Things of the Spirit - Day 3 | Apostle Joshua Selman | Household of David

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[Music] just while you're standing there are likely to just believe the possibilities that the Lord will do in your life tonight don't just stand carelessly I like you to see Jesus touching you see Jesus turning your life around see Jesus anointing you afresh see your ministry your life your business your destiny stepping into a new dimension that's what he does he gives us beauty for Ashes the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that we recall the ox of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he be glorified just go ahead and bless him in the spirit Shaba rakul say Deborah Hasidic attire let's together resonance an incense of Prayer challah do Sabra a Katusha de Briana Chhabra godís avocados father tonight is my night I refuse destruction my spirit is opened my destiny is open [Music] alleluiah may request that we pray one more prayer cry your expectation to the Lord tonight what you insist that must happen to you tonight lift your voice and pray father I know that our encounter a new anointing a new dimension things of the Spirit tonight oh god this is the Feast of the Spirit I will not be excluded in this experience [Music] are you praying Gibran dosac atiba Lara [Music] [Music] please pray let's pray men of God businesspeople [Music] [Music] [Music] make sure you are praying this is part of the meeting the Lord will do great and mighty things [Music] shidou braja scare-able ah Katusha predicative [Music] Conde bellicose abrasca dibala hasa Deborah Deborah libros de guarulhos animal aku Sierras hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord we're going to be seated shortly but the Lord is showing me a vision right now and I'm seeing I'm seeing a candle this is what I'm seeing and I'm seeing fire just coming right to that condo hold on please and the Lord is telling me that there are people here who have been fasting particularly to say Lord there is a level of grace that must come upon my life that there is a dimension that you must shift me in the spirit and just before I start teaching I'm seeing that fire not everybody but I'm seeing a few people and therefore I release by the Ministry of angels that that fire may that fire touch that candle I stretch my hands from the left to the right of this auditorium and all the overflows right now in the name of Jesus that all those men and women that must step into this experience of the Spirit tonight ha ba ricotta salata yada Shabba locket ibadah this is not everybody I'm just I'm just for being an instruction that the Lord is living [Music] you are beautiful in all your ways Oliver and Azuga Deepika Giada you are building [Music] all your way [Music] I'm a lover of your presence I'm a lover of your presence I'm a lover of your presence Jesus I'm a seeker of your presence seeker of your presence seeker of your browser Jesus [Music] Ella burrows ikot Oceania spirit of the Living God we pray that tonight will truly be a feast of deep things in the spirit let there be all kinds of activations and invitations let there be baptisms of dimensions in the spirit set this place ablaze oh god your people have come hungry many have made sacrifices for the Bible declares that you shall seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart our hearts are open tonight and we ask God that you speak to us from heaven in the name of Jesus Christ amen god bless you please be seated and be very sensitive I believe that there will be so many imitations as I teach if someone is under the anointing close to you you just guide them so they don't injure themselves but let your heart be open who are dealing with matters of the Spirit tonight the Bible says and the spirit and taught me the spirit not just the word the spirit entered me when he spake unto me and set me upon my feet meetings like this are very deep and prophetic because they are dedicated to dimensions of the Spirit it is important that the sins we assured into these levels in the spirit the Bible says that we have been made abled ministers not according to the letter but by the spirit II said for the letter killeth but the Spirit gives life Alleluia first Corinthians chapter 2 let's start from there tonight wherever we stop we'll just pray and then we'll continue is going to be a journey of many things I don't even know what the topic is we just talk and talk and deal with the matters of the Spirit I truly share your pastors burden to see the people and a generation of people who are not just Christians but men and women who truly carry the substance of the life of God Alleluia 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 6 the Apostle is is teaching here and Paul is teaching the church in Corinth now you must understand that this was at a time in in the church when there was such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit understand the context here are we together now there was such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit miracle signs wonders the demonstrations of the Spirit and Paul needed to begin to put things in place to share with them this was to me I think maybe second to the book of Ephesians one of the apex of the demonstration of his apostolic ministry to the church in Corinth how be it I read now we speak wisdom among them that a mature or perfect it says yet not the wisdom of this world the words Sophia the wisdom that is a derivative of experience and your interaction with the cosmos he says this is not the kind and the dimension of wisdom nor of the princes of this world so the Bible even acknowledges that the princes of this world are operating a level of wisdom that is higher than what is available in the cosmos that comes to not 7 but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the help me wisdom even the hidden wisdom which God ordained for our glory so whatever that hidden wisdom is we know that it was hidden because there are a kind of people that have been selected to be glorified by it whatever that wisdom is we know it's assignment already that whoever finds it will inherit glory the Bible says that it has been ordained for our glory 8 which none of the princes of this world knew for had a knowledge they would not have crucified the Lord of glory 9 but as it is written I had not seen nor ear heard neither has it entered into the heart of man the things what is the things the hidden wisdom the things that God has in store for them that love him 10 hallelujah he says but God has revealed them to us but God has revealed them to us who are the OHS the chosen generation the royal priesthood this select people by God's grace a people purchased by his own blood the Bible says God has revealed them to us by his Spirit and then he now tells us something the Spirit can do that the Spirit sustains the ability to such how many things no man has that ability to such all things but the Bible gives us the quality of the Spirit that grants him access to be the revealer