This Sound Makes Speaking Impossible!

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it just makes me sure in my words well I moved in to my new house I am struggling the current projects occured that don't we work for ok so we recently got these new headphones and it really reminded me of this app that I used to play with my friends called the speech zapper it hacks your brain and makes you unable to talk properly that was just me huh excuse me I haven't even started yet and I can't talk so how does it work it's actually a super super simple yet ingenious way that this app is able to hack your brain what it does is that actually plays back a live feed of what it's recording through the microphone directly to your ears so you're hearing your own voice as you're talking but here's the caveat it's actually delaying that sound feed by just you know a little bit or psychologists have found that it's impossible to speak when your hear your words played back to you with a slight delay ok so now it's working it's kind to get in me I'm gonna try to do at least the the did I say to Cleese decrease the delay it's working now I've got the speech jammer gone I've got a slight delay in how I'm actually the self why are you talking so this is B stammer oh jeez I've got some shunk whiskers here Willie's really weary alright I mean I could submit a circus oh I'm sorry six sticky skeletons I'm very confused you know what you do it you do it okay so what I just talk now yeah how now brown cow what's up Derrick a big black bear set on a big black road [Music] I'm just smart if I read this snow softly fall from my throat it's close it's about to throw me off once in a while the back of her knee and traces the calf her math with an index finger okay yeah this isn't working for me it's the settings you have to sort of look at it like this a merkin is fake pubic hair in normal television shows the title of the episode does not matter at all but you never even see it to ignore it completely you're just like oh you want to watch Breaking Bad sure people don't watch videos so obviously only like this many people even have YouTube red even with I guess a lot more right now cuz it's free right now for like three months which is cool don't don't sign up just yet wait until we release left line so you can at least watch that so anyways moving back on lifeline is on YouTube it's actually on the Quartus channel so here's the thing the title and the thumbnail still need to be just as baingan as any other YouTube video mam gets in the time travel accident whoa I know welcome to the future of television the episode 1 titles good it's in 33 days you're going to die that's for a pretty good title see they they they nailed that episodes 5 6 7 & 8 like honestly I don't care what their titles are gonna be but the first four I'd say are incredibly important to be like very clicky very enticing I know isn't that so weird so I'm trying to figure out right now like what do we do also how this piglet headphones that pretty awesome through the Sennheiser pxc 5 50s great do they turn off when you pack them up like click announce off and then announce on yeah yeah there's a touchpad so right here you can turn the volume up and down skip songs fast-forward and double tap it and then the microphones on it turn on so it amplifies the outdoor audio so you can talk to people so you can have your noise removal turned on so it's all like you know keeping things quiet and you're just chilling out and like so he starts to talk to you go and then you can talk to everybody and you can hear them and you're into your world it's really cool and it has noise removal on while it amplifies stuff so it's like gives you extra light crisp human hearing and that's playing battlegrounds using these and there's a speech enhance mode which will also do volume leveling so if it's quiet it starts raising all the volume so like when I'm sitting in the building like stalking somebody like all the ambient audio starts to come up until you get a gunfight than all suppressants again it's really cool when a lot of games these babies now increase the delay a little bit more shouldn't do my mid-morning Tuesday I said mid morning Tuesday I'd settled into my desk the following the events of daybreak and not too happy with my great-aunt reading the front page headlines as she run a minute ago steam off her coffee where you pay I don't know it's no hype that my agency has shown more doctors into this town that all the others combined know I hear my voice I'm just like yeah I'm cutting through it let's turn it out can you like turn the delay down making it closer to what am I actually saying we just end up talking like William Shatner no I have to like wait for the delay to be able to talk already on the phone with somebody that has just trying your house so I moved in to my new house suh-weet Puget systems is based on a simple philosophy offer outstanding support and your product will sell itself an internet page where your marketing is more important than product it just makes me sure in my words I've been working here all day who's coming by and what for Adobe's project manager is coming by well okay okay the project manager is for Adobe come by and they want to see what the workflow is between my current projects to people from Adobe are coming through and they want to talk to us about the current projects occurred that don't we work for disaster of a 3d print I've ever it looks like well you know if