Becoming A Millionaire In Fable 2, Without Glitches...

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[Music] you know as a kid growing up I played nothing but Nintendo games things like you know GameCube and N64 games I'm talking Metroid Prime or Diddy Kong Racing I spent my entire childhood just playing these games constantly and it wasn't until I got an Xbox 360 that I was opened up to the second best type of games out there Shooters which has nothing to do with this video but I became insanely addicted to things like Halo and Call of Duty but then I found out the best genre of games which was RPGs there is four Xbox 360 RPG games that I blame for my addiction towards this genre and these games would shape to this day the type of content I would make obviously we have Oblivion which is a game that just lets you loosen this giant map with tons of cities and tons of people and tons of quests a ton of story lines it was really one of the best RPGs you could buy at the time and still is to this day followed by that there was Fallout 3 which was obviously my first ever introduction to a post-apocalyptic Wasteland but it was actually my first ever game that had a depressing theme to it which I would find that I would become addicted to and would probably pivot my entire personality and content around the third RPG on the list would be two worlds which is one of the most underrated RPGs out there it was originally listed as the Oblivion killer which it obviously was not but it's still one of the most fun games you could ever play if you're seriously into RPGs and don't mind a little bit of Jank I would honestly strongly recommend picking up two worlds it's really good but the one RPG that really changed it all and the first ever RPG that I ever played was that of Fable 2 the game that we're gonna be playing today I assume that most people have heard of the Fable franchise and if you've heard of the Fable franchise you either got Fable one or Fable 2 listed as your favorite Fable game and let me tell you anyone that picks Fable 1 is a big loser that is still sour about the fact that Fable 2 was an XBox exclusive that's right Fable 2 released on the Xbox 360 exactly a week before Fallout 3 did and it is still to this day one of my favorite RPGs I've ever played and today we'll be exploring the world of Albion and trying to find the best way to make money in the game to reach that exclusive millionaire status and yes I know you're gonna say well you could just buy property and wait for a week and then Rack in that money does that sound like a challenge to you huh does that sound interesting that'll be like a two minute video that's right we're gonna be playing the entirety of Fable 2 and get that exclusive millionaire status without buying a single piece of property until the end of the challenge but before we can start thinking about making millions we have to start the game off with trying to make five gold in the introduction to the game we're playing as a little girl and well we're basically homeless and that is where oh stop you know what I'll let Theresa said let's get this show on the [ __ ] road boys and so our Story begins until our Story begins all right let's go this is one of my favorite games [Applause] oh don't [ __ ] on me literally please I swear the bird poop and I receive there must be someone around here who'll pass gold to do something all right well um I don't feel like doing that in fact I'm gonna go back to bed so good luck with all that I'm gonna go kick some chickens again because I really want this achievement so there we go all right you know what actually I've changed my mind you know what I think it's about time we go make some money boys James Corden it looks like James Corden that's mean okay well he's a prick how about Bottom by posing for a picture sure I'll do it [Music] I'm just gonna run through the intro because the intro is kind of boring how do you plan to do this right landlord cheese um do you guys like the do you guys like smithing I think this is yours warrant for burglary Allen alliteration Altamonte wanted for breaking and entering breaking and smashing breaking and repeatedly stomping upon breaking gluing back together and trying to pass off as not ever having been broken in in the first place that's actually pretty good all right yippee we might do a bit of gambling gambling is a good way to make money but you have to get lucky I killed 100 of The Beatles Because I'm a good little girl you need oh it's this guy stop right there you little brats yeah we're not giving it to you we're gonna give it to the god the guy I mean okay so this actually has like an actual effect on the game chat if you give it to this guy when you come to Paris old town barrowstone later on it's a mess it's like like filled with crack cocaine all that type of stuff right it's like not a nice place if you give it to the if you give it to this guy it's like nice it sounds it's proper okay you guys need to pay attention if we give it to this guy he has proper Stars we have to give it to him all right James Corden my situation is unbearable I'm sure she'll pay you when you're in his life yeah of course I'm gonna ruin his life what do you mean all right I'll accept it bro here you go take a lot of dude thank you post girl don't give Belinda's mum the letter do it for that James I want to I wrote the letter for you no would you an animal no no show me you're an animal let's start right now vicious music boxes give me the music box give me the music box give me the music box hello what a banger [Music] I was enjoying that this place sucks man when I'm older I'm gonna live in Fairfax Castle oh my God no the Blinky you dare shoot my sister I I will kill you please no no no no no no oh my goodness my sister you shot my sister I I'm sorry [Music] thank you [Music] oof that's not good that's quite a fault huh also if you haven't already make sure to subscribe this channel is doing pretty good but only about 50 percent of