that he possesses an ability to such all things and that includes the deep things of God that the Holy Spirit like you are you are listing the qualification of someone that that qualifies him to be given a job he says the Holy Spirit is the reveal of these mysteries and that there is an attribute in him that qualifies him and he starts by telling us that attribute is his ability to such all things and that includes the big things that no icon see that no ear can hear that cannot be comprehended by even the most intelligent of hearts that the Spirit of God is able to search them and reveal to us for our glory next verse that's not even where I'm going for what man knoweth the things of a man so he's digress in here to help us understand something that you cannot ordinarily know what is in my heart except my spirit is that true and then it says even so the things of God no man knoweth no man but the Spirit of God 12 now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God so the Bible starts there by telling us there is a mystery shrouded by the wisdom of God and it is called the hidden wisdom of God and that this hidden wisdom has been kept for the glory of the Saints please understand I will together now and that the Bible says this wisdom is not the same as the wisdom of the world nor of the princes of this world that comes to nought he is trying to show the also passing excellency of this hidden wisdom that relative to the wisdom of the world and relative to even the wisdom of the princes of the world it comes to nought it can be compared I will together now but it says that this wisdom is hidden and that there is only one entity mandated with the responsibility of such an out this wisdom and bring gilli to the Saints but the Bible says who ever by any means can access that wisdom the destiny of that person regardless is glory that it was hidden for the glory of the Saints that means I can look at your life and know whether you have accessed that wisdom by the dimension of glory that vetoes your background that dimension of glory that vetoes the limitations around your life there is a mystery that can lift men out of the grip of the terror and the vicissitudes of this life the Bible says it is the hidden wisdom of God a body of information privy to the sins that the Holy Spirit can grant you access to that if by any means my brothers and my sisters regardless of your background that you hold on to this wisdom then your world is about to see a a wonder and a mother they look at you and see attributes that are not allowed for humans to have the hidden wisdom revealed by the Spirit the Bible says we have not received the spirit of the world that means that if you don't even have access to the spirit in the first place like permit me to use this analogy it's not the best but imagine for instance that you want to see pastor Shula and you come into his office and there is a PA that's why I said it's not a good analogy because it's not that when you compare Holy Spirit then at least just for your understanding that there is a PA between yourself and pastors Allah is that true and that if you do not embrace the PA and he doesn't give you access you will not be able to meet him remember the goal is to access him so that between yourself and that mystery that has been kept for your glory there is a personality that has been mandated to stand you cannot ignore him and have access to that the Bible tells us the quality of that hidden wisdom that it cannot be gotten by any other out the wall cannot find it the princes of this world with the education and intelligence listen let me tell you this let me tell you this we are an enlightened generation and it is it is something that is is is worthy of commendation that we are educated and enlightened because it opens up our faculties and helps us to be able to assimilate we can we can look at life and deduce because we have been guided through experience you know to be able to interpret life properly but when it comes to the matters of the Spirit we must sustain the fortitude to to be humble enough to know that education sociological enlightenment and spiritual illumination are not the same Isaiah 29 is God blessing us already Isaiah chapter 29 read for me please verse 11 you'll be projected and I want us to read together Isaiah 29 and verse 11 ready it's projected let's read one to go and the vision of all Allah is become unto you as the words of a book that is stop the fs a book that is sealed a book that is can be accessed but at the moment it is sealed sealed from who listen go ahead let's read no please go back to verse 11 go ahead and read which men deliver to 1 that is what Lynette stopped intelligent educated they deliver the sealed book to him and what is his response read this I pray thee and he said I cannot because it is sealed it is true that I'm educated but there is a mystery behind this book it is sealed I cannot read it not because I cannot recites the letters it was not sealed with a scroll it was sealed with a mystery you can open the book and yet not see next verse and the book is delivered to him that is not Lynette saying read this I pretty and he said in the first place I'm not even educated so there is a ram where both the educated and uneducated stand helpless these are the matters were discussing in this conference that there are dimensions that only the spirit' like a cult can Oshima and they come so when you see someone stand in a in a dimension of spiritual possibility immediately you can know the agency that would have assisted that man are we together this is the Bible the hidden wisdom of God and like we shared in the morning at chapter 20 if you remember that the character of the word of God is such that it desires to first build you up before delivering to you your inheritance you must be built up God is not so he as passionate as he is to see us barefoot God knows that he cannot deliver anything to us that is bigger and greater than our capacity if you have a little cup and you are given a drum of water you can only get a cup out of that drum not because the drum is unable to give more but the vessel that you have is limited and you are confined by the limitation of that vessel so God is a God that is obsessed with capacity listen carefully there are many of us no matter how you pray and fast like the parable of the talents God cannot give you more than two he has fettered you unseen that your best is to handle two so it's not a matter of train and say Lord anoint me more Lord anoint me give me greater membership greater influence in the spirit no it is an issue of spiritual capacity because remember they got more bread than they had capacity for and the Bible already teaches us a lesson what men do when they have more than they need the waste so he said gather the fragments as a lesson to the Saints I I was so benevolent and people at when they were full they started throwing it away and the Lord watched them while they wasted what came as a miracle once a miracle now a waste he said gather the fragments