This Hidden YARD SALE was a GOLD MINE

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would you do 15 on it maybe tomorrow thrifting ain't easy i'm feeling creepy comp and diapers on my ebay app [Music] so if you go up from there where are you at good morning how are you today here it's the same same company but the trailer goes with that and that's the because i've been selling the regular jeep for 40. and that's 505. i'm gonna look around for it [Applause] oh so how much you have on these games make an offer okay uh three bucks that's good okay uh [Music] i don't know [Music] so what do you think five dollars for all that was it like an old telephone or something is it yeah it's really neat this is sisters yeah i'll probably grab that is this just missing the power cable is that oh i think it's got a spot for the 12-volt well did you open it yeah i didn't see it in there where's the cable you have to you have to buy a universal okay oh i started saying you can what happened to ours okay what happened to ours i don't know i think kids lost it that happens but it's it plays i've never seen it before it's pretty neat would you do 15 on it maybe tomorrow okay i'll think about it for a sec it's interesting that's made in germany all right [Music] honey 81 today i think that's all for upholstery yeah that's what it looks like there's all the nails in there for it so can i set some stuff down someplace here just sit right here okay he's got a pile got started right here bill okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay those are inside oh [Music] hot hot drink you know what these are these important you know what these are these old figures uh the whole box is 10 bucks yeah yeah do you know what they are like what they're from they're lead soldiers oh okay they're soft lid too you can easily bend them so okay thank you you ready [Music] you ready i think i'm ready to settle up with you okay um so what we got so i think this was ten i'm gonna open it up and make sure 10 10. okay i want to grab the telephone over there five you said three on the game stuff here okay five on these uh pool balls okay and then three on the horseshoe set okay and four on the croquet okay ten twenty three four to five to six to seven twenty nine thirty thirty even does that sound right that's true you want to buy something while you're here okay getting his medicine that homeschooling stuff does it's horrible for these kids 30. okay thank you so much thank you probably taking a couple trips that's okay right here i can help you bill what should i do first okay be careful okay yeah it's uh i got it i'll grab this first and i'll come right back around grab this for me those balls are good oh i'm sorry no no that's okay thank you now this just hooks on here okay okay oh shoot oh you're fine cool i'll grab the croquet that should be it i think oh she's got it thank you so much yeah i appreciate it thank you so much thank you all right you guys have a great day thanks all right guys we are back from another yard sale i'd say we've gotten pretty lucky lately finding some pretty interesting sales not just your typical baby clothes and and and kitchen crap and stuff like that and this was no exception found some really cool vintage stuff some of the prices were kind of out there but i did manage to find quite a few vintage treasures that i'm pretty excited about so real quick let me show you the stuff i picked up to resell i spent i think it was 30 bucks for everything which honestly is a is a freaking steal start here for three dollars found these out of place uh video game controllers and a few random video games this should probably get our money back and like i said it's not a lot of money it's only 30 bucks but but there's an xbox 360 controller a little wii controller and then these random games that i should probably be able to light up for 10 bucks or so nothing great in here a couple dvds mixed in uh we got wheel man madden 11 sonic generations fours of two more dvds rainbow six vegas two and then a bunch of guitar hero games which are always nice to lot with guitars so oh and there's tiger woods 10. so definitely nothing awesome but i mean like i said this should pay for everything so that's cool continuing my trend of finding vintage horseshoes this is a regent rubber horseshoe set um definitely vintage it was three dollars kind of took a guess on that because it was only three dollars and i've been doing so well with horseshoes lately and i think that we should probably do just fine with this as well so definitely a cool little pickup for three bucks you saw me pick up a croquet set it was in rough shape uh the cart is not in very good shape the mallets are cracking and peeling and everything but i paid four dollars for the entire set and i should be able to sell these balls as a lot and even possibly the stakes and and then maybe these steaks too but as you can see the paint's chipping off of them but for four bucks we definitely won't get hurt i just have a little bit of oversized trash to dispose of somehow maybe repurpose we'll see pretty cool for another five dollars got this antique american electric telephone here i was almost kind of annoyed that this was only five dollars because it's so big and i didn't want to buy it but for five dollars i had to because i think there's a market for this type of thing out there and i can part this out pretty well um possibly take this part off and part it out this is already detached but i mean that probably has some value on its own the bell like the generator and stuff inside the crank you know all this stuff i could probably part out let me know what you would do with this because it's definitely in rough shape but i've seen them sell in rough shape too so honestly i don't want to ship this entire thing by itself so i'm thinking parting out is the way to go but for five dollars i think we'll do just fine on that for ten dollars i grabbed this upholstery repair kit right here definitely worth ten dollars because this is a kennedy toolbox it's a it's it's a very old kennedy toolbox which already has value just empty by itself the random tools your nails all have value on their own but the thing that sold me on it were of course the safety glasses because i love buying safety glasses these are welsh manufacturing safety glasses they need a little cleaning but i think they'll clean up just fine and they have a really interesting look to them like the like the weird cat eye these might be women's safety glasses which is kind of neat too but if you've been watching this channel very long you know i always pick up vintage safety glasses and this was no exception for ten dollars for this entire set right here so we should do really well just kind of parting this out and selling it that way probably my favorite find and something i've actually never sold before are these vintage pool balls billiard balls i have no idea if they're valuable or not price is very like crazy on this kind of thing so i don't really know what i'm looking for i got to do more research i do know that i have looked up this pool rack right here it's made by brunswick and i've seen this pool rack sell for between forty and a hundred dollars just by itself paid five dollars for this entire set but aside from that they just have a really cool look to them some of them are starting to crack which i've seen them sell when they're cracking honestly i don't know what i'm doing here but i'm gonna do research and i'm going to let the comments roll in hopefully and hopefully that'll steer me in the right direction this cue ball has a really cool look to it i don't know let me know guys because this is this is new for me but i'm excited to learn about this kind of thing because it was i feel like for five dollars this was a definite steal there's a closer look at some of them so that's everything i picked up from that sale a lot of research ahead of me because this isn't just your typical you know look up a model number and go type of situation but i'm okay with that because i love the treasure hunt and i love finding interesting things like this so make sure you leave your comments down below i learn a lot from you guys and i seriously appreciate it that's what i got for you this time as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love you bye when they hear that cha-ching and they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 122,837
Rating: 4.8669033 out of 5
Keywords: This Hidden YARD SALE was a GOLD MINE, vintage yard sale, vintage garage sale, garage sale, yard sale, garage sale ride along, yard sale ride along, garage sale haul, yard sale haul, picking garage sales, picking yard sales, garage sale finds to sell on ebay, yard sale finds to sell on ebay, froggy flips, froggyflips, haul video, garage sale gopro, garage sale bodycam, reselling, reseller, flipping, buy and sell, sell on ebay, ebay seller, garage sales, picker, Yard sales
Id: EDvujY4S6J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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