Total Experience with Apostle Joshua Selman - Day 2

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you move mountains you cause more with your there is happy [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] let's hold our hands together and just begin to pray in the spirits just like we did yesterday can you make contact with someone and then let's pray [Music] a couple sedative detective our scada balaraju those outside just make contact with someone and then that's brave the street [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da-da [Music] amazing goal wonder what you've gone the lifter of men the absorber of man please spray LeBron Takeda prahasta novel Adubato [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the Lord I taught you a song yesterday I want us to sing it one more time before we see them when you sing it does a song with Revelation everything [Music] one more time [Music] not Jesus we have come with our hearts open to receive this morning we have come that our lives be changed we have come that your word would transform us we have come to access the riches of the kingdom Lord I pray this morning that you will bless us let it indeed be a total experience that it be a mighty time that it be a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit let there be miracles signs and wonders even this morning in the name of Jesus Christ Alleluia amen good morning everybody before you see the like us to just appreciate the more I know you the more I want to know you it's not to Jesus I'm not sensing and then I'm talking to Pastor god bless him please be seated pastor I love you with all my heart and I like us to honor these adorable people my god [Applause] praise the Lord this morning your life is about to change again this morning God is about to visit us one more time Ephesians chapter one mighty God [Music] I'll just charge our hearts and then we'll pray I was praying into this morning and I just sensed in my spirit that the grace that would be available today among other Grace's is the graceful breakthrough break through of course when the factor that limits you is taken away I believe with all my heart but someone will encounter that grace the proof of breakthrough is the testimonies that follow if testimonies do not follow that grace is not at work Alleluia praise the Lord Ephesians chapter one Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God to the Saints which are household of David and to the faithful in Christ Jesus grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ read with me verse 3 whew a believer one to read blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ one more time please blessed be the God and father of our Lord [Music] three informations here number one the Bible says we have been blessed so wherever it is he calls it a blessing number two whatever that blessing is is spiritual I were together number three that blessing resides in heavenly places so three informations were working with this morning number one is that we are blessed I am blessed many of us shouted religiously what minute now say I am blessed number two the Bible says the nature of that blessing is such that it is spiritual well used to collecting physical things money shoes clothes cars so when someone tells you I have blessed you with something spiritual usually we are lost our together remember when Isaac pastor wanted to bless his sons he said make me venison that my soul will delight that I would bless you the tangibility of spiritual things please understand what I'm teaching and then Jacob went to manova his way with his mother and then brought the porridge when he took it he blessed him when Esau came back he said it is finished that means although it is spiritual it is real couldn't he just speak again so it wasn't just about words he would have said okay let me repeat myself you are blessed now he said son I have given it out that means although it is spiritual it is something real we are blessed with all spiritual blessings spiritual blessings everybody says spiritual blessings spiritual blessings are more powerful and potent than any material blessing in fact when you read Hebrews eleven doctrine they were going there later on it says true faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God and then he reveals there that so that the things that do appear listen carefully the things that do appear the things that do appear the Bible says paraphrasing that they were bethod from a realm that was spiritual that means the realm of the Spirit is the mother that gives birth to every physical thing if God blesses you and the blessing is only physical then you are not truly blessed because it means when the physical goes there is no mechanism of bringing it again and you get what I'm saying now yes when a woman now not please I'm not trying to get you emotional but when a woman attempts to get pregnancy and loses the baby although they feel bad but not for too long because there is still a system where that process can be repeated again the awareness of the fact that the woman can get pregnant again supplies comfort even when she loses the reason why people lament when they lose physical things is because they know that the origin of their confidence is natural so when the job goes they now say my god I am finished you've heard people say that don't ever use that expression I am finished a communication of a limited understanding the Bible says the nature of the blessing that is upon a believer is such that it is spiritual and the Bible says while we look not at the things that are seen but the things that are unseen meaning you can look at things that are unseen while we look so is talking about looking but that you can look at things that are both seen and unseen and it says the things that are seen are temporal subject to change that means it should not surprise you if the car comes and goes the Bible already told we didn't live in the duck is not a scam it told you is subject to change but it says the things that are spiritual etana so the person an advantage in this life listen is not the person who has physical things remember your conference is in total experience I'm giving you a basis for true confidence that you can get up and walk with no money in your pocket yet love like abalone and people are saying you have Saturdays Church stupidity a game and you say no I just found something that I have been blessed with all spiritual blessings but that it resides is God helping someone this morning when you see certain people laugh and make nonsense out of Satan is because of an advantage this is it and you will not see my tears you just lost your job you say I just lost a physical channel not a job now I only lost a channel where a spiritual blessing comes are we together now this revelation that I'm giving you this morning is what is captured in that that that statement grace grace is not just unmerited access grace is every good and perfect gift whatever resides in the Christ is called grace it's not limited to access now the Bible says bless that keep that scripture okay read it again now you're understanding the scripture blessed said AHA be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who had blessed us with how many all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ now it's not if it were just in heavenly places then demons can access it because they also have that but God didn't just in heavenly places he now made it in Christ there are certain blessings that are just in heavenly places you don't have to be a Christian to receive it you only need to have access to the realm of the Spirit so whether it's a diviner whether you can do Scientology's zodiac whatever just let anything accent you beyond the three-dimensional rim and you can you have the faculty to draw from some of these things but there are certain blessings that are not only in heavenly places they are in Christ so if you see a man on earth having it is proof that you must have met Christ not just that you've extended the realm of the Spirit in heavenly places in Christ if it's not in Christ then that dimension cannot be captured in the believers experience our together so three points again one we have been blessed so that the blessings are spiritual I needed to know this because of the kernel nature of even believers we don't value spiritual things if I told you now I want to bless you or I want to give you a millionaire I know just because you are emotional and because you may be threatened by what I'm saying now you would like that you are not going to choose the 1 million naira you say apostle just bless me but the reality is that 98 or 99 percent of us especially if you have a need you say sir I can't come back again but just give me this 1 million let me want do something fast as you are talking now that's already I already know exactly what to do with it tides 100,000 out of David quickly like you're bribing God and quickly you do something you are not blessed if what was giving you is physical if all I live is physical I only supported you I didn't bless you listen the Bible says when Abraham was dismissing his sons he gave them material things but for Isaac he blessed him Abraham was not stupid he had many sons and he dismissed them by giving them cattle and all of that and I'm sure as he could be looking at him and says son let them go if they lose those things there's no capacity to get it again I hope you know that in the command God gave man there is something called planning replenish everyone said after me that challenge with many believers is not that we have is that we are afraid that if it leaves there is no system of it returning many politicians still because they have confidence that there is a system of fetching it back altogether so the awareness of capacity to loot can allow them to look benevolent they are not as a believer let me tell you someone can steal from you are on a way and you smile at the person because you are not a fool you are now wondering it's like fighting for air imagine now that as you are breathing you don't wonder if you breach my portion of air sloppy imagine putting your hand is a nononono I need space an awareness of the infinite nature relative to your need is what can allow you to even look at someone and you are breathing and you are not threatened by it that means there is something that not understanding God on these systems it has created limitations in our mind that's the moment when you are count drains from 50,000 to 45 it affects you you think you have a heart problem now and then it gets back to 30,000 then passed on now says we are looking for a new venue say but what is what brought me here this morning these are the kinds of programs that I don't want to you see because your confidence you will lie that your confidence is with God what is obvious as depressed as you are you get another large hundred thousand that depression just leaves was it really depression no an advantage that Satan is taking over your life listen when the Bible says to be steadfast it says to be immovable there is an understanding