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broccoli i was eating at a chinese buffet with my friend and we were talking about the sesame seed broccoli that was on both of our plates all right he said did you know broccoli is a human invention i said what he said yeah broccoli isn't a vegetable found in the wild it was manufactured i didn't believe him and i pulled out my phone to consult google sure enough right in front of me reality was disrupted i could hear all of my preconceived notions fading away how can anything be real if broccoli isn't real this led me down one of the deepest and darkest rabbit holes i've ever dared to venture into [Music] this video is sponsored by vegetables the estrokins were a group of people that lived in the boot place and would later become rome their settlements were built on steep hills and within those hills was a flower called the rasika or wild mustard so these people liked certain characteristics within these flowers specifically the terminal leaf buds so they picked the flowers with the biggest buds and bred them to make kohlrabi brussels sprouts kale collards cauliflower and our home dog broccoli they did this using selective breeding basically they would find the plants with the characteristics that they like such as large buds and would only replant the seeds that came from those specific ones after many generations the result is cabbage or kale or collards while the originator looks nothing like it also check out these images of other vegetables made from the same plant called romanesco and they're super trippy [Music] broccoli probably looked more like this back in the roman times it's said some of the romans used to eat them raw before certain events because they thought it would make the body absorb alcohol better by 1533 broccoli began spreading outside of the boot when the italian homegirl catherine d medici married henry ii of france and showed him the way of the veggie from france it spread to england and was nicknamed the italian asparagus hey did you know this is the biggest broccoli ever found just kidding the largest broccoli in recorded history was grown by john and mary in alaska in 1993 i just couldn't find a picture of it and i found that and i wanted to show you i'm sorry for lying to you in the early 1900s two brothers stefano and andrea diarigo immigrated from messina sicily to the eagle country here they led a fairly normal non-broccoli life obtaining engineering degrees and even served in the u.s military during world war one of the normandy peninsula after the war andrea was like hey want to sell vegetables and stefano was like sure so he went out and found 28 acres of fertile land he then bought the precious seeds from his homeland via amazon prime and had them shipped to his homeland in california where the two brothers planted the first known large-scale broccoli operation in america it's indicated that thomas jefferson also planted broccoli in his personal garden in the 1700s but he didn't think much of them over the years the new plant found success in both the west coast and the east coast markets and by 1920 the two brothers had a successful and booming business broccoli booming business today their operation the arigo brothers is still an industry leader in produce distribution also apparently for some people broccoli is bitter and for others not mainly because of a specific gene called the tas 2 r 38 gene that's pretty much all i could find on broccoli here's a picture of dwayne brock johnson there's no sponsor this week because no one wanted to put their brand on a video about broccoli but if you enjoyed this virtual reality video and want to support more please consider becoming an executive producer for 3.99 a month you'll get access to our streaming platform metaflix filled with extra ad free content you'll also receive apparel discounts and be listed in the credits of these episodes [Music] let me see
Channel: Disrupt
Views: 153,144
Rating: 4.9437852 out of 5
Keywords: 1weekinvr, 1 week in virtual reality, Broccoli, Vr, Vr videos, Vr video, Oculus quest vr, How is broccoli made
Id: HzI1YootEYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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