Film Theory: The Complete Lore of Backrooms SOLVED... What's Next?!

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*Heavy breathing* *More breathing*  *You know, I recorded those*  THE LORE! I HAVE TO SHOW YOU THE LOOOOOORE *screams* Hello Internet! Welcome to Film Theory. The  show that knows that going on to YouTube can   be like noclipping into The Backrooms.  You’re minding your own business when   suddenly it's days later and you have no idea  how you've watched so many padlock reviews.  “A very very beefy, and very robust lock” Ah, Would you look at the shackle on that   baby? Shoutout to LockPickingLawyer, by  the way, for teaching me way more about   locks than I thought a human brain could  consume. Anyway, today we're returning to   the motto Yellow walls and ceaseless hum  buzzing fluorescence of The Backrooms. In case you need to catch up, Backrooms  is an analog horror series here on   YouTube dot com, created by indie filmmaker Kane  Pixels. The initial video Kane uploaded in January   of 2022 absolutely exploded in popularity,  gaining over 43 million views and becoming   the seventh most watched video on YouTube of the  entire year, all thanks to its unique atmosphere,   clever scares and fantastic production quality.  It was also built for theorists like us, filled to   the brim with awesome ideas and hidden lore for us  to decode. In fact, towards the end of the year,   Steph and I even gave Kane Pixels a Streamy  award to honor him for all his incredible work. This is a box that was delivered to my house. So, Kane Pixels, here…  Did I just noclip into The Backrooms? Kane, I went to The Backrooms. And I got you this  I’m just so honored to be  accepting this. So I guess,   really, the only thing I can  say right now is, thank you. But now here we are, one year later  from that initial upload. Now with a   story that spans four decades of time and  15 videos, plus a few secret videos mixed   in. The community has come up with a  ton of ideas to explain this thing. Everything from alternative realities colliding  to The Backrooms being an incarnation of the   ancient Egyptian afterlife. Our running theory  here is that the world that we see in The   Backrooms is some sort of simulation,  like a giant video game or the Matrix. What we know of as “the real world” is the  topmost layer of that simulation, but below   the surface there's an infinite procedurally  generated world of unused and cut content,   stuff that either didn't fit or just wasn't  good enough to make the cut for the real world.   And while I still believe that to be the case  today, I wanted to take a step back and reset. The Backrooms is a tricky series to  talk about; nothing is presented in   chronological order and things tend to jump  back and forth in time with some earlier   videos referencing events from later videos  that haven't technically happened yet. Heck,   the very first video that Kane ever uploaded  is currently one of the last ones in the   timeline. So today I wanted to do something  a little different. I wanted to sit down and   make a definitive timeline of exactly what's  happened and when, so we can get ourselves a   clear overview of everything that's going on in  this giant mystery that Kane's crafting. And in   doing this and seeing what fits where and more  importantly, what doesn't fit where, we'll be   able to learn a lot more about this story. Spoiler  alert, friends, there appears to be a massive time   loop we're dealing with and we might just be  witnessing the collapse of an entire universe. Jump into those hazmat suits and  hold on to the red guideline friends,   we are going in. The very first event that  we see in the series actually comes from   the most recent upload as I'm  writing the script: Overflow. This video takes place on August 7th, 1972, as we  can see, thanks to the signature of a man named   Ivan Beck. Over the course of this two minute  video, we also hear a radio broadcast about the   Lend-Lease Agreement which happened between the  United States and USSR in, you guessed it, 1972. We watch as an electrical or radio  station is overtaken by a green glow   that shakes everything violently before suddenly  cutting to black. Remember that green light,   It's going to be important for us later.  The video ends with the night sky now   mirror reflected. Something in this  universe has fundamentally changed. From there, we fast forward by about a  decade to the early 1980s, when a central   California based company called Async begins  researching electromagnetism. On May 10th,   1982, we see one such test of a strange  electromagnetic device in the video, Prototype. Over the next several years, async would  refine this prototype into Project KV31,   otherwise known as the Low Proximity Magnetic  Distortion System. On July 2nd, 1988,   Async performs a failed third test of the system,  but it's their sixth test that really matters. On October 17th, 1989, at 5:04 p.m.  pacific, they power up the system one   more time and successfully open a portal to The  Backrooms. They have made first contact. However,   this move has dire consequences. 