The Mortuary Assistant (ALL ENDINGS)

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welcome back everybody once more final time to the mortuary assistant where we're going to try and get some of these other endings some of them i know actually i kind of know what to do on all of them the basement ending we got very very close to uh the second ending you can only get after you successfully beat the game once so we just got to successfully beat the game again a second time and we'll get uh i don't know what the name of the ending is standard ending good ending i think the one we just got was a standard ending this game resets my stuff every single time i don't know why um let's head out also this drawer you can open which i didn't realize actually all the all the drawers you can open oh man oh there they are so you have sobriety coins and you have your dad's necklace uh the one with the cross on it that your grandmother gave you at the start love you dad that's how you get the the best ending well the closure ending as it's called i don't know if you can call it the best um because i don't know what's actually in the ending but we'll see what happens we'll get in we'll get scared we'll talk to jesus a couple of times and we'll see what we can do i can at least get the other two endings uh those should be fairly simple simple nothing is simple about this game ah back once more i haven't even given you a name this entire time but it's fine because i only have eyes for one man the big lad upstairs what up jesus where are you at demon can't really be scared of you anymore stewart downs come on down it's time to get him bound and stuck full of hidey hole goopy goodness stewie boy do you mind if we called you stew of course not because you're dead you don't care what anybody calls you anymore um all righty let's figure out what's wrong with you shall we i'm like a human mechanic i'll just check you over real quick let me check your undercarriages your over carriages can't check that from here all right you got a few scratches on you got into a bit of a scuffle did we no problem stewie no problem i'll fix you up right good i'll make you look as good as the day you died which is probably like i don't know a couple of days ago there we go how fast after someone dies do people normally do this to them like how long does a body stay good like do they print an expiration date on you when you die i don't know um i gotta get his thing three or four one two two jesus that's a big one three or four one two two [Music] i'm sorry could you ruin that bite me once more that was some demon stuff hello anybody out there causing paper to get set on fire i keep forgetting all the things i need you think i'd remember out of all the times i've played this so far but nope i can never remember all right let's figure out what happened to your body uh stuart 54 who's the oldest person we've had so far i don't know [Music] boom good job stewart you died let's wire that mouth shut shall we that's what my mother said to me when i was a kid she would have loved to be able to do this to me never stop talking stewie never i'm talking to a dead guy right now that'll tell you i'm proving my own point there we go nice one stuart nice one hold on it's on fire stewart ah put it out put it out okay we've got the magical number three because as they say that's a magic number yes i'm writing it down because i'm not i'm not trusting myself to remember any of these all i know is how to put a humectant in and then a formaldehyde these all just sound like swedish words i'm sorry i'm sorry norwegian norwegian words sorry sweden oh is that my dead mom hello hello rebecca rebecca rebecca's not here could you imagine if you start [ __ ] back with the demon the demon's like hello rebecca and you're [Music] and he's like nah not way too weird for me most humans get scared and run away this one's out here he's taking his [ __ ] out ah does your body run red is it because you're dead you're lying on the gurney oh i wish your name was kearney it's fun when you're dead there close you up you get you'll catch your death you get a cold die huh dad whoa whoa hold on hold on wait wait wait wait don't don't disappear yet i don't know if i need the coins dad here yes whoa missing something daddy-o are you in the belly button nice okay that's all we need for the actual closure ending um hold on let me just see if dad decided to leave a schedule somewhere he did my dad loves me he really loves me okay we got this weird one that looks like a it kind of looks like if a dragon had sex with the letter t that's what that would look like oh yeah like when you get the straw in the capri sun first time perfect let me just fill you up for the orange juice someone's gonna have a parody later drinking cocktails out here too fair too far how dare you laugh with that joke it's too far even i knew it was too far i need to get me another letting strip the one i had right now and i have to clean the thing right it's amazing how unscary this game gets once you've done it a few times don't get me wrong it can still surprise you and there's still a lot of really really good stuff in it that one last time where the guy was like right above the door i don't think i've gotten jump scared like that in a very long time watching that back was hilarious but don't don't do it again please let me moisturize that face you look like you went you dried out a little bit in the sun all right is that it are you doing stuart stewart you are the man uh what i heard can you help me okay you don't seem to have any stuff on you oh the possessions are happening what are we gonna do come on stuart back to where you can find some more [ __ ] chill by which i mean the death fridge [Music] there you go please remember to eat within three days of opening oh we got next albert darty or doherty i guess people would say but i'm irish i would say darty dougherty hold on hold on hold on i want it there's nothing here i already forgot your name darty what was the first name sorry i want to be on a first name basis with all the dead people i touch albert let's go albert are you gonna be the dead body that i incinerate and kill the demon with let's find out shall we come on down alby who wants to be a dead millionaire who's at my window i don't want to open the window in case i get killed but i'll do it anyway who is it is it a demon no don't act cocky acting cocky and then having something terrible happen to me is like my signature uh 35 young young people just so many young people dying in this video game that's your right leg clearly i don't know my fruits um okay we're on good track as long as i get the right body that seems to be the part where i have the most trouble hold on i'm getting possessed wait where are you where are you what's happening i'm actually still kind of unsure about what those mean does that mean like the demon is near and he's getting ready to possess me or a sigil has shown up somewhere like i don't know all of the above all right let me close up your mouth so i stopped talking all right oh what oh i'm back here i'm back in my heroine den oh no is it my conscience calling again grab my kid my heroin kid oh oh why is it all nice looking [Music] oh here i go i guess oh jesus sorry sorry sorry this is why i die and get attacked and bad things happen to me you did this to me it's all your fault man there are so many unique scares in this game that's crazy have you already played this game [Music] if you only played this game once can you imagine the amount of things you'd miss okay surely there's another schedule somewhere now yes there it is oh we haven't had that one before it's right next to jesus you were pointing me in the right direction all along all right smile for the camera jesus all right whatever thought you were bae turns out you're just fam all right albert let me just fill you up like a tractor going out to fertilize a massive field just gotta cut you open a little bit i'll put my five-year coin in you would you like that that'd be cool i didn't hear from evelyn that you don't need people are saying you need to put both coins in rebecca's hands when she's hanging in the apartment at one time but evelyn said all you need is the cross on the dad so we'll see [Applause] another ending is going down and opening up that eye hatch for the lady that's in the basement which i didn't know i could do i didn't even notice an eye hatch on it the first time so [Applause] we'll see what happens one step at a time we're on track to get the closure ending now so i don't want to and i closed you up at the same time it wasn't funny was it no i should stop talking hello why always with the lights off stop being a coward and scare me with the lights on for a change actually don't he did that last time i hated it it was the worst one there's also been a surprising number of people who do this as a job who've come out and mentioned it in the comments or like training to do it or you have done it before are you sure whoa whoa whoa was i about to be fully possessed there we go let me just go back to my capri sun here um that was weird i haven't had that happen before i guess cause normally i go in here and do that and all sorts of things that was cool no no get out of my house get out of my mirror oh god okay as scary as that was for some reason that sound sounded like when an arrow hits the ground in minecraft don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about uh how did you get back out hello well i mean i'm asking a stupid question i know exactly how you got back out demons okay that's a good sign though he might be our body not you albert sorry you don't win the new bike and a trip to hawaii you just went a one-way trip to the fridge all right who's our last contestant houston benton hey hey don't be trying to possess me weirdo whoa she's got a hole right in the middle of your head were you shot can't wait to see what she says about that i it's just a mild abrasion on his head just a mild abrasion nothing big give her symbols i want symbols i want like clear indication because last time the demon like scratched up the body and it wasn't them and i think they were just messing with me there we go oh dang it usually i get like one indicator that it's a certain body this time i'm getting nothing houston benton h 31 oh it's a mole on your head oops sorry sorry i call it a bullet hole my bad might be whoa i caught the lightning that time that was cool that was sick you all ever seen lightning before love that all right time to get smacking hey oh god oh whoa what is happening my possession right now ooh hey how you all doing good to see you good to see you thanks for coming out [Music] yeah it is dario you're missing the what wait what are we missing i i don't have an option to do anything oh you killed him you threw away his love with your selfish sin in his final moments he regretted you oh [Music] my god you suck oh man you know what speaking of sucking let me turn on this machine real quick there it is [Applause] i can close the door see [ __ ] am i like right about to get possessed where did that sigil go god i can't think but there's so much noise happening around me [Music] okay different symbol this time i've gotten the same symbol on all of them except this one oh there we go it's the topple tee with the double dots kuching now the door is open