Rolling for Xiao & Shenhe because life is meaningless

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use the rest of my wishes i don't care life is meaningless this video is evidence that if you have zhong li it has to be zhong li in the naughty corner win what's going on guys asian guy here and we have got these scammings for xiao and shanna her currently live at forward slash asian guy stream you can see the wonderful chat below us here the bozos bonobos baboons scammers and snakes they're all terms of endearment we are currently logged into mavina's account and she has 32 into pity the last character that mavina pulled was the albedo and they are now going to be going for shangha or rather sorry xiao and shen her so i'm hoping we can get very very lucky for mavina so just to double check mavina says anyone would be a w aside from chichi who would be an l and just to double check mavina you want both xiao and is that correct is that correct priority would be xiao but both are good okay here we go guys this is it fast off xiao first malty never mind we want a lot of yunjins as well we get a ninguan we start off with a ninguan constellation that's not what we're looking for we get ourselves yunjin here as you can see a little new mark above my head for ourselves yunjin and the ninguan as well not a bad multi starting off okay starting off okay ciao it's chongyan it's which means it came a tiny bit early it came a tiny bit earlier unless it comes early in this multi it came a tiny bit before soft pity [Music] there we go it did come a little bit early it came a little bit early their shout very very nice if we can get an off banner five star here that would be great my heart just dropped this is a really good multi by the way what i said xiao constellations for nink one and young jin so congratulations mavina you win the very first 50 50. we go again we are on fresh pity and we would like to see shanghai very early we got ourselves another chongyon i know my webcam is blocking the screen but i'm pretty sure most of you don't care about seeing duplicate four stars we got ourselves a lions raw very exciting stuff that i'm blocking here with my webcam multi number three on this banner we get ourselves a chongyan and a noel wow can we get some yoon jins please we get ourselves a yunjin and a saiyu so both constellations not bad at all yunjin and saiyu it's early it's early [Music] it's early there's a ninjuan constellation can we get shangha from movina yes we can you love to see it guys we start off the scam owns with an absolute w we win both 50 50s and both of them come home early you love to see it look at the family look at the leeware family guys see you put zomly in the naughty corner you get yourselves a yun chin you get yourselves a shout and you get yourselves a shed you just gotta put zhongli in the naughty corner generally the creator of everything that is legal and that's how you bring them home congratulations marvina on that great luck and thank you for allowing me to summon on your account next up we have got ourselves what hook so far hook i hope you are ready mavina has taken a lot of the good streamer luck today let's see how well this goes let's get started on what hooks account here kwa hook i hope we get very very lucky for you as well do you have zhong li this is the question though you need to have zomling in the naughty corner because if you don't have zomling in the naughty corner you're not gonna get blessed but i will try my best regardless i will try my best regardless thank you very much for the raid mr anthony chen though so here we go zong lee are you here uh oh oh oh there is no zomly for the naughty corner hua hook wants xiao plus c5 yun jin [Music] which character is best for summoning xiao and c5 yunjin out of these hmm hmm it's got to be nink one right but the shall respect nink one no no no guys no no no i'm about to tell you a secret okay traveler no guys it's not traveller it's not yanfe it's rosario rosaria is the secret why because rosario is an edge lord to attract an edgelord you must be an edgelord this is how it works to attract an edgelord you must be an edgelord we are currently how much into pity here seven so seven times 642 or minus one 41 into pity and it is a 50 50. i wish you the best of luck to attract an edge lord you must become the edgelord here we go yunjin on the very first multi now i know my webcam is blocking the four stars but after this young pool every single four star is going to be a duplicate anyway so you're not really missing out by your engine there we go in the first multi going very well good start good start yunjin again boom never mind it's the stringless it is the stringless this should be approaching soft pity and i would like to see engine again because we do want constellation five that is not yoon jin that is nink one but we have the engine c0 hua hook wants c5 yunjin which is a tall tall order now something that isn't a tall order is xiao because he's short and right here right now we're going to get him because to attract an edge lord you just become a natural we got sing-cho sing constellations are great nink one this is a good multi it's a good multi two four stars small king boom boom we didn't get a short leave a character ah that's a constellation as well oh my oh what what's the plan what hook what is the plan now what what we did get a small king technically you know female characters can be kings too we we don't we don't believe in the those gender roles here quahook has just said [Music] use the rest of my wishes i don't care life is meaningless that's very edgy of you which is why you're going to get chi-chi for free because it's going to be a back-to-back w like this boom back-to-back five-star never mind hey at least it's yoon jin at least it's a it's another copy