This Gun Is Just...WACK

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

For a sec if sounded like toxic but rock/metal

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ella_Bella_Dash 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers today we have something pretty pretty whack so when we were going through stuff from the ak factory buy we stumbled upon what had to have been somebody else's project this project was so weird we had to finish it what was that project well under folder 10 now if you think of brandon i've never seen one of these before that's because they didn't make them we found a pile of ak-74 under folder receivers which i'm sure had to be custom done with under folder trunnions and tantal front trunnions riveted on so we could figure out where that one was going but that wasn't quite weird enough for us because this is already just kind of a weird frankenstein's gun that we had to add a dong specifically a reverse dong which actually works particularly well with this because for the under folder it actually clears and because it's 545 it actually clears the dong just fine but with this weird mix up of 545 under folder with the transplanted dong we started to affectionately refer to this bad boy as well the lady boy i think the thing i hate about this the most is i'm actually starting to like it that's what we're gonna be shooting today we're gonna get to know this little lady boy here and uh yeah that's that's gonna be the video stay tuned [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm shooting my barrel there's actually a lot of cool stuff on this gun i really want to go over but first i want to give a shout out to our sponsor everest i don't know if you've noticed this or not but ammo is not so cheap these days so we definitely appreciate our sponsor everest for covering our time with the [ __ ] wait a minute everest is an online retailer and video streaming platform feels a lot like using amazon except they're actually gun friendly i know if i had the option i'd prefer to be giving my money to guys like this instead of another big silicon valley company looking forward to doing more stuff with them in the future so if you want to check them out there's links in the description and in the pinned comment if you want to sign up for the caliber memberships and we appreciate their support back to the lady boy so while under folders are usually really nice for storage and everything getting super compact putting them in a backpack range bag something like that or being in a vehicle one of my complaints that i've always had is that the the under folder part of the stock never really felt super comfortable especially like if you're if you're shooting something hefty 762 without a break or something after a few magazines this metal horseshoe really just doesn't feel very good in the shoulder i know there's people on the internet they're gonna be out there oh you're you're just a [ __ ] shoot it like a man yeah okay well if i have the choice between that and a real buttstock i'm choosing the real butt stock every time especially if you get like a side fold or something like that where it's just real uh surface contact on your shoulder like an actual stock uh that's why i like these these underfolders were never my first pick however with this gun being in 545 is actually not bad at all considering a a lot of the guns that i've shot before that were under folders were just over gassed which that just happens sometimes a lot of surplus aks and a lot of builders who don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing but between these being properly gassed and being 545 the recoil is ridiculous at all so you can actually shoot this folded quite comfortably just actually with the dong [Applause] super easy to show i'm willing to put my money where my mouth is no problem now i'm not sure if you noticed earlier but what we're actually shooting is 55 grain wolf hollow points and see uh so a lot of the guys who shoot 74 is 545 they know that 545 ammo is getting a little bit harder to come by a little bit more expensive so a lot of what you're seeing on the market is the 55 grain wolf hollow points not an ammo that i'm used to using uh but i figured you know hey i'm not used to using it what better to do than do a little bit of an ammo test using our little [ __ ] here and some spaghetti squash let's do it all right let's see what this does to this poor gourd three two one [Applause] so we have our entrance wound here right there at the base perfect shot as i might add from the very challenging distance of about 15 yards and we see the back side here nice little blown out exit there it's not quite as visually impressive as what i was hoping but we can fix that i pro on because you are in the splash zone [Applause] oh nice that's actually kind of cool you can see all the the powder burn and everything like that here it's all this uh black [ __ ] here and then our exit here where you still have some of the inside is blackened by the uh still burning powder or the uh carbon and all that [ __ ] that's actually kind of neat all right to the raccoons i don't know if they have food lion where you're at in your part of the country but here we have something called raging grape now there is a joke about rage and grape and a lady boy in there somewhere but i uh we're above that here okay you might be above that i'm not above that but i'm trying to change all right hollow points do your thing raging grape in three two [Applause] kind of sad it just kind of leapt toward me in its final moments what an interesting smell we've discovered this gun's actually kind of a lot of fun which is good news because we we're kind of building a few of them if this is something that's interesting for you guys a lot of you guys are just like you know the average ak is just a little bit too dull for me i'd like to spice things up a little bit uh we're actually going to have a few of these for sale on the website whenever we get them finished we've got a few of these done now and i just couldn't wait to show you this i couldn't wait to show this to you guys because this is just so weird but so fun that'll be up on the ak guys site whenever we get these up but anyways guys i hope this video was fun for you guys remember the hashtag akg notification squad is still a thing you can check out the merchant bunker branding i think that's just about everything i have to shout out deep breath i appreciate it you guys thanks for staying to the end and i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video [Music] [Music] thanks and if you're wondering where that came from we were in a little bit of a hurry to get the furniture on this gun for the video and uh well you'll see oh man these levers are always stuck i know i think what you meant to say was damn this ladyboy's tight no that's not what i meant oh right in the [ __ ] face did you get that the [ __ ] got you in the eye huh
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 684,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, cursed gun images, Tantal, AK-74, underfolder, 5.45, wack
Id: uq-xmguEPBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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