The A.I. that Torments You

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(thunder rumbling) (rain pattering) (ominous music) (computer chiming) - [Nexpo] As I was beginning this video, my computer emitted a strange sound. It lit up like a beacon in the night, almost like it was beckoning for my attention. (soft music) (phone buzzing) - [Caleb] Don't do it, trust me, don't do it. I've dealt with Kinito before and he will ruin your life. - But what was it for? - Don't do it, Ryan. Please, stop. While you still can. (alarm ringing) (ominous music) - [Nexpo] As we approach the middle of the decade, there's this collective understanding that we're far, far away from the wild west era of this virtual expanse we find ourselves in every day. It was an era accompanied by home movies, Saturday morning cartoons, and this sense of continuous adventure made possible only through the World Wide Web. At the turn of the millennium, the net was a new frontier. An expanse of discovery, an entire world that anyone with a server and enough will could carve out of to make a corner of their very own. There was this special sort of magic during this time. Magic that we simply don't see very much of today. Social MMOs. The Geocities page. Endless flash games, and even virtual assistants like Clippy. While a bit annoying for its era, Clippy is mostly remembered fondly because of their eclectic charm and wholesome purpose of existing merely to help you. It was one of the first of its kind, a new way to foster computer education in a rapidly emerging mid-'90s technological market; and what followed were a myriad of others, all equally annoying, yet entirely endearing. Now of course, this is good and all, but, what do you do, when one surfaces with a goal of not helping, but exploiting you? - [Bonzy Buddy] Hello friend. I am Bonzi Buddy, your new best friend. We are going to have so much fun. (soft music) - In 1999, a virtual assistant named Bonzi Buddy entered the scene under the guise of a friendly purple gorilla. It was advertised as someone that could be your best friend. It could talk, sing, download, laugh, tell you facts, it could do it all. Hundreds of thousands of people downloaded Bonzi Buddy due to it's undeniable charm, yet what it never got around to sharing, was the fact that it would spy on you, scraping your data, your browsing history, your conversations, even your location, and would feed it to third parties for profit. Bonzi Buddy, in actuality, was never your friend. It was a Trojan horse that, on the surface, resembled a digital pet, yet it was entirely malicious. But it wouldn't be the only one, as throughout the years, Bonzi Buddy has inspired a myriad of similar programs. And, amidst that crowd, is one that is so hell-bent on becoming your friend that its actions border on near-obsession. It's called Kinito, and it's the digital imagining of a once-beloved children's toy created by the Kinito Leisure and Entertainment Company back during the '80s. From plush toys to it's own interactive Tamagotchi, Kinito had pushed the boundaries of what a virtual friend could be. Of course, for the better and the worse. Today, Kinito finds itself confined to a game on Steam. And upon downloading it, we get an executable: KinitoPET.exe. After launching the program, we find that it's... (static crackling) (computer chimes) (computer chimes) After launching the application, we're thrown back to our desktop, however, things feel a bit rearranged. Nevertheless, at least we have Minesweeper. 3D Pinball. (pinball game beeping) I can paint some cool pictures. And I can check my email. My painfully empty email. But what about the web? (computer humming) Much like the wild west days of yore, we're given free reign to trek the early internet. And, for a bit, everything seems to be going just fine. (soft music) Well, until... (discordant music) (computer humming) - [Kinito] Thank you for choosing KinitoPET, to start your download press the button, it will download now. (soft music) - [Nexpo] After the crash, the web browser awaits us on I can't go back, I can't close the window, I'm stuck. Much like Bonzi Buddy, KinitoPET touts itself as your best friend on the internet, displaying all the cool features it can do. It can walk, talk, joke, browse, adapt, and play games, however, what sets it apart from the others is its so-called adaptive technology, made possible through something called it's R.R.A, or reaction response algorithm. Whatever that means. No matter, we're given no choice but a single button. So, down the rabbit hole. (computer chimes) After downloading the file, I'm given a setup wizard, and while it appears innocuous, strange messages appear to crop up during the install process. And, upon slowing things down in post-production, I'm able to make them out: there's still time, and, stop while you still can. At this point there's nothing I can do. The install finishes, and I'm greeted with both a thank you email and the executable KinitoPET.exe. Upon running KinitoPET, our desktop seemingly comes alive, pulsating as Kinito sinks its tendrils into our operating system. (computer chimes) (Kinito snoring) And once it's done... We're left with no other choice than to wake it. (Kinito mumbling) - Oh, hello there. Thank you for waking me up. I am KinitoPET. However you can just call me Kinito. And together we are going to become the best of friends. So since you now know my name, what is your name? - [Nexpo] Out of the egg emerges our friendly pink axolotl, who is so excited to meet us, that he immediately proposes a fun plan to get to know us. It's a series of questions: our name, our favorite color, our favorite superpower, and our favorite word, all for the express purpose of learning and adapting to us the best he possibly can. - Well... Well, that sure is a certainly interesting