Wonders of God’s Mercy | Apostle Joshua Selman | Household of David

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you will never be the same you've touched his correct your life is changed you will never be the same you've touched these graves prophesied to yourself I will never be the same I've touched your my life is change I will say hi [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my life must change is my profession my health must change my hope must change my life must change my life must change [Music] like must ring [Music] like change [Music] I will never be the sick I've touched your grace my life changed I will never be [Music] you can know that you met God God is not only believable you can taste and see that the Lord is good there is an experience that can come in our dealings with God it is not only to believe we can taste the end of faith is an experience that we know that he came that we know that he healed not he healed that he's here to do it again my life must change listen why would you sing this song again please take ithave for me I like you to look at everything this night that does not name the name of Christ the Bible declares it says now the Lord is that spirit and that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty there are things that most shakey says and we all beholding him as in a mirror with our faces on veil we are changed we are changed lift your voice unite and prophesy my life must change my life must be like must change I will never be the same [Music] [Applause] that a daughter did not open yesterday can now open that a dimension that did not open yesterday can now open that a ministry that was locked up yesterday is amazing that what could not happen yesterday can happen now it says an Adam knew his wife egg day he knew her the first time and what came was trouble and God lifted he'll again and God raised him again and God anointed her a pain someone prophesy lot to it again you did it before lift your voice and turn it into prayer you did it before do it again you prospered me in 2005 to it again you anointed me anoint me okay [Music] hallelujah Alleluia in Acts chapter 2 the Bible says now when the day of Pentecost was fully come it says they were gathered together in one Accord and then suddenly they had a sound as of Iraq a mighty Russian wine and it came and filled a room then in Acts chapter 4 when the church was threatened the Bible says they prayed that God would stretch out his hands and that science and miracles be wrought in the name of your holy son then the Bible says that the building shook and they were filled with the spirit again it would have been a disaster if God only walks once he can do it again but what the devil stole yesterday God can replenish again now what died yesterday he can bring it back to life again this is God for you please alive for your faith to be open tonight the woman of God as as she came to minister did you know right from the office that the anointing and the grace I was telling past all their fortunes of the power of God in this place it's amazing when when I went to bed yesterday the vision that I had was not even for the morning service I was telling pastor in the morning that what I saw was for the evening this service not for the morning you see in Genesis chapter 28 the Bible says that how that Jacob laid in the night for to sleep and then he was not conscious he did not give his best he saw a ladder that connected the earth to the heavens dramatic things happen and he got up and he said the Lord was in this place only and that I did not know it he made a mistake four chapters later God would come again and in chapter 32 the Bible says when he held on to him he said leave me for the daybreak and he said I will not let you go unless unless my finances change unless this ministry I cannot be a prophet and all my prophecies are wrong there has to be unless I will not let you go unless you bless me and then he says what is your name and he says Jacob and it says for as he brings you have power with God you shall no longer be called Jacob but Israel the Israel of God then the Bible says that God touched the hollow of his tie and blessed him and then the Sun arose and he named the place penny el the face of God for I have seen God face to face and my life is spared if you are angry and desperate you can you can just leave some gems tonight you have to insist father you have called me you have anointed me that grace is not speaking let something from heaven come up on me [Music] the Lord brought us tonight one encounter a real encounter to change our lives [Music] listen hallelujah wisdom attack worship rain there are no assumptions in this kingdom you either have it or not it is there or not if favor is there it speaks if it's not there it doesn't speak if you are anointed it speaks so there's no point guessing if he's not showing it is not there period that means that you must pay attention and say Lord I have seen this in my life I thank you both this area the Bible says Naaman was the captain of the Syrian army he called him a villian man in war part part he was leprous and he insisted by the advice of the slave girl until his skin became like that of a child I'd like you to lift your voice the area your life that has refused to answer proof food the faith the Word of God tonight Lord Bostwick Paulo [Music] let the grace of God come upon my finances let the grace of God come upon my spiritual life grant me access to the hearts of kings [Music] [Music] Alleluia praise the Lord father walk wonders in the mix of your people tonight truly let us shift by your messy show us the wonders of your messy in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus please be seated toluse Sabourin Ducato CA da please I'd like you to be very sensitive there is a dimension of the presence of God please listen that comes with the word of God the speakings of god and the spirit entered into me is the Kelty of the two from verse one and two and the spirit entered into me the words of the Lord are not empty they are full of power the Bible says in the midst of that light is the hiding place of his power that means when the Word of God precedes the Spirit of God goes where the word of God goes this is very powerful we have to understand this in Acts chapter 10 P ties in the house of Cornelius and now he's he's preaching to the Gentiles that would be the first salvation of the Gentile nation and while Pete I speak in the Bible says in verse 44 that while he yet speak these things he says that the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost like rain not the Holy Ghost came the Holy Ghost fell not on them that believed on all them that heard him once where within that circumference the Holy Ghost fell and this is what is happening tonight please be sensitive words are not just spoken to educate the Word of God was not only enlightened the Word of God empowers the Word of God is like a train it is always current something Alleluia so you can be sitting while we are ministering in this atmosphere suddenly they are launching of your ministry starts watering round like a bird looking for you the prophetic grace the ministerial grace you are there seated and an anointing is looking for you the graceful favor these are knowing things are like addresses then leave certain places and they go to certain places it can come to you he sent for his word not that he spoke there is a difference between the spoken word and the sent word the sent what is a messenger that cannot be disobedient it always returns