[Koinonia Abuja] The Holy Spirit by Apostle Joshua Selman.

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let's celebrate jesus in this place lift your hands wavy to the king of kings give him praise in the name of jesus are you waving your hands to jesus give him all the praise father we bless you [Music] mighty god exalted one king of kings and lord of lords may your favor rest upon us go before us behind us beside us moses moses said if your presence will not go with us then we will not leave this place and he said my presence will go with you and i will give you rest and i will give you rest hallelujah one more time i want you to turn this song into a prayer be the prophet of your destiny tonight begin to prophesy over yourself and upon yourself lord your favor goes before me many of you may not realize the power of the favor of god upon a man he told mary thou art highly favored thou art highly favored are you praying oh let it be so let it be so let it be so let breakthrough be so let leave things be so let increase be so let longevity be so let influence be so let power be so we decree it so the bible says let the redeemed of the lord say so are you saying so tonight let the redeemed of the lord say so let the lifted of the lord say so let the glorified of the lord say so scripture says declare ye that thou might test be justified is someone speaking tonight [Music] [Music] oh let the blessing rest upon me in the name of jesus opening new doors let it rest upon me let it rest upon this house don't be silent this is part of the meeting you are creating possibilities over your life the just lives by his faith and the righteousness that is of faith speaks [Music] amen is our language tonight who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle amen [Music] you are this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle amen for thy [Music] [Music] one more time forever [Music] let [Music] let spiritual fire be sold let's say what we saw [Music] foreign listen please listen to me a believer is not just one who has received of the life of god a believer is one who has been mandated to reveal the glory of god comes from the hebrew word cabard the greek is doxa a manifestation of that glory the bible says let your light so shine before men he wants them to see john 15 and verse 8 that as they see that light they will glorify god the glory of god is a capture of everything that makes god god his wisdom his wealth his power his presence his anointing everything that makes god god should be revealed so when we say amen we're not just speaking english we are prophesying everything in you that can find expression in me let it find expression if your favor can find expression let it find expression if your wisdom can find expression let it find expression if your power can find expression let it find expression [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] forever my prayer for you is galatians 1 24. very simple but powerful scripture it says and the glorified god in me that when men look at your life you become a living epistle always and they glorify god in me and they glorify god in me let me speak over someone's life here the kind of favor there is a grace that i'm praying for you is from the depth of my heart in the name that is above all names the kinds of favor that will even cause kings to say you are favored may that grace rest upon you now favor at the gates favor in the city favor among kings favor among nobles in the name of jesus take it as a signature upon your life no power in existence can shut the gates of systems and structures over you take this grace work wonders with it in the name of jesus christ our possibilities in this kingdom are predicated upon the kind and the level of grace that is upon us men are defined not just by the colors of their skin not just by their height or physiology exploiting this kingdom among many other factors depend on the grace the investment of the holy spirit that is resident upon the life of a man when the grace of god is upon you you always will not look like it except that your results keep signing that you are it [Applause] hallelujah one prayer point tonight holy spirit in a mighty way rest upon my life let the beauty the power the glory that comes with knowing you let there be such an evidence and effulgence of your grace upon my life lift your voice and pray calling onion all the overflows pray outside pray following online pray the holy spirit is the beautifier of destinies he's the one given by god to help us without the ministry of the holy spirit we are just actors on stage wasting our time and the time of others but not when the holy spirit is there the bible says now the lord is that spirit now the lord is that spirit now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is he says there is liberty [Music] hallelujah thank you oh my father for giving us your son and leave your spirit your work on earth the holy spirit was given to us to bring beauty and glory out of our lives is not a pentecostal phenomenon thank you o my father for giving us your son and leaving [Music] holy spirit you are welcome [Music] fill this temple with your presence let it be a prayer from the depth of your heart holy spirit you are welcome [Music] fill this temple with your presence [Music] touch to mature the church in experience into the bride of christ there are men that ignore you there are others who assume you are not there men have called you several names some have mistaken you for an angel others have called you wind others have called you fire but we know you are the living god the spirit of god tonight we submit ourselves to your wisdom we submit ourselves to your power we submit ourselves to your ministry you know why we take out time like this to thank god we are not wasting our time we know where he brought us from the bible declares some may trust in horses others chariots but we when you are thoughtful and you have the intelligence to think then you will give him glory unashamedly [Music] he's a mighty god there is no time spent in worship that is a waste you are bigger than what we say [Music] are bigger says what we say you are higher than what we say [Music] holy spirit what will come in this place oh there's such a mighty anointing in this place now what will come in [Music] father of mercy and grace you are the holy ghost [Music] oh [Music] you are the holy take your place [Music] take your place take your place [Music] take your place take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me breathe on me shalla balaka diada breathe on me [Music] breathe on me open my eyes low breathe on me breathe on me we honor you we reverence you great spirit of god the helper of destinies the maker of men i want to know you i want to see your face i want to call you alone i want to touch you i want to hear your voice i want to know you more it's my pray alone i want to know you i want to see your face i want to know [Music] holy spirit may we never be too familiar with your presence in this place we are people you have helped we are people you have shown grace mercy and while the world celebrates us what they see as our achievements we return to you in worship and in awe of your goodness you are the wisdom behind every result in this house it is by your power oh god that we are able to run through a troop indeed it's by your grace that we can leap over walls you have given us a name and a praise even among the nations we return things spirit of the living god you are tonight we have come as a family within this nation and all across the world to lend we have come to see you we have come to encounter your grace we have come to be shifted by your power scripture declares they go from strength to strength as many as appear before the lord even in zion this is zion a house you have so beautified with your glory we thank you oh may the nations learn from us that it is only by the power of the spirit that we excel that by the arm of flesh no man can prevail some trust in horses others chariots but there is a generation that trusts in the name of our god by our worship oh god may we mentor nations may we mentor kings may we teach them the excellency of a relationship with you tonight oh god be lifted in and through our lives in jesus name blessings to you again please be seated hallelujah amen tonight we're going to be praying but then we're going to be dealing with a subject that is so personal and so dear to me we're going to be exploring the subject of the holy spirit and in every generation it seems like there are a few people who seem to come into a level of relationship and union with this strange ancient spirit and by whatever means when they do come into that relationship some of them unlearned people some of them weak people relegated to the backside but it seemed as though when they met this personality regardless their sociological orientations he seemed to have lifted them to very strange levels of impact and then you find out that when they leave it looks like there is a decline in the understanding of his person again and then once and again he will find someone else who he will use as a specimen to show the nations who he is and what he is able to do oh [Music] i had please i'd like you to be sensitive as i teach while discussing the holy spirit here many of you will be introduced to realms and dimensions in the spirit tonight that will surprise you the holy spirit the spirit of the living god i started my journey with god not looking for fame not looking for power not looking for ministry it was a blind but sincere pursuit that if there was more in god then per adventure my life could be a revelation of that more even to a generation i went to church and i found out that while preachers preached they preached powerful messages and while they were preaching i saw sick people whilst they were preaching i saw confused people oppressed people and yet they opened scripture they spoke so intelligently about the love of god they spoke so articulately about the power of god his power to heal his power to deliver kali kaskada brende que parusia shilas [Applause] i am bringing you closer i'm drawing you to deeper levels with me i am drawing you to deeper levels with me i am drawing you to deeper levels with me [Applause] [Music] and when they shared the grace i saw sick people walking back sick we ended the average short service like this made the grace of our lord jesus christ we said then we set the love of god the fellowship of the holy spirit and we confess that it should rest and abide with us and yet people walked as though they were leaving a funeral where was the power where was the grace i saw how people prayed begging god to show up the more i read my bible i became confused someone is missing something somewhere i had encounters that i could not explain i had the opportunity to meet a few well-meaning sincere veterans of the gospel i asked them questions about the holy spirit they waved it with some theological answers and i said no no let me tell you one of the ways that god draws you into intimacy he will reveal a dimension of himself to you and hide it back he hides it back so that you will begin to seek him the dimension he hides back is a realm he wants to become your habitation but he hides it so that you will prove your pursuit your hunger and i began to pray i said lord there has to be men and women who don't just talk about spiritual things but are able to demonstrate it with their lives then i picked a book one day called god's generals [Music] when i picked that book and i opened it i could not close it again it was as though i was reading about my relatives i said this is it this is what i've been trying to ask this is what i've been trying to seek men who subdued kingdoms shot the mouth of lions they lived like gods upon the earth then i began to study the history of the church in nigeria and i came across strange men like archbishop benson idahosa barrasquez men who shook this nation not another nation i read about men like apostle babalola men who carried power with god and i said something is wrong with your body oh god when did we reduce the power of god and the ministry of the holy spirit to a theological dissertation where did we hide the demonstration of his power we call it the house of god we claim that god is there and yet people come and they are not changed [Applause] and when the call of god came upon my life i said lord do not send me without me knowing the holy spirit what will be my my message to this arrogant world when i stand before kings and nobles who will i tell them send me [Music] and that began my journey my pursuit that desperate search for the person of the holy spirit i heard men like benny hinn talk about him benihin would stand on stage and talk how that catherine coolman would say do not grieve my friend and sob on the stage where was that passion where did it go today