A Story Analysis of Final Fantasy 7

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I think Final Fantasy 7 is fundamentally a story about three different kinds of relationships first our relationship with nature second our relationship with ourselves and third our relationship with each other okay let's begin with our relationship with nature the First Act of the game is said in the city of midgard a dystopian sci-fi Metropolis midgard's visual design is gray dark metallic and artificial like any major city life here is crowded and noisy and bustling in the opening cinematic this quiet thoughtful moment with aith is interrupted by the chaos of the city There is almost nothing natural in this city very few trees or plants or animals I cannot find anything resembling a public park which would at least be a manicured and tamed version of nature for residents to enjoy midgard is totally artificial this setting presents a community which is absolutely cut off from nature the people here have no relation ship with nature they live in a world of man-made things the only nature in the entire city can be found in arth's flower garden but we will discuss her character later also just to be clear this is an analysis of the story of the original PlayStation 1 version of Final Fantasy 7 but I am going to use a lot of footage from the remakes because the cutcenes in those are a lot prettier so this video will be spoiling the entire story of the original game but not whatever changes have been made in the remix anyway how does this game portray a life cut off from nature well in Final Fantasy 7 life without nature is hard cold and often miserable our characters spend most of their time in the slums these vast sprawling unders City Shanty towns where the poor scratch out a meager living and the people living above do not seem to be especially happier or Freer than those living in the slums below because every aspect of their lives is dominated by the Shinra Electric Power Company Shinra are the primary villains of the First Act of the game and the secondary villain for the rest I am going to do a full video examining Shinra and their role in the story later but for now what's important is that this power company is meant to be an avatar for corporate greed Shinra is meant to represent the worst consequences for when a corporation cares only for increasing their own profits at any cost when they have no consideration for how their affect not only the lives of people but the health of the environment Shinra has seized total power in this world they control the government they employ entire armies in the recent past this company actually waged a war against a Sovereign Nation wuai the homeland of yui and Shinra won that war they transformed this once proud nation into a playground for Shinra Executives a mere Resort town where company bosses can kick back and relax and more than that Shinra is murderous and evil in one episode they destroy an entire section of their own City killing tens of thousands of people at minimum this is Corporate greed taken to a very extreme level Shinra are not just cut off from nature they exploit nature they use up any and all natural resources they can get their hands on and they do not care about sustainability they do not care about making sure these resources will still be available to future Generations they do not care about using them to make the world a better place all they care about is the present how much wealth can they generate right now the focal point of this exploitation is Macco energy midgard is not powered by fossil fuels or nuclear power or anything else we would be familiar with in our world Instead This Metropolis is powered by Maco sometimes people do compare Mako power with nuclear power and there are certainly some similarities like nuclear power Mako uses the natural resources of the planet to unlock incredible energy but that energy is also very dangerous I will discuss the true nature of Mako a little later but for now all you need to understand is that Shinra is pumping incredible amounts of the energy-rich substance out of the Earth in order to power their grand city and Mako is not a limitless resource the planet is running out you you might think this would cause the people who run Shinra to reconsider their policies to do something different but no they don't change anything they just desperately search for new sources of Maco but even if they found them it would only delay the inevitable without a serious change in behavior that new source would eventually be depleted too this game portrays corporate greed to be ultimately self-destructive it is not just the environment that Shinra is killing in there in ible greed they are really killing themselves but not everyone in this story is just blindly marching into self Annihilation along with their corporate overlords some characters are fighting back for the First Act of the game our main character Cloud an independent mercenary is hired by Avalanche a band of eot terrorists and freedom fighters who are battling against the dastardly power company Avalanche is led by a man named Barrett who is is at first presented to be a character who is totally devoted to saving the planet however future events will reveal that Barrett's motivations are not quite so selfless as initially depicted interestingly the members of avalanche are not shown to have any special relationship with nature in fact they seem to be just as cut off from nature as everyone else in midgard and they do not actually have any deep understanding as to the relationship between Mako and the health of the planet it will eventually be revealed that Avalanche is far more motivated by Revenge than by environmentalism their name Avalanche is meant to give a sense of this natural force this sweeping destructive irresistible natural disaster under this guys the members of avalanche bombed two Mao reactors killing probably hundreds of Innocents and not actually managing to even put a dent in shinra's larger plans this group is ultimately ineffective and essentially disbanded before the First Act of the game is even over I think the game portrays Avalanche as well-intentioned but misguided