of yunjin you know you said you wanted yunjin c5 xiao is just being respectful to you hua hook and waiting for you to get c5 you and jin fast hmm see there she is in the form of a furvonius codex boom oh dear oh dear xiao can you come home early please oh we got another yunjin we got another yunjin another young chin not bad not bad it could be worse it could be worse another young jin hey another young jin another young chin no no no hear me out shouts just being kind and waiting for the c5 yunjin to happen first okay it's a ning one it's close it's close here we go yunjin again it's another yun jin it's another you the engine look is good the yoon jin luck is good we have one more multi left this is it oh no can this at least be a yunjin mink one no no you and jin there's a yoon jin in here i can i can sense it no no no no no no no no no no no no no what what what what what are we saying we need what hook you have almost enough for one more multi if you want to use this currency up i don't know if you do i think you need to buy two two wishes okay so we only need 248 this right here is xiao and yoon jin okay listen listen listen shao and yun jin constellation one two three four junction constellation five right here yun-chin constellation 5 right here with xiao as i said xiao is just being a gentleman and waiting for hua hook to get constellation 5 yoon jin's raw chong jin that's xiao come on yoon jin surely surely surely surely surely surely surely yunjin come on yunjin oh those zeros kind of hurt to look at oh [Music] your constellation falls pretty good why thank you so so so much for your positivity i'm so sorry we did not get the huge w says c4 yunjin is good i'm so happy i'm a lesbian anyway so i guess it works out thank you so much for schau why hook with the positivity it probably will not make you feel any better but you have just sacrificed yourself to bring home an absolutely huge w for the person who is going to be scamming next you will forever live on as a giga chad with that positivity thank you very much for allowing me onto your account we are in the naughty corner already with aratakito and ganyu and pig shark if i have it written down correctly it's going for shanghai and the weapon shen her and the weapon now because you have zomli and because hua hook went out of their way to sacrifice themselves you will be blessed pig shot let's do a quick whale check boom okay okay oh fresh on the pity we have arataki ito there so this is going to be like a back to back shen her because whales always get lucky yunjin no we start off with chong yeon not a great start multi number two oh what did i say what did i say guys multi number two huh has sacrificed themselves [Music] yes this is how scammings work guys someone ends up being the sacrifice and what hook was the sacrifice the main reason guys is not only did hua hook play sacrifice we have zomli in the naughty corner so you might think it's it's a joke but why hook did not have zhong li for the naughty corner whereas pig shark did and without further ado we are going to be getting ourselves a very very early weapon for pig shark as well picture is going for the weapons and this is only five into pity here we go pig shark good luck is it going to be early again we start off with agoro constellation for goro on the weapons banner that is some pretty good luck nice i'm pretty good luck wow we got ourselves a triple four star we got ourselves the windsift and two of these these dragons pain but brown lithic spear how many constellations was your goro because pig shot plays with ito oh goro constellation 3. so goro constellations are actually really really big for pig shot did i pass i hope so ourselves the flute and the path has been set yes the path has been set indeed here we go multi number four [Music] the flute malty number five the favorias greatsword multi number six which should be soft pity never mind is the lithic spear now with these singles this should be the soft pity because soft pity kicks in at 65 for the weapons battle we get ourselves a toma constellation pig shark for some reason are pulling all the constellations that i want on the weapons banner so goro constellation and also toma constellation which is really lucky from the weapons mana pig shark you need to be thanking hua hook because hua hook had the non-consensual non-consensual sacrifice to bring you this good rng here it is are we going to get the calamity quella yes yes we are big shark congratulations congratulations pig shot you won both your 50 50s shen her came after two maltese which is very lucky or even less than two maltese and hua hook sacrificed themselves for the noble cause and that is why lesbians are superior why hook you have done great work today i apologize for the bad rng hua hook we have got zohar jan's account zohajan has got kazuha in the naughty corner and zoro hajan is hoping to pull four if i am not mistaken oh or did i not write this down so hijan i believe is looking to pull for xiao but just to double check ganyu forever yes for xiao okay so hojan is looking for xiao there is no zomli on here zongli is the best character to put in the naughty corner but if we look at pity here we have got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven pages minus four which is 62 into pity it is a 50 50 which we're going to win it is a 50 50 which we're going to win in this multi right here never mind we do get wow that is a cracked multi that is a crack multi we get ourselves a yun chin we got ourselves a chongyang constellation we get ourselves a nink one and we get ourselves a fuvonius greatsword so four four stars and we are approaching soft pity here good luck gun you for evan zohajan good luck good luck i hope you win the 50 50 because i don't want to see you guys especially because both of you are