This Blind Man • Pastor Joel Hiatt • 1 22 17

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Lord yay God you might as well get it on it cuz i'm gonna preach this morning oh my thank God buddy I didn't come to a dead place I come to my place and buddy RJ goes in me and I'm gonna let it rip appeal at me in my Elena my a boy i got here myself it God says he's not afraid their faces hey man that's right buddy I get some face of some kind of my golden is going to keep trying to break their minds like God hell yeah I'm gonna mess the king hey man I was a beggar and I'm in his household now mi John chapter 9 if he got a battle with me John chapter 91 a good song hey man help my heart thank God I come from the world hey man i'm heading to God's heaven hey man that's right I'm already there hey man that's right he's already got it is already reserved hey man kept in heaven for you hey man it's not it's not praise God and I'm trying to hold on and hold out cuz he's a holding me hey manda thank God some I said you won't make it i'm already made him in his case already done it's already been finished when Jesus died on the cross he said it is finished good ain't one thing I need to it's good amen you say where'd you get things well in time thank God I'm back then there's the word classes in the currency fast i got saved at calvary a manner that's where he paid for that my god he said is finished and it will not change hey man it's not me what I've done is what he did amen i don't have a do salvation I haven't done salvation s I'm not trying to make it already made it good why because he made it for me hurry it's impossible for a man to paint keeping the lowest i could get him sane good the lower makes you see you're not staying thank God Jesus come to fulfill it and then die thank God he could save and what favor then that would believe you say who say breaker them that believe it a man that's right there more the electric amen did not believe he say who are they whosoever believeth huh I can't I'm the only tested by myself but but if you never believed them of the saving your soul and then God will save you a man huh I'd rather be same anything else you won't try it would be nothing I'd trade it for huh not one thing I've trade then save for if a man offered me all the riches of the world I laugh at it my man that's right buddy they'll be somebody else's when you die thank god they're not going to satisfy any way been down that road friend I don't have a lot of money bout a money okay by the sole money helps us leave us but the foundation of every gift that comes from above yes Jesus that's right he gives us everything we needed and he's faithful I think about that John 9 and jesus passed by so a man wish those blinds from his murder well I want to break you've got to help me about this blind man that I was reading in this this weekend what a story or a record in the bible jesus said I God come to this blind man on the Bible said Jesus passed by this way and he never passes by any word that he don't have a purpose set hey man this man the battle said was blind from his birth but he never had seen huh I don't know how old he is but he is a maze of parents saying that had he could testify first sale huh and so there never has been a day that this man woke up but then he could see honey hey man jesus knew had he come back as people in this morning that said it in the church house and my president and other churches that never have seen thank God the gift of God I never have seen it hey man they've been glad from the merc ha well I asked Jesus who see in this manner past and Jesus said neither this man's got blindness because of the seeing that has heard neither because of what he did is he said he see a swine thank God because there's gonna be some God's glory around here tell you this everything you go through don't mean it's because of seeing her hey man that God's got a set up planet that he works the other day god save you at ghorepani man amen that they got to say man ghorepani myth and God has some setup for every sinner the God of heaven and deal with and same here they are in Jesus tells his old me and he said it said the day is a day and that's where we got a dim sum night comes and we came and what he said there is there's an opportunity here when the day is the opportunity closes hell I know that yeah well you know he's speaking here not day huh and we know that that's the 24 day but really a day means an age or time when there's a work of God and goes to work in a month some people that Jesus comes up hang on this man's blood and Jesus just be its own the ground huh he spits in the dirt hey man now they thought to use this hospital has some healing for measure Fred hey you remember when use a kid you got these tons sometimes that spit on their hand and wipe it on your putter front left as I sue the back of that put that on their website a man huh but let's just wait what the you so they thought this because they had so spittle that they could use that spindle for healing measures her and so no doubt Jesus being a Jew and also be in the Son of God huh but he came into that place they speak huh and he may play a mess spittle and he put it on that man's ass hey listen I don't find no record where Jesus even said anything this man don't say wash your name sir don't say do you want me to put clay on guys hey let us say to you want me to hear ya yeezus yes because a man huh he goes unusual things people wouldn't measure up to an ordinary man wouldn't figure out that's amazing to me how people try to figure gone out that's gotta figure out how God's gonna do something and gotta do a conference in a what they thought he would he's not going to let you in on everything her he does want you to believe him her and leave it to him and let him go you learn that you can get some help from him s hey babe lime better on the land far believe English I don't have to try to do it he can do it is believed him to do it they may write some deeper sighs thank God that man he didn't ask the Lord