This ABANDONED 200 Year Old Mansion was only $90,000.. | Millionaires Southern Mansion Abandoned.

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[Music] in today's video we explore an abandoned 1800s antebellum style mansion deep in the southern part of the united states [Music] this mansion was once home to the mayor of the city in 1902 and has been through a handful of different owners throughout the century this is by far one of the most amazing mansions that we have ever explored in the south the mansion was last purchased in 2012 for just 92 000 only to be [Music] forgotten all right what's up everybody it is big banks and we are back again for another video hope you guys are having a great day we are exploring today and it's going so well so far we have something very big in store for you right now this house last sold in 2012 for 92 000 and nothing has ever happened to us since it's been abandoned so it's just it's so beautiful it's so insane on the inside we've already kind of explored it um i just wanted to get in there and film it all for you real quick but yeah this place is insane so beautiful the architecture is immaculate i don't even know how to explain it like you just gotta see how's it going [Music] this guy might tell some history hey y'all interested in the house wait yeah well i'm telling you it's a story they want a hell of a fortune for them really instead of saying them and they fulfill them up you can't change the structure you can put a little more satin around it or 10 on the top you can't change the structure you can paint it the insides of these houses are nights you can do whatever you want to do to the inside but they want a fortune for them to call it historically all this have you ever been inside that house i don't be inside of both of them baby so you used to know the lady that lived there listen i've been here for 31 years i've been here for 31 years no i come from my home in north carolina i was born and raised up in new york i come from 12 out of my family i'm the youngest out of 12. i'm 70 years old so tell me what you know about this house is your house okay when i first moved here it was a boarding house i was supporting him it was a boring no way okay it was a boarding house so they had like borders in there yes ma'am they had rumors it's a big house it's nice it's nice okay some people out of california bought it some black folk one was the principal at the school here and one was a doctor they bought it and fixed it up they were there for some years and they had a home in california and they decided to go back to california put it up on the market and somebody bought it they've been about three or four people moved in there everything but it they restructured it for easily but the people that bought it they came and stayed off and all the people that own the house now the woman live in chicago over there the house makes over there there's a white guy he was born and raised in birmingham but he lived in virginia he's like a brother we get along fine they like the old but all they'll get along fine we look out for one another and make sure nothing don't happen if we need help we ask one another and we look out for one another what is your name charles but everybody call me chuck chuck that's what my kids call me from baby chuck and everybody know me at that name down here truck well chuck thanks for the conversation well i'm telling you if y'all want to walk around the house walk around there everybody else come and walk around and look at it walk around and look at it well it's a beautiful house yeah yeah walk around and check us out now awesome okay all right nice to meet you my name is carter carter and where y'all from i'm from oklahoma oklahoma it's huntsville okay nice to meet y'all go around that sucker and look at it all right we will all right our new friend chuck just gave us a whole spill on everything he said walk around him sit walk around there's just part of the outside wait till we walk around the front front is just absolutely incredible this is just the side you can see a balcony right up there with one chair another porch and i think the porch wraps all the way around the house to that side and there's a little back porch right there so just look at how beautiful this is yellow paint with the green trim the beautiful pillars this reminds me of that one house that we went to um and i'll put that right above if you want to check that out but it's really similar on the outside this is a very very beautiful home i hope one day they can restore this because man i mean only 92 000 dollars that is just insane so man just walking through this beautiful beautiful house we got a couple of things a couple chairs left in here nice beautiful fireplace sliding doors like i can't pull it out right now but it is this is freaking beautiful this is what really makes this house right here like that is nuts the stair i mean those chandeliers they're so pretty wow and then here we have probably the master master bedroom right here got some furniture left behind what is it how is it like a radio yeah old time man stuff's still in the drawers here's the keys some old keys right there we've got a what this is like a mini kitchen this has a stove in the bathroom what the heck that's weird a little curtain there in the bathroom and the red carpet i wouldn't put carpet in a bathroom per se but like you know it happens pretty cool little chandelier right here [Music] okay guys we're gonna go ahead and head upstairs eric found this place so shout out to him and yeah we're gonna go check out this the upstairs of this house because this is insane [Music] it is seriously beautiful stained glass thing right here guys this is just so beautiful we got a nice fireplace here go into the bathroom of the upstairs and there's clothes laying everywhere there's clothes still up in the closet over there wow nice bathtub i love these bathtubs i think it's got the detail on the feet even got a chandelier in here this room is all purple like this is a purple room that's crazy here's the workout room got a treadmill got some elliptical or a bike or something right there i think it's elliptical a workout room there goes to a another oh it leads back to this bathroom okay so you know you guys know houses like this back in the day how the every room will kind of lead into each other so this is you know it's one of those glasses now on the outside this looks straight up like a plantation it's beautiful we're going to try to find some information on this house because i really want to know the history because this is just beautiful this is a random find it's so random what do you think steve yeah i like this a lot like this is my first time exploring like i think it's called antebellum yeah the type of architecture so like it's my first time exploring something like this and yeah i love it it's crazy it's like these staircases nuts yeah this is awesome this is probably one of the best southern homes and then this room is blue the cool painting right there nice fireplace some stuff but you can see everything everything leads into each other so upstairs every room is almost like a different color so you go from purple to blue into a yellow room now fireplaces in every room again to keep the house heated because these houses don't usually have central heat and air so this is how they would keep everything heated and then this would lead to a balcony but there's a bunch of bird crap right here i'm not going to open the door just because i love love love these homes i know you guys do too and like i'm just i want to find the best best places for you guys because some people you know you can't get out and do stuff like this especially during the pandemic and i know it's a bit dangerous but i want to take you guys along on these adventures show you everything because these places are so forgotten about and it's sad so we're going to keep exploring this place see what else we can find and yeah hopefully we can find some history on it because this is this is beautiful and i hope you guys enjoy these videos because we have a lot a lot more coming but i just want to take a look at this again right here i still can't believe how beautiful this is you guys like i said this place is 90. this place was for sale for 92 000 a mansion a full-on mansion but we're pretty sure it's because there's like literally nothing to do in this town there's no opportunities there's just nothing so yeah so we are uh we're gonna get out of here i hope you guys enjoyed the video just as much as i enjoyed exploring this place i'm ready to take you guys along for more i hope you guys enjoy my content if you do share it with a friend thank you guys so much for joining me along these journeys and i am just excited to take you on so many more thank you guys for watching again um everybody who was here with me today their links will be down in the description and yeah big thanks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 205,093
Rating: 4.9350748 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: FqmX3rsAeaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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