i found the DUMBEST YouTube Channel...

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yo what's up you guys know that I'm one of the only few big youtubers who actually reads his comments and I actually reply to some comments I saw you guys commenting on literally every single video I posted telling me I had to check out these weird channels DJ meet the story channels DJ meet the story channels at first though I ignored it I was really confused and I didn't really understand why you guys wanted me to react to those videos eventually though I decided to take a look at these channels that you were telling me to take a look at and I actually figured out why you guys wanted me to I found the weirdest videos on YouTube seriously these people are weird share my story and my story animated are just two of the channels we're gonna look at in today's episode these channels basically ask their viewers to send in stories and then they'll make a video about it that seems normal when you first hear it but once you actually see the stories though you'll see what I was talking about earlier your husband got me pregnant and he has no interest in taking responsibility for his mistake that is disgusting in this video we're gonna watch some of these videos together and then we're gonna do some research to figure out if these are real or fake stories you should be glad you clicked on this video because it's going to be crazy welcome to our exploration with the weirdest and nastiest videos on YouTube before we check out those super weird videos though Ridge wallets made this video possible we all know that your grandma probably bought you your wallet that you have right now and I'm sure it's time for a new one reg wallets are the new wave they look nothing like your normal Walmart wallet so you can look cool when you pull out your fat stacks of money I'm kidding but seriously these wallets let you carry whatever you need without all the extra junk there's over 12 different colors and styles so you can be as unique as you want there's also a lifetime warranty if you love it and if you don't like it you can return it for free and get your money back so born in not buying it they have over 30,000 five-star reviews so you know what's gonna be awesome and I personally love them too you can get 10% off your first wallet today by going to Ridge comm /dj the link is in the description now back to our weird video adventure I'm gonna show a few of these videos to you right now like for example my crush has been living in my wall dad got my best friend pregnant oh my gosh that is really weird remember real people are sending in their stories to this channel so this had to have happened to someone imagine you're just laying in bed thinking about your crush and all of a sudden you look and there's a hole in the wall and also I can't wait to read the comments on these videos I usually try to read the comments with you guys when we react to videos because people just go crazy when they see a weird video like this let's go ahead and watch some of these so I want you to pick a number one through three okay you picked three so we're gonna pick the third video I wanted to watch and you shouldn't have picked three because it's cold I got my stepmom pregnant I almost threw up wow this is weird well you picked it so let's watch it my dad's a total jerk and not even good-looking so how come he was able to marry Lexie a stunning models butt on the cover of Vogue and dated several famous football players though already this dude seems jealous of his dead after she got married to my dad he treated her horribly he'd make her dress and revealing maid costumes and ordered her to cook for him or clean the living room while he watched he seemed to get a kick out of having power over her okay maybe you think Lexie deserved it I mean she only married dad for his money but she always seems so sad one day I found Lexie crying I asked what was wrong and she told me my dad had screamed at her for hours and said he'd kick her out if she annoyed him again I said I was sorry for how my dad was treating her but suddenly she pushed me back straddled me and started kissing me all over oh my god what ooh why am I even watching this but after he left Lexie and I started kissing again it was such a rush because I knew it was wrong and I never even held the girls hand before and now it was making out with a supermodel you'd have done the same if you were me of course if my dad found out he would kill us but I couldn't keep my hands off Lexy our affair went on for months whenever dad went out Lexy and I hooked up even though she was older than me we fell in love that is so weird like I could never imagine falling in love with my stepmom but then Lexy fell pregnant there was no doubt I was the father because it happened during one of my dad's business trips of course we didn't tell my dad he thought the baby was his imagine you're white your wife is white and you have a kid and the kid comes out like that's basically what's happening he thinks it's his kid but once she gives birth to it he's gonna realize something's up so I came up with a plan I told my dad I changed my mind about helping with his business deals he was so happy he said he'd never been prouder of me over the next few weeks I went with him on business meetings with various companies it was shocking how open they were about bribing my dad and how much money they were going to make they wouldn't have been so open if they'd known that I'd planted hidden microphones at dad's office I was recording every word they said after a few months I had enough evidence to send my dad to prison for the rest of his life Wow imagine your son taking you to prison that is disrespect right there like you brought him into the world and he's basically taking you right out so I watched the rest of that video and he was basically saying how he told his dad that he had the kid with his wife and the kid in the stepmom lived we ever after until she realized that the dude didn't have a lot of money like his dad did that's the only reason why she married the old dude because