as proof that it arrived safely the sent word is like the dog that Noah sent he sent it and it went round and returned back so when God sends the word that leads you when God sends the word for your ministry sends the word for your spiritual life Lord have been having dreams seeing myself in crusade when will this grace calm whilst you are under this atmosphere then the word comes loose karateka de la salle Ypres Hasidic a to Xia Lord when will the spirit of Revelation come upon my life I'm tired of opening my Bible and looking at it like a newspaper then the eyes of the ego the Bible says that I wept for no man was worthy to open the book and unlock the scrolls and the elder touched me and said weep not for the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David he had prevailed then I turned to the throne and I'd no longer saw a lion I saw a lamb as though it had been slain and then happened seven horns and seven eyes every horn was tied to an i authority in the spirit is tied to Revelation for every dimension there was a corresponding horn what you see there is authority that backs what you see not seven horns and eight eyes seven horns Habakkuk said I will stand upon my watch and I will set myself upon the tower to see what the Lord will say not here to see Alleluia there is a grace and anointing that makes men to see efficiency of the tree Paul was speaking in Chapter eight and nine and he was trying to establish the basis of his apostolic ministry and then Paul began to tell us that all to me Who I am less of the Saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ and one of those Grace's is found in verse 9 the grace that makes all men see there is a grace that can make men understand what you are saying regardless the educational background regardless what limitations they have is a crease that can open the eyes of people so please be sensitive a miracle service is not just a time of healing and deliverance alone is a time of reception is when God comes to honor your faith is when God comes to honor you is when God stands his presence upon your situations the presence of God carries an effect the Bible says the mountains keep escaped like Rams are we blessed and so while the world is coming in this atmosphere please be sensitive most times believers are not sensitive do not make the mistake of Jacob in chapter 28 that the Lord is in this place sending his word and then I cannot see and then I cannot hear for some of you you have not only confirm miracle service you have come to be a miracle yourself so you are not only going to receive miracles grace will be vested upon your life by the Spirit and you will leave this place a walking wonder your words no longer become empty speakings there are some of you who will experience Acts chapter 12 the Bible says on account of the the exploits of the early church that Peter James John remember James was now beheaded and it pleased the people the Jews and then they caught Peter and the Bible says they bound him in a very strange way hands feet and he was in the midst of kids listen carefully then the Bible says that prayers were being offered by the church and at night an angel of the Lord came and when he came the first thing that happened was that the change began to fall and then the Bible says they passed through the first gate the first gate you live where you are but you are not where you should be then he passed through the second gate then the Bible says he came to a cleat calder-young gate when that gate opened the next thing you see is the city your business may be out of prison but not yet to the city there are three dates the first it leaves you where you amend it takes you out of where you are but it does not mean the time of manifestation has come he got to a place called an ion gates the Bible says he has broken the gates of brass and caught the pass of Adam in sunder was it not part of the Masonic prophecy Isaiah 60:1 the Spirit of the Lord he says it's upon me for he hath anointed me to anoint means to ordain to legitimize an operation to preach black tidings to the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted he says to set the captives free there are people who are walking physically but they are really impressing now the only thing that is growing in their life is their age nothing else Alleluia so God is determined to help us experience the reality of his presence did you know let me tell you this the kingdom Jesus came and this was his proposition he said repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand at hand means within your reach at hand means can now become your experience that the God of the Bible that you teach about who is far up there he has grown reveal your domain you can experience the reality of the life and the power and the grace of God and Peter taught us he said the things that we have seen the things that we have heard he says the things that our hands have handled even of the Word of Life that is what we teach we share it in the morning dr. Luke was admonishing Theophilus and he was telling him that he wanted him to know the certainty of the things that are most surely believed among us the excellency you need an experience with God so that your convictions will not win do if God prospers you can start by saying I believe what you must get to a point where you say have become that experience the goal of reading the Bible is not just to learn and no is to become a living epistle yourself so that your life becomes a continuation of everything read so when your life demonstrates the reality of prosperity the reality of healing the reality of speed the wonders of God's mercy that were seated here ladies and gentlemen a man and a woman may have been delayed for years and in a moment God is able to take five years and put it into two months I hope you know years can end time two years the rod of Moses became a serpent it swallowed a lot a rod and yet did not increase in size if God can compress matter are we together now that means God can take 2015 and see what should I build here that is not in your life and take it over to 2020 and make it happen by match the Bible says to appoint unto them that morning Zion to give them beauty for Ashes I will together now joy for mourning a comment of praise for the spirit of heaviness it says that they might be called the ox or trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified there is a dimension of glory that must come upon the saints so that Christ be revealed so that Christ be glorified the reputation of the Father is at stake waiting for the glorification of the church our glorification validates his fatherhood and so the miraculous becomes one of the platforms to reveal his glory John chapter 2 and verse 11 the wedding in Cana the first miracle and the Bible tells us this beginning of miracles he says the Jesus in Cana of Galilee and he said he manifested for his glory and as a result his disciples believed on him hallelujah there is a dimension of the Grace and the power of God I trust that will really really come upon us you see let me tell you going to church will continue to be a burden until you take something from church that you cannot find any other place I was glad when they said unto me let us go I left home a soul I returned us for I left home as Cephas I returned as Peter I left home us all looking for the father's donkey I returned us all the prophet Alleluia the Bible says in Romans chapter 8 when you read from verse 18 it says for I reckon I come to terms with the fact that the sufferings of this present time