how he's going to do it Jesus spit on the ground he took clay and he put it on the man's eyes he said now you go wash in the pool of salon you get now that pool was the way I really that saying it was a conduit to that whole era pipe or whatever you call it was coming from a spring and they use that pool and some of the ceremonies that was their feast as to no doubt that man because this person took over the fire season and been in the synagogue must have been a member of that Jewish religion there in the synagogue that they had been there before I mean Jesus actually put the clay on the man's eyes he told him to go wash well this man was fine how was he going to get her head no say Jesus help him it don't say that somebody picked him up by the arm and said come on as well don't say that i'm not saying that well how it happened i just know the man with her head back when he got there the Bible said he washe and he watched his eyes in that pool thank God and when he washed his eyes under their command of Jesus thank God the Bible's have any sane hey well even when he does that his I brokenness for the first time is laughs that man seen hey god that's a bussiness and the battle said that he went wash any game seeing her hell he came back and he was definitely when he came back hey man if we didn't have a cane with him thank God trying to find worry is that huh but he came back with his head up his arse over labor oh my haha hey man thank God you'll never see haha guys is open a mate that's right he's ice road when he comes back he walks into the neighborhood and his neighbors are looking out the window maybe outside the house they look at this man and they said in that this that isn't that's a man that was blind bag I McCain Jesus Tufts of you somebody knows to laugh especially people live around you they look at you all the time aim it was watching you more what you think they are and here we find here they got to ask you in the neighbors 10 verse 8 hey so they had their boy they wish were before it seen him he was said it's not just that he that said back there so said this is the other said it's like him but he said I'm here man he and therefore set down to him he'll well done I'll go he said I want you to tell me how yours is open huh I mean your bedrock s all your life just born that way and now yours old I want you to tell me got open the answer and said a man is called Jesus made clay yeah a man man is called Jesus that's what he said yeah an old takes them he recognized him as a man he didn't know who he was he said a man is called Jesus right here he said he made clean known in his eyes and said unto me go to the pool of Siloam and wash and I went launched and i received my sight received sight that's what happened to him he didn't have no fancy words to it he just said this is what happened you know your testimonial always be the same you won't have to ask things so thank God you this you just tell how you got saved I mean this tell how God saved you and hell yeah eyes were opened and this man here got his eyes open and he told he told his neighbors he said this man called Jesus thank God told me to go watch a few put kyle myers and I came seeing how much k one thing this morning huh buddy if you ever get to see what I was seeing this morning it'll make a difference in your life I'll kill your buddy out there some I said I'll see it like heaven I'm sorry because you lied [Applause] what is I don't see it I McKay the only way you see the having Jesus open your eyes hey man well I will say this though this man here if you read this thing i'm not going to go through this whole record but they said well worthy acts where's this man ass and the Pharisees asked how he received his sight and he said on then verse 15 he put Claire miles and I washing to see and then they said well this man's not of God I mean he know they got it on the Saturday it was a day that the youth observe in that cupboard that they had with God Amen back in the Old Testament and they were Saturday people and it was a guess for all of the Sabbath day for anything like this to happen that of a Jesus was along the Sabbath rest and the seventh one issue huh that was a blind man that was issue listen to me hey God my friend huh it's not the day less issue as your soleus issue yes your laugh that's issue and that's why Christ came huh thank God cause you're the HD waiting try now they got dinner talking in there they called the man to him and then he got to say and they said he got to talk about how God and touched his eyes the Lord hadn't he's now seeing and they said this they said well he's a sinner that's what they said about Jesus they said he's a sinner and that man said in verse 25 he said I don't know what he's a sinner or not but one thing I know where I spun down said I like it though shoes oh I say I don't know a lot but thank God I know one thing I was buying now I say course you part of that family hey man that's right son us born blind luck I was yeah man got head over your eyes and who Jesus was hey man that's right and witty oh yeah you'll see hey god I say what I got bad that long my buddy said once I got no where as by jealousy when I say said thank God they said he's a sinner and he said well he says hi God they said and no God no here sinners yes hey man huh Helen Jesus was a sinner they said this man's disa lane Jehovah God he's done some older side with y'all not have done hey man they call this man hey Mendes helpless and the Jesus hey man said to him hey God huh go in wash anyway and glad my friend healed him how dare you tell the story huh has I know like what he was saying hey hey hey she's gonna make very young but he's playing me but they're loving it like to hear a story hey man that's right listen to this here they said you tell us would you say that again he said I've already told you one time he said Jesus told me to go Washington in the King see it same story same testimony amen they got their learned I like what this man said and this man here he wasn't saved yet but he said