that must make you that way so even when God says empty your bank account you are not just doing it like you know God just killed me out together with the more no no no no no listen this teaching will make you mature my life changed when God granted me this understanding 1 I am blessed we together true the blessing is spiritual free it is in Christ that's my security if it were not in Christ I will be in trouble because it can be affect it can be manipulated am even glad that is not on earth because if it were on add someone will bully me somebody will refuse that I be adequately rewarded say it again I am blessed but then I want to indoctrinate you this morning to understand and believe that real blessing is spiritual say it real blessing is spiritual it's not physical it's not physical no don't just take your eyes away from my record dollars pounds cars houses I'm not saying giving physical gifts are not but let me tell you you don't change man by giving them physical things you support them I say it again if there's something you are i from your father that is physical that's not blessing that support many young people are waiting for their parents to die and angry that they are living long because they hope that India death they will quickly have access to 5 or 10 million and they've already planned I will this house use the money well you are still not blessed if I give you five naira I only supported you so this morning we want to look at what this thing is ah when you find this my brother my sister you will even if it's a cup of gari you have you will look at it and laugh and wave it bye-bye as you are taking it because you have found something that money cannot buy you notice in this conference I'm getting your mind to be spiritual for as long as the devil can bend you to a point where you look at life from just an intellectual perspective just a physical perspective you will be cheated time and again those who will reign in this kingdom are people who understand that everything starts spiritual spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ when Solomon had his encounter past oh it was nothing physical that was given to him God just came and said all right young man what do I give you so how does God give what do I give you so there is a given about to happen and it says well I'm young and this and that grant onto your servant and understanding heart and is there a right because you have not asked for the life of your enemies or this and that I will give you an understanding heart with it I will give you riches wealth and honor and God said I have given it to you Solomon didn't get anything he just got up if you were Solomon's roommates you would tap him in the morning Sammy sermon get up yet that man just got up Rita yet he had received something you were lying on the same bed and his spiritual transaction happened the bed didn't change what the man gets up in the morning and God says congratulations you have it when he went a dead beautiful he said such as I have at what point did he have it because we know from the Bible once upon a time didn't have it remember the epileptic patient that they were struggling to heal and make a name for themselves that guy that embarrassed them Jesus went up the Mount of Transfiguration with Peter James and John and the disciples decided to utilize that moment to shine unfortunately it backfired remember the story and they were so angry they came to Jesus and said we've been watching you better tell us what went wrong look at how we embarrassed openly before the people we said we're your disciples this and that and that and Jesus looked at them but now they would come and stand before someone else as such as I have I have it I can't look at a lady here and say please can you make me what what food do you really love in Legos I mean something that everybody can relate with no mention although say Amala and thank you now watch this how many of you here if I don't raise your hand because some of you be lying how many of you here if I told you now please make us Amala I mean your governor also eat it you're not going to be afraid because you have it the ability to make that thing is there you are not going to the kitchen guessing you are not going to hope and say I shouldn't be if you ask me to make it you know what is going to happen there I'm going to just sit down and pray and prance and Lord if you don't calm down and find a way whether big that bread that the ads in the wilderness they should come and know how to pick that thing now because that's what I have I will together boy you talk to a lady and even if you say we're cooking for 500 people they say I thought she was even 1,000 they are not afraid the awareness that you have it you enter that kitchen and you'll know in a few hours you say food is ready and we come out and we're dazzled by something we didn't see what you had in your hands but you said you had it the closest thing to spiritual blessings is intellectual property you see how powerful it is that someone can say I know this thing and it can be rented you can pay for it God had blessed us with spiritual blessings so Solomon gets up in the morning and I'm sure everybody you see my Aman why you happy today's hands is a long story you keep watching the spiritual blessing is about to manifest that's my message tonight is not just the awareness is to show you how because fours longus is there to not profit you the word must find a way of becoming flesh Solomon looks at two women the Bible says they were harlots they slept on their children lattices that's a wonder that's something to even study how people can lie down what kind of sleep will make them lie down on a child and kill the child and then the woman exchanged the child and by morning said this is my child this is my child and Solomon was standing the spiritual blessing is about to work watch this and Solomon looks ordinarily give the child to government and both of you should go away that's the smartest thing for an educated person to do if you are fighting give the child to government or social welfare Solomon says no bring me the sword remember the soul is the Word of God that can rightly divide that is the designer of the thoughts and the intents as soon as the word was used as I saw the truth came out immediately and Solomon would go back and said I have it what I just got it now that means you can receive something while you are sitting now like this listen listen and they will shed a grace and you think the only thing you are living is with what you came they say pack your Bible and everything you came with and you pack your Bible and think that's all you are carrying and by tomorrow my brothers and my sisters you are sitting down before people who would not have any business hearing you and you are communicating another reality you are as shocked as them when did this happen and God says what do you think you were doing yesterday spiritual blessings read the Bible and find out how many people were given physical things and called blessings now we're supported yes but real blessings spiritual I were together I took my mind off physical things when I found out that physical things were only slaves to the realm of the spirit anything at all is his slave to the realm of the Spirit believe me my brothers and my sisters the Bible says in James chapter 2 and verse 26 that for as faith as a body without a spirit is dead he's talking about faith and works but now it borrows a simile he says faith I mean a body without a spirit that means anybody you see on earth there is a spirit dimension this is a body where is the spirit that means this only goes where the spirit wants it to go and you get what I'm saying now favor is a spiritual substance wisdom is a spiritual substance I am NOT teaching you on true riches but this this thing the Bible calls true riches is this that all the same spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ given to the believer but there is always a system of exchange if I bless you with a hundred dollar bill in Nigeria you will need to go to a beauty change somewhere to change it is that true because your locality may not ordinarily do business with that currency is that true so when God blesses you there must also be a system of conversion so that it now can become transit able in your world you can transact spiritual realities is true that means if your life does not change you either are not aware that there is such a possibility in your Christian experience listen carefully or the system that is required to create that spiritual transaction I beg you in the name of Jesus to listen to me this morning because for some of you what you are hearing as simple as it sounds is the answer to the prayer you have been praying Lord wise' family like this is it that things can change and you know we have all kinds of ideas on how we think God will visit us we are more concerned about the physical if I say stand up now let me force your destiny helper and if if I say oh you know somebody called John sagessa this is what I'm waiting for John is my uncle please call him and I know that guy has money what is there see once I have mentioned someone physical now and your feet is ready because you are just thinking physical but my brothers and my sisters reality's established rest in the realm of the Spirit remember in the life of job the Bible gives us a picture of a man he was in heaven I mean there was a solemn assembly in heaven and the Bible says Satan came to and it's a hast thou considered my servant job that he fears me Anna says should evil and Satan said easy no because you have created a fortification around him but did you ever see any physical fortification yet God testifies and Satan is even a testing to it that a man can be so fortified and then he said they're allowed me to touch him para frisson and watch what happens remember that discussion happen in the realm of the Spirit then the Bible says something I wish we had time to walk that scripture he said a Saturday meaning every reality keeps hanging in the spirit until a day is allocated for its manifestation listen it was not assuming jobs tragedy was 21st of October it wasn't 21st of October that was the plan it was the day that was available like you only use a venue you have an idea and they tell you these days not free and it can make you shift that program a certain day on earth now and then a man is sitting quietly with his wife and in one day the sons the daughters his estate everything disappears you would call it some physical thing that just happened there but the Bible says it has a connotation in the realm of the Spirit that means something can happen in the realm of the Spirit over your own breakthrough and you can God can start giving you windows of it in dreams that's why some of you go to bed and you see I saw this I saw celebration in this family they keep quiet with celebration you think God is stupid many people dodge it you are not a walker in church you don't love God there's no celebration God is saying realities have been established find a way of releasing it let me tell