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i'm feeling creepy comp and diapers on my ebay app okay so last weekend at a yard sale i met a viewer's wife and she mentioned that he might have some stuff to sell um she didn't say really what it was other than like maybe like some vcrs and stuff so i gave her my number to give it to him to text me and he did reach out so today we're going to go i guess to kind of a private pick of sorts i have no idea what we're walking into he just kind of said a lot of miscellaneous so for better or worse i'm going to take you guys along with me and let's let's hope we find some pretty cool stuff good man how are you i think you met my wife i did i did anthony nice to meet you i like watching your shows thank you so much we just been kind of putting stuff out clean the attic kind of out okay um i figured probably for you probably best just make a pile of stuff you want or sure i mean it's you know we're going to give you a good deal when you get rid of some of this stuff so i appreciate that hopefully as things you can sell awesome awesome i appreciate you contacting me that's awesome no problem thank you yeah just looking around pretty much all those stuff's up for grabs um all that stuff over there i mean you can see i collect junk oh wow i like that stuff so um there might be a few other items in here for sale but okay for the most part all this stuff and i was going to tell you too on some of these electronics i'm not sure if they work and stuff so if you wanted to take them and test them and then if they didn't you know we could work something out later okay we can we can pitch them i don't know i picked a lot of stuff up but i'm not sure i know some of it works but i haven't had a chance to test it okay where do you get stuff at just like well we do a little bit of everything we go you know like youtube garage sales we uh we like to go uh goodwill and uh auctions sometimes and i even trash so oh really so and we do a lot of we do mainly uh facebook yeah so well that's cool but yeah just you know open stuff up look around make yourself at home some of this stuff's posted right now on like i know you don't usually deal with big stuff so but you know cool yeah i'm already seeing stuff so i'm excited cool yeah just make a pile however you want to do it okay thank you buddy and like i said some of the stuff i'm not sure like that if it works right here so you know if you want like i said go home test it out and stuff and yeah we'll see what the pricing is like i mean okay yeah like like i'm okay with as is pricing too yeah i'm not gonna beat you cool all right do you have a lot of luck on marketplace yeah yeah we do we just do actually do bigger stuff yeah that makes sense it doesn't do very good and i was going to try to get my boy to do some stuff on ebay but he he did a couple things and just didn't really want to do it right we just haven't felt like messing with it yeah it's a grind for sure yeah do you also work another job i do not anymore for a while i was the uh part-time mailman just like mainly for the insurance uh but then they wanted me to work pretty much full time so couldn't couldn't do everything right and this is more fun so yeah yeah it's always fun looking for stuff yeah i love the hunt it might help turn on my other light that's hard that's our favorite thing dave and i we love the hunt yeah me too so i don't really get into like the pallets and stuff like that it's it's no fun just to open up like returns right yeah humidifiers and fans and stuff like that yeah usually we go to wrestle like that we'll just turn around right yeah well like i said i i don't know how i accumulate all this electronic stuff i do have a little bit of value so i just didn't want to get rid of it right but um this is a scale here and i don't know much about this it was wrapped up i don't know if this is old school use these anymore but you're welcome i mean that looked like it was brand new i've never been used but i don't know if it's got any value or not it's pretty similar to mine actually that i use okay well yeah so that's i don't know how these guys your car parts these i'm working on old cars it's a nice big garage you got here so yeah it is it was a buying point for us i just bought this same basketball yesterday at a yard sale okay cool yeah i know we've sold a few on marketplace oh really i'm pretty sure that clock works um i don't have a battery right now it works like a battery yeah i'm not too worried about it yeah i'm pretty sure that won't work this one needs some put together so i wasn't sure about this one for howard miller too but it came it kind of came apart when i got it so i don't know if you have any value in that if you want to mess with it yeah sure yeah i was trying to pull some things off that you know i know i'll tell you what i used to be really like like i would pigeonhole like what i would buy but since i started this channel and like uh people commenting and stuff i buy like all kinds of stuff now just because yeah yeah oh yeah there's a there's such a variety of people right [Music] and you're welcome you try to plug something in okay come on you know there's a flood [Applause] [Music] it's always a crap shoot buying stuff like this yeah i think mostly this one comes on like i said it's supposed to have a dvd in vhs right i can hear it but i don't know i can say is there anything else you want to check on maybe there's maybe there's an exciting disc in here that's crazy happens in video games a lot yeah well i was going to ask you i got a couple things i hadn't pulled out i'll have you look at them maybe last games