very very big regulars in the stream i would not want to see you guys have to go all the way to another soft pity [Music] what i would be down to see is for example you guys get a five star standard banner here and we're like oh no you lost the 50 50. and then we do another single and then it's shout that would be pretty cool but let's not risk that and let's just win the 50 50 right here yeah yunjin oh goro okay that's a good pull as well that's a good pull as well apparently xiao does not want to appear even though we are very much into soft pity right now we are very very much into soft pity right now ghana forever says yes here it is xiao xiao kaboom [Music] now right after this we're going to do one multi and it is going to be xiao now if i i'm not mistaken there is a deluxe on this account which is level 40 so that tells me that that is not a disart that is not desirable well it's okay because it's going to be a back to back for the shout right hmm at least gaura was new right and his goro was new right guys right right gany forever says diluk is haram just saying i did not say that that is their words i love the look i love the look okay i don't think diluca is her up but i know a lot of people do think they look as her up please come home early oh my god it's a dragon's pain are we using this all up gun you forever are we using all of this up yes all of it okay well actually because you might want the skin let's just do 10 000 for now here we go early oh yun jin and chong yun okay yun jin chong yin not bad not bad okay double chompin double chomping another chunk and stop chonging please you're the you're the wrong shortly when boy ah sneak one and dragon's pain it's another chongyon i am so sorry zohajan this is going to be a c2 show you are going to get three showers in this mode you're gonna get three five stars in this multi i promise you on every fiber of my being you are going to get three five stars in this multi right here right now boom look at that see this weapon right here skyrider sword one two three what did i say well what did i say congratulations congratulations zohajan yeah you've got three jade cutters right there guys three jade cutters three five stars apparently zoe hajan is going mad right now oh oh no well i'm going to quickly log off this account and once again guys my hypothesis of if you don't have zhong li with the naughty corner you are going to be suffering is being proven so currently the two accounts that had zomling in the naughty corner got extremely good luck and the two accounts that did not have zongli in the naughty corner both got shafted okay here we go we are clearly looking for shanghai here with ayaka and chongyon let's do a whale check okay whale check complete domi good luck domi says my cryolock is nuts domi is going for the constellation zero shen her plus the weapon so dummy has elected to go for chongyon and ayaka in the naughty corner domi says their luck is very very very good having said that what i'm looking at here is your pity is all the way at six or fifty eight so two maltese should bring you home shanghai you have very very big confidence in your luck you start off with a nink one this multi right here should be your center if you truly truly believe [Music] here we go domi says i don't lose these and you're right you don't and you get a yunjin as well shanghai and yunjin just like that as you said you don't lose these now we're going for the weapon am i correcting believing so i see you in the chat by the way dobby so you can just type in the the chat as well there's the polar star foreign to pity so we're looking at seven maltese here domi says yes good luck got me are you going to get super lucky you get yourselves your very first why is this weapon called again lithic spear and a triple four star multi to kick things off a triple four star followed by a furvonious greatsword malty number three is going to be jinyan another triple four star malty jinyan winseth and also the furvonius greatsword so two triple four star multi is pretty good yes another triple four star multi the windsif the flute and the wizard but these four stars don't mean anything right these four stars don't mean anything to dummy because what dummy wants is the five star we've got another jinyan there as well what domi wants is the five star and to win the five star 50 50. that's the main thing we got a double four star lithic spear and favonius warbo good luck here we go domi calamity kweller we haven't lost any of the 50 50s yet for the weapons of banner let's keep it that way hmm that was the calamity that that was definitely the calamity cuellar close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes that is their first primordial jade wingspear but close close your eyes close do you have shao please tell me you have shout [Music] okay [Music] okay it's okay because listen you guys thought you guys thought that was an l domi says not mad now the thing is actually what's happening here is dummy is just going to get both really early you know what i'm saying now is a sacrifice multi but watch it right here is another five star calamity quella an early one mind i'm talking out on my butthole i'm gonna get sucrose that is unfortunate multi number three never mind oh we get another sucrose win the windsif wow sucrose aren't congratulations on back to max sucrose amazing ah you didn't get a sucrose this time apologies apologies your lithic spear we got another triple four star multi but again the triple four stars don't mean anything they don't mean anything another double four star this is the one this is the one calamity kweller [Music] i see i see all day that's kind of awkward domi are we we we're still going right we're still going in for the weapon right there's that there's official which is not great either