Paul is mentoring the church in Rome and he's teaching he's saying I reckon that the sufferings of this present time he says is not worthy to be compared with the glory glory that shall be revealed in US but 19 ounces for the NS expectation of creation the Bible says awaits the manifestation of the sons of God when you read the verses down it now says that it tells you an old story that creation was subject to vanity are we together it traces back to the story of Adam that creation was not put into vanity willingly it was by reason of the mismanagement of a man Adam he brought creation under something the Bible calls the bondage of corruption and then the Bible says creation continues to grown alongside the Saints to come into the glorious liberty of the sons behold what manner Apostle John said of love the father have bestowed upon us that we should be called sons of God then the Bible says now are we sons of God and it ought not yet appear what we shall be like and so we continue to press through services like this to ensure that the experience of the kingdom becomes true in our lives that means you should leave this place with something you did not come with [Music] I came here sick I came here with a blood condition I came here with a medical verdict America reports that is like a death sentence but who else will I bring before Jesus the Son of the Living God when the woman brought her alabaster box she did not just bring her treasure she also brought her pain you are allowed to drop everything as his feet your pain your shame then you allow him to give you beauty for Ashes beauty's substance you can have it it's not just what is on your face beauty's like money God can give it to you and everything around your life now shows that the beauty of God has come upon you and we bless the night so it's important that our hearts be open because sometimes I think that when believers come before God like this they invest their time their sacrifice you know while I sat there and rearrangements were happening around I maja just when I said oh dear Lord imagine the people who would leave all that they are doing make all of those sacrifices there are still people outside why will God allow you to go back the same imagine that you left someone four hours ago and then you come back four hours later where did you go to church so what's the evidence and you return back the pain is still there yes sir ok god bless you you have ministered you have misrepresented God to that person but imagine that you returned back with joy what is happening I rejoiced because I have found something I cannot get in a bank I found something I cannot get in a university it's always fun in his presence the Bible says in his presence there is fullness of joy is not for sale you don't find it anywhere Alleluia God is a God of science and wonders ladies and gentlemen please hear me we live in a generation where we continue to get used to the manifestations of the devil we continue to get used to technology and science and these things are wonderful but we must be careful so that they do not reduce us to the realm of the flesh there are many things were unable to believe today because the Bible says to be Connelly minded is death it says to be spiritually minded is life and peace one of the advantages of God's presence is that he continues to spiritualize your mentality so that you sustain the fortitude to believe the things that your eyes have not seen the Bible not say that we can look at the things that are unseen he never said they are unreal they are on scene like your employment letter on scene what real like your house on seeing what real like the anointing for the next level on seeing what real the advantage of meetings like this is to compress time to look for what you are looking for and make it look for you so that there is a coalition I hope you know that everything you are looking for is also looking for you yes sir somewhere was also looking forward to see in Seoul when the prodigal son was looking for his father his father was also looking for him they did not meet at home they met halfway so God is already moving it's up to you to say Lord I believe and I'm ready I believe you can know what you received from a meeting by what begins to change in your life that by tomorrow 6 o clock someone wakes you and say where you say what's the issue send me you are calm down by yourself or what now listen I'm not just trying to motivate you in all fairness you've heard me say it I will keep saying it till the body of Christ understands is there ways to look for things physically it is what is on your head that controls what is around you when God wants to fill your copy does not work oil on your cup Dow 1/9 as my head but I know what is on my head by looking at what is on my cup [Music] there is a class that calls help us they don't come because you need them no every help is busy but there is something that can come on your life and like life you begin to exhibit magnetic properties you're a human being but something about your life begins to attract people believe me I know what I'm saying that someone was no business blessing you because of you he travels and once his sitting god is a blessing change his life it is only marvelous in our eyes when it is the Lord's doing many things are not marvelous because they are our doing they're our making our manipulation when it becomes the Lord doing he will add a signature on that testimony you know only God can do this listen you can get a job by begging rolling on the floor manipulating your life but there is a way if God gives it his signature will or there will be an equation in that testimony that only God can explain let me speak over someone's life now in the name of Jesus the God of heaven I stand by heaven and I declare whoever must show up in your life in this season I call upon the god of gesture on may there sure from this night [Applause] please sit down listen look at me please life is hard by default it takes your understanding the systems of the kingdom to start really um rearranging your possibilities nobody favors you by default nobody cares about you by default nobody will help to advance your life by default the infirmity will not leave by default no you will have to engage something you will not get the job by default you will not get the promotion by default the building will not be built just because you have land no sir we are immersed in a web of mysteries and you receive your portion in this kingdom by the light that comes to you that spiritual illumination the light that comes to you it says arise shine Isaiah 60 and verse 1 for your light is calm amplified says arise from the prostration and the depression that circumstances have kept you it says rise to a new light for your light is coming and the glory of the Lord is says is risen upon you then it says for darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people you've heard me teach it is the Greek word to who Abu who is the word Constitution and chaos the same word used in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 it says more upon you the glory of the Lord shall arise oh I receive verse 3 Gentiles shall call you will not look for them and they will not come to you it says they will come to your light and even their arrogant Kings will come to the brightness of your rising the Bible says that your gates will be open continually it will not be short day or night not to entertain strangers to receive the forces of the Gentiles where you have been deserted so that no one will pass through