This Storage Unit Video will TICK YOU OFF!

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so i'm going to say just throw the number out there and i'm going to say 1200 12 for all whatever for all that okay thrifting ain't easy i'm feeling creepy comp and diapers on my ebay app what's up everyone i felt like it was kind of important to to give you somewhat of a disclaimer and somewhat of an explanation about what you're getting ready to see basically what happened is i responded to a facebook marketplace ad where a dude had a storage unit just filled to the brim and he was looking to sell stuff of course i'm going to respond to that kind of ad what it ended up being was when his father died a couple years ago he basically packed up the entire house and put it into a storage unit and now rather than working a regular job he figured it was his payday to start selling some of this stuff off i think what's important to remember is the fact that i wasn't invited to come look through the unit i asked if i could basically by responding to the ad so he wasn't necessarily inviting resellers in but we all know that we're the type of people that are going to respond to an ad like that now the thing is i've made enough of these picking style videos in different types of situations that i know that there's parts about this video that are going to annoy people that are going to maybe make people mad that will at the very least elicit some pretty strong feelings one way or the other and i was going to try to be a little clever with the editing to make it come off a little differently but when it comes down to it i think people come to the channel to get kind of an honest portrayal of the actual situation that i was in so i'm just gonna kind of edit it for time and not for content basically when it was all said and done we ended up making a pretty substantial deal spent quite a bit of money in there and i will show you all the stuff i got a little bit closer at the end of the video but basically i just wanted to kind of break in here and let you know that i know what you're going to say before you even say it but go ahead and say it anyway because that's what we do here let's go perfect cool fun it seems like actually this is part of pretty much my own business i've got three different businesses going because pretty much i've been in management since i was 18 right and i started getting into some serious management and you know big business stuff i was uh assistant cbs and they fired me up in like two weeks i was and i just couldn't handle upper management people anymore man i was like i don't know what i'm doing and they kept moving me so quick everywhere i went so i was like i'm just gonna start my own stuff i but so far i've cleared about three g's in the last two weeks i mean rather than any cbs paycheck i ever got so i'm gonna help you go i'm gonna start wrong because this is literally the only people like that case of record albums he cracked it we cracked it that had been sealed at in 1996. oh wow so this unit for the background of it this is my life my family my everything because they've all passed away right so it's but my dad made a lot of money he was uh he was a a computer software sales hardware sales he had indiana schools government indiana police department accounts uh perry meridian schools you know hamilton southeastern all the big boys right so he banks so he's got unbelief so it's whatever you want to go for i just like i said there's thousands upon thousands of dollars like i found uh for instance the last people that were here um she was like uh check this book out because they they do kind of picks like you did right and you know everybody's been real honest and cool with me because i you know it is what it is then cool right so check it out start researching it it's a 1957 first edition dr seuss cat in the hat oh wow and like i got pictures of it pretty good conditions yeah i researched the prices there was one there's only 195 of them made and there's 200 of them made that have a signature and the ones that were all on sale there was one on ebay that was at bids if we're already over 8.50 there was one at a german store in germany that was 350 and then all the rest of them were in the thousands oh wow and there was two different types and i have one of them so it's like i've got that book that's worth at least at least thirty five hundred straight if not they were upwards of fourteen thousand geez i mean you know excuse my friends but so that's the thing is like i don't know the depths of the depths of some of this that goes right back to i mean like that bed frame goes back yeah it's not work it's cast iron it's probably worth metal but it goes back to i think 19 7 it was my great grandparents first bed when they were married right so they just come back there's there's world war one stuff there's boxes so you i'll dig with you obviously because i kind of know where everything's at but i'm still at the same time like i find a five thousand dollar book whoa right yeah so when people say how much you want for the locker and i'm saying 25 000 they're going huh and then i say well i found this book and then now people are like wait right and i'm like look i'm not lying about i still got the nine foot pool table back there i mean that's the 2900 brand new pool table all the cues i got two different ball styles and maybe three sets i mean that's all there there's a full uh you just start going go ahead my man okay and you just ask me questions and i'll start practice we can negotiate whatever whatever you want to roll with but uh yeah man so just you go right ahead okay do your business and cool sounds good this is just random in a box you know but like i mean