you the truths that have been established in the realm of the Spirit can take some people even their lifetime and never find express [Music] are we together God has given us spiritual blessings in heavenly places this morning very quickly I'll just share with us two keys and then we'll pray number one the law of faith the spiritual systems that are allocated for drawing realities from the realm of the Spirit if it is true that God has blessed you and I with all spiritual blessings and I told you that those spiritual blessings are the things the Bible calls true riches say it after me riches one more time to riches the Bible calls this that will look for unfaithful mama did you hear that when they say something is unfaithful what does that mean it is unstable it is unreliable if your confidence is this the Bible already tells you it has a character of unfaithfulness it only looks faithful when you have two riches if all you have is this this thing would disobey you in a whether to disgrace you you will need something higher to riches so the law of faith thank you Jesus the law of faith what is faith faith simply means your convictions based on who God is the integrity of his person your conviction based on who God is the integrity of his person alongside the action that you take based on that conviction listen very carefully the starting point of faith is your conviction not just an awareness a persuasion that God is this and that and that he sustains the ability that everything the Bible says is able to do is true and then alongside that you are willing to act to take that risk to permit his integrity altogether if I told this brother now that there's money at the back of that that that feedback now he's not seen it the question he has to ask is does this guy have a track record of being a liar are we together if I'm a comedian most likely he would not take me seriously because he thinks I'm just joking I will together but if he finds out that I'm serious he will take that step I will together now please stand here sir can I use it for a moment whatever I tell you I'm going to ask you to come just tell me you're coming but don't come let me show you what many of us have been doing that week off it ready come sir come and take remember this is your reward come you see that I'm coming but we don't move God says come at me you are holding it was it God I'm coming I am on my way I'm coming is it not to meet you what alpha is the distance I can't come I'm coming and God is in calm faith is not just confession is part of it but until you act if it be thou bid me come and he says you would have stood yet to say my God Jesus you're so smart you mean you are this bold you think I'm you that I would just and know he took that step remember when he took that step even in his disobedience Jesus took responsibility and held him no you don't die when we--when easy when when you are in fate even if you miss it and it is that obeying God was what led you to start that journey he takes responsibility as the said if I perish I perish you think God would have allowed her perish so this gentleman now walks on that water and all of a sudden you watch him walking on water and you come to pay him for walking on water and he's surprised he's saying look it's not my ability God told me to come and I was stupid enough to take that risk with my life I will together thank you sir let me tell you this brothers and sisters hear me if you don't understand how faith works nothing will ever manifest in your life there is no guarantee anywhere outside the Word of God oh don't worry finish school as soon as you finish school give me a call and I promise you a job is waiting at civil defense the person who is talking is it not when he is still there by the time you are graduated let me tell you everything physical is truly vanity if you cannot trust God you know pastor there are many people who want to start ministry and no commands in sir I'm just about to start - I don't know if God can speak to you to support me they say an auditorium somewhere we hate zoos 1 million per user and you tell my brother that God who helped me as you are seen now may he help you and the person will go back angry and say pastor Saladin support me is always how all these high men of God with the ones who are coming up the we will support us they would just pray what is prayer he just I bless you no sir whereas he would have gone back rejoicing to say thank you he gave me something that money cannot buy I were together now listen to me the journey of your destiny will require you believing God and taking that risk in life to take that step and say Oh God I came from a family where no one has a reason beyond certain levels and I'm living the village and coming into Legos I don't have any uncle I don't have any auntie but I have you and lord I know that I heard you you said I should come you will prosper me I'm on my way you get up you don't sit down okay let me call one auntie get open enter that log zeros boss I know you think I'm talking nonsense the president talking to you is not a fool as you are driving through that night boss like a madman you don't know that the angel of his presence is following you - all right in that boss someone will say young man what are you doing I'm on my way to let go so - just come and die God said as you come so I'm on my way coming so why don't you come I've got a fellowship in our church you will not know - is the wife of your destiny helper you never would have met her crossing your legs at home and hoping that one day you faith you need to believe God enough and stand up and act many believers are not convinced the proof of faith is not just that you had what God said the proof of faith is that you do what God said whatever he tells you to do to it it is a wish it do it passed on many people would have been millionaires today if they walked with the prophecy they received and got up by faith to start something what if I feel this is all I have but what you have us finished even without doing anything faith it took faith for your pastor to put this program you didn't sign any paper that you were coming it took faith to call you do you not see that realities are called forth in the realm of the Spirit by faith realities manifest by faith as anyone who has risen as any great man they took a fast step don't be afraid faith does not kill you will have to take that bold step Lord have been trusting you for a job and you hear God if you stand up to acting you've not heard God you are acting on your own but when he speaks you stand up do you not delayed obedience like we says disobedience in a measure you need to believe God promptly promptly promptly the law of faith your conviction based on who God is the Bible says trust in the Lord with all your heart proverbs chapter 3 when you read from verse 5 it says unli not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him he says and he shall direct your part I believe God oh I believe God I believe God don't see Dan Sayle life is not fair anybody you see life fair to the first life to be fair life is not fair to anybody no sentiments at all I will together so you take that step God is speaking to us you have been blessed and something is coming upon you shortly this morning again but you see that anointing is useless listen he says what do you have in your house she said nothing except Allah and the Prophet said that's what you are calling except your miracle is only small because you've not done anything about it he said now you take action go on borrow vessels it said borrow not a few and then she returned and said sir I borrowed then the next instruction came notice he did tell her everything he or he waited for her at the point of obedience when she returned back she said I will paid you you are ready for the next instruction now lock your door so that long believe our command instructs you lock your door and start turning the oil should have said sir if you have to laugh at me is this how you would do it and she turned that oil and kept filling vessels kept filling vessels the Bible says she sold it paid her debt and lived of the rest everybody Sammy believer say I believe God yes you have to believe him pastor is making a no - or statement right now about the land and all of that and you are wondering where will this money come from don't ever ask that question again the money is on earth but the force that brings it is not earthly this money is not going to fall from the sky let's not lie to ourselves the money is already in the hands of men but there is a spirit and a force to riches is what brings it remember like your money right now the mulch you want to drink after service is it in your hand that multis in someone's shop while you are smiling you know that that's your mode when you are coming to church you past it and you said I'm coming why because there's something in your pocket the manon is Multani shop you know that if you come you would give it and you give you the mode as soon as we shed increase with speed u one standing from Houston you're not begging how much is mode we see us bring two and you just drop this and the man smiles and gives you that means there is something you can't drop on life's a stick [Applause] when you have this kolobok at Oceana cotta listen life will tell you what kind of grace you have by the results that follow if it is faithful you can entire land to riches remember we're talking about it you entire land you don't have to announce does a magnet speak talk to me does the magnet speak but every other metal once it comes close enough it knows those things are ad impressions of how spiritual laws work so you step into inland and somebody who should bless within a bell Cassandra says I feel like coming to Legos he didn't feel like something is bringing him I feel like same past Isola and it just comes and says you are here do you know God's put to me in January to bless you I'm sorry for disobedience and no problem bring it God God promised you obey obey now Andrew Belfast and another angry person who has been in Lagos says life is unfair he's watching what is going on now how can someone pass me and command blessing pass are you the only one on at no but if you are the only one carrying this thing then you are the only wanted to work for you see what happens in church when people come to church you don't just come to sit down the word makes you well via it truly does ignorant people around Jersey dancing up people just come and waste their time all these hungry pastors waiting for no no they are giving you salary we're giving you two riches to riches you possess this you will be surprised you are sitting down now and you just feel like going to a restaurant yourself never been to you are not feeling like something is happening in the realm of the Spirit be conscious of what is on you as soon as you enter that restaurant you see the daughter of the director you'll be seeking to see sorry I saw you at house of David say yes who is this and you see her Sonam sorry is it the the name that I say yes by the grace of God I just feel like