can i check your body again i need to know if you have symbols on you because i don't know which body is the bad one you did a lot of stuff put it off hey hi how are you cool good great get out of my mortuary you absolute freak that's not mine it's raymond's but raymond's an [ __ ] well is he i don't know i'm all hopped up on ghost emotions it's this one it's uzkaret yeah we have the the three i thought it was actually this one but that's that's actually straight up and it has the swirl at the end the other one was kind of obscured with this little drop i didn't really see that so it's more like an m than it is a three i should say that because this is the three uh then we have we had this one second then we had this one and then we had this one who's correct this is going well it's going well jesus thank you wow it's not going well you knew that that's why you're making that face at least she could have done is mix the cleaner for me jeez no i said geez whoa what's happening whoa holy i haven't had that one before he's just saying let me in i think the eric andre meme let me in let me add okay i have all the things that i need i have the right sigil i just have no idea which body it is i'm completely lost on that aspect of it right now um maybe somebody else got some marks on them i don't know if they can retroactively get marks on them or if they have to have them on them as soon as you take them out of the fridge this one was looking promising let's get this one out again i wish there was just some way that you could know that sounds silly of course there is a way you can know i clearly did it once before you but i mean like if you put the mark on him like something happens that you know like a sizzle or a burn or something happens so you know for sure uh off not now you always come with the worst times when i'm doing my job let me live my life grandma oh what's that reagent in the old cabinet sick i knew that wasn't granny there it is there it is okay has to be you then right if if i burn and a mark okay if i burn your body and it's not you this game makes no [ __ ] sense to me because the amount of times that i think i have it right and i'm sure those symbols are probably wrong now or something as well and everyone's screaming at me i know he's getting in my head you know i have doubts don't do that no we're are you sure this is the right one yep i don't know i always go into this corner hold on let me clean up a bit it's okay i've gone pretty fast at this by now i can get you done in 20 minutes if i have to who's knocking on the door that was not the time i'm burning bodies not i didn't kill them they were already dead when i got here come on hit me with it hit me with the ending oh oh oh all right this is all the same i think the demon shows up every time here and does weird [ __ ] no matter what ending you get it's always after this that it changes yes yes hey little love dad i'm here it's all right you're no no my little girl don't do this to yourself if you've suffered enough evil you're not like her rebecca your mother she gave up on life long before she died what happened to me was the result of choices you should have never been exposed to no you changed your life man i'm so proud you changed too not before i heard you sweetie you can't do this to yourself sweaty don't remember me like this i don't want to forget you if you relive that night over and over you'll only remember pain the best of me is in you sweetie i'm with you forever i just miss you so much [Music] but you know where to go you've already found it souls are suffering rebecca but you can help them you can bring comfort and closure to the living and let the dead rest let the dead rest rebecca he's a very nice voice i love you [Music] i love you that's nice i mean there's a reason it's called the closure ending eleven bodies embalmed i'm doing a great service here a lot of them look the same as each other night after night but so that's the only ending without raymond then that's nice [ __ ] raymond okay so one three five i'm kind of glad i got them in that orientation first next one we have to do is to just do a knight normally and burn the right body and that's it and then the other one is go to the basement open up the eye flap and then do it properly jesus jesus i saw my dad and we had a great conversation and now i have closure and i'm a better person if only you got closure with your dad maybe he wouldn't let you die on a cross he's kind of [ __ ] up that he didn't intervene but we both got daddy issues at least i can keep track of things oh i'm about to embalm the [ __ ] out of things wait till you see whoa already wait where is it i blocked myself in now there we go okay so it's our our m3 again dakota beaver come on out dakota dakota dakota beaver h35 your name is beaver you got a mild abrasion on your left shoulder and a conclusion on your left leg doesn't matter because your name is beaver bieber everybody with their name beaver what a unique name hello hello you're gonna have to speak up i'm involving a buddy [Applause] has been a wrong number is that my package have you ever seen that simpsons episode where uh homer's like you're gonna have to speak up i'm wearing a towel some of my favorite jokes in that show it's so funny it's stupid i don't even know what you're doing rebecca you're like jamming it in there and hoping for the best why don't you let me die what's up dad no not now i don't have the necklace dad this is all your fault dad no it's not i regret every second with you time oh dad don't say that be more chill be chill like you were in the freezer wait where the hell is this in here whoa i haven't had one come up there before but you