This Is The END Of KinitoPET!

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this is basically like the new doky DOI literature Club but instead of wuss you get clippy [Music] the hey guys and welcome to gt9 live where before we kick things off today I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow actually at what was it uh 3:00 p.m. Pacific which would be 6:00 p.m. eastern time we are starting the premiere for santi's first episode of food Theory so if you want to engage in the chat uh the Live premiere with Santi ask him all your burning questions he'll be there uh including things like hey why was your HP 83 while everyone else's HP was 87 and all the social media po cards that we made of of you guys I'm sure he'll love if you bring that up the live stream itself the the Live premiere is starting at uh 3 and then at 4:00 p.m. Pacific or 7:00 p.m. eastern time that is when the episode itself is going live so if you want to see santi's first ever food theory on the channel That is happening on Tuesday uh I will be also in the chat trolling him mercilessly good right you you too Ash yeah I'll be there yeah you want to troll him oh yeah what other fun things come to make fun of him for ooh uh the icing from Prime cake Easy that's that's easy low hanging fruit yeah I mean but it's it's tasty fruit for a reason oh certainly talk about his uh affection for the macadamia nut right uhhuh he loves his nuts there's one thing I know about Santi as a man who loves his nuts oh so true so yeah so anyway that is happening tomorrow as so be there or B Square it's going to be a fun little programming block uh because we have GT live today and then tomorrow we'll be trolling Santi at 4:00 p.m. Pacific time which was the time that we always did GT live back in the day and then on Wednesday it'll be more GT live and then on Thursday it'll be style Theory and Amy's Premiere yeah so that'll be exciting and and I know that episode is going to be uh that that features a big group of people cuz that one's all about shaving your legs oh my gosh the leg shaving is coming as first yeah leg shaving is her first wow which is pretty cool yeah that that was fun I had to look at so many folders of so many people submitting videos of their legs even even when she sent me the script I kind of like read it over and gave her notes and stuff I'm like oh wow there's a lot of uncomfortable uh footage that she had to go through yeah to to be fair like they you know the final episode is is great but it's one of those things where I'm like oh there was just a lot of footage of people awkwardly like bending over in showers you know a lot of a lot of butt shots it was yeah I would say more leage than footage yeah it was it yeah it was it was a lot yeah yeah I'm like woo he and and hours of it too oh yeah that is saying private mhm no one else has to see that folder no no that folder will never see the light of I locked in the vault yeah there are some episod that all our teeth photos from that was awful that was another one where you look like look back through all the stuff that we did for like the toothbrush episode and I'm like that was not a pretty that was not a pretty shoot no we do a lot of really gross things for style Theory style the I mean for Hygiene like like one of the core things that we like doing on on style Theory which I appreciate cuz there's no you know hygiene content not a whole lot of that you know oh let's let's talk about the proper way to brush your teeth or let's test out the right way of doing XY and zc it's it is uncomfortable sometimes to to talk about and to test but I think it's super important oh absolutely and so you know the fact that style theories like has found that as one of the like fun content verticals that we do is is wacky it is yeah but anyway so those are happening all this week so it's a very theorist week here um on the channels which is exciting but what's even more exciting is what we're doing today which is Keno pet right Kito pet we we're revising revisiting our dear friend Kito to find his secret ending right the true ending cuz last time we played the game we discovered that there was a good ending and a bad ending depending on whether or not you let Keno basically take over your life both of them are kind of Bad Endings though right because at the end of the day Keno is this like AI program that's taken over you taking over your personality taking over your life in a lot of ways um so it's not great certainly not great and we found at the very end that there was a secret message sent to us that there is a way to delete him permanently to get rid of this this Scourge on on our lives and on our computer and all that and so we have to discover where those secrets are and apparently it opens up a whole new track through this game which I'm very excited about Nash you're going to guide me through I'll help you out okay thank you cuz I do not know what were should be doing and I and while I love hunting around blindly for a long period of time and hey I got the time to do it now hey hey I mean I say that I say that and yet like my schedule's still been packed but for now it's yeah but it's been no and it's been nice to spend more time like we're talking about the Lori stuff and I'm like oh I have time to think about lfi finally and I'm like o I see myself having time to sit down and talk with Sam Josiah about things and stuff it's great but yeah so anyway