Things Of The Spirit Conference - Day 4 - Apostle Joshua Selman

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[Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the Lord thank you again pastor please be seated for a few minutes I'm really not going to be teaching this morning is a morning service a last session and just want to use this morning to really be able to minister this morning is the morning to receive hallelujah praise the Lord morning to receive [Music] we're sharing yesterday after the meeting and I was I was just sharing a few things that I think I should share that there are three levels of the anointing please listen carefully there is the anointing that comes upon a man because you are grafted into Christ through the new birth experience the anointing that is upon your life because you are a Christian hallelujah then the second level of the anointing is the anointing that comes on account of your office that you occupy an office mandated by heaven with a throne that bugs you and so there is an anointing that follows that office press the Lord but the third level of the anointing is a reward for designing the dealings of the Spirit in a season there is the anointing that follows alignment to what the Spirit is doing in every season now you can be anointed as a man of God a prophet a man a woman of God an apostle and be surprised that within the context of his season you will not be able to host the possibilities of the Spirit this is not backsliding I will together now yes I told you yesterday that the anointing does not follow men the anointing follows God's agenda so whoever receives that agenda also attracts the grace for it so we we must sustain the 42 to decide seasons like the sons of Issachar and to know what the spirit is doing the Bible says he that hath an ear meaning nobody has this that kind of ear let him hear what the spirit saith to the churches please if you can get yesterday's message again and listen to it it is not the mystery of the ten virgins is the current speaking of the Spirit to the church John said I am the voice I may not be the word but I am the voice that that parable is a mystery that is for a generation Alleluia praise the Lord and I truly honor pastor and his wife for sustaining the spiritual intelligence and the courage it takes courage to be spiritual takes modern sincerity because the the controversy you attract for being spiritual sometimes may not look worth it it takes a lot of courage it takes a lot of courage to follow the rhythm of the spirit even when it is not sociologically attractive we will live in a sociological context that we are obsessed with trends this is what is happening if you ever want to attract the attention of men do it this way but many times you see the Spirit of the Living God operates the Bible says the wind bloweth where it listeth you cannot tell where it goes neither way is coming he said this is the character of one who is under the influence of the Spirit so you can know the fact that God moved right yesterday does not guarantee he will move the same way the move of God is divided into two there is what we call the cyclically move of God consistent with his ordinances this is the the context where things like mentorship and fatherhood becomes very useful because fathers can discern they know that the move of God is this way so they can tell you his abner get ready his going down but there there are certain moves of God that no other generation has seen this was the error of Samuel and Eli because some well did not know a voice speaks around the AK and so when the voice was calling a generation to wake up Eli said go back to sleep his eyes had begun to be dim and the voice was waking a generation awake thou that sleepest and said no no no just go back to sleep so there are moves of God that cannot be traced to history is a new thing you must stand at your watch with the spirit to reveal to you the blueprint of what is doing and the enemy of such a move is transition the the rigidity of men our inability to be flexible to the dealings of the Spirit it is not very difficult for go-to invaded territory the difficulty lies in the rigidity of the man he is compounded to use and because of his love he has options this is the strange thing about God he has options you know I have I have studied about man passed on and I have been amazed at why God cannot give man up and just use something else we have products I have my phone here this is not the first phone I remember how I I believed I loved the first phone I had I don't even know where it is I can't remember giving it out whether it clear it or whatever I mean we have options so why can't God just draw man and have an intelligence look how damaged man can get and then he will still come and fix man no wonder I said what is man this is how I read it what is in man there must be something hidden in man that you will rather fix than replace I have loved thee with an everlasting love he says and I have drawn you with my loving-kindness no matter how damaged he is God would come and meticulously begin to fix a game so it's important for us to be careful because truly speaking past oh I saw this in 2005 a generation rising I saw fire he started from one person and then he began to spread it looked