and stuff oh sure might have a little more value or something i didn't know okay yeah monsters and aliens versus ailey there you go [Applause] it opens that's that's half the battle yeah so it probably works i wouldn't i think i will sell it as his prices like you said because i don't know okay hello at least we know so you want to put this in the file yeah sure okay at least i know that one comes on right um like i said you need to move stuff around just grab some that's a whole bunch of different power cords and things i thought okay some stuff in there you could use there's a whole bunch of transformers oh okay um you know i know you buy a lot of electronics so sometimes they're missing the course there's a whole bunch of different i'm never gonna use any of that so okay cool i've never seen that cooler before yeah it's kind of an older one it's kind of neat we've had a few cold coolers around they've seen you know in the summertime do pretty well right the old ones but i forgot it we were going to post that we never did so i'll just bring it down you might want to somebody a friend of ours gave us a whole bunch of it's a whole collection of coffee stuff so it's all related to coffee and i don't know if there's anything you do but there's a whole bunch of different signs oh okay um wall hangings it was all this is full of coffee stuff little okay that's just the empty box i thought it might have value i didn't know if anybody collected they just won the box i didn't have the i'm not sure you know sometimes people want the box for stuff so right yeah i don't have that little i wish i had the little i've seen the good olds before so it's probably not a bad thing to pick up just to complete the set you can put it in there that's why i thought maybe it worked for you i'm not sure who made that or he's kind of cool though i feel like i might either hate clowns or love them i feel like i buy a creepy plush at every sale now it's yeah i like him one over here is like brand new it's a kids like a pretty nice rawlings one that might be a nice one to put on there some of this stuff is a little bit newer stuff yeah it does look nice so [Music] were there any other cells today i didn't even look today okay it's the last two days like i've grinded hard just to find like two so yeah down i saw one over on michigan street but it was it was it was pallet buyers so it was just oh yeah basically like half of retail and the box may be damaged yeah we have a bunch of those boys bears man they used to be the thing didn't they yeah i know they're just not and this one the thing in here is kind of cool we're gonna show you this one this is christmas coming up and she she wanted me to show you this it's a big big tree oh wow you know it's a boy's thing and i think it's in pretty good shape i think we plugged it in it works and everything it looks nice you're welcome to get it out if that's something you're interested in trying to deal with i mean it's kind of nice i've never sold void stuff but okay but i mean that's kind of yeah i looked that up too i think we looked it up and they're i can't remember what that you know yeah i might come back across that in a second yeah like a kid in a candy store i don't know where to start yeah i was hoping i was kind of worried i wouldn't have anything to care about i kind of watched it enough i kind of know what you like yeah you know some of the bigger stuff i know he's probably gonna mess with trying not to make my pile too overwhelming before i kind of look at everything yes because i could already have it piled up right now i'm glad you didn't [Applause] um you watch the commonwealth pick her channel yeah i do yeah this is like something you buy right here yeah that's why i didn't know if somebody around here i think she tried those getting really close now maybe yeah i don't know who makes so i tried to see like they don't think they would empire you know i mean yeah yeah i might be a little late on these but you know maybe you can find a buyer right there's always next year too yeah i watched john i watched cincinnati i like that show too yeah i saw that one when he went down there and he i can't believe how much stuff he got in that store oh man i uh he's been doing kind of some lately with i think it's his brother-in-law they've been uh right now that's what we do we like to do that you know and it's sometimes there's a lot of people out there and other times there's nobody out you know it's just it's we enjoy doing that i want to try that but now i'm afraid i'm going to copy him if i try it i feel like i copy everything he does but you know it's just you know it's like anything hit or miss sometimes nothing other times i hate for a good landfill yeah let's see if someone can use it is this like greenfield proper part is that like city trash like like one big trash day or something well um they have different pickups different areas you know so you have to know what days like i know over here it's usually monday okay you go over to work i think you have time by the theater right yeah so it's like a neighborhood so it's all well mine's tuesday but like it's all private so like my neighbor is with someone else and so yeah so it's all different yeah so there's usually up till thursday or so there's different areas i still have not figured out exactly right how it works but i wasn't sure if it was different since it's it's like more like the city part of it i guess some of that stuff it's hard to believe how much is new and more like basketball oh i know that's crazy all the kids that play baseball the bats and stuff they spend i know i got a lot of friends that