your 3d printing packing material it's totally successful I kind of think this is rather amazing this is supposed to be a battery case well it actually is it's just the molecules have been arranged differently than you're drawing it yeah 3d battery case this will protect the battery if you wrap it in and just take some duct tape it will just look different the difference is all there's a poop there's just more molecules but two in the case then there would be good is it so more such a disaster you know so rate it this is an opportunity look what he's doing it's printing a larger look it's just printing air now you've achieved something here rent does that have artificial intelligence he does now well what this could be also is there's the thing have you ever heard of when either a man or a woman is lacking pubic hair they get what's called a merkin a merkin is fake pubic hair you have to sort of look at it like this it's a merkin this is fake you see in fact there's so much of it here then it was enough to share and it could be peeking out from underneath your shorts here and there people would find it quite unusual seriously is pretty cool actually you and you program this I think yeah look look at this man these other pieces that we printed to check this out wow this is 3d printed Nikko modeled this himself and printed it pretty cool this is how big the base was supposed to be and then it's supposed to go it's a box it's literally I think you're overcompensating what happened is right after it got into the vase there's a design flaw mantasy position it went that's look at that it's pretty good until it gets above that level yeah that's the first time I've seen anything like this that's great I lived a couple over here to solve problems and see new innovations like this it's like where do you find the line between you know clickbait and something worthy of a TV show exactly so what is it you have 33 days in in 33 days you're going to die that's an intense title they sent me the list then I just called them and said hey these titles would work right if this was like on a network TV thing but this is YouTube so they have to be good titles that make you want to click on it I gotta figure out the rest of these titles or at least proposals for one for four see here's the thing I don't know that much about the series I haven't seen any of the episodes I haven't seen any rush cuts I've seen a few VFX shots that was those were pretty cool there's a trailer dude I'll watch this trip I'm excited that's what I've been waiting for I was literally the weekend how did you know my name who are you I work for a company called playboy he made a wise choice coming to life changing the future to stay alive ginger pastor's choice my reactions positively positive no I'm excited what do you think the trailer will go up is it going on our channel wait really what do you - what oh yeah right it's gonna come out early next week anyways we're gonna put the trailer for like early next week what about all of the effects that aren't even done I actually did one of those shots oh it's the one that's the one where she falls off the road so yeah when you guys are watching this the trailer dropped early next week on the corridor channel subscribe to both channels to check it out dude this is news to me man don't you think I should know these types of things too and then it melts in this little hot in here and then it just makes a design it's incredible I'd have made yeah this is a dice roller wait a second made this in those steps interior steps going that goes down oh my sim painted it afterwards and what it can't 3d paint did he make somebody to put behind the dungeon is that Oh a guy holding the bars and like lamenting and not being able to ever get out its details yes like a vision of Sam Sam himself 3d print that is Sam my 3d prints it out of sandstone I talk [ __ ] colored sandstone oh my that is neat Oh God that spooky scary oh my god Wow could you imagine oh whoa whoa whoa 3d print all of you guys all of you guys that size chess board all of you guys one or chess games gives you the Queen who'd be the King anyway Peter would be the pawn oh you'd have guys with with the Knights they're standing there with it with a sword you'd have the the castles on the end the castle guys have it have a corridor digital that's actually a really good idea you guys want to see us do that we have to start by 3d scanning all of us here in the office which is something we've already talked about starting to do you've got you the bishops I think I would be the bishop the bishop the bishop slides up and down the chessboard you it's so great about that Brennan on one wheel the bishop what's so great about that if she's young and he'll recover from that really hurt that's like like getting something caught in your zipper open you're out of the sporting event well it's okay if you have this yeah oh the Merkin yeah he's being the Merc and you yeah and yeah the market now hey everybody in the studio can I have your attention for a second here we have a drive with errors on the corridor rate showing that the the drives at risk find out what happens make sure you're subscribed and your notifications turned on [Music] [Music]
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 2,737,999
Rating: 4.8871603 out of 5
Keywords: speech, challenge, voice, talk, audio
Id: 2D2ScZPSaCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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