we have written books about him and yet we do not know him we have organized conferences after his name yet we do not know him we have packed crusade grounds and we're utterly disappointed and revealed from our flaws the disconnect as far as our relationship is with him [Music] to the point where we do not even know his power again when we see him move we are not sure if he's the one and yet i read from scripture and i studied from history that he was the force behind the enviable liftings of men the force behind the rising of people he was the one who lifted politicians like daniel lifted men like joseph empowered women like mary strengthened men like elijah how would we want a great destiny ignoring his ministry and his person [Music] listen to me god did not give us a religion it was an experience it still is an experience introducing to us this personality that has been so misunderstood we call him oil he's not oil we call him a bird he's not a bird we call him wind he's not wind we call him fire he is not fire he's the holy ghost the spirit of the living god he's the holy ghost scepter of the king of kings he's the whole holy ghost seal of the age to come is changing everything [Music] tonight swallow your pride tonight come to the school of the spirit don't you know in his hands are the keys to eternal life it's a little he a little dear and then your day will he's hard working you changing everything in obedience to christ please sit down if you can [Music] the holy spirit is called who is he [Music] why is he so important that jesus had to wait for his arrival to begin his ministry jesus the logos of god [Music] remain so important until he arrived having mentored his disciples over a period of three and a half years he says terry terry do not use zeal to start carry until he comes he is so important wait until he comes i pray we are able to teach tonight there is such a strong atmosphere of his presence god is introducing many of you afresh into the ministry it's like an initiation because there are many of you the call of god is upon your life oh yes there are many of you the call of god is upon your life there is a generation that must seek the face of the god of jacob the call of god is upon your life you may not look like it but i tell you there is a call of god you are the answer to the age-long prayer of mothers the fasting of mothers can you find someone that you will use from this family and his hand has been trailing you for years now he's found you and for those of you watching and following this is not some pentecostal jamboree this is the spirit of the living god stirring up a move [Music] we listen you see you will not know what is happening to you now till you get out of this place and then you begin to see doors open in ways you cannot explain those you have tried politically to open and it did not open by the connections of men when the holy ghost steps in it does not waste your time people are not just falling down shouting there is a recreation happening over destinies there there are alignments happening [Music] perhaps some of you are in ministry here no power no grace you struggle no nothing it's because you are just doing ministry just from a book produced by zondervan respectfully speaking let him come and back you and you will watch the wonder working power of the spirit of god you've done business on your own but let him come and hold your hands and you watch the frequency the grace [Music] we are all ordinary except that when he comes to us when he comes with us we become instruments of marvel and wonder first to ourselves then to all and sundry please be seated if you can just help those under the anointing don't worry sha allah [Music] you know you met him oppressions just living just like that yokes that cannot stand his presence just living just like that covenants ordinances speakings that men have vowed are provided you are from this lineage you cannot rise who shall declare a thing and it shall come to pass when the lord himself has not said so satan only looks as powerful as the absence of the holy spirit makes it [Music] for the light shining in darkness john 1 5 and the darkness comprehended it not before i get into the word let me speak to you if you are seeking your body here i stretch my hands right now fibroids every devil of oppression i stretch my hands be healed now be healed now i bring you the life and the glory of heaven help them please be healed now high blood pressure goes down now every kind of medical diagnosis we bring it under the entrance of the spirit in the name of jesus christ every organ malfunctioning we declare a correction now and for every missing organ we declare creation of a new one now [Music] [Applause] pain around the limbs be healed right now any genotype problems blood group problems we change it now in the name of jesus and any altar that has refused to let you go [Music] no matter how long in the name of jesus we cut out those altars we scatter those altars let god's people go although delay oppression by the power of the holy spirit keeping families down keeping destiny is down keeping businesses down abuja hear the word of the lord nigeria hear the word of the lord we come by the road of the higher priesthood let god's people go now [Music] every gate that will not open for you we not only open it we scatter it so that your children can pass we scatter it in the name of jesus christ gates of stagnation gates of shame and reproach kappa rose catapult be scattered in the name of jesus open your mouth in one minute and begin to pray we scatter this gate by the power that raised christ from the dead we come by the agency of the spirit and we make declarations of power [Applause] [Music] hallelujah listen please listen before you sit down i need to tell you this i made a covenant with god that there is nobody who will ever come for one coinonion service and sit down and share the grace and say i wasted my time no for as long as i am breathing and for as long as god gives me the privilege to represent him through this platform if you ever find your way here and sit down here i assure you the things that will change in your life in one single service will surprise you it is not pride we speak as touching the gracious given it is wickedness and even evil to keep you here for hours and those following online waste your time and just share the grace no sir it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the lord's house shall be exalted lifted above all the mountains and other hills and nations shall flow to it they will say to one another come let us go to the mount of the lord the house of jacob he will teach us his ways the bible says we have not only come to learn we have come to experience please be seated if you can again let's see how far the lord can help us tonight under the anointing close to you whilst i teach whether you are an usher or not just help them [Music] we glorify you o god in jesus name let's spend a few minutes teaching the word and then we'll pray we are a people who embrace the ministry of the holy spirit in his entirety but we are also a people who have profound honor and value for the word of god acts chapter 20 and verse 32 acts 20 32 and now brethren i commend you to god and to the word of his grace the bible says which is able to number one build you up it is only the word of god that is able to build men number two to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified the bible says and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture which is able to make you wise even unto salvation hallelujah when we invest time learning the word we are learning the modus operandi of the kingdom we are allowing the mind of christ philippians chapter 2 and verse 5. he says let this mind be in you permit this mind this thinking this ideology to be in you which was also in christ jesus the word of god gives us enlightenment spiritual illumination access to light and john 1 5 says the light shine it in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not he said that was the true light that lighted every man alleluia he came to bear witness to the light john 1 6 there was a man the bible says sent from god whose name was john next verse says the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through his witness might believe verse 8 he says he was not that light he was only sent to be a witness of that light nine says that was the true light jesus by the ministry of the holy spirit the light that lighted every man his ministry is for every man not just church people every man are we blessed now let me just give a little theological background theologically speaking there are certain words you've heard me say it again that there are certain words that even though used in the christian faith are not found verbatim in scripture there are a number of them we use them as a lingua franca among believers but then these are not words that are captured in scripture one of it is the word rapture you will not find any word rapture in scripture are we together but then we know that there is an event that we call rapture praise the name of the lord another word is trinity you never find oh by the way let's bless our zaria family they are following right now let's give them a big big big big god bless you hallelujah praise the name of the lord [Applause] so the word trinity because before i begin to talk about the holy spirit i need to clear the air over an issue that has remained for very long in the body of christ the confusion as to the triune nature of god it's been a confusion among believers among bible scholars there's been different schools of thought as to the triune nature of god the bible says here o israel the lord our god is one lord and so many people have used that scripture to negate the existence of divinity in a tripartite form are we together it seems as though there are three gods the father the son and the holy spirit which one do we worship which one do we serve and it's brought a lot of confusion so when we teach about the ministry of the holy spirit there is further confusion again if this is not clear and the reason is because the holy spirit happens to be largely invisible and there has been no direct revelation of his form in terms of his human form are we together but then let me just take two or three minutes to let you know that the concept of the triune nature of god is a fact the bible does tell us that even though god is the god of the universe his operation is tripartite father the son and the holy spirit this is a foundational understanding to the christian faith if you do not believe this something might be wrong with your conviction are we together now that it is true that the father the son and the holy spirit we call it the godhead the word one god does not mean is singular it means unity here ye o israel the lord our god is one lord united is that true genesis chapter one let's go to the book of the beginnings now theologically speaking every time you want to examine a body of spiritual truth a subject you begin your study from this what we call the law of first mention so you go to scripture and then the context with which that word was mentioned first is the context that guides you as you study that subject are we together so we go to the book of beginnings genesis chapter one in the beginning the bible says god god created the heaven and the earth verse two it says and the earth was without form and void now you would notice um let me not assume genesis 1 verse 1 and genesis 1 verse 2 it seems like a contrast because according to the character of god's creation everything he creates is good is that true now we see that god created the heavens and the earth verse one and then verse two now says the earth was without form again so what was god creating the earth was without form void darkness was upon the face of the deep the hebrew expression to who were who confusion and chaos and then the bible says please go to verse 2. just keep it there but too it says and the spirit of god so we see that the first the first dimension of the godhead revealed in scripture was the holy spirit and he was called the spirit of god he moved upon the face of the waters just for knowledge genesis 1 verse 2 came as a result of the judgment of lucifer right genesis 1 verse 1 and genesis 1 verse 2 did not just happen within a short time span now you know that the bible is a piece of literature and it was written with with honor to all the principles of literature meaning that it was written largely in summary are we together now you would think that it just happened again and again there were prophets in the bible that never met themselves they were hundreds of years apart but when you read them because you are reading a summary it looked like one just died and next week the other one started no hallelujah so lucifer was judged in genesis 1 verse 1 god created the heavens and