This Game Was Meant To Be The Elder Scrolls Killer...

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you know sometimes I like to think about the fact that 2007 was well and truly one of the best yes video games I mean Halo 3 Call of Duty fall portal The Witcher Bioshock Team Fortress 2 and you know even Mass Effect they all came out in 2007 and in my opinion 2007 truly encapsulated the Xbox 360 era where almost every year was just Banger after banger but still amidst all of this there was one RPG on top of the leaderboard and that was Oblivion releasing a year prior than that in 2006 Oblivion was still one of the most played and most talked about RPGs on the market and as 2007 rolled around one company said that they had enough of Oblivion being at the top let me introduce you to the Elder Scrolls killer let me introduce you to Two Worlds all right [Music] foreign so there it is May 2007 and Two Worlds is released keep in mind that all of the marketing behind this game was that of you know defeating Oblivion and the Elder Scrolls series and the game came out and it it looked like this so people were a bit annoyed now mind me The Witcher came out as well at the same time and The Witcher wasn't exactly a great game at first too I mean the first Witcher game is pretty bad but The Witcher series would go on to become a household name and to some people would surpass the Elder Scrolls in quality although it would never surpass it in sales however Two Worlds didn't have that longevity and you probably know that by the fact that most people watching this don't know what the [ __ ] Two Worlds is but let me show you two worlds is just a big giant sandbox fantasy RPG in which you can basically do anything like I swear to God this game has like 200 sets of weapons over 560 different sets of armors has tons of enemies some absolutely beautiful areas as long as you're not moving that is and honestly quite a fun storyline despite the fact that it's hard to get into because you know there's so many names just thrown around like azerol and gandahar I mean who the [ __ ] knows who these characters are but if you actually try to follow the storyline of this game it's not too bad I mean chaos and point you want to see my sister look at my sister now I don't know why the game thought it was a good idea to hypersexualize my sister like that but I mean I I don't know what the joke is here let's just move on to the next bit anyways today we're gonna be playing through the entirety of Two Worlds trying to complete the game without losing my sanity and accidentally finding that there's one really op weapon type that pretty much one shots the final boss so enjoy oh no not my tint alright so this is the game this is Two Worlds oh my God I'm so excited to play this you guys don't even know the graphics are bad this is it on Max settings won't open oh I forgot everything about this game man plus one horse riding but dude plus one the horse riding oh my god dude okay should we play a game chat you guys have to take a shot every time my character says my haps or nay please no trust me it doesn't say it that much when this game came out I don't remember vampire put it on screen temperature is rising today wasn't your day holy [ __ ] that's a lot of damage 43-62 yeah no wonder it was like nearly one shot at me this guy is a weapon that requires eight was it 18 strength I currently have five my lock picks are broken that's interesting oh my God so the start of the game there was no opening cutscene but we're gonna watch it on YouTube because we need we do kind of need the opening cutscene why do they make a sound mildly erotic yeah there's a very weird thing in this game our sister is hyper sexualized but she's our sister it's very weird oh my God I'm so ugly holy [ __ ] oh my god did you see how ugly I was my character looks like an alien why does he look like that bro look upon a rarity while you can Rarity dude the guy hasn't it in like a week he's got he's malnourished he's not he's about to die directly what's wrong with his face what is not wrong also all of these characters are literally meaningless except from the main guy and the bad guy and we haven't really met the bad guy yet the guy we just this is the mayor of the Town people have died right people have been killed he doesn't know what's happening he's invited this bounty hunter me out to come help him out and the guy who's gonna help us is our guide who's just taking us to a temple to help kill off the creatures that are in the temple that have killed like six people okay I do not have sufficient time that's the temple we're in at the start of the game that was that was the intro kind of important but my sister gets missing we're a bounty hunter we're taking jobs you know stuff like that's happening so we're in falmor Tylenol I kind of forgot where we're in this place and it's different to where we started off because at the start of the game we're from like a really bad place right we come from like a place where thieves and bounty hunters and all that [ __ ] originate from and we've come to this place and the people here are actually nice but the people in charge are Rebels and they don't want to like they don't want to do anything so the cities are governed by either Rebels or like Imperials basically it's kind of like an Imperials versus like you know the storm cloaks except the storm clocks are just bigger in this game and they're more dangerous and we currently are fighting against some Wizards who have my my sister wife sister slash wife yes oh my god well should we go attack the Wolves give me a [ __ ] I forgot how bad this game is oh my God I did a I did a six do you see that my favorite thing about this game before we get into it too much is that anything that has a permanent effect like this like I said terrarium any type of like natural product you find out in the Wasteland has