The WORST Comment on YouTube.. (Dont Click it)

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yo what's up there's seriously something wrong with the comments on YouTube half the time you have people saying I'm first pin me pin my comment when it has nothing to do with the video but that's not even that bad and I know all of you who are watching this right now are probably commenting that to mess with me but that's fine because those are perfect comments compared to the ones that we're gonna look at in this video I know you guys have seen those bots that say great video or want to be friends so what's wrong with the comments on YouTube why do people post these stupid comments and why do people get BOTS to write comments for them we answer all these questions in today's episode you can help me clean up YouTube by subscribing to my channel plus I'm trying to get to 1 million subscribers so help a brother out also follow me on Instagram or Twitter if you want to talk to me or give me any video ideas I want to start this video off talking about comment bots who else loves dj''q look I'm gifting my next 62 subscribers like what does that even mean I think it might be like gifting skins and fortnight but what does that have to do with the video people will be watching a video about a hospital and then someone's gonna say this is my most worn through slopes like that makes no sense there's a problem that's even worse that you might not even see with comments like have you seen the channel Logan or Tom or something like that they comment on every single video pretty much and they always say good video I like it or here's my favorite one they say want to be friends and now you may just be thinking DJ what's wrong with them asking to be friends it's actually a lot worse than them just asking to be friends though I mean for one the person who's commenting isn't even a real person it's a bot and the bot does not want to be friends even though it says it does it doesn't want to be friends it doesn't want you to subscribe to me they just want to take your YouTube channel and if you do something as simple as reply to their comment or if you like their comment they can steal your channel but how does that work how can they just get your channel info from a simple like on a comment let's figure this out [Music] even though the YouTube comments section is flooded with people begging for subscribers people making fun of the youtuber or just posting stupid comments in general none of that is as bad as what Tom and Logan are doing they post something on your video like want to be friends and then if you like the comment or watch one of their videos or subscribe or just click like on one of their videos they might be able to hack into your account now personally I have no idea how they can do that that's crazy to me and if it's really true YouTube has to fix their security but just think about that people made a bot that acts like it wants to be your friend just so they can steal your YouTube channel people say that these channels like Tom and Logan use websites and programs to spam their comments and it's that easy now here's the fun part I'm gonna upload a video on a random channel that I made and I'm gonna hope that one of these comment BOTS like Logan or Tom comments on my video and then I'm gonna subscribe to them I'm gonna like the comment I'm gonna like his video I'm gonna comment on this video I'm gonna do whatever I can to try to get that channel hacked and no I'm not gonna use my main account because why would I let them hack my main account so right now I'm creating the account that we're gonna use for this let's just continue our journey as Andy the eight-year-old from our last video if you haven't seen the last video we do have deep into a bad youtubers messages we tricked him into thinking I was a little kid it was super funny let's go ahead and watch that I set up the name and I created the account and this time I didn't have to worry about a phone number I just used my mom's now I had to create the video what video would I post to that channel that would hopefully get their attention won't want to pay for ninety power yeah together we could play for tonight battle royale if you want to play just comment down below we can be friends if they don't want to be friends comment down well we could play for a 90-pound round we go buy you some skins yes I decided to talk about 4/9 because that's what their channels are about and also I mean everybody really watches for night for nights like pretty much still the biggest thing on the end so why not who knows if they'll end up commenting on my video though I mean it's just a random video I'm gonna go on to their channels though anyways like I'm not gonna wait until they comment on it I'm just gonna go on their channels and click like on every single one of their videos I hate doing this because they're scammers and their clique Bader's and they're just horrible youtubers and I hate liking their videos but I'm gonna do it for the sake of this video so I just got done liking and subscribing and doing all that stuff on my little kit account and hopefully when I check back in a couple of days my account will be hacked now let's do some research into how they actually can hack these accounts I mean I've seen so many people claiming that they've been hacked by Tom and Logan but I actually don't really believe it I think they're lying I don't understand how somebody can get your information your account information just from a like on a comment that makes no sense to me and it should never even be possible so therefore it has to be fake unless my eight year old account gets hacked though I won't believe it in the meantime while we wait for them to hack a hopeless eight-year-olds Channel who just wants to play for die with somebody I want to look at some other comments on YouTube that are just straight-up a problem anytime you upload a YouTube video you're gonna have a comment saying I'm gifting my next 20 subs I know you guys have all seen those I'm gonna try to find one of these comments figure out a way to talk to some of the people who made those comments and I'm gonna ask them why they do it and how they do it and what do they do it for because I see a lot of people doing this so I want to see what they get from doing it please pray for me and hope that they don't hack into my channel [Music] here's a bot comment on one of my videos it says who's been a huge fan of DJ code before 2020 I'm gifting my next 67 loyal subs that have notifications on what I went ahead and commented on a couple of