the earth and then the gap between genesis 1 verse 1 1 verse 2 in theology is called the gap theory it's an attempt to explain what happened the hundreds of years apart that would have led to this chaos and confusion because genesis 1 verse 2 is not an expression of the character of god outside of the influence of another deity the earth being dark and formless was as a result of the judgment so what you call creation story in genesis chapter one is actually a re-creation story that was not the original creation are we together job in the height of his frustration when you read chapter 38 i'm just giving us an introduction just a background in chapter 38 job was so frustrated because of his predicament the bible says he summoned god and god came to him in a whirlwind and said who is this that dark not counsel without knowledge he says gird your loins as a man and i would demand of you answer me question one where was thou when i laid the foundations of the earth so there was a day the foundations of the earth was laid we don't see that in the genesis account are we together now it says declare if thou has understanding verse 2 it says who had laid the measure thereof if down the west in fact let me tell you this for your knowledge i hope you realize that what we call the garden of eden the garden of the lord that we call eden where adam and eve the east side of the eden was where they were kept the first occupant according to the revelation that scripture brings in the garden of eden was lucifer himself thou was in eden the garden of the lord you now see the vendetta between lucifer and man because lucifer was an expression of god to the then creation the word eternity means formation of infinite dispensations we are not the first of the human race no we're just a little above 6 000 years scientists show us the existence of a lot of humanoid species before us there's nothing there's nothing false about it adam understand what i'm saying now i'm teaching koinonia and then those who are interested in learning through this platform i know why i'm saying what i just said now adam is not the first man no adam was the first man created in the email there was a dispensation where lucifer was head over them he was a representation what adam what god brought man to do there was a dispensation that lucifer was mandated to be the revelation of god to them and on account of that assignment he's making angels sharops were not made from dust they were made from quantized light light the depreciation of their body but the degree to which the light upon them excels that is the degree to which they have visited the throne room because every time they meet him is a law to both human and angels that as we behold him we are changed are we together now yes so lucifer it was on the strength of his build up the dexterity of his making that pride came upon him are we together yes there's no time to begin to talk about lucifer lucifer was that sheriff the bible says that cover it he was in eating the garden of the lord the entire object of his making was it was it was an artistry of god and his assignment was the custodian the light bearer revelations are stored as light and that was his office the sun of the morning on account of the revelations of god that he had he built pride and said do you know what if this is all that makes god god then i have the secrets to be god i will exalt myself above the stars of god he said i will be like the most high treason was found in him he wanted to run a parallel government so you can choose either god or him and there was war in heaven now don't downplay the level of lucifer's intelligence even in heaven he deceived one third of the angels wow what would he have told them that made one third of the angels to literally leave their original estate the bible says and there was judgment in heaven michael the archangel you see that they met again over the body of moses you again they met michael said don't waste my time the lord rebuked you so now it was the judgment that came as a result of the fall of lucifer when you read the book of revelations it says woe to the inhabitants of the earth for lucifer that great dragon has been cast into the earth he has come with anger and fury that's why uncontrolled anger is the most classic proof that there is a spirit manipulating you yes sir lucifer came down to the earth with anger and he was hovering around the face of the waters it was the judgment of lucifer that led to genesis 1 verse 2. do you understand now so genesis 1 verse 3 is god now bringing light what light this was not sunlight i hope you know sunlight was created in day four this was the light that the life-giving factor of creation he withdrew it in the judgment of lucifer so now god said light be that's the original hebrew rendition light be and there was light and then he began to create everything and he saw that it was good and so on and so forth and then when we get to genesis chapter 1 verse 26 is the first classic expression that proves the triune nature of god and god said let us let us so this was this was a parliament there was a meeting going on not let me let us but this does not automatically tell you whether there are three there could be ten let us so how do we know that it is the father the son and the holy spirit are we learning next scripture very quickly matthew chapter 3 please from verse 14 this is the baptism of jesus now look up please a little background again about jesus i hope you know that jesus came to the earth for many reasons principally to be a mediator to bring many sons into glory are we together he came and asked as an expression of the love of the father this was revealed through his substitutionary sacrifice to the end that whosoever believes in him that report might receive the life of god in the flesh to show us that it was possible to live a victorious life the third reason why he came was to become a making script a correction over our perceptions about god because until jesus came there were many things about god that people did not know they did not have the rich opportunity to enjoy the ministry of the holy spirit to the degree to which we enjoy he would come upon them and then go away he did not have a permanent residence within them so they credited all kinds of things to god jesus came as god's manual god's reference point so that everything you thought god did or was you looked at the life of jesus to correct your orientation are we together now matthew chapter 3 please thank you jesus is someone learning but john forbade him saying this was jesus at the baptism now i have need to be baptized of thee and thou comments to me and jesus answering said unto him suffer it to be so now for those it be comment us to fulfill all righteousness then he allowed him next verse now watch this and jesus the logos of god john 1 1 remember in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god the same was with god so we see two there the word and god the same was with god even though he was god also now the bible says i'm jesus so we see that jesus was there when he was baptized he went straight out of the water and lo the heavens were open and he saw the spirit of god as you see now so this is jesus walking on earth in the flesh the heavens open and the holy spirit descending upon him lightning upon him like a dove 17 and then a voice which is not the holy spirit this is jesus on earth this is the holy spirit coming and another third voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son whoever calls him father what should be his name whoever calls jesus son must be jesus proved that he was father when he called jesus i mean god proved that he was father when he called jesus so jesus the word the spirit of the living god the father one last proof in the mouth of two or three witnesses a matter is established matthew 28 the great commission from verse 18. matthew chapter 28 from verse 18 and jesus came and speak unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth next verse go eat therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of this is jesus talking now baptizing them in the name of the father of the son of the holy ghost he didn't mention any fourth person so we know from the mouth of jesus that the godhead is trinity jesus himself spoke are you ready for one last proof acts chapter 7 this was the matthias stephen about to be stoned acts chapter 7 from verse 54 please acts chapter 7 don't be tired of learning scripture it gives you accuracy of understanding and then you are able to walk in the reality of the power and the grace of god on the strength of the spiritual illumination you have it says when they had heard these things they were caught to the heart and gnashed when they heard these things they were caught to the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth verse 55 now the bible says but he stephen now being full of the holy ghost so who was in stephen the holy spirit he looked steadfastly into heaven what did he see the glory of god and then jesus standing at the right hand so we see the holy spirit in stephen god manifesting in his glory the father and the son standing at his right hand why am i saying this thing so that you will believe from scripture not from opinion not from charismatism from scripture if your confidence is just based on what someone said it would dwindle with time but when your faith is uncalled on scripture it becomes unbending you become immovable are we together now now the word spirit comes from the latin word spirituals it means breath spirituals s-p-i-s pneuma all mean the same thing these are expressions of spirit are we together so a spirit typically speaking um generally it just means the life-giving factor of anything the life-giving factor of anything is the spirit of that thing are we together who is the holy spirit number one the holy spirit is god acts chapter five from verse three to four please the holy spirit is god this was the story of ananias and safira were proving that the holy spirit is not just an archangel there are many well-meaning sincere people who have carried teachings all around the holy spirit is not an archangel the holy spirit is not a man the holy spirit is god in every way he's not junior to god he's not one of the iran people in heaven he is god in every way but peter said ananias why has satan feel thy heart to lie to the holy ghost are you saying that now and to keep back part of the price of the land verse 4 whilst it remained was it not dying after it was sold was it not in thy own power why has thou conceived this thing in thy heart thou has not lied to men bored to god peter now says you have lied to the holy ghost and then you have lie to god the holy ghost is god in every way number two very quickly who is the holy spirit the holy spirit is the manifestation of the presence and the power of god the holy spirit is the manifestation of the presence and the power of god he is not just the manifestation he is the revealer of the presence and the power of god the holy spirit benihin calls him the unlimited presence of jesus how true based on scripture he gives omnipotence to the presence of he could only be in one location at a time but now the holy spirit has come to multiply the influence of jesus across the earth he is the continuation of the ministry of jesus but now not just localized to one man he can be everywhere at the same time so the holy spirit is a revealer he is also the manifestation of the presence of god are we learning this is very very important number three very quickly who is the holy spirit the bible calls the holy spirit the wisdom of god this is very powerful wisdom the wisdom of god isaiah 11 and verse 2 isaiah 11 and verse 2 and the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him he says the spirit of wisdom the holy spirit is called the spirit of wisdom that means he is the life-giving force behind every manifestation of divine wisdom there are three levels of wisdom as the bible teaches there is wisdom that comes from above that is first pure there is wisdom that is scientific sofia that comes with experimentation and experience there is wisdom that is diabolical and demonic the wisdom we are talking about is wisdom that comes from above are we together the spirit of wisdom ephesians chapter 1 and verse 17 paul is praying now ephesians 1 and verse 17 that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom so the holy spirit is called the spirit of wisdom next point who is the holy spirit this is a very very important point i'm about to bring about the holy spirit the holy spirit is the author of scripture the holy spirit is the authentic author of scripture not just paul not just david the psalmist not just matthew mark luke and john the holy spirit is the author of scripture second peter chapter one please and verse 21 ii peter chapter one and verse 21 ii peter 1 21. hallelujah you can finally