laughable but the finger of God was behind and then gradually there was an inferno burning across the length and the breadth of the earth right from Nigeria God's own firstborn you see so we may look weak now it may just look like a conference eight churches or not to their calendar program but is more than that there is a move of the Spirit there is something he is doing and his jealousy is protecting his moon no man regardless of how hardened will sustain the ability to corrupt or interrupt what his doing this morning we have not just come to honor a program but we have come to open our hearts listen I believe that there are meetings you don't come except your cold not called by men is a solemn assembly if you ever find yourself there the Spirit of God called you it's a convergence of people that matter to the destiny of a generation and so you may look weak as it were but sit at where you are there is an ability of the Spirit that can cause a man to rise this God having the nerve towards you angels bow before you you beautiful you're beautiful having another dog angels bow before you beautiful beautiful heavenly angels my boy beautiful [Music] out of the ashes of what you see that you call Nigeria today do you know that where death ends that's also where resurrection stats all happens in the grave resurrection starts right in the grave the seed of resurrection is death so when a thing is dying is because it wants to leave this is a mystery we live by dying so then death works in us so when God wants to give you life he kills you is a ram in the spirit core Galatians 2:20 he says I've been crucified with Christ but is a mystery that the more I die I am Alive is the kind of death that can transit a man to life the more I die the more I find out that I'm alive a life in glory a life in grace this is the price of the anointing let me tell you this and I submit to you I don't claim to know everything but the way people are seeking the things of the Spirit they will never find it there is no formula that can replace death it is not enough to be available you must be usable the Bible says nevertheless the foundation of the Lord standard sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his and let every man that name the name of Christ depart from iniquity then it now begins to paint a picture says put in a great house there are all kinds of vessels of gold of silver of wood of clay it says some vessels are on to honor and some vessels are on to dishonor then he says if a man any man can purge himself that means the possibility of metamorphosis is there you can transit from wood clay even or to gold he says that man shall be a vessel of honor meat for the Masters use death is the doorway to what many believers are looking for you don't die corporately you die individually and while it is wonderful to be inspired by anointed people and great men and women that God is using sincerely speaking I speak on behalf of every sincere and honest man of God there are certain levels in the spirit that even impartation cannot take you is a well you must deep through death is a track record you must create in the spirit that you come to a point where you die to yourself you die to vainglory you die to all of these impulses a dead man has no feelings laugh at him is not enough to offend him he has lost the ability clap for him he would not wake up so for as long as were still governed by this impulses that distract her spirituality we will corrupt the move of God and even the investment of the spirit upon our lives remember that we are dealing with the things of the Spirit I'm just admonished eNOS because we're about to pray so that when we see all the miracles and the signs and the wonders and these mighty things it's not about a mighty man it's not about mighty men is it testament of what can God can do with vessels when they die so everything that happens here is a message the message is that the more you yield and the more you die you give God's space to manifest his limitless possibilities within a man you see let me tell you this there is a relationship between death and glory because if we do not die enough to host much of God we will misinterpret him to a generation a generation is at the mercy of our lives to see all that God can be are we together now a house has many rooms and those rooms have different things there if I lock the kitchen and throw the key somewhere you can be in the house but never have the privilege of partaking of what the kitchen in that house can look like are we together now it is not the builder of the house it's not even the owner of the house the caretaker is misrepresenting the image of the owner because of his inability to have all the keys that can open all the rooms so for the sake of our love for God oh by the way let me say this we must be clear in believing that all there is to Christianity is just God ones what God wants to do for us while that may be well-meaning the gospel of salvation is a representation of all God did for man are we together now but the gospel of the kingdom is man's response to God it's important to understand that God has a need and we have enough intelligence to know that when a blessed man has a need is an opportunity for you to be closer to him you get close to men by meeting