the people that watch my content actually subscribe so make sure to click the sub button so after being literally shot down 20 stories I then wake up 10 years later inside of a nice little traveler Camp it's quite a sweet little place in bowel Lake and everybody remembers it fondly but if we're gonna get anywhere close to making millions we have to leave and become the king or queen of power Lake right this is the one piece of property we're gonna own in this entire game I don't need to run it out because it's my house it's my home so as long I can keep this one property this is my actual home we're not gonna run out I could rent it out and lower the price but we're gonna keep it the way it is oh my God we made our first bit of money look 150 gold did we already make five gold yeah that's from the intro doesn't really count but yeah this game gets ridiculous once we get The Crucible because we got a gun that has like the fastest fire in the game I can't stand meta gun abusers I'm out of here guys let's go Chad I promise I'll use melee weapons I'm sorry if you don't come I'm gonna cringe [ __ ] God damn it combat how much money do I have right now 651 what's what's that percentage-wise 0.065 one percent or popping off boys all right so we have one job available and that's bounced on blacksmith this is probably the one we're gonna be doing the most by the way Chad yeah God this game just this game still looks pretty good so by this point the introduction to the game is pretty much over with and we've been let loose inside of bauerstone Market which is probably the place you're going to see me at the most in this entire playthrough here we can start making money by doing any of the various jobs around which includes being a blacksmith which is probably one of the most core memories that people have when they play this game this little little mini game right here man Nostalgia yeah we're just gonna be doing this fridge I think doing it naked ranks you more money I don't think that's true but I'll test your theory out kill is it because I'm more attractive naked I guess I am right does anything affect the amount of money you make in this game oh you literally just said that's how I was naked are you kidding me dude get a life God damn it I can't believe I fell for that that's so dumb can you make piss Pro money with the loot in this you can make a lot there's a lot of ways to make money in this game trust me we'll be exploring you know getting married and killing off a widow doing storylines we'll be doing all the mini games we'll even try like like flipping products you buy something on sale and then you sell it somewhere else I think you can make money doing that realistically the mini games is gonna be where we stand at the minigame seemed like the best way to make money can you just do this until you have a million yeah but this will take incredibly long also it's incredibly boring I'm naked I've lost all my clothes all the places you've been the people you've known I've lost my clothes I can't I can't hear him calling me knobhead we need to go buy some clothes but first actually you know what I'm gonna make everyone like me all right everyone get around come here this is how you befriend people in Britain I think this is how you make friends in real life regardless oh why are people so easy to impress they're so easy to impress no We're Not Gonna Take the Money with Shiva no I need to hit them okay so I need to hit the million gold before the money wish working nine two five what a way to make a living or a new wave making money let's go I wonder if wood could is a better way of making money so you get free gold for hitting it first try and then one gold fitting on the rebound yeah why is my character looking in two directions true what the [ __ ] is up with my character's eyes she is she okay she's a lumberjack and she's okay all right no think only chop she's watching the wood split he's like following half the half the wood with one eye I guess we would cut till the morning because like I kind of want it to be morning time she's keeping her eye on the target yeah I'm making money Chet Moolah the big currency no I'm not chopping wood till I get a million gold I'm just chopping wood until I stop now because I'm already in it I'm like some cost fallacy I'm not like eight times gold multiplayer dude I want to just level up now at this point my character's eyes are literally drifting apart well sorry I was too busy looking at my character's eyes I feel it's worth mentioning that we might form a little bit of a gambling addiction in the next couple of hours although I am here to obviously do the challenge run and become a millionaire that won't stop me from playing a few games also while we're doing the main story it's worth mentioning that I might get locked out of a main story here and there because I'm not famous enough you can do a lot of things to become famous in this game like run quests or run quests but if you're a true gamer you'll know that all you have to do is stand in front of a crowd and show them the same thing over and over again so yeah it's time to get people to like us it's time to become famous and it's time to start doing some of the main storyline quests dude I just want to win once man foreign [Applause] [Music] what do the symbols mean in any like slot machine oh I'm playing a slot machine and this one's like Simpsons related oh look I got three Bots I don't know what that means oh give me the big one give me the big one please yes got the sexy lady I mean yeah I'm like a platinum member on my gambling rating has increased thank you for learning teach me how to gamble all right let's go meet Hammer oh yeah don't we have to build up repetition before we continue the main story would you play the bandits in Rockridge yeah is this one we should be doing let's go let's go do sculptor first because sculpt is very easy we just basically have to get sculpted hello it is I I will model for use all right what's gonna