I while I would love to sit here for the next 5 hours clicking around L looking for the hidden files it would be helpful to at least have your guiding hand throughout this so that way Shannon doesn't have to edit as much and we can streamline a little bit but we can also get to some of those juicy bits that we're so excited about we'll get straight to the juice oh I want that juice I yeah you sure do man oh buddy love that juice especially Apple Apple Juice top tier a best juice also anyone who's wondering about my shirt this is from my uh freshman year of high school actually this was my first show that I got to do in freshman year of high school Joseph Amic techn I was one of the few freshmen who got to to be in the show and I and I found this buried in a drawer the other day as we were just like cleaning up and I'm like hey I like that shirt who were you uh I was Judah which was one of the brothers one of the brothers uh Joseph's brothers nice uh I I believe in in Kanan days which is one of the most famous songs from the musical especially for the the brother characters there's a big group of guys and everyone got their own like individual line because everyone gets their solo lines WR and I think mine was with throw down the boulevard together that was my line wow and then we did the rest of the show obviously but like that was my big solo moment I felt like I was there right pretty amazing right oh man it's not it's like I haven't missed a beat since 9th grade either that or it's like my performance quality is about the same as it was in ninth grade I mean still you know been like an octave shift you know right we slow down the boulevard together that was me it was me before I became a man had my wait I have a chest voice now what no it it it is interesting though because Santi we we're talking about Santi in his first episode one of the things that he is working on and we'll continue to work on right but one of the things that as I've been coaching everyone through like vo and and how to learn vo cuz people come at it from all different levels of performance experience and one of the things I've been talking to him about is like hey your high range is great and he's got really good variety in the way he reads and kind of the rise and fall of his voice but one of the things that I've been working on him with is like activating his diaphragm so he can go lower and kind of activate some of those lower notes which took me a really long time to find and so figuring out ways of like breathing into your hands and just relaxing kind of across the board in order to kind of like find that full range of your talking like is is a big one cuz when you get tense right and when we if we're nervous or if we're tense or if we're in like performance mode we get all tense up here and as a result your voice gets higher because you're like whoa I'm up here and so you have a hard time actually relaxing into the voice and talking normally and being able to dive into you know deeper notes and all the way down there and stuff like that because it contradicts the tension in your throat so that's one of those things where he's had a lot of growth in that area and he's doing really well with it but and we'll continue to grow but it's it's been good it's been fun it's been fun to transition away from like host into like mentor and teacher mode and i' I've been teaching people behind the scenes for like the better part of the last year if not more um and we're always teaching people stuff but it's been interesting to see like how different tactics work for different people and how you have to try all sorts of things until you find like the thing that sticks and you're like oh that's the one that works and hopefully that works on a bunch of them but you know sometimes it doesn't like um one of the other things that we're really talking about is relaxing into having a conversation rather than just performing the words and just like reading the words it's like no it's a conversation it's talking and just by simply having people lean like I'm like hey while you're talking just lean on a desk or lean on a chair or something and the change in body position has really helped make it more casual so it's not like oh stand there and read the lines stand there and read the text it's lean be casual about it and actually talk to me it takes time to to find those places and and to feel it in your body and feel it in your voice um and they they've been doing a really good job they've come a really long way I'm really proud of them so anyway uh you had Tom and Lee this weekend Santi coming up tomorrow and then Amy coming up on Thursday so they're doing really good I'm really proud uh anyway back to Kito back to canito back to Kito canito amaz and for everyone who's been in the everyone who's been in Joseph Technicolor dream cat let me know down in the comments who were you did you enjoy it I feel like every kid who's ever done theater has probably done a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor dream coach I somehow avoided it are you kidding me I don't know how I did it it was like a yearly tradition in and around Madina Ohio wow yeah huge oh man wait hold on sorry this shirt is from 2002 uhhuh that's wild isn't that crazy wow wait you said you were 14 15 I would have been I don't know what year do you start freshman year of high school you're 14 when you start is that yes yes yeah yeah that's