and the people wasted twelve baskets full it was a lesson are we together now that every time God looks at you out of his love he restricts his neverland's to your capacity it's an act of messy so that there will be more when you expand because if it gives you everything and it's beyond your capacity you will waste and never have a game it's God speaking to us now the hidden wisdom of God while dealing with very deep matters of the Spirit tonight very briefly before we pray we'll be praying for the sick and just trusting God to do a few things quickly but I want to share with you one of this mysteries that the Bible calls the hidden wisdom of God it's a body of truth a body of spiritual information kept together that God grants men access to let me sincerely tell you that there are these dimensions of spiritual reality you cannot study you cannot learn it is revealed it's true it's true it doesn't negate your personal diligence in the spirit it doesn't negate your hunger and pursuit but God comes to you the Apostle Paul told us that it was by revelation he he he had what he calls the Fellowship of the mystery being called into an understanding and so he opens you up for the sake of the sins and then you see something the writing can be on the wall but now you know what it is and you can interpret it and the Saints can understand Alleluia are you ready Matthew 25 [Music] blessed be the name of the Lord spirit breaker break our walls down [Music] spirit breaker and haven't come down sing it one more time Supriya spirit breaker break my walls down break my walls down spirit breakers me [Music] there is a mystery that we call it parable and this is a mystery of ten virgins please follow me the Bible begins to liken the kingdom of heaven so you know that he's talking about something deeper than women is not about women at all it just so happens that the Actos of that mystery in this story where women are we together just like marriage in the original context marriage has nothing to do with a man and a woman is a mystery that was there before Adam and Eve two actors were brought into the scene and separated to help men understand that mystery and it also doubles as a spiritual system of reproduction but marriage had always been there because both a man and woman are two dimensions of God he separated them to help men understand him so this is a mystery so the Bible starts by telling us then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened unto ten virgins how many 10 virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom please stop here very interesting the first information we gather here is all the ten were virgins so we're not talking about the issue of sin here and defilement both of them passed the test based on what this meant are we together now number two that both of them were equally qualified to meet the bridegroom so the bridegroom had no particular bias for them ten virgins and then they went to meet the bridegroom are we together so it was not an issue of sin or righteousness no they were already veggies separated by the blood of the Lamb and their next verse was to the Bible says five of them now he breaks them into two groups remember our discussion is about wisdom the hidden wisdom of God don't forget what we are dealing with and so the Bible now says the operation of the kingdom bless you Pastor Nathaniel thank you so much it says five of them we're what wise and five of them were foolish so this is not an issue of being a sinner or not this is an issue of access to wisdom or otherwise don't forget we're linking up something the Bible says that there is the hidden wisdom of God that is given for the glory of the sins and now he begins to Adam break this in this parable is a mystery that's why it is hidden in a parable sealed in that parable on to the spirit of revelation opens you up to it it says five of them were wise and five of them were virgin we're we're foolish now let's see what made them wise and what made others food is ready verse three they that were foolish took lumps and took no oil with them stop this is what the Bible calls foolishness so we need to find out what it is because in as much as I know taking a lamp in the night is wise and yet the Bible says just for the error of taking a lamp with no oil you are foolish although a veggie although qualify to meet the king but you are ruining your chance of meeting the king and will know why are we following please if you're with me say Amen so five took lung and took no oil with them next verse but they that were wise what was their wisdom they took oil in their vessels with the lung so all of them took lumps but they had no oil and the Bible says this was foolish and this was wise I were together time is about to prove the wisdom of the spirit that inspired the scripture now next verse quickly please well the bridegroom hurry this was the test the test was the test of endurance so as longest time was not in the equation both of them looked wise are we together now as time went on the necessity for the oil started coming up and that was when the foolishness of the five were revealed they started their journey together all holding lamps are we together and the word tarried they all slumbered and slept so even if his weakness they were all weak are we together even if his falling short of what did every other experience that happened to the foolish happen to the wise the only distinguishing difference was that there was time and time began to reveal the wisdom in Korean oil along not just the lung next verse and at midnight there was a cry behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out all ten were called no sentiments aha verse seven then those virgins arose and trimmed their love aha 8 and the foolish said to the wise give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out 9 but the wise answered saying not so lest there be not enough for us on you but go rather to them that and buy for yourselves 10 and while they went out to buy the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in to the marriage and the door was short stop let's discuss the matters of the Spirit now so this is the story ten virgins all preparing to meet a king and the Bible says all of them carried lamps remember we're discussing things of the Spirit are we together the Bible tells us very clearly that lamp is the Word of God is that true some one-one-nine give it to us and verse 1 1 and 105 so every one of the 10 was open to the Ministry of the word follow me now they had lamps they were Bible students there were people of the world that was what evil made them virgins because we are born of the word so their access to the word qualified them to be virgins but their access to the oil qualified them to tap the wisdom of God remember the wisdom that is hidden that none of the princes knew is only revealed by the spirit whoever has the spirit is the one who can access the wisdom are we following our please and so the Bible says thy word is a what so we know it didn't say is like a lamp is a lamp so