THE END OF AMANDA [Amanda The Adventurer #3]

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what the freak maybe Hamlin put in woolly to like redirect her attention from what's really going on hello hello how are we doing how we doing oh brother although I must say ever since I started using this microphone it is a little bit harder mixing like I'm constantly as I'm editing like tweaking up tweaking down tweaking up tweaking down but anyway who cares about that y'all know what we here for today [Music] [Music] thank you can I share a secret with you and yes I know it's Sunday listen it's spooky scary Sunday like what I'm known for now let's make no mistake spooky scary Sunday is a subsidiary of Corey Kenshin okay this is that that spooky scary Sunday Five Nights at Freddy's all all those they're under the Corey Kenshin umbrella [Music] last time two crickets in here and welcome to Amanda the adventurer I plan to finish this game up we already got the three main endings so I was in the comments y'all let me know about some extra stuff plus I already knew what time it was because we got one orange tape and there's five more slots for tapes and if you don't know what I'm talking about then obviously you didn't watch part two So the plan of today is to finish this game out once and for all and spooky scary Sunday I've got you guys this week it won't be on Sunday but it does need to return it's been it's been like four months so it's my bad um let's start with the first moment from banquet after the meat pie in 24 7 it has a sign that says sheet music the notes are f-a-c-a-d-e facade huh like this entire game has been c a D no all right we'll come back to that one Cory you need to take the flower pot with the 21 on it then grow it and give it to the doll how do y'all suckers be finding this out like what who would even think to do that well yeah of course 21 on it this one ah well let's grow that and give it to the doll and see what happens [Music] I just grew in my hand hey oh she does have a flower in her hair thank you that's my favorite flower I got a surprise for you but you'll have to turn around no oh eggs no you just said that in a very creepy way uh hello peekaboo oh this no wait [Music] what thank you March 8th 20 2002. [Music] oh Amanda wait is that Amanda who are these people 48 pay attention to the details something's about to happen oh is she signing over doesn't she need like some you know parental um no they just finessed her they just finessed her I don't know what she just signed she needed parental consent to do whatever she just did right they had a whole security dude I'm sorry to [Music] messenger y'all know what's going on because I don't the fact that they got a guard outside this room bad business oh come on head that wasn't Helpful Dog well okay maybe it is and I just don't know it yet I mean the way last episode ended we we still don't really know anything we don't know what happened to Aunt Kane we don't know why she even gave us these tapes to begin with all we did find out was I'm out there somewhere so Amanda's out there somewhere so we got another comment from scar that says hey yo Corey here's an ending you miss and how to get to it during what's the family tape you're supposed to use the little weather toy every time you get a weather warning imma get to that tape I'll see y'all in a second here's another thing I read in the comments yesterday do y'all remember when um do you know what the daddy is called Amanda says something like what's the Daddy called and then you know I wrote my name but God said if you write Sam her actual dad's name something else would happen so once we get to that tape I'm gonna write I'm gonna try that too let's see what's going on with this hi friends and I'm I'm made an animal sound he said bye because he is a sheep can you make a sound like a sheep no oh pause it pause so this was the tape right right the thunderstorm goes oh okay okay so we gotta we gotta get the tornado one fun to spend time with the animals they look normal dumb talk silly don't you know what a chicken looks like I want to go look at the chicken oh we never saw that one before wait let's go see those silly chickens all right what a cute fibon [Music] AC see a mommy chicken and baby chicken and I see I see it Daddy Daddy chicken look at the chicken all right y'all ready you know what the daddy is called her dad is called Sam wait what did you say oh howdy oh where should we go next I think it's time to visit the Sheep what can you tell me where we can find the Sheep okay I just got a achievement called daddy issues and second off what the freak is going on with this Barn like are you good like is it just me or the eyes are red he breathing kind of crazily I don't know what the daddy issues thing unlocked but nothing happened okay let's go look at the nice sheep family all the Sheep are right where they belong all right pause it pause it blizzard warning oh [Music] you know what I think I missed I missed the tornado one because I think some of them only trigger if you get the answer wrong in either case we're gonna have to redo this tape anyway I want to watch this red tape what's this it's been three weeks since local television producer Sam Colton was reported missing and authorities still have no leads what Colton is the creator of Amanda the adventurer the public access children's educational program that became a huge hit among area children but with Colton's disappearance the future of the show remains unclear last year Hamlin entertainment purchased rights to the live action program starring Colton's daughter Rebecca as budget and production value increased Hamlin reimagined the show as an animated series planning to Syndicate the program nationally Hammond's acquisition of the program and Colton's recent disappearance have raised some eyebrows and to further fuel these concerns new episodes of Amanda the adventurer have had subject matter that has left local parents uncomfortable about the program uh oh