KinitoPET HACKED My Computer and Wants To Kill Me!

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[Music] I just cannot wait to get to know you than so how well I start with some questions look at [Music] him hey guys and welcome to GT not live we're today I have one important question for you you ever have a pet do you have a pet Ash I have two of them I know you have two of them so for so for the lore of everyone here what do you got all right so I have I have two cats yes um they are named Charlie and checkov uhhuh and they are my boys yeah does does checkov walk around carrying a gun no but he has the energy of a cat that would I love that idea I I'm excited to see art of checkov the cat completely like no one has any idea what checkov looks like not many people but right but a cat walking around just like you know this is Ash's cat tacking literally did you are those your first pets in your life or did you have pets before that I had pets growing up um but these are the first cats I've had where it's like oh I'm an adult and I can take care of animals yeah so that's that's a big step it's it's a cool feeling yeah taking care of man although I will say and and I guess this is true for anything that you're taking care of in your life but like it also gives you that sense of responsibility and the onus of responsibility where if you want to take a vacation or a trip you got to you got to be figuring out who's dealing with those cats right exactly do you have a strategy do you do you kind of like put them at like you know the local vet or do you have like a little cat hotel for him or do you get loved ones to take care of them yeah so one of my um one of the people that I've known literally since I was a kid he goes over and watches the cats and so they have like they're two mamas and then this like one mildly AR stranged cat father yeah so mildly AR stranged cat father the lore of these cats is fascinating I got to say keeps expanding wow it's it's it's deep it is um meanwhile I also have two pets I have Skip and then I have a six-year-old kid H wait five and a half I was about to say when did Ollie turn six no no like I round it up but yeah it's no close enough um no you know functions largely the same way you got to feed it you got to water it got to take it out to the bathroom every once in a while very talkative uh pet but before that obviously long-term viewers will know that I had Sunny the bunny who was a black and white rabbit um not to be confused with what I said many years ago on the one of the first ever episodes on GT live Mario Maker um anyway long story short the reason I I lead in with all of this is one because I want to gather information about you and your pets down in the comments below not for any sort of Nefarious reason just cuz I'm curious uh but then two is because today we are playing kenito pet kinito pet kenito pet kenito pet it looks like an axel lottle yeah it's very cute which which honestly I did not know a lot about Axel until olly and I stumbled across a video about an axel one day and then we went down the rabbit hole of Axel they are awesome they're like superheroes please tell me more oh my gosh they regener their regenerative properties are like Second To None it's oh buddy they can just like regrow almost anything you throw at them it's crazy but but they're complex creatures unlike you know like a star like people when they like oh starfish can regrow an arm you're like okay yeah that that kind of makes sense but when you're like oh Axel can regrow all this stuff too you're like no way that's awesome um they they have so many fascinating like abilities superpowers they're they're great for scientific research cuz their their genes are just fascinating uh look up axotal 100% so then I guess I'll go and do that but apparently they're uh also involved in um what I'm assuming is some sort of creepy internet game yeah it would seem that way wouldn't it I mean we're playing it yeah bless you do you sneeze into your hand don't shame me I grew up in a simpler time Ash when sneezing into your hand was common I times have changed I mean yes times have changed I mean here's the thing right with sneezing cuz yeah I grew up I grew up where like people weren't as germ conscious right and you just like sneezed in your hand cuz that was the thing that you had or you had that like I mean we had Kleenex obviously but like my grandpa was the generation where you had a handkerchief right and you just sneezed into the the snot rag that just continued to build up germs over the course of your entire lifespan and it's a little biohazard they just kind of keep stuffed in your pocket all the time I will say though sneezing in your sleeve what happens if you have a juicy sneeze suffer suffer it's the right thing to do wow you know have less snot next time maybe maybe you don't touch things as often like maybe you're not touching a bunch of other people's stuff I mean you're less likely to if you have a real thick juicer you know just coming right out of your nose thick see it doesn't come out of my nose see that's the other thing I sneeze purely out of my mouth I so do you not have like snotty sneezes no never it all comes out no it's completely or oral I'm I'm all of nope nope uh yeah no I'm very oral fixated in my sneezing and sniffling and stuff like that yeah cuz like if I'm sneezing because of my narrow nasal passages oh the narrow nasal passages yeah that's why I was always offended when people were be like oh like like in Hey Arnold back in the day it was always like oh he's a mouth breather and that was always a bad thing like hey no shame to the mouth breathers some of us just find it more comfortable some of us are built this way right I I and I am right like I can breathe through my nose but it's not pleasant like it's never like a clear flow of air through my nose it's always through my mouth really I I I much prefer breathing through my mouth yeah I I'm a mouth breather mouth breather lore have you ever considered like because I know there's procedures where they can work on your nose to make it more of like a utility to you as opposed to a liability yeah yeah have you ever considered something like that yeah I gu I don't know I I've I've been breathing fairly well for the last 30 plus years so I feel like I you know it's not high on the priority list yeah especially cuz here's the thing right and and this is a weird consideration but you think about my voice right I like my voice I'm happy with my voice and and people have