what all 10 we're holding was their encounter and their ministry with the word are we together now that word they had the word they knew the word there were students of the word but 5 sudden we understand that in spiritual things it is always the word and the spirit not the word alone please follow me the word and the spirit isaiah 40:8 and was sixteen God never sends a man just with the water loan read it with me please come in here onto me aha here I give this I have not spoken in secret from the beginning from the time that it was there am I now all of us read together one to read and now the Lord God AHA and his spirit hath sent me the Lord God alongside his spirit the word and the spirit sent me not the word alone are we together now access to the word without the spirit is what produces rituals and legalism and and and verse people out of the life of God ever learning one way the devil makes you to become less spiritual is by creating a religious culture around the world Satan can destroy your spiritual life by giving you a Bible [Music] is that is such the scripture for in them you think you will find life we can occupy you with the pride I hope you know IIIi trust that God will grant us grace to learn that do you know what we call the Council of the Sun hendren pastor do you know where it was inaugurated that inauguration started with Moses the seventy elders that were called what happened to them it was the Ministry of the Spirit that blessed that council but by the time we get to Jesus in the gospel they had thrown the Spirit away and all they had was the letter so when Jesus came and saw them isn't what happened you didn't start this way they were commandments and the spirit on Moses came on seventy of them and so they were put as a system of eldership to preserve the precepts of God by the time we get to the life of Jesus on earth these guys had told the spirit out of the equation yet they had the Torah the Pentateuch the five books of Moses even Satan has the lamp but does not have the spirit so if your system of defense on earth is just to possess the lamp and by no means demeaning the world please don't get me wrong and there is a lot of teaching around the world and that is true but what we do not understand it is that the Lord God and His Spirit had sent me attempting to access the spirit without the lamp is what will cause people the Word of God defines the boundaries of the operations of the spirit you see the same way the oil is put in the lamp so the lamp contains how far the oil should walk so if you do not have the word then when the spirit comes your appetite for hunger will W into witchcraft and you do not know what agency sponsoring that act the oil is only useful when it is inside the lab please follow me this is the hidden wisdom of God that was preserved for the glory of the sins that means when you see someone quoting scripture why is my life not moving there is no glory in my life I can't add no spirituality like a doctor that you are not accessing the hidden wisdom of God and one of it is what is shrouded in this mystery of the ten virgins [Music] the Lord and his spirit had sent me it is always the ministry of the word and the ministry of the spirit everyone please say the Ministry of the word and the Minister of the Spirit it looks like we have a generation right now that allows you to choose so there are word people and there are spirit people the spirit people are the ones who fall down the world people are the ones who are intelligent both are in trouble I went together now it is the ministry without the oil the lamp will do you know the fire will hot the what they call it now the weak without the oil the fire will destroy the weak it is the oil that makes the weak to keep standing Alleluia so we can carry an empty scripture Oh in the name of Jesus blessed is the man that fears the Lord his seed shall be mighty upon earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed wealth and riches shall be his house and his righteousness endures forever you are not lying but it has no effect in the spirit like a lamp with no oil the RAM of the Spirit continues to watch you and there is no life-giving factor the word himself what a city was not the world till the Spirit came upon him your world worked for 30 years as the son of Joseph never called the Christ till the spirit listen this lamp you see was a person they were holding this entire story when Jesus came as the lamp and was walking after 30 years listen carefully listen carefully listen carefully the Bible tells us that had you know well let's let's just continue what we are discussing Jesus goes to John the Baptist he didn't say John teach me he was the word don't forget John your ministry is that I cannot walk in glory even as the world until you pass the daily access to the spirit and then baptism when John came out the Bible says the heavens were open the same way the other virgins began to pour oil inside the Lamb the Spirit of God came from heaven upon Jesus and turned him into the Christ from that time he went to the wilderness for forty days he came out the Bible says his fame went abroad strange things began to happen to him he said how God anointed the world with the Holy Ghost anointed with the Holy Ghost and live power anointed with the whole ghost it is always the word and the spirit the Ministry of the word the Ministry of the Spirit let me tell you what the word does and and I submit to you I don't claim to know everything but I'm a bit concerned at our eye and I don't speak to house of David I'm just picking up historically the the scope of the understanding of many people about the world our approach to the word is the same approach to a charm and that is wrong the Word of God in terms of its operation is not a mystery the goal of the Word of God is to construct in us the value system the word is supposed to do something are we together now please listen very carefully the Word of God is not some superstition thing to just hold and just am and is not necessarily in in that that channel like manipulation of it no the Word of God is a spiritual medium that does many supernatural things among them this giving you the mind of Christ it begins to culture and alter your perspectives the Word of God is a compendium of the methodology the modus operandi of the kingdom so when you operate by the word is supposed to be a system of spiritual education that brings you to think like Christ you begin to understand the things of the Spirit God's operation his system of operation are we together so I can know you are accessing the world not just by your ability to put it that the Word of God has so influenced you influence your faculties when I see you I should find it hard to trace you to any nationality on earth because the Word of God has created out of you a culture that cannot be traced to any nationality this is the operation of the word so I should be able to see a Yoruba man and an Evo man and another nun and when two of you stand influenced by the word you should look like family