be um what's gonna be my modeling chat what am I gonna do whatever we do gets a statue [Music] we are aiming for the extraordinary here and you are giving me mundane sorry they finished the statue is that me [ __ ] my pants oh my God you don't chat you're gonna you're gonna sit there and watch me blacksmith for a bit there's a job opening nearby yeah I'm right here I'm gonna go to boast on market number I'm gonna take my horse to the Old Town Road I'm gonna go see if I can buy some better clothes because we currently have aggressive and unattractive clothes on attractive this 2.5 percent one percent oh five percent I'll buy that please I'm gonna look a bit stupid with this [ __ ] on I don't know oh my God I totally forgot what I was buying all right let's go continue the main story boys I wonder if I can actually complete this entire game without dying once I got the machine gun you don't load that many bullets yeah that's why this pistol's guarded you load one bullet and you shoot like four oh he's oh I have to save my father oh she's popping off oh [ __ ] she popped off damn no we both knew that and now I'm making a new vowel the guy just left I'm dancing in your dad's grave foreign yeah we'll go and bite uh the game won't let me leave uh what do we do now not whole island big freeze okay not a whole island is a DLC I told you guys I installed it right we haven't we haven't found all the areas yet so we haven't got all the jobs you know now is a good time to mention that I have the not whole DLC installed this DLC is quite great in a lot of ways it brings a whole new area and a whole new quest line to the game but more importantly they give you a ton of free items you can get pieces of Master Chief's armor genuinely and his weapon too if you know what you're doing but more importantly there is this nice little trade shop inside one of the vendors in knothole the way this trading works is you just hand them specific items that they need and they'll give you items back uh but what's more important about this is every single weapon that they sell you is worth like 20 grand so the game basically gives you like 150 to 200 grand for free it's quite cool hello it's me I was wrong I'm skipping this conversation can I open this oh Chad oh no you guys aren't ready for this oh no master chief Cortana what does it do attracted this five percent that's it is this actually Canon I don't know but look pretty sure you get this the rifle somehow too can you guys look up how do I get the rifle it is me Master Chief God it kind of looks a bit stupid doesn't he might be not whole I don't want to have to do not hold though kotara are required to Smith inside of Power Stone all right whatever one more number promoted then we're gonna go gamble no I'm a [ __ ] living failure man oh Keystone so Keystone is basically like craps place at least one Arch bet to begin the game you may play small archbets or proceed to the inside bets I like roulette roll dice I hate gambling all right one never mind I love gambling uh what do we go for next what do you guys think it's gonna be now this gambling sucks I hate this there's too much thinking involved with that gambling we're gonna go do the other gambling this guy's a traveling spinner box player looks like that boys were hooked back in this stream is sponsored by it's not by the way I just want to make sure you guys know that I feel like we should probably just get the men's story over and done with and get to The Crucible but I'm actually just enjoying not doing anything I don't think gambling is the best way to make money though I feel like this is not the best way to win he says as he wins like every spin yeah when your star rating goes up you can bet more so it is beneficial to just play spin a box of [ __ ] ton because at the later levels you can make a lot of money like I'm making money I've made 500 gold this entire time yeah we'll continue but I I'm actually enjoying just mindlessly pressing air I don't know why I'm enjoying this I'm literally the easiest person to entertain no that's not how you sell it I lost 17 gold that's fine that one's probably the best for making money but it's just sloth leveling up yeah it's a halo suit and sword we're gonna we'll go do the nut hole thing so we can get the gun too is the gun any good what made from only the very best animal intestines well we can go have uh Sif sex now hello Gamers it's me Jabo and here today I'm going to go on a special adventure to not hold Island oh hello okay this is like actually getting harder I'm scared in case I'm gonna come across some valvaries with like this shitty weapon that I have I'm severely under leveled become the master chief I must I feel good that buddy I am not spending my gold ah this gold is staying right in my pocket excuse me good sir what should we just buy a bunch of [ __ ] oh look I think this is the the this is the quest I have to do what you might find though all right so I need a quest so this is where you get the rifle to get the ability unlocked rifle you have to do two quests for the chieftain you did the first one you have to go get the pure extract potion which you can trade for this all right where's the chieftaincon he's left his house he's not there anymore Chief done had to wait until the next part of the DLC triggers any complains about the heat uh so I have to go back to the main game all right excuse me what did you just say about my dog see this Carriage driver that have just murdered yeah that's the biggest regret in the entire challenge run because after this literally everybody hates me unfortunately for some reason everybody loved this man and now people just fear me and they won't talk to me so this biggest regret also now is a good time to mention that if you have the not whole DLC installed you can get a weapon with four augment slots augments are just basically things that have effects on your weapon and one of the effects is that you can get gold every time you kill something I had this