a permanent Effect one of the things you can do is you can make potions with it so you can mix it with a Mana portion like this and you'll get a potion that gives you mana and dexterity and it's permanent this is one of the mechanics in Two Worlds that makes me love this game so much you can do things like permanently increase your stats just by finding random ingredients out in the wild and they they do permanently increase your stats I guess the only thing the kin to this is like imagine if you took a buff out or psycho but these stats were permanent and you could just Farm it over and over again trust me getting really strong and broken in this game is very easy also one of my other favorite things about this game you can combine items so if I was to have three of the exact same type of Sword as you can see class one it's the first sword you start off with you know class one boom class two Boom Clap free and now it does more damage oh my God there's so much to this game that I have to explain there's a lot there's magic too so I've got tons of points to level up I don't know what to level up I can't even remember what's good in this game what type of guy should we go for go hit with big stick should we do big stick play through all right you guys will just do big stick play through so this is the big bad guy Dollar Tree Ganon there's so much dialogue there's so much in this game there is so much of like oh but what about this ah yes we don't care yes but what if you did care but we don't there's a lot of that in this game of just talking about nothing okay let me ask you guys a question is the wind chimes pissing you off yet because the wind chimes are not gonna go whip anytime we're in a small little village like this there is wind chimes everywhere you will not Escape you have to get used to it archery I actually don't know if archery is good in this game oh yeah you can add lightning damage to weapons too and admit turns into a light server there's a lot in this game Okay the reason why the bad guys are standing out here is you can't kill him but if you've ever seen the spirit of the game basically the end of the game finishes when this guy dies so in the speed run what they do is they get him to throw a fireball at you while you stand over there and it attacks the entire Village and then the village kills him probably best if I just showed you the speedrun so yeah what you do is you hit him you become friendly with the entire Village because by talking to the Village guy you become friends of the village and then that's and then basically you run back and everyone's just ragging on this just want to reiterate that this is like a god a person trying to achieve godhood or whatever and a bunch of villagers are just so that's the two world speed run it's good laughs holy [ __ ] these guys do so much damage okay I've decided I'm taking the initiative we're gonna level up our health because we have way too little Health like I've got 140 health just by putting Five Points into it I'd like pretty much double it but probably gonna be just going for strength super strong build what skills it's kind of hard to explain everything you have health which is Vitality dexterity which is like crit chance and you know bow and arrows and stuff like that strength is just pure like muscle like you know big heavy weapons and then willpower which is for magic and Mana these are all your skills we have horse riding swimming lock picking sneaking stealing set traps and then you have things like Perry balance strong hand critical hit and all of this stuff the potion one is probably the most broken one you can get because you can just permanently keep permanently increasing your stuff like I said you need to in order to unlock these you need to go talk to people so you need to go like talk you need to go find like Specialists out in the world it's kind of mad but for now I'm just gonna level up crits right uh crit chance strength I'll go for a bit of sneak sneak's kind of important but I never seem to get it to work it's great about this you can't die you literally cannot die it is impossible why is he got his titties out because chest down why he's got the thing around his neck if he's got his chest out that seems like you an issue others nowadays his chest head counts as light omelette oh [ __ ] did you see that the guards all right this is where we started getting like actual armor and stuff like that why the combat animations low FPS because I don't think you're meant to play this game in general I don't think you meant to play this game but like Beyond 25 FPS the pick drop item sound is so bad I know I know dude you know I I like games where at the start you look like this like some little dinky loser that no one cares about there's so much Jank in this game oh my god oh dude the damage he's got a big stick wait he's got a big stick you see it also this game was marketed as the Oblivion Killer by the way I just want you guys to know that that's what this game was marketed as like literally all of the marketing was like this game is bigger and better and greater and has more quests and more characters and Oblivion do that information what you will chat we're using the big weapon Mayhem there are more noble horses in Catalan that's a shot he said mayhap you guys remember every time he says mayhap you have to take a shot god look at my look at my weapon chat if this guy if you okay let me okay I'm gonna refer you guys for a hypothetical right just sat chilling you know just walking through the forest and then behind the tree this guy comes out give me all your [ __ ] [ __ ] well you you'd Panic the big stick with the spiky bits at the end oh do you guys want poison Spirit or cold damage I'll let you guys pick that one poopy stick well what's a poop stick is it poison or is its Spirit yeah traps are the highest damage weapon in the game I have no