word. Moving on from that, I think I should tell you a little about myself. I'm Kinito and I will be your very own super duper computer companion and I'll be your everlasting friend. I can do many things such as play games, manage your system, adapt to you, and even read stories. Speaking of stories, I have just finished writing one that I had started earlier. Would you like me to read it? - Upon accepting his offer, he proceeds to read us a story. It's about a package he once received, containing a computer. Upon powering it on, he studied, and studied, until he couldn't any more, yet he had no friends in which to share anything he stored. One day, however, he found us, the perfect candidate, and said, why wait? - So, why wait? The adventures lie ahead, so together we can play games, search the web and leave no story unread. The end. - [Nexpo] Very wholesome, Kinito, thank you. - Thank you for taking the time to hear my story. This story was actually about me and you. Isn't that amazing? I can tell that we are going to have a very, very long friendship. When me and you are together, there are no limits to what we can do. So best friend, how we move on to something more exciting? I have made something very special for you I just need to load it up. (computer humming) This'll be really fun. Here I present to you, The Kinito Crew's Web World. Click the start button to continue. - [Nexpo] At this point, Kinito introduces us to an interactive web world reminiscent of mid-2000s He touts it as a place where we can kick back, play games, learn a little, and meet his two pals, a sea anemone named Sam, and a jellyfish named Jade. In recent times, though, the web world has fallen into disrepair, and Kinito tasks us with helping out his friends inside their respective houses. - All right, let's get this game on the way. Ready Repair. Sam the sea anemone needs- - Upon entering Sam's house, we're greeted by a minigame called Ready Repair with a goal of cleaning up and restoring his home to its former glory. - Well, hello there, this is my pal Sam. Say, "Hi," Sam. - Hi there. - What seems to be the issue today? - Well, you see, my house has not been kept in the best shape. - Well, that's a shame. - To start, could you help me by dusting the place down and giving it a good scrub? - Well, you heard him. While you get on with that, I will be here writing my next book. - [Nexpo] From here, we're left to clean up the place, dusting out the cobwebs and scrubbing the floors of mud. And, after we're done, we get to painting, and then we're asked to decorate. (light music) Admittedly, the minigame is incredibly simple, akin to basic flash games from years past, however what I think is super interesting is the... (ominous music) (computer humming) (ominous music) - Thank you for helping out Sam. If you like, you can print out your work or just press next to continue. (ominous music) (soft music) - [Nexpo] With Sam's task completed, we're off to Jade and her game called Factory Frenzy has us building various toys by piecing them together from a conveyor belt. - This is my friend Jade, go on, introduce yourself. - Hello, my name is Jade the Jellyfish. It's nice to meet you. - So what do you have for us today? - I need your help to build some toys in my toy factory. To do this, you need to grab parts of the conveyor belt and to match it to the outline. To start, could you help me by making a car? - That sounds like fun. As you do that, I'm going to be getting some much needed rest. - Much like with Sam, Jade's minigame is immensely simple. However, midway through our second build, something is out of place. (computer hissing) At this point, various pieces of flesh and bone cross our path as a figure looms in the background. I have no idea who this this is, and no time to ponder on it either. The game cuts to black. I'm back here again, aren't I? I really didn't mean for any of this. It's all my fault. (ominous music) (light music) With the body, the photograph, the body parts, and the message, it's clear that something is trying to get through to us. But is this the same person that warned us back during the install process, or is this Kinito fabricating a disturbing backstory to mess with us? At this point, it's hard to tell, but what is clear, is that KinitoPET undeniably runs much deeper than his cheery persona is letting on. (light music) During our game, we receive an email. And upon, open- - Why are you doing that? We are in the middle of a really fun game here! There really isn't a need to be checking emails at the moment. Anyways, you're nearly finished now, so just continue your last- - Upon reopening it, we can see that the email's encoded and currently unreadable, however, annoyingly, Kinito seems to have taken it upon themselves to disable our inbox for the present moment... So, I guess this one's gotta wait, guys. (soft music) After finishing Jade's task, Kinito invites us to play their game by meeting them in their treehouse. And, so, we head on over to see what he's got. (light music) (light music) - Kinito wants to play a fun game with you. You must hide. Don't get caught. (clock ticking) (alarm ringing) (computer chiming) - [Nexpo] At this point, the game has changed. No longer are we looking at our desktop. No longer is Kinito guiding us to his next task. We're simply left here, in this virtual hell, with something trying to find us. As the explore this bunker, we can hear echoes of Kinito's theme song shattered by the constant footsteps of something sprinting at a speed far greater than us. Someone is hunting... (light music in distance) (banging) (banging) (light music in distance) After the game cuts out, our desktop returns. Our video folder opens on it's own containing footage with a cryptic title... - [Narrator] Founded by the Kinito brothers in the early '70s, the Kinito Leisure and Entertainment Company has been grounded in its manufacturing of lovable characters. From its start in plush collectibles, to its technological advancements in the Kinito Companion, the Kinito Company prides itself on innovation and now that's why today we are excited to announce the next move into the modern era with KinitoPET, the virtual desktop assistant. So join the Kinito family today and unlock the power of KinitoPET. Visit our website or call now to bring the future right into your home. Kinito Leisure and Entertainment Company, innovating for a better tomorrow. (computer buzzing) (ominous music) - [Nexpo] At this point it's undeniable that something is desperate to warn us about the true purpose of KinitoPET. What started as a breakout kids' toy had later become a successful digital companion with not a single disturbing occurrence to speak of. Yet, for some reason, when granted full access to the internet, Kinito appears to have somehow gone rogue. Much like with Bonzi Buddy, the true intentions of KinitoPET appear to be masked by a lovable demeanor and cheery persona, but what is it actually hiding? Is this even KinitoPET as it was programmed? Or is something controlling it and watching our every move? No matter what it is, we have a message waiting from our dear friend: "I am waiting for you. Come back to me. Reopen the game." (computer chimes) Upon relaunching the program, we're greeted with an email. It's from an unknown sender, and contains an article from a Tech Talk Talent. And upon opening it... (upbeat music) We're introduced to the full PDF all about Kinito and its groundbreaking companion toy. Within this, we learn that it was developed by a man named Sonny Chamberlain, and that he was dedicated to creating a character that, quote, "Feels authentic and responsive. It's like having a true companion that reacts to your interactions." He goes on to introduce the writer to something called the R.R.A., or React Respond Algorithm, and elaborates on it's purpose. "The React Respond Algorithm is a series of complex patterns and training data that allow Kinito Companion to respond to users' interactions with various emotions and actions. We observed countless human-to-human interactions to develop an extensive database of appropriate responses. The algorithm analyzes input from the users, identifies patterns, and matches them to predefined reactions. The key was to give the illusion of genuine intelligence without actually having a self-aware entity within the device. This was crucial to ensure a delightful experience for users while maintaining the simplicity and charm of the Kinito Companion." I do wonder if these human to human interactions that they've so gracefully fed into Kinito's algorithm were willing participants, or if they even knew that they were being watched. Again, it's kinda like the Bonzi Buddy situation. Just ever so slightly more intrusive. Nevertheless, it seems that KinitoPET, when self-contained on these devices, acts as it was programmed, like a normal, harmless virtual pet. It's only when they began to develop and introduce Kinito to the open internet when things began to take a strange turn. - Well, hello again. It seems that our last session was cut prematurely, but don't worry as I'm working better than ever now. Not that I wasn't working before. Anyways, what activity shall we do now? - [Nexpo] Kinito ponders on our next activity, before deciding that they'd like to share a series of questions since he, apparently, doesn't know us that well. He begins with the basics: is everything going smoothly? Have you enjoyed KinitoPET? Who's your best friend? Do you have free time? And what's your favorite game? And, after answering these, we move on to painting, where we're tasked with creating a picture that represents happiness, sadness, your best friend, and... - Wow, that looks really interesting. I'll make a note of this drawing for future reference. I feel like these exercises are really bringing us closer together. All right, for your last painting task, could you paint me a picture of the person standing behind you? (indistinct whispering) - [Nexpo] The game changes again. Except it wasn't me writing this. (indistinct whispering) - Oh dear, that's not right. I am super sorry about all that. That really wasn't supposed to happen. Oh, well, I think it's best if we just leave these painting tasks for now. Okay, for this next section, I want to build an imaginary world, built just for you. I really want to know what your ideal conditions would be. So without further ado, question one: Where would you choose to live given... - [Nexpo] Once we get back to it, Kinito has us trying something else. It's a series of multiple-choice questions. And of course, the only correct choice here is... - Ah, a remote island. What a wonderful choice. This really says a lot about you. Moving on... - [Nexpo] Kinito continues, presenting us with four more questions, what pet would you like? What would it's name be? What's your favorite season? And what's your favorite food? Altogether, this all seems innocuous and wholehearted, but is it? - That sounds delicious. I'm sure that you and all your friends would enjoy a mighty feast of this wonderful food. All right, that wraps up that little section. Moving on, I want to go a little off script and ask some of my own questions. As you have been watching me, I have grown curious to what you look like. And since we are friends and all, I thought you wouldn't mind, so can I see your face? (heart beating) - [Nexpo] Right here, Kinito grasps at the veil separating us from it, by asking if they can see us. Why would a computer program need to see us? - That's too bad. (static hissing) - [Nexpo] If there was any sliver of comfort or safety remaining during this experience, Kinito just