5:04 p.m.  was the exact time of a real world magnitude   6.9 earthquake that hit California,  killing 63 and injuring thousands more. All of this is confirmed in archival footage  found in the secret video,   and that's not the worst of it. From that  point forward, the world is just glitched;   small, unseen portals into and out of  The Backroom start popping up everywhere. People begin noclipping through reality, never to  be seen again. Starting in October of 1989, the   number of missing persons reports skyrockets. This  is confirmed in the video titled Missing Persons.   Obvious video title is obvious. We soon learn  that some of these portals are even big enough   for entire cars to slip through. Like we see in a  secret, undated video that must come from around   the same period. Meanwhile, back in the lab, Async  begins to send in research teams. On February   3rd of 1990. They begin their first mission.  Inside The Backrooms this team of scientists   discovered the body of Nicolas Bolton, one of  the people called out as having gone missing. Fun fact: the picture used for Bolton here is  actually the senior photograph of Nathan Barnett,   whom you might recognize as Dad from  one of my other favorite creepy YouTube   series that we've covered here  on the Channel several times. Go figure. It's almost like subscribing to  this channel is a great way to learn about   all the coolest series that you should be watching  right now. Just a random thought that popped into   my head. But you know, this subscribe button is  down below this video in case you want to use it. Interestingly, Nicolas’s Body is covered in  what appears to be some sort of black moldy   growth. Two days later, on February  5th, in the video Autopsy Report,   the medical report on Bolton's body shows that it  contains a mutant strain of Hay Bacillus bacteria,   which is slowing decay of some parts  of the body while completely overtaking   others. The coroner questions Async  about where they found this thing. Which Async must not have liked. During this  video, a bunch of images flash across a CRT   television, including one that states: contract  termination. Originally, I thought that this was   a contract termination between Async and the  U.S. government, but I actually found a wider,   clearer version of this exact image in a trailer  that Kane uploaded back when The Backrooms was   just a school project. And the version of that  document reads: Employment Contract Termination.   So I'm guessing that the doctor started asking  too many questions and was let go as a result. Next up on our timeline is February 29th, 1990,  and the upload: Informational video. Here we see   Async send in another group of scientists.  This is also the first appearance of actual   named living characters. In the group we have  Marvin Leigh and the camera operator Peter Tench. During their mission, Tench gets distracted by  voices coming from an unseen party in a nearby   hallway. He separates from the group  briefly to investigate. But almost   immediately he's met with a glitch that  makes the rest of the team disappear. Without knowing it. Peter has jumped forward in  time. We're going to rejoin him in a minute. But   back to the rest of the team. From Async's  perspective Peter's team didn't disappear,   Peter did. He just vanished into thin air. And  so the rest presumably return to headquarters   to report his disappearance. We see the fallout  of Peter going missing less than a week later,   March 5th, 1990, in the video Motion Detected. Freaked out by an employee disappearing with  no explanation, Async creates a new enclosed   control room just on the other side of  The Backrooms portal. They also rig up   motion sensing cameras near the entrance to track  everything that's coming and going throughout the   space. And it's a good thing they did,  too, because that night at 3:53 a.m.,   we capture the image of a dark blobby shape  moving across the ceiling. We don't know   it yet at this point in the timeline, but later  we're going to learn that this is likely a black,   gooey monster made of a mutant strain of  bacteria, the very same bacteria that infected   Nicolas Bolton. We know this because Kane has  posted a picture of the creature on his Ko-Fi   account labeled bacteria. We are definitely going  to see more from that guy later in the timeline. A little over two months later, on May 6th,  1990 another group of explorers are sent into   the back rooms in the video: Pitfalls.  