idea why should we do traps I've never done trap damage before you know what we're gonna do we're gonna do a trap damage playthrough so what if we do trap and poo stick we trapped them we hit him with the Poo stick which role playing as a Vietcong gorilla let's role plays like like you know like a little Freedom Fighter you know oh Spirit damage one Nepal okay so we're doing Spirit damage I would like to say the spirit damage is the most OP it's probably the best thing to put on your stick oh big stick actual stick actual big stick this is this is the world's biggest stick if you press M on your keyboard and you're playing an RPG what do you think it pulls up map right m stands for magic dumbasses I don't know which button opens the map l oh another stick for my stick collection should we just collect sticks what are my thoughts on of this game my thoughts of this game right now stick true one of them just went for a wall it's locked I'm taking this [ __ ] easy let's have a look oh is the heavy Miss just a a leg of a table I don't think it's an actual stick wait wait look at the weapon it's an act bro I'm using a banister leg this [ __ ] holds up like your patio or saying so do you think the Bethesda team will like freaking out when this game came out do you think they're like oh [ __ ] dude we're done ah [ __ ] this game's gonna take over the entire Elder Scrolls series is useless now what's the point there's better clearly more well-made game is released no okay oh there he is gandaha the guy that we we actually like he's the guy in the inside that's friendly to us right now okay what's the story are you helping this dude smash your sister yes so the story is as simple as this these big bad Brotherhood kind of people kidnap my sister because they they know that there's something in our Bloodlines that makes us like super strong I think we're like tied to a thing called the tent like I don't think my sister's tent was powerful enough so they had to like use her to get to me and then they're gonna use me to activate like a bunch of demonic portals to bring back like some God from the past in order to save my sister so basically I have to bring back a God to save my sister which is like incredibly dumb and for some reason our character is stupid enough to actually go ahead with it all right you guys ready to meet my sister again if you guys forgot what my sister looked like you might need to take a second to breathe in a bit oh I see you was the sign of the taint all right I'm gonna show you guys my tent but this is kind of hard to explain but I'm gonna try and explain it probably because the story is somewhat important me and my sister are twins and we have this magic ability that's in our blood that lets us activate old relics our family used to own an old Relic that the bad guys want and my sister is being held hostage until we hand them that Relic now sneakily behind the scenes me and Kira my sister are communicating using nerds and we can then talk to each other and ganderha the person who is working with her is helping us out in order to deceive the other gods and you know ultimately save her life because apparently gandahar really likes her oh yeah yeah this guy a Teleport Stone teleporter teleport Stone uh how can I help you uh I will bring you magnesite uh what is this inventory system LOL noises are cracking me up dude have you not heard half the noises let me show you something where's the wolf let me kill a wolf I gotta show you the best sound effect in any game you've ever played I just want to know why your inventory looks like a scrapbook a child put together excuse me excuse this is like the best thing you've ever seen look at this oh a silver Wolf come on then come on I'll wait then come on tap listen to this that's the worst sound effect in the video game hey chat watch this I'm pretty sure the healing sound effect lives like Ren free in my head everyone be quiet the first city this is a flash game do not confuse the Reflections in the water with the reality I did not hear you what was that excuse me sunstroke old man I like how my character's an [ __ ] he's like stripped just a complete [ __ ] right we have a big long spear now look at this sorry wait that speed is better man what a waste of money oh this one's so cool do you know who I am this weapon your weapon name dude the gods scare me you guys don't understand the gods are scary man that's the song you want oh yeah you don't think I will I feel like this enlightened one is like a cult leader what can you tell me about your master the enlightened one I have never met anyone who speaks like he can I break into his house are you the enlightened one he's just a con artist Enlightenment of the Gods of what gods do you speak what was he talking about what God do you need most they all speak to me should we kill him I feel like he's a he's like a con artist how about it [Laughter] there's too much dialogue he crashed my game Ben pie don't put this in the video but God those feet all right let's go kill the the con artist dude [Music] [Laughter] no yo bro what up man oh oh is this oh oh is this some good stuff we got nail bomb yeah we have IEDs now what's up Lads yeah these guys do not give a [ __ ] do they not know I've killed off their leader he's like lying dead on the floor I want his weapon his big like see his big bone weapon I want that that's what I'm worried about because I think it's a high level weapon please be good chat does does this count as a stick I feel like this counts as it's a human stick what say what I thought he did hey Chad did that look like you're in-laws too 7.5 to 22.5 kid damage excuse me we should probably stick to noon traps all right let's go continue the main storyline I kind of want to do that so the main storyline I have to go to the next node to talk to my sister oh look who it is chat wanna see something cool watch this step on