their needs not desiring the attention your ability to solve a man's needs has a power to attract you to him the Bible says for his secret their God is seeking a kind of people that committees need and so it is it is our it is it is a responsibility upon us to say Lord a this generation needs to see all that you can be and do to a man and I avail myself like Mary be it unto me what is the eat anything Lord be it unto me this is not just the issue of purpose on assignment I am as available as anything your desire can create and birth to me but lord if you want me to be a carpenter today if it will satisfy you let Apostleship die immediately and more obsess about your need and an office I am flexible enough to become and do anything that will bring joy to your heart this is what alignment is all about it's not the ritual of just maintaining an office but the flexibility to be all God wants to be bad within a a an environment the wind blew it wait-listed is God ministering to you this morning so it's a challenge is a challenge that we go back and say Lord I avail myself I am misrepresenting you by my incomplete and inconsistent alignment there is more to you than a generation can see through my life but my life continues to misrepresent you by not allowing or diverging dimensions of you to be revealed to a territory so let that death walk in me and then as it begins to walk in you you become a vessel meat fit for the Masters use as men and women of God we must trust God to also take also higher dimensions we know how limited we are by the testimonies that recycle around our meetings it is proof of how far we have gone we must be able to contend for greater dimensions so that we can host more of him is God speaking to us this morning so the idea is not about preaching the idea is not even about prayer the idea is not even about fasting the idea is not even about ministry the idea is about being a vessel that he has a need and I align myself to be able to birth anything this is what I tell the Lord all the time Lord I'm available if you ever need a man for anything to run any errands for you I'm here not up as opposed to Joshua Selma no the Apostleship is just a definition of the geography of the influence what I mean this is I am a witness when you know this then you can receive the anointing and it can be useful to you remember I told you there are three levels of the anointing because we like anointing in the body of Christ and that's very important but most times we don't know what to do with it so we keep falling and rising and falling and rising and shouting and screaming and we find out that the agenda of God is packed around the happiness of our hearts so that when something from heaven comes upon your life you can know that God brought this grace so that a generation can see more of him in and through my life then you continue to die for the sake of the generation that is committed to you so that they can see more and if possible all of God find expression through you let me tell you this brothers and sisters if we can achieve this then this conference was a success most of the things taught here you may forget them quite honestly after a month from now it's not because you are hardened it's just how we are it is the impact of your death that remains with you that you when you begin to trace this dimension you can go back and say it started right here at household of David so I'm going to pray this morning say morning service and then we just trust God to minister to the sick and then just let us experience His grace please be desperate and be opened and there is no limit to what God can do no limit to what God can do I've shared it in this church but when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me the light that came from him to me I remember many years later he would mandate me that every city that I entered there would have to be somebody within that place that must receive that light yes it is impossible to come for a meeting like this and not have one person received a flight and light was the life of men are we together now yes so I repeat this is not just about men there's nothing wrong with giving honor and all of these two men but we have to be careful men sometimes can interrupt God's program that we are in a place where we have sanctified to a lot of possibilities of God find expression we have experienced the ministry of the world like the Virgin's remember my teaching they had the lamp but there was no oil so he wants to put oil in that lamp so that it can born and then a generation can see and know that Christ is alive in you and then like Galatians I think 129 also would say and they glorified God in me they glorified God in me herein is my father glorified that ye bear much fruit by doing so you prove that you were mentored by the spirit feel me feel me up God feel me up feel me feel me [Music] feel [Music] feel me [Music] fill me up Oh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] see I truly believe that this year 2019 even as the Lord showed me in the visions that he showed me that there is going to be a strange move of the Spirit in this nation and even in this region yes it's like a boiling pot remember what the prophet saw I saw a pot boiling and when a pot boils with something inside