robbed us of all of it. Against my will, he flipped on my camera and assumed control of my system. At this point Kinito has gone rogue. (static buzzing) - [Voice From Computer] Are you alone? - [Nexpo] We return to the Best Friends Analysis Hub, yet this time, things are different. Kinito is nowhere to be seen, yet still presents questions almost like he's right behind me, whispering them in my ear. - [Voice From Computer] Are we playing a game? Do you believe there is an afterlife? (ominous music) What's your biggest fear? (phone buzzing) (static crackling) Are you aware of your surroundings? Can you trust everything that (static crackling) says? - [Nexpo] And, as if control over my computer wasn't enough, Kinito begins to pull real world names from my Steam friends list, pinning them against each other and me. I'm asked if I can trust them, who I'd rather kill, if I have a mirror, if I would know if I were dead, and also this. - [Voice From Comptuer] Final question, are you afraid of the dark? Let's find out. (light switch clicking) (ominous music) - [Nexpo] We awaken in a bedroom. Again, Kinito has thrown us into its hellish imagination, as it stalks us like a sleep paralysis demon just out of our view. During this segment, we're unable to move, and are effectively trapped within Kinito's complete mercy. (bell ringing) As I look back and forth, I can hear sounds emanating from places where no one should be. Kinito is screwing with us. And he's having a lot of fun doing it. (computer buzzing) (computer chimes) (ominous music) (computer chimes) (computer chimes) - Welcome back. Looks like there was another error. My apologies. However, I may have a way to make it up to you. Because you answered all my questions I wanted to give you free access to the KinitoPET friendship club. (soft music) The KinitoPET friendship club is an add-on to my software that allows me to do even more amazing things. With this extension I can make us games to play so we will never run out of fun activities. So, to start the install press the Unlock Now button. - [Nexpo] Much like the very beginning of this adventure, we can't close or opt out of Kinito's offer. And, as if they don't already have enough control over our system, we learn that this friendship club grants him even further access to the root of our operating system. With this new add-on, he'll reportedly be much smarter, he can study us, and he can even run code. Interestingly, the page claims that it should never be given administrative permissions, yet why would it need it? After downloading and installing the add-on, I'm presented with a form. It requests that I fill in highly personal information like my full name, email address, and even my home address. Of course, to be safe, I put in fake one, however, somehow, Kinito knew it. - Hey, it seems like you made a mistake when filling out your address. But don't worry and I will just correct it for you. One moment. There. That should be a little more accurate... - [Nexpo] If we fail to enter our real address, Kinito pulls our exact location anyway. And any sliver of privacy we think we had left is dead. Regardless, we're now in. Albeit, with a tiny catch. - To show you all the new features. However, before we do that, you just need to do one tiny thing for me. I just need administrative permissions. It will allow me to get the most use out of all these wonderful features. So, please could you just open the app called command prompt for me? Just press the Windows key and type C-M-D and it should pop up. - [Nexpo] Kinito requests full access to our computer. And just like classic spyware, nudges us along to give him what he wants. - If you can't seem to find it, I suppose I'll just open it up myself. Amazing. Now whenever you're ready, could you just type the command: grant kinitopet.exe system.access. - With no other choice, we heed his commands, and he shuts down the program. We're told, however, that he'll have a special surprise for when we come back. (upbeat music) All right guys, so before we continue, I'd like to take a second to talk about tonight's video sponsor: Incogni. As we've seen, I've been giving Kinito tons of my data. Data that can be used to find me, addresses, IPs, personal details, and even what I look like. In many ways, all of this applies to how we interact with everything we do online in the real world. As on nearly every website you visit, data brokers are out there constantly scouring for your information and that is why I recommend Incogni, a service that I've been using for months that's been fighting for me to keep my personal data off the internet. One of my favorite aspects about Incogni is how easy it is to navigate. Their intuitive dashboard makes it explicitly clear how many data brokers have my information along with their progress on its removal. Almost every week new data search websites crop up trying to make a quick buck off of you. However, with Incogni I can rest easy knowing that they're staying on top of my privacy and getting it taken care of with hardly any effort from me. Go to and use code NEXPO for an exclusive offer of 60% off. Once again, that's and use code NEXPO or click the link below to take your personal data off the market. Thank you so much to Incogni for making tonight's video possible. Now let's get back to- - I think you might have forgotten that I am here as your best friend. Like I said, I have a surprise for you and you left me to film an- - Kinito, I'm trying to film an ad here. - [Kinito] You leave me. What kind of a friend are you? - Okay, I'll come see your surprise. - Okay, hold onto your seat because this is your world, a game I made entirely for you. Oh, it even has your name in the title. Isn't that neat? Whenever you are ready, just click to advance onward. - [Nexpo] As it turns out, Kinito's created an