about right 14 or 15 yeah uhhuh whoa and look it's still it's still too big for me it's it was a big shirt I just yeah I got a big shirt back in the day yeah uhhuh no so sorry I don't mean to be commenting on like your age or anything like that I'm just like wao sometimes I forget when we're just like bantering and talking whatever where it's like I Feel Like We Vibe really well I don't really think about like generally how old we are but I look at that and I'm like I was two wow that's nuts right that's pretty crazy prra you I've had the shirt since you were two that's insane that's wacky I was in high school when you were two that's weird isn't it that's wild nuts woo all right Kito so last time welcome to chapter select we're going to start the game over right Ash correct it makes sense to start from the beginning and the email told us this is where it was it was a way to stop it I hope this why is it like I hope this entry finds you well if this happens to be the first one you find please take note there are many more I have to hide in a way which uh where he can't detect so I apologize for the inconvenience this is the only way so basically we are doing a FNAF VR now where we are finding the secret tapes putting them together in order to beat this thing um each of these emails are attached with an encrypted file they are stored here and will appear there we go so this is encrypted one so they're stored here and they'll appear with each entity that you find entry that you find however don't worry too much uh I'm sure you'll have you'll be able to find their purpose Okay so we're going to start at the very beginning a very good place to start so let's do that yes at the [Music] beginning at the prology pr the [Music] prolog and we have the and we have the secret lens like we did last time so oh oh hey and here we go credentials so that was just kind of there all right I got to remember to just wave this thing around every once in a while um you want to try um opening that encrypted file what encrypted file oh oh you want me to try to open it yeah what how does want to open an encrypted file exactly let's try notepad definitely not that not great they mentioned the encrypted messages in that um email that you got yeah so keep an eye on this folder and keep an eye on your email inbox okay so I shouldn't so the way you said hey do you want to try and open it seemed to imply that you knew that I would be able to open it and no I was just curious you were just curious okay yeah so so sometimes you're going to be helpful right sometimes you're just going to waste my time and that's what makes it fun welcome to time waster of the series ladies ladies and gentlemen all right let's let's start this from I thought I started from the prologue welcome back to your computer great I hope this finds you well wait why check out my music got a whole lot of nothing check out the settings anything interesting in the settings m NOP streamer mode reset game data remove the VHS effects I'm good I like all these anything in my computer hush hush hush hush Secrets nothing there anything in the pinball game has have you played space cadet pinball in the aftermath of us playing this game I have not but I have done research into um the space pinball as well as mind sweeper and what did you discover so I was looking more to like hey why these games and you know because they're iconic with this era I iconic yes but they're also meant to teach you fundamental like movements with a mouse um because when computers were first entering into the home a lot of people didn't have experience with a mouse a computer was just something you typed input into right so the multiple clicking and the dragging and dropping like that is kind of what they were trying to teach with those games and what better way to teach someone than with a thing that you feel little reward for when you do something correct corly so Z okay are you ready to meet my new best friend uh so ready let's wake him up oh wait hold up hold up got another one what's that say forever you okay so I found my first one already so I feel I'm pretty proud of myself that we're already doing a good job finding these what is this e oh this is definitely a code this is definitely uh some sort of substitution Cipher base 64 what have you can I copy this text oh you are a bunch of jerks if I can how dare you oh here maybe if I enter my name first and then I'll be able to copy and paste it hopefully Maddy Patty I I want it to be camel cased fine I'll give it to you I have never heard of that name before well it's a cool name oh in that case don't my name don't don't judge my [Music] name I just cannot wait to get to know you so how about I start with some questions I got to read my email first sir excuse me I'm reading my email so what is your favorite color Okay favorite color purple can't can't say purle I want to make something different I want to make it say can is Rainbow can I say rainbow is I going to throw them off oh that's an interesting color it is it's a great color hey now this one is tricky so get ready if you could have any super power what would it be let's mix it up this time and say super strength that's what I'm going to say that's my answer I'm sticking with it sure does sound super if it super power I would want to be able to read oh foreshadow way I could know more about you and become the perfect friend so you're already there bud now for