fighting Shinra is the right thing to do but Avalanche is doing it for the wrong reasons instead what makes Avalanche special in this world are their Human Relationships but I'll discuss that more in the third part of this video right now I want to talk more about Mako at one point in their Journey our party of Heroes reaches Cosmo Canyon there they meet bgan hogen who who in a dramatic and flashy holographic light show explains the true nature of Mao and the planet's plight he explains that in this setting when a person dies not only does their body decompose and return to the soil but that a person's soul returns to the planet as well and not just the souls of humans but the spirits of all living things eventually return to the same place all of these Spirits join together roam converge and divide forming a SW well a fantastic magical current rushing within the Deep bowels of the planet this current is known as the life stream the life stream is the source of all life on the planet whenever a child is born or a new seed Sprouts it is blessed with soul and energy from the life stream and when they die they return this gift of energy from when it came and it is not just the source of human plant and animal life it is also the source of Planet life in Final Fantasy 7 the planet itself is very literally a living and intelligent organism and it could be said that the LIF stream is the Collective Soul of that living planet this is the true source of Mao this is what Shinra is pumping out of the bowels of the Earth in tremendous quantities to power their City they are not just exploiting a finite natural resource they are exploiting the actual soul of the planet the source of their own Souls the Souls of their future children of all life on Earth even worse the planet is running out of spirit energy Shinra is using it all up when the planet runs out it will literally die the entire planet will crumble away dissolve like Ash and so all life on the planet will be killed too however things do not have to be this way Once Upon a Time in the distant past the ancestors of humanity had a far more positive healthy and mutually beneficial relationship ship with their environment long ago there lived a people called the cetra the cetra were a nomadic race who would wander the Earth and commune with the planet never staying anywhere very long they would even help the planet heal its wounds when they died they willingly returned their souls to the planet's life Stream So the cycle of life and death could continue forever unfortunately these cetra have almost entirely gone extinct their last living descendant is aith one of the main characters of the game aith still maintains her people's special relationship with their environment she still communes with the planet in the cold dark metallic gray artificial city of midgard aith is a flower salesman and this choice of occupation is narratively significant aith is the only character in the city who has any relationship with nature whatsoever she cultivates a gorgeous flower garden her home is the only truly peaceful spot in the whole city the only place in midgard with significant Greenery and plants and flowers not even Avalanche the supposed Defenders of the planet actually grow any plants themselves in her character the writers show us what it's like to have a deep and healthy relationship with nature aith is good-hearted and generous she is a deeply positive influence on the rest of the cast particularly cloud and ultimately with the help of the planet it is aith who saves both the LIF stream and human Humanity in the later acts of the game Humanity's relationship with the planet becomes more and more overtly combative at one point the party Journeys to the far north and here they discover an environment that is deeply hostile to human life long ago the planet was struck by a meteor which left a deep wound in the surface the planet is still attempting to heal itself and this healing process results in the harsh conditions on the Northern continent this is the first time when the game shows that that through its natural processes the planet can do things which have negative consequences for Humanity this is not a story where Mother Nature is depicted as being some purely benevolent and kind Force who humans selfishly take advantage of nature can be just as deadly and destructive as Humanity of all characters it is actually Barrett the supposed ECOT terrorist who voices this conflict most clearly when they reach the ice Fields he's the one who says seeing a place like this makes you realize how awesome and dangerous Nature's power really is he realizes that midgard is the total opposite of this environment the far north is a place where Nature has created a space that is completely inhospitable to human life whereas midgard is a place that has cut itself off from nature in order to create a space where humans can live in safety there is an acknowledgement here that healing Humanity's relationship with nature is not so simple as just a abandoning our modern cities and choosing to live out in the woods instead there is a good reason why Humanity built cities in the first place it turns out that all humans are technically descendants of the cetra the humans were the ones who gave up that harsh nomadic life who chose to build permanent settlements where they could be safe and comfortable and happy and who could blame them for making that choice the Hostile relationship between man and nature is made even clearer by the emergence of the weapons in the world of Final Fantasy 7 when the planet feels that its life force is being threatened it creates life forms known as weapons to defend itself these are massive colossal creatures who wield tremendous power in the Final Act of the game several of these weapons are an leash to Rampage over the Earth's surface and it is notable that they target midgard and other Shinra properties the planet clearly knows where the true threat to its existence lies some of the most dramatic scenes in the late game involve cinematic battles between the forces of Shinra and these creatures and it's hard to tell who you should root for in these conflicts on the one hand Shinra is an