their kids played you know baseball i can't believe oh some of those baseball bats are insane what they go for new even used it's funny how they brought back some of the vintage looks for sure if you wanted to see if i can find it seems like maybe the cassette [Music] there's like miscellaneous fishing stuff too if you want to just buy something out you don't want the box that's fine okay if you just find some things that you want to pull out of them there's another one somewhere here too that's been one of my big projects this year i know some of the lures and stuff like there's a lot of other stuff in these boxes that i'm not sure what they cost or people that flip all the time they know i mean i don't know enough to know much about all this some of these boxes are cool too you know the old just the old box yeah but there's there's miscellaneous things in here that sounds good a long time ago if you save certain amount from like free delay you get a free thing well these are like walkie-talkies this was like oh really something i got you know from collecting all those i don't know if you want to look at that yeah that's pretty cool i'm pretty sure there's a set in there i don't even know if they've ever if anything we might have put batteries in at one time but it was like a giveaway thing it's been a little while ago yeah like the old marlborough points and stuff like that yeah yeah pretty sure those are walkie-talkies looks like it yeah let's see i don't know hopefully they didn't put batteries and leave them in there that's the only thing that sometimes batteries go bad in there but see if they're in there um i haven't had those open it's just nine volt though okay those usually don't corrode too bad yeah so yeah i know that's one big thing if you don't want that might be something someone might think is cool double a's are the worst time meat this is a big banner hung up one of the games back in the back of the day this is arizona that's pretty neat but yeah i didn't know by the arizona fan they'd probably love to have that i used to have several of these i got rid of some of them i i kept the one i'm a big michigan state fan so i kept the michigan state one but but these were actually hung up at one time at the games really yeah hell do you think that is this is probably at least uh 15 years or more just you know whilst i've worked there i used to work with that i shouldn't say the name island filming but uh i can always beep stuff college sports yeah place downtown michigan so this is another one like that i had a bunch of schools i got rid of a bunch but initially it's pretty cool i think that's more fishing stuff than that too so that was it okay i'll just i don't know through i just kind of buy fishing stuff and check later because yeah it's so hard to learn like like like those vintage lures like i've been trying so hard but if the eyes are glass or painted that makes a difference or if it's or if the logo is etched or yeah i know some of them up but in some of these boxes i just brought them home and they've been sitting there in the attic and a lot of it was just miscellaneous fishing i really thought i'd put them out of a cell or something i did that's pretty cool right okay scale's kind of neat as a backup of me let me see yeah i'm pretty sure that's never been used sure the plastic would have been thrown away if that was yesterday i'm pretty sure it was never used i just i really don't remember where i got that is there all right you want to price this stack and then we can see where we are and then yeah that's fine um i want to be you know i don't want to get too over my head before i no it ain't going to be very i mean like i said i didn't even know what you have here as far as you think and that was did you see that i didn't know if you saw that you didn't oh this that's a dream like pretty much pretty much fairly new um i was interested okay so i got this going and then i was interested in this this pile of three things here okay and possibly the cooler i don't i don't know i like the cooler yeah that's fine um i'm thinking i was thinking like some of this electronic stuff was only maybe worth you know five bucks or something each i'm just trying to figure in my head sure i want to make sure you can make some money i mean it's like 50 bucks for this okay 50 bucks that's fine for that yeah i don't want to be yeah i want you to be you know make money and be fair and i'm good with that and then like if you want that cooler probably be like 10 maybe or something is that yeah the other stack what do you think 15 bucks maybe or something three of those i mean if you want i mean you said if you want all this electronics i want to mess with it i mean i'm not gonna do anything with it so if you want to throw more in there like if you want all this for like maybe i could let you have like 25 or something for you could all you know i don't know if you care about that stuff okay i mean it's up to you i'm trying to uh so if if we did that we're at 50 60 like like 85 yeah basically yeah that's cool and like i said that if you could use them chords maybe like five dollars for all okay i mean i just don't know i mean i was kind of gonna yeah i just want to actually thought on that you know so you can do well and i'll get rid of some of this stuff yeah i don't want to be yeah too it was too expensive let me know no man so yeah so there's a bunch of uh native american things here i don't know if you saw these i saw that i don't know i don't know if you want to try these i haven't been able to sell them as a group yeah but now they make do good on ebay so i mean like i'm thinking all