go to second timothy chapter 3 from verse 15. ii timothy 3 from verse 15 and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture which is able to make the wise unto salvation listen carefully through faith which is in jesus christ next verse it says all scripture how many all scripture old testament the gospel acts of the apostles the epistles revelation all scripture is given by inspiration of god by inspiration of god is profitable for doctrine reproof correction instruction in righteousness verse 16 it says 17 now that the man of god may be mature and furnished on to all good works i don't know why they didn't find second peter is a mistake from me he says holy men wrote as they were inspired of the spirit so holy men only did the writing the author was god how many of you have seen people who translate the messages of others into books the translators cannot say the book is their own is that true the original person thank you second peter 1 21 for prophecy came not in the old time by the will of man but holy men spake as they were moved by the holy ghost if you help me transcribe my thoughts into a book you will be rewarded for your intelligence but the creativity and the intellectual property remains my own is that true so who really is the author of scripture no it can't be peter it can be john they were moved by the holy spirit why is this important because if you ignore the holy spirit in an attempt to learn scripture you will end up in error listen carefully the source of error the real source of error is to just be scientific about the bible and ignore the person of the holy spirit in as much as the bible is truly an archaeological book a historical book a piece of literature but it is empowered with mysteries that only the author can unravel if the holy spirit does not assist you in opening scripture then you find out that you'll be reading history you'll be reading archaeology you'll be reading literature poetry and not have the requisite level of edification that comes with this this book is both closed and sealed you can open it but only the holy spirit can unlock the seals are we together the holy spirit is the author of scripture that means the next time you open your bible to study the publishers of this book were not the authors of the book they only made it available to us holy spirit you are the author of scripture open my eyes and you will be surprised at the things that you will see it says open down my eyes that i may behold one drostings from out of thy law is god blessing us the holy spirit is the author of scripture now the holy spirit was revealed in the old testament like we know he came upon great men and women to do exploits but the character of his manifestation listen carefully you would notice that there was hardly a description of deep intimacy and fellowship with the holy spirit in fact the person who came closest as far as relationship with the holy spirit is concerned was david the man david cast me not away from your presence he said take not your spirit from me are we together but generally speaking the holy spirit would come upon men in the old testament prophets priests kings and then he would perform something supernatural through them and return back so they knew his power but they did not have the opportunity to know and learn the holy spirit in a very intimate way they experienced the power of the holy spirit but they did not have the privilege of what we call today coinnonia the fellowship of the spirit hallelujah are we still together christianity becomes a religion if and when the ministry of the holy spirit is ignored it is the presence and the ministry of the holy spirit in this faith walk that gives excitement to this adventure he is responsible for the exploits that men and women command in this kingdom write this down please it was the holy spirit who birthed the church romans chapter 8 and verse 15. you also find that in acts chapter 2 from verse 1 the holy spirit was the one who brothered the church the bible says for ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby as a family we can now cry our father he brought us into this family acts chapter 2 and verse 1 when you read the bible says when the day of pentecost was fully come they were gathered together in one accord suddenly verse 2 there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty a russian mighty wind it filled the house where they were sitting there appeared unto them cloven tongues as a fire and he came and sat on each of them uh-huh verse 4. the bible says and they were filled with the holy ghost so the holy ghost breath at the church and if the church ignores him today then we'll become something else outside the church are we together we must bring back to our consciousness the person and the ministry of the holy spirit beyond religion beyond the fivefold let me tell you this the holy spirit is not a privilege of men and women of god in the gospel no the holy spirit is for everyone he's not just for pastors apostles pro-believer an unbeliever and creation generally speaking is more than just the salvation experience as you'll be learning shortly are we together praise the name of the lord because for many people the moment you begin to talk of the ministry of the holy spirit here's what they tell you i'm not called into ministry just leave me i'm a businessman i'll keep giving you money while you keep knowing him and go and do your crusade there show us the ancient parts will you lead us along we want to follow the ways of jesus we want to enter your ass [Music] will you show us the ancient power will you lead us along eternal highway we want to follow the footsteps of jesus we want to win now listen the holy spirit is not only god i want you to know that the holy spirit is a person he has the attributes of personhood this is very powerful the holy spirit i've told you here that he's not just wind he manifests us all those elements but he's not them the holy spirit has the attributes of person of personhood he has a personality what makes someone a personality the presence of a will the presence of emotions the presence of an intellect there's no time to begin to deal with this but let's i i've done this teaching um describing the personhood of the holy spirit but for the sake of what we're dealing with tonight let's just look at it one scripture each wheel number one acts chapter 16 from verse 6 to 7 please very quickly help us we're proving that the holy spirit is a person the bible says when they had gone throughout all the region of galatia they were forbidden of the holy ghost he has a will the holy spirit forbid them verse seven it says and after they were calm to all of those names they went to those place but the holy spirit suffered them not he restrains them the holy spirit has an independent will it's very important first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 11. first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 11 11 but all these rockets that one and the same self spirit dividing to every man severally as he wields the holy spirit has a will the holy spirit has emotions ephesians 4 and verse 30 ephesians 4 and verse 30. the holy spirit has emotions the bible says grieve not the holy spirit if he was not sensitive to that action the bible would not ask you to not grieve him he says grieve not the holy spirit of god whereby you were sealed unto the day of redemption the holy spirit has intellect intelligence romans 8 27 romans 8 27 the bible says he that such at the hearts know what is the mind of the spirit why because he make it intercession for the saints according to the will of god he knows what is the mind of the spirit first corinthians chapter 2 from verse 10 write it down please first corinthians chapter 2 from verse 10 we're looking at 10 and 11. the bible says but god had revealed them to us by his spirit for the spirit searches there is intelligence with the spirit the holy spirit is not a robot there is intelligence to him he searches all things yeah the deep things of god for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of god knowed no man but the spirit of god the bible reveals to us very quickly the purpose of the holy spirit we need to know why the holy spirit was sent why do we talk so much about him why did jesus talk so much about him the holy spirit has basically a threefold a threefold ministry a threefold ministry number one he has the ministry of conviction number two the holy spirit he goes this is the scope of his assignment conviction what does it mean to convict to bring to your awareness to compel you to pay attention to an object or a truth the holy spirit is the one behind every kind of godly conviction number two the ministry of transformation what is transformation the name given to the process that makes you like christ in experience is called transformation my little children he says on whom i travail until christ be formed in you then the ministry of empowerment what does it mean to empower to empower means to embrace you to embrace you so that you are able to produce results that ordinarily you would not be able to produce are we together all of the long stories that i started with giving the theological background is to disintend listen carefully this is the core of my teaching now anywhere you find the holy spirit on earth it is one of these three things he's doing conviction transformation empowerment look at me we're going to discuss his ministry and the objects the recipients who are the candidates that qualify for his ministry but until then i want you to understand something every time you see an unbeliever the greatest need of an unbeliever is salvation never forget this the greatest need of a non-believer is not house rent the greatest need of an unbeliever is not the hospital the greatest need of an unbeliever is salvation the greatest need of a believer is transformation when a believer is saved the next assignment of the holy spirit is to sponsor transformation an heir for as long as he's a child the bible says he deferred not from a slave though he be lord of all are we together transformation then the greatest need of a transformed believer is empowerment this is the sequence every time look just learning this alone will make you a mature christian so you you know how to bless people according to the categories when you see an unbeliever your principal assignment is to stand in partnership with the holy spirit to the end that he becomes a recipient of the life of god no matter what you do to an unbeliever if he has not received salvation you have not given him the greatest gift for a believer the greatest gift you can give a believer is an atmosphere and an information that can lead to transformation you can give miracles you can build a house you can bring breakthrough you can bring healing none of those things are superior in themselves the most superior blessing that you can give a believer is access to light illumination bringing him to a place of transformation then for a believer that is transformed the greatest need for a transformed believer is now to be able to prove and defend his proposition and for that he would need empowerment have you seen that now just having this knowledge alone will make you such a mature christian and you will know how to help people you don't stop talking about salvation to one who is already saved except you're just teaching him and mentoring him to also be an effective evangelist a non-believer salvation a believer transformation a transformed believer empowerment are we together and may i add that the greatest need of an empowered believer is character and humility when a believer is empowered he now needs character and humility because knowledge can puff up remember our teaching we just finished a series on witnesses so the holy spirit has a threefold ministry conviction transformation empowerment conviction transformation empowerment now write this down please who are the three principal recipients of the ministry of the holy spirit according to scripture there are three principal recipients of the ministry of the holy spirit number one creation you will be surprised to know that creation depends on the holy spirit to survive the holy spirit is not just a reality for christians or non-christians without the holy spirit creation cannot survive it was the light that came from him that spawn sought creation coming back again withdraw the holy spirit it's not only men that would die creation will also die are we together job 34 from verse 14 and 15 the first recipient the first recipient of the ministry of the holy spirit is the entire creation from verse 14 and 15 if he set his heart upon man if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath what happens to creation all flesh shall perish together and all man shall turn again to dust that means if god withdraws the holy spirit literally out of earth right now man will