This team consists of an unnamed woman,   two men named Mark and George and Marvin  Leigh, now manning the camera. The party   comes across a strange room with several  holes in the floor and a door across the   gap. One of the men carefully crosses the  expanse, opens the door and discovers a   greenish glow. Instead of just saying what he  sees, he calls over to Marvin to record it. But as Marvin tries to cross the room,  he falls into one of the holes into a   lower level of The Backrooms. There he  discovers an underground neighborhood,   complete with trees and houses and  street lights. But things are just a   little bit off here. Houses are built  strangely. Signs are mirror reversed.   Deep inside one of the houses, Marvin finds  a room where someone's clearly been living. But whoever was there, they're gone now.  When he hears a voice that's crying out,   he goes to investigate, only to be  met with another bacteria monster.   This one chasing Marvin back  to the hole that he fell into. Thankfully Marvin’s team’s able to pull him back  to safety and he escapes. The next video, Report,   takes place immediately afterwards, with  the team returning to Acync’s headquarters   and sharing what Marvin found. This clearly  concerns the Async staff, but because of the   important upcoming presentation with the U.S.  government, they decided to just paper over   the issue for the short term. A makeshift wall  is constructed, sealing off the pitfalls area   for the time being as they further fortify their  control room. Two days later, on May 8th, 1990,   we get the upload, Presentation, where Async hosts  several government officials to pitch them A-Space   their vision for The Backooms, an infinite  storage and living solution. And they aren’t   just pitching to any old U.S. government  officials. Notice the DOE watermark. These   are representatives from the Department  of Energy, including this guy right here,   who looks a lot like James Watkins, the real  world secretary of energy from this time period. During a video glitch back in Pitfalls, we see  reverse text that reads “to deceive the fede…”   which likely extrapolates out to “deceive the  federal government.” I'm betting that this is text   of some sort of internal memo at Async worrying  about deceiving the DOE during these negotiations. Regardless of any concern though, the  presentation goes well. We see Async   talking to the DOE about contracts afterwards and   one scientist confirms in a secret video  that everything went according to plan. Except there was something that didn't go  quite according to plan that day. Remember   Peter Tench? the Async researcher who glitched  out and disappeared? Well after witnessing his   squad disappearing into thin air, Peter tried  his best to get back to async headquarters   without any sort of guideline. And he finds all  sorts of weird stuff in his little adventure,   including a section of wall removed to reveal  a secret area with forest print wallpaper,   farm equipment and the facade of a house.  Eventually, Peter is able to make his way back   to The Backrooms exit, discovering the new control  room that Async built after his disappearance.   He's able to open it with his keycard, but it sets  off a motion sensing alarm inside. At the exact   same time that Async is in contract negotiations  with the DOE. We straight up see Peter in the   Async control room from a security camera's  perspective in the background, just so we're   all clear about what's exactly happening here.  This is over two months after Peter disappeared. When he glitched, he actually traveled  forward in time. This really throws Async’s   leadership for a loop. In the hidden video:  _recording014 We hear a phone call between   an Async researcher and his supervisor, Ivan  Beck, still on the same day, May 8th, 1990. As this conversation continues, the image of  a newspaper fades on to screen. When reversed,   this headline clearly reads “Fiery  wreck beside Viney leaves 1 Dea(d)”.   Now “Viney" is cut off and could  refer to either a vineyard where   they make wine or the town of Vineyard  near Sacramento in central California. Either way, we can gather from this headline  and the tone of the conversation that Async   believed Peter was dead and that after  he disappeared they covered it up by   staging a car accident so Peter's  family wouldn't ask any questions. And when Peter realizes what's happened, that  he's traveled into the future and that his   family thinks that he's dead, he probably doesn't  react all that well to it. There was likely some   conflict with Async’s higher ups, which resulted  in Peter either escaping the facility back into   The Backrooms or Async just launched him back into  The Backrooms because he was a security risk. One   way or another, Peter winds up trapped back in  The Backrooms, which leads us to the next video:   Reunion. It's a few weeks later, May 25th, 1990,  after Marvin's encounter with the bacteria monster   Async uses a remote control rover to return to  the Pitfalls room and confirm that it's safe. They send more explorers and  scientists in creating a safe   walkway to the door on the other side.  