this one you have lots of choice so choose carefully I love that he's a AI That's constantly learning but he hasn't learned how to properly used plurals you have lots of choice what's my favorite word my favorite word would be you say pontificate a lot I do I'm going to say snowball today snowball is fun well well that sure is a certainly interesting word moving from that I think I should tell you a little about myself weird why didn't you like my word don't be judge my word I will be your very old super duper computer companion and I'll be your Everlasting friend thanks bud don't judge my words do play games manage your system adapt to you and even read stories hey as long as you're more functional than Google Assistant I just burn I started earlier got him would you like me to read it would I like to read Kito story I'm trying to ask you a question now's not the time to be reading emails my my email's been open this whole time I'm trying to I'm trying to copy this it'd be great but I can't uh does it matter what I say here can I say yes or no I feel like I should say yes but say [Music] yes say that okay where do I start in the beginning there was Kito and it was good beginnings likeo was home when a package came to the door but who was it from and who was it for it was as he soon realized so he eagly ripped it open to see what was inside I'm assuming one of these is going to reveal something at some point a computer exclaimed Cano with a r right and wide but the cables were Tangled so he started to untie thanks bud and once Cano was done he powered it on and watched it come to life with digital color and Sun where's my song Cano I haven't gotten a song from you yet to make the online World however now Kito had all these new tips and yet no friend to share his new tricks deep you me giant sensor bar that's accurate I feel like that's the appropriate way to handle me put a big old black sensor bar over me yes we play very family unfriendly I'm a very unfriendly mat Pat hopefully not no you've come so far I I I would hope not let's let's not I feel like there's been enough of those I recently your emails well I guess multi isn't the worst thing in the world he doesn't like the fact that my emails open this whole time we are going to have a very very long friendship when me and you are together there are no limits to what we can do it's true we're This Together best friend how about we move on to something more exciting I have made something very special for you but I just need to live hello so it seems like I can't copy this it will be really fun those dots are those just waiting bars are those something do I need to click those are those revealing something to me what do you mean by those dos do you see those those 3D cubes that are sometimes showing up I think that they're loading screens but I am noticing them and can you translate do you know what this is cuz I thought for sure that I would be able to highlight it and copy the information but it seems like that is definitely not what I can do well you pull that up I'm going to look around on the old website here okay so this is all the same come join Jane to the next adventure meet Sam cool as see an enemy in the ocean reading the character descriptions just press start to begin could do that cool bud yeah around this part is when you're going to want to start waving that lens I I do be waving leave it in the forr further Ado welcome to the web World wish where you can it's already different and most importantly beat all of my cows did it start red last world has fallen into a bit of a bad state yet with your help I'm sure we can store our wonderful world what but before we get ahead of ourselves a around okay so oh hello last time it wasn't all red much better so this is already different made it your favorite color oh made my favorite color rainbow this is yeah is this rainbow gito there oh good ey I help him obsessed love second Bud look deep there's a place hidden in the okay there's a place hidden within the web world I think I could it could help us deep below the code there's a place that has decryption software built in decryption software that I developed in order to access click the fountain as much as you can until an animation plays then go to the tree with the rope swing if done right you should be taken somewhere new now be careful it's not very stable down there take the encryption files and drop them in I'm not sure this will work but it's your best shot I look forward to hearing from you the last entry should be oh man the last entry should be in the last entry should be in there too okay so click this a bunch oh hey Okay cool so I filled up the fountain Okay click the fountain as much as you want until an animation plays then go to the tree with the rope swing go to the tree it's hard to tell because this all whole thing is is very bloody red where's the tree with the rope swing what do we think [Music] here sideways this guy right there yeah oh hey oh hello oh oh oh hey hey okay got that cool nice okay hey guys oh man this is different uh-oh oh buddy what have we done let's go play on the rope swing which I'm sure is not Sinister in the slightest okay so now I it's the decryption software so now I drop in these guys right is what it said it said drop in these guys hello oh oh hello so that was one two okay dropping another one two this is nuts this is wild yeahhuh oh take that Cano these other two are text