it's good stuff right you know so it's just what you do with it oh yeah i feel you but uh so in an instance i can kind of try to help you a little because i want to give you since you're here and i have more people i try to treat it as you're my client for this time so i want you to have i don't want a bunch of people in here everything that's too much going on you know i want to have one-on-ones direct you know sure so what is mainly what your like top five things you're looking for i like smaller vintage stuff uh perfect records are good so you have that you go right ahead and start up on those two then okay and vintage anything coke budweiser budweiser steins anheuser-busch are you good into those at all i mean not really steins but i mean like you know like advertising you know you know things like that um i do like a lot of shipping so like i don't know like a bed frame i wouldn't want obviously no right so you're looking so like okay it's like vintage christmas ornaments even sometimes you have wizard of oz stuff i have coke stuff i have budweiser stuff all that stuff would be sometimes that's pretty good for me what about like little uh cars like suggested cars dale earnhardt eleanor jr yeah full models like i have like 15 of them at home and i have more in here i'll start digging with okay so there's one what's kind of that's enough for me i just got okay i'll just start growing with you because i got to start clearing out this because i'm still you know looking at him 130 a month oh yeah i just need to get out all right so now another thing on vintage wise what about vintage toys yes this guy you ever seen the prices for these yeah i actually bought a couple of those recently really how much you pay uh i you don't want to know i got a really good deal it was just people trying to get rid of stuff well i'm just a person trying to get rid of stuff yeah and if you've already bought something did they sell pretty good yeah i figured because check this one out i look at the prices and they're pretty soft i could probably sell this myself but i mean it's all there oh yeah it's the whole sherman i only used this as a kid like maybe i loved it but we didn't it was so much to put together so we just did it's all there i mean all the way down to a lot of times the money's in the cars too so it's cool you actually have the cars with it the originals but i got all the pieces i mean i still even got back i might just sell this myself unless you got an offer uh i'll probably hold off on that i mean that's that's something i just want to go with like the book thing so myself right exactly it's been very thank you this very possibly going to be the first time of many because i have also boxes at home that have my very expensive stuff and that's very antique as well i mean we can go there after this and i can pull out the boxes because i know where those are at yeah and i can we can just do it right off the truck i'll have to heat on when you sit in the truck and go so whatever works for you okay i mean i got all day and literally i can tell everybody else screw it i'll just deal with you today and but i got time for days but okay i know what you're going for then right on cool but i got that thing called worth point have you heard of that oh yeah i just now picked it up that's that chick that found that book she founded on that right and then she was honest with me i said well if it turns out very good which looks like it's going to i said i'm going to make sure you guys are okay i do have to meet with them yeah today but there it is they were literally the block down the street all right it's too bad man i've got so many people wanting that freaking doll house it's handmade it's one of a kind it's all uh painted hand done one view my mom did she was a porcelain doll artist oh really so she was that's her yeah artist things and stuff like that that's pretty cool yeah so i'm getting a lot i've been offering i've got a lot of hits and i got to keep watching my phone but um obviously stuff like that you're not interested yeah i mean i do have an antique booth but i'll just hand this box over to a lot of good glassware bottles vintage i see like this thing this thing goes back to you don't have to do all the work because people came here i was like you just go ahead because it was still pretty stacked but yeah you can set out whatever you're thinking about whatever you know whatever you don't know it's the picture it's the last two of the uh little guys that were alive and it was signed it's right there oh legit it's so light i didn't know if you wanted something like that because it's very easy to shift right that's a good piece if you can't get that anymore unless you find it right so like on the two boxes of records what would you be thinking or something like that on all of them yeah without cherry picking or anything well there i know there's two i gotta grab that are in there okay let's say off the number okay let me do a quick okay i'm not gonna even look at him and then we'll negotiate yeah there's a lot of good and that's the one thing people keep going through it so right now like this is a this is one of those things you know that you're just like gusting at about 120 albums there some are selling originals packaging last ones i sold were five dollars an album now you resell so on a if i didn't touch it right now what would you offer knowing say say just on straight up what you look through knowing there's 120 albums give or take what would you offer for the whole lot of albums don't touching anything and i won't touch a dime because there's two that i want to get in there that i know of but if if the price is right i won't even look at it that's where i start i mean i probably