my kids are still really into that show but it has changed I mean I walked in the other day and Amanda was talking about how mommies and daddies aren't always right what I mean what is that yeah that's not something you tell impressionable kids I had to change the channel I just told the kids that the TV was acting up okay Scott it's not yet clear how Colton's disappearance will affect the involvement of his daughter Rebecca the show's Young Star we reached out to Hamlin entertainment for an interview while Representatives declined to comment they did release a written statement we at Hamlin have concerns surrounding the nature of Sam Colton's abandonment of both our program and his daughter whoa we cannot speculate on his reasons for leaving we do ask that the community respect the privacy of Rebecca Colton as she needs time out of the spotlight to process these disturbances for the time being Rebecca's local appearances have been canceled including the kensdale public library fundraiser woolley's readathon this Saturday evening rest assured that Amanda is not going anywhere Hamlin entertainment remains committed to our vision for this cherished program despite this statement authorities have not drawn any conclusions about the nature of Sam Colton's disappearance what happened to him we will share any future updates as the story develops when we return we'll check in with zappo The Talking gerbil oh we ate him in a meat pie yesterday and with me as always is my trusty Dog chip skipping chip you got too much dip on your chips change the channel if anything I'm just getting more and more questions nothing is getting solved so the dad disappeared actually there was a few Revelations her real name's Rebecca Colton and do y'all see when I listen indie horror game of the year they hired all these real life actors this song look real bro oh my goodness so first we need to redo the tape I just messed up what's in the family no that's not what they're called trike tornado okay so to get the tornado to pop you gotta get the first thing wrong foreign actually so I can just re-watch my stuff okay so the flood warning popped when I clicked the wrong thing the daddy is called and then oh I got to see those they're scary I don't want to go near flood warning got it hit this one then blizzards after this one I was expecting the flood sound goes no the toy just broke and bought me in the lip move everything rots but wait I thought there was a blizzard one there is a blizzard one oh we I skipped something I skipped the freaking blizzard one okay whatever we'll redo it we'll redo it what's this what's that smell what do you think is making that bad smell you you're right uh-huh the sandwich do you know what the opposite of alive is so why do they got me redoing this tape dead is the opposite of alive good job when an animal dies it rots too it might die before anyone can help it should we help the kitten uh yeah uh wooly what what [Music] oh I have to click something [Music] this is Nightmare if you will bro foreign yo [Music] am I hanging [Music] what was that ending nah like and the crazy thing is every time we get to the end of a tape I always want to know what happens if you just say no let's get to the Blizzard so blizzard you ain't gotta hit you gotta hit this for blizzard no I want to see what happens if you say no oh you can't say no we really don't have much time oh they made me say yes I'm not typing this so the only thing that happens is yeah this happens regardless [Music] it's wild what what oh yeah somebody said if you put like mutton or something that's that's we need to cut the apples all right we're back in the tape with the music notes good job let music notes right there this is where you type in facade [Music] this is such a satisfying tune it's like good job you figured out what you need to do I think Amanda is confused this is a weird part man Sam I don't think it's their birthday the card is for someone really cute gosh I guess you really forgot oh it makes you type it in oh Lily it's your birthday all right well we did what we came here to do we got a new color tape let's watch it foreign [Music] the creator of the hit kids show Amanda the adventurer and I have to say a fantastic studio neighbor thanks for having me on the show Sadie you're a pretty good Studio neighbor yourself though I'm going to gain 50 pounds if you keep stocking the kitchen with those delicious homemade cookies you can't have a coffee break without cookies facts facts racks Sam last year you started producing Amanda the adventurer right here in the studio the whole town loves it did you even imagine that would be such a big sensation honestly Sadie no it was a total surprise I mean it's Scrappy at best you know how it is when you have a big idea and a little budget okay I don't know if I know what you're talking about kids don't really care about that though they see the heart and boy does your show have a big heart you know I really have to thank our local librarian Miss Cade for being such a champion of the project at every single story time I think it's just so rare nowadays for kids shows to be so much fun but also really teach kids something isn't it what inspired you to create Amanda I wanted to create a show that teaches you know we forgot his name already like is a magical place that there are Little Adventures waiting around every corner in their very own neighborhood the show is a celebration of kids imaginations but really it's all Rebecca Rebecca as soon as I met my beautiful daughter the inspiration was there you know she was so young when I adopted her and despite what she's gone through she's always seen the world we've seen such kindness and joy she's the light of my life and it makes me so happy to share that light with our community she really is something special watching her perform is simply delightful I mean the whole show is just so cute thank you Sadie do you see what's happening I've actually had some people approach me about it they want to