you it says I will make your neck and eternal excellency and a joy of many generations [Music] you must insist tonight that my life must change [Music] as a man of God if all you have is a someone you're in trouble you will be weary because the gospel is the power of God there has to be an attestation in validation Jesus himself taught this I think it was in John 4 if I'm not mistaken 48 or so and Jesus said is it John John 448 I'm not sure I think so accept him he sees signs and wonders he says ye shall not believe listen you are the only one who is in the spirit the cosmos is not in the spirit they want to see the Bible says the word became flesh and dwelt among us then we beheld the glory even as of the Father full of grace and truth there are things people must see results a big deal in this kingdom nobody will continue following indefinitely until they can see a kingdom that is provable if God can't bless show me the evidence if God can live to show me the evidence if God can change show me the evidence allelujah press the name of the Lord a lady and a guy right now some speaking one lady and one gentleman I just saw the power of God touching them and there is an anointing upon them especially for the prophetic I just saw that grace please let me just have them out we're praying right now that supernatural grace [Music] mighty God please help them so they don't enjoy themself and you may need to cover high if you have to please this kingdom is a kingdom whose reality can be proven please look at me this kingdom we have not taught cunningly devised fables the Jesus that we teach is not a theoretical Jesus listen to me the Jesus that we teach is not just listen I want you to know and understand that the dimension of faith that we teach is faith that can be proven these things I write unto your excellent Theophilus of all that Jesus began to do and teach so when God says new dimension it is true when God says open doors it is true when God says new levels it is true when God says I will listen miracles don't just show that the man is anointed is bigger than that are we together if someone can come with a growth and a cancer and it leaves God is in does the same way I can take that away from your life what is and now is not it shows the power of God over matter it's not just about a sickness no that means that you can be owing 1 billion 500 million your company's in trouble and God says under a certain condition I've sustained an ability to take away pain from your life and he uses miracles as a token to show you these possibilities please let your faith come alive let off don't sit down place the challenge or whether it's your company whatever don't say can God make a way in the wilderness uh-huh the limited God the Bible says are we together shortly we're going to pray but I need to charge our hands when when the woman of God was ministering in worship I'm telling you the truth the kind of power and grace that flowed from this precious woman of God I said my god this is what happens the reality of the kingdom prove a book here and now Lagos is a good place but it does not mean your portion will come automatically there is grace that must come upon you and you will walk out of this street and God will arrange everybody who can help you God will delay things happening until you are there and you are wondering what is wrong [Music] you may have received a medical report and the medical report tells you you have a few days to leave the doctors are not wrong they are just limited they've done their best and I'm glad that there are many many doctors right now who are filled with the Holy Ghost and while when they give the injection once twice and it doesn't work they just find the corner say mister I am not only a doctor me priest shall escape arose Kabara to see at a lock-up Asya do you know God can give him an speed you know I keep talking about speed one of the worst things that can happen to a man in his life is this mystery of delaying this thing called delay is a terrible thing delay happens when the only thing growing in your life is your age not growth in wisdom not growth in influence when you build a house at 65 is not a testimony [Music] I hope you're not offended I'm provoking you because we need to settle some things once and for all Holly scallop Rhonda go to Seattle parousia Lake abrasca peruses Innoko to Sheila's Shanna ski bar - yeah Lord when will my music ministry rise what is covering that glory that it cannot rise I think songs and people cannot hear I'm speaking to you by the spirit of faith [Music] there is a hear ye him anointing if it's not on you no matter what you have to say man cannot hear you listen household of David hear me hear me things don't just happen because you are equipped to make it happen you can be the greatest preacher you can be the most anointed person but there is a here ye human origin it is not on you you will be surprised that your grace will be despised [Music] help that lady I'm seen an angel pour oil then that lady you are holding in the name of Jesus I shift your family to a new dimension in the spirit new levels [Music] there are many people here I'm glad and honored that we have great men of Godfather's and great people please hear me if you're in ministry I'm provoking you you have to get angry Lord peace result less ministry that's what brings jealousy that's what brings anger Lord you called me can there be an investment of the spirit upon my life let my words carry power let my eyes see what men don't see grant unto me place four signs for wonders [Music] our fathers a men and women work demonstrated the possibilities of the kingdom let me tell you this when you say tan it happens the next time you are about to speak they will listen to you [Music] the Lord sent us tonight to shake up some foundations there are some of us who will be the first person to rise and the devil is trying to put you down you are trying to rise you graduated 10 years 15 years but there is no you look at your certificate and it makes you angry because all you have is a paper but there is a grace holly's kobata mary said how shall these things be seeing that I know not a man he says the power of the highest the anointing is real [Music] I have learned by experience that everything that makes for your lifting is not far from you but it remains closed until the unknown team calls it while was standing before I continue in one minute I'd like to declare every door that must open this night I insist you must open please pray every toe Alaska Bharata shuddered escalated the bracket of the other apricot escoba rusada ke Brenda cartagia someone is praying Lord you promised my family not by chance by February the door would have been opened I place a demand on the mercy of God tonight [Music] [Music] right hallelujah listen please listen to me there are some of you who you must trust the grace of God to change the spiritual climate around you it doesn't matter what good comes to you something evil must come and overtake it you get a job it becomes the source of your pain your entire relationship that's the reason why headache comes to you you buy a new car that's why you have accident no sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] but Willie one more time [Music] hallelujah second somewhere chapter 9 hey someone's life is about to change be patient we'll pray second Samuel Chapter nine and David said is there any left of the house of Saul that I may show him kindness for Jonathan said next verse and there was in the house of Saul a servant whose name was ziba