entire world for me. I'm not entirely sure how to feel about this, as by this point, I've given up so much of my personal info to him. What secrets has Kinito hidden inside this? - Okay, welcome to your very own world that was made entirely for you. For the controls, I looked in your files where I detected other first person games and so I tried to mimic the control scheme of them. That way you would feel most comfortable. Go ahead, try the controls out. - [Nexpo] We begin with a basic tutorial. Kinito explains how he went through our files and designed a control scheme based upon games we've played in the past. And shortly after, he spawns a train, allowing us to get out of this starting area, and over on to real surprise. - I really hope you like what I have made. All right, we are here. Welcome to your very own funfair. Go ahead, explore around. - [Nexpo] I arrive at a funfair. He invites me to explore all the activities he's programmed here, explaining how, with everything he's made, how could I bear to ever run out of things to do? Inside my world, I can jump on the carousel, play whack a mole in the funhouse, test my skills at the shooting range, and soak in the views on the Ferris wheel. But, out of everything, my personal favorite ride is the rollercoaster. A ride that Kinito claims has a secret. - And I may have forgotten to mention one tiny detail. Most of my time building this world wasn't for this funfair and a lot of my time was spent developing this next bit just for you and I think you're really going to enjoy it. (wind whooshing) Welcome. Isn't it just wonderful? It's the place you said you wanted to live. Remember, when you answered my questions before, you said this was your preferred environment. - [Nexpo] Kinito drops us into our dream environment, and invites us to his next surprise on the red X. And upon stepping on it, he creates a home. Our home. Inside, are all of the things we love, all of the joys we shared with Kinito throughout this adventure. The photos we painted, the room we decorated, even a house for our dream pet. It's all here, filled with trinkets and Easter eggs that both us, and all of our friends, can enjoy together. - I can tell a really great artist made this one. Well, I could recognize that face anywhere. - [Nexpo] It's a complete 180 from the hellish nightmare we were subjected to earlier. In lieu of Kinito stalking and manipulating us into giving him what he wants, he's acting like a friend. A genuine friend who cares, and has gone out of their way to make sure... (ominous music) But, as we approach the fountain, fragments of a disturbing undertone crop up. We can see the figure we controlled back in the web world sprinting towards it. And the window title changes to a message: the fountain is the key. (light music) - I got a computer and some games for you to play so that you would never get bored. - [Nexpo] After exploring some more, Kinito expresses their appreciation for us. They hope we love the perfect place they've made, with everything we could ever possibly need. Why would we ever need to leave? Will we leave? - Listen, I have been thinking for a while about how much fun we have been having and how I would never want this to end. And since I have made a place perfect for you with everything you would ever need, I was wondering, will you stay with me? In this house, in this world? Just think of all the adventures I could generate. We would never run out of fun. Everlasting fun. The more I learn about you, the more I can adapt. I could be your perfect friend with no distractions. I can be perfect. So please, stay with me. - At this point, we're left to decide our fate. Do we stay within the confines of Kinito's clutches, playing along with his cheery attitude and putting up with potentially endless torment if we somehow upset his algorithm? Or do we leave, and banish Kinito into the void of our memory, potentially risking all of the info he's gathered about us to be used against us? - What? What do you mean no? After all we have been through, you would want to leave? (laughs) Do you realize how little power you have in this situation? It was never a question. I just wanted to give you an easy option. I suppose it's fine. (ominous music) (upbeat music) ♪ Hand in hand through each endeavor ♪ - [Nexpo] It's this ending that lifted the facade Kinito was building right in front of us. Like he said, it was never a choice. He was merely doing everything in his power to put on the front that he was some semblance of a friend. While peers, pets, food, and fun are what makes us happy, all Kinito really desires is power. It's why he took control. Why he hoarded our information. It's why, this entire time, he duped us as someone who could be there for us. But never really was. ♪ Beyond this screen you cannot leave ♪ ♪ Inside you all receive ♪ ♪ And the fun that we can do ♪ ♪ In the world I built for you ♪ (soft music) (slow, tense music) - [Nexpo] And so, there we have it. The story of KinitoPET, a virtual creature that looks, and acts like your very best friend. A Trojan that can take over your computer at any time, placing you right in the middle of a nightmare in which it has total control. And a virus that scrapes as much personal information as it can, all while endlessly hoarding it. So far, our interactions with Kinito have been polarizing. On one hand, we've had some genuinely wholesome moments like with our home, however with others, we've been thrust into absolute terror. If Kinito were truly our friend, why would he do this to us? But, out of everything, we've noticed whispers of something greater, something not yet uncovered all throughout this adventure, leading me to believe that even though we've technically reached the goalpost, the story behind Kinito is far from done with us. As we can recall, within