of them maybe 10 bucks i mean there's a bunch of them there's some cool ones in there there's some like wolf's in here and i want to look at them all but i thought those might do well on ebay i just never they've never been they never did well on marketplace so it's up to you but there was quite a few [Music] i think that would be my problem like i don't know how to market them a lady had a big collection of this stuff and we helped do a house clean out and we bought a fair amount of stuff okay i don't know about that and then these i thought were business you might want like this one i think i think this one is empire yeah that's cool and um this is like an old like trick-or-treat this these are you know kind of older somebody might think those are cool that's up to you make sure you see everything and i was taking these cars too okay yeah that's uh yeah you want to get a little stack and we just take a number i mean yeah it's are you interested in those you think or not or hard telling man you make it such a good deal it's hard not to okay yeah i say i don't want to put them back in the attic so you know something that that that basically puts us at at 100 right yeah so that's that's this this that stack of the electronics all that for 100. yeah and then then i don't know those i think honestly i think i paid a dollar to it and so i'm thinking maybe what five bucks for all that okay i mean i don't know maybe you know i'm gonna throw something else in there i'm not gonna beat you up too much okay um and i'd love to look at those a couple games yeah yeah another thing i have and i don't know if you want to do you want to be able to keep filming or whatever that's fine yeah sure i uh i need to dig this out because i have a system back here and this might be like a separate thing that you might just need to tell me what you think you want to pay for some and i don't know if this works i know that's another thing i'd love for you just to take it try it if it works you want to buy it too you know because when you do something like that you live so close because i don't really want to sell you something that don't work but i've had this for a long time like i'm thinking about today i said you know what i just sell this well these are not something else i don't know if you saw people seem to always want stuff like for the door so i didn't know that would be something you could put out you know they're just lift master but um then i had a they're just like some old puppets i didn't know if you saw this stuff i don't if you mess around much with jewelry and junk i know there's a few watches here but i don't think there were anything okay there's a game system back here that i've had forever and you can you probably know what they're worth or whatever like i said i don't know for sure if it works that's why i said i want you to you can figure it out and do something later i'm trying to dig it up okay it's one of the nintendo's you know the older ones sure i don't know you know more about this here's the i'm going to hand you this out of here okay and you can kind of see all right dirty it's been sitting on the shelf for a while but i knew it had a little value to it but i wasn't sure like i said maybe something you might just want to take it see if it even works okay you know because i'm not going to be ever using it i thought it was cool so i stuck it on the shelf oh is that the regular is that super yeah no no this is the original the original yeah so i know they have some value yeah i think usually what happens are the pins go bad but people just kind of refurbish those i thought you might want to look at that there was a couple of games i had somewhere sit down here i don't know if there's anything i do with those i know you guys mess with video games something else i had sitting around that's pretty cool another thing i never got a chance to post was these and i didn't know if this is something you've ever tried but i know sometimes people want and this one had kind of a neat it has like the candles and stuff in it but it's you know these older religious stuff i'm not sure there's that i have a couple of these different different ones i thought that might be something that you might actually do really good on that's interesting on ebay there's just a whole bunch of different crosses there's that one look at all these different ones i thought they were just cool i mean remember where i got those from but i problem i thought somebody might and i said i've never tried to even post them but here's another one i mean it's something you know i never come across stuff like this no no it's yeah it's just stuff i found that garage sale or whatever i did was digging the one with the she had a bunch of christmas stuff thrown in there we thought oh really yeah yeah what's that this is these are nice though these are army there's from they are you know they used to get these out put all your stuff in you know what these work really good for put baseball bats in i could see that but i mean this is another thing i have several of these if you're interested i don't know if it's anything i have i said i haven't been able to sell them in the marketplace so but they may they may be okay on ebay i'm not sure another market it's kind of neater than an ikea bag so yeah they're just you can put all kind of jump in them i mean i mean you just want to try one and see how it does yeah i mean you know down the road i have probably a couple more of those around here somewhere tell me yeah um you throw this in your pile that i already should if you want this i don't know if you got it you can just have it it's like a