evil and murderous and insane corporation whose greed is literally killing the planet and all Life along with it on the other hand I don't want to see all these innocent people getting trampled to death by these rampaging monsters in the final scene of the game in the end ath does manage to use a magic which calls on the power of the planet to protect itself this is dangerous magic the planet will remove anything it perceives as a threat to itself that might include all of humanity if the planet perceives humans as a threat which it very well should considering that humans nearly killed it then all of humanity will be wiped out but the planet ultimately allows humans to stay apparently despite the actions of Shinra the planet actually does want humans to stick around the midgard is still destroyed the metropolis' abandoned ruins are eventually retaken by nature and perhaps with the destruction of the city and the Moco reactors Humanity will have a chance to build a new Society in harmony with their natural environment it is easy to see the parallels between the destructive corporate greed of Shinra and the corporations of our own world the way they exploit resources the unsustainable business practices the lack of concern for the well-being of the natural world and how our fate is inextricably tied to the fate of the environment it is also easy to see the parallels between midgard a community where humans have totally cut themselves off from the natural world to live in a purely artificial and man-made society and our own cities our own lives how many of us can claim to have any sort of meaningful relationship with nature Final Fantasy 7 is a pretty silly and ridiculous and over-the-top game most of the time but I think its story is asking genuinely important questions about our relationship with nature the game presents a relationship with nature which is in many ways mutually hostile humans cut themselves off from the natural environment and engage in dangerous and unsustainable overexploitation of Natural Resources meanwhile Mother Nature assaults Humanity with devastating disasters inhospitable climates and incredible deadly forces however in the heritage of the cetra we are shown another possibility humanity and nature could live together in harmony Humanity could be made stronger healthier and happier through a positive relationship with its natural environment but this is only one of the three themes we are going to discuss in this video the next theme is our relationship with ourselves so if you watched my video on Sethro you will remember that I said that one of the key themes of final Fantasy 7 story is identity and I spent a lot of time analyzing how seph Root's identity is first broken and then reconstructed how his understanding of himself dramatically changes and how it is really this identity crisis that transforms Sethro from an emotionally cold but basically okay guy into a violent and insane mass murderer it is his transforming identity that turns him into a villain in this story identity is not who you really are are it is a story you tell yourself about yourself this form of identity is not stable it can change and not only that but as seph's character shows it can change based on misunderstandings lies and half-truths it is possible for your identity to be wrong if you would like to hear a full discussion of seph's multiple identities go check out that other video but Sethro is not the only character in Final Fantasy 7 who reconstructs his identity in ways that do not necessarily match reality in fact nearly every single member of the main cast does something similar in the end they all turn out to be fundamentally different in some way than how they were first presented to be for the sake of length I am not going to discuss all of them here instead we are going to focus on just four characters Cloud Barrett red 13 and Kate Sith all right let's begin with cloud cloud is the most similar to Sethro in that after a major trauma he reconstructs his entire identity at the beginning of the game cloud is presented to be a former member of soldier shinra's Elite military division the best of the best some of the most powerful warriors in the world their bodies enhanced by exposure to concentrated Mao energy and in the First Act he plays this part perfectly in battle his abilities far exceed not only every member of avalanche anch but every soldier of Shinra they encounter he is doing summer assaults leaping at top rushing trains performing remarkable feet after remarkable feet in every way he looks and plays the part of the master Warrior there is only one problem it is all a lie eventually it will be revealed that cloud was never in Soldier he tried but he was just not good enough he was not strong enough he was never anything more than a grunt the lowest possible rank in in shinra's military force he was just another faceless recruit however Cloud does not realize that he is lying when he claims to have been in Soldier he is not trying to deceive anyone he really believes that what he is saying is true 5 years ago Cloud accompanied two members of soldier Sethro and Zach on a mission to his hometown in neheim on this Mission Sethro learned something about his own past that broke his mind that caused him to go violently insane he destroyed the town and slaughtered the villagers including all of Cloud's friends and family in a confrontation with Sethro Cloud was grievously wounded and then taken by Shinra to be experimented on exposed to dangerous Mako energy and injected with extraterrestrial genetic material this was a deeply traumatic series of events the pain the death the terror the shock of it overwhelmed him in order to survive all of this Cloud had to stop stop being cloud or at least stop being Cloud as he existed then he had to become someone stronger someone colder someone who could handle all this trauma he constructed a new safer identity for himself based on the personalities of both Zach and seero this new identity allowed Cloud to survive however in the world of Final Fantasy 7 an identity that does not match reality is a dangerous thing it can be shattered by the truth at any time which is exact what happens