great idea of buying one of the best weapons in the game and putting four different golden augments on it hoping that they stack and I could start making 200 gold per kill so with that being said we had to make a bit more money so we can buy it and think of it as like an investment the alcohol nobody nobody talks [ __ ] about my dogs I lost 500 gold it was worth it you got my dog stupid yeah I need to get it better this sword sucks dude I need to change it back sorry boys but we're saying goodbye to the Hal sword it sucks this does like literally triple damage Dabo did you know you can earn money faster with real estate no what nowhere dude what dude what no way bro you're telling me right now you're telling me right now you're telling me right literally tell me right now that if I go buy property fast forward my time forward and then sell it I'll make a ton of money oh my God that is insane hot what the [ __ ] did you guys hear that is this one right this is the one I want Clockwork pistol or is it yeah this one dude are you kidding 12 Grand man I'm broke as let's go you know what what are you gonna do if I make money you know what should we should we go do what [Applause] Bounty Hunter help Albion of dangerous creatures and criminals let's go do that let's gamble all right stop asking me to gamble you guys think I just I'm addicted to gambling it's all just a joke right I just pretend to be because it's funny not gonna just go camp [ __ ] but like can I do like a few more spins no okay what is this wait what bartender oh [ __ ] execution board what the [ __ ] I'm I'm a bartender what do you do this yield scroll will reveal the details of the offenders you must extermine it okay I don't what huh [ __ ] what type of job does a bartender have yeah I like pouring Pines I'm gonna keep doing this this is quite fun Master Chief fell on hard times look dude the Covenant invaded and he's he's uh he needs to make money somehow right I need 12 Grand by the way Chad that's no no MasterChef Albion needs you to keep the peace fire gods are roaming the roads of bower Lake you must stop them before they manage to capture any innocent to work on the spire heard right her job well done right who am I talking to you are you dead 1.5 Grand that's easy hello sir I would like to buy your stones are gonna be so expensive right you will earn gold for every kill you make but you will deal out less damage and receive more as a consequence we buy the gold one right all right so we now get gold for killing people that's great I wonder if I could have put two extra gold ones on the same weapon I get 50 gold per kill that is not that good all right what up hammer did you get a job buy a house no I've been here for age not allowed to buy a house yeah this this gold augment is actually pretty good it's passively like making me a little bit of cash a little bit of money on the side you know my Frederick no Frederick I Frederick's dead and you're next come get your steel that's one of my favorite videos to lead that dude my Frederick's dead I love my Frederick no Frederick I Frederick's gone and your next pal come and get my steel hello boys what's happening children I bring you friends foreign look at that ass God damn God I wish I actually wish that was me oh [ __ ] Big Boss time all right the boss is dead we did it boys I really wasn't that hard oh my God we just got the big load we just dude we did that's the first time I've had that in ages we just got so much money yeah if you get the if you get the triangle inside of the triangle it's like all four of them roll again and they're all guaranteed wins all right give me the triangle oh here we go boys 500 300 200 700. I don't know what I need I need a hero it's all coming together [ __ ] hell yeah all right I would like to take the storm told him what hello I bring you new oh rain you are now famous enough to use the blow kiss expression you're now famous enough to use the Earth expression and now it's time for an ad we all know that New York would be decimated in the events of Fallout when it took place but Philadelphia probably wouldn't be as cremated Philadelphia is as American As Cities come and it's home to one of the most American sounding teams being that of the Philadelphia Eagles but more importantly it's home to one of my favorite TV shows being that of It's Always Sunny in Philly which is why I was surprised to see that if you live in America you can't watch it's always sunny on Netflix that's right I can watch it's always sunny from my home here in the UK but if I hopped over the pond to America I'd have to buy a competitive live streaming service just to watch one of the most American 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films and TV from the comfort of your couch so get the most out of your live streaming services today by heading over to Jabo in the description below and you can get an extra three months of expressvpn for free when you sign up today and thank you to expressvpn for sponsoring this video and now back to the video a rare range and pure experience extract that's the one I need let's go check powerstone Market I really want to see this dude I'm like I just want to get this stupid potion man uh We've made like no progress today his potions are too strong for you really dude really this is this what really really why does everyone hate me why does everyone hate me oh my God it's Gary Gary walk into your store right now no wonder they call you Nob head knob head oh everyone's calling me knobhead I don't like it Chad they're being so mean to me oh my God those are games man in this place I didn't know that Fortune's Tower what the [ __ ] is this what I hate this game get me out of here The Gambler the Wrangler the street fighter I got an achievement yeah yeah I'll do it bro I'm gonna be so bad at this chat eum more like p-u-n shut up dude I gotta practice man Chester cardboard Massacre Oh my God I'm so bad bro they move too fast oh my God I can't aim for [ __ ] might