wither creation will wither science will come to not the holy spirit is the life-giving factor of creation this is true the first recipient of his ministry is the entire creation plants animals nature etc everything that was made because without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and so everything that came from him has that life and that life is the holy spirit i have profound respect for science we have been able to advance so well in science especially in recent times people are still trying to disintegrate atoms to see if they can find a lot of other things you know and so on and so forth let me tell you behind if we keep breaking down breaking down breaking down breaking down we will arrive at one conclusion the unit of life is the word of god but in that word of god is the spirit of god ezekiel chapter 2 verse 1 and 2 the spirit entered me when he speak unto me verse 2 the spirit entered me so the word of god contains the spirit of god the word of god contains the power of god habakkuk chapter 3 and verse 4 amplified habakkuk chapter 3 and verse 4 amplified it says and his brightness was like the sunlight and the rays streamed from his hand and deer in the sunlight splendor was the hiding place of his power when you break life into its finest what you will meet is the word of god we call it energy we call it matter i don't mean to abuse and insult science but i can tell you from the authority of scripture the spirit of god is the life factor of the entire creation are we together the second recipient of the ministry of the holy spirit according to scripture is the unbeliever the unbeliever is not supposed to be an insultive word is a description it's a state who is an unbeliever one who has not had the opportunity to hear and to believe the gospel what is the gospel a revelation of the father's love revealed in and through the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus man and creation being the object of that love and that sacrifice that is the gospel for god so loved the world john 3 and verse 16 that he gave his one and only begotten now the firstborn among with the begotten that whosoever believes in him should not perish the bible says but have life eternal unbelievers he has a ministry to unbelievers what is his ministry to unbelievers conviction the holy spirit has a ministry of conviction to unbelievers john chapter 16 please john chapter 16. let's look at verse let's start from verse 13 john chapter 16 it says how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you please back down a little i'm looking for the scripture where find it for me if you can okay i think that should be john 16 from verse seven go down to verse seven same scripture verse 7 please john 16 and verse 7. now listen it says nevertheless jesus is speaking now i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away for if i go not away the comforter the comforter will not come to you is the greek word a lost paracletus the word allos means of the same material and the same mission the opposite is heteros a loss paracletos the paraklet he says the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him on to you verse 8. when he is come what will be his mission his first assignment is he will reprove the wall of three things number one of sin number two of righteousness number three of judgment he brought racists on that point verse nine of sin because they believe not on me so what is the sin there unbelief of righteousness because i go to my father and you see me no more verse 11 of judgment because the prince of this world is judged listen to me the primary assignment of the holy spirit to unbelievers is conviction this is powerful so whilst you are listening to me now and the world is listening to me assuming i'm on a crusade ground while i am teaching sharing like reinhardt bunk your blessed memory sharing like billy graham of blessed memory once you are talking it doesn't matter what expression it comes with in that crusade ground the holy ghost is hovering around the people bringing conviction what does it mean to convict to bring an awareness to plant in you seriousness over something conviction and awareness nobody sustains the power to save any sinner just with intelligence and oratory it takes the power of the holy spirit because there is a law that works in every sinner romans chapter 8 and verse 1 it says there is therefore now no condemnation it says to them which are in christ jesus who walked not after the flesh but after the spirit here it is verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus had made me free not just from sin but a law of sin that leads to death every time you are sharing the gospel please listen to me believe us every time you are talking to an unbeliever you are telling him about jesus the love of jesus i want you to expect at the back of your mind that the paraklet is there with you creating conviction this is what happened in the book of acts chapter three when they came and met the people they said what are these guys who are drunk with new wine and peter said no we are not drunk with new wine this is only nine o'clock in the morning but this is that this is that which prophet joel spoke about and now he began he went to david he went to joel and when he spoke to them the bible says they were caught to the heart that's the holy spirit and they said men and brethren what do we do he says repent for the remission of your sin and then you will be baptized and you will receive this promise for this promise is unto you and on to your children your children's children as many as are far off and in one day three thousand people came to jesus the convicting power of the holy spirit he does not only convict he compels is the greek word ana castle the compelling power of the spirit so that he will have men he can convict he also sustains the power to draw them from wherever they are and bring them to the atmosphere where they can hear the gospel this is powerful this is why we pray for people listen to me this is the entire idea about wanting more and more people to hear the gospel it's not just a celebration of crowd to show that a man of god has such influence over a city no jesus died for men largely and then creation so if he wants you to truly be an advocate of this gospel there must be a way of bringing men to you for god so loved the world why do we pray every time that god brings people to this place we don't just pray because we're ambitious people trying to look for a way of building an excellent career not at all we realize that until men come they will not have an opportunity to hear the gospel thank god for internet right now there are tens of thousands of people following online from different nations and they now have the opportunity to hear to be mentored to be built everybody say conviction so once you prepare to do the work of an evangelist which is a mandate for all believers you must know at the back of your mind that while i'm teaching because some of you are not able to win souls because you think i don't speak very well i don't know all of the scriptures if the holy ghost is not with you if you are not conscious of his ministry to convict you will only waste your time trying to talk to a sinner he will listen to you talk for over 30 minutes and you say in this book what happened are you beginning debates there that ends you in anger [Music] many people have tried to go and preach the gospel without the consciousness of his convicting power let me tell you this when the power of the holy spirit to convict is in a place you can sing a song about redemption and say come to jesus and people will run and come up because in that song once the message of salvation is captured in it i am not ashamed of the gospel it says for it is the power not just the suggestion the power of god unto salvation say amen so that you leave this place this night conscious of the fact that the holy spirit has a ministry to unbelievers now you are not afraid of your faces because sometimes you'll be talking to people that when you look at their faces as if their face is so discouraging will this guy ever give his life to christ whilst you are talking they are not even giving you the attention don't mind them the holy ghost is walking at the end of that you will see let's listen go back to your family members some of you have family members that are not saved you've been advising them that's why they are not safe they need more than an advice they need the gospel the only vaccination for sin is the gospel the way your life is going why don't you become a better person that's counseling that's not the gospel the gospel is a revelation of the love of the father jesus must be mentioned for it to be the gospel the love of the father must be mentioned for it to be the gospel the sacrifice of jesus are we blessed conviction let's hurry up what is his ministry the third recipient of his ministry let's do a quick recap number one the first recipient of his ministry is the entire creation number two unbelievers number three believe us he has a ministry to believe us in as much as he plays that role now let me tell you this please look up you have to learn this when come dave let me use you watch this assume with me for a moment that this gentleman is one who is an unbeliever he's not been born again he's not giving his life to jesus okay so i'm teaching in church now and the convicting power of the holy spirit comes upon him watch this as i lead him to christ usually you would notice in the context of my prayer i might not even mention the word holy spirit why because there is no other name under heaven given unto men the bible says by which we must be saved the office of salvation is the office of the christ even though the administrator of salvation is the holy spirit you have to understand this jesus today is seated at the right hand of the father so when you sing a beautiful song into my heart into my heart come into my heart lord jesus remember come in today coming to stay come into my heart lord jesus beautiful now he receives the life of god you say jesus is in his heart you are right but the personality that comes in honor to that prayer is the holy spirit the holy spirit remember he's the extension of the presence of jesus so it is true from scripture that jesus lives in his heart but the personality that lives is the holy spirit the holy spirit is what we call eternal life he does not bring eternal life he is the life of god are we blessed yes so jesus is in his heart but it is the holy spirit representing the presence of jesus he lives in him jesus is in heaven as a person i hope you know that jesus left with his body as a man he did not leave his body behind the fact that jesus left with his body is the most classic proof that he's returning because you need a body to operate on earth it was difficult for him to come the first time he needed to rally around a woman to donate her womb for nine months now you don't need that again any moment he can come because he left with his body the next time you doubt if jesus is coming back remember he has a body that he can use [Music] are we blessed so the holy spirit comes in honor to that salvation prayer now watch this this gentleman just gave his life to christ he is now a believer what then is the next assignment of the holy spirit let me tell you this listen carefully he is now he's received jesus christ but he's not transformed his senses are still deadened he's still living in the flesh he's still a canal man even to a saved one now the holy spirit begins the journey that we call repentance repentance is a journey it's not just a one of thing no repentance means to realign your mind are we together now transformation is repentance [Music] so he says repent for the kingdom of god is within your reach now to repent means to realign your thinking and your understanding because your living comes from your thinking effective living comes from effective thinking are we learning god bless you so now for a believer what is the first assignment of the holy spirit my concern now is for a believer we know that for an unbeliever his job is pretty simple to bring conviction to the end that the unbeliever will hear and receive the gospel the benefit of receiving that gospel is the life of god there is a translation from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of god's dear son what is the assignment of the holy spirit now to a believer is found in first corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14. write this down please the first assignment of the holy ghost to a believer is to activate your spiritual senses before the word of god starts coming into you you are already deaden spiritually first corinthians 2 14 please help us the bible says but the natural man please read with me it's projected one to read but the natural man received not the things of the spirit of god why for their foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned so even though this man is saved listen if you leave that man this way many pastors and many leaders are listening to me do not leave members just born again and leave them there that harvest will rot and they will it will not be fruits that abide because even though they are saved they cannot do much for the kingdom because that transformation has not happened so what we largely do in church is that we save sinners and now they become believers in christ which is true and it's a fact and we leave them there after a few months we make them pastors we make them deacons we make them leaders in that state listen if you are not in the kingdom and even if you are in the kingdom and you are not transformed many spiritual activities will not make sense for instance why will a believer lock his himself in a room and dance and say i am walking my way to victory what does that mean even if a non-believer or a believer that is not transformed sees you he says this christianity has turned adults into fools is foolishness unto him why will you say to sow a seed and you are saying you are using that seed to break luck to break pop it doesn't make sense why will you be praying in some kind of language you are just praying gibberish for hours and you are praying and you believe you are generating power who says that's how they generate power are you seeing now so when you see anybody laughing at your experience your christian experience you already know the category now you can show the person mercy by saying i think i know what you need you look when you want to bless people with books you get their spiritual levels what book will help this person now or you were saved that's why great men like reinhard bonke when you were saved on your crusade grounds they had books that they would give you to help explain salvation and begin to show you the next step what we do is that most times when the average believer is saved in truth he does not know what is the next port of call he doesn't know what else to do if he's fortunate they can say come to church if he's a church that has a methodical system of growth and development then happy for that man otherwise he will have to freelance his ideas about spiritual growth are you seeing why some of us are not having efficiency in our spiritual experience your organs of interaction suddenly the things you once laughed at now begins to make sense what is this about praying in tongues all these people are shouting and now the holy ghost quickens you you are now alive to christ it now begins to make sense to you isn't it amazing that you used to laugh at people who were crying whilst they are prophesying they would kneel down and lift their hands and you laugh and they church people now look you are caught in that trap the holy ghost himself [Applause] remember when you stand at crusade grounds from a distance and laugh and say nigerians religion is what poor people do and the holy ghost is just watching you now look look look at you you are at the forefront of that advocacy [Applause] listen do you know why i'm teaching you this because true love is based on understanding not just emotion now that you know this we're non-believers or baby christians as we call them when they laugh at certain advanced things we do in the kingdom there's no point looking down on them and insulting them you show compassion because they are communicating their level of infancy you don't flog a baby when he pulls on the ground or when he moves around playing he's a child but when he's five years old and a five-year-old child and he behaves like that now you know that something is wrong with that child and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture which is able to build you up you see that to make you wise unto salvation the organs of interaction with the holy spirit that's the first assignment of the holy spirit to believe us please learn this we're going to pray shortly the organs of interaction he activates your spiritual senses the bible calls it being alive unto god now the fire the passion you now understand why we pray now you understand why we do the things that we do and with our hands lifted up we will worship our king and with our hands lifted up we come before you rejoicing with our hands lifted up to the sky and the world wonders why we just tell them we love in our king oh we just tell them we love so when they do not understand why we do the things we do why will someone tell you you are a stupid man going to church every time and you can look at the person and say god bless you from whence does that compassion come they don't know what you mean to me they don't know [Music] the holy spirit listen so that your intercession can now be effective some of you have loved ones who live around you but they fight anything that is pro-spirituality the key is not to look down on them the key is to begin to pray the prayer of mercy that the eyes of their understanding be open some of you is your spouse you love god but your spouse does not seem to have that kind of passion and zeal now you know what to pray god help him it's not the prayer you must be intentional and methodical with your prayer the diagnosis to that situation is that that person is saved but he's still in the flesh he's still a canal man and the bible says he's a natural man he cannot understand the things of the spirit they are spiritually discerned so when the holy spirit comes now he begins to help you fasting now begins to make sense worship now begins to make sense you can wake up in the night and pray and not feel guilty for stretching yourself that much coming to church i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord most people think church is a place for people who are poor and broke and are struggling so they just quickly come and receive breakthroughs from god once they are all right they wave until the day they are in trouble again no no they that be planted in the house of god they shall flourish in the courts of our god the bible says even in old age that means they should be there in a long time they will be fat and flourishing the second ministry of the holy spirit to believe us have i lost you are we still together now i'm zooming in on his ministry to believe us number one is activating your spiritual senses number two revelation and understanding of scripture this is the second ministry of the holy spirit please please pay attention ladies and gentlemen the holy spirit has the exclusive know-how to make scripture open to the believer you have to study scripture by submitting to his influence reading the bible just as a an intelligent christian manual let me tell you what you will find if you read the bible without him you will find a plethora of controversial statements at the end of your study you will arrive at one conclusion both the writers and the god who let them they are not thinking well if you read the bible without the holy ghost you will see lots of things the mistake i hope you know that the personality of the writers robbed into the writings too so it takes the holy spirit to to perform that surgery and separate what came as a result of the limitation of the writers versus the intent what god intended to be understood that's why he's called helper [Music] bazanga [Music] my helper as i study scripture i learned the ways of god john 14 and verse 26 just two or three scriptures very quickly so that would tie up this teaching is god helping us john 14 26 help us please media john 14 26 but the comforter now you know the word allah's paracletus the paraklet of god which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name what will he do he will teach you all things everybody say the holy spirit is a teacher one more time please say the holy spirit is a teacher he will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance i rebuke memory loss in the name of jesus christ the bible says the holy spirit can bring to remembrance whatsoever i have said to you that means there is no body that is dull the holy ghost can bring to remembrance he can bring to remembrance are we together john chapter 16 from verse 13 now very quickly john 16 from verse 13 how be it look up please jesus began to speak he says i have many things to tell you he was talking to the disciples but ye cannot bear them now he says how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you my goodness into all truth we're coming there he will not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear he shall speak he says and he will show you things to come apostle how do you know what will happen he will show you things to come he didn't say he will show prophets things to come he will show you things to come he can let you know that this man coming is your destiny helper position yourself well do not miss that opportunity he will show you things to come so the ministry of the revelation and the understanding of scripture you find out that you have difficulty understanding scripture you can call on the holy spirit with every sense of humility and faith spirit of the living god you were sent to open up scripture open it up open down my eyes that i may behold wondrous things from thy word and suddenly you begin to study things that you never saw there will always cease that you are not seeing it does not mean it's not there your eyes must be opened in the name of jesus christ number three very quickly what is the ministry of the holy spirit to the believer number three guidance and direction this is very powerful guidance and direction now we can read john 16 and verse 13 proper john 16 13 then we go to isaiah 30 21 john 16 13 how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you everybody say guide you truth is dangerous without guidance it's not only a lie that destroys truth can destroy many people have been destroyed by the truth he must guide you when you're in the kitchen not every part of the knife has the rubber handle is that true there is a part you used to cut and then there is a patch that you can hold do you know that as profitable as that knife is you can hold it wrongly to your detriment there are women who have used knife in the kitchen and mistakenly cut themselves that was not what the knife was meant for but it happened anyway you can use truth the devil can conjure one truth into another many people who have gone into error in the body of christ is not lies that that deceive them is truth without balance the devil can use it is written and destroy you don't say once it's in the bible i will do it you must be guided there are many things in the bible demon spoke man spoke in the depravity of your heart it's all in the bible the bible is a prophetic book you can make it speak any language you want the spirit of god needs to guide men are we together isaiah 30 21 i'll explain to you shortly the difference between guidance and direction the bible says and thy ear shall hear a word behind this saying this is the way walk ye in it when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left psalm 23 the classic sign that reveals the ministry of the holy spirit to guide 23 verse 1 media please help us the lord is my shepherd say it after me the lord is my shepherd hallelujah the lord is my shepherd i shall not want verse two the bible says he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me everybody say he leads me he leads me beside the still waters uh-huh verse 3 he restores my soul again his leadership comes he leads me in the path of righteousness for his namesake now look up please let me explain to you the difference between direction and guidance direction tells you where to go guidance tells you how to get there direction tells you where to go guidance tells you how to get there when you are walking with the holy spirit you will not get direction every day sometimes in a whole year you may just get two or three instructions for your direction what you need every day is guidance i can direct you and tell you you want to go down to the overflow outside go this way turn left go right that's direction they are outside but guidance will tell you as you come down there is a staircase here be careful are we together that's guidance so here's what the word of god says it says thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path a light to your path is direction a lamp to your feet is guidance listen to me most of us have received divine direction you have not received guidance you need to pray for both direction and guidance if you are with me say amen and to do both is no other person than the holy spirit himself he can guide he can direct next ministry are we together there are five major ministries of the holy spirit in the life of the believer we're almost there number one activating your spiritual senses unto godliness unto righteousness number two he brings the capacity to understand scripture number three