shown themselves to be happy with my voice as well changing anything up here is going to change the resonance in how this all works right and so that could fundamentally change the way I talk and the way I sound that's interesting but that is true isn't it yeah no 100% so you know it's if if all of a sudden my nasal passages become more clear or whatever you're going to lose a lot of that like Midwestern nasal I guess that I have just packaged in there I don't know that Midwestern nasal which is what everyone wants clearly um but yeah so anyway that's that's sneezing that's pets uhhuh and now we're going to do some horror yeah is it horror is it going to be horror I if you look at this channel I feel like it's a pretty safe bet Say it'll be a little scary I am good at reading between the lines here i' I've been at this Rodeo a couple times so I'm curious what we got so should I just fire up Kito pet yeah all right Kito pet yes this is fine Kito pet starting oh classic uh Playstation era nice PlayStation PlayStation box just gonna sit here is he he's got a surfboard is that a large leaf behind him or a surfboard I'd like to think it's a surfboard right has the right curvature maybe it's a nature themed surfboard oh maybe it's mother H your steam surfboard all right here we go took it a while to launch it's a big game big boy oh here we go oh I are you are you ready yeah I am actually yeah yes yes yes please please let me play the game you got this Matt you would think that I I know you've got this you would think that Ash oh it's here it's right in the middle yeah do you see it right in the middle I I sure do woo oh nice transparency very very dramatic okay oh there's there's tons of lore hidden there the game by you're not even allowed to know it's more it's a it's a UPC you got to scan it to figure out who it's by o operating system Tri Force it's kind of like the theory logo we got all four primary colors represented there three primary colors plus one all the oh it's one of these GT live [Music] PC it knows us Ash sure does it's in the it's in the system oh this is fun this will be fun dude do you actually need my password it is the actual password welcome back I was never here keny toet oh the scaling of this is just not okay this is awesome this is this is not all right uh Power on Welcome to the digital world welcome back this game contains content that might not be suitable for everyone below below is a manual that outlines some of the game all right well I've been at this Rodeo it's all right if you are broadcasting the game it is strongly recommended you read the me I have read the manual I it said it was strongly recommended this is kind of a broadcast it is should I have read the manual I did you read the manual in advance as I've I'm not the one broadcasting it I'm just the one sitting here and doing it I've perused the manual there's a reason this is not live okay okay this game will save automatically throughout the play through you can view the last time the game was saved okay pause the game double tap the pause game application okay good to know oh my gosh can we play mind sweeper that's what I want to do cool oh you got what time is hello welcome to your computer double click double click an application to open it and explore your wonderful virtual world I'm absolutely starting with mind sweeper okay here we go can I make this bigger everything's so small uh let's see one 122 111 there we go what what what what I've I've never played this game I don't know what played mind sweeper no okay okay Ash get ready I'm so prepared okay so all these ones tell you that it is touching one mine right okay so the fact that that would mean that this one is a mine okay see so now all of these touching that one mine they're all taken care of which also means that this can't be a mine because it's only touching one mine right okay this guy's touching two mines so there you go there's your two mines right there okay um let's see this guy's touching two mines and these are touching one so it's going to be a split right there like that oh but he's got a big boy three you know that this one is safe cuz it's touching one mine and you know that this one is also safe cuz it's touching one mine but these are three so one two and now you got to know that one's mine you know this one's mine for sure you know this one's mine for sure uh let's see this is touching two so it has to be this one and this one um let's see you've got let's see if I can get up here presumably there we go that should be fine this should be fine which means that this guy is fine there this is a two so you got two right there which means that this one has to be a mine that one's safe now we got that guys oh no did I mess it up I did that's okay anyway I was rushing through it cuz I'm like I don't know if this makes sense uh for us to linger playing mind sweeper too much do 3D P though oh my gosh this brings back memories yes yes oh buddy can I play it oh it's all click based okay here we go launch my gosh did you play Space Cadet pinball as a kid I did not are you kid you did not grow up with space cadet pinball I didn't oh you are your your history is less enriched as a result I'm so sorry that you did not have this I'm so sorry that you didn't have that I hey man it's okay I had pajama s and putt putt you did but you didn't have space kette okay so for anyone who has ever played like anyone who has never played space good at pinball go and do that you owe it to yourself This is not this is a version of it as in like this is a poor fast simile of it that has clearly been altered to make it copyright neutral um with bad Graphics etc etc but it is it was the default game that came with a bunch of Windows systems back in the day and and holy cow it was great and you could play it forever and ever and ever it was wonderful my was wow we are beast do you see my score right now I it is very impressive yeah we're going to we're going to wrap that up I'm assuming all right we got paint we've got settings we got my computer let's explore shall we let's check out email I feel like email is a good place to find some lore or to show that I have no friends GT 532 at email right nothing all right well I guess I'm all alone all alone in the universe no email my music what am I listening to these days literally nothing yeah this just droing me into my real iTunes but there's nothing I don't use iTunes this is a computer for work purposes Okay Internet oh this one's doing different things I'm suspicious now