know what there's a first time for everything like dying you only do that once well except if you're this guy like i i don't want to point fingers or anything but i think god was playing favorites bye bye beaver it was fun while we had you why doesn't this work anymore hello huh my gurney broke no no not the gurney oh man come on did it break because i stuck it inside one of those god damn it [ __ ] what do i do i was on such a roll called beaver's fault well i restarted the shift but both sigils are gone so now i don't trust the game to have remembered what sigils were which i mean if the games deleted them essentially i don't know if they still count towards this run so i think i just have to restart my run which is kind of annoying [Applause] whoa is that him way down there damn that's a good one hey that's cool i haven't seen that one yet he was miles away nice like that like that okay don't break this time sherwood proctor you're a demon if ever i've heard of one that sounded like he said spud i see roll that back up the volume he said spadacea [Music] what yeah yeah it's me i'm a youtuber get over it bro lots of youtubers out there these days not that special anymore all okay right down there dude you good oh you're pointing this way okay what the hell oh that was a good one jeez are you my are you my demon boy you feel a lot like you feel like home back to the fridge where you can chill out for the rest of your dead sorry it's a figure of speech you know how like the wind blows through your hair put you back in okay before i embarrass myself further now that i'm outside based on a scare that just happened why don't we hold on i can't open up my right click menu i also can't open up my tab menu don't don't do this to me now please how i can't even finish this then if i can't do that hold on if i finish this maybe it'll work i'm having a lot of bugs happen to me this run which is unfortunate because i get right to the end of it and then something goes wrong or maybe sometimes triggering other events within a game can make them work again because if i exit now i'd have to redo his entire body again which there we go i mean it doesn't take that much time yeah there we go it works nice okay let's go out and talk to actually can't remember her name valerie or something who's down in this hatch and then we'll get that ending first because i think the other ending is going to be oh hatch key there we go oh wait i can't click it i didn't even notice that was there the first time all right chill look at this who are you now yes yes look at you look at you look at you is raymond here yeah it is valerie do you see what he's doing who could do this to someone i think you should let me out let me help you out let me out it's creepy guys you'll be here soon man demons say the cringiest things well good to meet you valerie real nice woman um i think that's all i need to do for that ending which is weird because i've i've been down in that basement now a couple of times and just didn't get that at all i think it's this one i have oh or no i have the tornado yeah the second one i got was this third one i got was this and then the fourth one i got was this oh it's teshack tornado t i call this one magnifying glass it looks like a scepter with a big glass thing on it and then go post this one if you ever needed proof that i have adhd it's this [ __ ] game tornado that this and that i think it's because things can really go wrong if i get that wrong and then i have to redo everything oh great great what's happening now oh cool yeah so scared can't scare me anymore like that i've been through this a bunch of jesus christ okay [Music] okay you can still still scare me i really hope it's this guy because his name is sherwood proctor i want the demon to be in someone named sherwood proctor because that sounds cool come on sherwood give us the goods give us no no oh sure would wait it's not you either none of these have addie marks i think that means i'm possessed there are no markings on any of the bodies like nowhere how am i supposed to finish it then except guessing yeah the things keep disappearing as well oh hey what are you doing ow maybe he's got some symbols on his feet maybe they don't always show up on the arms maybe they show up elsewhere uh-oh oh man i got possessed well that's definitely a different ending to get where am i oh what happened let me go what are you doing sorry this is the only way oh because now i'm possessed so i have to be put in the basement to get bled raymond raymond seriously raymond hiding don't be scared come on out sneaky man [ __ ] you [ __ ] burn you can never fix what you've done [Laughter] interesting okay that doesn't count as an ending though that's just things went wrong you get possessed you get put in the thing which is kind of a cool ending honestly that should be there should be like six endings and that should be one of them just wait around and get possessed have seven endings have one of them be that you go home immediately after something happens oh there he is that's a good one that's the one i've wanted that was the one that i used as the thumbnail for the first episode but i had never actually seen it in game nice oh it's my dead mom again you can't have that happen and be sigil-less come on is it down here it's down here i feel it i feel it i feel it there it is okay perfect i was gonna say no guys are like having any markings again but this body kept showing up and a symbol showed up on his door so i was like i'm just gonna use this body if not if if the others didn't have any markings i was just going to use this one regardless but are you sure this is the right one i'm never sure even when i'm