Airsoft Hide & Seek with Thermal Camera

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Tactical hide-and-seek private first class sizzle wizzle. I think he's gonna do a great job *Robotic Noise* come out with your hands up Heat signature detected You might have heard of hide-and-go-seek but this isn't your three-year-old niece's birthday party that's right today We're playing extreme tactical hide-and-seek you guys ready? im ready It's real simple. The terrorists are hiding the counter terrorists are seeking terrorists job is to either kill the counter terrorists or bonk him on the head with a Manifesto scroll then that CT converts to becoming a terrorist for the next round and it's up to his comrades to save him This is gonna be really hard because once you hide you can't move you can only attack if the CT is within attacking range It's gonna get dangerous in here Strategy's simple walk slow carry a big gun. I hope I don't get bonked by a manifesto it changes my mind, makes me to become a radical. That won't happen! I haven't thought at all about where to hide I'm trying to get a spot where I can attack very quickly one two - okay So let's do ill know they're here and I can get him four five i'm gonna create a decoy six Seven eight woah nice Nine Ten all right hey Ct buddies you guys ready Hey, yeah, you guys will be great. Listen Im gonna go in You guys have your stuff on I'll probably handle it. But get your stuff on? I'll be ready when you're here Okay, here we go whenever there's trouble we send in the best You could be anywhere especially under the stairs My back is totally exposed right there didn't get attacked what if they're under the stairs man look they're not under there No terrorist in there *Gun Shot* Ah *Gun shot* *Gun shot* I knew it, I knew it. Three shots *Gun shot* No, they didn't work as well as I was hoping it would I'm thinking that both Jarrett and Jake picked the most obvious hiding spots they could *Gun shot* I Knew it. Counter terrorist. He's dead I got him. If he had come a couple more feet. I could've bonked him I stepped in an said this place looks inconspicuous Mm-hmm. I'll shoot through the crack in the door just to be safe and then christian dies. I would have probably ducked under the cushion Alright, here go tell my friends we got good news He was about to walk in the room to Wait you got everyone, yeah I got everyone Send in the best. Yeah, I wasn't even worried. That was just as I expected this no It's too easy right now for the CT We need to make it harder if Jarrett didn't constrain himself in a barrel and you were crouched down like this It has some maneuverability you guys have been okay, Christian would have almost gotten me Next round would be better once the terrorists learn from their mistakes Do the exact same thing again tactical Billy? tactical billy Terrorists are going down. I'm gonna make him smile. Feel like everyone just had a practice round against Niko and I have to go in there now against a more experienced terrorists How am I expected to win here? It might be someone behind the door the moment you open it under this and Without even entering I'll open it and I'll look through the crack You should breach by kicking the door open as hard as possible and letting it swing and crush whoever's standing behind it Swish you in? Yeah That's not bad. That's really good action. Yeah, we're ready Hey Terrorists want some freedom. No too bad *Gun shot* laughing you got me. ah it worked Oh no Do you think anyone went upstairs its bright up there? Why would anyone hide up there? Oh, gosh, I can't really see through these goggles in this darkness This is quite freaky. Oh, I don't want to have to go into the tunnel of chains Okay, can I just like turn on the lights. Nope. I don't want to go in there I don't Like this, hey I got some reconstituted Constitution. Hey Jarrett come out Did really no-one hide back here What are you doing are you hiding? Yeah, dude, you're giving away my spot today's episode guys sponsored by raid Shadow Legends It's this game right here I just downloaded it a couple days ago and I've been playing it since we have a lot of downtime during this hide-and-seek game I wanted to tell you a little bit about this game. It's one of the most ambitious RPG mobile games out there. That's right It's got everything you might expect from a brand-new RPG game. I just downloaded a few days ago. It's got amazing story It's got 3d graphics. It's got a bunch of different types of champions you can play as. The game's good It's getting big fast. Try to get in early They're doing a special launch tournament upcoming here real soon and it's gonna be giving out real-life physical prize packs all you have to do to download raid is click the link in the description of this video right here and you'll get 50,000 silver plus a free epic champion right away as a courtesy. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know Oh shhh I feel like I checked everywhere Except for back here where did everyone go *Gunshot* *Gunshot* *Jake moaning* Freedom you are freed from life. I am running long time The President! Oh god Oh god That was you? -Yeah Ahhhh! Terrorists got this round You were right here. yeah I was behind the barrel I... I... I saw. I thought I saw this I think you even touched it a one point I did. I even kinda manu- And I just held my breath and went We didn't want to have to do this but one of the C T's went down and it's time to bring in one of the Big guns a super soldier the best of the best. Is he a man? Is he a God or is he hell on two feet? Well, if you're a terrorist, he's all three I'm the ultra special operator private first class sizzle Wizzle. I think he's gonna do a great job feeling very good about his loss of words for myself at a loss of words for the energy that the vibes I was getting it is up to you and Your nocturnal camera the hottest of bodies need you get in there. I'm just you do work you understand Yeah, My code name is sizzle wizzle because I can pick up down heat lines There's a little see those, you know, those little wavy heat lines that come on. Yeah That's like a magnet for me. I spent 99% of my life in the dark. So I'm an expert on dark areas Reclaim the honor that our fallen heroes have dropped on the battlefield I'm going to totally forget it and figure out exactly where they are. No prisoners Someone caught me there's a bunch of terrorists in here. sizzle wizzle online That's the sound of my about camera scanning sorry there is no way to describe these noises Yeah, this is freaky bro, someone's got a hot speaker computer monitors are pretty hot too Hi, this is where shit gets real boys *Sam is making beeping scanning noises* Come out with your hands up Heat signature detected, heat signature fading mission success. Oh boy *More scanning sounds* Heat Signature detected, someone's behind the couch come out with your hands up Come out with your hands up criminal I can smell your heat lines Your sizzle lines that comes straight off that body yeah drop that manifesto and I'll and I'll give you I'll bring you out live Never! The privatized health care system, we'll take care of him. Just fine two more *Scanning noises* Area secure Ahhhh! One of us one of us one of us I convinced you as my online essays Ahh! He got turned into a terrorist. What? Private Sizzle Wizzle? That was good boy right there going in there as the colonel Over his direct command. Yeah, you're next in line Yeah, it seems that way we know that you were injured, but you asked me to come out of retirement We're asking you to come out of retirement. God dang it How do you were you able to do you I wouldn't do it for you. I wouldn't do it but for my country That's a different story. Give me a gun. The only way to save him is to bonk him back with this and then he becomes Sam again, that's only gonna work on Sam. Yes. Everyone else gets this or the knife Can you put this can you put it in my head? Yeah, thanks. And then your knife you get a knife Well, that's sus well this part is clear, but that's the easy part That's a nice a nice round one appreciate it Got ahold fly-in the flytrap Monkey noises from above Go down go down That's one more terrorist, oh the red light is off You got no lights now, I feel like I'm gonna do them again, I think someone's in there it might be Sam Angry howler monkey noises Come join me! Haha. Come and join me! Come and join me! Come and join- Ahh! Sam? What the shell is I doing in here? It's good to see you boy. Good to see you You hold this oh, it's good with you colonel feel it baby back in my hands Jarrett please just to put him out of his misery. Okay? Okay. It must be miserable wherever he is and he's back here Check this room. No heat signatures detected *Screaming and bike horn honking* Oh wait! It's a conversion tool! Freakin geniuses another day saved Well, I think everyone's seen what happens when you use a thermal camera to play hide and seek it gets pretty extreme and I think it's a bloodbath all around but I'm just glad that Sam and Clint both got out alive now if you're interested in Seeing some other games like this leave a comment below or turn that notification Bell on because we do stuff like this more often than you might think as a bunch of grown men
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,320,648
Rating: 4.9084053 out of 5
Keywords: corridor crew, corridor, nerf, 360 camera, one wheel, airsoft, fight, battle, game, node, flir, thermal, heat, new, funny, special forces, navy seal, seal team 6, SAS, tactical, tactics, counter strike, hide and seek
Id: KeiUcmc609c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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