turn Amanda into a cartoon I can't really talk about it yet but it's exciting it feels like a dream the idea of welcoming even more kids into this wild creative world it feels like my little show could really have a big impact that's incredible Sam thanks so much for having a coffee break with me today our community is so lucky to have you and Rebecca on our next coffee break featuring the newest addition to our neighborhood Rose Matthews of rose's bouquet until then may your coffee always be steaming and the conversation sparkling [Music] oh okay well I have a hypothesis after hearing that because I've forgotten already in the last tape they said Hamlin did the animation the things the tapes that we watch right before these tapes it was a IRL show so Hamlin they did something they did some that's why they had her signing that's why it was a security guard outside the the um the room they put something in these tapes they did something Hamlin the company yeah them suckers I just found another comment that says in the injury video when it says who can help us we supposed to type nobody I mean I'm sure all you other admanda the adventure veterans have tried this but let me just see so it doesn't matter what you do wait can you do multiple fruit now that just changed the whole game up that just changed the whole game up if you could do multiple fruit I know y'all haven't done all these permutations and then we got another peach in here too wow okay well let's just get to the tape that I need her right here probably right be a doctor [Music] which room should we go into to find the right doctor to help Willy come on that's fun Okay so is there another tape there is there is let's get it free Rebecca that was great let's move on to the next one uh yeah bye bye Hi man Hi man what Hi man bye lamb what is she reading just a few simple words this script is specifically tuned to train the Technology's Dynamic voice reaction the what I want this to stop oh yeah so why don't you take a walk for a few minutes what's wrong who are you talking to good morning he's upset this is going too far let's look inside we got the full story with that one well except for what happened to Kate but we got the full story we got why Sam disappeared Hamlin got rid of him they got rid of him there was like he's in our way we're trying to do these umbrella experiments we need to train the system to hear her voice Hamlin was behind everything they're behind everything so now that we got these five tapes I think we just finished the game how we normally would but something different happens director gonna tell the dad to go take a walk you'll go take a walk matter of fact we're about to walk out of this project no that's probably what he said Allen was like no we got to get him a body here I don't know how many of these apple pies I've baked bro but I really don't want to run through this again oh so silly times it feels far away Amanda nothing is rotten here for real what do you think do you think that everything rots of course not a man you answer my question you don't have to answer that Hamlin Hamlin killed her Hamlin killed her she says sometimes I can feel myself rotting and you know what's crazy is woolies always trying to like get her out of that maybe Hamlin put in woolly to like redirect her attention from what's really going on yo that I can feel myself rotting line that's high key sad dude like what Hamlin why like they took this they took this little girl took her from her dad destroyed their family I'm sorry I'm flabber I love you too listen I didn't want to do it friends can share other things too they can share secrets right can I share a secret with you Amanda or Rebecca please share your secret with me are you sure it's the big secret yeah I think I already know what it is is it really okay to share my secret with you I'm out there somewhere why did I forget that was what happens next [Music] can I throw it at anything else [Music] you throw the brick [Music] who was that we got this ending and nothing else explained after that oh that's whack that's whack and there's another tape why is there another tape slide here ulterior motive of Hamlin I don't know indoctrinate kids kidnap kids I don't know because when kids will watch it what what happened they would disappear and then the one tape the orange tape next thing you know the kid's gone and then Amanda's on TV saying she loves mint chocolate chip I I still don't know like did she get sucked into the TV did Amanda hear that like I don't I don't I don't know I just looked it up allegedly there are only five endings which we got all five and I'm still sitting here dissatisfied they brought in a whole person and then just cut it to Black like what what y'all trying to keep us in suspense for Amanda the adventurer too like why is there one more slot here maybe it's something else all right guys I want to do this shape again real quick I don't know how much time do you trust me I wonder if you type no woolly ready for an adventure you can't type anything Lily had an accident when a friend has an accident sometimes why would he do this I don't know Amanda it's so just pretend isn't it Lily isn't it yeah Wooly's kind of suss I tricked you we're going to use all three all right Let's Help Amanda this time I'll need a little help here hold me please we're gonna help Amanda this time let's get the patience [Music] hey everybody we never did that one well it I mean it played out exactly the same though how many mushrooms bro there is a in that tape how many oh it was right after this how many how many what the frick is that what is that you can't tell me this isn't important I straight up did a Google search I had to see if there was another tape here I don't think there's a sex tape yet maybe they'll add it or maybe they won't I don't know I haven't seen anybody talk about this I don't know what this is nor would I know where to employ this I think we got all the Innings here are my thoughts I got a few different