it begins to spill out and overflow that's what is happening many prayer lives boiling many ministries boiling days of fasting months we we are getting to a point where there will be a strange overflow it's true it's not just an empty prophecy is true it will happen and we will begin to see dimensions of the Spirit what would have been privy to just a man of God becomes a corporate experience of a people that a time will come weekdays you will knock a house and think they all went for a walk and open the door and find everybody on the floor worshiping and you say what is happening send us that's that's what we we are we are that hungry and desperate and none of them is a musician the Holy Ghost Walk one then the other one went to join him then the other went went to join him let me tell you the generation that gives God time is the generation that will bring Christ back [Music] not just a generation of prophecy it takes time to be used by God intimacy is a function of time and distraction is one of the systems that the cosmos uses to rob the sins of intimacy and glory I know we have to be productive don't get me wrong I know there are lots of things to do but let me tell you this the secret place is not where you rush when you get there the Holy Spirit becomes the lord of the secret place he governs the activities that happens there the moments the nation of Israel began to advocate their exodus to moses pharaoh said you are free let me distract you i will add a little more responsibility to make sure the little time you have to even consider an exodus is now occupied activity can be a great report that the devil will use to destroy people we finished services in church angry at the one hour two hours spent and stand at the back of the car Justine and gossiping for three hours so it was never about something we wanted to do there there is a spirit that fights presence every time the presence of God wants to rest upon the human there is an agitation your flesh is fighting it wants to leave that atmosphere and one of the ways we are changed is to rest and stay there a time will come the flesh must give up if it takes sleeping in the presence is better than going outside the presence it's better to stay there he that dwells not he that visits he that dwells 12/12/12 like Moses can't up the mountain and when he came down he didn't even know that the glory of God had been reflected on his face are you ready to pray this morning just one prayer and then very quickly Lord I am available that whatever you are doing within a generation whatever you are doing within a city you can do without me what my cry is that I be featured in your program in this season please lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray from the depth of your heart overflow praying [Music] I cast my crown before Capri the highest royalty I am undone before your own majesty I cast my cloudy for the highest olt I am undone before your holy l matches your the king of kings and courts yes [Music] yes [Music] uhh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] pray Oh Oh Oh [Music] Oh Shanna [Music] Morocco's uh Brandon that will be used Oh God for your glory [Applause] it was it was the dear woman of God Victoria that sank a powerful song his brooding over every daar you were calls lights to shine [Music] Lord you are over all my you are causing see one more time this broody [Music] you are causing to cause means to make a thing to happen to make a thing to happen the Bible says God what commanded light to shine not into out of darkness that means the seed for light is darkness God who are commanded lights to shine out of darkness bring in that separation between your past and your future [Music] alleluia alleluia please just afford me a few minutes and then we're going to be done I know that many of you have come open and ready to receive and I really want your heart to be open to receive Alleluia praise the Lord the Lord is opening my eyes and I'm seeing a harp in the spirit this is what I'm seeing and this HAP the Spirit of the Lord is telling me that the first grace and mantle that will rest is the grace force a mystery there is a Davidic order of the worship ministry and all the way you don't compose songs you're you're like a you are like a funnel that draws these mysteries from the realm of the Spirit and and so this grace this Davidic order of worship there are people here inside and outside you have seen it in dreams you may not even think you have a nice voice but there is a Davidic order I I will reveal my dark savings upon the harp upon the half I decree and declare right now Lord where are these people this disgrace dismantled by the Spirit of the Living God according to what I've seen step into this level it is for the sake of a generation bring songs from the throne bring songs songs that edify the Saints in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we release the grace to birth the songs of Miriam [Music] the davidic order of worship the davidic order of motion you are not just writing songs to make an album No [Music] [Music] we release the sound of the heavens the sound of creation I release the sound of the heavens the sound of creation [Music] hallelujah I'm sinner Horning the spirit [Music] the Lord is revealing to me