now this story is very interesting because the Bible says that they went to load a bar and they fetched a crippled man called mephibosheth and he came and ordered zebra songs that they should farm and make sure that mephibosheth would always have supplies and then he says as for my people shed even in your people state you will eat with me forever go to verse 11 please help us with verse 11 he says okay can we go to verse 9 I want you to see something very powerful there then the king called two zebra salsa burn and said unto him I have given unto my master son all that pertained to soul unto his house was there he says down tear fall and thy sons and thy Savin shall till the land for him thou shalt bring in the fruits and I master son that thy master son may have food to eat but mephibosheth thy master song shall eat bread always at my table read the last sentence if you in Christian want to read how many songs why did David not see one of the 15 songs a man has 15 songs and twenty sevens and he tells the songs go and get another basin in if Holland is the same way you can be minding your business and the person you are sending has five graduated but they will say go to a place somewhere Lagos go on look for the person that comes from this family he's the one who will occupy this position lift your voice and say Lord send my help us send them sentiment decision by your messy someone who will love me enough to see Twitter I rise in the spirit to sit with that I rise in ministry [Music] say [Music] say [Music] say [Applause] the ones you say to ash the one you say [Music] lift your voice lift your hands on cry help [Applause] [Music] Subedar Shalaka Priscilla katana [Applause] for the favor ha [Applause] [Music] for some I trusted God for healing tonight little boy a gorilla [Music] from the medical report what [Music] Singh lift up the lift out of man I want you to see him lift you lift your family let God touch [Music] [Applause] [Music] this listen is a very powerful atmosphere right now there are no engine of the Spirit is coming on that woman that woman of God there I shift you in the spirit madam step into a new level in the name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus Christ [Music] I'm about to pray for you [Music] I'm seeing the grace of an intercessor I saw this thing in a bail cooter and the Lord is saying that grace is returning to people some of you carried those places but for some reason either because of carelessness in look like that thing started living you but right now the Lord is refusing man with that grace of an intercessor and that anointing is coming on certain people right now please bring them out the grace of an intercessor the grace for the secret place the grace for the secret lives there is an anointing blessed is the man who brought causes to approach his presence the grace of an intercessor [Music] you are my hiding [Music] love to me [Music] I will trust in you [Music] hallelujah I'm seen o'clock in the spirit and I'm seeing the clock go backwards when God does this I know he wins restoration I know what the Lord showed me a clock and I'm singing go back and prophesy right now I've seen at least 17 people the place for speed recover that anointing is coming on you take that place now [Music] like I fix [Music] get that guitar ha [Music] Oh of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus recover business blink of a ministry Harappa declare recover recover [Music] Recovery's happening in this place one of the wonders of Messi everything that was lost shall be returned to you everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] was stolen shall be returned to me that was love everything that was stolen speed I'm seen it in the spirit you will be surprised what will happen sir I don't this man may pass when Christ embassy lift your hands take that fire now in the name of Jesus you move to a dilation of grace by the power of the Holy Ghost everything that was lost listeners and silly business is the started and hide and sin businesses that I in debt and a lot is sent to profess I hear the word of the Lord I speak by the spirit whatever is dying or dead hear the word of the Lord Talitha koum me come alive now bubbles Kabbalah haha go my life now listen to me restoration many times will invoke the book of remembrance been opened there is a book of remembrance Yemi the Bible says that mother died our Father that over the king and they forgot about him it was written in the chronicles are kept there but that night the king could not sleep and he said bring me the Chronicles when they opened it he said what shall be done to this man I'd like you to bring one minute father or put the book of rememberance let my service in the house of God provoke the hand of God let my commitment in evangelism and slowly [Music] Oscar Oscar genious [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah who is it mu KU I'm hearing a name in buku buku this what I'm hearing in the spirit I want to pray for the sick shortly but the Lord is just ministering to me I'm hearing EBU Khun is the name of a lady you are wearing like black right that you are not too tall grab the bucket that lady's at the back this one a lot it showed me is there someone like that miss ebu cool who is that give Jesus praise Allah in the Salah praça attack God is about to change your family my dear where are you from for your state shout Jesus as loud as you can in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that name that is above all names that everything that is not of God in your life go now now the Lord is that spirit he says and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty I'm seeing the angel of the Lord just stand here justice and I'm seen a grace and unseen something that looks like an ancient padlock just standing here there are three people the power of God is coming on them now I'm seeing what looks like a padlock opening over in the name of Jesus I profess I let it be open now let it be now let it be open now I don't care what it is I declared the open now [Music] [Applause] [Music] let whole [Music] [Applause] [Music] my dear with your hands the anointing of the Spirit is coming on you and seen a strange place for flavor supernatural flavor and not only ha let me release that grace on someone in the name of Jesus please believe it I declare by the God of Joshua the one who rides upon the wings of the wind in the name of Jesus house all of David step into a new level of favor strange places Oh God gates open doors open pablor [Music] based on this this yoke there woman I've got this woman madam please lift your hands I'm seen as drinks graceful favor and the Lord is saying is a season for him to announce you I stretched my hands and I release that grace upon you I think we are declare by the Spirit of the Christ that will step into that grace right now in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah I will say it as I'm seen it I just stood here now and while I was ministering I saw the face of a father of a deity buoy and it just disappeared I saw it and it just disappeared God personifies grace is to the faces of men that means that there is a grace yeah what I'm saying because we know one thing that when he speaks God honors it in the name of Jesus over here by the Spirit of the Living God carry that grace [Applause] power let it be and let it happen by the anointing of the Holy Ghost let it happen may God I know you're super kings let it go with Shia that is cope with life [Music] hallelujah hallelujah what do you do my friend this man yes