theories um let's lay out the main facts here Amanda's real name is Rebecca Colton she is the adopted daughter of Sam Colton Sam made mention of our Aunt Kate on his channel on on the show for helping what do you say for helping uh show other people she definitely signed over her life she signed over her her rights they did it without their dad being there on purpose uh which tape was this one it's been three weeks that disappeared Hamlin they got him up out of there I mean I feel like that's pretty obvious even though we don't have proof yet this one let's talk about this state for a second Rebecca that was great let's move on to the next one uh yeah Hi man my lamb what do y'all think what do y'all think that is what do y'all think they had her saying those lines for the director said oh it's because we gotta train the voice recognition something something right what is she reading just a few simple words uh this script is specifically tuned to train the Technology's Dynamic voice training Technologies Dynamic voice reaction sounds like a bunch of Hark and jargon brain the technology blah blah listen let's take him at face value let's say that's what that was doing because my first theory was Hamlin is creating some Mind Control software some system that takes over the minds of kids but what if it's even more than that what if he was lying when he said oh it's just a technology recognition let's say he was having Amanda say something demonic let's say he was having Amanda say something incantations you know where where is Zach uh uh Zach bacon he knows all about that they could have been having her say some some crazy stuff so there's that tape right and then what is it what was his tape again right that's a TV show and boy does your show have a big heart you know I really have to thank our local librarian Miss Kate for being such a champion of the project I think she's talked about it at every single story time hmm Kate was showing the people the IRL version this is before the animated version came out so what happened was Hamlin this faceless Mystery Company saw that this show was a big hit right they approached the creator of the show hey we want to make like a animated version of your show and and obviously he's like oh yeah like that's gonna make my show more popular you know make more money for my family yeah why why not meanwhile Hamlin which that name probably also even means something was thinking this is a great opportunity to reach a whole bunch of kids so that we can mind control them or whatever these are all facts these are all facts this is this is not this isn't Theory anymore after they started working together Sam disappears all right we finding tapes of Amanda uh signing things without her dad being in the room and then we get Amanda in the tape saying I feel myself rotting somewhere sometimes but it's far away for all we know I you know I kept asking what happened to Kate Hamlin probably got Kate up out of here too she probably was like I've been telling all these kids about this show and now the kids are disappearing this note this note throws me off energy transfer would see sigils Dino Kinesis is an energy manipulation man I haven't been like this hyped in this invested in the lore of a game I'll tell you the two games where the lore Had Me Like you know beyond my recording of the game I'm like I'm still in my free time sitting here trying to think of of what's Happening Five Nights at Freddy's duck season those are the only two other games that like lore wise I'm like yo I need to figure out what's happening this is the third game they did a superb job building this world getting the IRL people acting like this this this is this is fantastic but I think we there's nothing left to be done I don't know who the person here that that came into the house I don't know what that means so after you do all five tapes someone breaks in after a man that tells you her secret who is that who who do y'all think it could be down in the comments it could be Kate it could be Sam we don't have confirmed bodies on anybody we know it was a it was an adult so it wasn't Rebecca it could be somebody that works for Hamlin it could be I don't know that's the finale of Amanda the adventurer um they're most definitely gonna make a sequel I mean I'm sure the sales got to be going crazy I know the game's going really crazy on YouTube but that also doesn't always Translate to actual game sales I would hope so because it's a great game and I'm sure the more people that buy it the more secrets that you know people will find there was that one thing that I think is a secret man it's like I almost don't want to end the video it's like I want to keep searching but there's nothing left man all I can say is this company right here we're gonna get to the bottom if they make a sequel for this game I want the sequel to be about taking this company down they probably killed Amanda killed Sam killed my aunt and then we just gotta end the first game with like no justice but who knows they could update the game it could be DLC for now I'm gonna get a body here guys thank you so much for joining me on this like I said it's always a pleasure and honor to be able to play games for you guys with you guys I'll see you guys in the next one hopefully you guys enjoyed it around slice that like button subscribe today to join the Samurai and until next time my brothers and sisters thank you [Music] sometimes I feel myself fighting but it feels far away
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 11,932,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amanda the adventurer, amanda, the, adventurer, gameplay, game, full, new, full game, ending, bad, playthrough, walkthrough, how to, scary, horror, jumpscare, wooly, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, reaction, edits, all endings, endings, end, the end, finale, part 3, all tapes
Id: 8vmb3ZyFap8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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