that he is bringing many into prophetic ministries not just prophecy prophetic ministries and i'm cinda number 33 33 people not in the name of jesus i stretch my hands and i decree and declare that the man and the women that must step into this dimension of the prophetic ministry let that grace be released now in the name of jesus christ let that grace be released now [Music] hallelujah I don't know who this lady is this lady I'm looking at but I'm seen in the spirit the Lord is saying you are going to begin to have strange dreams prophetic dreams I I see an operation of the prophetic and the healing anointing these two graces I see them working upon you I don't know you I've never seen you from anywhere what I stretch my hands upon you and I pray that you step into this dimension in the spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I'm seen an angel of the Lord move me to this direction I don't know what it is I've seen what I'm seen an anointing that is coming on people drawing them into a strange prophetic ministry there's no space outside you don't have to bring them in the name of Jesus I stretch my hands and I decree and declare step drink of that wine for you cannot put new wine in an old wine skin I release that grace in the name of Jesus Christ I will echo what I'm hearing in the spirit there borås arise the porous arise the porous arrives where is the spirit of the pora shaka biscotti kata the warrior spirit because a woman is a cage time for the gates to be opened after the order of the para de Porres arise I profess I please have them I decreed the poorest arise in the name of Jesus arise in the name of Jesus arise in the name of Jesus [Music] my release the sound of the heavens sound of creation now ways I really the sound of the heavens sound of creation God where is you pipeline harmony bubbly bubbly [Music] now we're away [Music] Hey yeah no way [Applause] they say [Music] [Applause] hallelujah the Lord says I should tell you remember not the former things this dear lady not consider the things of old the Spirit of God is saying I should tell you I'm doing a new thing in your life and I'm doing a new thing in your family I'm seeing this lady climb a ladder in the spirit and the Lord is opening a door helper please in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord is doing a new thing in your life doing a new thing in your life our pray for the sick shortly there's no time to just speak on me we have to burn all the time that is there a new thing that the Lord is doing in your life mashaallah where is the pastor that was here yesterday the one we're talking in the office is not here it's not yet because I've seen the Lord saying something about that man and then we are going to take a few minutes the Lord is showing me different currencies this is what I'm seeing in the spirit there is a grace for wealth this is not just about being a money manga is a real grace for wealth that God wants to release the Bible says cry yet saying my cities through prosperity shall be spread abroad and I will yet comfort Zion there is a dimension of the resources that must come to the church to be able to hear out the name of the Lord and I don't know those who must carry this grace but in the name of Jesus if you have the faith to believe I stretch my hands and I decree on the clay you will be surprised to see what happens to you it has nothing to do with being in business I decree and declare listen let me teach you something have that person I don't claim to be a businessman Lagos is full of absolutely phenomenal people what you see there are three levels of wealth that's what we call transactional wealth wealth that comes by exchanging value for reward there is what we call transformational wealth wealth that is your reward for impact and changing lives but there is what we call sovereign wealth wealth by the finger of God are we together now all the dimensions are useful and shall be captured in a believers experience but there is a dimension of supply is they by this time tomorrow this is what is going to happen by this time there is a dimension of that Greece and I stand in the name of Jesus and by the privilege of the election of grace I stretch my hands and I command the to lift gate that hosts the supplies of heaven open towards your direction in the name of Jesus Christ to be open towards your direction who is Joseph Joseph Joseph I hear a name Joseph you are you are sitting somewhere there Joseph you are wearing like a is not maroon is lighter than maroon is that pink like baby pink sheds is that somebody like that what's your name please help me ask what's her name where you coming from from where lift your hands you are coming from in Legos here I'm seeing the Lord said he's visiting your family in a very strange unit you have been praying this has been your prayer is that the Lord visits your family and easily you you will begin to walk in a strange order of Revelation that's what the Lord is saying I stretch my hands to you and I pray in the name of Jesus step into that new level and a new order of grace amen in the name of Jesus Christ you step into that new grace right now by the power of the Holy Spirit this fair man are you a pastor come I don't know you I don't know anything about you what comes out