dummy are we still going we're still going right you're not gonna you're not gonna give up on the yes i'm too far in they've won mihoya has won van funic thank you very much for the prime gaming me heart this is how mihoya wins guys this is how they suck you in ah it's happened again guys zhong li is not in the naughty corner there's a toma though this is domi katz's very first toma oh my okay there it is there is the calamity quella here we go the calamity has not been quelled [Music] it seems like if you don't have zhong li in the naughty corner guys you don't succeed i am very very very very very very very sorry dummy and if it makes you feel better it probably doesn't make you feel better you have sacrificed yourself for locust here we go we are currently logged in on locust account locus does not seem to have zhong li this should be interesting look locust is also using amber in the party and does not have many five stars whale check [Music] okay not a whale not a whale locust i wish you good luck because you you you clearly do not have zhong li here and i would hate to give you a bad experience now beto is a giga chad [Music] so just to double check locust you are going for xiao constellation 1 just to double check c 1 shall c 1 oh my oh my okay well that is not a pretty sight to see well at least that means i won't be the one pulling that c1 very interesting choice c1 shall over c zero sharp plus the weapon locus you don't want the weapon over the constellation one i would say the weapon is better and they're both good both of these weapons are good for shower by the way but they're both good for shot this this pole arm is also good for xiao this pole arm is also good for shell but i don't know i don't know which one you would want me to select they're both good for shout out [Music] i'm fine with any well primordial j-wing spear looks cooler so i'll pick that one right here we go you know what you want c1 xiao you'll get c1 xiao you'll get both of them in one multi that'll make your life easier all right here we go we start off with the sacrificial bow which is a very very good weapon so congratulations that's their very first sacrificial bow which is great hopefully we can bring home the shower early that's what we want to see we don't want to see a lot of hard pity here we want to see shall come home early this is not early that was a ning one okay we got ourselves a yun jin a nink one and an eye of perception there are genesis crystals here there are genesis crystals here we got ourselves a yunjin again so yunjin c1 has been attained obtained chongyon plus the flute [Music] oh shao you are you are milking locust dry shall you are milking luke oh wow that's a double yin jin that's a double yoon jin rj panda thank you very much for the belief and the tenor as well hello or as uni calls you are jay panda or japanda should i say thank you very much for the hundred bitties as well here we go good luck [Music] xiao c1 guys this is a double five star multi double five star multi double five star multi double five star multi double five star multi double five star multi okay we've got a yoon jim i need to see two shouts a double five star multi a double five star multi a double five star multi a double five star multi a double fight okay okay okay first multi 5 star fast multi 5 star right here xiao plus the primordial j-wings well actually either pole arm here is strong but obviously primordial j-wing spares the aesthetic early or we got a shang ling a shangling constellation here we go here we go boom early the glasses are not working guys the glasses are not it's because only it's not in the corner it's because wrongly is not in the corner oh no double with sif well actually whitsuff is really good woods if it's basically a five star we got lithic spear oh no are we using the genesis crystals locust are we using the genesis crystals yes locust says yes good luck locust five star multi double five star multi double five star multi that's a double flute double five star multi double five star multi right here you're gonna get both pole arms you are going to get both pole arms double five star multi boom boom boom boom [Music] hmm i don't know why but i had a feeling it was going to be wolf's gravestone now this is kind of awkward that is kind of awkward but i'm not sure because they have beto on the rain slasher so i'm not sure if that's good or bad they also have euler on a sacrificial greatsword so i feel like that's good locust says use them all locus are we still going for the weapon you are guaranteed one of the pole arms now by the way because you didn't get the original pole on you i guaranteed one of them if we get the five star early enough locust says yes okay we have to bring it home early guys because this is only enough for three and a half maltese it has to come home early here it has to come home early here doesn't know well noel is already c6 locust you win these you win these it will come home early for vonia's sword oh dear come on come on oh there's a siu your very first saiyu that's basically a five star uh-oh are we using these locusts are we using these locus says yes locust says i'm sad but that's fine oh no lucas no not like this locust said i'm sad but that's ah oh oh mihoyo don't don't do don't do astarte oh my god that's a singtrow yo that's basically a five star that that's basically a five star congratulations on the sing cho yo that's that's basically a five star we got ourselves some primo gems here wow here comes the weapon oh i'm all over the place uh oh ah this is this is awkward it is a new sing choi which is a very very good character locust says use everything please please mihoyo please please please mihoyo mihoyo mihoyamihoyo come on now come on nami hoyo come on now mihoyo please mihoyo stop this stop this stop the