even when i'm absolutely sure i'm never sure you go back in there cool don't need that one everything will stay clean so this should be the basement ending if [Music] i don't have time right now sorry again stop knocking at the worst time i went down to talk to the lady again on this one so we'll see what happens [Music] i wish these parts of the endings were slightly different each time instead of the demon coming out constantly and like going to grab you because then it's like i guess that's the point because you don't know if you got the right one or not raymond i'm here i can't believe you what you've been doing is monstrous i've said already that i've had to accept everything about myself just like you do this is a necessary evil it's sick she's down there right now just suffering for no reason valerie is not down there not anymore she's been gone for years you don't know that yeah you're just gonna let her stay there you don't know what she's feeling you are torturing her she's helping me survive she's helping us survive without her there's no reagent without the reagent we have nothing you want to have a chance at life it comes with a cost this cost you have to make a choice just like i did what choice keep her alive to just bleed her over and over again to save ourselves if she can't be saved end the torture she's down there suffering for your own gain i gain my gain you used her too it didn't stop you from finishing the job you used her blood anyway when it came down to it you chose survival just like i did yeah i can't kill her rebecca i know it's the right thing to do for her i know but she isn't the only one what i've seen many experience what you did none have survived i've watched them degrade and suffer until they're no longer themselves i didn't know what else to do i couldn't just let them suffer i searched for years to find a way to reverse it all i found was the way to prevent more isn't that better than nothing i've killed them all rebecca it was the only thing i could do so yes i am a monster but this one horrible thing has prevented me from having to take any more life and i would choose that again and again i can't live with any more death than i already do i've made peace with it the choice is yours if you can too i'll see you tomorrow okay bye raymond man rebecca got real quiet after he was like you chose survival as well and she was like [Music] yeah what of it so what you're a monster i'm a monster too but so are you alright nice ending four of five one left baby let's go back in now we just gotta beat the night normally i just gotta actually get through it i think i've seen most of the scares there's like a couple of things here and there that's cut out of the editing that you guys don't get to see but it's it's things like oh the lady standing by the window and things like that like it's not anything huge most all the big ones you guys have seen that i have seen so i'm sure there's still a couple that i've missed but i've i've seen a lot man a lot has happened to me but i did not mean to get back into the car oh jesus it's our last night together how does that make you feel probably as shocked as you've always felt huh at least i can keep track of things yeah at least you can keep track of things that's true all right here we go balling through it cheryl i didn't even this is the the first lady that we've had in a long time actually in like three runs way for it smoke fire there we go where where did it go oh it's just on the floor tornado boy did her hand move [Music] it was more than her hand oh oh that oh that sounded like a wave of panic up of me oh i didn't like that oh god scared my own shadow god damn it cheryl why are you gonna do that to me now i'm like i'm all confused i don't even know what i'm pressing and what i'm not pressing and fine let's go look for a sigil damn it cheryl these were brand new pants and now they're ruined hey there's a picture oh yeah i got this one before and are she gone where did she go i do not know can she give me a sigil though hear him don't mind if i yes come on hear him turn off my lights yeah yeah yeah it's so dark and scary how about i light up your light yeah i heard that over here is that how that works did they show up where i hear them oh whoa it's on the ceiling as you can clearly tell whoa that's a big one big sigil it's funny how the one that i couldn't see the most was the largest one i've ever gotten well if that ain't ironic i don't know what is the biggest sigil of them all was the hardest one to say if you do this as your job in real life i'm very curious as to what your upbringing was like hold on hello why are you still doing that that one was definitely my conscience but yeah if you do this as your job like day in and day out i just want to know what led you to this i just want to talk to your parents see how we ended up here because i don't see how he can go from like oh fascinating to let's stick my hands in dead people i couldn't do it well that's unfortunate it's right in the middle of the mirror how am i supposed to see my hair in the mornings and do my face and be ready for the world if i can't even see oh my face is a sigil stink um cavity fluid don't drink that okay you popped back out again which makes me think it's going to be her which is great because then i can just check that body after i've finished with this one demetrius gains get those gains bruh [Music] i mean you can't because you're dead oh my god i haven't even got the code for this yet 0307 an easy one and a one and a two and a three and a four i wish this one was a little different than the mechanism of doing it it feels a little wonky when i'm doing it all right i mean it's not