dry pasta in Legos here the blood is beginning to lead you through a very serious season there is a there is a season of pruning that you are going to go through with the Spirit of the Living God it's not something for you to resist because out of it will come great glory even upon your life but it will not be without the pruning of the Spirit and the Lord is saying I should tell you that he will make you a mighty man in the spirit a mighty man in the spirit I stretch my hands and I declare upon you that the grace that makes for the secret place may that grace right now be released upon you you step into a new level even in the spirit in the name of Jesus you will never never be the same there is an elderly woman here please I ask you to sit shortly there is an elderly woman I'm seen an elderly woman here that has been praying for the marriage of her four ladies this is I don't know if there's someone like that here this is this is not a young lady but one two three four and it's been her prayer and it's even this courage and the Lord is saying that he's releasing that family from all of that captivity this is what I'm seeing right now that is releasing them from that captivity is happening by the Spirit of God please bring for me the lady that shouts under the anointing now loud for everybody to hear there is a prophetic word that I want to release upon that person the anointing of the Spirit please bring her out and then I'll speak we're going to pray for the sick now my day I do not know you but the Lord is taking a wishing from your life and you may not look like it the Lord is saying that he's granting you a grace the grace that grants men influence the grace that grants men influence that was his religion upon you and in the name of Jesus I declare ah sir can I talk to you sir this man this one yes sir is it all right if I talk to you sir thank you what do you do sir very pastor I want to pray for you you desire the healing anointing you truly is an honest genuine desire that you have you this man has a very compassionate heart and many times when he sees people who you know maybe are not healed and all of that it you are touched compassion is defined as the ability to be touched with the feelings of people's infirmity that's compassion and this man of God has it and the Lord is saying that I should pray for you this is why you came for this conference I don't know you what you are about to carry something that will surprise you when you go back you believe that self you are the covenant keeping the covenant keeping something is happening to you you are y'all way [Music] sir hold my hands I bring you into a ram in the spirit a ram of strange grace the healing grace and in the name of Jesus I decree and declare by the spirit let a thousand cubits be measured for you and that you are moved into it deeper ahem in the spirit but then what is your relationship with this man you don't know him come because I see what is on him also coming on you the healing grace that healing anointing you also decide and the Lord is saying I should tell you that not only will you heal I'm seen a unique place for the fruit of the womb that the Lord wants to put upon your life I stretch my hands to you madam by the spirit and I declare step into that level right now in the spirit I release you into that dimension and I prophesied to you that you will begin to see a strange order of miracles a strange order of miracles happen in your life even by the Spirit of God a strange order of miracles even by the Spirit of God I want to pray for the sick now but before I pray for the sick I'm seen healing Grace's healing Grace's healing graces healing graces that is common on people healing graces Lord I decree and declare let that grace [Music] hallelujah that grace is coming on one person in the choir of I just saw a light and I was just waiting to see where to go and I'm seeing it go to someone in the choir father as many who desire to step into this grace I pray by the power of the Holy Spirit stretching my hands inside and outside in a very strange way even at the count of three like a mantle like a cook from heaven may come upon your life why soon there it comes three receive of that grace receive of that anointing receive all that grease in the name of Jesus Christ pasta the Lord is showing me a very strange dimension of favor that is coming upon your wife the woman of God I'm seeing a very this is a very unique this favor is going to grant strange influence with strategic people this is what I'm seeing especially in the business cycle I'm seeing strange influence around the business circle this is a very unique grace and and in the name of Jesus I receive it on your behalf and I decree and declare that this grace must speak over your life can we pray for the signal [Music] I'm seeing someone laughing in the spirit just laughter in the spirit and not that laughter is not just it's not just a casual laughter is a sign in the spirit this is a sign of great truth that God is announcing to people he's using an individual I'm seen an anointing coming on someone to begin to laugh hilariously it looks like it doesn't make sense not everybody [Music] and by this the Lord is saying that the shouts of joy and victory shall not depart from the tent of the