pain slasher mihoyo please mihoyo please amihoyo come on come on now mihoyo come on now stop this nonsense me how you stop this nonsense miharyo stop this nonsense me hario please okay okay mihoyo mihoyo stop this stop this don't do this don't do this to locust me hoyo me all y'all stop this [Music] lucas look locust the pole arm is like a few you'll probably be able to pull it tomorrow [Music] locust says i'm sad but that's fine thanks for pulling ah that that that that that is i'm so sorry locust i i i'm so sorry i'm so sorry this is this is this is like okay i mean copying-wise the wolf's gravestone is good a new singtro is pretty good shang ling's level 20 okay i'm very sorry we are moving on to the the next account as a fellow f2p player why do you have zomly kazahan ryden shogun you flexer you know f2p what that okay maybe you are f2p you're just a very committed f2p i see you i see you zhong li kazahar ryden venti oh there's actually not that many five stars on this is f2p you have chosen like the three best supports and well the four best supports arguably well done well done now because you have zomling in the naughty corner it doesn't matter if you're f2p i believe in you now there's no way that you're going to fail this your attache says i'm f2p i would like caesar or shah if you get him early please pull on the weapons banner if you get him early i will get him early because you have c zero or you have a zhong li in the naughty corner and that's all you need so this is four maltese miners for twenty twenty into pity now showers of course gonna come home early along with a yunjin there's yoon jin right there congratulations and the reason why is because you have zhong li and you're in the naughty corner it's just meant to be when you have zomli what did i tell you when you put longley in the naughty corner it just works it just works guys what did i tell you this video is evidence that if you have zomli it has to be zhong li in the naughty corner you win you just win if you don't have zomling in the naughty corner you get punished that's how it works nyon tachi which weapon i'm assuming primordial jade wing spear primal your j with absolutely no record at all no record at all but it's only in the naughty corner what's the worst that could happen we got ourselves the flute just to double check no touchy are you sure about the weapons are you sure about the weapon mana no touchy are you sure no touchy says yes okay here we go here we go will it come home early we got ourselves a double four star including the lithic spear the lithic spear is also good on shell if you get that weapon to r5 or r4 or even r3 that weapon is actually very good on shell we get ourselves a constellation for sarah we do have the flute as well lithic spears also good on zhong li as well all right here we go and it's a favorite warbo oh i'm a little bit nervous here will we win the 50 50. the worst case scenario here guys is if we don't get one of the banner pole arms both of these pole arms are good for xiao but we might end up getting a wolf's gravestone or an off banner again a worst case scenario a skyward blade but we don't we don't claim that juju we get a yanfei constellation and olympic spear we don't claim that juju [Music] good luck double polar right guys surely the primordial jade wing cuellar is going to drop right now ah [Music] skyward atlas do you use any catalyst characters oh dear oh dear oh dear yo tachi what's happening now that was and that was a very uh you know what what's what's what's happening yotachi what are we saying is it possible to get guaranteed five star with what i have left it will be close if you use these it will be close oh wait you have these yes [Music] yes you should be able to sorry i just bought those without asking but i i assume yo taji says wga we go again it's okay right here right now boom easiest back-to-back five-star of my life easiest back-to-back fight oh my god [Music] favorias war bowen that's not what we are looking for that's not what we are looking for ah favors great oh that is not what we are looking for wga we go again oh bennett constellation that's pretty good oh maybe i capped maybe we don't have enough no there is enough there is enough that we need eight primo jumps okay okay no we are looking for yomachi do i have your permission to use this up on your tattoo sorry do i have your permission to use this up your tachi says yes we only need one though because it is going to be in the small t right here right now boom ah that is awkward that is awkward that is awkward here we go boom there it is the double pole arm guys the double right the double pole double pole yes yes yes double polar btmc bistro minecraft says pog because he has already seen into the future that is the primordial jade wing spear followed by the calamity queller like this there's the pjws calamity oh never mind didn't happen but there you go congrats ish i guess thank you for allowing me to summon on your account you know that is a very scary thing to do because it is an f2p account of course but there you have it there a shout with the complete aesthetic you know tachi thank you very much for allowing me to summon on your account we're gonna win guys we're gonna break the curse because i want you to ask yourselves where were you where were you today when quen cookie broke the curse of not having zomli in the naughty corner where were you today you know what we're gonna go with the sealy and ryden we're gonna do a whale check okay okay interesting interesting where were you when you went for shanghai c0 and shall c0 maybe [Music] we have got one two three four five five times six thirty minus one twenty nine into pity [Music] i am very very worried for you it is also a 50 50. nink one i'm very very very very worried for you i'm shaking all right