did two 200 about four i wanted six you wanted two me in the middle of four can i look around some more first sure i'll do 350 on it right now for all of them i don't touch i touch and i get the stuff that i want i'll drop it to 300 if i get the stuff that i want and i look through it but i'm not taking a lot and i'll drop it to 300 at that as a point right now if i touch it if i don't touch it i'll just let it go right now for 350. all right let me just think about for a second there just to throw that in there for you okay i won't look through them anymore either cool we'll just put these on the side okay and i'll put those as reserved live reserve nice and easy there we go cool all right that one yeah and you're more than welcome just come right in have a ball i mean that's what i tell everybody just do your thing here you go see like this talking about these toys i've got like 40 of these signs and they're all working like they're all stamped they're all from the collections there we go you probably want to check this is all oh okay cool toothpick dispensers little random yeah the football cards i've kind of got a number for everything but i have tons more okay right where my dad bought a house and i was living in that house and we paid for it and i had the house stacks i need to get out of the storage unit so i filled my guest room so then i did the whole redo boom let's just start fresh and i just started saying screw it right [Music] uh anyway he uh went to super bowl 29 and they had a hologram for their miami is the only suitable ticket that had a hologram like the identification yeah and the ticket stuff itself they sell online oh wow and i have one know yeah and i started looking at these things i also found a book from 1882 it's from one of the royal families and it's it's the royal family etiquette it comes to a page and it's it's wrapped like the bible in the gold but it's only on the front right gold isn't on the top and bottom like fully like the bible and uh yeah you open it and they're one of them's like that bible paper inside still in there like wow totally still sealed with it yeah damn the binding's still good that's the biggest thing that i found too is the bindings with the books like a dr seuss everything that i matched with mine compared to theirs and the colors in my book there's no water marks i have no water damage no browning or paper i mean finding on the second half that hook was so tight i couldn't take pictures because it wanted to keep close yeah i mean which is great that's beautiful for me god now i'm gonna tell you these are old as old as open to be and they're my grandfather and me and him were the musically inclined my dad was the management music incline these are weird and i will go through them but i'm going to let you look through them before i touch oh the old records my whole just out of curiosity like you know with all the records and everything these things that say clothing like are there any old concert t-shirts or anything like that you know of oh yeah i have tons of that stuff we might from the 70s and originals and rush and van halen black sabbath all that that was our that was our pudding bread butter that nfl so yeah you go right ahead there yeah you close you go right ahead man okay yeah no that's my next purchase probably today what's up what's that no seem like you know what i'm going to say here this phone has one gig of ram and trying to run 4g network on one gig around with hundreds of emails coming in right your facebook messenger this phone exploded all over my face yesterday i had a samsung galaxy s10 plus and that was fire until it literally caught fire in my bed and turned into a freaking like 17 of those boxes of sparklers all at once oh yeah like that i was like oh my god what am i i'm gonna light something well that's kind of cool though because everything that you got pretty much told you yeah that's got all of that yeah yeah everything's going back is that good to do because it will notify them more than just saying somebody commented on your post or messaged you back uh yeah because it's like a message yeah because it tags them so they get like a notification that takes they get them directly notifications i would think so yeah okay cool that's what i started doing and for some reason uh i think i got it all right here but um i can wait well so we were at 350 on the records not touched yes and then i guess just this where we at okay the classic ones of my grandfather's albums is that just the only it's it's it's just the one uh van halen scrapbook thing van halen scrapbook yeah this thing with i just want to make sure i see what it is nothing right there okay because my dad did that when that one's that's like a custom-made thing but that's also good paperwork so that one i'm just going to keep right here i'm not going to keep that in the price total okay i'm just going to throw a number out there and we can play okay okay is it for everything everything except the book okay and that's without i because that's except the book i'm just saying except the book okay but it's with the records yes okay go ahead me out touch it i'm all i'm gonna do is touch this book okay okay go ahead this will be my number and then we can negotiate with this guy okay for all that with the 350 records i know the price of that nfl experience thing i bought i know that's never been really touched the kiss you know there's certain packagings toys pricing wise you are going to do the pictures as well they looked interesting so i thought i thought i put them in the pile okay you can see so i'm going to say just throw the number out there and i'm going to say 1200 12 for all whatever for all that okay where are you seeing the most