members if it is really the world you should look like family members it should be so difficult to separate you into Geographic contexts so if I'm still alive to my foundation then it's a sign that the Word of God has not prevailed because all ten we're virgins nothing more was said about them the Word of God unified them to one family it was the lack of the Holy Spirit that diverged them to different the Bible never says they were ten sisters he never said they were ten relatives because of their possession of the lamp he didn't even tell us the sizes of the lamps were the same the fact that you had access to the lamp qualified all of you to be called one family this is the Ministry of the word it's God blessing us tonight but the challenge usually is the Minister of the Spirit and I'll tell you why because for you to begin to engage the Minister of the Spirit it will do many things to you number one the Minister of the Spirit will in many regards insult your sense of maturity and order the character the spirit was living in John chapter 3 and verse 8 the wind blew it the world is orderly there is a system of order but when you come to the minister of the Spirit it demands extreme flexibility are we together now so the wind bloweth where it listeth the candle wick does not move around but the oil can move around even though within the vessel it is it can be confined this dimension of the Holy Spirit is a threat to tradition how would you gather now so when you begin to operate by the Minister of the Spirit and now you see someone dancing like a fool you know not that there's a problem with this one you see where the problem is there is no problem talking acting intelligently I mean remember you went to school and now something comes upon you and you have to dance or something comes upon you and you have to laugh and you are saying hallelujah I don't even know what is happening to me I'm jumping around and I said now I know that this your spirit thing has a problem yet that was thus the same thing that we called foolish is what made the Virgins wise so the canal man he says cannot receive the things he never said the kernel man cannot receive the world he said the channel money can still be a virgin but when it the true test of spirituality is the ability to sustain the flexibility to be balanced yet to be able to receive that means that if someone is shouting there under the anointing and I know that I am this is a church with order but your pastor has that spiritual intelligence to know that that shout is not just rowdiness there is something being better in the spirit [Music] I understand how easy it is comedy to look at this lady and say in the name of Jesus I speak over your life be healed but when the Holy Ghost tells you just walk around this lady move like this you see does the Minister of the Spirit that one now even you the door you are you are threatened by what the newspaper will interpret this thing to be you you would rather be confined our interpretation of spiritual things is proof of the absence of the oil in the lamp [Music] yet the Bible says it is in accessing that hidden wisdom that the glory of the Saints lie that means sometimes it is in my jumping in the room alone and saying hallelujah Lord I don't know what you are doing but I'm just jumping like a fool and the Bible says my glories been programmed in that it doesn't make sense for me but it is the Ministry of the Spirit why will a tenant be rejoicing and Russell thank you Oh Oh Lord I give you praise I'm dancing a husband who's his wife and since we've been married for five years but let's roll on the Capitol that that's what the Holy Spirit is saying and you just look at him and say you mean it no wonder you don't have a child with with this kind of sense that he I mean what is all this and three months later they tell you the woman carried triplets eight years of birth compressed in nine months the glory of the sales if she gave back to only one child who sponsored the child but now in Richmond gets interested in these three plates and salute the fact that they are triplets I want to pay their school fees still University [Music] the Ministry of the Spirit alas master for it was borrowed where fell it and carries a stick and throws it down hidden wisdom I am NOT talking of superstition my brothers and my sisters please let's not confuse what I am explaining here there are lots are not talking of superstition at all let me emphasize it again this is not some superstitious things no the spirit the supervisor of the strangeness we give you the highest praise from the rising of the Sun to the certain afters we give you the highest place [Music] we give you God the high mozzies sit down please [Music] why listen listen God God is doing something to someone here that's why we Santa's they break our walls down remember you sang it I warned you you still sang it [Music] Moses tell them the Egyptians you see today you will see them no more but how will it happen Moses take a stick go on stand by a river in front of 2.7 million angry people who are threatened to go back to slavery and touch and let it divide master if it be down I show you the Minister of the Spirit bid me come and he said walk on water past oh let God reveal to you to tell any member to walk on water and you see what is going to happen in Lagos by tomorrow let me show you the Minister of the Spirit you are highly favored telling Mary Mary standing quietly and an angel comes to say you are about to experience the Minister of the Spirit and she said how shall these things be seeing that I know not a man and he says I know the normal cost of life is that you will have a relationship with your husband to lead to that pregnancy but I'm about to introduce you to the Minister of the Spirit the power of the highest shall overshadow you all do it will be strange believe it that's why when she was pregnant she started Sachin Wells has experienced this strange ministry and she went to Elizabeth quickly to be able to relate with her now the Bible says the baby is left that should give you concern but we don't ask questions because it is also the minister of the Spirit how come mothers be talking and their unborn children talking to [Music] so when you come to church pregnant and while the message is going on your baby is moving too you are surprised whereas that's the Minister of the Spirit - because we were told until the child is born first before his alive but that child is participating in the service and as you are speaking to him he's listening the Ministry of the Spirit is where the glory of the Saints lie it will help us to access the hidden wisdom of Christ that long eye has seen no ear has heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man listened my brothers and my sisters if you want to truly walk in glory you must sustain the flexibility to let the oil move freely although in a lamp you can freeze the oil and have it effective now the potential of oil is in its flexibility when when oil is condensed and you put in fire what happens