I tested Viral TikTok Life Hacks - are they a SCAM!?

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i have found 15 of the most viral life hacks from tick tock and we're going to test them these are going to get so ridiculous that i'll make you a promise right now if more than half of them actually work i will shave a tick top logo into my head okay life hack number fifteen it's saying that if you lose the button on your jeans you could use a nut and a bolt as a replacement well i can't say my job's not unique okay the screw is in place oh my god look at this thing i can't believe we're putting this in a video and that's the bolt now we just keep screwing until it's all the way in okay to give them some credit this does actually hold up my trials surprisingly well it's just what if you needed to go to the toilet [Music] wait what are you doing what's he doing oh so what this person is showing us is that if you light paper on fire then as soon as enough of that paper is burned enough to make that paper combined with the hot gases it's now trapping lighter than the surrounding air that paper should fly so i've got a tea bag here which if we kind of undo it all the way take out the string and and all the tea this is probably the thinnest bit of paper i own it's the lowest budget rocket i've ever seen okay three two one okay okay come on come on come on come on you can do it you can do it yes it works awesome one point to tick tock minus one to my hair so according to this guy you can just take a normal bottle of coke add vitamin c to that coke and that will turn it transparent will it though okay got our coke got our 100 pure vitamin c i love this sound this is some extra high strength stuff get a nice heap teaspoon like he did in the video and off we go whoops what oh stop stop what did i just get pranked what the hell i feel like i don't need to tell you this but this is a scam and it's it's actually a really dangerous scam if you look back at this video you can see that in the first scene that coke is sealed but in the second scene it's not sealed and so what he's actually done is swapped out that coke for an iodine solution which does go clear when you add vitamin c the problem though the reason this is actually kind of dangerous is the fact that when you combine high doses of vitamin c with coke the result is actually considered by many to be poisonous so do not try this at home okay squeezing an orange and oh the balloon pops so you know the drill orange balloon let's give it a squeeze i'm very impressed with the size of this orange here oh man i can't be the only one who gets a bit scared when balloons are about to pop i don't know what point to stop here what slightly juicier than expected okay so i'm gonna have to give that point to tik tok but there is once like caveat see it's not actually the orange juice itself that's doing the popping like if i grab a freshly squeezed just instant regret this is gonna do nothing it's actually the peel the peel contains a compound called limonene which has the ability to dissolve latex rubber so even though there is no juice left in this thing i just give that peel a squeeze that scared the living daylights out of me right you know what they say spillage is leakage this is very curious it's basically saying that if you run out of double-a batteries then you can still actually use a aaa battery in its place by just sticking some foil in the gap seems a bit dodge major life hack if it does work though i've had so many times where i have batteries just not the right batteries so my main tv remote takes two double a's let's take one out put one of my aaa's in and some foil on the negative end i mean it is technically in it just doesn't feel the most reassuring okay let's test it it does work i just realized i think so far four out of five of these life hacks have been successful it's not good it's literally the one time i'm actually happy with my haircut as well so this person right here is boiling pasta he drops an ice cube into his boiling pan uh ah okay conveniently enough i too am boiling pasta for lunch today so let's get it to the point where it's kind of boiling over the top right we're looking pretty dangerous right now all right let's just chuck a shovel of ice in wow this one is kind of expected like ice is just one way of lowering the water's temperature but it does kind of feel like a superpower while you're doing it are you drawing on noodles why would you ruin perfectly good noodles get out of here there's there's no way but just to make absolutely sure i've got my noodles and we're going to use a sharpie as our source of ink i feel like such a tool we're actually testing this but i've been wrong before we've got to check okay let's press it down this can't be real all right time to peel would you look at that oh sigh of relief because that point is definitely not going to tick-tock at least we've got some seasoning on our noodles though speaking of ink though surely not they're just holding the lighter next to it and it disappears right just to make absolutely sure that we cover all bases what i'm going to do is write the same word let's say just subscribe because why not five times with each of these different pens so that's one two three four and that's five if this is ever going to work it's going to work now feels like there's at least a 50 chance i set this paper on fire okay it goes nothing okay nothing on that one nothing on that one nothing on that one nothing on that one and nothing on that one would you believe it i feel like i'm calling back some points here if anyone got the new iphone please go check your bot wait a second you know how i know this isn't true apple doesn't add stuff to boxes they take it away we've got my own iphone box here yeah just to make absolutely sure i've got the exact same iphone box as that guy uses in the video but there's like there's not even enough space here for a case there's a bit of a rattle though so you take the lid off you take out the instruction manual take out the lightning cable and then behind here apparently this was not made to be taken off apple really wants to keep this hidden case a secret okay [Music] all right fine i put in there but can someone just explain to me what genre of video are these tech hacks because like this isn't entertainment right but at the same time it's not informational because it's purposefully created to be false if you do want hacks that are both fun and real then a sub to this channel would be legit so here someone's taken one piece of macaroni pasta and then fed a spaghetti into it which apparently turns it into a weapon i'm not gonna lie to you this looks really fun so it looks like you just kind of hold your little macaroni like this and then three two one out yeah my macaroni is too tight right let's see if i can order myself a bigger macaroni okay we've got ourselves a fresh pack of regatti