the ministry of guidance and direction ready for number four number four the fourth ministry of the holy spirit in the life of a believer is the ministry of renewal and transformation renewal and transformation philippians chapter 2 and verse 5. what is renewal what is transformation aligning your mind your thinking your belief systems to the ways of god let this mind be in you it says which was also in christ jesus please look up jesus did not just excel because he was the son of god there was a belief system there was a philosophy he had an ideology that made the holy spirit comfortable walking in him and he says permit that mindset which was in christ jesus to also be in you hallelujah first corinth second corinthians chapter 3 and verse 18. popular scripture second corinthians chapter 3 and verse 18. the bible says but we all how many of us how many of us everyone can participate every believer in christ is a candidate for renewal and transformation we all with open face beholding us in a glass or a mirror the glory of god it says we are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as sponsored by the spirit of god the holy spirit that means i can evolve to more superior versions of myself this is good news the yesterday version of me may be weak the yesterday version of me may be prayerless the yesterday version of me may not be powerful demons and witches and wizards can just play you like a tennis ball but when you submit to the ministry of renewal and transformation give yourself a little time and you imagine giant and a champion i went up by revelation in this kingdom we go up by revelation are we together please help them i went up help them disabled i went up by revelation please take him i think he may need some medical attention something is wrong there i went up by revelation transformation and renewal now please look up the holy spirit there is a relationship between the word of god and the spirit of god it is the unity of the word and spirit everybody say the word and spirit it is not the word alone it is not the spirit alone for a very long time in the body of christ look up please everyone for a very long time in the body of christ there has been a conflict among believers as to the word and the spirit we have a section of believers who are ward people they don't have any business with the holy spirit world then we have other charismatics who are spirit people power manifestation no word the bible never teaches us to choose either the word or the spirit it is always the spirit and the bride say come the idea of dichotomizing the ministry of the word and the holy spirit is not an accurate exaggeration of scripture the holy spirit takes advantage of the word of god and now begins that mentorship it's like a student in class you need both the textbook and the lecturer is that true for effective study and knowledge even though you have the textbook it's not enough you can read up here and there but for methodical growth you need the ministry of the lecturer and the manual the lecturer helps you to explain because in most cases you are reading his own book transformation and renewal transformation and renewal the last ministry of the holy spirit in the life of a believer is empowerment pay attention we're about to pray empowerment praying the spirit in one minute empowerment isaiah 61. empowerment empowerment empowerment the ministry of empowerment isaiah 61 please pray secretary hallelujah praise the name of the lord please give us isaiah 61 look up everybody isaiah 61 from verse 1 he says the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord hath anointed everybody say anointed the word anoint is the root word ordained to ordain means to legitimize an operation it means to commission it means to make legal your operation it means approved by an authority are we together so when we say you are ordained we don't just mean oil was poured upon you no oil can be poured upon you and yet you are not ordained to anoint means to legitimize an operation is an ordination the spirit of the lord is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek he had sent me to bind up the broken-hearted ladies and gentlemen it takes the anointing to bind up the broken-hearted you don't bind up the broken-hearted just by counseling you need the anointing he had sent me to bind up the broken-hearted to proclaim liberty it takes the anointing more than oratory to tell people you are free you can declare you are free and yet they are not free but with the anointing you can truly declare that people are free and they return free acts chapter 1 and verse 8 jesus himself is speaking now acts chapter 1 and verse 8 please give it to us acts 1 verse 8 but ye shall receive power you shall receive power koinonia ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost not outside of the holy spirit please look up it is possible to have power outside of the holy spirit power of witchcraft power of satanism diabolism etc that have all kinds of side effects but if it is the power from on high your power in this kingdom is a derivative of your relationship with the holy spirit for instance if you go to meet a spiritualist or a herbalist he's not looking for a relationship from you he just needs to know what do you want and immediately he doesn't even need to know your name but when you come to god god give me power he takes away your hand and say i want your heart first i want a relationship the power of a believer is a derivative of a relationship so if you come to me and you say apostle i need power i will first lead you to the custodian of that power who is the holy spirit you shall receive power now you understand after that the holy ghost is come not before not during you engage his ministry then you receive power and the power will help you to be a witness unto me in jerusalem judea samaria to the uttermost part of the earth acts chapter 10 and verse 38 this was peter in the house of cornelius this was the salvation of the gentiles this is the first time from scripture that the gentiles will be coming into the faithful how god anointed jesus of nazareth it says with the holy ghost and with power everybody said the holy ghost and power one more time say the holy ghost and power it says he went about you would see him walking alone but he was not alone he went about not they went about he went about but was not alone my goodness from today somebody will go about but you are not alone he went about doing banking but you are not alone he went about in politics but you are not alone he went about as a man of god doing good and healing all day that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him the most important message is not power was with him god was with him for god are we together was with him write this as we attempt to conclude the holy spirit is the custodian of the anointing just help those under the anointing my god the holy spirit is the custodian of the anointing please hear me believe us you know we are sent to the body of christ more than just this family this fold and i have to tell you this it is easy to delve into witchcraft delve into spiritism delve into all kinds of extra biblical practices and all kinds of demonic activities in sincere search for power they are sincere people who just desired power for ministry power for living and because the yes what is the power do this do that do this do that and because of our desperation for results i'm not saying this in in a way that that administers condemnation but it's a call for us to be careful there is nobody who is truly empowered in this kingdom genuinely everywhere came from the holy spirit so the anointing and the power that we have is a derivative of our relationship just help us on that anointing now watch this some of you if you have a card maybe a debit card or so and if you have a child or somebody you see someone else with that debit card there are two things that that message will tell you either you are a thief you stole the debit card or you have a relationship with the owner of the debit card is that true if you see me with your debit card i have a right to meet you and say sorry i saw this man with your debit card and you say yes i gave it to him as proof of a relationship so when you see people carry power and yet you the custodian of that power is still a mystery and is distant to them something is wrong the power that the believer commands in this kingdom genuine authentic spiritual power is a product of relationship is traceable to him the more we love him the more we spend time in his presence the more we grow in fact did you know that some of the most powerful people it was not even power that give them to god they loved god with all their hearts lord i love you with all my heart i seek to see your kingdom come i seek to see your glory revealed and while you spend time in fellowship in worship study of scripture learning his ways soaking in that atmosphere one day like a brother in church they will just give you the mic and say please can you leave 10 minutes prayer and you stand and hold that mic and the only thing you remember saying is let us pray there's fire everywhere and now people are wondering what is that a little sub group bible study dear sister can you help us just share something and you just bring a little piece of your secret place and whilst you are sharing people are looking and saying from whence comedies you see when you see that kind of result as soon as you are done you run back to him i have found the secret the secret of relevance i have found the secret so the more i stay with you the more men need me the more i stay with you the more you announce me the secret of being visible is to be hidden with him i'm under the shadow of your wings your influence is alone for me i am under the shadow of your wings your influence is all alone for me [Music] yay [Music] i am victorious i have overcome i am victorious i have overcome i am the toriel [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] listen to me if you embrace the ministry of the holy spirit he will take away shame and even reproach from your life my call tonight therefore beloved people most of the things we have been searching for in the hands of men can only be found with him the fame you are looking for the visibility you are looking for he's the custodian of it the power for miracles signs and wonders you may receive impartation from men but genuine grace that lasts only come from him you want to have understanding of the word of god you want to work in victory now thanks be to god the bible says which causes us always to triumph triumph is only resident with him but you see the holy spirit is a gentle spirit he will not struggle and wrestle with the spirit of man you have your own will the bible says as many as received him that means he can be rejected he says he shall receive power you can reject it please listen to me there are some of you here who are in ministry or have a call to serve the purposes of the kingdom in the five-fold some of you are called to business like we've discussed in our series on witnesses can i tell you this in all your getting until you truly encounter the ministry of the holy spirit the holy spirit is not just useful for fivefold ministry he will bring one business idea from your spirit that will cause nations to celebrate you forever look what he's done with our lives look at it he's a master at bringing beauty and glory there are things when you see men cannot do this brothers and sisters no man can do this except god be with him therefore i introduce you to the ministry of the holy spirit send by god to make man sent by god to produce champions you embrace this ministry i assure you there is no power in existence that sustains the ability to bring you down no no divination no enchantment whatsoever the holy spirit and his power the holy spirit god never sends us alone the holy spirit makes us and he sends us and the lord walking with them businessman hear me you don't just need ideas and partners you need the holy spirit politician hear me you don't just need intelligence and an opportunity to make policies you need the holy spirit he was the wisdom behind the exploits of daniel the creativity behind joseph the power that strengthened the borough the intelligence that led esther to become queen the wisdom that made ruth become the wife of boaz samson the spirit of might that came upon him to become a mighty man did you not see how samson defeated goliath time will fail me the bible says to talk of this man the holy spirit you have embraced things of lesser value now is time to give him a chance you have embraced money you have embraced fame you have embraced the complementary card of those who perceive to be great yet ignoring him you have a garage in your house for your car because you consider it valuable you have a jewelry store or a jewelry collector for all your expensive jewelries