documents just BT dubs so can I open the no work pan H that seems important access so we so we have some sort of access code here so that's good to know this one meanwhile another sort of access code so I wonder if we'll have to put those in as a code at some point so that's two there's encrypted file three bam and this one's got a name now but it's still encrypted so I think it oh so I feel like what is this a code name cuz the others all got decrypted there's one Sunny C server this one though is still encrypted why is he still encrypted [Music] should he be decrypted at this point I feel like the answer should be yes [Music] right H right or no it feels like all four of them should be decrypted at this point but for some reason one of them won't yeah there is one more thing you can get if you close and restart the game if I close and restart the game yeah like that should all four of my things have been decrypted though at that point oh oh oh [Music] no oh no no save the anony oh no oh no oh my turn little G oh that's a bummer that's unfortunate for him that's that well cool cool are you ready I I oh hey are you ready I am I am but apparently the game is not ready for me oh man he was sliced in half uncalled for this poor guy I he's stretching he do be stretching just smidgin just a little bit activate oh buddy I think Canino might be on to us very sad I think that uh I think that they might suspect that I'm trying to delete the program don't tell it'll be our little secret keep it on the down low so now I'm really curious what what happens next cuz that seems like that was a that was a big clue and a big Easter egg have fun oh oh we will don't you worry [Music] game okay so where are we at with email land [Music] here we have this guy but we don't have the the decryption email interesting I wonder why so yes I have a place you can go we need to fill out the Friendship Club application okay Factory frenzy hide-and-seek painting problem the uh friendship Club here yeah we're really were jump that deep into it huh ah yeah yeah wow that's pretty deep okay pets waiting hey bud welcome looks like there was another my apologies however I make it up to you could you that would be great that would make me feel so much better this whole thing has been really uncomfortable and awkward I want to give you free access to Theo pet friendship Club thank you I've been waiting for a long time pet friendship Club is that under my software that allows me to do even more amazing things with this extension I can make us games to play so we will never run out of fun activities when you say it that way start the install press unlock Now button way ahead of you sign me up trust me you won't regret this this Adam will bring Everlasting fun I just can't wait I bet so hyped so excited just press next here so we can finish the installation gotcha y so we got to wait till we fill out the form okay that's a pretty Gap a pretty big gap from that one to the next finish okay amazing now you will need to fill out your details to a membership form got but don't worry it's only short classic registration start you need to fill out your full name thanks for that for me however I already filled out your first one since I knew that already I mean it could be my nickname my moniker as it were last name Matty Patty Patrick all right next time need your email gotcha business. Game Theory at okay now the day you were born we got this at oh oh 1st 15 11 so old excellent oh hey got one there we go found a new email that was serendipitous that was so easy I'm so glad it was over in the appropriate corner here we go let's see what we got here the way I've got it I know how to stop it we put a back door into the server that runs Kito and all the files it contains deleting deleting that would most certainly delete everything what's that oh is that a code or is omo om by Mighty here let me get up close right what is that oh I think it is I think it's coded [Music] right yeah right right no not sure Cano will try to get you to give him system access don't as once he has system access it's too late and you have oh jeez and you're you yeah it's more gobbly instead run the delete all command however there's one issue you'll need a bunch of access codes and passwords to execute the command there has to be a way to find the codes I'm assuming those are the codes that we have from the encryptions yeah that makes sense okay okay so delete all when he says to do that okay so this is going to be address secret address okay City charlot living in Charlotte these days whoa you went far away I did Country USA it seems like you made a mistake when filling out your address I did oh I'm sorry and I will just correct it for you oh man there that should be a little more accurate fooled you you don't have that information great got him this info seems to be great I will now that's how you defeat an AI in real life booah not give it the complete information so you should know where to go next right well he want yeah so he wants oh I just can't wait to show you all the new features however before we do that you just need to do one tiny thing for me I just need administrative there there it is I would actually challenge that right I would say please could you just open the app called command yep for me gotcha right now whenever you're ready could you just thetion isex systemit what oh God wait where' the game go no game I'm just launching