it's not macaroni but i've got a feeling that this is going to work better moment of truth i think there's a bit of technique to it it's so satisfying how it like breaks off into tiny little bullets oh simba do you want to see my new toy so you put it in there yeah yeah yeah just like that and then it comes out the other side isn't that cool [Music] seems like you enjoyed it for a bit all right take the lid off your toothpaste okay and put it into your tab you've come up with this stuff but let's see is this going to turn my tap into a hose so you put the lid up here it's not going to stay there so i'm going to have to hold it i mean this is hardly an ideal situation plus i really want to keep my hair i'm not going to give them that point here is a huge life hack apparently if you stir your sugar into your tea but then you change your mind simply stir it in the opposite direction and how you stirred it originally oh oh my god i'm not even going to justify this one with a demo i feel like i don't need to clarify this but literally all this person has done is stirred an actual spoon of sugar into their tea once and then played back that same clip in reverse so so bad oh it's this guy again i just don't get it like the whole angle of his channel seems to be that he's trying to be the person who who checks if other people's life hacks actually work but then half the time his life hacks don't work is that just tick tock anyway now he's saying that by generating some friction with his socks he can power a light bulb with his finger i'm still going to try it i mean i don't really know why the guy didn't even touch the metal part of the bulb where power would have to come from but here goes one minute of static electricity generation and nothing lighting a bulb with static electricity it is technically possible but not the way he did it and not with the amount of power that he did it with i'm not exactly sure how i'm gonna get this off tonight oh this is completely different what they're saying is that there is a website called shortly ai that can write your stories for you you just type in the title of the thing you want to make and it will use artificial intelligence to write the rest of it it does sound too good to be true but the tik tok does look legit okay so i can confirm the site does exist let's create a quick account it almost seems too simple right now i'm just going to write the title a sunny day see what happens there's a little box here which allows you to give it context so it says tell the ai about the current story setting and characters describe it like you're speaking to a friend so all i've written is a nice short story about how nice the weather is while walking through the mountains and then you just click right for me wow check this out the wind was blowing the sun was shining the weather was great there was nothing to dislike about this wonderful day and it's not just that it's kind of reworded the background i gave it it's actually added things that make sense given the context like this it says the bag i carried was light the bag i carried was empty i walked along looking at the beautiful scenery of mount bay i don't know how this works but that's impressive right cut a line at the bottom of the can lift the flapper up oh okay that apparently becomes a spiralizer i did not think it would come to this if this one works i am shaving a tik tok logo into my head oh no so i'm guessing we need to slice the top off i already want to say don't try this at home this is some rogue method okay now we create a flap it is never as easy as they make it look you want to see the experiment oh good boy all right okay all right let's give it a go i can't really tell if anything's happening okay take two i don't think i cut that last one very well what are you doing to my cucumber i have absolutely no idea what this is gonna look like oh my god i mean it's not much of a looker but it is a spiral oh dear god okay just before my punishment while we're on the subject of tick tock i've got pretty much the perfect camera for filming sharp engaging videos for social media the brand new insta 360 one rs you ready so just for starters this is an action camera with extreme levels of stabilization you can walk you can run it's going to look good it has some of the nicest sounding audio that i've ever heard on an action camera it's waterproof up to five meters can horizon lock to stay flat even as the camera rotates and it even has the ability to edit videos for you via the insta360 app but it gets better being the new upgraded model the rs can record not just 1080p or 4k video but up to 6k widescreen high dynamic range footage i can't even show you that many horizontal pixels in this video the single coolest thing though is none of these it's the fact that this camera is interchangeable you have the core here which is the brains of the operation but then you can choose how you want to configure it so i could turn the lens around if i wanted to take a selfie video instead but also i can just swap that lens one minute i could have my wide lens on racing through the hills the next i could have swapped that out for a 360 degree lens same brain same technologies but just more lenses opening up new possibilities for example the invisible selfie stick and because the camera syncs directly with your smartphone you never need a transfer cable you just take all the footage you want on this and it'll appear on this so check the link in the description to learn more about the insta360 one rs it's time to do something i'm going to regret [Music] i can't believe we're actually doing this there you go i waited my entire career for this moment i've literally got an interview in two days oh my god no the noise keep it small oh it feels big it shouldn't make you laugh i do cut my own hair so you are in good hands believe it or not that's not reassuring who cuts their own hair i'm just hoping it doesn't make like an oop sound [Music] we're pretty dumb we're pretty done it feels like you've been cutting apart for now i can feel it i think it's time to show the world does it look good guys right now i just need to see it i'm getting to the bathroom what have you done to me josh okay so i think if i just oh it's so big i told you you're going too far oh my god it's strangely accurate i have to say it's gonna take me weeks to grow back and just play the outro all right guys click above if you want to see either the thinnest tech in the world or the samsung smartphone scandal my name is aaron this is mr hugh's boss i'll catch you in the next one probably with a hat on [Music]
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 6,259,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, TikTok life hacks, life hacks, tips, tricks, tik tok, scam, tech, mkbhd
Id: iDdN5cOFB1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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