doing something for you I can't talk to my father he loves me so much say thank you Jesus you have answered my prayer and someone says you mean you are that lucky look did you call that lock if his lock why didn't he happen to you lock that is predictable lock that can repeat itself pastor made a statement and I don't mean to both up I apologize if it looks like I'm proud but he says that I carry an overflow anointing you see it's not a lie and it's not it has nothing to do with me it was never about Elijah or Elijah it was about the man to whoever held it the physical RAM showed who held it so it's not about you and prosperity is about the unknown team if it's on you I tell you sincerely this thing must follow you is true it's true please understand water am I wasting your time this morning have you not seen people that because of what is on them they can even come late to work and their lateness becomes the reason for your promotion look how long faces they never get to see the group manager but just because they came late they were waiting for their direct supervisor to quarrel them and between them and the direct supervisor they just met the group manager so you are a staff in this company yes I'm sorry sign came later that's all right things happen where humans I know what did you even say your name is my name is camisa it's a privilege to see you so I'm seeing you with you go to household of David I used to know him ah that's good I'm I'm impressed give me your name give me your number I like you who hates you doesn't matter but who likes you matters now look at this someone who has been going le 7 o clock she was obedient in that place but nothing on his head please they're angry and complaining if by 26 my salary doesn't come and here you meet you meet someone your litmus was four we know they may not know what we in this kingdom we know Carlebach oppose Allah I were together now it looks like your car hit someone by mistake and they say well let's go to the police station and you are then the police station you are saying is a mistake don't harass me and right from that event that looks unpleasant you know five people and God says that's why I brought you here you will need them tomorrow one young man just wants to harass you you just call and say sir mrs. Allah's good afternoon sir please help me as I am coming now the common hold a guard will find out what is wrong they holding straight to the station because we know that all things all things when you hear preachers say things like a believer cannot be disadvantaged if you are Colonel you will never understand what they are saying it's true that that what is on you is what controls what is around you it is not what is around you what is around you only proves what is on you or not on you if someone this guy's a millionaire and he comes to meet me and we stand and talk and he just passed me and hits me I will hit him I will go back and say lord I don't know what is not on his head but I'm going to stay in this secret place until something comes I had the opportunity for my life to be changed 15 minutes with this man and nothing was transacting Mary and Martha remember they both had something on them and what was within them also had the babies were talking to I stand before this man and I claim I have fever this guy's a human being the real him is the spirit man couldn't the spirit man pick a seat now when Esther's stood before a has arose how many minutes you spend as a reserve you are my wife oh you must be my wife I'm challenging you see you should never stand before anybody that has the capacity to lift or nothing happens if there is no reaction bring a magnet here right now bring the magnet put it across there are some things are to repeal it but when he come give me your shoes on your shoe lift to follow it [Music] [Music] hiiiiii Yaya hi yeah III do you believe what I'm teaching you let that be the god of our Father who are blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ so when you say you don't have a job what you are trying to say is my channels for allowing that blessing to find expression unlimited when you go to apply for a job you are simply making room that's why a woman can build a house selling a car a car should not build a house but that occur on um became a channel and what is on highs heavier than a car however try to open it up and the pressure of the water service you can agree enjoy [Music] in this kingdom Lorraine not by the things that I see but the realities that I'm the realm of the Spirit a final-year student can't stand knowing that there is a cause that can keep you you know that that cause you keep you and all of a sudden you stand in the office and while the man is looking at you you are happy because you know just look at my eyes there is more something is happening and the man looks at you I'm not just motivating you it's because we don't believe this that's why it doesn't happen and there are 19 just comes and the man looks at you and says all right you go away and your result comes and you see that your breasts you said God what this is only fair one lady she had a very humorous testimony in in her ministry as I can remember the exact but the testimony was that she was going to I think she needed I don't know if was an extra semester or a session or something like that and then she went back you know knowing okay let me just look for skoufis on wampie and all of that I think she had registered even I'm not exactly sure of the testimony and she just found out she went to check the list of the graduating people and so her name dia unless I can't believe is the next time you say you can't believe something you should sit and think of what you just said I can't believe it means God so I'm sorry that you I think he was coming we're talking God here what is our idea of God is it that God cannot change what part of him don't you believe that is not a life or that he is not mighty which one [Music] when pastor was mentioned in this you know I told you there's a prophecy for this church yes that mentioned in all of this parcel I went to pray less what what the anointing can do this anointing you see my brothers and my sisters is the highest spiritual commodity known when you are knowing that you are greater than emmonak you are greater than an ambassador they are all humans with their death everything dies but even when Elijah dies the anointing leaves our together now is true that a man's life can change just because of something that was introduced to his life the law of faith everybody said I believe let's sing that song once I believe yes you're the son of God it is well with me I do you know what carried you from your house to this church for this program it's not invitation it's not publicity that's not the only invitation you have been looking at an average Nigerian looks at more than 20 invitations per day the kickin a public the carries you there is there is a for Sunday the man who even give you tract you go to the bank sometimes you see there is a tract or there is a program there is a wellness program there are many programs and an honor I'm not trying to be sarcastic it is not just what you see that draws you there is something more when you see the miracles that happen through our teachings it's not just because of the the quality of the word is more than that you've had all kinds of testimonies for those of you who follow a ministry pastor that a man who buy a new phone packaged packaged a new phone and open it a phone that he knows not fake not not and then you see messages inside how do you explain that messages inside that phone if you don't love God on your full or ministry you think we lie if you've heard the testimonies someone will write jump get 140 something and then they pray he goes to check back and sees 260 something how do you explain this thing is because when you are Colonel you know that if it is no 1+1 it can be to what I told you in this kingdom 1 plus 1 plus God equals to any answer and the answer that somebody can be seated here and by the end of this year you are standing inside your own house with tears and saying god I can't believe this what is this how did it happen and someone says I'm going abroad what do you have in the house of 70 million disabled in three or four I I plan to give it to it short I just fell to just give it and people say you a thief you white I know by now right chief and so what do you mean I'm a thief I'm just favored he said I just mentioned house because you know how this expensive in Legos your feet is even rejecting what I'm really haha apostle don't talk that nonsense you are you are coming all the way from Zairian prophesy house [Music] is the reason why you need to stay in the secret place faith can grow you know your faith can grow by what it can receive when your faith grows you'll know it by what it can receive brothers and sisters look at me we're talking about God here look at my life look at my life what more do you need to see to know that when a man believes God is there have I not told you that if they wouldn't believe you would see the glory of God there is a relationship between your believing and seen the glory of God there is no where God cannot take me there is no body God cannot help me see I'm not just saying this because of what he has told me today and what he did little he has done in my life today no no man can act like they are so all these things that men do the pride of men and in the physical realm did you hear me the pride of men and we're in the physical realm in the rim of the Spirit every physical bodies his sleeve to whatever happens a man can't beat his chest and said over my dead body to help you that was an empty body making nonsense noise by the time the father of spirits instructs that body to obey you Pharaoh will give you gold and say go 430 years of arrogance and then in one night when the father of spirits there is a name God is called the father of spirits that's why don't be surprised who God who used to bless you a boss who can say if I'm in this office just know that you are done and you are praying God remove him and God said if I remove him you will never arise and I said Lord what are you saying rather just friend said God let this come on me and one day the man is sleeping and the Holy Spirit tells him it's time to lift my son he gets off unknowingly but obediently and leaves you look at the anger in Pharaoh's heart when the Israelites left him and he was charmed he was manipulated it was not normal when they left Pharaoh just said what did I do the father of spirits don't you let men talk nonsense to you I can close your door like that all that is prideful nonsense and for nothing except God is not God is there o king when it comes to this one we are not careful we will respect you in every other thing but as part in the might of God we are not careful you know we live in a time where men can just think they come Dulli you because of your background and some of us have been bullied by life people just look at you you can't speak English you are not fine you're not educated your father is not