be able to punch us at the end [Music] you could cause more enemies damage to the enemies while taking less damage this unique and exotic pistol once belong to Wicker this weapon is ridiculously strong look how fast it fires how much damage is the duper shot as well 41 which is 10 more damage than the other one does all right let's get the knot hole stuff I just wish we had the the master chief rifle it has 24 ammo capacity and just 59 damage oh my God I want that weapon now that is a incredibly broken weapon I want it now give me me I said oh my God you can get four augment slots excuse him why I didn't know that what the uh oh that really hurt my fraud 90 grand oh my God what the hell I can't do it I'm eating beans I'll take the evil weapon wretch's blade interesting uh now that I think about it staff of Raph is this better too 91 damage I feel like if I go sell all these weapons if I get a Clockwork pistol with 4 augment slots and fill it four of these I'll get two I get like so much gold do we want to use the fire dragon or this oh do we just keep going for the master chief weapon man I want the master chief rifle [ __ ] the millionaire challenge at this point give me the master chief rifle okay can you guys go watch nerbit's video you know what no bit Fable 2 right we're stealing content foreign so I can't get it until I've done The Crucible this entire time all right I've had enough I'm cracking go to the bowstone market we're gonna get everything from there we're gonna get the pistol we're gonna put four augments on it we're just gonna go crazy okay why does everyone hate me I don't I keep saying that but like genuinely why the F why do do do do do do do do why does everyone hit me is this good all right well we're getting this we're getting that we're getting that watch me do all this right and only make like 50 gold per kill still and I'll just waste all my time dude I wish I could just get this why okay wait wait wait I got an idea if I make her like me if I make her like me she will um give me a discount right right she just went full onto the max 67 funny because it was she gives me a 19 discount right Master Cutlass is this what we're getting the master Cutlass 20 grand less all right let's put our augments on it we now have four and we have four money augments so let's go see how much we make per kill if this is 50 I'm gonna be Furious there's better be 200 or at least more all that money wasted yeah you know that whole augment thing about making money it it didn't stack I could have just got a basic weapon with one augment slot and save myself like a hundred grand but here we are I've wasted basically all the money that the DLC gives you trying to get this weapon to work and it didn't work so that was a waste of time and money so I guess I have nothing else to do but to just do the main story all right we're selling this for 80 grand we're gonna see if we can buy back any of the really good blades that we sold you want something fast yeah this one and it's only worth 18 Grand that's not that bad 71 damage you do more damage to evil and it's got fast cutting like that's that's got to be the best weapon in the game right so yeah we have and then we have uh the red dragon which is obviously the best range weapon should we go do the the cruise ball oh yeah we need to invest in Barnum's thing so for people that don't know if you invest five grand into this guy you get 15 grand back later on so it's it's basically 10 grand for free so that's why you always invest in that guy you just get 10 whenever you come out of the out of the Spy he gives you 15 grand so help rip his Bandits crew expand its operation in Brightwood rep and his Bandits have been terrorizing okay oh should we help the farmers or kill the farmers kill the farmers this is making me evil chat oh no what happened someone killed him let's go to The Crucible this place is Gonna Get Wrecked because of me The Crucible is my favorite quest in the game it's basically this giant Arena that has tons of enemies in it and basically you have to kill them as fast as you can and you'll get rewarded with gold it's quite useful with that being said I really wanted to have that augment slot Golden Touch Weapon by this point because with 200 gold per kill I would have been making a ton of money but instead it didn't work out obviously so here we are but either way The Crucible is a very good way to make money around about the mid game but it's the quest after this where I get shipped off to the Spire which is one of the worst experiences you can have playing Fable 2. you make sure the excitement level is high mediocre [Applause] God I've got excitement times five easy lemon squeezy boys you get so much bonus experience by being just a god gamer like I am 2 000 gold yeah I'm telling you The Crucible might be the best way to make money The Crucible is like actually ridiculous two we keep getting two grand like from these guys more two grand dude you got like two grand around it's ridiculous no the mind anyways uh yeah this weapon's kind of making this a little bit too easy yo this troll fight it takes forever [Music] how is this supposed to be entertaining oh [ __ ] I got perfect ground just in time oh my God and Grand for winning that's pretty sick all right let's go do the Spire all right let's go on the ship we go boys goodbye doggy also my control is vibrating everyone listen it's going crazy tasty food dude he's went to sleep yeah he's went to sleep all right so we have to stand here for three minutes not feed them right um so what do I what do I do for three minutes we can't do it otherwise they'll kill me oh did I tell you guys I got recognized in the random game of Battlefield I was playing Battlefield 2042 on my PC and someone recognized me I was like I type GG in the chat and someone was like is that the real it's jabu and then I didn't get to respond because the game finished I was like no dude yo dust box if you're watching this on YouTube yes it is the real