here we go this is fun this is a great idea oh welcome man if only Google was this friendly right welcome to the inter thank you internet thank you oh welcome to the web search something to start exploring okay type a URL to start searching uh type a URL mad let's see I feel like the fascinating history on mat Pat 13 sure royalty free oh hello whoa the in-depth history on matpat all right matpat 13 has been a major Topic in recent times due to its obvious impact on society hey I've had a major impact on so wait no I want to read more sorry hello oh the stream has been corrupted oh no Kad oh do you want a friend do you want a friend who knows everything about you can manage your company computer provide yeah that sounds great can manage your company that would be great I could use that friend please please manage my company for me fail exception oh man blue thank you for choosing to pet to start your download press the button L will download now awesome take a second and make a friend for life I I learned from you I tell jokes I play games I adapt to you I manage your systems I tell facts we're going to have so much fun together how can I avoid this this sounds like such a win right here Cano pet invites you to The Wonderful World of Fun and excitement Cano pet will be your very own virtual friend they're able to walk talk joke grow ad browse adapt and play games Cano pet is like no other with its adaptive technology the rra the reaction response algorithm ooh taking improved here we go I could download but here let's before I before I just randomly click download let's make sure we're not doing a virus here cuz clearly this is absolutely safe uh Kito is a family is a oh my gosh did we push the TV back it's like this is the biggest ey eye test ever I can push it Forward yeah let's push the TV forward like I feel like I'm like no joke I can't expand it on screen and it's like this small of text that is literally 20 ft away from me I've been trying but it's getting to the point where I'm like hey this is this is getting tough just just pushing over all the wires it's fine it's fine we're all good oh boy oh boy the TV is tilted in an uncomfortable way now uncomfortable you lifted up the thing and it was okay is that is that fine uh here it's slanted it it is so slanted now okay oh man here we go gotcha gotcha boom oh there it is that's a win that is nestled it is nestled it is right snug against it though to be fair oh oh buddy this is so much better I think it's so nestled here but I can read it now which is great it's still real small it's like six point font Kito is a friendly fun-loving companion who can keep your computer Safe Note kenito pet might not keep your computer safe there it is uh his multitude of great features go hand in hand with his uh his upstanding personality upstanding and it's sure to keep you entertained Kito has always been the face of the 1986's kenito crew collection uh and that's why we are obligated to bring our lovable mascot to the digitals delighted obligated is probably true though uh so why wait add Cano pet to your machine today great let's add him file downloading thank you this is a mistake press x no this this Fair let's be friends I can read can you I would like to apparently I'm not allowed to read anymore uh Setup Wizard great by pressing next you agree to the terms 100% this is why you got to you always got to read [Music] it here it is loading hey I got some new mail no I want I want to read my mail no you just can't open it that's fine keep it off to the side here hello friends thank you for installing Keno pet virtual assistant thank you you're welcome Kito we're going to have so much fun together since you have found interest in our free virtual assistant may also like the Cano pet friendship Club Subscription Service oh man could I oh can I pay you on a monthly basis for something that I'm not going to use and promptly forget about yes uh I've been promptly I've been automatically subscribed can I unsubscribe is that a thing that I can do apparently not I can't compose my own emails that's fine here we go finish begin Cano pet run k pet exe there we go finding [Music] him it's throbbing you you you know something's wrong with your computer when it starts throbbing I'm not I'm no PC expert I'm no it guy but I just say when your computer screen starts to throb not great it's time to meet your new best friend po poke hey who's [Music] there oh hello there oh he do be peeking hey bud oh my gosh you are so cute thank you for waking me up oh man you're going to steal all my information I'm pet you're absolutely you can just call me okay and together we are going to become the best of friends you better already so since you now know my name what is your name all I need is can into your name to tell me information simply type your input in the box and press okay mad if Patty that's strange I have never heard of that name before are you sure that this is your real name yes my real name I mean it's it's I thought you said what I want to go by that's what I'm going with oh in that chase nice to meet you yeah no problem cool bud oh look at him surfing on his Leaf both I just cannot wait to get to know you thank you how well I start with some questions look at him go for it so what is your favorite color uh purple I'll give him purple cuz otherwise he'll be like I do not understand that color oh that's a lovely color you're right it is that was not a generic answer at all now this one is tricky so get ready oh buddy I'm ready if you could have any super power what would it be control over time easy wow oh absolutely you simply must have answers to these personality questions I would want to be able to read H foreshadow I could know more about you and become the perfect friend see this is a guy who cares Cano pet now for this one you have lots of choice so choose carefully lots of Cho what is your favorite word ooh uh okay favorite word what's your favorite word Ash Subterranean great word thank you great great word I'm going to go with uh everyone always likes Petra cor oh Petra cor is pretty good is that how you spell it Petra cor uh let me check that's the question I have like I like the word I just don't know if that's the way to spell it cuz I've never actually had to like write it out um it is with an i instead of an a with a pet tree pet tree core there you go look at us learning new things oh my gosh pet Petra toy there you go Petra cor like that yes the smell of the Earth in general but especially after the rain well