The Controversial Ending of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (SPOILERS)

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today's video is a massive spoiler for everything Final Fantasy 7 related if you haven't completed Final Fantasy 7 rebirth please do so and come back to this video it's one of the most iconic scenes of all time a scene that would absolutely devastate Gamers and fundamentally change video game storytelling forever that is the death of aith Gainesboro at the time this was a groundbreaking scene that depicted a level of emotional depth that Gamers had never seen before there are many testimonies of how this is the first video game that actually brought some people to tears over its story a sudden and tragic demise that was not just a plot twist but a moment that challenged The Narrative conventions of video games up until that point evoking a profound sense of loss and grief in players it wasn't just an important character in the story that died but a playable party member who had equipment and limit breaks that you dedicated hours of gameplay to aith was the Healer in your party and while everyone in the original Final Fantasy especially can fill many of the same roles there was still a void left by aith in the party and that impact was also felt by the developers with Noma saying did you know people have been coming up to me for years now and saying You Killed aith the theme of Final Fantasy 7 was life and we sacrificed aith in order to give weight and depth to that theme her death is a tragedy but if we suddenly killed off everyone else after that it would dilute the meaning of her death when a character in a video game dies no one thinks Mak it sad they're just characters in a game after all you can just reset the game and try again or you can always revive them somehow I felt that their lives didn't have that much weight with life as our theme for ff7 I thought we should try depicting a character who really dies for good who can't come back for that death to resonate it needed to be an important character so we thought that killing off the heroin would allow players to think more deeply about that theme so when Final Fantasy 7 remake was first announced in 2015 this was the first scene that so many people thought of and we imagined it in various ways from will there be blood to will there be no blood will she die in a different place or in a different way it mini felt that the one thing this remake needed to get right was that aith needed to die of course that's not to say that everyone felt that way a poll ran by a Japanese publication Min naavi asking players who played Final Fantasy 7 what they most want to see in the remake back when the Remake was first announced in 2015 adding a route where ath lived took the number one spot then enter the twist of the Arbiters of Faith beings that were tasked with keeping Destiny in place a destiny that we would then defy at the end of Final Fantasy 7 remake many concluded that with Destiny broken in event no longer guaranteed to happen as they did in the original game meant that it was entirely possible for aith to live all of these thoughts and all of this conjecture placed a ton of weight on Final Fantasy 7 Reaper ending scene and now now Final Fantasy 7 rebirth is finally here and all that time since the Final Fantasy 7 remake Tech demo that wasn't even the official announcement of the game that had people imagining what era's death would look like in HD this scene presents something wildly different than any of our imaginations could have conjured at that time Final Fantasy 7 remakes ending was incredibly risky however one of the reasons I think that it paid off in the way that it did was that it empowered people to believe what ever they wanted to believe if this ending meant that aith was going to live you could entirely reason that if this ending meant that Zach was coming back or not you could selectively believe whichever way you wanted to if it meant that the story would diverge or stay the same whichever way you wanted to read it you absolutely could nothing was truly different yet there was only the looming promise that things might change but nobody knew to exactly what extent they would this allowed people to think and believe what they wanted to and it allowed many theories to prosper and while this ending also has many of those same qualities there's also a lot more that's hard to ignore with this game's ending some people love and are enthralled by these new Mysteries while many others feel incredibly off-put by them IGN even running an article titled Final Fantasy 7 rebirth fails its most important moment referring to the death of aith I do think that aith gets a lot of emotional moments here in particular the final moment moments that she spends with Cloud are very endearing and does allow you to get a bombastic goodbye with her though one may criticize that this removes the sudden aspect of the death and making it a bit more hollywood-esque and although era does die in this ending it's obscured by The Mystery of the fact that she's still there in Cloud's mind where cloud is seeing two timelines and many other theories surrounding what is going on and why cloud is still seeing her I think many people find themselves intrigued by the mystery of what's Happening Here but that mystery seems to be coming at the cost of losing the emotional weight of that death scene in particular the loss of the iconic lowering of the body into the water a moment that I feel confident will come back in part three when Cloud remembers what actually happens the one may argue that the