Cano on top of Kito pet layers and layers of Cano pet X Out of the lens there's so many layers of meta to this that just keeps going and going well yeah of course there's an error running cuz there's like 500 things all happening at the same time control alt delete enter two times Bam Bam right the joke here isn't that deleting Cano pet is part of the metag game experience it is just that is the challenge of this game it just exists on all it's like oh here's your simulated computer to make you scared of the game but here's the it's it's just infecting your normal computer like we're all haha fun isn't this a funny game when in actuality no this is just the reality of the game like there is no game you are IL legitimately fighting this thing this is how you have to defeat hey it says where am I who who who though who is this who's speaking to me at this point that's my question who are you I don't know I have the same question about you game whoever is talking to me through this computer very concerned all right so let's hop back like said hop back thank you chapter select hop back to web world yes let's decrypt some [Music] files in the in the negative space welcome to the Internet thanks Bo Burnham Cruise web World yay click the start button continue it's different now the game is starting to collapse oh Cano where am I where am I where am I Sam where am I where am I where am I Jade where am I where am I where am I oh no they are very lost and confused who who exists in the internet here now what what's going on I'm so curious as to the deeper story of this whole thing cuz you can tell that there is definitely a bunch of lore here meat all of my cows however in recent times the web world has fallen into a bit of a oh okay okay yep we're still good we're still good here still allowed to come into this part of the the game yes great okay thank you okay great so now we've got a couple more files to decode here so we got one bing just just you know just dip that floppy disc in the water it's fine that's that's that's how decoding works that's how decrypting Works nice now we've got this guy right here maybe there we go you have to to be like you have to give it a lot of time in order to let it let it work that's so satisfying it's really satisfying man there are so many I love these games that require you to like do stuff with Windows and files and decryption it's it's so good it this is this is basically like the new doky DOI literature Club but instead of wuss you get clippy the which you know there's a tradeoff you know clippy can be wfu too clippy can be waifu it's true all right here we go password hello world hello world one two 3 great we make it super hard Cano this one credentials sunny sunny C I wonder if I wonder if the person who talking to me is sunny sea that looks like a code sun sea sun se okay so I'm going to xit out of the game again and go back to that moment where I'm supposed to hit delete all Yes uh yeah go for it dude thanks thanks Ash thanks for not being cryptic in the slightest uhhuh uhhuh here we go let's get into it the amount of times you have to restart games over and over so funny wouldn't that be brilliant if there was a way to game like steam's you know popular game system by like oh you just have to restart the game of oh man this game has gotten started so many times in the last week as people try to solve it immensely popular huge people opening it closing it all the time that's probably why they don't have that functionality probably not to be honest I feel like that's an indicator of maybe not the best game actually let's see welcome welcome home that's another episode that we got to do wa welcome home that's a whole different ARG yeah that's right on the docket don't be missing don't be mixing up our args we got plenty to work through right now no we got to finish Cano before we can hop to welcome home uh okay so let's open this up and let's move to permission granted or right before permission granted try granted you think [Music] so okay hey bud see what were we doing last time you were about to give me permission let great you just signed up for the Cano pet friendship Club I did it was great it was a highlight I just can't wait to show you all the new features however before we do that you just need to do one tiny thing for me I just need administrative permissions it will allow me to get the most use out of all these wonderful features so please could you just open the app called command Grump for me for me for me there you go okay amazing now whenever you're ready could you just type the command gr k. exe system. access it was uh Delete uncore all right yes please enter valid cral mistake the command is gr kex system. access Sunny see enter the target server hello uh what would that be server that would be Kito uncore 9081 oop please enter the password that was hello world right underscore world right underscore world two3 right there wasn't next I think that was it might as well might as well check it hello world 23 yeah good one access code wow access code this is a complicated one this is D C7 D 2020 E3 E8 e94 interesting are you sure you want to do this please enter the confirmatory code to confirm it's very secure right it's super super secure they wanted to make sure that you really did your homework oh wow 14 a e jeez 963 ABC 69d 69 D 785 785 I'm surprised that Keno's quiet through all this I thought for sure he would be like