that sure is a certainly interesting word from that I think I like a little about myself please go for it what's your favorite color budo and I will be your very old super duper computer companion if you're a muffin would and I'll be your Everlasting friend what flavor would your personality represent I can do many things such as play games manag your system adapt to you and even read stories nice speaking of stories I have just finished writing one that I had started earlier great please would you like me to read it oh I would love to be read a story yes please go for it I knew you would say that did you okay where do I start at the very beginning it's a very good place to start sit back and enjoy Cano's story all right New Beginnings this is great this is the easiest live stream we've ever had to do this is wonderful great in the beginning there was home when a package came to the door but who was it from and who was it for it was for Cano as he soon realize so he eagerly ripped it open to see what was inside how do you do it without hands it's a computer explain know with a grin Bri and wide but the cables were Tangled so he started to untie untie the cables I'm sending that back he powered it on and watched it come to life with digital color and Sun the rhyme is kind stud all he could to make the online World a turn however now Kino had all these new tips and yet no friend to share his new tricks the r is killing me Quest and found a friend just like you just like me to show you his skills and all he could do oh good for him so why wait the adventures lie ahead so together we can't play games search the web and leave no story unre yep beautiful snaps snap snaps snaps that was great that was beautiful taking the time to hear my story no problem you want play mind sweeper with me the story was actually about me and you it was about you and me and someone like me I can tell that we are going to have a very very long friendship I'm going to delete you literally me and you are together there are no limits to what we can do so best friend how about we move on to something more exciting sure I have made something very special for you but I just need to load it up okay oh cool that would be awesome if like Windows navigation was also like that that'd be fun back in the old days so you didn't have did you and you didn't have mind sweeper either oh we got we got to get Ash play mind sweeper future web world I'm so down okay the Cano Cru web World button for continue sounds great meet the crew here well it loads they're really cute right I love the design welcome to the web World amazing place where you can play games learn and most importantly me all of my cows sounds great bud in recent times the wet world has fallen into do a bit of a man stage no we're more divided than ever I'm sure we can restore our wonderful world okay I would love to do that for you but before we get ahead of ourselves okay you need to be able to navigate around yeah sure perfect there much better I even made it your favorite color what a thoughtful guy very cool what a thoughtful little guy start my C Sam has had a rough time trying to fix up his house you are going to try help him am I going to manually help him build this house on the abandon house we're going to raise raise some friends for this man here real quick let's see who we got we got Kito the Axel me kenito The Lovable pink Axel who loves to explore the world around him with his big smile that never Fades kenito is always eager to learn and make new friends Cano is always up for an adventure and loves to play games especially ones that involve splashing around in puddles or chasing after bubbles so come join keno and his crew on their next exciting Journey there Sam the sea anemy uh meet Sam the coolest sea anemon in the ocean uh with his laid-back attitude Sam is always up for a good time he loves nothing more than swaying in the gentle currents and soaking up the Suns War Rays so come out come hang out with Sam and let's uh let him show you how to take it easy and enjoy the simple things in life and finally there's Jade the jellyfish not to be confused with stinger Flynn the jellyfish very important distinction to make there meet Jade the green jellyfish who loves science and learning with their Curious nature and love of learning Jade is always experimenting and discovering new things so come join Jade on our next adventure where the thrill of Discovery is never far away all right sounds good can I maximize this I cannot everything is stuck in this very small window cool okay let's go click on the abandoned house I'm assuming this is the abandoned house based on the fact that it has a bunch of webs out front ooh o all right let's get get this game under the way I've got two friends two out of 10 ready repair Sam the CN needs your help to repair his house clean dust paint like old school power wash simulator wowers that sounds like fun it does sign me up even give me a little the start button and we can get right to f games about cleaning stuff endlessly satisfying for me if anyone has any recommendations let me know in the comments cuz I'm always there say hi to Sam hey Sam high five hi there what seems to be the issue today awesome well you see my house has not been kept in the best shape to start could you help me by dusting the place down and giv in a good scrub I love this yeah bud I got you let's do it oh well you heard in while you get on with that I will be here writing my next book ooh oh yeah yeah get [Music] that there we go oh that was a big one that took a lot of clicks to clean up over there oh oh there was some spooky there was a spooky thing oh boy oh buddy okay okay oh yeah clean that floor God I'll give it here another another another scrub oh there we go oh we're scrubbing this floor like nobody's business I'm going to see my reflection in these floorboards right now there it is I like that the sponge gets darker oh yeah takes up more filth oh I mean oh I was done wow amazing it looks as good as news I if I if you can put me back close you can just press next I'm not though there the job is left incomplete don't don't settle for less than your best Sam okay this does not look as good as me it almost [Music] does yeah even though it was a simpler time Ash you know we didn't have all your new fangled VR headsets and things like that but you know what we did have was we had basic attention to detail jeez no just you may do with what you got you know no for sure this looks clean right we feel good about this