to cloud in a later confrontation Sethro shows Cloud the truth that he was just a grunt that he is weak and it breaks Cloud's mind he doesn't know who he is supposed to be anymore for a section of the later story he is totally catatonic incapable of doing anything it is through his relationship with Tifa a fellow Survivor from neheim that he manages to reconstruct his identity this new identity is based on truth and it allows him to find the strength to finally defeat seepo but we will talk about that more later for now let's look at baret Barrett is the leader of avalanche and as I've already mentioned is initially presented to be totally devoted to saving the planet he will battle Shinra he will bomb their reactors will put himself in grave danger however it is later revealed that Barrett's motivations are far less altruistic than they first seem he was born in a mining town and once upon a time he helped invite Shinra in believing that the corporation would increase his home's Prosperity this was a terrible mistake Shinra eventually betrayed him they burned down the town and killed many of its residents including the biological parents of Marlene he only adopted her after the fact and his desire to protect her stems from his feelings of guilt towards the end he will acknowledge that claiming he wanted to save the planet just sounded better than the truth which was that he was fighting for himself for his own personal desire for Revenge now let's talk about red 13 who is my favorite character in the game and one thing I love about his character is his introduction it is just so totally crazy and weird all right so at one point in the story aith is kidnapped by Shinra and our heroes infiltrate the company's headquarters to rescue her they find her in the research lab where she is locked inside a specimen container along with a strange red colored doglike monster Hojo the insane head of shinra's research department is planning to breed her with the dog monster which is completely disgusting and bizarre Hojo is truly gross they break her out of the container and it turns out that not only can the dog monster speak but he is highly intelligent and immediately joins the team this is such a strange and delightful series of events it's things like this that make these older Final Fantasy games so much fun I really wish the newer games could reclaim this element of absurdity and silliness that the old games had anyway the dog monster says to just call him red 13 which was hojo's label for him his body is covered in scars he is clearly a veteran of many hardfought battles he speaks in this sort of world weary and wise way he is very knowledgeable concerning the deeper Mysteries of the planet he reveals very little about himself the player won't know his Origins his past or his true goals but he's clearly a very old and wise character however just like cloud and Barrett this initial presentation is misleading his true name is nanaki and when we visit his hometown of Cosmo Canyon it is revealed that though he is technically 48 years old because his race is so long lived in reality he has the mental and biological maturity of a 15-year-old despite his mature and world L Persona red 13 is actually a teenager he says he wants to be an adult so that he can protect his home and his family and so that is how he behaves I think red 13's reconstructed identity is much more intentional than Sethro cloud or barretts unlike them he knows exactly what he wants to become the wise and strong champion of his people something interesting about all these false identities is that they are not just lies cloud is not just some loser pretending to be an elite soldier he actually does demonstrate great prowess in battle he accomplishes tremendous Feats but how is he able to do that how is he able to perform so convincingly as a soldier when he was really just a low ranking grunt part of the explanation lies in those experiments he underwent in hojo's lab but even Hojo calls him a failure he was not a successful experiment I think another key theme of Final Fantasy 7 story is this question of what is true strength over and over again characters describe Cloud as weak and yet he becomes the driving force behind this incredible quest to save the planet from seph's insane mockin naations I think the story is suggesting that true strength is something beyond your individual capabilities your individual talents I think the true explanation for why cloud is able to do these things is in part the strength he draws from his relationships which is something I will discuss more in the third part of the video but that strength also comes from his belief in himself because Cloud believes he is capable of doing great things he is then able to do those things his belief becomes reality in Final Fantasy 7 identity is not just a story We Tell ourselves about ourselves it is also a story that can become real before I end this discussion I would like to talk a little bit about the novel mother Knight by Kurt vut which deals with very similar themes mother Knight's main character is Howard W Campbell Jr he is an American who was living in Germany during World War II publicly he did everything he could to support the Nazi regime and so is about to be put on trial for crimes against humanity at the start of the novel but he has a secret he was actually a spy the entire time working for the Allies however it eventually becomes clear that Campbell's work was so beneficial to the Nazi party that it does not matter if he was a spy anything he did to hurt them was far outweighed by the things he did to help them in the end he decides that by pretending to be a bad guy for so long by doing so much to Aid that hateful regime he is in fact guilty not of crimes against humanity but of crimes against himself crimes against his true self for which he does deserve death the ends with this warning we are what we pretend to be so we must be careful about what we pretend to be and I think you can easily apply this lesson to Final Fantasy 7's story as well identity in this story is a very fra Affair everyone has a tendency to pretend to be something that they are not these false identities can never survive