righteous the shout of joy and victory shall not depart from the tent of the righteous let's pray for the signal I believe in the ministry of Jesus I believe with all my heart that God heals and I want to pray for you our time is up we have to hurry up whether you are in the overflow like pastor Saleh always say and those around the school I like you to believe God now whatever the situation is just because there are people that do all kinds of things don't generalize and make it look like you know no you can stand even for someone I'm going to pray for you right now the power of God is going to touch you and then I request that we sit for a while you just take a few testimonies and then I'll call pastor up and we round up the meeting is that Alright please lay your hands now you're trusting God for a miracle anywhere just lay your hands it was a part of your body you cannot touch just make contact with your chest I want to pray for you our time is up so you have to be really fast as soon as I pray for you and ask you to come I'd like you to come out very very quickly we may not be able to take all the testimonies but the few that we can take will be to the glory of the name of the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ I take authority over the spirit of infirmity I decree and I declare by the power of the Holy Spirit not that devil of infirmity leaves not only your body leaves this vicinity now in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ therefore I speak to you be healed now from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet be healed in the name of Jesus hepatitis-b be healed now be healed now the Lord is healing hepatitis-b be healed now in the name of Jesus be healed now by the power of the Holy Spirit there is someone you don't see very well with your left eye I declare be healed let it be open now in the name of Jesus Christ I'm seeing a lady with multiple lungs on the left side of your breast it disappears right now in the name of Jesus every kind of heart condition I cost now in the name of Jesus Christ peptic ulcer be healed now in Jesus name migraines be healed now in the name of Jesus every kind of pain along the abdominal region I decree and declare be healed in Jesus name there's someone you've been feeling this for a long time you know how you swallow something and it doesn't pass down um that experience has been for you for a long time you don't even know what to do about it but as I'm praying now the power of God is touching you in the name of Jesus Christ someone's right here please help them someone's right here right now in the name of Jesus you you feel like this water around your right ear in Jesus name I declare be healed be healed be healed not to embarrass you but I see two people one here and one in the order overflow HIV be healed in the name of Jesus Christ be healed right now by the power of the Holy Spirit by the power of the Holy Spirit the the Lord is showing me a lady here you have something that is supposed to be it's like a physiological deformity affecting one of your organs this is something that was from Beth in Jesus name let it be corrected now by the power of the Holy Spirit let it be corrected now every pain goes now in the name of Jesus Christ severe sensation around the chest area very burning sensation in the name of Jesus let it go right now by the power of the Holy Spirit that's that someone you consistently have runny nose or cutter or cough something that has to do with your nasal cavity doesn't matter whether it is rainy season or dry season you will always have that experience the Lord is setting you free right now there's someone I'm seeing even a prayer request you are writing its it shouldn't embarrass you you snore terribly terribly it has affected your relationship with people around you you are not a bad person but use not terribly you've you've prayed about it and you've told got to take this thing away in this service it leaves right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ every other issue mentioned or not I decree and declare by the power of the Holy Spirit may the healing power of God touch you right now and before we begin to take the testimonies I'm looking at a lady and because we do not have time I'm seeing that this lady is severely the family is under a very strong demonic siege this is what I'm seeing this is this is a very serious demonic siege but right now some praying the power of God is going to touch that lady ally entire family will be free from it i decree and declare in the name that is above all names not only you you are only representing the entire family I declare by the power of the Holy Spirit you will be surprised to see the string of testimonies that will begin to come to this family if your own that is anointing I just want you to be sensitive because you must testify not everybody is sick but something is coming upon you that when you go out you will be surprised to see how your life because in the name of Jesus Christ now very quickly I want you to check yourself inside overflow one and outside would do this we just have five minutes or thereabout for that the passwords around sir you're welcome can I can I pray for you please the Lord showed me something about you and you can't believe that this