converter box this stuff i don't just have that with it was mixed in there but i like to get rid of all that because i'm not getting anything with it maybe you can use it take a look at these watches real fast just in case okay you said these puppets too right yeah older yeah yeah they're probably i can't remember it seemed like they were from the 50s i like creepy in this bill [Music] [Applause] do you ever watch a blue bus dave i've seen him occasionally people out there probably watching this would be like i was a pawn broker for years i know about real jewelry oh yeah but i don't know about costume because you know we always passed on it i think oh yeah i'm sure but there were still some neat pieces in there that we hung on to it uh you know somebody might think is cool i'm fine with hats i i never find good hats yeah i found like all the ones i ever picked up but they look like brand new i like the vintage ones but i mean i never get lucky i found a couple days ago i found like an old spuds mckenzie bud light hat oh yeah it looks like it might be worth between like 25 and 50. so but i mean that's that's like my best hat score ever so yeah not something i'm great at all right let's see i remember yeah [Music] trust me i'm definitely leaving stuff that i would love to have but space is at a premium a lot of space i mean it'd be great i'd be like just take it off like you said if you want to you know you're thinking some stuff too later on you want to come back some time too yeah man welcome to you know i mean i uh let's probably grab these two vcrs too okay all right so we're at a hundred so far right and then this is my new pile right said five on that stuff but then probably add these two vcrs into it too yeah okay oh yeah so what are you thinking and just you want do you want to not mess with the coffee stuff or did you want i i don't think i would know how to sell it either no i'm just trying to figure out what i'm just um i kind of like the crosses now do you want to wait on that game and just see if it works and stuff before you or do you want to just buy it because i just don't want to sell it i mean i hate to sell you that but it don't work but i need to give it to you i don't know i don't know what you know you tell me what you think that's worth the least if i don't know enough about the game stuff okay well you want to price it with and without maybe just it's fine what are you what are you thinking on this why don't you just tell me what you thought okay so we got the two vcrs on this that's the only thing left you had okay um i mean probably like another 50. okay so it would be like 150 bucks for everything yeah that's good yeah i'm hoping you can do well on it and you clean some stuff out then like i said hopefully that works and stuff yeah yeah that's cool okay um and yeah i mean i would definitely love to come back sometime uh yeah once i have some more room yeah i just you know i hate to think that you did all this and then no it's all right like i said i didn't know i was hoping i could talk into those because those have been around here a while i mean i would think you know if you tried you might be shocked but i'll see what i can do with him yeah yeah um and then i could like maybe keep some of the stuff for a little bit that you think you want to come back and look through some more i don't know it's hard telling right but i i'll probably more likely get rid of that coffee stuff i didn't know if you messed with books at all i don't know if you saw these are all airplane books oh wow there's a lot of cool books i just you know sometimes people like books but i i didn't know if you messed with all that there's a whole bunch of errors right let me see and i don't know if they have any value and if you want to come back and you want to like pull some of those up and look them up but there was a whole stack of error that's like sometimes people want repair manuals i know too yeah i won't hurt my feelings if you want like say i may i'll probably hang on to some of these if you want to you want to get them later or even i mean they're pretty cool pretty yeah i think it was it was a fair amount of them would you be good like 10 10 more dollars i was going to say because i don't have because i only have 20 so i mean you know let's make it like an even 160 and throw in the 16 yeah yeah if you're good with that i mean that's yeah i don't know if you saw this old fisher price this is old record too that's over here i thought that's what it was i think i had one when i was a kid yeah and it works so but that may be something you want to come back later okay i'm i mean i'm probably some of that stuff i'll hang on to yeah a lot of the pilly stuff i was just trying to like i said i i had no idea like all these cords and stuff there's a whole bunch of transformers in there right now this is the kind of stuff that's fun for me to kind of go through and yeah you know like maybe i'll get lucky on something maybe that's what i'm hoping yeah hopefully with all the the variety of stuff you're getting you will so like you know like even at parts i don't think i'll get hurt so i'm okay so i mean as long as you feel good about it i feel good no i do yeah that's fine anymore i said let's get cleaning up space all right well let me pay you for all this and then maybe when i clear this out and kind of walk back in maybe i'll see something and that's fine [Applause] so you can pull up here back up here make a lot of money okay cool 40 60 30 1 20 40 60. there you go man thank you sir all right thank you uh yeah and just give me a few minutes i guess i'll start getting it out of here yeah i'll