show me the place you have prepared for him as proof that you value him you have a store where you keep food in your house because you know that man shall not live by bread alone but there is bread in the equation of his living so you kept space for bread who taught us to ignore the ministry of the holy spirit so much we have interpreted him today as a nuisance to civilization when you talk to a businessman about the holy spirit leave that church thing we are trying to sell a deal it is vain to wake up in the morning only to sleep late in the night eating the bread of sorrow it is only god that can give man rest hear me brothers and sisters we're about to pray god is calling you to a higher call a higher dimension it's time to stop living an ordinary natural life no your life will not produce glory when it is ordinary the holy spirit you can invite him and he can come and you can start a journey that journey of power are you ready to pray when you pray then i will speak over your heart listen the holy spirit is not looking for an affair he's looking for a relationship a relationship that lasts come after 30 40 50 years of your life he's still your best friend i introduce to you one who is not just god alone but he joined holy spirit i need you afresh in my life i confess my need for you go ahead and pray oh i confess my need for you spirit of the living god [Music] masala [Music] i need you i need listen look up i used to think i love you was the most powerful sentence in english until i found out that there is a sentence higher than it i need you i need you is an expression of total dependence you are my life i don't want to patch you among my many activities i don't want to use you as a spare tire so i keep running with my mind then when i encounter trouble where is that errand boy called the holy ghost come and help me get a miracle when you are done he says now you can find your way you must embrace the presence of the holy spirit cry for a relationship are you ready to pray please leave your voice in one minute don't be distracted pray he is the maker of man the holy [Music] foreign [Music] foreign thank you [Music] in the name of jesus listen we'll sing this song just once it just came to my spirit spirit lead me where my trust is without bones take me deeper than my feet for the last time spirit leads me [Music] take me deeper [Music] i pray for you a hunger for intimacy with the holy spirit may that grace come upon you [Applause] as individuals as businessmen as members of parliament as a couple may homes in this place become tabernacles for the holy spirit in the name of jesus christ [Applause] not only your heart but may your house become an altar it says above the shadow beams below the messenger there i will meet with you that he will make room for him [Music] the grace to wake up in the night and while others are sleeping you are fellowshipping you are the lover of my life i cannot do without you desperate for you thirsty for you you are life to me you are not a charm or a genie that i use for miracles i place priority on you i need you with my life [Music] hallelujah listen to me when you find him you find power when you find him you find influence when you find him your fear dies you no longer fear the future will i be great we lie last all that is nonsense when you find him but i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded he is able to keep that which is committed unto him against that day you can tell that your ministry or your business 30 40 years will still be blazing fire and bringing glory to the name of the lord we live in an uncertain world almost nothing is certain right now but i tell you you can find certainty in an uncertain world let him hold your hands let him hold your ministry let him hold your family apostle you don't know what i'm afraid for my children i don't even know what they will learn commend them to the holy spirit and remain his keyword while he remains the owner and you can find rest otherwise hypertension will destroy you in such a world that we live in when you find him you find life listen to me our time is first spent i have just two or three minutes zarya abuja following online i want to make an altar call right now please no movement let's minimize movement this is a very solemn before i speak blessings upon you i just sense in my heart to make the altar call there are people who are here and you are saying apostle whilst i heard you talk about the holy spirit he began to do that work you said he does in unbelievers the work of conviction and you are saying my life is not all right i need to come to him wherever you are if you are in this auditorium up the balcony scattered around and then all the overflows down to the basement outside are zarya family those fallen from whatever nation whatever continent i'm going to count one to five and whilst i do this i want you to run and come and stand is always my honor and my joy do not neglect the ministry of the holy spirit you know what he's already doing for some of you he's speaking to you and saying are you going to sit back and assume you don't know i'm the one nudging you make your way to the front one don't allow one person to be the first to come quickly leave your seat please stand please stand please stand come quickly take over take over i have come to the end of myself take over take have touched the end of myself hallelujah hallelujah i have come to the end of myself hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] there is nobody who sustains the ability to respond to this call if the holy spirit does not help him for no man can say jesus is lord except by the spirit and no man having the spirit can call jesus accursed ladies and gentlemen my brothers and sisters young old alike thank you thank you for the courage to respond to this notion of the spirit i taught you already that whilst we speak we are mortal men with our limited expressions but in the midst of the frailties of our communication the holy ghost himself behind the speakings bringing this conviction some of you are crying there's no reason to be afraid don't be ashamed of your tears you are before the god of all flesh you're not attending a funeral jesus is here giving you life even life everlasting john 10 10 says the thief comment not but for to steal to kill and to destroy it says but i am come that ye may have life and to have it more abundantly all those in the overflows down to the basement outside our zarya family you who is watching from your home whatever tv station you're watching from and then watching from the internet all our social media platforms now is an opportunity to tell jesus yes now it's an opportunity to tell him i'm i want to win this war of destiny my life is empty without you and for all of you are in front please lift your right hand very high to the heavens and you say this after me knowing that jesus is here he does not condemn you he comes as a loving father the spirit of the living god representing the unlimited presence of jesus even in this place he's here to help to impart eternal life and to begin a journey with you that only ends in victory say after me lord jesus one more time say lord jesus i love you with all my heart tonight i have heard your word i believe with my heart that you are savior you are lord you are king i confess my inability to help myself therefore help me i decree and declare that i am a recipient of your life your grace and your power i receive eternal life into my spirit i receive the abundance of grace even the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign in life from tonight the power of sin satan hell and the grave is broken over my life i go forward ever and backward never amen keep your hands lifted father thank you as always we present to you these ones that jesus died for thank you for the grace and the ability to save even to the uttermost i pray in the name of jesus that you will take these ones and that they become part of this great family of faith by the authority of scripture i declare your sins forgiven in the name of jesus the lord gives you a new beginning the power of satan's sin the grave and hell is broken over your life i decree and declare that from today you begin to go forward upward and victorious only in the name of jesus christ i commend you finally to the ministry of the word and the ministry of the holy spirit may you be built may you mature and be established in righteousness for in jesus name i pray amen and amen thank you for making this bold declaration i'd like you to just follow the counselor there's a a gentleman and a lady they're waving their hands here please i'd like you to follow them there will be a group of counselors that will receive you just for a few minutes and you'll be back to your seat colonial let's honor them all the overflows there should be people waving their placards that you receive the blessing as we wrap up for tonight hallelujah amen let's honor and bless the lord for the adorable ministry of minister chi thank you thank you thank you so much to bless means to empower so that you can excel that's what it means to bless to bless means to receive the engracing that sponsors your excelling that's what it means to bless empower to succeed we do not just advance the bible says it is the remember again the primary ministry of the holy spirit to the unbeliever is conviction and then it leads to salvation the primary ministry of the holy spirit to the saved believer is transformation the primary ministry of the holy spirit to the transformed believer is empowerment and then his ministry to the empowered believer is character and humility hallelujah are you ready to receive the blessing in the name of jesus i decree and declare your weak beginning let it be a week of excellence for you in the name of jesus christ [Applause] let the excellence that emanates from your christian life draw many to jesus this week i pray for your prayer life a fresh hunger like never before let it rest upon you in jesus name i decree and declare that your passion and your hunger for the world let it be ever increasing in jesus name and now i pray for some of you let this week be the week that you start a fresh relationship with the holy spirit and i pray for you the empowerment that comes from fellowship with him in the name of jesus may that empowerment speak over your life i release you this week for signs and wonders for favor and increase for influence and greatness for speed of accomplishment in the name of jesus christ every power that is not of the christ every spirit that is not of the christ i declare it finds no expression in your life this week you are blessed you are highly favored in the name of jesus christ i declare that the grace for honor is upon you you rise up above your contemporaries in the name of jesus christ and everything that has refused to walk in your life this we go back and try it again together as a family of faith we remain ambassadors for the kingdom witnesses promoting the interest of jesus in the name of jesus christ sickness is far from you death is far from you defeat is far from you failure is far from you no weapon fashion against you will prosper and every thumb that rises up against you may my god judge in the name of jesus [Applause] hallelujah let me encourage every one of us please next week um i want to encourage you to participate in the fast hallelujah let's trust god for grace to participate in a fast we do it sundays why do we fast we first open up our hearts so that we can receive this week all through july they are powerful teachings that are going to come with very strange impartations please make sure you open up your heart and receive them so we're fasting on sunday you can break your first anything from two maybe because many of you would have to come here settle down and so on and so forth so please make sure we wait upon the lord in a fast crying out for more of him crying out that we open up our hearts for more of his power more of his grace in the name of jesus christ together as a family of faith let's share the grace and fellowship the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit rest and abide with us now and forevermore amen god bless you do well to hulk two or three people tell them god bless you before you leave
Channel: Victor Omebije
Views: 30,009
Rating: 4.8322148 out of 5
Keywords: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Three-fold Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who is the Holy Spirit?, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman nimmak, apostle joshua selman nimmak videos, apostle joshua selman sermons, apostle joshua selman videos, apostle selman, koinonia, koinonia abuja, koinonia global, koinonia zaria, victor omebije
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 14sec (9434 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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