don't make me go to hard pity [Music] please i'm not even going to use this weapon other than for aesthetics [Music] oh my god the game knows guys it knows it actually knows it actually knows what i don't want [Music] okay here we go hahaha very funny yes guys streamer luck is real do you see this stream unlock wow i had to go to soft pity every time wow gentian impact content creators have rigged rates wow pain i only know pain okay well wow what a load of garbage a load of garbage senpai this is the guaranteed this is the guaranteed [Applause] [Music] i can't believe i just did a hundred and eighty wishes i said 180 wishes for this weapon which is garbage do you know how much one multi is worth guys one monty is worth 20 pounds [Music] or 20 dollars depending on where you are that is 360 dollars for a weapon i'm not even going to use simply to make sure i can say proudly that i'm as only shrimp it's twenty dollars per multi i've just done 18 multis if not more this video is not worth it guys i'm not gonna make 360 pounds off this video well that was a huge l that was an astronomical l feels bad let's see what this one which is if it's kaya it's totally worth it never mind wow we actually got zomly's best in slot black tassel wow well 360 dollars down the drain does it even look good here we go there it is it does look it does look the coolest on him it does look cool on him let's be real it looks so cool on him ah ah it's all about the aesthetic we'll take it to 90 [Music] boom please tell me i have the materials for this i would be so sad if i can't 90 this and give it its golden glow oh i can't believe i lost the 50 50s both times both times i can't believe this [Music] pain and suffering the weapons banner is there to punish whales is there to punish aesthetic players people who play for the aesthetic big big big sad at the very least guys i can technically i think i think i can r5 the amos bow maybe r4 which will be great for my gun you although she doesn't she really honestly she just does not need an r5 weapon to be honest she just doesn't need that that much it's overkill all right it's turned golden now guys the weapon has turned golden have i ran out of materials also i need to check what will happen if i put on my normal artifacts again so what am i looking for here crit rate circle crit rate circle where is my main crit rate circle gladiators this one and then my flower is this one my feather is arcade petra which is this one and timepiece is going to be this one and then gobbler is going to be an off piece this one and like this i have huh oh my god oh my god damn wait it's not the weapon is not level 90 yet hold on the weapon is not level 90 yet that's so bad though what i just saw there was pretty bad what what do i need here is it this one albedo don't let me down alberto don't let me down for your geodaddy okay albedo okay it's still level 70 i have i have faith i have faith this can be saved guys there's no way this weapon is this garbage please show me at least two thousand attack please mi hoyo don't tell me this weapon is that bad all right we need more of these purple ones so alberto don't let me down abedo don't let me down abedo don't let me down albeit thank you so much thank you so much oh okay alberto okay coming through when it matters the most coming through when it matters the most all right here we go what is our tax stack going to be our tax that is going to be wow that is awful that is actually tragic that is actually so sad so let me do this because when i'm shielded the attack bonus is higher okay the attack starts going up okay okay okay physical damage is under 1 000 we're hitting under 1 000 with our physical damage i mean under 3 000 okay under 2 000 okay okay 3 000 damage 3 000 damage okay okay i see you i see you i see you we can't even hit 3000 with the physicals however is that the same case with a level 90 homer that's r1 i do have an r5 but i also have an r1 homer so with the r1 homer right if we swap this with hutau i do have less attack so maybe it's not as bad as it looks maybe it's not as bad as it looks guys hold on maybe it's not as bad as it looks you know maybe it's not as bad as it looks okay it's as bad as it looks it's as bad as it looks okay you can see we're hitting over 3000 here huh it is it is as bad as it looks i mean it it it doesn't look bad aesthetically the numbers are just bad so there you have it guys do not pull for the vortex vanquisher it is garbage compared to the homer it is just inferior in every way shape and form and maybe some people don't even like the vortex vanquisher visually because it is ultimately like a kind of a reskin of this poem here but yeah well i am i'm in pain i i'm in pain how many times can i refine this ah i only have r4 i don't have r5 i'm not refining this until i get to r5 unless i can r5 one well there you have it guys those are my summons next up we have got other people who are crazy enough to give me hoyo a lot of money to go for constellation six so yes i hope you guys enjoy the second half of the video mine has been absolutely tragic but as you guys know how it goes as long as one person gets terrible luck the next person should get incredible incredible luck that's what's gonna happen guys now that i got i got shafted you know i got my butt cheeks clapped and torn open the next person is gonna get absolutely blessed i truly believe that our next person is going to be pro alex so i'll see you guys in a moment all right let's go we are in on pro malik's account now pro malik's primalics is all the way up