we've got a cintro constellation that's pretty good i want to say a massive thank you to mihoyo for this amazing luck that you've just dropped on queen cookie's account thank you so much for the yun jin they say you're welcome thank you so much for the shen her thank you thank you so much for the easiest shanghai of my life thank you so much for blessing quen cookie with shen her and not chi chi and not chichi thank you so so much for the shanghai huh [Music] are we still going cookie do you still want to pull for shanghai do you still we go again for shen her not xiao yes i just want to be sure you want send her more than shout yeah shen her first boom easy your wish is my command right here right now the back to back does not happen because you do not have zhong li in the naughty corner it's a chongyang constellation this is what happens guys this is evidence this is actual evidence it has to be wrongly in the naughty corner it doesn't work without zhong li it doesn't work without zhong li we got another yunjin constellation but i don't think quen cookie even wants the engine i think quen cookie just wants to get shanghai done and dusted out of the way because it looks like we're going to pity it's another yun jin with a chong yun are we using it when cookie are we using it use them all yes boss yes boss the early shanghai is not happening it's not oh no ah [Music] when cookie i would just like to say i'm very very very sorry that you have claimed the bad juju unless there's another five star in here right right guys right i mean there's a young gin but that's not a five star you know there's another five star in here never mind well do you still want to go for shell maybe if you do one multi here you'll get a shout you know what i'm saying the one tap shall you know what what what what are we saying just use them all when cookie has activated giga chat mode and as a result will be rewarded with none other than xiao xiang ling ay xiao ling xiao ling congratulations xiaoling xiaoling well that was uh that's awkward quan cookie thank you for allowing me to summon on your account [Music] your copia man your suffering will be used for great empirical evidence and research that it is indeed true that if you do not have zhong li you are destined to fail in the naughty corner quan cookie you have helped us discover very very pivotal information if it makes you feel any better if you your your sacrifice will be used to guide lost souls who do not have zomli in the future and you are now in the club of the the zomli antis that were punished by the zongli naughty corner yes zolly is in the naughty corner or is about to be in the naughty corner this is destined for greatness guys there is absolutely no way we are going to end on an l here now goodbye goodbye and we disable the sealy that is way all confirmed that that is way all confirmed [Music] where is the ceiling the sealy is removed so we are going in on this account we are going in for shanghai c0 plus the weapon so one two three okay so we are currently in three times six minus three fifteen into pity shandha c zero zone in the naughty corner never fails yunjin never mind it's an ink one it's okay it's just the beginning it's just the beginning shen her is coming we don't lose the 50 50s yun jin though if you could appear that would be great wait zombies not in in the naughty corner he has to be in in the naughty corner okay okay now we can get the good luck yunjin okay never mind it's a ning guan and a chong yun i'm a little bit concerned here just a little bit concerned now just a little bit okay that's not yoon jin that's not yon jin after all the sacrifices to zhongli in the naughty corner can we can we not have any of this bad juju please it's going to be shanghai guys there's no way only in the naughty corner would fail there's just no way i cannot fathom it and that's why there you go there is the shen her and then we have the weapon and i'm just gonna double check that you do actually want to go for the weapon are you sure [Music] kk481 are you sure [Music] okay says yes [Music] let us quell this calamity kill ourselves uh bennett how much interpity are we here okay that's fresh pity that is fresh pity four into pity so i'm probably gonna need around six maltese here that is a dud multi we got ourselves the dragon's pain lithic spear version we got ourselves the wizard i want to believe we've got ourselves sarah constellation and the furvonius warbow we get ourselves the witsif and favonius greatsword and these should be the final two maltese here we got ourselves the witsif and this multi right here should be the calamity quella because we do not lose on the weapons banner [Music] we do not lose on the weapons banner with zhong li in the corner oh that is a very very interesting looking very very interesting looking calamity quella so i feel like if you do one more multi it's going to be it's going to be i feel like if we did one more multi it's it's going to be the calamity cuellar just saying you know you have a bit of resources here it's going to be a back to back use all the star glitter and stardust yes sir here we go it's going to be the calamity cuellar 100 back to back see guys [Music] uh no genesis crystals right use it all we don't need to use it all this is all we need boom calamity early never mind oh dear okay kekka said use it all jack i said use it all right [Music] [Applause] three times on the weapons banner it's not over guys until it's over it's not over until it's over it's not over until it's over you don't let me hold your wind you don't let me hold your win you fight till the bitter end and this is what happens you get blessed with absolutely nothing i'm very very very very very very very very very sorry however i would also like to say yo congratulations on your c6 sarah yo congrats