he had money they ended up breaking up then his dad got killed all of a sudden and therefore the son got all of his dad's money and he got to live with his daughter that was really weird and like awkward to watch you see what I'm saying these channels just suck let's read some comments on this video someone said fun fact you did not search for this video that is actually true like who the heck would search up I got my stepmom pregnant I commented this is the nastiest video I've ever seen on YouTube and I feel like I'm right you guys can probably agree to that was pretty nasty now let's watch a weirder story something that isn't as nasty but it's super confusing at random it's about conjoined twins two sisters in this same body when my mom was pregnant her doctor told her she was expecting one baby girl but instead she got us conjoined twins while my mom loved us deeply my dad told her to let us die he suggested to accidentally let us drop on the floor because no one would be suspicious of us dying anyway that's the worst dad I've ever seen my name is Elaine and her name is butt face let me tell you about our lives and challenges nah there is no way my face I feel so bad for now this is where I start to think is this even real I mean how many people in the world are named butt face and how many of those people are twins and how many of those twins named butt face are conjoined this just doesn't add up one night I was laying in bed next to him while my sister was asleep he began telling me that he loved me more than my sister because she was annoying and stuck-up hearing him trash talk my sister somehow made me feel special like I was better than her but it turns out that he was having secret conversations with my sister too one night I woke up and heard them talking my sister was giggling and I asked what are you guys talking about she responded oh nothing important and I said wait did he tell you that he likes you more than me my sister responded yes he did and I said he told me the same thing well a few minutes later we had thrown him out of our apartment so base they both dated the same guy that's so weird to me but I mean if they both dated a different guy the other one would have to tag along too on their dates what now the rest of the story is just I'm talking about how they love being conjoined and wouldn't mind being separated if it was possible I think you've seen plenty of these videos I want to go into detective mode you guys can now call me detective BJ so my case is to figure out if these stories are real but there's a catch I'm actually on a time limit I must figure out if these are legit or not I'm gonna go through these videos to find information that I can research about and I'll try to see if it ever happened before and know my data won't be perfectly correct but hey it'll be pretty good I mean I'm a 17 year old kid who falls asleep in school accidentally oh god I forgot I was on a time limit let's go so for the first story I remember him saying his stepmoms name was Lexi and that she was on the cover of a vogue magazine now this is the fun part I tried to find a girl named Lexi that was on the cover of the magazine the only girl that's been on that cover that was named Lexi was Lexi bowling but if we look deeper into Lexi bowling she is a model but she has no kids the narrator said that him and his stepmom had a kid now she does look similar to the animation I mean they both have blond hair and they're both models but I couldn't even find a girl named Lexi that was on that cover the only one I could find was Lexi bowling also it says in the story that she dated many football players but Lexi bowling has only had one husband and that was in 2016 I also tried to search up a politician that was murdered in South America which was shown in the story as his dad but I couldn't find anything for that which means this story is posted now for story two the conjoined twins one this one's a lot harder because there are a lot of weird details that we saw by watching it the only thing we have are their names Elaine and buttface remember that let's do some research now this video is different I can't find anything that says it's real but there's no proof that it's fake I feel like they actually could be real and this story could be you know perfectly fine but I feel like they're just not famous enough to have a news article on them you know what I mean like in the first story we were talking about models on magazine covers and this one we're just talking about some ordinary conjoined twins so I'm gonna say that this story is possible but it's not very likely that it's true okay so both of those videos that we just watched were from the channel share my story the next channels are going to be a lot worse so make sure you put your seatbelts on right now I'm gonna pick two videos that look super crazy and weird and hopefully detective DJ can find enough clues to close his case this video is titled I am the only man in town I have so many questions like how is that even possible I guess there's only one way to find out I was the only boy born into a girls village after 20 years when you're the first boy to be born into a village chalk block full of girls after 20 years let me tell you that's some burden to bear all you guys out there are probably thinking it must be like winning the lottery girls flocking to your feet everywhere yeah it kind of was like that at first but then things just got weird what did his dad be the first guy in the village or the only guy in the village why but my village believes that they got cursed from a witch that they kicked out a long time ago but if you ask me I think God is the one punishing us for kicking her out on top of all that people in my village are not allowed to marry people from the outside so the moment my parents realized I was a boy they quickly wrapped me up in a blanket and kept my gender a secret they told everyone I was a girl and that my name was Jackie when in actual fact I was a boy and my name was Jared a little bit weird right but my parents had no other option they knew that people would freak