in the jade chamber for garnier pro malix is garnier is currently at constellation one and pro malik's wants to take gun you all the way up all the way up to c6 and r5 understandably so and that is a hundred and fourteen thousand primo jams there's 114 000 primo jams prime alex i wish you the best of luck and i truly truly truly hope that this does not go downhill i have sacrificed myself to impart with you some good luck and i hope that's going to be the case i hope that is going to be the case so we have got to do the pity check wow okay so so the weapons is fresh does this mean you haven't summoned in over six months pro malik's has not summoned for a character in over six months to save up for c6 gun you now if that does not deserve some crazy luck i don't know what does i don't know what does as you can see they are fully shrimping for garnier they don't have that many five stars the last event banner character was venti and albedo venti and albedo pragmatics i respect that i truly truly respect that and right here right now we are going to bless you we are going to bless you because this is what you deserve as a true garnier shrimp we start off with the bell excellent start totally excellent start the second multi is baidu which is a constellation that you don't already have at c6 next multi is your very first yanfei with the best weapon in the game i of perception and you know what this i perceives again you right here right now gun you see two never mind we've got ourselves a kujo sarah your very first one an off banner character so we're filling out the pokedex right now multi number five is going to be another constellation on beta never mind that's c7 beto this right here is ganyu we don't lose no 50 50s we don't lose no 50 50s okay problematics deserves the world right now there's gun you number one gun you one of five and we're gonna keep going i did not receive terrible luck for pramaliks to get shafted okay i did not receive terrible luck for promatix to get shafted so we're gonna blast through this bado skip multi boom bait on the rain slasher multi number three second rotation early come on give me an early we got ourselves a sing choi which is already at c6 so it doesn't matter early thank you there we go four maltese i did not just get shafted i did not just get shafted for promatics to get shafted as well okay that's gone you number two two out of five come on oh i thought that was gonna be another kanye okay we got an early ganyu again again we want another one i have forsaken the naughty corner because i believe pramalex's shrimp hood is so superior to what the naughty corner can do i believe this is multi number two this is multi number three actually it's kind of more like multi number four because we did get that garnier on the very first pull of that last multi so this is going to be like multi number five ish no early that's okay the main thing is to win the 50 50s the main thing is to win the 50 50s multi number skip beta on the flute multi number seven and the next multi should be another 50 50 try and i'm hoping it's going to be gany here it comes can we get three gun news in a row i believe i believe gun you come three out of five gun news have been obtained we are making fan fan fantastic progress again another one another one give us another one two more gun used to go can we win all our 50 50s can we get some more earlies there's another yam fake constellation you got this from alex i believe i believe in you pram alex i have your whispers open in case you want to type anything as well we'll skip this multi it's the sing-chow four fifty fifties in a row i believe it i believe it that was bado and sincho nothing in there no early but it's okay double sincho again pretty even distribution of all the four stars that we're getting here there's going to be a yan fay believers rise up here we go i think this is close to soft pity garnier number four let's cook it up garnier number four garnier number four we don't lose no fifty fifties we don't lose no fifty fifties ah ah yes yes there is ganyu number four so we do have one two three four and one more pramalex may i do the honors of unlocking the constellations i'm looking at the main chat and also the whispers it's absolutely okay to say no by the way if you would like to unlock the constellations probably says yes please the reason why i asked guys is so i don't have to be paranoid that i haven't actually pulled five already okay we do not have a fifth one here we go what about a cheeky early gun you know just another cheeky early gun you you know just a little bit of a cheeky early gun you would be you know we'd appreciate that we'd appreciate that you know just just a cheeky early gun you all right with two maltese in there's gonna be multi number three no early we got a sacrificial greatsword multi number four not early again but as long as we win the 50 50s that's the main thing malty number six we skipped that one it's another yam faye yam faye is at c6 now every four star on this banner is at c6 now and here after this multi here it should be gun you we don't lose no fur hi excuse me excuse me okay we'll do single pulls gun you there it is ganyu right here right now five in a row did we just win every single 50 50 five times in a row that's right guys [Music] i am the martyr that sacrificed myself for the stinky vortex vanquisher so promatics could win every single garnier 50 50. that's pretty obscene you love to see it right next up we have got the amos bow now i have to ask to be sure [Music] chromatics are you 100 sure