I live music son you do music come what is about to announce oh I don't know anything about you is it easier about this watch where are you coming from fountain of life oh it's with you I see I want to pray for you do you know me I don't know anything about you my brother please look at me we are made by the graces that are upon us this is what controls the possibilities around us I stretch my hands to you by the God of heaven in Jesus name I open the tool it fits over your destiny open now in the name of Jesus I release upon your grace the grace that makes you killer and Hepzibah become the delight of your help us in the mighty name of Jesus [Music] let's pray for the sick now we have to pray for the sick [Music] bring the lady at the back who will shout on that the anointing now God is bringing deliverance to her family in the name of Jesus I just saw what looked like fire from here [Music] when the woman of God was ministering she actually a question and said how many of you are ready for your deliverance deliverance is not just about falling down manifestation is the separation between you and the obstacle that impedes your progress is for deliverance and I want to pray for someone now because the Bible records that Satan can attempts to hinder men the excellency of God's power does not have refused to open you've done everything you know to do yet those doors remain closed then the Bible's not say lift up your heads o ye gates the gates are living things it says be ye lifted all ye ancient doors I'm about to pray please help those under the anointing while I pray bring them out in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that every operation that is not of the Christ every manipulation of darkness by whatever legal access we come by the mystery of priesthood we come by the rod of a higher priesthood and right now as you shout the name Jesus I decree and declare everything that is a limitation in your life and your family it gives way now are you ready one two three shout that name I decree and declare every power every false god now have them please we got now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus [Music] hallelujah I want to pray for the sick I sang that song the Lord put it in my heart I'm not a Yoruba person while you're going to help me or Lord [Music] I'm about to pray for the signal [Music] [Music] listen listen listen please yummy precious people of God the Bible says worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive and it begins to list all of these things your healing has been purchased through the substitutionary sacrifice of the Christ it is a truth and the Bible says let God be true and every man a liar I want two minutes not a life on the power of God to you now please listen you will be amazed at what will happen to you right now take your eyes away from the infirmity that that sentence it doesn't matter what it is I like you to believe there is a God of wonders [Music] not listen I'm about to pray for the sick mighty things will happen here now as soon as I pray for you we'll get to a point where were allowed to check yourself and the miracles that happen who have maybe one or two men of God and then we'll just have you come and then we'll testify then before I will do the final impartation that is very very important hallelujah [Music] Jeannette who is Jeanette I hear a name Janet [Music] Genet you're wearing like white or milk you are the back you are to my rights to my rights the Lord is telling me that where is that [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's your name my dear where you coming from ah [Music] [Music] I want to pray for you the Lord is turning your life around and that of your family it says when the Lord turn again the captivity of Zion we were like death that dreamed I stretched my hands let it be ended now in the name of Jesus your name is Jeanette ma you didn't come here Louie who did you come with your your Reverend that is a man I want to pray for where is he [Applause] is he here Reverend son [Applause] please stand up don't cry this man you see has gone to what many people cannot go through come son please God no no no to climb just just come shall come to the oles right here [Music] I'll come oh come me man and ransom captive Israel [Music] he has come to you his Israel [Music] he is lifting you sadly our notion of the Holy Ghost is coming upon you and the Lord is saying it would not be like before again I'm taking you to new dimensions is this your wife sir madam please look at me there is a grace that is coming upon you to pray for barren women you hear what I'm telling you God is bringing this grace upon you can I pray for you ma I stretch my hands in the name of Jesus Christ receive that anointing right now it comes upon you it will change your life you will never be the same [Music] sir I pray for you I know you love the Lord but you have gone through several things as a lot reveals to me but sir I stand in partnership with all the graces in this house to let you know God is still a lifter of man and I prophesy to you remember not the former things nor consider the things of old for even tonight God is doing a new thing I release grace upon you let it take you to Heights on imagined receive it now in the name of Jesus Christ and let me pray for you man you are the vessel that God used come please come let me pray for you [Music] will you believe everything I tell you will you believe if I tell you buy me God is going to send someone to bless you in a way that has never happened in your life will you believe me on my hands blessed is she that believe the Bible says for unto hardly I shall be a performance of those things I declare by the spirit of faith in the name of Jesus I activate faithful now a name that's your life change the name of Jesus Christ oh come come and run some cop TV rejoice rejoice [Music] [Music] I want to pray for the signal where's this woman coming from what you see truly evil is I'm looking at this woman madam please don't be embarrassed I'm not a prophet of doom I'm looking at this woman and I'm seeing a coffee and I'm seeing this woman's body inside already this mama standing here you see nothing just happens until it is finished Alleluia the Bible says they are taken for a prey unknown sea at rest own there has to be a voice that says redstone mama can I pray for you in the name of Jesus the Son of the Living God where are you from from a birth date out to a member of this church can I pray for you please hold my hands father this is why you are non terrors a representing government that is superior in the name of Jesus Christ I speak over you death you are a spirit you have a voice and I declare the name of Jesus be lifted from of this woman in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ 1 2 3 4 4 people the Lord is rebuking the spirit of death listen listen the power of God is coming on them now you may not even know this is your family in the name of Jesus the grave is a spirit it can call people into it in the name of Jesus I declare the power of the grave Oh grave where is your sting or death where is your victory be free right now from every operation of death in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ are you saying this I'm rebuking death and she's standing here oh yeah yeah [Music] [Music] please place your hand right now I want to pray with you I apologize but let I'm seeing the power of God come on one of the ministers and the Lord is telling me that that will be a sign for the healing anointing to begin to flow and this is very