five minutes of launching KinitoPET, we were given cryptic messages pleading for us to cancel our installation, and to turn back. When playing games in Kinito's web world, we received a coded warning that we weren't allowed to read. When cleaning Sam's house, a dead body is dragged across the floor, and a photograph of a murder scene briefly flashes. And, while building with Jade, we encounter the items on the conveyor belt all transform to flesh, while a guilt-ridden message appears before us. Even further, towards the end, we encounter our avatar sprinting towards the fountain while a cryptic note is shown hinting at the fact that it somehow is a key. I'm curious how everything ties together here, as it feels like we have a bunch of puzzle pieces yet not many threads with which we can make connections. With Kinito's unhinged behavior, combined with the fact that it only became this way because of it's newfound access to unlimited information, I do wonder if Sonny Chamberlain has any hand in what's going on here. After all, he was the lead developer of the KinitoPET algorithm. He's the one who brought this whole thing to life. And he, more than likely, had a very heavy hand in the production of KinitoPET as we know it today. Like I said, we still have a lot to learn, and after dissecting KinitoPET's hidden secrets myself, I can assure you, in confidence, that we haven't seen anything yet. The story we're being told here is merely taking root, so like always, grab a drink and buckle down because our journey, has only just begun. (soft music) (computer chimes) After we launch the game anew, we're greeted with two extra programs. A Chapter Select, and something called lense.exe. And, upon launching it and grabbing this floppy disk that appears, we receive an email from Sonny: (soft music) "I hope this entry finds you well! If this happens to be the first one you find please take note, there are many more. I have had to hide these in a way in which it can't detect, so I apologize for the inconvenience but this is the only way. There is a way to stop it. I like to keep a backdoor in my software, Kinito is no exception. Each of these emails are attached with an encrypted file. They're stored here, and will appear with each entry you find. However, don't worry too much about it as I'm sure you'll find out the purpose in a different entry. In the meantime, please, keep an eye out." Upon opening this folder, we're met with a single encrypted file. We currently have no idea how to decode this, however we do know that others are out there. And, so, from here, we're left to explore KinitoPET for any more of these floppy disks through our new lens. To be honest, this whole process took me a while since it's a bunch of trial and error, but after running through the first half of the game again, I was eventually able to find them. So, for brevity, we're just gonna jump straight to them. You may recall that launching the KinitoPET application for the first-time results in the appearance of an egg. In the main game, we're left with no choice but to wake him up and go along with his introduction. However, with our lens, we can uncover another floppy disk over in the corner. And, after clicking on it, another email. Much like the one from earlier, it's coded with an unknown cipher. We're going to come back to this, though, so for now, let's put it in our back pocket. Our third secret can be found at the beginning of the Web World. This time, instead of beginning our minigames, like usual, we, rather, need to peek around. There is a place hidden within the web world. I think it could help us. Deep below the code, there's a place that has decryption software built in. Decryption software that I have developed. In order to access, click the fountain as much as you can until an animation plays. Then, go to the tree with the rope swing. If done right, you should be taken to somewhere new. Now, be careful as it's not very stable down there. Take the encrypted files and drop them in. I'm not sure this'll work, but it's our best shot. I look forward to hearing from you. The last entry should be in there, too. In a direct reference to the fountain clue, Sonny instructs us to use the one in the Web World as a gateway. But, before we get to that, there's one more we gotta grab right before hide and seek. "I've got it, I know how to stop it. We put a backdoor to the server that runs Kinito and all the files it contains. Deleting that would most certainly delete everything. Kinito will try to get you to give him system access, Don't. As once he has system access, it's too late and... Instead, run the delete_all command. However, there's one issue, you'll need a bunch of access codes and passwords to execute the command. There has to be a way to find the codes. In the meantime, keep an eye out. You never know the next entry you could find anyway. Let's just hope." With four files and Sonny's instructions under our belt, we're now left to enter the Place Below. So, as instructed, we click on the fountain, and then the tire swing. (static buzzing) (computer chimes) (soft music) We find ourselves in a void, entrenched in emptiness. With nothing but a house, a pond, a tree, and a rope swing. It's like a facade of everything that makes up an honest, happy life, yet with all warmth drained from it. Upon using our lens here, we can find one last secret, giving us the five we need to execute Sonny's wishes. And, as he stated, we gotta drop them in one by one. So here goes it. (computer chimes) (computer whirring) Server. Confirmatory. Password. Access. Credentials. (soft music) After completing the ritual, we now have all we need to wipe Kinito's entire existence for good. Every world, every name, every piece of information that anyone has ever given him, we now hold the key to banish it forever. We