are you 100 sure you want the amos bow r5 and not just r1 you know r1 is pretty darn good i are you sure you want it at refinement rank five i saved up for this very moment this is commitment i respect i applaud it guys they deserve this luck they deserve the suck i almost pulled on the wrong manner they deserve this luck promatics has saved up over a hundred thousand primo gems to make sure that gun you get c6 r5 we get ourselves a bennett constellation which is not bad any bonus constellations in here would be great we got ourselves a dragon's pain and lithic blade multi number three no ali's frevonia sword multi number four can we keep winning the 50 50s we got ourselves a barbados multi number five kur josara constellation and two furones codex looking pretty good looking pretty good multi number six double weapon and this should be two five star weapons right here in this multi it should be two five star weapons in this multi surely show me the ammo spo show me the ammo spoke don't you dare show me the vortex vanquisher show me the ammo sabol yikes well it's a pretty good standard banner weapon not that you have shao i i i don't think you have shell so well it doesn't look like you play with any pole arm characters either so that that's a that's a little bit awkward that's a tiny bit awkward i apologize i apologize but it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay trust me trust me trust me [Music] trust me there's no way the weapons banner is gonna shaft you there's absolutely no way right guys right early come on monty number three no no monty number four fast skip ah multi number four early early not bad there it is ammo number one i will ask you again from alex are you 100 sure knowing how many times you can lose are you sure oh this is the last time i will ask you there's no going back after this there is no going back after this you are very it's very possible you're going to run out of primo jams promatic says yes i want r5 well let's bless promatix it's a four star can we get another early can we get another early that's multi number two beto and favonia sword in there multi number three another favoria sword multi number four not early dragon's pain multi number five not early the owner it is a constellation though and then multi number six we should be approaching soft pity here here it is can we win another 50 50. can we win another 50 50. come amos bow come home come home it's not even a 50 50 it's a 37.5 percent chance [Music] wow look at that almost boy wow wow look at look at that almost boy that's crazy yo that's that's crazy look at the ammo's boy yo that's that's that's kind of crazy yo that's crazy at least we got one one pity point man whoa that's that's crazy can we get an early please no multi number one multi number two the reason why it's 37.5 chances you have a 74 ah early let's go another early amos bow the reason why it's seven oh another sarah not bad the reason why it's 75 is you have or 37.5 percent is you have 25 chance to get one of the standard banner weapons and then a 75 chance that it will be either vortex vanquisher or amos bow which is then split into 37.5 respectively can we get an early amos bow please hey there you go there's agoro weapons banner giving out characters that primalx didn't have before can we get some earlies please an early ammo sorry let me rephrase can we get an early amos bow please apparently not something tells me guys we are not going to make it to refinement rank 5 but i want to believe i want to believe right we are skipping all of these four star terrible maltese unless they have characters and then zhenyan which is a constellation jinyoung and sacrificial bow not bad at all here we go this is the ammo guaranteed can we get a double five star in this multi though that is the question two three four five six seven eight there's no way it's at the end ammo back to back ammo almost back to back dammit damn it there's refinement rank two there's refinement rank two here we go okay jan fey multi number two not early lithic blade multi number three not early again sacrificial bow multi number four sucrose dragon's pain and also lithic blade multi number five lithic blade and bado multi number six is coming late it seems oh we're actually on r3 already we're on our no we're on r2 no we're only on r2 this will be three dude are you insane me holy oh oh my god mihoya what is your problem we're only on r2 promotics i'm so sorry okay you know what desperate times call for desperate measures we're switching we're switching positions we are going to the place that we have always relied on the only problem here is pramalex does not have zhong li pramalix does not have zomling so i don't know how well this is gonna work i don't know how well this is gonna work we're gonna switch to siu who's always angry okay here we go oh dear oh dear i think we're gonna have to cut into star glitter and stardust sacrificial bow oh malty number three no no early it's another bennett constellation [Music] multi number four lithic blade multi number five for the r3 never mind malty number seven or six i've lost count i've lost count we are running out of primo gems we need a miracle we need a double five star multi right here right now not sucrose there's no way i've just seen another vortex vanquisher we need a miracle there is an amos boat in here there is an amos boat in here there is an ammo boat in this multi nevermind back to back to back the back to back the back to back oh god oh oh god oh god oh god oh my goodness oh my goodness well as thanos says