it's Jabo shout out to dustbox all right this is where goth has been waiting for us and he gives us our powers back hey Garth what up [ __ ] boy yeah we're gonna do a bit of the man Starry chat before we can uh go back to making money [Music] will eliminate you this guy's so hard to kill as well it's actually a pretty hard fight I can't put that on YouTube I think he's dead [Music] oh God is he evil oh God am I evil wait I'm not evil am I dude how's my dog not dead after 10 years Yahoo that dog's a healthy dog and then what we want to do is we want to go straight towards there's a machine gun that's why chat and then we're gonna stop the grind for some money do you sell the five star potion oh get ready we're about to get the best weapon in the game are you ready for this I've never had this weapon in the game this weapon is apparently really op it's supposed to be ridiculous redonkulous uh also I would like people to not think I'm evil anymore because I think one second how evil am I quite evil oh my God the house rifle it's apparently worse than my legendary pistol but it's not trust me so this is where we have 41 damage this does 59 damage and has 24 ammo capacity chat more and I can put an augment on it thank you Ah that's not bad West Cliff now that we've invested the five grand has actually became quite a nice place it is no longer filled with disgusting people and it's an actual City look at this if you don't give the guy five grand though this place ends up being a [ __ ] so how much money did I get I don't care how much money they get 15 grand oh mama does that count as real estate investment no because real estate investment is very specifically the taking part in owning of houses anyways um I think now the Venture of making money because uh at this point Chad we uh we're ready to go but we're in the late stages of the game there's only one more City left to get which we're gonna obviously go to first but uh after that there's nothing else left to do if I didn't know better I think we just met hammer and I'm playing I'm playing again oh this is this is the the five one isn't it the sixth one this is the big winning one chat I can stop gambling whenever I want I get home from prison and start gambling uh yes I just got back from jail I spent the oh I don't feel well ooh spinner box yeah we're not winning Chad this game's kind of seems like it's a lie oh wait we did just we just won big never mind is this the best way to make money I kind of feel like this isn't the best way to make money I feel like the best way to make money is probably The Crucible but I I kind of want to do the the blacksmithing for hours buy weapons in Bowerstone market and sell them at Fairfax Gardens for profit okay let me try this let me see if that works there killer bunny all right let me buy all your [ __ ] sir all right so we spent all of our money and then we go to Fairfax Gardens if I don't make a profit right now I'm Banning you permanently someone will be I don't think I made a profit there dude Eiffel is you can just keep firing it oh my God can you stop doing the same [ __ ] trick over and over again bro dude this guy's pissing me off he just does the same thing over and over again I say as I shoot them over and over again dude get in the gate Jesus Christ my character's so dumb oh no it's a scary banshee these are really easy to kill they're not supposed to be [Applause] well done sir murder attack by a mystical Beast what are we gonna do this is where the first Fable game took place by the way Chad this is the first Fable game the intro for the first Fable game this is it this is where it is he stops shooting I'm trying to listen to the story once when I was a child our village was maliciously struck down and turned to its car and then all you can hear is this sorry I can't hear what do you say I'm just gonna speedrun for all this because I really do not care now at this point though the end of the game is like literally around the corner what do you got for me a discount oh that's good that's pretty good if we buy things from this guy and just sell it somewhere else like we can buy a diamond for 3.8 Grand from this guy and all this stuff and like just go sell it somewhere else that's actually really good okay let's test this out 35 Grand right here to buy a master Cleaver then let's go to Fairfax Gardens and see how much that 35 Grand goes for oh my God this makes so much money holy [ __ ] we just made 18 Grand that's actually not a bad way to make money because oh because there's shop wealth he gets a 37 markup all right perfect that's that's how we're gonna probably reach a million but first let's go do some blacksmithing yeah look look that's just such an easy way to make money what is yours like oh my God he's got a 75 discount on right now I'm gonna buy everything from 75 discount uh yeah thank you there's only one the assassination all right let's go do the assassination job uh you must assassinate this target while adhering to the society's precise requirements nem Adrian occupation drunk I had to find Adrian in Westcliffe oh yeah I forgot how fun this this one is this type of job status drunk occupation drunken there he is we found agent [Music] how much do I get for killing someone 800 gold that barely pays the fine let's go do the blacksmith I want to get the blacksmith to level five this game is literal fundamental proof that the best way to make money is to grift right is to like buy something from one store and sell it to another I could work on this blacksmithing for hours and make less money than if I just bought a weapon from one vendor and sold it to someone else can I get this blacksmithing stuff over and done with okay we can establish now that blacksmithing is not the best way to make money because I'm making absolutely I've made no money in the time it took to do this oh we hit level five okay I'm sick I'm say I'm so sick to death of making money in the blacksmith job cortado I'm gonna pull this drink listen God