Of course, we still don't get to see   what's behind that door. Async instead  decides to send the cameraman Marvin,   along with Mark and another researcher to  explore the area around the Pitfalls room. Now, knowing that there's a dangerous  creature that roams through these halls,   Mark is armed with a shotgun to protect the group. The trio head into a new area with no ceiling   lights and floors made from white  concrete epoxy instead of carpets. It's here that they discover evidence  that someone's been living in this   area. Tiles have been knocked off of the  ceiling, seemingly as a trail to follow,   and a map has been etched into one of  the walls. However, before the group can   really speculate about what's going on, they’re  ambushed by someone who grabs Mark’s Shotgun. It's our old friend Peter Tench once again.  He's been living back here since his escape or   banishment from Async. Peter laments that  Async basically took his life from him,   asking if they held a funeral for him.  If his family thinks that he's dead. The group confirms that, yes, they did hold a  funeral. Everyone thinks he's dead. Async is   clearly keeping the fact that Peter Tench is alive  secret from basically everyone. Despite being   held at gunpoint, Mark calls for backup only for  Peter to shoot him and kill him as the video ends. At this point, we hit a pretty significant  time jump with the next video being a secret   archive video compiled over a year  later in June of 1991. Nothing really   noteworthy happens in it. I'm just  including it for completionist sake. If we want something really interesting though,   we jump forward again to Found Footage  #2 taking place on August 19th,   1995. That is over four years after the archive  video and over five since the events of Reunion. In Found Footage #2, a girl in a  suburban home discovers a small   portal into The Backrooms hidden in her garage. After experimenting with it for a bit, she's  pulled in. Inside The Backrooms she finds strange,   giant furniture, a locked door that she can't  open. And perhaps most strangely, a car crashed   into a wall. This is clearly a car that noclipped  in from the real world. Now, I originally thought   that this was the car that noclipped off the  freeway that we saw in a secret numbers video. But Kane confirms that it's actually a  different vehicle, given that Kane also   confirmed that the numbers car wasn't  Margaret Watson's car like I previously   thought. That means that at least three  cars have noclipped into The Backrooms. If I had a nickel for every time that happened.  I mean, I'd have three nickels. It's not a lot,   but it is weird that it's happened at least three  times. Anyway, the girl follows the trail of blood   from the driver of the car into an area of  The Backrooms that looks more residential. But she doesn't find a body. Instead, she  finds a room overtaken by black vines. These   aren't just any old creepy plants. It's the  bacteria monster who comes to life and starts   chasing the girls. She runs back through  everything that she's explored thus far. Jumping down into a lower level that  resembles indoor swimming pools. Eventually,   she winds up at a dead end. But  before the monster can get her,   the room is engulfed in a strange green  light that causes the camera to black out. All of this leads us back to the very first  video that Kane uploaded in the series,   Found Footage. #1. In this video recovered by  Async on September 23rd, 1996, we see an indie   movie director named Kane filming with his friends  before he trips the no clips into The Backrooms. After exploring around for a bit, finding weird  architecture, items that are completely out of   place and markings left by previous people who  noclipped in, Kane encounters another bacteria   monster. He runs away, chased by the creature  before being cornered and presumably killed. As the monster takes him, his camera falls  down a hole, noclipping back out of The   Backrooms and into the real world. And  while that's the end of the main uploads   of the series. There is one final one  that I should include in the timeline. The secret upload:, which likely  takes place during the early 2000s. This is just   a home video with some glitchy sections and  strange imagery, which I'm going to touch on   in a moment. How do I know that it takes place  in the aughts? thanks to this frame right here. See that TV over on the right? This  sort of flat screen CRT television   with a silver casing was popular  back in the early to mid 2000s,   meaning that at least part of the  video was filmed around that time. So stepping