there's one spot there's one spot you have to get it wait where is it it is um like the right of the Rope right there yeah there you go feel better about that yeah thank you I feel good about this I'm proud maybe there's a spec are we proud of the work we've done here today you got to get the upper right and the lower left Corners a little bit better really yeah yep good and then up there perfect there great nice feel good about this for the next task I would like you to paint my walls sure can you do that for me sign me up got it oh what color oh boy oh boy um we could have it reflect him and be like orange and red we could however right now especially for resale value he's going to want it like a nice like like a nice white gray like a lighter gray otherwise known as gry that is the very popular color in the real estate market right now do you mean Millennial gray uh it's called gr oh my god oh there it is and this is basically it a little heavy might have been might have been a little bit better if it was a bit more on the light side this a bit dark but yeah it gray technically is what you're going for I can we get at least like an accent what you mean just just a little bit of a he can always repaint it when he's about to move out right like he didn't here can I here I want to get there we go oh buddy look [Music] that nice okay yeah you want it to have an accent yeah just a little bit of fun no what what do you mean do you want your house to be you know functional and responsible for visitors or do you want it to be fun fun my visitors should understand and respect ERS don't understand no I houses can be fun they should be places that you enjoy living and you can look around and be happy about the walls are a neutral palette upon which you you would decorate with artwork and hanging but imagine imagine if you have a nice fun green right and maybe like a little white accent somewhere and then you decorate around those and make it Harmon that's why you have one wall in the house as in each room as the accent wall and everything else is a neutral you don't act accent the neutral wall my God you have an accent wall coupled by neutral trust me I've been on this journey I have made these mistakes let me pass on this knowledge to you and to you cuz up in man yeah yeah I'm still here bud okay I'm here bud cuz cuz back when we were in California we had the one house and we got like a bright orange wall and we're like yeah look at that bright orange and it was too much and so we had to we had to dial it back to like a nice neutral like teal but that was the accent while in the of it has to be neutral otherwise your room becomes overwhelming which is what you had a lot of in the 9s that's why how you wound up with like a lot of yellow and pink rooms that people hated and so you need the neutrals with the one accent I'm saying you could I'm saying you could have one accent while in the room but the rest of the room has to be neutral magic like this this is you're mixing it up too much at Le this is just crazy I well that's not an accent that is Stripes what do you do you want just to be bright just like see yeah that's slaps actually that's a fantastic color here's the thing I will say that this is a nice muted teal it's not an excessive teal but the rest of the room is going to have to be neutral I'm just saying I'm looking out for Sam's resale value okay oh my God he can just repaint it later you say that super see look you have done a great job there's all sorts of more clues that are decorate the place a little okay we're going to decorate this place what do we got ooh okay we need clock we need to know what time it is very important responsible chair oh and doesn't that look so great against the teal see I don't I actually they do kind of go they they do go well together uh what else we got I don't know I don't know yeah let's lose that it's cheapening the overall look there you go at this there and then a nice responsible neutral plant on it there you go little rug underneath everything here here the the T the rug does not go the table goes on top of the rug there we go there this is such a mess such a me my interior design is falling apart here Ash that's not the Wall's fault though oh my gosh that's an interface problem I'm just saying uh let's actually do that we're going to add texture to the room see this we we did a fun episode okay yeah oh what's this oh oh oh your bound and gagged taped dead body really compliments the teal I feel like the red of his blood is in nice contrast to the teal of the accent wall they help each other pop they do see we are getting a lot of uh conflicting primary colors though so we don't want to add any more to that certainly I don't think teal is primary I'm looping it into the blue c oh hey bud thank you for helping out Sam he's an angry you can print out your or just press next to continue I don't need to print this I feel I feel good wasn't that so much fun it was I had a great time thanks for helping out S no problem just look how clean that house is now it is you might want to clean the the floor stains though after doing all that work to clean the floors all of a sudden the floor got all sted again think I should introduce you to my other friend for that one you're going to need like go to the purple house okay purple house got him Right cleaning up blood stains luckily it's on a hardwood floor it's going to make it easier to remove but you're going to want to make sure that you're using a plenty of bleach to break down any organic matter kept in that blood are you excited yet always friendly J the jellyfish Jade the jellyfish needs your help to fix our toys gra parts of the conveyor belt to put the pieces back together okay we'll do this is going to be super fun let's get this game started should I be concerned about the fact that she has a factory inside her personal home is this is this zoned for the right usage of re real estate introduce yourself hello my name is jve the jellyfish it's nice to meet you nice to meet you what do you have for us today I need your help to build some toys in my toy factory to do this you need to grab parts of the conveyor belt and match it to the outline all right got it to start could you help me by making a car that sounds like fun as you do that I am going to be getting some much needed rest oh man you and me both bud so that's not quite right are you sure try again okay hold up hold up there you go there we go so I will oh hello okay this is hubc can the hubcap work there bicycle so