this your model and you stand feeling bad feeling so frustrated I bring you word tonight this is the victory that overcomes even this is the victory here my household of David inside and outside the Lord is speaking to you this morning this is the victory time will fill me to talk of Gideon and Jaffa and Barak men who to fit subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness short amounts of lions women received their dead back to life the Bible says for by it the elders obtained a pain for by it the elders obtained a their results were called a good report for by each man of God you obtained your venue for by it you obtained your house it is never your certificate that to give you a house listen to me brothers and sisters it is never your intelligence those things are the physical actors the same way when a movie director counts conceptualizes an idea he looks for physical men to act it your job your certificates are just actors and they are important but all things come from God the only pass through men and two systems to you they don't come from systems no helper comes from the end every helper comes from heaven and a material body cooperates with that spirit of favor to reach you that means if one person refuses there is still another body if Mary had refused Jesus Jesus was still calm the only thing is that she will miss the opportunity for being a woman who is highly favored it's not Jesus that is highly favored if that donkey refused to carry Jesus another don't you come where did the coin come from from the mouth of the fish because there were many greedy people who were not willing to bless the ministry and he said go and remove the coin from the mouth of a fish to prove that if I ask men to give is not luck it's an opportunity for them to be lifted so that when God tells you come and so into pastor schola's life you don't get angry and say you see ba this is how always how God works he can always route his blessings to another mechanism this revelation should not make you arrogant it should make you confident you respect men and unknown men but not at the detriment of your confidence in God when a man becomes God in your life you come with him and say let me see me at the other side of my results even without you because there is a God in heaven that changes times and seasons there's someone sitting here as you are listening to me inside and outside it will be like night and day the way my god who is the lifter of man will turn your life around listen take your eyes away from what is not in place now your meeting is called a total experience take your eyes away I am showing you how the systems of the kingdom work is the law of faith your faith is not trying to search for something that is not there if it's not there your faith is useless it's a reality in the spirit your faith I know is if it makes unseen things not on real unseen not on real unseen they are unseen but it doesn't mean they are unreal light be light was on scene but not on you your house is unseen not on real your ministry unseen not on real we we mistake in unseen foe unreal I were together now so just because my eyes cannot see it I say it's not real is that true have you ever seen your heart have you ever seen your lungs yet you believe you've been using it for as old as you are a woman stands up and beliefs just because the doctor should I report that you're pregnant she may not even feel anything and start jumping I'm pregnant madam who told you you are pregnant your stomach has not even protrude ready what if you say mistake by the doctor you don't care what I say mistake you are just jumping and you are happy and while you are rejoicing all sudden that baby grows and you give birth to a baby and you are looking at a woman who was alone now they are to look at this miracle and the men are happy and you know men will convince ourselves that does does does the fruit of of our meeting with our wife is not really true children are a heritage talk to me from the only pass through men that's why the Holy Ghost could use another man called him to breathe upon the woman to have a real body listen it is this revelation that made the tattoo in when Jacob was in lavon's house to multiply they only needed the females the male's came from the realm of the Spirit to read your Bible Jacob was having a dream and he saw kato's coming once there's five loaves and two fishes enough and God can step in and do a miracle who can stand against the law no one cares no one who can stand against Nike no one can know one we owed ear just give me a few minutes please sit down can I talk on one more low before we pray the second law is called the law of the mind the law of the mind the law of the mind the second spiritual law that is responsible for manifesting spiritual realities to find expression please listen please listen brothers and sisters we have been taught by even well-meaning people that all that is responsible for manifesting spiritual realities is your spirit it's not true it's not true sir the entire tripartite beam of a man must be involved in a manifestation of every spiritual reality your spirit your mind and even your body if you live one of them out it will never arrive I will together now yes the law of the mind Genesis chapter 11 we read from verse five and six just to find some way I have to rush because we're trying to see how we can close on time the Bible talks about Nimrod Koosh this very strange man who mobilized the people on a project to build a city look how ambitious studies now and theologians argue weather is a physical building or as a spiritual building weather is physical or spiritual is still a wonder that's the point I'm trying to communicate that a man can be ambitious enough to build a structure whose top will reach the heavens you know how far that is the Bible says they he started proposing to the people I'm coming to verse 5 now but he started proposing go TOCOM let us build a city whose top will reach the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves what was he doing he was indoctrinating them with an idea listen very carefully I were together now I hope you know that this people are not born again so the Spirit of God is not involved here I were together now the Spirit of God is not part of this process amazing and then the Bible says they agreed that they would make brick for mortar and all of that and start building it was still at the realm of the mind but see what happens from God's standpoint read with me verse 5 if you're born again one to read and the Lord came down to see the tower which the children of men which the children of men did what not a beauty God came down to see the building that has been finished for as long as they agreed that's it and in case you are not sure read verse six one two read verse six please aha and this aha and this they begin to do hold on peace they begin remember verse five he said they have finished it peace they begin to - and now nothing God is speaking the creator knows how creation happens and the creators are testing that they caught this law they got it God is much in the scripture and is given people a he said this they begin to do and nothing remember God says nothing he means it there are few times he said nothing in the Bible nothing is impossible is there anything too hard now he's using that expression that nothing will be restrained from them which nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined image nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined far above all that we ask or imagine nothing will be restrained from them which they imagine that building cannot be restrained because it has been imagined that greatness cannot be restrained because it has been imagined the law of the mind is very few believers understand ease I want you to be successful not just spiritual and many times were not taught enough to understand the dynamics this is not some mind science Scientology this is this is how the system of the kingdom works that every reality that is not captured in this room will never manifest it's true this they begin to do what he came to see that means your imagination our realities in the spirit that's the reason why you can imagine something and start crying with physical tears you are sitting down and imagining something what if my father dies now and your TS don't know the difference between reality and imagination it starts coming physically you are imagining so if if I die now this is how this my innocent children will just go and you are crying and asking what is making you cry the tears are real and the imagination too is real listen when terrorists numb most of this there's not much of that that happens here but back then in the North before and it was a strategy that was used by ad of Hitler and and they use it to terrorists before they come into a land to invade them they skip sending threats we are coming and when we come we're going to bombed the church or bomb this were going to tear women open they make it as graphic as possible you know what they are doing they want you to help them with you and you would think is a lie hi a pregnant woman George that they are going to tell you a new one he says so this I'm going to die and truly it will happen adult Hitler won his battles before he started he made sure that he he put fear and terror because you see your imaginations are real and I've taught you that repetition attracts the spirit component of whatever it is repetition of anything including your imagination that you continue to think over an idea there is a spirit component or a spirit dimension and located to give life to everything to manifest it it's true that which I have feared most has come upon me that was job's testimony that means at the point in his life is sadder and was thinking my god so this how I will lose everything now and the spirit kept saying who is drawing me who is drawing me so the Bible says I beseech thee wherefore brethren by the message of God chapter 12 and verse 1 Romans that he offer your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God and he calls it your reasonable act of worship verse 2 says do not be conformed to this world is the greek word a on the systems the mindset the thought pattern that comes with the system it says but be ye transformed are we together now is the word Metamorpho where you get the word metamorphosis egg larva pupa adult big eat transform how by the renewal of your mind it says by that renewal you can now prove what is that good and perfect you know good acceptable and perfect will of God the Bible even says that you receive the end of your faith through the salvation of your soul that a reality that has happened in your spirit can also happen in your mind please I want you to understand what I'm saying you are fully defeated when your mind does not capture victory look at this your life is a reflection of not just your thought patterns but the ideas you have captured and when your ideas are captured for a long time the spirit component behind those ideas will come to partner with those ideas and it was manifest is a law