i hate update day...

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hey you guys ready for the new garden literally just discover the silencer on it yeah what an update super excited now I say I'm kind of pissed off because I was not expecting an update today I just moved into a new place don't have my office set up that's why the audio is absolutely terrible all right since it's just a basic boring gun there's no cool game modes or challenges we can do I guess we got to go back to my update day roots and just torture myself for hours until I find this gun die guys I did thank the bus driver look think of me neighbors I'm in an apartment now my neighbors don't hear me screaming about guns at 3:00 a.m. all right so just how about a housewarming present just give me the gun first chest and let me get 20 kills in the wind I'd be very grateful I'd be very very grateful come on now not so far boys yeah fu teddy bear it'll have you tell me you got me a regular scar but you don't give me the new scar nah my oh yeah smg's by the way you just now he's there and then you know this is bad to meet this this is maybe had to get pulverized right now it's just like Evan no oh hey Matt no dog I was this bloke yet there yeah I've got this guy coming at me and like there's people everywhere and [ __ ] I killed that guy but like I got time for this [ __ ] all this sweat look at this sweatiness Oh SMGs by the way yeah i can sm j - bro come here come here oh look at this [ __ ] whose whose gets that many bats at the start of the game like seriously here he gets that many Mets at the start of the game yes a look that were grateful you didn't bro was another one here there's another guy here it's okay not to sweat for once it's okay not to sweat for once Jesus Christ I hate fortnight now everyone's just like watch me build bro i watch Bob the Builder we know I grew up you want to see what I want no I don't want to see what you'll learn all right well there's only 23 other people left already and no sign of a new silenced gun but of course we've got the actual scar but we can't we can't find the silence guy a women boy a Wimble way Hakuna Matata what up my mother what I've been awake for 20 years I was already moving into my new place and yeah I think the signs are starting to show all right RPGs by the way RPGs bro chill bro chill bro you can relax you can relax Wow okay didn't expect to see you here or something over here we shot a sniper but I do not know he did not just shield potion you can't shield person like that and get away with it son no yeah then around these parts all right I got him by fall damage eat my butt don't mess with me Joey you came the wrong neighborhood Joey you can't came to the gingerbread neighborhood Joey oh it's guys gotten your gun thanks I'll take it buddy Thanks way to go there it is there it is ladies and gentlemen the new song scar it's like black and stuff I'm not sure why the why they had to make a black you saying black saw like meant for sneaking and therefore criminal activity but I'm saying we've got the new gun I'm tempted to higher than this bush and just like pick people off all right because we got the new gun we could be super so on that's asking for a headshot and I don't want to get headshot see look at the build sweat thing I did just said look at that I didn't even know what I was doing I was kind of just like button mashing in and I guess it worked yet this up there is someone on the hill but we can get up there cuz a low gravity how good is low gravity let's get out there let's get out there what is that I got stuck in the build I should have just swapped to a gun and shot him in the face what am i doing cease trap guarantee get someone at some point guarantee it [Music] don't ya oh my god god's plan god's absolute plan all right it's not die before we can use it this door may sound good sänger boys all right we've got some riffs to let's go use it to find some people all right so we've got the sneaky sneaky assault rifle we can sneaky sneaky up on people let's just find ourselves if I have gone insane I have actually gone insane I really I really like actually want to hide the bush bush camping with the new silence they are I'm bored I'm actually bored like I can't do any more guys I'm actually born yes okay good good God's plan God's plan someone's over here didn't didn't do dp/dt oh my god holy [ __ ] this thing not only sounds good it is good holy moly Bob what no that didn't feel good I feel bad I felt I'm fair dude that was like poem poem Dorf Dorf dead dead I'm out I'm just at you have your fun yo me out mad bill battle gone up here maybe we can sneak up and get some sneaky sneaky kills oh wow I'm top ten please don't get dunked up before he'll please I get dunked on before he'll [Music] well guess what there's always a bloody twitch streaming to kill you too buddy there's always a bigger bloody fish buddy this is this big bear here will give me gun no give me they actually gave me a gun actually give me the gun can I jump please get out of here get out here Spearman son of a [ __ ] it is 4:00 a.m. in the morning I know for a fact me and Elliott are in the same game there there he is told ya here's the thing silenced gun great but I clearly I can't get a win anymore I can't but if I can kill Elliott that's enough for me pretty sure he's rockin in John wicks kitty at the area's that's John where I know for a fact Elliott likes the movie screen Kobe Kobe Elliott Kobe Kobe go I eliminated musica for that battle royale ladies and gentlemen I did oh that's golden it was the best day [Applause] that's the best I'm sorry my face cams dead you can't see my pure joy I'll be recording a long time all right you run out of battery welllet's gentlemen maybe I can't win a game but I can certainly kill Elliot with grenade spit oh god this guy than you gun Yee boy all right this time let's not screw it up eh let's be smart and strategic this time let's not blow it we've killed Elodie in this match we have the gun oh this is this gotta be it this is gonna be our dub 14 people left the Gil mate we've got the gun to do it everyone in so long boys it's been so long I don't know why I can't win for it not anymore but I want to avenge myself yeah can I get a hit please oh my god oh my god are you serious that got that guy just shredded my entire health bar no that's it I just can't win fortnight anymore I'm just an idiot I'm a [ __ ] I'm completely inept I don't know I don't know I'm done I'm done I'm tired of these top ten finishes new gun gameplay guys I can barely kill a default with it I'm an absolute idiot I suck at four at night I'm sticking to memes you know what I didn't win four at night but freakin killed Elliot and that's what really matters honestly I have a champion yeah eat that League ma I'm an idiot I'm a [ __ ] sticking to memes like being a freaking helicopter doctor whatever the hell I did the other day I'm just done I'm out of it I'm over it I'm sick of it I'm [ __ ] teeth this gun is sick but for some reason I'm a [ __ ] I don't get it I'm done I'm retiring from actually playing for night that's not sure I'll be back tomorrow [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 17,047,213
Rating: 4.9172416 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, update, new
Id: h0QDW15q1TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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