that bad but sometimes i click the wrong thing you know look how fast i am at this now yep yep you've done this before hi thanks for bringing me to your domain again great house love what you've done with the place could you with a little bit of mood lighting though let's see if i'm right let's see if it is our dear darling cheryl because the you popped out of that one which is already like a big sign but then the door here started like smacking over and over and over again which to me just means that it's you but you don't have any marks on you just yet like any scratches i think it's teshack this one right here okay okay okay oh no need to grind up on me okay that looked like the other dude that means it's the other dude right he's also the okay i need to be faster about this or i'm gonna get possessed because if he has no markings oh god yeah that was that guy who just came rushing at me was it i mean it could also be her dad her dad kind of looks like this character as well this uh character model but i think it was him show me symbols oh come on none of you have anything on you again no symbols no scratches no anything the hell am i supposed to do with this information all right lady you're wrong you know probably none of you have any marks i don't know what to do otherwise [Music] oh man who closed my doors and turn off my lights the long laugh you have let's just see we can do it again if we're wrong turns out all the all the marks are showing up in the body right now because this one was pulled out and its door kept flapping so i'm going by that and not uh some other stuff i mean it could also be him if that was his body that came rushing at me but this one had more stuff going on with it [Music] i'm also unaware if it's the it's the right one immediately because when him and when raymond and rebecca start talking to each other i'm like have i heard this before let's see so bright did i get burned you've come a long way it's nice not to be the one down there for a change i think this is the one i got before mr i think you can just call me raymond at this point oh do you always just pass out and wake up on the floor it takes a lot out of you i've never simply walked out of here after you get used to it i'll be sure to clean the floors better is this new raymond will this ever end i honestly don't know i think this is new i've been doing this a long time rebecca i've traveled all over learning everything i can i've never found anything that could put a stop to it so no i don't think it does so we're just like this forever it was hard for me to but this is a life we get we have to face our worst selves constantly but the better we know ourselves the stronger we are why don't you head home get some rest who knows what's coming tonight fair enough all the pieces hooray ending two of five shifts completed six excellent um there we go all five endings i'm glad i did that i'm glad i got all five that was very fun to do um great game i still can't believe it's made by one person the amount of different things that happen in it all the time is astonishing and it's not just like little things like the dude being up here or behind a cabinet or whatever it could have easily just been that but there's so much more to it this whole like like going to the the place where she took the heroin and doing stuff with the mom and then going doing stuff with the dad being in the demon dementia like there's so many fully cutscened elements to it as well it's it's fantastic animations are great in all of it um adds to that sort of like creepy um like because the animations aren't like fully smooth and fully life-like looking and i think that that adds to the creep factor like the bones move very sporadically but yeah really really cool there's only two things that i wish were different which is that because you have to play the game over and over again to get multiple endings the first one is i wish i wish more of the endings were different because you get that one where you wake up and then you crush raymond and then you get another one where you wake up and you talk to him about what happened with valerie then you get another one where you wake up the one i just got so most of them feel the same when you start them and then the one with the dad is the only one that's completely different because you're in a different area you talk to the dad it's kind of like you're in heaven talking to him you're in this sort of like ethereal space so i like that i like that that ending was very different and i wish and like the game over ending being down in the basement because some of them i got and i was like i don't know if this is a different ending until a certain line of dialogue happens and i'm like oh right it is new um maybe that's what he was going for to kind of like keep you in the dark to like when the demon comes out and grabs at you and then falls back into the fire every single time no matter what ending you get that i guess is to be like did i get it did i get it did i get it and then you find out um but the fact that so many of them are so similar kind of makes me like two of the endings were very similar that one i just got was doing it right a second time and it doesn't really feel like it adds a whole lot to it other than the fact that i crossed off like a thing here so i get it it's hard it's again it's one person making this game and it's already amazing and the fact that there are multiple endings which i didn't expect at all i'm just saying from like a a player experience what could have been slightly different to just kind of like keep you in it a bit more to keep you wanting to get it like i wish he divulged even more information there