back and looking at everything  laid out here, the main story follows Asyncs   experiments, its employees and its impact  on the world. That much is obvious. But   the more important story here seems to be  the one that's hidden under the surface. Remember the green light that's popped up a few  times over the series? It appears most prominently   towards the end of the timeline in Found Footage  #2. But remember, it was also the first thing   that we see in the series chronologically right  now. In Overflow, a near identical looking green   light fills whatever station we're in in the  early seventies, considering that the building   from Overflow shakes pretty darn violently,  similar to what we see happening in Async’s   headquarters during First Contact. I believe  that this was some sort of portal opening,   at least briefly, into The Backrooms. And not  just any type of portal either, a time portal. And given how similar it looks to what we  see surrounding the girl in Found Footage #2,   I wouldn't be surprised if she or her camera were  sent back in time to the early seventies. I know   this sounds crazy, but we already are aware  that time acts strangely in The Backrooms. One of the major events of the series is Peter  slipping forward in time by several months. So   we know that things can be physically  transported in time in this universe.   We also know that things from the future can  intrude in the past. In previous theories,   we've discussed how one of the secret videos  showed us a cough medicine commercial from   the early 2000s, interrupting a Simpsons  episode that aired in the early nineties. We can also hear a news broadcast  from 2015 during the Pitfalls video,   a video that happened 25 years  before that broadcast ever aired. Taking that to its logical conclusion,  something physically entering the Backrooms   and then exiting at some point in the  past is entirely possible. Additionally,   remember the name on that document from Overflow?  Ivan Beck. Kane zooms in real close to make sure   that we remember that one real good. Ivan  Beck. Now, why’s that name sound so familiar? Yep. Ivan Beck is a high ranking Async official.   I think that this girl from Found  Footage #2. Or at the very least,   her camera made it back to the 1970s and into  the hands of Ivan Beck at an early Async. That could be the whole inciting incident of  the series, creating some sort of time loop   paradox. Async gets a hold of this footage of The  Backrooms, which then makes them want to explore   it. They open the gateway, which breaks reality  and eventually this girl noclips in winding up   back in time, starting the loop over. This might  even explain the name of the video “Overflow”.   Time is literally overflowing and running over  the edge. What's more, during their exploration,   Async may have just found themselves another  time portal. The only other time that we see   a greenish glow in the series is behind  the door, across the room in Pitfalls. And get a load of this as Marvin is  falling down the hole in that video,   we see a camera glitch and text hidden  within that reads, quote, “While data   could be inferred from the readings. Nobody knew  what would actually be found on the other side.” What if what they found was a  portal to another time and place,   that would certainly fit our description.  Either way, whatever Async is doing,   it is bad for the rest of us. One of the stranger  moments of the series up until now has been this   extended shot from the very beginning of Reunion,  focusing on a coffee cup with the letters MLML and   some coordinates on the front. Now, at first  I thought this might be some Roman numeral,   but it's not actually a valid Roman numeral. You  can't have MLM as a sequence in Roman numerals. So I opened up our trusty old Google maps  and typed in the coordinates. Giving us   the rough location of the real world  Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. So   that solves the MLML mystery. And a  bit more digging shows us that this   logo is actually a riff on a real one  that Moss Landing has used in the past. But the ocean messaging doesn't end with MLML. In  fact, I believe that we can actually decode the   biggest theme of the series based on a video just  drowning in ocean metaphors. You may have noticed   that I haven't mentioned one of the main line  videos of The Backrooms canon yet, I Remember. Well, that's largely because we don't  know where this one slots into the   timeline. There's no date associated with it,  so there's really no place to put it. In fact,   not really sure that the quote unquote events  that take place in this video are literal. The whole thing is just renderings of important  places and people to Async and Backrooms lore,   angled and reflected like  Inception or Doctor Strange,   all as a voiceover narration