as it begins to melt that's when it can pass through and fry whatever you are doing many one the oil but the condensed version of it let it fit quietly and not move and the oil says not me the wife of the Prophet tried it that oil condensed the any small container and remained there while she suffered but when the time of glory came the man said look you need to shake this oil go and get vessels the oil needs space to walk you have constrained the oil by limiting its space soboro vessels let the oil find space and you see that the oil can bring you money and you can live of it for the rest of your life the Lord reveals to you as a man of God Lord use me greatly and the Lord tells you tell her that I am healing her and your ego stands between that prophecy and the opportunity for another ministration what if this lady says mind yourself man of God are not sick if you want to lie find another person somewhere and cameras capture it and so you are standing there the oil is under pressure waiting for your flexibility and your faith whereas you have not asked what if this spectacular miracle happens think what it would do to your ministry drink what you to do to the name of the Lord especially that the lady did not believe you that is the testimony of a non-believers powerful because I know believe ice clear about his biases about God so when a non-believer believes it makes other people believe so when God wants to give you 300 members at once he will bring one very controversial hardened person who is sick and give you a word of knowledge because that miracle cannot be doubted for instance and then you stand there the word is there but the Spirit is under pressure the word and his spirit and this person is blessed and touched and goes back to be used by God to bring you all kinds of people come see a man one woman by the well equal to a crusade crowd one mad man our God are equal to the Ministry of 10 cities ministry will be hard when the Spirit is exempted is difficult to bring members one by one you need to tap into the dimension of the Spirit a simple word strange order where God will make noise through you in a way that one know the devil remember the devil also can access the lamb if all I do just talking and saying all of these things let me tell you you will feel moved the same way you cry when you watch a movie so there's nothing special the true transforming factor is the spirit behind it words are spoken and it looks like it enters you what the Bible says is the spirit that enters man that causes the motions are we together now that is why our prophetic decreases are powerless in the name of Jesus may the Lord lift you we say Amen word no spirit no spirit in the name of Jesus may your life change word no spirit it is even possible to fall down no spirit I made up my mind that truly truly and and I want you to listen please you are not a blessing to men if you ignore the Minister of the Spirit when God recommends someone to you it's wise to listen I will not leave you comfortless he says I will come to you he began to speak about the Minister of the Holy Spirit in John 16 I have yet many things to tell you but he cannot bear them now he says howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come his assignment is that he will guide you into all truth he will show you things to come he will take of what his mind because he can such the heart of the soft of the father and reveal to you and the Bible says this is the hidden wisdom that none of the princes you see that for heard a known list they would not crucified a lot of glory why because crucifying him was what gave us access to the spirit so if they had known that when the word and the spirit meets whether holes boot is dangerous they would have make sure Jesus did not die remember the Bible says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law Galatians 3 it says bid may be cost for us for it is written cost is he that hangs upon a tree that the blessing of Abraham what is that justification by faith may come upon with the Gentiles command to the end that we may receive the promise of the Spirit through faith that's the end so he was not just crucified just to give us life it was a channel in the way that we finally access the spirit that was in one person on all of us it is that spirit of adoption that calls us into glory [Music] so I can stand from whatever background and wherever and hold on to the Word of God a virgin hold on to extra oil a wise virgin qualified to now meet the groom just because you started journey to Destiny the groom can mean anything in your life the groom can mean the breakthrough you need listen the groom can mean whatever you expect is your version of the groom and the Lord says when you start that journey just because you anticipate the coming of the Brad Kuhn sometimes he may take time and when that word seems to get you wear it the oil will sustain the hunger while you wait for the group there are times that you have no words to pray you see that you are waiting you know you need time you stick him back from church what you are wearing but when you have the spirit you can engage though the mystery of the spirit that can keep you you finish you are so you are so downcast in 10 minutes you finished all your prayer and then when you begin to pray in the spirit access is given to you are you seeing that now this is one of the hidden wisdom of God shrouded in a parable of ten virgins that is not enough to just have the lump the word you must also have access to the Ministry of the Spirit you must desire intimacy with the Holy Spirit not to be a preacher but as the balance system that assures you that you will see the groom listen I give you an assurance if you hold the lamp and you hold the coil you must meet the groom yes sir man of God when you hold the lamp and you hold the oil then be ready for an extraordinary ministry businessman when you hold a lamp and you hold the oil then be ready for a level and a dimension of influence and grace and prosperity you may have expectation for the coming of the groom but you may never meet him until the lamp and the oil gives you that access the last thing I'll say before we begin to pray now for me when the Lord gave me this revelation it was quite a dangerous one because the timing of the oil matters you must get the oil on time the sellers will remain there but the usefulness the the the goal of the oil is to help you meet the groom so if you get the oil late by the time you are running because it takes time to get the oil trim the lamp and make it valuable the people had money but had no oil and announced that look the sellers are still there go and get they innocently run to get and by the time they came back the door was closed [Music] Pasteur's members will not continue to sit down on their powerless atmosphere forever the faster you got the oil the more you can be assured that God will be able to keep the people because a time will come when they sit down and sit down even if you receive the oil later the door has been closed listen