value just like with the signs and stuff and the nfl stuff right here okay records well yeah the records but the records i didn't even see the who thing these two this piece these pieces these pieces are unique i've got another guy that would love that but if you want it i'll sell it to you first he's the guy that bronze that was going to come they'd probably get that but i'm not gonna say a word about it so i mean these toys that this thing was 110 in the box i found them 80 70 to 80 selling retail just as that just cleaned up there's everything's of value yeah though i'd say the least value for me in the sense because i just don't know much about that guy these cars even though these are nice and solid technically yeah but that's so that's where i'm kind of with those numbers that explanation and that's and that's a basic on those pictures wise that's not even thinking individually on what i can do right pictures so that's where i'm like 12. all right well let me tell you what my favorite stuff is just i didn't go through this stuff but it just looks interesting to me so my favorite stuff is this and what's in these bags the rest of it i could kind of you know do without so so where would we be right here without anything without this yeah yeah man because the bags are the thing yeah i have no clue what's going on is there something because i just know everything i've opened so far there's been just stuff that you know and i know how my dad is with collector shirts and jackets there could be leather there could be man see i just don't and i haven't looked through them that's like that those are one of those like the books they could be a diamond in the room that's where it's like my number that's where i don't because you know i know how he is and obviously the value there's value somewhere anywhere so in that perspective i'm never knowing and not even have because there could be super packed in there that i don't know about because we went to xli we shared the whole thing and he bought every i mean i've got custom signed pictures from the artists and you can only get them at the super bowl like the value's ridiculous on them i can't sell them because i just can't they're in here unless somebody gives me the right number but it's got my right number not absurd anyway um needless to say the album's that set oh good oh you got a zeppelin in there too oh yeah some dvds oh yeah okay that's those are the diaz all right the complete history i didn't need to get one oh that's cool i didn't even know i had it so that's cool you don't want that though yeah yeah that was just stuck that's cool because i didn't know you had the zeppelin so that still keeps me uh 800 800 800 that's i mean that's because now with the little bit of a risk definitely a reward you're gonna get 350 guaranteed i know that i know that now i'm not touching it that's why i'm 800 if i'm not touching 800 i'll drop it i'll drop it if i can go through those albums i'll drop it to 700 cash right now if i can go through if not i'll do 800 unless you've got something else you want to sweeten with it 800 right now boom it's yours i don't touch 700 i go through these albums and grab the few that i know that i wanted to grab um or 800 out the door right now my number was 700 cash would you split it at 750 and call it a day cool okay we can do that cool thanks man all right cool yeah i'll let you do that thing i'll clean this up here and then i'll pop in the truck all right everyone so as you can see probably not the most ideal picking situation but i think it's pretty important to be able to kind of adapt and make the most of the situation that you're in at any given time because they're not always going to be ideal at the end of the day i'm pretty excited with the deal we made so i'm going to quickly show you what we ended up with and then i'm going to explain what i might have done a little bit differently all right so we got a ton of records and i've already kind of gone through them and separated them um when i first started looking through them i saw enough good stuff in there that i was pretty comfortable putting like an average sales price of at least 10 bucks per record i knew that there were plenty that wouldn't be worth hardly anything at all but i saw quite a few that had some pretty substantial value so there was over a hundred records uh at ten bucks a piece that'd be like a thousand bucks on sales value and that was my pretty conservative estimate and then when i got him home and got him separated i was pretty happy with how it turned out this is the good box and this is the box that's pretty much going to the antique booth this box here i see a pretty conservative value of around 900 this box here i kind of put the stuff that was worth like 10 bucks or less so probably like you know maybe like a five to eight dollar average price so in the booth i think this is worth around 200 maybe a little bit less maybe a little bit more so so that's all fine but this box there's some really good stuff in here and i kind of have it separated into lots where applicable but uh this one right here is probably it's probably one of the best ones this is a metallica first pressing of master of puppets this one we should do quite well on and then we got some lots like this is an ario speedwagon lot and then some that are just kind of worth like between 10 and 30 bucks on their own kind of mixed in here is you two tears for fears living color vivid that's a good one pretty sure that most of these are first pressings too rat triumph then lizzy peter frampton and the bee gees there's some deep purple some queens reich the police pink floyd there's a couple riots in there a couple beetles with paul mccartney and then a black