here am answering said unto them why here is a marvelous thing as you know not from which he is and yet he has open my eyes verse 33 said if this man were not of God he could do nothing yeah that's what he told they said could you give an account of this study he said would you be his disciples would you follow the Lord would you be the cycle his they said we'd be Moses disciples we're law with a condemned myself right there Moses was a law I'll all condemns you every time listen Jesus didn't come to condemn you can come to save you if all you hear is condemnation you never will be set free he come to make the captive free he come the less ain't got a liver man from seeing her he came to make men like her thank God him o his old self yes why faze us to make us like in sales and the only way that's going to have the grace of God that's all the West guy God your grace hey man listen free under living by God not a bunch of rules never ragazza relationship I remember when God saved me why when told you I'll tell that body people i work with i'm telling you they got so mad they thought i had a little bit of religion and they said some things about me they said old mine funderburke he used by the church myers always crying he couldn't me one day after i got saved I had never said nothing to him he says he come up on standing outside the break room he said a jaw why you I said I got saved he said I knew something happened to you you ain't acting like you used to they then you know why I saw different yes a soul thing different you know when you see things difference you won't live the same way hello hey man I know you see things different you'll not go back and live the same way hey yes man was completely different Hey ladies lackaday me his old parents wouldn't speak up hurry I wasn't saying they knew that you said if you confess him as Christ will kiss you out well it's to the gong boy look at what bank huh I'll tell you this morning hey thank God 3 and ha have me preaching about Jesus and the Word of God huh if you want to kick me out huh help your sales find a preacher for you anyway I'm pushing for him that's right in it well somebody if I went to pre somewhere not preach Jesus Christ and they said well we don't like how to preach it I say well that's what go to give me hey man I'm not gonna buy all down to sense they wouldn't even speak for their own boy I with natural a witness disperse the Pharisee the religious truth and says is this your son they said yeah it wasn't he born one yeah how did he get to see and they said you had to ask him about that yeah they knew that if they would have spoken said that Jesus has healed that boy that has a fold you might say that excommunicated him from that synagogue good you know what buddy I'm telling you this is a sad day when people my friend won't the truth hey don't want the word and they won't ask you to my excommunicate you and push you out hey but I'll tell you this word the only thing that's going to save you haha yes words I think I get out of your heart huh that's word of God head when Jesus faking happiness and Buddy I'm tell you that pastor I was afraid he wouldn't say that's my boy he got healed by Jesus customer my god jesus healed him an agenda he was fed clearing her huh cause of fear what man says they make a man now I'll tell you this you better get what I'm about to tell you in this ain't in the message this is outside of it but this is just a good gospel truth and I wish we could all get there when you get saved from public opinion you'll be all right that's right in this a lot of people can't do nothing for God's because they fear what somebody's gonna say about what they gonna think about isn't that right this boy got healed buddy he could see now you think he's gonna go back well he couldn't reverse it anyhow he went and he didn't want to hey man I am whatever by the grace of God I my tail obvious like we crazy it's like well that man's gone too far with it hey buddy I'll tell you I say hi a man I can't reverse it you me that's right just like I'm a man I can't reverse it hey man I'm a Christian I can't reverse hey man that's right a minute that's right buddy I can't not a Walter and I'm doing one thing yes these parents want him to revert back to Judaism they wanted to revert back to the synagogue they won't revert back thank God and and I and done confess Christ and muddy they got he got down there and they said to him they said to human my god who will you be as a saddle track when he said he'd be Jesus tackle this the Bible says they went out phooey mouth hey sue am I the church you don't call the church it was a Hills a temple threw him out synagogues fulham out man confessing Jesus to him out they mission in that man can't say something religion is hurt men and corrupted men more any other thing in this world I mean people don't want God they won't release you they don't want Jesus they won't religion hey means that's what they want they won't religion that's what they want they don't want Jesus they won't release you mean when I get religious I'll go down there and I'll listen to what the priest has got to say our listener what the ministers got to say but it ain't nothing about God is nothing about Jesus's Oh somebody tell me about Jesus fast thank God tell me the story Jesus her hey man sing me a song about a mess message about him testify about him thank God love him her about him huh hey man is all about here lately hurry dundas right look at this year he said here verse 35 years heard they had cast him out and when he had found him he said him does now believe on the son of god verse 36 and the answers in who is he he just open his eyes who is he Lord like here don't you busy blowers that I might believe on Him who believing is trusting if you believe is trusting right as you has given him all of me when Jesus said unto Him thou most seen him and here to see that spoken with thee verse 38 and he said lord I believe I says where he got it he got his eyes over twice yeah hey man who's right he got a dollar