like I was saying earlier I am a little bit concerned about the stat status of this whole thing because at the end of the day real estate is zoned for either commercial use or residential use it looks like she is living in a in a residential place it is her house it is labeled as her house and yet there are conveyor belts producing product here that could yield some pretty strong fines from the government just saying this business could be shut down wow that's amazing next could you make me a bicycle can but again I'm I'm going to recuse myself of any implications here I'm helping as a friend not as a legal employee of this establishment just saying oop that's not quite right try again we got a little beaten heart there got a we can build a robot o That's not quite right try again sorry I was distracted by your Beating Heart it's fine how many people have died in this game that's my question here we go here you go oh we got a wire got some more stuff oh boots I'm excited for round two where we build build that okay we got this guy some pedals and we any handlebars is this a handlebar super there you go for this next one could you build a teddy bear do my best gotcha this is one of those games that makes me feel like I'm not thank you please I'd like to grab the head let me grab the head yeah there it is this is one of those games where I feel like if I lose the games a bunch of times I feel like it's going to give me a new answer right it's going to yield some different result uh in true are these the feet I guess these are the feet okay like that doesn't quite match the outline just saying there you go Bud all right you've done a great job I have this one is myself so can you build me a robot I can and oh I got new mail hold up I'm I'm I'm I'm working at the factory right now I can't help you I'll I'll check the email in a second I've got to actually work on the on the goods and not just take my time responding to process driven emails congratulations you have completed all of my tasks thanks for helping me out you are so welcome thank you for helping out problem you did a really good job to continue just press next can I print maybe I wanted to print out this one I was really proud of my work in the factory today did I get didn't I get another message did it get deleted did it get deleted right where'd it go huh oh this is just my computer great cool stop clicking on things that are revealing personal information Matt don't do that next all right Keno what you got next you awesome you have really helped my friends out here I'll tell you what as a triat for helping me and my friends out I'll give you a fun game thank you appreciate that me me in the treehouse to get started with my fun game I am suspicious of this fun game it sounds like you're trying to oversell this the slow Fade Out Of The Music also fairly [Music] ominous oh hide and seek Jito wants to play fun game with you you must hide awesome awesome legitimately very cool okay it's 11 o'clock is that actually what time it is no no but not far off not far off right well that's why I was curious I'm like it's close oh something is seeking you yeah all the time there's like 50 emails seeking me right now don't get caught yeah they've got my it's I'll ignore it as best I can but if I don't get caught things don't happen oh hello ooh ooh hello oh man there's so much lore happening on the on these like flash ramp this is wow oh wow oh I love this graphically this is crazy oh and it's so smooth spoiler alert I will get caught this is just this is just an inevitability i know this about myself oh man this is all in the treehouse canito you've I love what you've done with the place like really you you've you've done some amazing work here hello well let's go up this very obvious like alter area oh oh oh I oh I don't like that that I'm going to hide behind here I can't really hide can I that's the problem with this I oh oh boy I don't like all these sounds that are happening oh nope apparently can't go up steps that is unfortunate oh this is legitimately scary the sound effects are terrifying this is legitimately very frightening [Music] can I run move move oh the crescendo don't love it oh boy oh boy I think I lost the cycle repeats oh founded by the Cano Brothers in the early '70s the Cano Leisure and entertainment company has been grounded in its manufacturing of lovable characters from it start in plush collectibl to its technological advancements in the Cano companion the Cano company Prides itself on Innovation and now that's why today we are excited to announce the next move into the modern era with Cano oh like old school this is like ptop assistance so join familyday unlock the power of Kino visit our website or call now to bring the future right into your home Cano Leisure and entertainment company innovating for a better tomorrow this is also giving me a lot of Shipwrecked Vibes which is fun oh wow cool oh creepy well done well done awesome wait a that was great I'm waiting for you are you that's sweet of you come back to me re re re re open the game okay we do well when you put it that way might as well right awesome yeah oh hello hello my tamachi friend oh the light is responding to my mouse that's cool huh awesome very cool yeah it seems like we've entered the era of like oh things being in our computers and attacking us or like games being infected like this is this is the era of like Creepy Pasta the game yeah privacy yeah the scariest thing is your lack of privacy here we go what's my password this took longer than expected didn't know I I I jumped in as soon as I could honestly [Music] Kito the fact that it brought you back to your normal desktop but still it was a fake overlay really well done really really well done all right what do we got okay this is sent behind the Cano companion hello oh oh hey can I zoom in yes I can in the bustling world of technology and Innovation the Cano companion has captured the hearts of millions giving rise to a new era of interactive toys today we have the incredible opportunity to delve into the mind of Sunny Chamberlain the brilliant lead programmer and developer behind the lifelike wonder that is the canito companion when asked about his inspiration for the project Sunny explained I ripped it off of tamagachi that's all and then it became a neopet I've always been fascinated by the idea of bringing characters to life in a way that feels authentic and responsive oh man are we using dead children uh it's like having a True Companion that reacts to your