strange but that's what the Lord is telling me I want to pray for the sick now please make contact with a part of your body or trustee Corfu and if you see a part of your body you cannot touch just touch your chest and believe God but one of the people here the power of God is coming on you as the sign of the release of the healing energy not just acting as the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to my ears we want to pray for the sick right now I believe in the power of the Holy Ghost here comes a fire see if I just call and that person you are not only a sign but you are also receiving the healing anointing the healing crisis a real grace now as I'm speaking is coming on Ibrahim [Music] let's pray I pray for the signal please agree with me in the name of Jesus believers shot him and in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I rebuke every devil of infirmity from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet we leave out now I release healing help them place the power of God is touching them you feel like Shia just going through your body be healed now in the name of Jesus peptic ulcer be healed in the name of Jesus migraines be healed in the name of Jesus the Lord is healing several blood conditions several blood conditions and seen the Lord healed people right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus the Lord performed that miracle constant urination the Lourdes is bringing healing to that person now in the name of Jesus pounding headache I declare be healed in Jesus name anyone here on crutches I declare be healed right now stand up from that cross in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus every kind of blindness Paschal complete blindness be healed now in the name of Jesus [Music] help that lady please there's a miracle happening to have seen something been loose from her stomach in Luke 12 is that lose her and let her go I mean a woman Thou Art Loosed from your infirmity now I'm praying for someone I'm seeing several a number of people with lumps breast lump and different parts of your body I'm praying it will leave now I profess I'll let it go now let it code now in the name of Jesus the Lord is healing someone of an acute condition of pile pile this is a very serious condition when the name of Jesus I stretched my hands let the healing power of Jesus taught you now [Applause] there's someone here you've started having symptoms of what would later be stroke the power of God is on her does heart the Lord is healing her now you feel pains and sometimes numbness around your hands and your feet there are 19 of the Spirit is touching you right now be healed now in the name of Jesus be healed now I've seen someone you're not blind but you have severe pains on your eyes severe pains when you look at light that pain just comes right now the power of God is touching you God is touching this woman that just shouted right now there's an anointing coming on you right now in the name of Jesus be completely delivered now in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ that someone you have is not a just condition but your heart you you have there's a position that you cannot sleep on you know if you do not see that way you will get up with severe pains the Lord is healing you right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you are not pregnant but you found out that your stomach is beginning to bloat in a strange way and this is not a health a diet issue this is it this is a very demonic issue I declare right now be healed in Jesus name you are hearing what you feel like there's water at the left side of your ear the Lord is bringing you healing right now in the name of Jesus please don't be embarrassed I'm praying for you I'm seeing the Lord is showing me a lady here you've had severe bleeding and this situation is fibroid I don't know whether you are way or not what is fibroid severe pains and bleeding especially around your lower abdominal region the power of God is touching you right now in the name of Jesus touching you right now by the power of the Holy Spirit now when I mention your kiss are not in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus be healed now before we take testimonies the Lord is showing me someone there is a boil that comes out in a part of your body no matter how you treat it it continues to resurface again no matter what you do is very discomforting and very painful no matter what you do it continues to come in the name of Jesus right now as I'm speaking the power of God is coming on you you will know instantly you will receive a relief in Jesus name I declare be healed now there is there are two elderly people that the Lord is showing me now you have what we call not just general body weakness severe weakness you cannot stand for five or ten minutes you begin to feel dizzy and if case not taken you can fall to the ground I declare right now life and strength to your body in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah vessel oh praise the Lord please listen what witchcraft could not do to Elijah advanced a lady danced in a way and manner that the king said what should be done there is a way you danced before the king he was willing to give up to half of his kingdom Kings were not fools Alleluia were wrapping up this conference you have danced before God was he not David that dance before the act and his wife said were disgracing yourself and God had it some of you distance were danced in the name of Jesus the sorrow that will make you to dance only once I take it out of your life [Applause] please listen to me your God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory he will charge over you [Music] every closed-door Cabarrus calacatta no matter how long it has been it didn't open for your father it didn't open for your mother I stand by the God of heaven in the name of Jesus that door opens now that door opens now that door opens now [Applause] [Music] under one presser for God Joseph for two years but when his time came he said I remember my wrong whoever must remember you tonight Makapuu sassy kappa rockin Asiata calibrated here in the name of Jesus I'll open the book of remembrance for your sake please believe it please believe it in the mighty name of Jesus [Music] let me pray for those trusting God for the fruit of Moon and God opened the womb of Hannah and God opened the womb of Rachel I decree and declare like prophet Eli spot wanna according to the time of life return with your miracle children [Applause] yummy the Bible says have you heard this proverb that a nation is born in one day I want to pray for you there are some of you won't go to do this coming week not next year this week that is coming in the name of Jesus let it surprise you step into prepared blessings step into open doors Alleluia I stand in faith prophetically help that lady with the woman of God some of you are called into the worship ministry please listen to me this thing is not just about singing there is a grace that announces you there is a reason why God allowed the woman of God to come and her dear husband I stand in agreement with your Grace's whoever is called into the worship ministry in the name of Jesus that sounds from heaven and the man who will identify your grace and place a demand on it I open that door for you now [Applause] [Music] it's very prophetic by the spirit that God is ready to lift people to strange dimensions but let me tell you sometimes we cannot rise because the level of Lights that who support our growth is not there therefore I speak the spirit of Revelation