very carefully you will need the oil quick now that your destiny help is on site so that it can help you negotiate the business well if you ignore and they get another client your business may suffer for a long time it was the hand of God that wrote the commandments and he did it fast Moses trivialized it the next time he had to carve the stone and it took time it is always easier the first time so it is the access the labor dimension to access the investments of the spirit upon your life if done well and done Ellie will bless you my life is a testimony it takes time to know the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is not is not a chart friend online that you say hi he says hi back it takes time the Holy Spirit is like a woman that's why they are both called help us you know how women act she knows you like hands will be acting as if you are nothing I mean what is all that good morning she says I'm breathing whereas she was praying that you should call her the Holy Spirit acts in the similitude of a woman he must fetch your passion to open himself you're not just going to come one emotional night and say Lord I love you reveal your glory and empower me you think is that foolish [Music] it takes time and that time sometimes may many years Lord I desire you he sees your passion in the rain he sees your passion when ministry is not working he sees your passion when nobody knows you and and like a woman who is watching the man that claims he loves her and then one day she hides somewhere that he does not know she is there and she hears him saying Lord what I love this woman and she says finally I think I found a man but when he comes just like when she comes then you will see things happen in your life my brothers and my sisters at a frequency that will even cause you to marvel and wonder the Spirit of God the spirit of God behind every exploit in the kingdom is the Spirit of God not just the Word of God the spirit even the scripture was inspired by him holy man wrote as they were moved by him many other people wrote on the different influences their books are dead and forgotten he is the preserving power that's why nothing that was done to this world could survive because it was not just lamda was my limit look how long this lamb has been born it has been burning for ages when you study Bible history you see that this lamb has gone through all kinds of things yet there is a mysterious oil ah Jesus you're the cup that will run dry yes you are the car that means when that oil comes on your lamp thirty years down the line you are still on fire and people said it's not normal let me tell you this is the mystery I wish I had time this is why people start well they start well as believers they love God ten years down the line when the oil begins to finish or the oil is not even there you find out that someone who represented something many years ago now you are surprised it's not even born again now I explained to you he's not a bad man he only focused on carrying the lamp now you see those who have the oil with God and those who don't have the oil for a while they look the same it's time that proves so we are starting this journey many of you are jumping now you are caelius oh god bless us let's be like Pastor Sola let's be like passionate Rania bossy the sustaining power is not just a letter there is an oil whether you are up whether you are down the fires still burning no matter what happens look at job at a point where everything had gone down he would have just off the lamp the wife said let me help you I'm a dis your lamp looks like you already done jobs Arabs in here though he slay me there is an oil that still keeps me standing [Music] our generation is like lamps without oil the financial heat different kinds of disappointments here and there that continue to happen and like I taught you in the morning favor can come in forms that many times does not look like favor the well is favor its candle about whether or not it was a rabbi not a ghost that got you pregnant is favor a woman begins to desire to destroy your destiny and God still calls it favor takes you to a dungeon the annoyance on the face of certain people is favored because that's what releases your gift and then you become a prime minister but between that capture of Joseph and all of that the lamp and the oil if all he had was the lamp I assure you he would not survive listen let me tell you life sometimes can press you in a way that will make you value the oil you have there are times you can be holding a lamp or a lantern and it slips out of your hand and falls to the ground the oil keeps it burning all those on the ground and you can't pick it but light a match box with no oil let it fall by mistake that's it [Music] treasure of my heart and of my soul it's in my weakness you are merciful Redeemer of my past and present wrong [Music] your the whole my future house of David under many who are watching and following and will watch let me tell you this the secret to a sustaining Christian life is not just to know the world and get the word but to embrace the Ministry of the Holy Spirit not as a tool for effective ministry but as a matter of life and death your only hope of remaining that you bear fruits and that the fruits are behind the tree connected to the root is what will keep it through the dry season until the rainy season comes again the deep at the root it can survive it can it can outsource a system of nourishment even when the physical weather does not send rain that's why others that are not deep died and you have to look for seeds to plant again but there are trees when you plant once you never plant them again when you plant corn because the root is just there is not deep just delivers one fruit and does it but there are other trees where you plant them they would give you mango this year they will give you mango next year some will even give you two times in one year the secret is the depth the secret is the depth for some of us God is speaking and say look you need to minimize premature manifestation and remain in the secret place nor the Holy Spirit let him do something upon your life that a generation cannot deny it is impossible to ignore a lump that has oil in it neither do men light a lamp hallelujah the candle burns because it has oil in it and it's able to stand and give lights to all who were there while dealing with the things of the Spirit when your songs come you know my my my sisters love the Ministry of Nathaniel bus is so much and you know they requested what time that I I tell him to autograph his CD for them and he graciously did so god bless you they were so excited one time it was just his songs that used to be in my car I mean all to his song beginning to the end and I just think and I'm like wow you can you can you can see the depth and the richness of the spirit there are people who stand on stage and preach and as they drop the mic you you know you a bless what you you don't exactly know what happened you just know that well at least we thank God the Bible was opened