that God damn okay these bombs are really cool is that inhuman honestly I think that's more Humane than killing an animal in actual combat I have arrived I try to meet Little Village Chad should we wipe these guys out what do you guys think good riddance be gone run for your life [ __ ] no please [Music] foreign so do we just take everything from this town and just sell it off I have bad news I'm selling off my sticks I'm no longer the stickman I'm selling them off I don't care they're taking up too much inventory space and they weigh too much but we will keep a lot of the bones is that fair chat I think that's fair I need a rope which has just been used for a hanging okay I can get you I know where to find a rope that's been used for hanging there was a little Hill remember you guys remember the little Hill I was on all right I'm here for The Hangman's rope where is it thank you I got it that was all it took I once skelden himself is he out of his mind you did not bring me enough rope the last time I need more all right more rope I'm pretty sure he dies if you walk away oh dude what happened to The Necromancer that was here if you I searched but I found no rope you are traitor did you see that I jumped over his attack oh clip that clip that clip that clip that clipped rest in peace [ __ ] seek employment when are we gonna have the funeral for Elder Scrolls soon is that Mr Beast wait look like Mr Beast a little bit I'll take a quest good sir can you beatbox next time you're killing something yes I'll round up all these little guys and I'll swipe them out come here oh my God the game's lagging because there's too many of them let me just kill these guys one second oh [ __ ] please please oh my God I say we go for the black plate armor holy [ __ ] look at that that's kind of sick looking ow I think these these glitch rocks I think these guys dropped their weapons what would they do hello your next [ __ ] holy [ __ ] Chad we're playing Skyrim enemy spotted all right chat we're going in big attack all right come on down [ __ ] you can't hit me from there that feels good it's free horse there's another stick as well well that's an awk helmet oh the the boots of God okay I can't swim in these anymore oh the gloves we just got the gloves we just need the body piece now and we've got the set watch this guy watch one of watching the set be in here it wasn't but that would have been really cool if it was all right come on horsey get on book this is a dragon this isn't this isn't a horse man oh more enemies ah please [Music] I told you guys we were gonna get the [ __ ] said look holy [ __ ] look at him look at him he's so cool let's get out of here dude it's like Shrek's armor no Shrek's arm is was silver it was like white and then it got gray got like all dirty this game has so many Lids this game has so many layers people don't understand this game is like one of the purest RPG experiences you can have like Liz yeah like an onion yes like an onion won't open I like every time he says one open it opens we did just discover so what we did is this is the first Village we stayed at uh these guys asked us for some help a bunch of their relatives had like left to broomhill it turns out brumhill had been absolutely destroyed by Ox so we're about to deliver some bad news but that's about it that's all I have to say we haven't really done much I will get to the main story when we get to the main story did we find anything out about brumhill I have very bad news to you so you were right about the Snorks no details please and leave me alone all right so the the people of berm Hill are dead and then also this guy who's a very rich Merchant wanted us to go to broomhill to get like a very secret Crystal this looks like a fake game that people in sitcoms played it does wow dude what what that guy always plays that same RPG over and over again man God what a loser when is he gonna go out and get a real job and it's just like cuts to the guy doing this because like you know the people at the sitcom don't know how to play games you love the Shrek helmet stop calling it The Shrek helmet I'm sick of it dude this is not the Shrek outfit oh chat do we Okay Okay Okay the whole point of this playthrough is we're using comical weapons do we switch from the gigantic hip bone to the Pitchfork do we switch to the pitch fog do we return to stick look at this he is he's literally a peasant from the Shrek movie you know the first one oh look at the boobs dude imagine a peasant pulled out a pitch frog instead doing this [ __ ] oh God never mind let him take all the stuff all right we'll go back to the blunt for now no we're not doing a Shrek themed playthrough okay we're gonna go see our sister so you guys like that we're gonna go see our sister we're gonna go say hi to her we haven't said hi to our sister in ages so Bandits have they not noticed me yet are they legit not notice me hey boys come talk to me oh I love bombs man they're like my favorite fig in this game you don't even have to fight people in this game man did I just IED some Bandits no they want improvised explosives they were actual explosives all right we can put down really good traps now do you have any more good traps I do pallades bomb 7.5 to 22.5 K damage I don't know if we should be using that that kind of seems a bit too op you know what let's try let's try one of these out on the on the thing hey mm-hmm again I feel like we're doing something very illegal to like these animals let me in let's close oh my God do we go for the Black Knight plate armor that's kind of cool looking though what is all this high level stuff look at that chat tell me you don't see anything more cinematic than that look at that what a beautiful sight okay so there's an entire like 10 minute section of the stream where I tried to explain the story of the game to my viewers as best as I could the only problem is I used Ms