We Need to Talk About Milton (What Remains of Edith Finch Theories)

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hello I'm Kate and I'm here to talk about what remains of Edith Finch in particular one character Milton if you have not played what remains of Edith Finch I recommend doing so or watching my playthrough because there will be spoilers in this video there will also be some spoilers for The Unfinished Swan giant Sparrow's other game so you could watch my playthrough of both of those or you could play it for yourself if you need a refresher what remains of Edith Finch is a game where you play as Edith exploring her old family home and you are exploring the ways that your family members have died and exploring the thought that it might be a curse essentially trying to figure out why you are the last Finch alive at all however there is one other character that is not credited as dead and that is Milton Finch he has missing posters everywhere and he is only listed as missing though he never showed up so that does point to certain unfortunate things for each member of the family you get a little vignette that shows you their story some of it's Fantastical some of it's very grounded in reality but all of it leads to the point of their demise except of course Milton Finch Hayes doesn't give you much information at all and I was actually very confused after I played his segment [Music] whoa it was So Meta film was legit clever that's all we get from him it turns out that his character is actually pointing towards a different game The Unfinished Swan and the creators of what remains of Edith pinch and The Unfinished Swan have confirmed this in The Unfinished Swan you play as a boy named Monroe whose mother just passed away you take possession of her magic paintbrush and you enter a door to a world of paint it's a magical Whimsical experience very wondrous and it turns out in this world is a cane who's Monroe's father and this Keen is also Milton Finch now the creators haven't directly said that what happens with the Keen relates to what happened with Milton Finch in what remains of Edith Finch but I think it's pretty easy to make a connection there and I did I have two theories of what happened and neither of them are completely solid but there is enough evidence for both of them to make you think and I want your opinions Theory one everything we see in The Unfinished Swan is real Milton my catches me on Milton really went through a magical door and discovered a paint world the same world that Moreau entered much later this Theory at first I thought did not seem realistic like did not align with what remains of Edith Finch but then I remembered something Milton is very adventurous you see his drawings in the crawl spaces that he didn't have to go through because all the doors weren't locked until he went missing so he was just adventuring through these crawl spaces for fun that means he is most likely to have found a strangely Magical Door and also his mom did not lock all the doors until he went missing why did she lock all the doors unless she knew there was somewhere in the house that he had disappeared to that they had lost him in the house this has wild repercussions for what remains of Edith Finch because this suggests that magic is real and so the curse might be real every Fantastical element we see might be real that that's a lot to take in and I don't know it doesn't feel like what remains would be a finch but I don't know there's something there Theory number two feels like it aligns a little better with what remains of Edith Finch and this Theory Milton drowned and what we see in The Unfinished Swan is the evidence of that there are a lot of places in The Unfinished Swan that have similarities to locations in what remains of Edith Finch this suggests that what we're seeing is sort of a layout of the same world and when we look at it that way we have to look at where Monroe finds the king witches in the water the location is suspiciously similar to an old house that we see in what remains of Edith Finch and we already know that Milton is an adventurous kid through all his exploration of the crawl spaces so it's not Beyond reason to think that he might want to go explore the old house and in the process drowned even in the unfinished one what we see in place of the old house is a monument of the king and when we get to it that Monument floods it fills with water like it's drowning this would be an unfortunate and tragic conclusion for Milton which does align with everyone else in what remains of Edith Finch but it's also why I like to hold on to Theory one there's a little more optimism in there in the sense that he was able to live fully just in another world well those are my theories what do you think are either of them right did I miss some vital clue that points out another theory completely let me know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to like And subscribe if you like it and subscribe to it I have more games to play and more games to talk about and even more about what remains will be the finch that I want to talk about so please stay tuned and I will see you next time bye
Channel: Cait Sith Plays
Views: 6,303
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Id: axwx8efxuEo
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Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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