the first time physically gotta dial spiritually the second time in jesus said for judgment i'm coming to this world babe which seemed not might see jesus said son all them people to say they say can't see but then people that say they can't see are touching they see it's a miracle Jesus isn't somebody said you believe in miracles were sure to believe in God you believe Jesus can take a sinner and make him a saint yeah I believe that cost that's what he did for me you believe he takes an old begging blind man and nobody's ever cared about an open his eyes and put him on the pathway to heaven that's what he did to me I was another didn't have nothing all Freeman when you as a lot 14 years old 14 year old little girl he come your way he passed by your way done something in her blasted amen you go back to the day God saves us what I want you to do go back to the day God saved you and put laughing you and open your blinded eyes I taste the greatest day of your life when God done that for you the minnow ask your question is one can you see what I'm preaching can you see it is something you can only see by God Holy Spirit revelation and I feel sorry for somebody this morning that they're trying to see and Cain this man born blind listen to me that one day he could come by and heal him and that man would have that testimony then he get ride about right here in the Bible and tell us about it Jesus sitting John about writing about that blind man this is this Bible it and everything jesus knows this ain't everything about him it's what he's giving us you thank him Gospel writers John he was a gospel writer John was probably close to Jesus was any disciple he loved people he loved Jesus and I believe in writing this Bible Island how you feel about it I believe it's inspired of the Holy Ghost I believe is what the Lord said when the gongs were pinned it down he said John I want you to write to account of me saving sinners and don't you to write to count on me touching that blind man's eyes I want you to put that down so one day old high can give up the church preach about that amen and John said that's right I all right in Jesus passed by and he saw a man's Bible and he started writing about it and the Lord's Holy Ghost said this is what I want you to ride amen amen that's right it's hailing him and he said I'll tell you what he said when you write that as the holy ghost is gone anointed and he's going to inspire didn't that preachers go and get up reach it and then people's going to hear it that they believe God can save anybody at any time and he will he will to combine touch amen he helped anybody's eyes when he will to do it amen I remember reading about oh I don't know one demo ride himself and they said they'd been the church and they said that day I ain't got years ago I things around the 16 1700 and that man went down the church house and he got down there huh and that old man of God breaks the gospel heavy said he got done under conviction huh and he said he left that night need to make him alive with God that head he said he went out out of that old tree head he said he sat down under that tree and he got the thinking about what that man apprec-- and he said the Holy Ghost started in dms patty said he got to praying huh I got even know how long appraiser provide that brain and he said when I got to prove he said I felt up a sweep across my soul patty said I was born again huh not the tree house was the first time in my life huh I seen it like an arrow sorry no y Paz llama how about that one behind many spit in his eyes he did he spit in his eye that's right he sold ministries at one peladeen yeah that's right then he touched him and he so clearly a member the one man he said what that was all member Bartimaeus he said I said have mercy on me all those son of David have mercy on me he said what's your man is he said I want to see my side he said I faith in me dijo received I saw just a word of Jesus can cause somebody to see their soul see their secret salvation in him see Christ as our Savior this one word of Jesus the Word of Faith which we preach or to think which we preach or to face which we preach you believe that yes sir any man you believe it you believe that sort of faith which we priests just a man up preaching he said that old man of god George Whitfield they said they could hear my mile away that's a long ways he said he could hear my mile away and one woman's backer in the back of the gallery and they said she was just always been crying he said what you cryin for man and she said she had preacher said pressure pressure he said well you can't hear him she said but I can see it a man that's right thank God oh hey man thank y'all I'm grandma's has been home today hey man by the Lord Jesus Christ thank you lord yeah Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that like me [Music] when we been here hirai me [Applause] [Music] well we've got say to you my eyes I have bought a Bowman blonde ad a man and a soul god of the rides yeah unbelievable models of 1986 set in the bottle church burden as much as my own heart had ever been murdered if somebody sold and that morning Oliver paltry sum message and I saw her get out from that seat over there and walk down the aisle now on her knees raising Methodist religion then I'm nothing about true salvation god save me along the whole thing to say and I remember that morning she walked forward and God saying this artist whose God knows it I felt like I was getting safe with her I ready hit I said praise God hey maybe she got her name in hey tree and that's what God does for sinners when they get say he owes her eyes they seize every day man that's right Yusei was all these people tryna get y'all see right how do you see in this morning or do you see oh can you see have yoga gesture let's say I appreciate you here this morning
Channel: Brent Evans
Views: 231
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: AcFFmZXttkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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