paint to do it I was gonna originally cut this out of the video but you know what I'm gonna let you guys watch it what's the background of this game okay the entire main story of the game I'll explain it while I you know clear out this dungeon can you draw an MS paint let's say this is the land that we live in this is our realm you guys see this so in this realm there is humans you have Orcs you have humans you have elves right and then you have like dwarfs okay I I can't I don't actually don't know what happens to the elves but the elves get like basically killed off but the elves have magic so magic exists in this land uh the dwarves have ran away because they're too they're too small to look after themselves the humans beat the ox in battle and the ox got banished but as part of this uh the ark king or whatever you know who look at me I have a crown he got sealed inside of a tomb and now these guys come along and they they're like wearing hoods they're like I think they're just like a group of necromancers so they kidnap my sister this is my sister they kidnap my sister then tell me basically we have magic blood in us and we have to free the the magic Arc King to get our sister back and if we don't do it they're gonna kill our sister that's the story of the game does that help we understand oh my God Vitality increases my health if we can make a potion that increases my Vitality but fall we can Farm these guys over and over again and have like ten thousand Health what's this creature design uh it's clearly Frankenstein's monster so you guys could have a bit of class about you and not actually refer to it as a creature it's a living being it has a sentient feelings ah how the [ __ ] did he hit me from there excuse me excuse these guys have like fists with like extended claws or some things yeah I got bonked Jabo can you do one of those Tick Tock NPC streams nah you know what I'm good what look let's see I see if I was to decipher these old Stones they would tell me knowledge beyond my gum Bridge it's a new Shout these are the Guardian Stones yeah it's the Freestone start of the game I'll take the stealth one please yeah I'm not doing the the gang gang gang gang ice cream's so good ice cream's so good no spicy how does he talk to her I'll explain in a second all right so basically in order to activate these old nodes you need to be you need to have like the specific type of bloodline and uh we have that you know specific type of bloodline so right I need to find this Necromancer that is to the west and get him to teach me how to do potion making all right there's no magicians here I'm over it there is a magician in there I mean I looked around I couldn't find him on the right side bro I swear to God I of the get of the other side of the get okay you're the only person in chat that's gave me any actual help with this game but I'm willing to risk your existence in this channel if there is no magician inside of this town you're getting permabend alright you said right of the gate him oh all right never mind thank you mercal you are literally the best vipm all right come here dude I'll VIP you it's starting to rain foreign you know I love this game I I I just need you guys to know that this game means a lot to me what's happening at 1500 Subs if we manage to hit 1500 subs today I will wipe out a little village off the map deal all right Chad I'll go wipe out a village fine hello can I come in please get away hey boys what's happening huh you guys do you guys chilling bam bam oh is that a magician I see how about you magician these balls just got boned everybody else wants some of this [ __ ] come here oh ow ow but welcome back to loot these guys later we're going straight for the for the Relic I think it's like the water Relic or the I know it's the air Relic right we need to get all the the five elements [Music] he's supposed to be like the leader of the the like one of the Raider camps or some [ __ ] also this is the This Is The Relic we uh wanted to steal from them see this right here chat that's for one of the main missions we haven't started yet by the way I think we start the main mission once we get to the main city oh you oh this guy wants to do I know what this guy's mission is I killed his boss oh yeah oh yeah I did aren't they the people this passageway chat we just killed off his is should we help them out I don't think we should I kind of like that City and also we've kind of also like already killed off that his leader you also have the respect of the entire Clan uh what Clan oh my God Chad we have the mega bomb I want to use it on someone look at all the grubs okay Chad I got the smartest figure watch this I think the IED device is uh not a bad device seems to do a lot of damage you guys want to start building some potions so what if I just put in like a ton of these this increases my Vitality by Fall my God Vitality by 57. my maximum health is four thousand six hundred okay now it's went up to was it four thousand did I just double my my health points okay yeah this game's a bit broken thirty thousand call damage and 33 000 bludgeon damage God why are traps so cheap in this game I feel like they're so cheap oh oh dude okay you guys understand we are actually getting the late game armor now like properly gay Mama this armor sucks I look Rusty how have I bought the worst armor okay the game is lagging way too much in the side of the city I have crab armor on we really are playing the most cursed setup he's running around with a bone looking like a crab ho ho who excuse me I guess no one's here so it won't be very quiet shh let's see attention attention flashbacks to Big buffers gang all right we need to find out who [ __ ] is I think he's a character we meet later on in the game well let's go kill all of his pet wyverns though come on boys wait do you not just see what happened to your friends you want to do this for you