for long inevitably they are Shattered by the truth sometimes with catastrophic results but at the same time it is possible to pretend that you are better than you really are stronger than you really are and sometimes that lie can become truth sometimes you can become a better person just by believing that you are a better person I want to end my discussion of this Theme by looking at Kate Sith Kate Sith is by far the most bizarre character in this game he is a weird cat person wearing a cape and a crown and wielding a megaphone while riding on top of whatever the hell this thing is he comes out of nowhere he literally just randomly shows up and attaches himself to the group a lot of jrpgs will have some cutesy character like this who exists for no other reason than to be a wacky and silly distraction and the first time I played the game I assumed that was Kate siths role too that he would not be very important to the story but like every other character in this game Kate Si's true identity turns out to be something very different than how it is first presented to be K Sith is a spy for Shinra he is a mechanical toy being operated by one of the most senior Shinra Executives but I don't care about all that right now I am much more interested in Kate Si's death there is a point in the story when it becomes clear that someone will need to sacrifice themselves in order to obtain an important treasure Kate Sith volunteers after all he is just a doll being controlled by someone else far away if he dies nothing is actually lost right but then something really strange happens with his final words this version of Kate Sith turns this entire notion of identity on its head totally alone about to die he turns to the camera and as if speaking directly to the audience he says there's plenty of stuffed toys like my body around but there's only one me don't forget me even if another Kate Sith comes along this is a really bizarre moment because every Kate Sith should be identical right they're all being controlled by the same person but these final words suggest otherwise that there really is something unique and special about each individual Kate Sith no matter how fake they both are no matter how similar they appear I think there is a suggestion here that our false identities those things we pretend to be do have a certain life of their own something special which is lost when we discard them when our identity changes and I think it is also important to note that Kate siths final words are a response to something aith says to him as he is about to go sacrifice himself she tells him to be strong he is so delighted by her words of encouragement that she would choose to still believe in him even after he revealed that he was a spy even though he is just an easily replaceable doll being controlled by someone else it is his relationship with aith that brings out the best in him and that leads me to the final theme we are going to discuss in this video our relationship with others and I think this is ultimately the most important kind of relationship that the story explores right before the final battle Cloud sends everyone away he tells red 13 to go back to Cosmo Canyon and see all his friends again he tells Barrett to go see Marlene he says what are we all fighting for I want us all to understand that to save the planet for the future of the planet sure that's all fine but is that how it really is I've been thinking I think we are all fighting for ourselves and for that someone or something whatever it is that's important to us that's what we're really fighting for after this speech Barrett decides that he is not fighting to save the planet he is really fighting to save Marlene for her future Cloud tells everyone to go and find out what they are really fighting for something personal to them in the end saving the planet is too abstract too imp personal of a motivation to get someone through a struggle as terrible as the one that's coming these characters need something else our relationship with the planet with nature turns out to be far less important than our relationships with each other I talked earlier about how cloud is consistently described as Weak by other characters and yet somehow still finds the strength to defeat sephiroth who by All rights should be far more powerful than him I think the source of this strength can be found in his relationships the reason why cloud is able to defeat Sethro is because he has aith and Tia and all the rest whereas Sethro only has goova by the end of the game the only relationship Sethro has is with this strange alien creature who does not really care about him at all meanwhile cloud is supported by all these close friends he has something meaningful to fight for while Sethro only cares about power so let's examine his relationships with both aith and Tifa at the start of the game cloud is a character with only one significant relationship in his entire life he claims that the only reason he is working with Avalanche is to get paid but of course it is obvious to everyone that the real reason is Tifa his childhood friend tifa's primary role in this story is to serve as an anchor to Cloud's character she is his stability she is his connection to humanity without her at the beginning of the game he would be totally alone he would have no direction in life I'm not sure if he would even have an identity towards the end of the game we are shown a flashback of cloud antifa's first meeting in midgard this meeting takes place after the destruction of neheim after he was wounded by seph rro after he was subjected to the terrible experiments by Hojo after he was deemed a failure after all of that drama in this flashback at first cloud is behaving very strangely he is similar to the black cloaks who are fellow experiments of Hojo other people who were injected with goova cells in an attempt to recreate sepo the black cloaks act confused their original identities lost they spend all their time muttering to themselves about SEO and reunion this is what cloud could have become but then Tifa runs up to him and calls him by his name and just like that he becomes Cloud again she gives him an identity he can cling to you can see her