interactions the challenge was to create a system that could simulate intelligence without actually being intelligent that's when Sunny introduced us to the Revolutionary rra system the react respond algorithm this techn ology represents a remarkable leap in the realm of interactive toys and gadgets Sunny elaborated the react respond algorithm is a series of complex patterns and training data that allows Kito companion to respond to users interactions with various emotions and actions we observed countless human- to human interactions and developed an extensive database database of appropriate responses the algorithm analyzes input from the users identifies patterns and matches them to pre predefined reactions the key Sunny continued was to give the illusion of genuine intelligence without actually having a self- Weare entity within the device this was crucial to ensure a delightful experience for users while maintaining the Simplicity and charm of commito companions all right we can't wait to see what other groundbreaking wonders they have in store for us future things uh let's see they wanted some that people could genuinely interact with so future Innovations is going to be working it into the toys attention was done to the plush to bring it to bring it to life oh it's got premium Fabrics awesome stay tuned for behind the scenes stuff and then did you know when the first month of its release Cano companion achieved a remarkable Milestone a million units well done that's very impressive okay for more information see page 28 sounds good thanks for that guys Cano what you up to Bud can I play that game again it was pretty awesome Graphics were fantastic hey bud it seems that our last session was cut prematurely but don't worry and I'm working better than ever now okay not that I wasn't working before anyways what activ we do now is that your thought bubble looks like you got a rock uh yes that's it one of my core features is my adaptability okay what we going the truth be told I don't know you that well so wa you know my favorite word and my color youis oh great personality ask you questions in six different categories so I can better adapt myself to you cool map Pat Trivial Pursuit let's do it press the start button whenever you're ready I am I'm here I'm living for this analyze me bud let's start with some easy ones to get them wall rolling yes okay question one is everything going smoothly for you today h it's been a bit of a rough start to the morning uh a little a little bit of awkward cameras weren't in the place you know Ash was like hey who messed with all my stuff it was rough it was rough but you know what on the whole I'd say I'm doing okay we're getting through remember you can always count on me to make everything run as smooth as possible okay next question I'm ready would you say you have enjoyed using canito pet oh absolutely yes easy I mean there's there's no question yes that's straight to here just just being able to question this with you making your experience even better I do wish his legs would fly over his head though like the momentum I wish it would car who is your best friend oh it's it's St stepan n stepan you Stan perhaps you didn't hear my question is it Cano pet Gard band b seven best I love that it turned up the volume that's cool Stephanie still I heard it right the first time am I supposed to say you Cano pet can I say something else I can here I'm going to say Cano is he a bud that Str there it is friend forever and always g a band band though that that trailer oh yeah I top tier yeah is it good top tier do you have of time no do I have lots of free time no okay that's a shame as your best friend I'll make sure to change that oh yeah yeah great please wink okay sorry Ash going to kill you all apparently what is your favorite game favorite game I mean I feel like our computer just showed us what I mean with the the trailer that we were just watching Garden of band band chapter 7 yeah let's let's put that g Garden of band ban seven chapter seven easy amazing that game sounds super fun yeah we'll find out and that the first section of your best analysis question I want him to learn from G of b b that'd be great Kito pet suddenly becomes like thick and veiny are you feeling euphoric right now some pictures okay you going to do some pictures let's see what you got for us Bud oh there we go paint okay here we go okie dokie this this is like a um paint me a picture that represents happiness happiness um this reminds me of what was it overcooked no want to explore your so feel free to use all the different colors as lift itow happiness when you feel like you are done oh my gosh what are you drawing what I think you're drawing I think I I think oh I think I am what would it be it would be like Diet Coke you could make the brush smaller if that helps you I could but that's too much effort okay that's that's too that's a level of sophistication with using this product that I'm not I'm not there like yeah I grew up in an era of paint but I did not use paint at all um let's see what what color properly represents the the caramel goodness that is Diet Coke it's got to be this right there got a little couple ice cubes in there ice cube Ice Cube like that oh buddy they don't have the Paint Bucket so I'm just going to fill it in like this oh like that it's leaking out the side a little bit there it's it's F we got some uh some bub bubbles popping up little little carbonation there looks like there it is canito I got it it's perfect do you like it what do you think oh oh no oh oh oh I've ruined it the bubbles are exploding out of the can there we go okay I did it ah I suppose you don't like that painting rest assured that you can always try again I I was actually happy with it honestly thought it was I thought it was perfect well poop here we'll try again it'll be great we'll make it a little bit faster this time though boop boop boop boop look at this even better oh I added I add some waves to it this time as a oh nice freshly poured nice freshly poured right there nice we're going to add in our little Boop here I'll do it even thinner for ash let's go it's going to end up worse I still can't keep it in the uh i e and I I did cursive this time though to just make it a little bit more exciting D boop boop spray the most structured thing ever okay and then Cube this Cube got him Cano pet I'm done what can I can I give it to you now how do I give it to you I think hit the Finish button take it oh hit the Finish button over here in a different