these people's videos to ask them if I could talk to them and once they answer me I'm gonna ask them if it's a bot or if they just copy and paste that comment and I'm gonna ask them why they do it and I'm just gonna ask them a whole bunch of questions and kind of just become a little detective this is probably gonna take a couple of days or about a week or so for them to answer me so wish me luck so it's been about a week since I uploaded that fake little fortnight video onto the 8 year old account I expected Logan or one of those Tom hacker BOTS or something to comment on it but they literally didn't even see it if you remember I also liked every single one of their videos and I subscribed and commented on every one so my channel should have been hacked by now I mean according to all those people that have been hacked that's what they did and they got hacked but I did it and nothing happened I guess we can wait a little bit longer this sounds really weird but I want my youtube channel to get hacked so while I wait for about a week or so for my channel to get hacked and wait for these people to talk to me let's go ahead and read some actual bad comments on YouTube that are so rude this is a part of the comments section problem that I was talking about YouTube comments are filled with spam comments BOTS and hate comments and if you've ever commented on one of my videos you might just see yourself in this video so the comment we're gonna look at was actually posted on my video where I exposed mr. top five and in that video I exposed him for being a click bader and like lying to his subs and stuff somebody commented I liked his videos you fat poop I don't know about you but I've never been called a fat boot before um that's the problem with YouTube comments you know nobody really knows what an opinion is my opinion was that mr. tough I was a bad youtuber but that kid thinks I'm a fat poop because I didn't agree with him somebody else commented on my meat the rudest youtuber video the one I just uploaded and he sent a big message but it doesn't make any sense at all he says do you know what you are saying could be fake because I want all your videos look like they're scripted what you're just making stuff up so you can make youtubers look bad even though you're supposed to support them what is wrong with you you need to get Siri just because you think those videos are fake what if your videos are fake do you like when I say that to you no so don't say it to other people now I tried to you know clean it up as best as I can and I'm completely lost I have no idea what he's talking about and the funny part is in that video the dude was faking youtubers deaths so how was i lying how was I the fake youtuber I was exposing somebody or being fake how was I the fake one and you can't ever make a video about YouTube comments without showing an Internet tough guy on my morgg's video somebody commented shut up or else okay dude chill out bro I'm scared I'm just gonna delete that video bro so remember when I messaged three different people about their spam comments where they say oh I'm gifting my next 386 subs yeah I asked them what it meant if it was a bot I also asked why they were doing it and they answered so let's see what they said [Music] so the first guy I messaged didn't really understand what I meant or maybe I didn't understand what he was talking about but either way here's how it went down I asked him about the comment and I said is it a bot or is it like copied and pasted he said a comment or youtube video what I asked him again about the comment and he said the videos comments are just my friends once again I was so confused I did not know what this dude was talking about at all I then said it for like the eighth time no I'm not talking about a youtube video I'm talking about when you comment saying you're gifting your next subs like what does that mean he said oh it's probably a bot because I stopped doing YouTube oh so you have a bot that comments for you okay no I'm too poor for that like make up your mind is it your friends is it a bot commenting or was it you I told him I was so confused and then he finally broke in and told me he said I saw people doing it so I did it too he also told me that he gave somebody a gift I'm not sure what that means but he actually ended up doing it so props to him so one out of the three spammers didn't use a bot but let's see about the other two people who messaged me once again I asked him what does it mean he answered and said yeah I used to self promote my channel I asked him what does gifting mean like the gifting him fortnight and I just had to make sure he told me yes that's what it is and he also told me that he didn't use a bot he just copied and pasted every single video he watched I tried to ask him if he still did it and I told him I hope you don't do it because you guys know me I just want to clean up YouTube so I made sure he was not doing it and the last guy he also said that he copied and pasted the comment every single video he watched so I guess these aren't really BOTS but speaking of bots I want to check for the last time if any of those channels commented on my little kid video or maybe they even hacked my channel but now who knows I went to their channel I liked every single one of their videos I subscribed to both of them and I still haven't been hacked yet they haven't even commented on my dang video well I'm about to go take my like away from every one of those videos probably dislike them all and I'm gonna go unsubscribe I mean a lot of people were saying that those channels hack people but I gave it a wait or two and they didn't even do anything to me come on I just assumed they hacked channels with more subscribers because who wants to hack a channel with 0 subs or like I said earlier they can't actually hack it to a channel it was just a huge stunt to get some free subs and views hold on don't click off the video just yet on screen right now there are three more amazing videos that I uploaded as well as a link to my meet the youtubers playlist where you can find every single one of my exposing videos so go ahead and continue watching
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 2,415,049
Rating: 4.9378648 out of 5
Keywords: dj cook, dj, djcook, youtube comments, the problem with youtube comments, tom, logan, comment bots on youtube, comment bots, spam comments on youtube, reading youtube comments, youtube, dj expresses, funny youtube comments
Id: tbF0ng7RL3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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