c6r from the weapons banner for your ryden for your ryden for your for your [Music] for your kaching for c6 c6 sarah for your electro oh god what did i just see what did i just see what what did i just see there well kaka has swiped i'm assuming we're going again you saw nothing are we going again or not going again what does this mean that's for the kaching skin right that's surely for the kaching skin no no l swaipe [Music] wait wait what what are you saying yup to are you saying yup it's for the kaching skin [Music] said asian guy credit the emote [Music] okay okay [Music] oh oh oh dear oh oh there oh there well the calamity cuellar is surely around the corner i don't know if the calamity cuellar is surely around the corner oh my this is this is what pain looks like oh oh my [Music] zomly stop messing about stop messing about right here you're summoning a golden meteor right right here [Music] wow wow the zomly naughty corner does not seem to work for the weapon banner that does not seem to work the way this is a copium corner guys it is a copy of the corner kekker i'm so sorry thank you for allowing me to summon on your account oh no they've put venti in the naughty corner they've put venti in the naughty corner to bring home xiao constellation zero we have one two three four five six seven times six forty two minus one forty one into pity there's no way we are going to lose the 50 50 for nanji bathroom there's just no way we got yunjin on the fast multi which is great we got ningua on the second multi third multi no zomly in the naughty corner today has proven to be an absolute disaster we will break this curse nanjiba afra will break this curse and prove that you don't need to have zhong li in the naughty corner to be blessed and there we go there is xiao congratulations you you have broken the curse shall has arrived you have broken the curse and proven that is it is indeed possible it is indeed possible nanjima afro thank you very very much for allowing me to summon on your account nanjing vapor says i'm shaking okay shen her plush shout plus calamity kweller everyone except chichi and diluk is a w those sound like final final words those sounds like red flag dying words to me i'm not gonna lie zongli is here zomlie is here i am very concerned okay here we go hoping for the best zomly remove bennett remove ryden remove young we need to disable the sealy and then we have got 101 wishes and a lot of genesis crystals to go through here in terms of pity we are one two three four five six seven eight nine okay hahaha we're all laughing we're all off we're 50 into pity we're 50 into pity we are 50 into pity we have zomling in the naughty corner here we go shanghai c0 is incoming right here it's probably going to be a double chanter a double 5 star multi knowing bluetooth it's probably going to happen good luck bluetooth thank you for flexing your double hutow hopefully we don't get you a de look or a chichi because that would be terrible it's a jean oh no i don't think that's good that is a constellation on gene i am ruining everything right now i'm ruining people's luck is gene even leveled up no that is c1 gene so we take an l zong lee's juju and magic has officially worn off and that is the very first eye of perception on this account bluetooth you are copium you are on copium if you're telling me you actually want gene constellations right now that is extreme copium bluetooth we got ourselves the yun jin about time shanghai can you come home early no we got yoon jin and ning guan shan her can you come home early no we got the double chong yun constellations oh dear we got yoon jin again you know what guys it's all going to make sense in a moment okay right now shanghai is not happening we got another yunjin shanghai is not happening right now and the reason why it's not happening is because we are going to be getting a double shout we'll get a double shout shanghai is right here we might get a double shender as well but we are going to get shout super super super early this is how it works shen her first let's get shanghai out of the way there's shen her following her nephew and then we are going to get ourselves the double shell so here we go or the early shell boom chong yun again that's a lot of chong yun that is a lot and i mean a lot of chongyon and bluetooth also wanted calamity koala it's another chongyon bluetooth at what point do you not want to pull for the calamity cuellar because this is looking kind of iffy right now the shell lock is not coming through if i'm being brutally honest here we got another yunjin we got another engine okay that's not good that is not good oh oh my goodness oh my goodness this is an absolute disaster [Music] this is an absolute disaster it's another yunjin lost my hope for the weapons banner shall see one shout constellation one shall constellation one shall shall constellation zero and oh my god oh my god oh my goodness oh dear oh that's a that's a fast copy of mona wait that's new the mona is new interesting pomona is new i'm not sure how bluetooth feels about that you can also use the star glitter we don't need the star glitter we don't need the star glitter trust me we don't need the starter to one multi back to back the early luck is coming now never mind it's another yunjin looks like someone is gonna go home with a c6 yunjin it seems like oh my i i i feel terrible we have another eye of perception i'm very tired of being abused by mihoya okay yunjin c6 has been obtained yeon jin c6 has officially been obtained and it did not come home cheap it did not come home cheap i'm very very disappointed in myself right now we got beto and yunjin but it doesn't matter because it's not shao because it's not shallow it's another junction of course all the yunjins appear after you hit c6 oh my goodness oh my goodness