out if they found out I was a boy wait Hoda how did they keep making babies if there were no boys think about that he said he was the first boy but how are they making babies then I guess the village leader was good busy so we had to hide his identity and we found out his name was Jared detective DJ's getting happy all of a sudden every girl wanted to be my friend I was the center of attention and honestly it was too much I was just a kid suddenly I had girls hanging off me wanting to play with me all the time how come I was more popular as a boy than a girl anyway the older I got the more intense it became when I turned 12 the village mayor started a new tradition from now on every year on my birthday I'd sit on a throne for the whole day and all the women who wanted to conceive baby boys would come and bow at my feet and one by one they'd reach out and kiss my feet the mayor is a literally a boy the story has to be fake he then goes on to say that he had three different wives at the same time and then at the end he said he became a father of ten boys I do not believe this one bit I can not wait for detective DJ to come back out after this next video our next story that we're gonna look at is gonna be the best one we've ever looked at it's gonna be the weirdest craziest and funniest story it says my grandpa got me pregnant three times yeah our grandpa got her pregnant three times I'm gonna tell you what you need to know before we watch this so basically the girl who's talking her mom died and her grandparents hated her because they feel like she caused her mom's death the grandparents became her parents because her mom died and her grandmother hated her but her grandpa kinda loved her it was one afternoon later that month that it happened he did it with me against my will of course this was the first time this had happened and I remember it crystal clear I was just frozen in place staring unseeingly ahead of me I could hear the vacuum upstairs for my grandmother cleaning and I focused more on that than anything else you that's disgusting now I watched this whole video and its really boring I would have shown more clips of these videos but they're kind of boring they're just little animations that just are filled with unnecessary Caesaria information basically though her grandpa got her pregnant three different times and every time she told her grandmother it was just some boys from school but eventually by the third time she told her grandma that it was actually her grandpa that was doing it her grandma never believed her and things kept happening until she ran away one day looking for help now I think that these two stories are perfect for detective DJ because because there is a lot of different things that I can look up to try to solve these cases and figure out this is all just made-up bullcrap or if it's actually real so for the first story about the dude who was the first boy born in a village for over 30 years he said let's try to do some research to see if this is true after looking some things up all I could find was articles about a Polish village that hasn't had a boy in ten years not 30 years like the story said so obviously they must be stretching the truth I also couldn't find anything about a kid named Jared having three wives and ten boys this video is possibly real I don't doubt it but I just feel like it would be all over the news if they only had one boy in 30 years there's articles online about having a first boy in ten years so why wouldn't they have a first boy in 30 years one and now detective DJ's gonna have to try to figure out if this girl actually got pregnant three times our grandpa it's a pretty weird thing to like make up and act like happened to you because remember people send in these stories so if you're acting like this happened to you that's really weird I found hundreds of news articles showing where a grandpa impregnated his granddaughter but nothing fully relates to the story in the story that we watched is said that her grandma never helped her but in most of these news articles that I found the grandma helped her I wish I had the names of these people in this last story so I could actually verify if it was real or not but I mean there's articles that say grandfather impregnates 11 year old girl and there's also articles that say grandfather learns his fate after getting girl pregnant but none of these clearly match up to the story that we watched so this is why once again I'll say it's possibly real but there's no evidence of it being real or fake I'm disappointed I was presented a case to try to solve the mysteries but I couldn't solve anything if you guys have any tips for detective DJ please let me know maybe I could use it in another video but anyways you got to admit these are definitely the weirdest videos that you've seen on YouTube and that's what you guys clicked on the video for I hope you guys liked watching this and I'm sorry that Detective DJ couldn't find any real information it was either a hit or miss with these stories and I guess I picked the wrong ones to investigate but they were still really weird and really crazy so I guess that's good enough if you guys want to see some more awesome videos like this and make sure you go ahead and subscribe to my channel because I post these videos all the time and I'll see you guys in my next episode I know you see those videos on the screen right now if they seem cool to you go ahead and click on one of them they might be about the time I threw a chair of my teacher about the time I punch the kid in the McDonald's play place or it might just be a random video so go ahead and check that out if
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 3,876,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumbest youtube channel, worst youtube channels, i found the dumbest youtube channel, dj cook, meet the youtubers, meet the youtubers kodak wk, dj cook meet, dj cook dumbest youtuber, kodak wk, story, my story animated, share my story
Id: Cq5r2MCl9Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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