exactly how I saw even with the dress in the suit and all of that and that grace the healing anointing and a prophetic grace the Lord is releasing upon you the Lord has seen your heart and the Lord wants to truly prosper you you a good man you have a heart for God I also see you desire very greatly the teaching grace you desire the grace for the world I stretch my hands in the name of Jesus spiritual illumination I'm seeing like a blanket that's what is coming on your head and coming around your body and I release you step into this level in the name of Jesus I prophesied I decree and I declare even by the Spirit you will never be Wiki will never be feeble the teaching grace the prophetic grace and even the healing grace may the Lord release it upon you in the name of Jesus Christ now please check yourself the moment you see that the power of God many of you even under the anointing something has happened to you I want you very quickly we can have one or two pastors so anybody to just help coordinate I want you to make your way quickly come out come stand here right now to the shame of the devil let's all sit please for a minute or two quickly quickly please quickly someone stand up we'll just have them testify give Jesus praise now you seen what God is doing in this place please those outside if there are four testimonies just allow them come they testify on dorosch back quickly quickly blessed be the name of the Lord look what God is doing look what God is doing household of David might God for the sake of time thank you so much what will happen is maybe someone at the back and just get they can record their testimonies what I pray for all of you in the name of Jesus Christ these miracles these healings that the Lord has brought in your life I declare that they remain in the name of Jesus you will never go back to any infirmity again in Jesus name God bless you and for you both of you are out in the name of Jesus I pray for you the person the Lord showed me may the lord give the person a job and take away shame and reproach in Jesus name and for you may God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ we're going to pray I'm rounding up now in the name of Jesus I'm saying a ring in the spirit and is coming on somebody and that person will shout on that the anointing it is the opening of marital doors for that family opening of marital doors the Lord has sent this embargo that has kept and brought pain is over in the name of Jesus let me speak of our lives were rounding up now in the name that is above all names I decree on the claim every time mention in the spirit you desire I declare by the privilege of God's grace step into it now everyone here called jobless in the name of Jesus Christ between now and the next 60 days by the grace of God Almighty you become a a an honorably employed person in the name of Jesus Christ I pray over those who are students the finishes are 19 that grace to finish with oh no I release upon you all those trusting God for the fruit of the womb I decree and declare this is your year according to the time of life in the name of Jesus Christ I speak over the spiritual territory of Legos I command it to feel for you in the name of Jesus Christ and I decree and declare that the rod of the wicked will not rest upon the lot of the righteous in the name of Jesus this entire 2019 for you shall be a season of the spirit you will be spiritual in your approach everything you are involved in that is limited in results I decree and declare the grace for the next level receive it now in the name of Jesus all of you who I am business the hand of God comes upon you i prophesy speed to you those in ministry supernatural grace in the name of jesus christ whatever it is you desire that was not mentioned here I agree with you I stand in agreement with master Sola and I decree on the claim in the name of Jesus Christ that it becomes your testimony in the mighty name of Jesus Christ god bless you please be seated thank you for being a part of our broadcast you know we never like to end without giving an opportunity to make Jesus Christ in the order of your life commonly to Christ is being on joining the church is beyond a religion it is joining God's family and that is done when you believe in Christ Jesus so I just want to leave you right away now if you are if you want to give a heart surprise just after we say Lord Jesus I believe that you died and rose again and that you paid for my sins I accept you as my Lord and my Savior and from today I belong to you if you have said those what will be laid you are born again you are part of your family right now you can go I rejoiced about it and if you want to contact us just check the address is written on the screen god bless you the lovely [Music]
Channel: Household of David
Views: 71,508
Rating: 4.8676629 out of 5
Keywords: HOD Church, Household of David Church, Sola Osunmakinde, Things Of The Spirit Conference, Pastor Poju Oyemade, Pastor Yemi Davids, Victoria Orenze, Nathaniel Bassey, Pastor Ibukun Awosika, Apostle Joshua Selman, ROL, Rivers of Life Choir, Praise and Worship Session
Id: i1qQh0eGoQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 39sec (3759 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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