a ninguan i have flopped i have flopped this is the ultimate sacrifice shao is here this is the literal ultimate sacrifice bluetooth has sacrificed everything has sacrificed everything for the next account holder bluetooth i'm so sorry zhongli naughty corner failed you i'm so so so sorry okay guys we are here on zoe's account zoe has a new skin already ready and waiting and you know what screw the naughty corner the naughty corner stinks the naughty corner is trash all right i said it i said it one two three four okay so four into pity which is 24 minus the five who were 19 into pity and it's going to be an early w for oe zoe with the junction never mind it's an ink one you know what i'm gonna disable my camera because clearly the camera is bad luck boom see see that see what i mean guys it's my face it's my face that's the problem it's my face it has always been my face that's the problem there you go zoe congratulations on your very very early congratulations on your very early wow it was my face the whole time well you basically got your guaranteed pity now for your next character so congrats congratulations zoe you you have genuinely just gotten a free five-star pity on top of your your very wonderful shender so i should just turn off my face cam from now on because clearly that is why i'm getting punished it is my face guys it is a double five star multi because of my face disabling my face was a secret that we needed congratulations okay guys last but not least we are here with sinister it has been a very very very very long video and as i have said i disown the naughty corner the naughty corner is dead to me sinister is going for shen her plus the weapon maybe if it goes well so we have one two three again minus one so 17 into pity and again if i disable the face cam this is how the blessing works see see what i mean of course of course there's the engine number one how many engines are we going to get that okay i'm done i'm done with this game i'm done with this game am i the ugly am i that ugly huh mihoya am i that ugly what are you trying to tell me what are you trying i literally just said how many engines are we gonna get after disabling my face okay what are you trying to tell me hoyo i'm slightly tilted guys i'm not gonna cap i'm slightly tilted anyway surely this is not gonna be shen her right okay yunjin no ning one that's fine we want to win the 50 50. that's the main thing but the furvonia sword i believe we are getting close this might be i think okay chongyon and the bell that both knew this should be shen her [Music] assuming we win the 50 50. this should be shanghai looks like it's not to do with my face ha haha i'm back i'm back yeah it's not my face i'm back oh delica's new but i don't know if that's good or bad sinister i don't know if you wanted to look sinister says copium not like this wow what do you mean do you do you still want to go for shanghai do you still want to go for shandhan sinista i'm looking at the chat so you can just type in the chat yes keep going okay i'll turn my face come off again just for you so we can get shen her early all right we've got more yunjins there we go there's another yunjin if we skip this it will be yunjin again never mind it's chongyon okay shanghai come home early enough messing around enough messing around chongyon again and the bell again what are you talking about disgusting i'm totally not eating with chocolate in my mouth oh this is not looking good anymore it's gone downhill guys it's gone downhill oh that was a yunjin that is a chongyeon and surely okay never mind wow you just pulled the best character in the game congrats you you've pulled something even better than shanghai look this this the best you just pulled the first 7 000 star character in the game congratulations on your first bennett this is a whale account wait is this f2p seriously are you f2p kinda yes oh man i lost the 50 50. oh there well here you go c1 shen her right guys you hear this chomping and chewing right there's the shenandoah i'm assuming you don't want to go for the weapon i'm i'm assuming you don't want to go for the weapon sinister if i had to guess no weapon congratulations on i wonder how many constellations of yunjin that was there's no way that was c6 was it oh c5 yun jin ah so close yet so far although you can pick yunjin for free do you have nink one leveled up oh you do oh c4 nink one oh not bad nink one actually eighty out of 80. oh all right not not too bad overall thank you very much for allowing me onto your account sinister and i hope you guys enjoyed what has been two hours of raw footage of scammons i'm hoping it's going to be edited down to way less than two hours worth but i have been here two hours for the scammons and i think we only did around 13 or 14 accounts but it does take a very long time i hope you guys enjoyed i'm sorry i was a little bit low energy because it is 5 23 am it is very very late i have been streaming for almost 10 hours now so i'm dying inside but i hope you guys enjoyed enjoyed regardless and have a wonderful wonderful day a massive thank you to those people who are with me throughout the stream and throughout this video and thank you to everyone that allowed me to summon on their account it started off very strong went downhill very quickly and we ended on a medium w so thank you very much for watching and have a wonderful wonderful day bye-bye voice crack bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AsianGuyStream
Views: 1,151,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, xiao, shenhe, rolls, wishes, intertwined fate, wish, summon, scammons, atsu, asian guy genshin
Id: HMClpHeiUdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 22sec (4882 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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