I hope you guys like this place it's the mid it's the capital of the game and it's really big I always forget where the um the auto save crashed my game that was great chat can we switch to this weapon please the noble four prong Pitchfork come on look at it that's our new stick I don't care that's our new stick we're gonna switch to the fork it's a noble Pitchfork which means I'm not a peasant for using it yeah so this is the the first major city in the game I kind of want to show you guys a little Japan City do you want me to just run there see if I can survive the run I really don't think I can there's so many people here dude if I put down one bomb think of the XP okay one sec I have to try I'm gonna go piss I'll be back in a second chat if any of them die it's your fault and that my friends is too old if you ever If You Ever Wanted proof of what type of game two worlds is all right boys sister time hey sibling I am so happy again my taint is soft and Squishy I like how her left arm's got a curtain it and that cut has been there this entire playthrough that cut on her left arm has literally not moved are they meant to move it's been like two months it should be healed by now the voice acting reminds me of shenmue that's that's what it reminds me of true what about the Pitchfork am I high enough level to use it oh oh chat right boys it's been an honor but we have to say goodbye to the bun the noble four-prong Pitchfork were returning back to our roots of being a filthy peasant I'm gonna run straight to the Japanese City so you guys can see it and I'm gonna teleport back but first before that I'm gonna kill off all these Orcs [Laughter] oh God the destruction oh there it is welcome to Japan wow look at that what a beautiful little city I hope nothing bad happens to it when we take the water stone out of the city Temple hello oh you just let me in like that okay oh all right so this is um welcome to Japan the the cool thing about this place is the women walk very weird let me see if I can find one excuse me sir do you know where there's any women hello [Laughter] oh my Lord excuse me excuse me dude imagine trying to get around town walking this slow oh my God all right gandaha what do you want [ __ ] your Masters are deranged but they did everything all right I'll explain the story to you guys he's pretending this guy up right here is pretending to be a friend I told you that's not nice he called me a hoe you can't say that we have now finished the introduction to the game literally it took us 10 hours to get the intro done now we have to go find the five relics put them together and finish the games we already have one piece which we got from up North when we killed out this entire Village so we already have this there's one piece in this little Japanese City we'll get that later on we need to talk to her to find out where the other pieces are oh I just punched myself with a nose oh my God ow I just I went I went to like wipe my face and cough and then I did this all right Chad you ready to get to the first major city in the game outside of the two other cities we went to this is the third this is the second major city in the game but we went to the first of the third to the second so we kind of missed it so oh my God it's gandahar do you think we could kill him dude there's no way anyone survives stepping on this all right I did one damage [ __ ] bro a furious battle one fully ages okay he's nearly he's nearly dead he's nearly dead we got it boys yeah we're good fares your mission right so we need to get all five pieces back to him or else he's gonna freak out and [ __ ] and come everywhere where's the guy that I need to talk to oh oh he's at his hood all right we should go to his hood all right we we came to Mr horse hunt earlier in the game and uh nobody was here so hello oh Mr Hall is that him oh my God it is it's a hoe you smell different than I expected you must be hoe this guy just sniffed me how come I'm friendly with the main enemy because he's pretending to be my friend all right so we know where the stones are one stone is inside the Beast of a giant dragon the novel stone is in Gog what's it called golgram which is the the awk Capital City another one is buried underground inside of a crypt where the dead King is and the other one is unfortunately inside of the weeb town that we have to destroy in order to get the stone uh what should we do first I don't I don't want to do the weeb town yet fine fine you guys want to see what happens to the weed Town fine be my guest you know what suck it in chat what a bustling City huh okay this is like literally nobody you everyone's gonna be dead say goodbye to the residents of ashros because uh it's over hello can I please steal the stone I would like to steal the stone hey boys oh [ __ ] all right we're just gonna trap these guys because it's probably the best thing to do foreign how are you not dead what's that we found the water stone if you guys want something to compare this to in modern day history like something that actually happened in real life what I've just done it's kind of like Thanos snapping his fingers you'll see when we leave we we might have just killed off everybody in Astros we didn't we didn't might we just did so this is ashos you guys remember the city we have now have a ship in a box dude stop kicking dirt in my fears I'm gonna lose my mind stop it oh my God okay I'm trying so hard to just kill him with a cool move but it's not working oh my God I feel like the next person that's gonna throw a pocket sand at me I'm gonna uninstall the game I swear to God man it's like the only thing they learned in Ark Academy or some [ __ ] you you signed me Frozen two me super strong like you okay so they're all dead like literally all dead but we do get a lot of katanas out of it and also we can loot every single house in this town now the gods have I didn't even