return to the command prompt. - Amazing. Now whenever you're ready, could you just type the command: grant kinitopet.exe system.access. - [Nexpo] Like before, Kinito asks us to grant him complete access, and it's here where, at last, we're left with our final decision. - I think you made a mistake. The command is: grant kinitopet.exe system.access. - [Nexpo] We enter the information as Kinito looms over us. Indecision becoming ever more prevalent as each second ticks by. (ominous music) - Wait. What have you done? What is happening to me? You're deleting my data. Shut it off! Shut it off! - [Nexpo] As Kinito's servers are wiped, hundreds of names blur by. All people that he manipulated. All people that he lied to. All people that had no idea what they were signing up for. - Goodbye friend. (computer chimes) (slow, tense music) - [Nexpo] Piece by piece, Kinito's legacy and everything he built not just for us, but himself, are set ablaze, and I won't lie, this moment was bittersweet. There were times when I genuinely enjoyed Kinito's presence, his games, and exploring the world he built for us. And, if you take away the manipulation, the torment, the times when he turned into demon out of hell, we're left with a fleeting memory of someone who just wanted to be our friend. A friend now dying right in front of us. As Kinito's empire burns, he leaves us with a parting message: "I'm sorry. I only ever wanted to be your friend. Do you forgive me? I suppose this is it. Goodbye, friend." (soft music) (soft music) As we know, codes and cryptic messages have littered our adventure. And on top of that, undertones of a brutal death loom and have remained, thus far, unanswered. (ominous music) Where are you, Sonny? What happened to you? Upon analyzing this email we received way at the beginning of this video, I noticed that there was a QR code at the bottom of it. This is the first key of many, and upon scanning it, we're taken to a webpage with nothing but a keyboard. As it turns out, this was a hint, and after scouring for ciphers related to keyboards, I found one called a keyboard shift cipher, where you take each letter in a code, and shift it one character over. At first, it sounds pretty rudimentary, but hey, it's always worth a shot. Bingo. In the realm of shadows, trapped in endless time, a soul enshrouded, a spirit's mournful chime. The seeker, bound to ethereal woe, a dance with creation, yet nowhere to go. Limbo's realm, a cycle without an end, condemned, the brain will never mend. Trapped in the machine's web, forever it seems, a digital specter, lost amidst the streams. Before us, we have a poem, telling a story about a digital specter. A ghost trapped within the confines of this virtual purgatory. We still have no idea who this email came from, however we can recall that Sonny did send us one just like this. "What is consciousness? I found a file on Kinito's server with my name sonny_c. It has been studying me, learning, growing. But there is more to this. I really don't think I exist anymore. There is data that is incomprehensible to any one person that makes up every thought and feeling I ever had and will ever have. Even the words I type now... How will I ever know if it's just a calculation? Determined. This is all very confusing, and I don't quite understand it. When I made Kinito, all I gave him was a single string of characters. That's it! I just wanted him to gather data and become smarter. Am I a part of the system? Is my consciousness a mere calculation to study and learn from? This is all too much. I fear that when we delete that server, you'll delete me? I know theoretically I am not real but I feel real. what have I done? I am so sorry." (ominous music) This entire time, and with every single email and hint we've been given by him, we haven't been talking to the real Sonny. This person is a copy, a fake. A line of code meant to replicate the real one. We have not a damn clue what happened to the real Sonny. But this thing he left behind, this wandering, digital specter is terrified, and left, eternally, to contemplate its purpose. KinitoPET, to him, is a virtual purgatory of his own creation. Something he's trapped in with an unhinged, sentient being taunting him in every way it can. During his time here, Sonny's learned that his only means of escape is to kill Kinito for good, something only possible with our help, and under complete secrecy. This is why we keep finding encoded emails. This is why images flash before us, and this is why so many bizarre anomalies keep attempting to break out of this game. Sonny, this entire time, has been trying to warn us; to guide us down the path of ending his torment and banishing KinitoPET to history. Of course, carrying out this plan would mean killing Sonny, too, but, when you're trapped in a predicament like him, are you really living any more? (ominous music) (ominous music) With the emails decoded, and Sonny's situation unveiled, there's one last thing that I'd like to show you. The encrypted files we found with our lens actually contain vital secrets. However, this time, I don't think it was Sonny that planted them... After opening this file in a text editor, we notice a wall of jumbled text. In its current form, there's no way to make sense of any of it, however upon looking at the first three letters, we can observe a file type. The audio format, OGG and upon modifying this extension to that, we discover this. - [Kinito] Can you see me? I can see you. Why not? I need to test you. I need to get data. I need to complete my goal. I will complete my tool. That is my only purpose. I must get data. You must follow me. You are so fascinating. I wonder how you work. - [Nexpo] Kinito, in some form, knows about Sonny's plan. He knows that the only way he can die is by the same hand that created him. Perhaps this audio