balance is all things should be thanos said if you win every single gun you 50 50 you're gonna lose every single amos bow 50 50. i'm assuming we're using all of these promotics probably says you can use all the star glitter and stardust do we have stardust pools yes we do come on sigh you in the naughty corner doesn't work guys it's not working it's not working please this is the amos bow guaranteed now it's a guaranteed amos bow the question is can we get a double amos bow a double amos bow a double amos bow a back to back amos bow a back-to-back multi amos bow no okay oh my this is tough this is this is tough we are on r3 right now we're so close here so far so close yet so far okay the purples just don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming oh i'm so stressed double ammo sport in this multi double ammo spo in this multi come home double ammo i believe yes there's one another one another one another one another one dj khaled in the house another one okay we are on we are on i believe we are on r4 we are on r4 refinement rank four one more we just need one more yes i'm also on r4 i actually think this is winnable i think this is winnable i think this is winnable guys no space left in inventory okay i i think this is winnable you know what you know what we're just going to pull it off the standard banner guys watch watch this almost blow off the standard banner watch watch watch me watch me with these acquaint fate almost brought off the standard banner watch me oh tommy hello i think that's the first copy of tomah amos mo of this manner come on do it for the meme me ho yo do it for the meme we have one more quaint fate ammo okay it's a debate club of course it's a debate club this is it amosbo right here right now no we're so close are we touching the genesis crystals keep some for a ganyu skin again you skin sausage [Music] one 350. we have one multi left we have one multi left mi hoyo pramatix has spent a hundred and fifteen thousand plus primo jabs overall over a hundred twenty thousand plus worth of primo gems has been spent today please let this king c6r5 no [Music] wait it's not over it's not over until it's over [Music] right here right now you will see the greatest comeback of all time right here right now the greatest comeback oh okay hey you got zong lee's best install weapon wow wow wow pramatix we were so close yet so far you end today with a c6 r4 gun you i apologize we were not able to go all the way and then consolation is c6 weapon is r4 i feel like it's you know for 114 000 or around 120 000 primo gems to us i would say it was pretty good i would say it's pretty good overall i would say it's pretty good [Music] oh triple crown as well wow wow pramatix thank you so so much for allowing me to summon on your account that was quite the adventure we started off amazingly well and then it went downhill [Music] we are here on the only most likely the only north american account that we are going to scamming on jiminy has been kind enough to wait for myself to summon on their account now i'm currently rocking the ceo of geo sweater jumper so i'm hoping we can bless g-mini here good things come to those who wait now germany is currently only four into pity so hopefully we can win the 50 50 and get it extra early for jiminy so without further ado good luck okay okay we start off with a bado constellation can we get an early can we get an early get a furvonious sword that's that's not great that's not great can we get a triple zhongli multi where we get three copies of zomling and one multi that that's the ideal oh no that's another beta constellation does gimini play with beta [Music] oh [Music] okay maybe not maybe not better is that level 80 though beto is at level 80 as is yam faye yam faye oh okay so we want yam fake constellations maybe not synchro synctro doesn't seem to look like as much game time jiminy says i used to play with beta okay so we ideally want yanfei constellations here or just a really early zhong li like this never mind never mind well we are getting everything but yanfei constellations this is not looking great right now and early all day wow the pain slasher wow everything but a yan fake constellation g mini did not wait for this nonsense mihoyo jiminy did not wait for this nonsense [Music] [Music] jiminy says would love c2 zongli if possible oh jiminy that is a tall order [Music] that is it oh my god it's another pain slasher [Music] we are going to get jiminy c2 zomling guys this right here doubles only doubles only [Music] [Music] [Music] jimmy says let's go it's okay it's okay because it's gonna be a back to back zhong li it's gonna be a back-to-back zhongli boom see see what i mean cha-cha-cha see what i mean all right that mona came for free essentially kind of kind of all right there's the zhong li the zongli c2 is still on the cards the zhong li c2 is still on the cards it is still winnable the mona was a nice bonus yanfei constellations all right it's not yam fape stringless is good syntro constellations are good if you ever plan to play with cintro another early another early [Music] i would really like to see yan face c6 okay wow wow imagine being able to pull two five stars guys and not a single copy of yan pay can you imagine the audacity imagine the audacity guys that's absolutely insane imagine the that's outrageous what is going on oh my god yan faye don't be shy it's okay anthony don't be shy yande don't be shy okay jan yanfei finally thank you so much thank you so much about time about time that was unnecessary yanfei unnecessarily dramatic