know they could do that oh my God they were just sitting in there chilling this is the this is the the craziest thing that's ever happened in the history of mankind name one event in in human history that was more important than this gone this is the most important thing that's ever happened to human beings is this game good honestly if you want my genuine opinion I think this is one of the funnest games I've ever played oh yeah this is really good I went NPC dude can a man not enjoy music nowadays all right let's go get second Stone what do you guys want to go for the next one yeah I'm gonna give you guys the option Evo zombies dragon or Ox I don't think we can kill the dragon but I can try we'll go do the dragon chat where is it the dragons over here we have to go south until we get to the fire claw and uh we'll go south until we hit this road wait wait wait wait the flesh Golem kind of looks like Yoda I'm very tall you smell me no like Jedi I don't know what this is is it gonna kill me I think it's a wyvern we should be fine hello dragon all right great okay never mind distract me what a pathetic Dragon if I was a dragon I'd be like the strongest dragon in all the realm I'd be the dragon that like you have to kill to become the king you know I wouldn't be some disgusting Petty dragon that dies from two hits with like a little Katana all right how do we put how do we approach this guy I'm gonna make a save I sit sometimes in life life gives you lemons I think we're gonna go for the Trap setup traps are probably the best way to kill like big creatures like this all right you I I wanna I wanna speak to you Bandits that's not a bandit that's a dragon buddy now we witnessed the great destruction of The Last Dragon known to man [Applause] yeah I did just one shot that Dragon hello is that it White Dragon Nest air element well that was easy is there a dragon nearby or oh you need the quest to kill the white dragon that's cool don't really have any need for it though so I say we gotta move on and we go somewhere else dragon's dealt with we didn't really kill the dragon but hey boys come on it's getting laggy come come fight me oh my God can you stop kicking dirt please explosion and getting annoyed at this stupid guy kicking dirt at me they just he just keeps chat okay I'm gonna look if you guys ever become a UFC fighter can somebody please try kicking dirt in your opponent's eye like if you ever become like a boxer like a trained UFC fighter can you just like just try kicking dirt in someone's eye in the Octagon yeah just bring the dirt in with you yes no bring it in with you take it in they'll let they'll let you take the dirt in trust me I'm just gonna go straight towards where they walk so oh [ __ ] you just started before battle it's time to test our will against the will of the Dragon okay bro do you want to like not hide [Applause] welcome to Two Worlds one of the best games ever made by mankind this game will blow your mind today was a killer day anyone how far I'm from the end yeah I need to grab this this rock this rock and then activate the end of the game the grand stone is down there you see it is this game actually good at you playing it for the meme the Fire Nation what is that is it Money Box you put your money in there or something nice wait true if my character says in-laws that means my character's married well who is he married to wait what if his in-laws are his actual parents and he's just married to his sister have we just figured it out he's married to himself the grind right next one is up here so we'll just go there so last Rock we have to collect is this one over here which is with the dead King shouldn't be too hard to do and then we have the the last act to do which doesn't take too long all right this is this is the place of the last one I think we need to go do a mission to get it yeah I can't gain access without doing a mission I think I have to go to Windbreak Village I can't remember what it was so we have to go to Windbreak Village we have to do I think we have to do a few missions for the mayor there and then he gives us the key oh we can just kill him good day good day while they're off like fighting a few wolves I'm gonna turn their entire Village into like mine Zone the same but I was wounded I'm crying oh my God he's dead the chicken all right we killed the Mad chat hey guys come fight me yeah yeah come fight me boys [Laughter] oh my God what is happening oh my god oh [ __ ] The Stranger oh my God he was supposed to be my friend I'm in deep trouble now let's have a look I'm in such deep trouble I'm a hero I did it oh my god let's go clear out the tomb I can't believe how easy it was to clear out that entire little town it was so easy you forgot the chickens I let the chickens live I don't know why something you might not understand but it's called a warning sign if I if I killed off all the chickens who was gonna go out there and tell everyone to be scared of me you gotta you gotta not kill the chickens so that more chickens respect you uh okay this game is a little easy now I thought this game was supposed to be hard this is like the king's tomb this is supposed to be like the super secret super godded king's tomb that no one's allowed to come into because it's like super well guarded and instead of that we just got like a bunch of flimsy skeletons that'll be able to like kill the end no we still have like a couple more missions to do sorry like we should have all five pieces we should have the four stones and The Relic itself dude what happened to this Village why is the village so empty ah [ __ ] all right well I guess I can steal the horse so I have to go up against gandahar boys get your pens and papers out it's time for the main story everybody better be paying attention I wonder if I can make out with this guy never mind do you feel better but I believe I am alive oh this is the guy accidentally