window I'm not really sure how the color R expresses happiness but sure I the red is is complimentary it gets you excited and thirsty to drink the coke okay for this next one I want should have do the opposite okay so test two paint me a picture that represents sadness easy every time got it there are tools that could help you that are listed on the side there are click them to see what they do I don't care I don't need tools trust me email done full stop it's all I needed here I'll fill it in with yellow cuz their email logo is yellow but there it is right there what represents sadness looking at my inbox and being like wo look at all 200 unread emails right now perfect got him that was easy T is an interesting choice for representing s it seems more yellow but agree to disagree okay hey moving on test threee yeah what you got paint me a picture of your best friend oh well as we all know this should be a super easy one it should be here we go oh Bud yeah I didn't like that here I it didn't properly capture him it's a little bit too bright pink for you but we're going to go with it little Axel lottle doodads right there there's that there's that there's that we're going to give you a little okay could have he's got heavy eyeliner on today yes it's a strong eyeliner day for Cano say that okay there he recently discovered fallout boy he's feeling a lot of emotions right now oh yeah thanks for the Memories Kito pet Thanks for the Memories super that looks just like me you really nailed my head pretty impressive I should I didn't I didn't add his legs I should have added his legs it's true this one might be a little tricky task four what do we got paint me a picture that represents you ooh how do you how do you capture something so nuanced so detailed in in one image what is an image Ash that represents me to you I mean a physical depiction of you yeah um like if you were to be like whoa that is that is Matthew I mean okay so we have we'll draw your head and the nose is really thin and you're having a little bit of a hard time breathing through it wow look I'm tying it back this is the button mouth breather this is the button pulling me back to yeah is that all I am to you mouth breather I look that is just the first thing I said it doesn't mean it's the only thing wow okay so we have you and you have a smile on your face cuz you're just so cool and you're spreading positivity wow boom yeah boom um I think you're wearing you could draw that purple jacket but I mean red is always the way to go sure sure maybe you have a can of Diet Coke mhm mhm and you're just ready to go yeah yeah yep that's what I think paint a picture that represents you here it goes [Laughter] represents me today it does yeah I'm adding more cive every time there you go up vertical cursive D Coke but wait you thought that this was the joke right but hold on [Music] this is where it all comes [Music] together whoo it's empty he drank it an empty can of [Laughter] D that that represents me at least today that's very abstract I like it that looks really interesting I'll make a note of this drawing for future reference sounds good I look forward to seeing it show up a half hour later into the bringing us closer to together all right for your last painting test yes could you paint me a picture of the person standing behind you's no one no one no one back there if you rotate I was going to say you're like right I was going to say Ash is behind me right now yeah oh is he going to draw you oh it's drawing someone R see this is someone who understands how to use paint well actually clearly not are you wait wait oh wait wait oh my my oh hold up are you there expand the canvas expand the canvas why have you not expanded the canvas man oh why are you writing without no this is oh this sucks oh this is the most stressful thing this would be so much more threatening if I knew what you were [Music] writing why didn't you expand the canvas [Music] man oh de that's not right I am super sorry about all that it's all right know to happen oh well I think it's best if we just leave these painting tasks for now okay it was fun though had a good time oh just pulling it away no I want them okay for this next section I want to build an imaginary world cool not just for you I really want to know what your ideal conditions would be okay before we talk about that though Cano I feel like this might be a good stopping point according according to the clock up here we've been going for about an hour I'd say yep hour whatever and so how how much not not like I'm suspending my disbelief or like breaking the fourth wall or anything here but like assuming that this is a game experience that has like a beginning middle and end how far into that game experience might we be Ash I'd say we're in the middle of the middle the middle of the middle yes then that sounds like a pretty good place to break huh yeah this is like 50% another one next time oh yeah cool all right so uh Keno my friend I'm going to leave you here I guess we'll uh be left on a cliffhanger about where I would like to live so if you want to find out details about that well that's going to be happening next time um and this is great I really like what this is headed and I can already see you know them using the overlay of the computer screen that like metan attached to it in very effective ways so I am very hopeful and excited about how it's going to break the fourth wall moving into the back half of this but this has been super fun uh Kito thank you for giving me a great game and thank you guys for joining me on that great game and I look forward to finishing up this one with you in the next one so without any further Ado my friends remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see you [Music] a
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,055,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kinito pet, kinito, kinito pet game, kinito pet gameplay, kinito pet jumpscare, kinito pet ending, meta games, games that use your computer, kinito pet all endings, kinito pet secret ending, kinito pet endings, kinito pet secrets, kinito pet explinaed, kinito ped lore, kinito pet lore, kinito pet theory, kinito pet computer, kinito pet all secrets found, kinito pet webcam, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gt, gt live, matpat kinito pet, gtlive kinito pet
Id: UjuiZfay8sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 10sec (4030 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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