I will together now it's true have you you've heard me give this example you've seen all these children that run around maybe just help I don't mean to demean them but all these children disoriented you come from dysfunctional families just running around looking for small jobs to do carry your clean sheets that you have used for two years you've used that for two years and it looks like it's new because the is a reflection of the quality of your thinking now give that same edge to that boy after two weeks you see the châtelet were angry what happened when it is shared start sharing like this the shed reflects his mind how were together yes that they can pay someone who is sitting in an office with a see a million naira per month and the hard-working man now not to demean that does not I'm just comparing someone who is at the gate opening and closing the gate and may be receiving 10,000 era and you see that one is doing more physical work and then the man at the gate is angry as it is wicked director he doesn't do anything just comes and collects a million my advice is switch them switch them for one month take the man at the gate to the office and take the man at the office to the gate the first thing that will happen is nobody will come to that office again the quality and the superior thinking of that man will make all the clans to stop at the gates they will not need to go to the office again number two the man in the office will steal because he knows for sure he will be there for long that that environment his mind would treat it as a disease in other words you are in the wrong place you are not supposed to be there and the mind will alter his behavior to act in a way and manner that must turn that office in toward B feetsies thinking so the office will be dirty he will steal you eat everything near the water fast boat for visitors and for him he eats everything he will steal he will look for how to steal the printer if I can steal the printer and remove this AC what ready to do I can remove this this I mean the CCTV this new TC TVs expensive naka remove that's how is thinking and eventually he was still a runaway and not calm so the MV remained became a reflection of his thinking this is Africa's biggest problem it is not it is not just now I'm I know that we must take responsibility as leaders but I'm telling you is not just a leadership problem the people themselves are deprived of understanding is an uncomfortable truth we must admit let a poor man come and meaty rich man the frosting is not Siham are you able to do it no side give me two hundred thousand and after why a hue now send you a text two weeks to the expiry of the rent he says just glory be to God dear pastor you try to use in the name of Jesus Calvary greetings and then he will now say I'm ham Hagen Adobe tired of me of course I should be tired of you what do you mean no me tired of you Bible say don't be going to your friend's house every day like that you will be tired you are not providing any value sorry I hope I'm not disturbing you you send a text again ten minutes later I hope I'm not disturbing the message is clear listen you need a miracle on your mind that God can do something that in that one room right now with one rechargable I were together now and not having anything you can sit down and know that in the name of Jesus I will go anywhere you see your imagination is so powerful it can go where your body cannot go it is all your body only moves at the invitation of your imagination your imagination must invite your body to join it if your imagination has not gone there there is no invitation happy your destiny there we are pleased your body will only go out the invitation of your imagination I have gone there and I've seen that that land is truly with milk and honey come and join me and you smash every barrier that stands I don't see him possibilities in my life truly speaking I don't it's not just some confession no no no no it's a settled reality I'm only limited by the voice of God and the law of time and seasons I don't see all this bananamana if God says to do a project and his 1 billion and his 5 billion it will be done because I know spiritual blessings are you getting the technology now that realm of abundance is infinite in Christ and then I have faith to believe and a have a mind that can allow these realities to be crystallized do you believe what I just said you can go back home with confidence stop changing your physical environment that's not where the miracle is the miracle starts from here you can buy a suit of 200,000 and wait on a mind of 10,000 that man who forced that suit to return back to 10,000 notice financially speaking around you know that many of us certain amounts recycle in our lives if you ever cross it it will return back 10,000 15,000 and once in a while 200,000 comes in two weeks your account has reduced back because it's a reflection of you understanding I will together now if someone gives you 1 million you are surprised all of the discomfort around your behavior will cause you to reduce that money back to the range that is fitting for your mind it's true so as a pastor you are trusting God for 10,000 members but your mindset has captured only 200 members you will never cross that occasionally you will cross the boundary and then your mind will interpret every break - as an arrow and its assignment is to return you back to that that mental buffer it must return you back to that state is true that's why good things never stick with certain people listen demons walk on this law they know that this law is real so when the devil comes he checks your mind and your imagination what is there for me Jesus and Satan cometh to me and did not find that means Satan's come through have no fear we can come through here note this he has already in his mind from the foundations of the earth the lamb was slain that's why Jesus had to resurrect it had been a reality established are you seen the reason why things must be prophesied first before they happen because prophecy is a system of establishing it in the realm of the Spirit and nothing will stop it the law of the mind business people listen to me you know many people again keep saying that men of God don't know anything about business because they think we're just holding Bibles no no you sit down and all you are looking at is your small shop all you are looking at is your small hair hair outfit or whatever it is you will never rise the moment your mind grows beyond that level let me tell you what begins to happen the Spirit of God will partner with your thinking and your understanding to produce a reality that reflects it the same way demons partner with your fears and everything have you ever sat down to think about someone and he called you what made him call you you think he just called you no sir spirits don't just walk with nothing your imaginations are also substance so they work with it when God comes to you he finds out what in your mind is consistent with the Word of God that's why it's important to meditate upon the Word of God you are given the Holy Spirit the tools with which you will use to birth creation in your life so he comes and finds out my god I am like a well watered garden I am Beulah and Hepzibah and says that's a raw material for breakthrough he will use it and create that in your life when he comes and finds your house clean but empty there is nothing that can happen demon spirits don't just come and operate on people anyhow they take advantage that's why the when demon spirits find a wrong mindset that is a doorway they not only use it they sell other spirits to create fortification around it that's what is called a stronghold is sustained thinking pattern that has been fortified by the presence of demon spirits it is that stage that can make the Word of God of none effect so that when the word of God is coming you are interpreting it from the lens of a depraved mind you can't receive it when people received that seed Satan comes immediately and carries it out because if it's implanted in your mind it will grow and if it grows it most manifest for someone has eaten has lost it is too late the reality has been captured that's why God gives us dreams that's why God gives us visions it's not just so that we are aware is a reality that he wants us to capture Joseph while he was in the pit he kept seeing the Sun the moon eleven stars that vision brought him out of the pit a woman like that II RIPTA rape or no rape the vision took him even in prison finally he got them I said an expectation shall not be cultured that imagination for someone here you're coming from a family where you don't have much and you're already ashamed of it and you have gathered in your house old pictures and pictures that don't say anything you have regret books where you have written everybody who lied to you who did this and you open it and meditate upon it and keep recycling Wars to your life but the Lord is speaking to you right now you cannot put new wine in an old wine skin you have to take away that old wine skin and say in the name of Jesus I believe I may be weak right now but in the name of Jesus I know that one day I will feed Nations I may need somebody to support me today but in the name of Jesus I will be the one to override the check that house of David will use for their permanent site I would do it single-handedly to the glory of God I made up my mind when I had nothing that one day I will get to a point where I'll put my parents on salary forever where I'll be able to take care of my siblings I were together I made up my mind I said Lord in the name of Jesus as a man of God I will never go around manipulating people just because I'm looking for tea and bread I may not have come from a background that gave me all the advantage that I wanted but this is the victory when the Lord came down to see Joshua sermon he saw that the destiny had been built and he said son let's go and step by step you leave me and I will follow you all of my days for step by step you leave me before I come for a meeting I sit down and sometimes God shows me visions of the meeting but whether or not I see the visions I see it in the spirit is done I've seen people getting blessed here this morning already it's true I've seen the anointing changing lives already I'm just here to establish it this is why God blesses us with results it's not the results that prove the thing no that reality has been captured I've worked with the Holy Ghost already your pastor has walked with a woolly goose already who I went to pray in this morning service I don't want you to just go back the same way I know that our time is gone but I want you to just spare me a few minutes because this few minutes were stepping into will be destiny altering moments I want you to design it I were together please rise up on your feet when you all [Music] everything becomes possible when you were everything everything becomes possible when you are [Music] when you now possible when you ah in one minute I like you to use your mouth this morning as a weapon of creation open your mouth and begin to create