sabbath lot i kind of put dio there a couple ozzy osbourne records black sabbath aussie black sabbath judas priest lot right here a bunch of rainbow records that's a that's a pretty good lot to have and there's quite a few of those then we got a van halen lot a lot of van halen records in here david lee roth sami hagar kind of a lot of those in there with them scorpions more scorpion scorpions we got a stick slot with tommy shaw sticks and then a bunch of rush records so there's a nice little rush lot in there we got a kiss lot kiss kiss kiss robert plant lot striper lot so you have some pretty cool stuff in there this is the bulk of the deal this is what i'm pretty excited about i'll probably put most of these on the website to start off with just because they're too cool and too and too vintage not to at least try you know leave them up there for like a week or something see what happens before i move them somewhere else but i'm pretty excited about this box of records here and this is just the money that'll trickle in from the booth right here got no problem selling records in the booth even for 8 10 12 12 bucks a piece so i will price all these accordingly so then we come down here to the weird part of the deal this is the part that i kind of gambled on and if i had to do it again i might not do it only because there is profit in this like basically we paid 350 for for the records and basically 400 for everything else and i didn't really know what i was buying but i knew enough about the records to know that i had a little room to gamble with and maybe hit a home run or maybe completely strike out and i'll tell you it was not a strikeout it's just the profit from from the rest of it isn't as much based on the time i'll have to spend on this stuff if that makes sense but still still it's a pretty good deal so there was like a bunch of flags and banners there's probably like 30 of them or so basically they're mostly like local sports and stuff like that there's a bunch of cult stuff some notre dame stuff some indy 500 stuff and if you walk around my town enough on like hot summer days when garages are open you see these kind of banners hanging in people's garages so i know if i put most of these in the antique booth for between 8 and 15 bucks a piece they'll sell over time so it's good because it'll put inventory in the booth maybe catch people's eye a little bit get them to buy something else it's just not quick hot sellers or anything so it's fine it's it's really fine this was probably the best flag or banner right here it's a 1970s harley banner got this old spell out on the front with the with the orange background and the white patch this is probably the most valuable flagger banner out of this whole lot but honestly it's a bunch of stuff that will sell in the booth over time so then if we dive down in here a little bit got a couple dvds like some old hard rock stuff led zeppelin dio got a the who box set right here and then a kiss box set this is actually pretty valuable right here that'll bring a nice little chunk back to maybe maybe between 50 and 75 bucks so that's pretty cool then we got this old mr creepy magic kit right here i think from the 90s yeah 1995 made by pressman that's kind of neat he actually threw this in since i didn't buy the beer signs uh he let me choose one one beer sign so i chose this one because i thought that one was pretty much the coolest in my opinion and then the bag of clothes no huge home run see that was that was kind of the gamble i made that like maybe there'd be something amazing in there it would have ended up being a killer deal but it just ended up being an okay deal as far as as far as this extra stuff goes there's an old budweiser satin jacket that's that's pretty cool right there it says bud king of beers on it official product made in usa it's a size xxl but it's old so it kind of fits like an xl so that'll actually probably go on the website for a while because i like having this cool vintage stuff up there for a bit and then an old coach puffer jacket made by turbo sportswear probably from the 90s i think and this was a pretty cool jacket too it's uh made by apex one it's a super bowl xxi x so was that 29 super bowl 29 i think made in hong kong and then it says isi charity golf classic on the front there it's got a pretty decent sales history on it some cool 90s colors but as winter's ending this might be better to hold off until next year we'll see it's a size xl and then the rest of this is just pretty much junk down there so if i had it to do over again i might not buy the extra stuff just because like i said the profit didn't escalate as much as the cost and the time that i will need to invest but at the end of the day it will put some inventory in the booth draw people in a little bit more and these records are gonna pay for the whole thing anyway so so i'm pretty okay with it but that's pretty much all i got for you this time guys as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love ya bye when they hear that cha-ching and they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 78,896
Rating: 4.8660712 out of 5
Keywords: This Storage Unit Video will TICK YOU OFF!, storage unit video, storage auctions, garage sales, yard sales, american pickers, storage unit bodycam, storage unit gopro, storage auction, froggy flips, froggyflips, reseller, reselling, ebay haul, abandoned storage unit, look what i found, digging in a storage unit, storage unit cleanout, storage unit reseller, picking for profit, storage unit with me, storage auction with me, you won't believe what was in this storage unit
Id: Rr-ujKRxRe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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