help you okay it's my cousin's birthday party he's like two or three i think he's three i should know that at some point well it was so funny when i you know i don't watch these shows at night you know one day i just saw you on there and i thought man he's somewhere you know hilarious because it was the same guys i've been to like i was there i remember all that stuff and then that you know later on my my wife met you you know this last weekend right it was so funny because you had a show on before that and we had been to those sales they were out like toward new pal whatever you know and i bought well a place where you bought some peanut stuff i had bought some stuff there i bought a bike there i mean i did really good a little bit i did good on bikes and stuff too right but there was a little um like it looked like a motocross bike and i it was there and it was funny because when you went there it wasn't there so i was i was thinking you were there before me but then that maybe they put some stuff out after you left because you bought some peanut stuff and we went back i mean we were there we bought some like brown stuff that stuff does really good yeah but um yeah that was over on like 300 or something i think yeah yeah yeah but it's so funny but yeah it's really neat meeting you you know you're welcome come back anytime you know like like i i got your information now so it'd be nice if i see something cool i think definitely you can do well on especially small stuff because you know if i can make a little bit you can make some money then you know i'm literally five minutes away so yeah definitely okay great awesome to see the video thank you so much i appreciate it so much buddy i appreciate it it's gonna be a lot of fun all right guys we are back in the garage that was incredible by far my favorite bulk buy ever thank you so much dave and candy for reaching out and having me out my only regret was not having enough space to take out more because even as i was editing this video i started to dwell on the stuff i left behind so hopefully after i have time to get all this processed and situated they'll have me back out because i'm sure i could take another couple carlos out of there but again thank you guys so much so there's no way i can show you everything in detail and give you comps and everything but real quick let me just try to skim over everything we picked up at this amazing private pick first of all we grabbed quite a few electronics he wasn't sure if everything worked but he priced it accordingly and i was happy to take the gamble on it some of the things that stand out are this pioneer 101 disc changer uh there's there's a couple basic dvd players that he kind of threw in this was one of the little throw in things he did here this is a magnavox dvd recorder this is actually probably a hundred dollar piece with no remote or you can spend the fifty dollars and buy a remote and get closer to 300 out of it i haven't tested it yet but i did plug it in it opens up it it loads the disk and everything so i'm actually feeling pretty good about that here's some audio equipment like an old dod graphic equalizer and a kai computer controlled av receiver this old crosley radio with a cassette player he said that he doesn't think the cassette works again i wasn't too worried about it a couple pretty good vcrs here's a panasonic and a jbc two brands that i often look out for they didn't have remotes but i have a plethora of remotes for jbc and panasonic so if they work they should end up doing just fine and then here's a dvd vcr combo this i was actually shocked to see it's a korg micro korg synthesizer i always wanted one of these when i was younger but i could never justify the price when they're new they come with a little microphone here because this is actually like a vocoder also but i can still plug a different microphone into this even though it's missing the original one and the cool thing is it does work i've already plugged it into an amp and it sounds awesome there's a few keys that you have to hit really hard to make them make sound however that's a common problem with these microkorgs and all i have to do is is take the bottom off and clean the boards with some contact cleaner and it should be working basically like new it's missing a knob here again no big deal just cosmetic this even in this condition will pay for the entire lot however don't think i'll be able to bring myself to sell this you never know i say that a lot and i still sell it just the nostalgia alone i think i'm gonna keep this a couple game systems always cool to find again no idea if they work but that's okay this is an original playstation with three controllers here's an old nintendo it's very dirty but we'll still plug it up and see copy of mega man 4 which is actually a very good game i'll get it all cleaned up and clean the contacts and stuff and if it works should be okay on that and then a copy of mario 3 which is definitely better than mario one here is clyde the clown i could not pass on this cool looking guy here i knew if nothing else sarah would love him and she instantly fell in love so this is this is sarah's clyde the clown but i thought it was a pretty cool piece moving down here there is breaking point by ideal an old game here is some star wars thing force link 2.0 i think i looked this up it's worth about 25 bucks so that's pretty cool here's a 400 pound shipping scale by brucknell definitely never hurts to have a spare but also i'm not opposed to selling it there's a very cool vintage thermos cooler i've never come across this one in the wild so i was happy to pick it up i think i think