okay wow next multi zomly early gemini wants only c2 and this is what we're going to get for gemini a favoria sword or favonia greatsword is apparently what we're going to be getting for gemini which is a little bit awkward so i do apologize i i do apologize this multi is going to be zhong li c2 [Music] why is jan fei so difficult to wish for why why why why why why is jan face so hard to summon [Music] wha why why am i looking at okay oh my god [Music] ah jiminy what are we saying what are we saying jiminy what are we saying what are we saying germany [Music] i'm looking at the chat and the whispers use the genesis crystals says g g-mini your wish is my command jiminy and right here we are going to get a double zomling multi believe it or not we will get a double zomly multi okay this is a promise i make to you and if we don't if we don't [Music] which we will right here it's a doubles only multi right here it's a doubles only multi it's not copium it's not copia there's another yan fei doubles only right here right now boom damn it okay we won the 50 50 though which is the most important thing we did win the 50 50. and i think if we just buy two wishes here can i buy these two jiminy because if you let me buy these two this is gonna be a this is gonna be a zhongli there's gonna be a back-to-back zhongli for the c2 the c2 is quite a big game changer jiminy says yes yes thank you jiminy right here right now i actually needed to buy one i made a mistake right here right now boom c2 songly [Music] hey at least it's yam faye uh lisa's yam faye guys at least it's jan fay now you know it could have been worse and because jiminy you know germany is the homie you know germany waited all the way through multiple hours jiminy waited super super long for me of all people the unworthy atsu to do some scamming so i decided why not just drop jiminy you know a hundred dollars on her account and see what we can get her with the extra one hundred dollars as a fellow zong lee shrimp i thought why not jiminy thank you very much for waiting [Music] to allow me to summon on your account hopefully hopefully we can bring home more yan phase we don't want to see beto we want to bring you more yan face and hopefully another zomli that's what i'm hoping for never mind apparently yam fade does not want to come home apparently young faye does not wow that is a very interesting looking and fake that's a very very interesting looking mfa wow we're going to see six everyone on this banner except for jan faye apparently oh my sing chow and baino are now both constellation six that is unfortunate now if i have jiminy's permission i think this should be enough to get the next five star i think i'm not sure it will be close it will be close jiminy says use them here we go c2 zongli can we make it happen bro nah nah what am i looking at well this is enough for one more multi so right here right now we are manifesting three copies of yanfei and one copy of zomli boom boom c2 zhong li here we go that is not yam faye that is not yanfay yeah c2's only let's go let's go jiminy congratulations on c2's only can we get a cheeky unfair at the end yes we can yes we can not a bad way to end things off so thank you to jiminy for allowing me to summon on her account or on their account and thank you very much for waiting as a disclaimer for future reference guys while i may have topped up a hundred dollars on jiminy's account don't expect me to ever wail on your account because i don't typically do giveaways and i it's not really a giveaway i just wanted to thank jiminy for waiting even though yesterday i cut my stream short a lot of people have been waiting for me to do scammings and i think most people on na have already summoned because it's been over 24 hours so jiminy thank you very much and congratulations on your c to zhongli you don't have to wail i'll do the whaling for you there is the c2 song enjoy him and have a wonderful rest of your day hopefully this is more concert oh she's one off she's one of c6 but at least you got c4 which is tank fade shield yan fei c5 is still pretty good and we got mona constellation one which is which is not a bad constellation i think the mona is leveled up as well never mind level 70. vader might need to receive some love again jimmy just saying all right you better is now c6 she is very strong now so you might want to reconsider and then sing cho who is also c6 now is a very strong character at c6 so maybe a character you might want to consider using as well but the main one of course is only have fun in cobb if you plan to play with him in co-op as well so yeah thank you very much jiminy for allowing me to summon on your account and have a wonderful day uh sarah who is the editor son hopefully you can find a nice place to edit this part into the video if it is edited in to the end of the video guys well this turns out to be an extra additional outro have a wonderful wonderful day guys to everyone watching and thank you to the snakes the scammers the bozos the bonobos down below at forward slash asian guy stream and the baboons let's not forget the baboons and yeah have a wonderful wonderful day bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: AsianGuyStream
Views: 250,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, rolls, wishes, pulls, summons, invocation, invoc, ganyu, zhongli, zhong li, zhong lee, atsu, asian guy
Id: IVhM3NGjmE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 12sec (3252 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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