Tyler the Covenant can wait this man needs a serving of fresh beer this man wants a gin and lemonade Katana I gotta make money in Fable too but nearly there we're nearly there boys I'm gonna keep this chain going until I pop it Master Chief the flood is under attack one second Cortana I'm gonna flood this entire place with beer no I dropped the chain God damn it all right we got we got level five bartender that place sucks I'm we're never working in a bar ever again what quest should we do I feel like we should do The Treasure of Doom it's kind of the best one the Treasure Island of Doom oh they think old Jack's mad right but he's not yeah I I knew I could count on you don't make a boy I like take no damage oh yeah so it's worth mentioning you get 15 grand for doing this quest which is why we're doing it he's here you found the old Dead Sea Dog right there we go we're ready to do the next Quest it's not famous enough to use the kiss my ass all right thanks all right chat that is US set up and ready to to finally do the the quest here for Riva we're done let's burn them at the start of the game all right we're the ending sequence now chat all we gotta do is run through this underground tunnel defeat this giant Shard and then end the game and that's it oh that's gonna happen to a ship Reggie my shrimp has been remolished God damn it orbital strike yeah the guy had like a six kill streak floating triangle though it's the the biggest building in the UK oh I forgot I have to do this over and over again oh you can you can hit it when it's doing the strike oh my God I got eviscerated I go on orbital strike me go there we go boys I'm absorbing their souls absorbing I let the bloodline flourish this is the big bad guy and you you have nourished he's gonna shoot me um I kind of flung myself too far back here it is boys the end of the game gotta go run Lucian down with our little music box oh oh Mia trinket will save you yes Chad it's been a fun run now we're going to decide how we kill Lucian and I think it's only fitting that we uh shoot him the same way he shot us right in the mouth [Music] adios amigo One Wish can I get a McFlurry please I don't want anything she's gonna give me like free choices I want to make flurry I don't want anything else sacrifice love or wealth I said we weren't we weren't allowed to pick wealth because uh it's a cheat ending it gives you a million but it's not really we're not trying to hit million with like some shitty ending so we're gonna go for a Love or sacrifice chat should we bring back the people that died or should we bring back our pet dog fine I'll bring back the dog come on doggy by the way Chad I haven't died once this flavor is mine I don't like be gone I think I think secretly the Spy gives you infinite wishes and she gave me one and then she took the rest of them there we go Fable two complete I don't think it's gonna take too long to get the rest of the money we will I will show you guys this the whole premise of this entire playthrough is that we're gonna go and buy Fairfax Gardens Castle uh this Castle I believe is worth a million yep a million oh we can try marrying someone you're gonna you wanna try that let's marry some rich person and kill him off you she doesn't want to get married I don't think she wants to get married to us I mean she could get married to us oh my God calm down oh [ __ ] I've been playing so much [ __ ] Fallout I pressed B to pull up my menu all right one sec that was such a powerful sneeze shut up dude we'll we'll wait we'll buy ourselves a ring we'll marry some lady I want to kill her off and see how much we get in um was it Dowry Dowry I don't think she wants to marry me how do I get people to marry me she doesn't want to marry me Chad Rich serious demanding straight flood oh wait I forgot I'm a girl I need to be going for the guys Colin I'll marry anyone that'll tag me Chad I'm gonna be I'm gonna be honest I'll take anyone anybody want to get married this guy's gotta love how to put him to the left but he doesn't look rich I'm only gonna get married to the rich people oh my God God you give him a diamond he freaks out I mean the diamonds are worth a lot of money this better be good return value I swear to God by the way I'm trying to get this guy to marry me can you guys [ __ ] off marry the Giga Chad God okay do you guys wanna do you guys want a POV look at all these people just like stood around me I wasn't Colin I don't want anyone else to chat I could I could easily marry like the Five Guys to my left right now I wouldn't call in the Aristocrat I can't even fake there's so much going on right now there's like so much noise I can't think just who the [ __ ] did I just marry Andy the farmer no no Andy okay sorry Andy such a celebrity here what what happened I was like talking to Ian the Colin the Aristocrat then Ian the farmer got in the way I was like on one knee proposing to him and this guy came out hey give me the [ __ ] ring what happened I was proposing to the other guy he photobombed my proposal that is dumb man you can't marry someone I mean he wasn't gonna give me my ring back was he imagine that guy the roller coaster her emotions like I had say oh you love me oh my God I'm so happy and then like I just like [ __ ] blast his head off like oh dude I'm gonna be so happy I'm gonna move it and then like just Please Don't Run Away Raymond dude why are all the rich people so scared I don't know what I've done wrong Raymond get back here I want to give you some chocolate and this yeah you like that Raymond huh you like this yeah you like that don't you Raymond what about what about this no no no no no Raymond Raymond Raymond we're gonna get married come back here oh for God's sake Raymond stop being such a baby Raymond you took my Raymond you took my [ __ ] ring give me it back just take the forever ring just just take the ring are you kidding me oh my God okay well you know what fine yo Dave sorry Dave you're the only one for me for some reason the loot is the