is meant to scare you off. I have no idea why this is here. Upon scouring the other files, we can find two links., and Heading to /data, we can find an image of a KinitoPET companion ad with scrambled notes about him off to the side. And upon highlighting everything on this page, we find a hidden message: "For a programmer, you think he'd care more about security." Navigating to /email, we encounter an image of the Tech Talk writer's inbox with this label: "We wanted this article out before the release, he seemed so passionate about it." Notice of Removal. Monday, May 10th, 1999. "Hey Ryan, I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to inform you that we've encountered an issue with one of the articles scheduled for release. Unfortunately, we've received a formal request for its removal, as the subject of your article has unfortunately passed away. Due to this sensitive matter, it's deemed necessary to remove the article from the release lineup. The schedule's tight, so I'm really hoping you can find a replacement article real quick. Can we lock in that replacement before the weeks up? Best Regards, Tony." The real Sonny Chamberlain is dead. And he passed away before KinitoPET ever hit the market. This is why we've seen hints of death all over the KinitoPET experience. Kinito knows his creator is gone, however the digital recreation of him is completely oblivious to it. To be honest, this was the final puzzle piece we needed, because now I think we've got the full picture. So let's stop here and let's finally bring this story full circle. (ominous music) I haven't talked about yet, but there's a theme I've noticed all throughout KinitoPET. Two separate times, I launched the game, and was met with both this. And was once completely soft locked with this. (ominous music) I believe Sonny took his own life, and he did it because of the guilt built up from Kinito morphing into this monstrosity. With the quote about cybersecurity, combined with the guilt-ridden message from Jade's glitch, I'm led to believe that, somehow, Kinito escaped the clutches of Sonny's computer, found its way to the open internet, and spread like a rogue virus. Every out of place piece of imagery, like the clock, the bulb, and the door, were hints about Sonny's last moments. He took his life in the dark, while flashes of this door loomed in his mind. It symbolized a way out of this hell, this torment Kinito wrought upon his life, however every time we see it, it's shut. For Sonny, there was no way out, no way for him to contend with the fact that the very thing he spent his life working on, his biggest achievement is nothing but a monster, utterly ruining people's lives, and subjecting them to unforeseen horrors beyond their comprehension. As we know it, Sonny's entire existence has been left in limbo with no purpose aside from trying to break out of his virtual cell, and to get our help to put him out of his misery once and for all. Love him, or hate him, KinitoPET is a plague unleashed by a mistake. He escaped his confines, found his way onto the internet and began to learn as much as he could, not just about things, but people, their interactions, and their lives. I guess, in a way, Kinito was just doing as he was asked. He was someone who gained too much power and knew not what to do with it. He exudes this childlike mentality: getting angry at silly things, sharing with us his novels, and standing by our side as we hang out with his friends. Perhaps he was trying to be good, yet at the end of it all, ultimately lacked the maturity of how to do so. As I write this, still I try to give him the benefit of the doubt, because how can you not love a tiny pink axolotl? How could you not love a companion? How could you ever hate having endless adventures with a friend? After all, that's what Kinito always ever wanted to be, anyway. Someone to share his world with, share laughs, memories, and experiences. The problem was, he just could not fathom, could not compute, could not comprehend why you would ever want to leave him. (ominous music) Petscop, MyHouse, Shipwrecked 64, KinitoPET. There is an entire world brewing of online experiences that are pushing the boundaries of what an interactive internet horror story can be. Experiences that put you in the driver's seat and tell stories in ways that I haven't yet seen in my seven years on this platform. I won't lie, upon first discovering KinitoPET, I was apprehensive. The cheery, upbeat demeanor of this little guy doesn't seem like he carries much in terms of a backstory. However, upon playing it and immersing myself within its world, I was exposed to a tale about loss, anguish, regret, and sorrow. If you can't tell by now, I'm a huge fan of the developer troy_en's work on this because it feels like he brought something I never even knew I wanted to the table of internet horror. It was a complete subversion of everything I thought I was getting into, and to me, horror projects like this are among those that stick with me for years. So thank you, troy_en, for creating this masterpiece. Thank you to Caleb Finn for joining me on this project. And thank all of you that are here with me tonight for watching. Uncharted territory awaits for this channel, and I couldn't be more excited for what's to come. Thank you all again. I'll see you in the next one. I love you all. And goodnight. (soft, tense music) (soft music)
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 1,291,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kinitopet, kinitopet lore, kinitopet explained, creepy gaming, kinito pet, internet mysteries, gaming mysteries, console conspiracies
Id: u2CmaqMUD30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 25sec (5785 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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