leave some of the information like when i okay i'm not trying to tell you how to make your game i'm not a game dev i don't know anything about this i'm just saying from my own experience from what i played there's some stuff there like the documents you read and the tapes that you listen to about what he learned going to another guy in a different country about this kind of stuff and how to fight back against it would have been cool if that was like baked into one of the endings and the stuff with valerie it was just kind of like yelling at him for what he did but i kind of like put together what was going on with valerie already so the ending didn't really add to the story element of it i don't know i feel like some of those things that you learned while playing could have been tied into the ending so it was like oh [ __ ] like kind of twistier moments but again they're all amazing they're all great anyway the way they are they don't need to be changed it's just for the sake of repetition because you are doing the game over and over and over and over again just to get to that ending so it can feel very repetitive and then when you get the ending and it feels repetitive i don't know because that was the other point i was going to say it would be cool if there were more things to do with the bodies and if the things to do with the bodies were randomized as well like i go in and one of them i have to because i like that when you check the body it's like sometimes people have stuff on their head sometimes it's on their arms sometimes it's on their legs sometimes there's two in their back sometimes it's five things sometimes it's three i like that element because it keeps it fresh every time i'm doing it it would have been nice it was like i get that the embalming process is the same every time so you can't really change it but if some people had to have like fingernails removed or their faces were different so you had to like do different things with the face to get it back to like a presentable state or i don't know you know what i mean like some people had burns on them so you had to cover up certain things like if if doing things to the bodies was slightly different every time as well i wouldn't have felt as repetitive because there were times when it's like something bugged out and i was like oh man i have to go back and do all of that again and i was on like the second body and then i had to go back and do it again so the repetition got a bit much for me um but overall i'm not trying to take away from this because overall it was a fantastic game and i had a really great time playing it the fact that your jump scares had no crazy big loud sound effects was has huge respect for me there was so many like the guy above the door behind me like i'm still thinking about that today because that really shook me and really got under my skin and that there was nothing to let me know that he was there i could have completely missed it and i turned around he was right there there was no massive sound like a big stinger sound effect to be like ah jump scare it just happened he s slinked away and there was like a creepy little sound effect that deserves huge praise in a an industry in a genre where everybody is jumping at jump scares all the time to like put them into the game and it's always the same and they're so overdone and so like they're not effective anymore this is effective this game is legitimately scary which most games can't do these days so hats off to you for that you you really created a completely unique experience in a genre that is so overwrought with the same ideas over and over and over again the fact that it's um it's like randomized as well so like he can appear over here and then over here and then above the light and then above the door and like the different scares that can happen all the time i did start running into some of the same ones towards the end but i played it six times you know you have a good game on your hands when i go back to get every single ending in it because i rarely do that for any game especially in the horror scene as well sometimes i get an ending and i'm just like ah that was fine i'm happy with that ending and i don't go back but the fact that i played your game six times i think shows that it's a really really good game and i had a fantastic time playing it um there are some achievements as well where it's like do a hundred bodies or like finish finish 50 shifts or something like that i'm not going to do that as much as i would love to achievement hunt this game and it's entirely within my reach to do so i think this is it i think i'm done i had a great time with this game i'm glad you guys did as well everyone every time i finished an episode was like go back to it get the other endings go back i want to see more so there you have it i got all the endings i saw most of what i think is in the game i'm sure there's like a couple of scares that are very very very rare and there's a very low chance of them happening but we got what we got and i'm very happy with it thank you guys so much for watching it i really appreciate you guys watching these videos and watching anything that i do you guys are a wonderful community and i'm so glad i get to play video games for you and just have fun and get absorbed in these types of games because it's so fun to do yeah thank you guys i'll see you on whatever we play next
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,970,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: kDC7w9O-Q4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 10sec (3790 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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