best way to make people like you I have no idea why all right take this ring right he's following me all right then I have to go to the house from the start of the game follow me husband Chad he doesn't know but um we're gonna have unprotected sex with him and then we're gonna kill him set his marital home all right we got married oh he wants to have sex all right come on then all right well this is our bed so I hope you're happy with this uh I don't know if I can show this on Twitch oh [ __ ] this is wonderful no stop it how am I supposed to kill him he's a dad oh God man well I'm good I'm going to kill him following the death of your husband the child protection agency has taken custody of your son do I not get money for the guy dying he got 400 gold let's try it one more time let's try marrying one of the really rich people and see how much money we get Walter he looks like he has money do you not think so he looks like he's got money right no can you guys move out the way I'm trying to talk to Walter here he's the one he's the one that I want you're the one I want why did I give that to Sally can I name the kid Jesse what because Walter and Jesse marry you using this foul little trinket so I need to get him a five-star ring this prick right can you take this ring oh thank God all right Chad let's take him back home he doesn't know what's about to happen to him is he gonna accept living here I don't know if he's gonna he's like an aristocrat also why am I not moving in with him this guy probably owns like 17 businesses and like 50 houses oh we got married again how much gold did I get that's it you know what you can understand my actual husband come here all right whatever we're over this this the whole marriage thing's not working out Chad we're not doing it anymore so what we're gonna do instead is we're gonna go make a [ __ ] ton of money by buying a ton of weapons and reselling them somewhere else it is quite honestly the best way to make money in the game so we're gonna go do that we're not gonna chop wood we're gonna just buy stuff and resell it oh 25 discount everything's gonna be so cheap that's a shame I've got no money now we can tell our weapons for a little bit more there's Hal's rifle chat remember this so we have 250 Grand just like that a few of those items I did buy earlier in the game but you can make a lot of money by doing this we should be able to turn tune to 50 Grand into like half million and then half a million into a million and then that's as done yeah you gotta find players that don't have good economies and the more you buy from them the better the economy comes so it's actually harder to turn a profit what you do though if a shop if if a place has a too good of economy you go around blasting the windows in so yeah if you guys ever want to make money in real life just just get marry a shop vendor buy your stuff and sell it somewhere else that's literally all I have to do like look this guy has a 10 discount because his shop wealth is so bad all right and then what we do chat is we take this we go back to Fairfax Gardens and we go and sell it yeah look 37 markup we had 250 Grand now we have 380 Grand oh that's not so bad that's quite a good way of making money hello lady do you still like me we're gonna reach a million like any second all right Chad that should be us I genuinely think we're about to do it the moment that I go back to Fairfax Gardens now and saw all this we should have enough this is it the ending getting 1 million this game is actually a lot easier than I thought it would be but the adventure of playing this game has been a good one if I sell all this we have hopefully enough money to make a living and to to finally get out of here I'm 45 Grand shot oh my God we're finally making it this is the end of the Run Fairfax Gardens the best way to turn a profit here we are it's been a while we've been here for a while but we've made our millions and it's time to move on [Music] it should just be the end of it all oh I'm gonna lose my mind you know what I want to go back to to basicness we're gonna go back and just wood cut until we reach a million I'm over it I'm over it I'm over it dude this kid distracted me get out of the way this kid literally doesn't want to live move out the way go foreign right there in bright gold now we have the one last thing left to do Chad the final nail in the coffin of this entire run to buy one property worth a million there it is Chet we are now the owner of Castle Fairfax this is where we we got you know eviscerated assistant murdered and this is where we're gonna finish it thank you guys so much we've reached a million 30 hours and 38 minutes is how long it tooks So eventually I would sell my way to a million gold and get the nice little castle at Fairfax Gardens becoming the mayor of everybody in Albion again if you truly want to make money in Fable 2 everybody knows that the best way to do that is to just buy property and to rent it out but you know as disgusting as a human being I am I'm not a landlord so I would never stoop that low with that being said I hope you guys did enjoy the video I really like Fable 2 it's one of my favorite games of all time and if you sat here and watched it and this video does well then hopefully I can start making some non-bethesda content on the channel here's hoping but yeah as always I'll have more content to come real soon and I'll see you guys next time goodbye
Channel: ItsJabo
Views: 455,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fable 2, Fable 2 mods, Fable, itsjabo, Fable 2 money, Fable 2 money glitch, Money Glitch, Fable 2 challenge run, Fable 2 Challenge, Fable gold, Fable 2 Gold, Itsjabo Fable 2, Fable 2 infinite money, Fable 2 money making, Video Essay, Video-Essay, Fable exploit, Exploit, Fable 2 Exploit, Its Jabo
Id: icX5fK9iKVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 21sec (3201 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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