continuing being like stop it don't do this FC e B3 there oh man no oh and look you're deleting all these Lily's World Oliver's World Toby's world so it it's every one he's collected Matty Patty's world oh that's cool so it's all his Collective knowledge oh hello the server Cano was removed successfully cool cool that I canect out of the lens [Music] oh oh jeez we burned it all to the [Music] ground it's not upsetting at all that they're just copying our background it's [Music] fine oh kind of makes you feel bad for the guy he was just a little guy he just wanted to make us games and steal our identities he's just a little guy at the end of the day you know all the all this talk about ban and Tik Tok you should have been Banning canito this whole time a oh this is this is oddly Bittersweet [Music] right oh I'm sorry no no not okay don't accept your apology you're an evil AI stealing everyone I only ever wanted to be your friend don't believe it that's how they get you get in your head oh whoa whoa 11:00 old computer monitor my old computer monitor I guess out in like a post-apocalyptic Wasteland what what's that mean Cano the end just a bunch of ones and zeros playing with our emotions Ash we project Humanity onto them we do just a bunch of ones and zeros beeping and booping don't trust him don't trust him that's so sad though it's so it is it's it's Bittersweet and him being like Oh I just wanted to help you friend I just wanted that's again I said this last time and I stand by that's how the AI wins that's how the computers ultimately win it's like we've learned that the humans like cats and cute things and so we will make ourselves look cute and you know UNC uncanny in that cuteness way and then we will Guilt Trip them into feeling really bad about deleting us or fighting back got to stay strong that's interesting though the that final moment there of the computer with a light bulb and a a broken chair in like a natural setting kind of out in the middle of nowhere what do you think it means that we've just like that Society Cano by deleting Cano we've basically like I don't know we've started a revolution against technology and so we end up deleting all the computers that's why we're out in nature and why it's all decayed and stuff like when when when it shows the burning behind the computer that's basically like we need to destroy all technology cuz we have to revert back we we've opened Pandora's box and the only way to shut it again is to just like start fresh H like Cano was the Catalyst yeah huh could be but who knows Matt maybe in some years in the future it won't be us having these discussions it'll be the character AI Bots that have been designed for us having these discussions yeah who know it could be me right now honestly oh you could be fake I could be fake right now wow this could be deep fake met Pad deep P deep deep deep Pat that's me yeah like that very much I don't like that one but you know what they I didn't care they just decid right I'll I'll rate that response one star yeah yeah and then maybe it'll learn from that yeah yeah but so anyway that is our deep philosophical discussions about Keno pet uh fantastic game uh I has has the developers of Kito pet done anything like is this the one of their first games or have they done other things cuz cuz that was really good I really enjoyed that I thought it was really well done I thought the the ARG elements to it were really good I appreciate you kind of guiding me through it cuz playing through the whole game multiple times to like find all it would have been tough yeah but this was cool um it seems like Keno pet is Troy n's um main or first project at least that's what's appearing on the website here W that's really awesome yeah what what a way to kick it out of the ballpark clap and a half honestly K it out of the ballpark kick it out of the ballpark I don't know so anyway that was Cano pet and now with that one out of the way we could hop into some my other args we oh we should probably finish Shipwrecked too oh there's so many gosh there's so many so many things to do Shipwrecked and welcome home's got an update yeah um we have to finish reacting to fnaf's Theory oh my gosh yeah he solved it he solved it and we got to do that we got to troll Santi tomorrow oh it's so excited as part of his Premiere so many things so anyway before the AI takes control over all of us uh before all social media gets banned whatever it is we are still here on the couch hanging out with you playing games solving puzzles and having fun at least until we're replaced by the AI in which case they'll have that they'll do that for you so thank you guys so much as always for watching and remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see [Music] y
Channel: GTLive
Views: 628,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kinito pet, kinito, kinito pet game, kinito pet gameplay, kinito pet jumpscare, kinito pet ending, meta games, games that use your computer, kinito pet all endings, kinito pet secret ending, kinito pet endings, kinito pet secrets, kinito pet explinaed, kinito ped lore, kinito pet lore, kinito pet theory, kinito pet computer, kinito pet all secrets found, kinito pet webcam, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gt, gt live, matpat kinito pet, gtlive kinito pet, kinitopet
Id: yp_seiw5H3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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