efficacy of her death will be diluted not having that scene present here in the moment where it matters most I think my biggest question about the ending is what exact ly is the player supposed to feel when viewing it there is so much going on that it is literally difficult to emotionally process you have the death of aith but also maybe not the death of aith you have the entire Multiverse opening up with different timelines diverging you have Zach and Cloud reuniting and a boss fight with half a billion phases because of this there is so much going on at one time it might overwhelm the player in such a way that they don't really know what to think about the ending that being said I do think with time as people are able to digest all these Mysteries that were thrown at them they may come out a lot more positive feeling about the ending what's going to happen with cloud in the black Materia the torn sky and whatever is going on with Zach in the seeming Multiverse as well as Cloud seeing aith alive and not alive might be blackbox Mysteries that continue to keep people hooked and I suspect as they think and theorize on these ideas they may not view the ending in such a Negative light overall of course as I mentioned the player is overwhelmed by all that is going on and one concern that I do have for the next part is that with all of these Mysteries it makes you wonder how part three will wrap them all up in a timely manner without things feeling significantly rushed while the purpose of Zach in this game was to be able to explore the Multiverse and show what's happening in the other worlds The overarching Narrative purpose of Zach is still really unclear so part three has the heavy task of not just using Zach to explore these other worlds but to also show us why the developers made the decision to bring him back and what he is going to bring to the story to enhance it aside from just the joy of seeing a fan favorite character again genuinely speaking I wish we had more time to play as him in rebirth and I also feel like he should have just got more in general the moment at the end of the game where he joined in the Sethro boss fight was a long memd moment where I often joke that Zach would come out of a portal and he and Cloud would fight sephra together and funny enough that is exactly what happened however his role in the ending feels like he showed up for a bombastic fan service moment and then disappeared perhaps I'm the one who is blind to the purpose of this but genuinely speaking outside of the hype and the fan service the actual narrative purpose of this is beyond me at the moment there is also the purpose of the multiple worlds now there is a ton of conjecture on these worlds some people are still saying that this isn't Ault Multiverse and whatever we could have those arguments all day long however the big question is what is the purpose that it's bringing to the story I can't think of too many ways so far in which it's enhanced the story with many people in the community noting that so far it feels like it only serves the purpose of making things more convoluted and seemingly so far it hasn't actually made any sort of impact that changes anything if the story could be told without multiple worlds why include them in the first place this is where I want to note that currently I don't have all the information nobody does and as a result I won't outright say that all of these things are meaningless not until we have the full picture with Final Fantasy 7 remake part 3 I am sure they plan to eventually go somewhere with it and wherever they do go with it it'll be in such a way that makes you recontextualize part 1 and two I'm a firm believer in the narrative principle shov gun shov gun is a principle that states every element in a story must be NE necessary an irrelevant element should be removed for example if a writer features a gun in a story there must be a reason for it such as it being fired sometime later in the plot all elements must eventually come into play at some point in the story I think that adding all of these new things should come into play and they should come into play in a major way in such a major way that it makes you say this is the superior telling of Final Fantasy 7 or it's better off as a sequel as some of you will say because they added these things the burden thus far for me is going to be on part three to make all the mysteries in part one and part two that thus far as only contribution is the Curiosity that they add pay off in more ways than just being an interesting mystery that is a massive burden to place on part three of course part three also has the weapon fights all the events of disc 2 and three making Sid and Vin and playable on top of resolving all of these conflicts and I'm incredibly curious to see exactly how the developers will pull it off Final Fantasy 7 rebirth is an excellent game and I completely understand why some people love it and hate the ending I can genuinely understand both sides of the argument here and ultimately only time will tell if the developers are able to pull it off
Channel: The Night Sky Prince
Views: 31,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy vii remake, final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy vii rebirth, ff7 rebirth, ff7 part 2, ff7 remake part 2, ff7 remake part 3, final fantasy 7, ff7, final fantasy 16, final fantasy xvi, ff16, ffxvi, state of play, final fantasy 7 demo, ff7 rebirth demo, ending explained, ff7 rebirth theory, ff7 ending analysis
Id: H_-sL3sZ0rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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