that must come upon your life and shakadou-san LeBrock etapa to Socata and shift you to a new dimension may that grace rest on you now [Applause] Alleluia let me pray over your finances please don't believe anybody who tells you being blessed is not good don't believe that nonsense there are more troubles in a man's life when you lack resources I will together the Bible says and by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt it is true that there are dimensions too well that has to do with value and productivity and it's important to press into those dimensions but let me tell you there is a prophetic dimension of wealth wealth by the finger of God I stand by the God of heaven who is the helper of men and I speak to you between now and the next three months by the God of heaven may your financial destiny changed when you diverge please believe it Lord you took my pain away and then you gave me joy you are my peace my malady in the center of the storm you gave me a brand new song to sing to you that's why I will lift up my voice [Music] everything that left you that should not have left by the power of prophecy in the name of Jesus I call it back gimme the same grace para pasar kitab allah that came upon the animals to move by themselves to the ark of noah he opened the door and the animals came by themselves poop i do seven by seven every blessing may take you up like you dance and turn your life i prophesied by the god of heaven fair for lifting open doors may take you up an entire life I pray for those who are students undergraduate postgraduate I decree and declare in the name of Jesus first the help that you need to finish I will leave it upon you now I pray for everyone under the sound of my voice trust in God for a job in the name that is above all names returned with a job that is honorable [Applause] in the name of Jesus [Applause] the kind of favor that you have never seen my brothers and my sisters I stand in agreement with the graces in this house and I decree and declare strange flavor over your life let's favor come according to Exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 if you can give it to us please give it was quickly well Rapinoe Exodus 3 verse 21 says and I will give these people favor in the sight of the Egyptians and it shall come to pass that when he go he shall not go empty and eNOS has an explanation I pray whatever has made your hand empty your mind empty your account empty in the name of Jesus Christ may favour fill it out now hallelujah thou shalt not be afraid of the arrows that fly by day nor the noisome pestilence that destruction that wasteth at noonday I stand and I declare everything looking for you to enter the grave I cross it from your life now in the name of Jesus Christ master we have toiled all night nevertheless I want to pray for someone who have tried it tried it from this conference go again to the business again in the name of Jesus let me pray for your spiritual life because listen if all you receive is cars houses blessings and repairing spiritually you don't have much the excellency of a man's life is the depth the richness of your knowledge of God what destroyed your prayer life let's pray father the kind of fire that must come upon your prayer altar the graceful travail the graceful fast carried that grace now in the name of Jesus Christ please yeah me for some of us is the spirit of slumber that needs to leave you open your Bible and you sleep and sleep till it is morning no that is not the destiny it's not the pattern of the grid you must sustain the discipline to stay with the world one more time I pray whatever has happened to your prayer life that is not of God I command restoration now i prophesy over your word study life their grace to have passion for the world the grace to sit down and study in the name of Jesus let me pray for you hear me any relationship in your life that is not profit in your spiritual growth please hear me any relationship in your life Bible says blessed is the man who does not walk in the way of the scornful who does not stand in the way of sinners who does not walk in the way of the scornful he says his delight is in the law of the Lord many of us want to make progress but our associations our loyalty to friends and groups we wear secondary school classmates this night I see value from every relationship that is not of God the Bible says seen then that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin that not easily beset us then it says to run with perseverance the race that is set before us looking up to Jesus who is the author the finisher of our faith the Bible says who for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross and despised the shame that grates to stand for Jesus on apologetically untruthfully made that grace rest upon him can I pray for your family how many of you know you are not truly free if you are the only one who is free as for me and my house it was because it was only Joseph that had the dream that I got into trouble if all of them had dreams they would not kill anyone I pray for you as God is lifting you this night made the angel of his presence go to every home and everywhere your loved ones are located and ensure that signs and wonders are wrought in their life in the name of Jesus Christ I'm rounding up whoever's holding what is not what is your own Marisa copper Osaka Tabata may my god / Tong may my god / Tong may my god overturn or delete and toss your hand and finally let me pray you have come to Tabernacle here especially for the precious workers in this ministry scripture declares that a worker is deserving of his wages there are benefits bless the Lord O my soul forget not his benefits its profitable to serve God I pray for everyone under the sound of my voice most especially the workers in the name of Jesus step into new dimensions of possibilities in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and let me wrap up again by speaking favor over this precious church I loved his church with all my heart and I pray that in the name of Jesus step in to new levels of influence new levels of favor in the name of Jesus I appreciate everyone may the Lord bless you and increase you in the name of Jesus Christ yes [Music] thank you for being a part of our broadcasts you know we never like to end without giving and opportunity to make Jesus Christ in the order of your life commonly to Christ is being on joining the church is the only religion it is joining God's family and that is done when you believe in Christ Jesus so I just want to leave you right away now if you are if you want to give a heart surprise just after me say Lord Jesus I believe that you died and rose again and that you paid for my sins I accept you as my Lord and my Savior I'm from today I belong to you if you have said those words will believe you are born again you are part of God's family right now you can wear I rejoiced about it and if you want to contact us just check the address is written on the screen god bless you
Channel: Household of David
Views: 125,105
Rating: 4.8617802 out of 5
Keywords: HOD Church, Household of David, Sola Osunmakinde, Christianity, Gospel, Music, Worship, Apostle Joshua Selman, Joshua Selman, household of david, apostle joshua selman messages, healing, apostle joshua selman videos, joshua selman, Strength For Spiritual Growth, Wonders Of God’s Mercy, Bukola Bekes
Id: JePUBD_fVi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 9sec (5709 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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