realities about your life don't mind what the devil brings to you in the name of Jesus I decree and declare I may have been born for but in the name of Jesus am rising to a level of Kingdom wealth a level of blessings a level of grace I decree and declare as a man of God that I cannot be ignored the hand of the Lord is upon me the grace of God is at work in my life the lines are fallen for me in Pleasant places I decree and declare that I have a goodly heritage Gentiles come to my life and they are Kings to the brightness of my rising for my shame I received a bow lift up your voice and three declares shallick a false aria Lagos yields his increase for me in the name of Jesus there are no engine is that working me I'm a process of true riches spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ normal share normos yeah norm of share my background notwithstanding norm of share my current limitations notwithstanding no go here my parties are the shining light that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day let the redeemed of the Lord say so let a blessed of the Lord says so let the lifter of the Lord say so let me unknowing tear of the Lord says so I am Loula I am Hephzibah a well-watered cutted the planting of the Lord the Ark of righteousness that he is clarified in my life alleluia alleluia the next prayer point are likely to pray with all your heart listen listen you are going to decree on the claim that every spiritual blessing you see there in dimensions are we together now just wait we have a teaching series that will come up to reaches and when when is that please try to look for it download it and listen to it or when your pastor does any teaching that relates to this listen to it with all your heart listen we're going to pray to riches is not just generic it can manifest on earth as different things true riches can come as wisdom it's true riches it can come as favor it can come as the anointing there are seven of them in all that the Bible calls together spiritual blessings I were together now worthy is the Lamb that was slain he says to receive and he begins to mention all of these things you are going to pray that I mention of grace that must come on your life and cause your physical environment to change lift your voice and provoke it Lord I am in Christ I am in Christ something needs to happen to my finances I'm a tiger I'm a giver I'm productive but I need that manifestation of the spiritual blessings pray [Music] grandpa stop rail Lord I may be anointing fresh anointing upon my life for signs and wonders for miracles they are noisy that brats breakthroughs in the lives of people [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah someone will be standing in this crowd now and God is saying son I brought you here because thou are know enters my head with oil what is my that proves it he doesn't anoint your Papa he anoints your head and your proves you are anointed thou are known test my ministry you anoint my head my church overflows you anoint my head my business overflows you anoint my head my family overflows you anoint my head my academics overflow you anoint my head my destiny overflows he doesn't annoy in the destiny he anoints the head it is the copter Koopa floats alleluia alleluia I have two minutes for this and a please I want you to listen there are people here was a man of God I'm not even in Christ quite honestly I love Jesus but for some reason I've never been interested in this some of you are scattered outside and there are people who may be saying apostle I love the Lord but things have gone here where in my life I don't want anything that will tear up me these blessings are in Christ and this morning you are standing and saying in this service apostle I want to hand my life genuinely untruthfully not just as an emotional activity if you are in the overflow all of you outside I will just want you to walk if there can be some ashes there to just direct them so that you walk to the front of your projector screen or somewhere just find somewhere to walk them there as we can have them in here but there are people in here who are same episode I'm coming genuinely I mean it from the depth of my heart wherever you are inside here I want you to walk right I know that the space is limited but just come stand here I will pray with you and you will go back those outside come the indoors inside someone has to come quickly quickly please our time is gone if you are still thinking about it remain on your seat what you mean it with Jesus make your way come and stand in front here whatever you ask of me I surrender come to Jesus what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul I surrender apostle I'm not sure if I'm born again or not if you are not sure join them join them don't be embarrassed ye must be born again not he might not issued whatever you ask of me whatever you ask [Music] for the last time now whatever you mask you can't stand now there are people watching this a live TV those watching online you want to hand your life to Jesus genuinely you can't follow in this prayer and those in front here and those outside I want you to lift your right hand say this passionately untruthfully you are not reciting a point Jesus is in this place let it be from the depth of your heart save time in Lord Jesus say it again Lord Jesus I believe in you that you are the son of God I believe that you love me I believe that you gave your life for my redemption for my salvation this morning I declare that Jesus is Lord of my life I receive your life I receive the forgiveness of sins I am justified by faith and from today I declare that I'm a child of God I move forward ever and backward never in the name of Jesus keep your hands lifted Jesus I present to you the ones you died for and I decree and I declare that the grace that keep men in this kingdom may that grace we supplied on to these people I declare your sins forgiven and I declare that the power of the flesh the power of sin and the power of Satan are all broken over your life in Jesus name I decree and I declare that you begin a journey right now that will lead you to the place of destiny in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen and amen god bless you okay that's it - man here all of you here just move in concept follow this gentleman there will be a group of people that will receive you shortly please cooperate with them those outside - I believe they are being directed trust follow the officials as they directly let us appreciate them please make it fast with them because I want to pray for everyone now plays the last segment of the meeting hallelujah [Music] our time is gone but open your mouth and mention the grace that you design your life for the next level lift your voice and pray please everyone last bit spiritual we have a few minutes here and we're a locket asana huzzah huzzah hawala not the time has come household of David called this meeting a total experience shikaka toes Shalaka top AHA Rocket Oceania has Abba Lord our anointing that was upon esta that granted her access to the heart of a hazaras Lord our anointing that was upon Samson that granted him access to defeat the Philistines and to tear the lie on that anointing that was upon Jaffa and Barak their anointing that was on Elijah that caused him to judge the profits of Mel monde à la Carozza ba Hashanah Baraka to Sabrina's how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power he went about doing good and healing all day that well rest of the devil for God was with you alleluia alleluia you upgrade men by transforming their minds but you activates their destinies by receipt releasing the anointing requirement you see every dimension requires a level of the anointing and this is what you are receiving this morning it would be a quick walk but make a life change I want to pray for you now and my first prayer is an activation of the gifts of the Spirit because when your spirit man is deadened and is unable to communicate and receive the impulses of the Spirit I already see a cloud look what is happening in this place please be sensitive inside and outside I stretch my hands now I stand in the grace that apostolic and prophetic grips and I decree on the claim all over this building right now I stretch my head fire of the Holy Spirit mandala Kosala cous receive that grace right now I activate strange Grace's receive it in the name of Jesus from the front to the back I command an activation anointing Isaac Tyrion declare the gifts of healing the gifts of healing the gifts of healing the gifts of healing in the name of Jesus Christ I declare there are many people here that must drink of prophetic streams where are they spirit of the Living God no like a mighty wind and let the prophetic be activated right now in the name of Jesus I decree I declare from your spirit man let me call on to deep let me call on to deep let deep : to deep in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah I'm praying for the spirit of Revelation revelation is a spirit is not just by intellectualism there is an essence in the spirit my god I see this great common on several people right now right now sokolsky Baraka step into that spirit the eyes of the eagle access to the mysteries of the kingdom I activate that dimension right now please help this lady in the name of Jesus access my god access access illumination Malekith Ibaka push the fricatives and Tallapoosa Baraka booze mantle akatosh the eyes that see the mind are understands Alleluia while praying sir come this man come lift your hands I don't know you but something is happening to you come I'm left to let my hands receive that great trash dimension madam come I don't know you but I'm seeing like fire on your eyes and the Lord is saying is activating the prophetic right now over your life and your destiny I release you into that dimension of the prophetic the eyes that see in the name of Jesus Christ our time is gone but I want you to receive Alleluia I want to pray for you there is an anointing for favor listen listen in this grace I have I can tell you this if the graceful favor is not on your life you will struggle in this life no matter how educated you are [Music] there is a graceful favour it can be a total experience Master if we don't release this Greece because that's what programs a climate of possibilities to your life flowing into your life man growing into your life opportunities I don't know who is ready to change his life but I stretch my hands my god and my king who brought me all the way in the name of Jesus for a total experience and I stretch my hands out of the abundance of the messy and the grace of God right now at the count of three made an anointing in the name of Jesus search for men and women and shift them into new seasons received an anointing now that s how noisy the estrogen Mahabharata pussycat will receive it inside outside I command it I declare they are noting that distinguishes you Hey Lola my team win spirit of the haha no sake my Jew Spearman listen every dog that has refused to open over your life I stand by this apostolic anointing I