reads a poetic  passage. It's more of an artistic piece,   really, but it is considered  part of The Backrooms canon. And here's the thing, the voiceover  also has an ocean theme. Just like   that MLML reference. Just listen to what it says. All spoken as we see images of the  ocean, but also really take in what   this video is saying. The speaker  had a home that sat beside the sea,   but it collapsed into it and sank to  the bottom, forgotten. This is clearly   a metaphor. We're not talking about houses  and oceans. We're talking about the world   and The Backrooms and Asyncs experiments  making the world more and more unstable. Remember when I called out the last shot of  Overflow? After the green light flares up and   something from The Backrooms is sent back in  time to here, we see the sky reflected. At the   earliest possible point in our timeline without  any other Async experiments that we know of. But afterwards we get more and more of  that reflected imagery in I Remember,   as Async continues their experiments. This is  even reflected in another line from I Remember. The reflections? Those are the seams along the  sky, the tears in reality as everything starts   to fall apart. This might have even happened  before in a previous reality or simulation of   our world. In Found Footage #2 we see parts of  a home inside The Backrooms as the girl explores   the area, including this part here with a strange  banister and railway in front of an empty room. And here's the thing, this is almost  identical to a room that we see in the   secret home27647 video. Notice  the unique bars on the railing,   the way there's an open air entrance in the  room behind it and a door off the right wall. This is the same architecture,  but one is in The Backrooms and   one is in our real world. Want more  proof? The girl takes a prolonged   look at this painting before the bacteria  monster wakes up and starts chasing her. And in the secret video, we again get a  prolonged look at that very same painting   in the home. And remember, based on the TV we see  here, this video was likely taken in the 2000s,   several years before Found Footage #2 takes place. So how could these details be in The  Backrooms now? Is it another time loop   situation? Maybe. Or maybe it's because these  are from previous iterations of our world,   of the simulation that was destabilized  and collapsed into The Backrooms. In other words, the house that fell  into the sea. There's a map shown in   the home27647 video of the Ptolemaic  system, a geocentric model of the   universe that suggests that the earth  is the unmoving center of everything. And isn't it interesting that this very  specific map that Kane chose to include   in this video is very yellow?  The last line in I Remember is… You have always been here. Everything  revolves around The Backrooms,   whether it be in a time loop  or a simulation or both. It's the center of everything in the  world. And Asyncs meddling has doomed   the world to collapse into The Backrooms  once again, the house to fall back into the   sea once again. You have always been  here, in the series, in this world. The Backrooms has always been a  part of it. We're just the layer   on top waiting to collapse down  into it and laying out the story   Kane's trying to tell here doesn't feel  like our world has that much time left. But hey, that's just a theory,  A FILM THEORY! Aaaaand CUT!. And hey, remember when I mentioned the Dad Channel  earlier in this episode? If you want to check out   us decoding the mysteries of the Dadfeels Channel  here on YouTube, that video is on the left. If   you enjoy the Backrooms, you'll probably enjoy  that one too. Or you just click the subscribe   button on the right. Pretty soon, YouTube might  have to get rid of its recommendation algorithm   because of some lawsuit that's going on. So  if you ever want to find this channel again,   subscribe now or you know, we'll just  disappear into The Backrooms with the   billions of other videos. That's a big change  that may happen at some point later this year.  So go subscribe to a channel that is  going to enjoy most of the content from.
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 6,140,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The backrooms, backrooms, the backrooms found footage, backrooms explained, the backrooms explained, the backrooms lore, how to survive backrooms, backrooms order, backrooms chronological order, backrooms story, backrooms timeline, the backrooms game, the backrooms all levels, the backrooms 1998, the backrooms gameplay, backrooms gameplay, Scary, horror, creepypasta, scary stories, analog horror, kane pixels, film theory, matpat, film theory backrooms, backrooms creepypasta
Id: bUia-EbqS7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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