influence on him again later in the game when his new identity is Shattered by seph's revelations for a while cloud is left in a catatonic State again very similar to the black cloaks but he still has Tifa who chooses to remain by his side it is she who Journeys through his memories to help him find his true self in this story Tifa is utterly essential someone Cloud can rely on someone who cares about him someone who can help remind him who he really is when he loses his way which is all the more fascinating because like so much else in this game Tifa and Clown's relationship turns out to be something very different than how it is first portrayed at the start of the game it seems as if cloud and Tifa have been close friends since childhood that is why they stay together that is why she is able to be his anchor once again the only problem is that none of this is true it is later revealed that cloud and tia were were never friends as children Cloud wanted to be her friend and even joined Shinra in an attempt to impress her but she had her own friends and her own life and Cloud was not really a part of it it was in Cloud's absence that he grew in her mind after he left she developed this fantasy of a cloud who had gone off and joined soldier who had become a great warrior and who had one day returned to be her protector it was this imaginary version of himself that sustained his new identity when they met again in midgard but as we've already discussed in the story of Final Fantasy 7 the border between our beliefs and reality often blurs and through Tifa Cloud actually manages to become a better version of himself something close to that imaginary version of himself that before only existed in tifa's mind their relationship is not the stereotypical girl Nextdoor romance that it first appears to be it is something much more complicated than that in a time of trauma and chaos and uncertainty their relationship is something they can both hold on to to find stability now let's talk about cloud and aith Tifa may be his anchor but it is aith who really unlocks the humanity within Cloud at the start of the game cloud is a character who behaves in a sort of inhuman way he is cold emotionless and distant he does not seem to care about almost anything and and then during the bombing of a second reactor cloud falls to what really should have been his death but by random chance he not only survives but lands in arth's flower garden they escape from some Shinra soldiers and have a pretty romantic little journey across the rooftops together and then go on a very silly cross-dressing adventure to rescue Tifa from a gangster arth's role in the story is to inject light and color and life into the otherwise drab and gray setting of midgard and she does the same thing to Cloud's character too over and over again she pushes him to express his feelings to be more compassionate to be more empathetic in essence to be more human Cloud's decision to rescue aith from the Shinra HQ is perhaps the first truly human and compassionate thing he does in the whole game this relationship is complicated somewhat by Zach before the events of the game aith was in a romantic relationship with Zach the soldier who accompanied seph on the mission to neheim 5 years ago one of the reasons she is interested in cloud is because he reminds her of her former love because of course cloud based some of his new identity on Zach as their story progresses ath says she wants to know who Cloud really is a desire he does not understand at the time she is the only character besides sephra who seems to be able to see through the false Persona cloud has instructed for himself unfortunately she never does meet the real hym because she is brutally murdered by seph at the City of the Ancients but this death is very important to Cloud's character development it is only in his grief over her death that he finally reclaims his full Humanity in the original game after her murder cloud has this deeply emotional and touching monologue in which he Mourns her for the first time he expresses a belief in the profound value of human life of the individual of everything that has been lost with her death from that moment on for cloud this stops being a story focused on SEO and becomes a story focused on aith not only avenging her death but fulfilling her final mission in life when Cloud gives that speech at the end where he says that everyone needs to find something to fight for this is what he's thinking of he is fighting for aith and it is her memory along with the of Tifa and the others that gives him the strength to defeat seepo in Final Fantasy 7 our relationship with nature is portrayed to be really troubling full of conflict and disaster and greed our relationship with ourselves is portrayed to be confusing and chaotic identities that can transform or shatter at any time because of course humans are complicated human nature is contradictory and messy but it is in our relationships with each other that we can find hope those relationships are still pretty messy but they can also act as a deep well of strength instability from which our characters can draw to accomplish incredible things in the end it is our relationships with each other that surpass all else and this is where my analysis of the themes of Final Fantasy 7 ends next time I will be doing my deep dive into Cloud's character which is of course what I said at the end of my last video except this time it is actually true though I am going to take a short break from Final Fantasy I am going to take advantage of the PC release of horizon forbidden West to do a couple videos on the villains from that game because I just love the world and setting in that series but once those are done I will be back with probably a really stupidly long video about Cloud so please look forward to [Music] that [Music]
Channel: FatBrett
Views: 62,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 7, Final fantasy VII, Story, Lore, Explained, Character, Analysis, Sephiroth, Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret, Red XIII, Cait Sith
Id: iZ7ECqO35fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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