command that door be opened now be open now taka taka talla kata be open now be open now [Music] it's a who is this King of glory why should we open up I say it again for some of you that doors been closed for many years you are pollinating but that door refuses to open I stand here this total experience conference and I prophesy to you in the name of Jesus the Lord God of heaven I commanded or avatar be open now [Music] hallelujah it's a master we have taught all night there are times that your fishing may not bring you fish there was nothing wrong about the skill of Peter it's good to be skillful but there are times even your fishing skill will not catch a fish at that time you need the prophetic dimension activated over your life master it didn't used to be like this but we are told all night is ever nevertheless a Thai word I want to speak over someone here I don't know what it is were involved in but in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus I give life to your business now [Music] Alleluia I believe with all my heart that the destiny help us that we have and never truly far from us but like you've heard me say that again and again no destiny helper comes on his own they are called by prophecy they never come on their own they will pass you every day and never see you but the day's also some well the three men that were coming with two loaves each they saluted him and gave him the loaf as if they didn't know what to do it it Legos is a place of Plenty you should not be Lagos and you are struggling as if God hates you if you can receive this I stretch my hands over you and I decree and declare in the name that is above all names between now and November I speak to you between now and November may your life shifts to a new time action may your life shift to a new dimension may your life shoot to a new dimension listen the Bible says Esther found favor in the eyes of all who looked on ha the moment you made contact with Esther even if you did not plan you would have to reach to bless her there is something that can come upon a man and I lay my hands on my own head and I declare my god and my king the grace that can cause men to look at identify you and help you may that grace come upon you now may that grace come upon you now I challenge any power and any force from hell frytss in anyone's destiny here listen to me the Bible says I desire to come to you once and again the Apostle speaking in support Satan in dados Satan comes in demand I desire to come to you but Satan in dados I decree and declare that every orchestration of darkness over your life right now let it be lifted from off your desk alleluiah who are on Dino there are people here I want to pray very serious prayer now there are people here the call of God is upon your life but you've never really known it for some of you you've seen it in dreams but that spiritual track record I spoke about yesterday is yet to be established something will come upon you now my god and my kid I'm praying if there is anyone here standing under the sound of my voice who has the call of God upon his life whether or not she's aware right now in the name of Jesus Shaku sat atop a cataract atossa may that grace may that grace find you now I declare I declare may that grace find you may that grace find you may the Spirit of God we need to train you and take you through the seasons and the phases that will create a track record outside and inside I release that grace the Holy Spirit is finding men there are women here you may not even know what in the name of Jesus made that anointing move to you that the call of God is upon your life [Music] hallelujah if you are currently in ministry here I want to pray for you you see this work that we do when all is said and done the anointing is the difference listen when all is said and done the anointing is not the only factor but believe me when I tell you when all these people will excuse every or that thing if the anointing is there but whatever you do like the Bible says in all you're getting in all you're getting if you are not genuinely anointed then you will be frustrated it's a matter of time you can actually make it look like everything will be alright not to this world how terrible our Dow in highways is that true the greatness of thy power shall the enemies submit themselves I want to pray anyone here ministry in the name that is above all names I declare fresh fire from heaven fresh impartation of grease from him [Music] whatever dimension of the Spirit is missing in your church in your ministry by the supply of the Spirit I declare right now let there be a completion let appear completion let have a completion in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] Alleluia if you a walk on this search I'm about to pray for you in the name that is above all names the Bible says a worker is deserving worthy of his wages every Walker here household of David I prophesy to you in the name of Jesus between now and the end of this year I call you ten times better believe it believe it I call you 10 times better did the name of Jesus Christ the Bible says and Abraham was older well stricken in age and the Lord had blessed him in all things I declare every aspect that is missing in your life to prove that you are connected to the spiritual family let it be supplied right now by the spirit Alleluia [Music] the land that is for house of David hear my voice I speak to you it says Oh F hear ye the word of the Lord that is a living thing I speak right now the London has been apportioned for discharge I say by prophecy in the name that is above all names I command by the power of the Holy Spirit that it must come into your possession there is no land that does not have an occupancy but he says lose the coat and if anybody asks you say the master has need of it I touched the hands of the owners of that land now they cross the heart of the king is in the hands of the Lord in the name of Jesus the kind of favor that will come as a testimony may that favour happen for discharge in of Jesus Christ not just favor in terms of resources but favor in terms of access to the hearts of the owner in the name of Jesus Christ and the same way this church is by Nayland I declare since you are connected to this church some of you the range OOP if you are busy planning to be our parent whereas God is bringing you to your own place and I declare so in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] if there is any miracle you have desired that you came for this conference for whether I mentioned it or not I stretch my hands with you and I agree with you in the name that is above all names beginning from today may that miracle be yours beginning from today may that miracle be yours I'm letting my spirit to pray for business people our time is up but I want to pray for you business doesn't just prosper because you have products and services and intelligence to coordinate them the clients don't come just because your products are attractive there is a spirit that draws men your value is important you can do all the advertisement you can do but by and large it was noised abroad that jesus was in town who noise did we don't know i decree and declare wherever the kings you see your blessing only comes in business when the kings come Gentiles who come to your life but when their kingdom one gift from Sheba can replace everything you have been getting some of you have people but not kings in the name of Jesus I called both Kings I call for Kings to your business I call for nobles to your business in the name of Jesus Christ whoever needs what you do and is in high places that has the Grace and the fortitude to reward you in a way that gives you fulfillment I call them by prophecy to your life in the name of Jesus Christ I pray for every family represented here inside and outside I know that there are lots of families with all kinds of challenges but I decree and declare in the name that is above all names every challenge in any family here that has mocked God we command that challenge turned into a testimony from today anyone you pray for anyone you speak over it will do you like a dream the way God will honor your world in the name of Jesus Christ there are some of you you need to have the courage after this conference to 1 gather your loved ones and say let's pray something came on me let's declare over the heavens in this family that God is turning things around and you will be surprised to see what God is doing in the name of Jesus Christ the last prayer I'm going to pray for you miss any long standing issue in your life you've prayed about it you fasted about it you've done everything you soon seats but it looks like this thing will not your school I stand with you in the name that is above all names and I declare unto you remember every time Hannah went even as she lo and she went there and nothing seemed to happen but at a certain time when she went there she met with this strange man called Eli and Eli's spoke to her just once and that was the end of it in the name of Jesus I come this morning by the rod of a higher priesthood and I'd speak unto you that every long-standing issue in your life comes to an end now it comes one and now it comes to an end now walk out of this meeting with the consciousness that there is something on me expect any body you see to be used by God to bless you don't just walk out and carry a Bible answer no no no be aware you are in a boss don't be so private someone says can I pray for you you know it's working on Monday you are going to walk in the name of Jesus you sit down in your office and someone buys your lunch the Bible says that that your faith becomes effectual Philemon 1:6 through the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you in Christ someone buys you launch glory be to God this grace is working the favor is working you are acknowledging and it's multiplying your faith you go to minister and the power of God moves in a strange way lord I thank you this is happening someone calls and say man of God send me your account number I want to swing to your life and your church Jesus the favor is walking acknowledge every good thing but the communication of your faith becomes effectual to the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you in Christ no more tears for you in the name of Jesus Christ pastor thank you so much I love you with all my heart and in the name of Jesus I declare that God will continue to live this church from glory to glory in Jesus name [Music] lift overhangs on
Channel: Household of David
Views: 59,747
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Keywords: Total Experience, Total Experience with Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak, Eternity Network International, Koinonia Experience, Koinonia, Miracle Service, ROL, Rivers of Life Choir, HOD Church, Household of David Church, Sola Osunmakinde, Great Grace 2018, Praise and Worship Session
Id: x-fUh2_tScI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 38sec (7358 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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