killed well I'll tell you after this there was supposed to be a cutscene mercenary of unfinished what happened is pretty much this a cutscene happened so we're gonna go watch it we had an agreement that's me I have done my part oh God hell yeah yeah hell yeah don't stand so close to the edge bro oh Lord the Fitbit what the hell this this whole system brother relationship is very weird it's very sus I'm telling you guys oh I bet I got [ __ ] smashed last night bro no this is not the end of the game trust me there's more left we're in the Final Act though this is the end of the game so let me explain the premise of what's just happened Azeroth is the name of the god that they brought back to life uh they used the soul of my sister to bring him back to life some magic [ __ ] like that with the Relic I don't know what happened but we got betrayed and now a big crack has opened in the sky related to the five towers and we have to go um shut down one of the towers in order to access the finale of the game uh The Strangers that are set in every town in in the nice like white armor that turns out they're friendly uh and it turns out those guys that you know we were trusted with gandahar and the rest of them you know the hooded folk the ones that like well clearly the bad guys it turns out that they are Gods from a different realm and they've been banished to this realm so they're trying to bring Azeroth back to life in order to be able to take over earth does that make sense no I have to shut down one of the towers as you can see the towers all five Towers in the game like if we look over in that direction this this is the water claw tower that direction is the uh stormclaw tower that one is you know the the Earth Tower and so and so they're all like linked together they've used them to create a barrier because they've ran off over here to hide and it's protected by the barrier I don't know if that makes sense to you guys I'm explaining what happened in the game whether or not it makes sense doesn't bother me anymore I made a kill some [ __ ] and make my way out of the tower boys no no no I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you I'm sorry it's good bro we chill let's have a look [ __ ] oh I get it the sky is clear woohoo we did it boys told you it was easy now we go do the end of the game dude we did it we're at the dude chat listen we have made it all the way to the end of the game we've got one last road to go on one last journey and of course it starts raining but you know what that doesn't stop us [Music] all right we're gonna I want to see if I can one shot ganderheart at the end I don't think we can maybe with the bombs oh there he is okay you ready rice all right we're gonna do this again but we're gonna do it better we're gonna put down a bunch of traps he's not gonna survive this he's not even looking at me he doesn't even know what's happening hi foreign all right final time for the final boss I'm gonna make a save here because I wonder where he spawns I think it's in the middle right I will not permit you really care yes more than you could ever imagine why is that why does he like us so much I've run out of pages come on God I missed what he said what did he say what did he say ah map it has changed already and you have not perceived this all right here we go chat you ready I'm putting down every trap known to man does he role play walk over to me oh God no [Applause] my game it just cut me back on the main menu [Laughter] all right that's the end of the game uh it's a bit anticlimactic but I'm gonna show you the cutscene all right you guys ready for this oh we forgot about this one welcome I have wasted so many chances oh yeah that's his big weapon by the way it's supposed to be like really really dangerous but he like never uses it and this is the final cut scene [Applause] the building is empty we can pass the night here the intro oh my God where dude the introduction to the game that took a long time how do you feel I was exhausted but I feel better now I feel like this game would be way more impactful if that was like my my wife or my friend who gives a [ __ ] about the sister like that this is the bad ending so this is why we become Gods one of the one of these is me we actually do become Gods though God damn so that's the bad ending I don't know how that's the bad ending but that is the bad ending that's the ending of Two Worlds the game that was supposed to kill the Elder Scrolls franchise that is it that's the ending we did it boys Two Worlds is no more took us 13 hours and 45 minutes to finish the game I'm very proud of that well done you know so I don't really know what you guys are gonna think of either this video or this game but I really enjoyed Two Worlds and I wanted to do something a bit different so I hope you guys did enjoy the upload don't worry there is Fallout content coming soon the next four uploads I believe are gonna be Fallout related before Starfield comes out including the tileman series both part 2 and part 3. I haven't completely forgotten about that playthrough I just wanted to take a break before I had a mass upload of Fallout content and just do something more casual and fun as always thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to the YouTube membership patrons for subscribing to the channel and supporting me financially as always more content to come real soon and I'll see you guys next time goodbye
Channel: ItsJabo
Views: 1,103,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Oblivion, Bad steam games, bad pc games, worst steam games, terrible steam games, souls like games, itsjabo, itsjabo skyrim, worst game ever, what went wrong, Two worlds, Two Worlds 2, can you beat
Id: Wu1j9H_tlDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 53sec (3113 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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