he charged me 10 bucks for that which i think is a steal inside it we got some old halloween buckets this one's made by empire and they just have a really cool vintage look to them so i was happy to grab those there's a few wrestling figures nothing great but all recognizable names like john cena big show and the rock so we should do okay with those i thought these old hand puppets were really cool there's a police officer here and a nurse right here i think they're from probably the 50s or 60s something i never bought that he showed me were a bunch of crucifixes i don't really know on some of them but i thought this one was really cool because it slides open and it's got a little bottle of holy water and some candles in there it turns out that these are used by priests for giving last rites i think it's called a sick call crucifix so that's really interesting there's a bag of costume jewelry and a few watches this watch here is interesting it's a cartier now i don't know if it's real or fake but i know it definitely has some problems needs some work but even for parts of repair if this thing ends up being real just look up cartier watches because you might be shocked last thing in here was a couple of these lift master garage door openers these even in use condition i think should fetch between 20 and 30 bucks a piece so definitely awesome moving along trying to make this a little quicker there's some hendrix gen collector cups there's an old hot wheels case the hot wheels are in here somewhere sarah was looking a bunch up and most of them are from like the late 70s and early 80s here is some frito-lay giveaway walkie-talkies that he saved up points for an evolution basketball just like i found before so i know that's a good find here's a converted box that we threw in here's an old army duffel bag which i just thought was really neat and had a really cool look to it there's the hot wheels right there there's a controller for the nintendo portable dvd player that he just threw in there at the end too there's a stand for an action figure this was pretty cool i won't undo the whole thing now but it's a uh arizona wildcats banner he said it actually hung in the stadium during a game about 15 years ago so i have no clue what something like this would be worth or the search terms i would even use like maybe stadium banner or something but if you know anything about this kind of thing please leave comments down below there's a basketball claw and then here's something i was going to look past but for 10 bucks he pretty much made me buy it because i couldn't pass it at 10 bucks but it's just a bunch of ceramic native american figures and there's a bunch down in there and honestly i think he was right because the more research i've done i think with the amount that's in here and the detail and how pristine they are i think i'm going to end up doing pretty well just selling these all individually so pretty excited about those now actually getting close to the end a bunch of vintage tackle boxes there's some good brands this is a a vintage my buddy this is a park not sure what this one is but most of them had some odds and ends in them some old fishing spoons and hooks and stuff like that but keep in mind even the boxes themselves have value this one has quite a bit of stuff in it a bunch of bobbers and hooks and stuff still in the package i need to really go through it and see exactly what we have there i think this one was my favorite as far as the stuff inside it because there's a lot of old fishing lure boxes like this bomber box and these rapala boxes here there's a rapala that still has the lure inside but just a bunch of cool stuff some spools some tools some more spoons some line a bunch of random ozone ends but it was cool to find these because all the tackle boxes i come across lately don't have anything in them so and it will help me further my education on vintage fishing gear there was a stack of books he threw them for 10 bucks at the end most of them deal with airliners and airplanes and the air force and stuff so probably end up lotting these up there's some old jack-o-lantern blow molds just thought they had a cool look trying to get my commonwealth picker on might be a little late to the game as far as this year goes but there's always next year and the last thing was just this random bucket of cords and odds and ends for five bucks can never have enough of this stuff so i was happy to pay that just to grab them all all right so that was just a quick rundown of everything definitely gonna have my hands pulled for a couple days going through all this stuff getting it all tested but i'm super excited to do so again candy and dave thank you so much can't wait to hear from you again and hopefully do another deal because that was a lot of fun all right guys that's all i got for you this time as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love ya bye when they hear that cha-ching and they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 843,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This was the DEAL OF A LIFETIME, private pick, garage sale, yard sale, garage sale ride along, yard sale ride along, garage sale haul, yard sale haul, froggy flips, haul video, garage sale gopro, garage sale bodycam, reseller, garage sales, yard sales, garage sale video, live garage sale footage, garage sale negotiation, garage sale deal, garage sale ridealong, garage sale with me, garage sale pov, american pickers, ebay haul, garage sale tips, garage sale finds
Id: myVS4bnxsKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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