I heard something but there are meetings that create an imprint in your life you go back and you don't know why you are not sleeping you sit in front of your meal and you don't know which one to eat first you just stop and you do plan to eat but later you just find yourself thinking the spirit and then something comes upon you and you stand up and your life changes forever the Spirit of God changed my life if there is anything at all that represents glory upon this life that you see it is credited to the ministry and the oil not the lump alone the oil the lump made me a virgin the oil made me a wise veggie the lamp made me a man of God the oil makes you an exceptional man of God the lamp makes you a Christian the oil makes you a solution the lamp makes you a businessman together with the oil it makes you a wonder [Music] I do not deny the fact that you are holding the lamp but tonight we need some oil confirm any of us the lamp is almost getting out I mean everything is almost going on God said pastor put this program fast and let it be called the things of the Spirit because there is oil that must come upon certain lamps my greatest desire is not only to remain anointed but to remain hungry and desperate for the Holy Spirit I truly truly love the Holy Spirit I used to hear Benny Hinn talk a lot about Kathryn Kuhlman and those days I would just watch and say my god and then I said Lord opened me up to this ministry it's not because of preaching now I truly truly love the Holy Spirit it's not because of what God has done in my life today it's true when you speak by the spirit the result shows when you walk by the spirit the result shows this is not some manipulation of man my brothers and my sisters with God when the Holy Spirit works with you your life becomes a sign and a wonder we are not really so much without him when you truly take away the water and the spirit factor for most others up together we are not much you will not want to buy that product that's too cheap the real value is the presence of the word and the spirit like you can carry a tray that you can buy hundred two hundred naira and keep something on top that is priceless and everybody wants both the three and what is on top that's how we are n thin vessels but that the excellency of power may be of God not of men if you ever get healed it is because of the word and the spirit if your life ever changes from this conference it is because of the word and the spirit if that job ever comes for you it is not just emotion and just desire and just prophecy it is the word and the spirit the Lord and his Spirit has sent me the Lord and His Spirit has sent me how did you get blessed the word and the spirit how did God leave to and connect you to great people the word and the spirit why is your business blossom in all over Lagos the word and the spirit the word gives you the intelligence to open a shop what is the spirit that can draw men there you can sit on it everything you are selling by yourself it is opened but it takes the Spirit of God to draw men Alleluia is it all right if we pray give me you everything else can wait give me you I hope I'm not too late Lord gave me you Lord gave me you Lord keep me Lord gave me you one more time give me you [Music] everything else can wait give me you hope I'm not too late lord give me you Lord gave me you [Music] Lord give me [Music] in one minute I like it to cry and say Lord I am like those virgins but I want to be a wise one give me oil in my lamp I need grace and real genuine anointing for ministry tired of acting like I'm anointed when I am NOT tired of hoping it works when it can be guaranteed to work [Music] are you praying [Music] sorry Baraka Sierra bara raava [Applause] please pray from the depth of your heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord Alleluia now pass on Athenian we'll be coming up to bless our hearts and I know that we're really going to be blessed in an atmosphere of worship and because of that we have to conserve time we may just shift the miracle service to tomorrow so that we can just pray and all of that I may just peek over your life now just five minutes so that we allow the man of God to just bless our hearts in worship tonight but I want to pray a prayer for you and I want you to believe you came far and I want to release something upon you tomorrow please whatever it is I don't want you to miss tomorrow [Music] there are people in that parable who were called the sellers of the oil not just because they collected money what they were given custody that if your oil finishes you can go they sell it [Music] the man said it he what is not pride he said it he said there are people who can that means the wise one squatted from there the oil does not just fall from the sky there are those who are privileged by God's grace to be given that Ministry of supplying oil and as a prayer I want to pray for you [Music] in the name of Jesus Christ I decree over your life but every dimension you have desired spiritually in the name that is truly above all names may that grace may that fire made up oil rest upon you now let's just help them don't bring anybody out we don't have the time in the name of Jesus Christ man of God look at me I'm seeing something being put on your head this man I stretch my hands to you in the name of Jesus you step into a new level of grace right now a new level of oil by the power of the Holy Spirit Lord every empty every empty lung I send by the Spirit of God fresh oil you will know oil is entering your lung entering the prophetic ministry entering the apostolic ministry fresh oil on that prayer life fresh oil ba Baracus Ali Capra Hazara guitars fresh oil in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] every wariness spiritually you love the Lord but you know that it is it seems like this lump is about to die in the name of Jesus I come by the spirit let there be a supply let there be a supply [Music] for the visions you used to see and the dreams you used to have they were so powerful they bless men but something happened and the lamp began to go down in the name of Jesus like the hair of Samson I command an activation by the oil of the Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ and lastly I pray for you [Music] there are many of you who truly are sillas for the world you are attend students of the world but the graceful performance is not in your life there are many things you hope you focalize you verbalize some of you may even be man of God sincerely there is a grace that makes for performance is modern stories if it's not there it's not there I pray for you finally by the supply of the Spirit that when your eyes seeds and your mouth declares it letters spirits that brings performance rest upon your life in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ [Applause] thank you for being a part of our broadcasts you know we never like to end without giving an opportunity to make Jesus Christ in order of your life commonly to Christ is being on joining the church is beyond a religion it is joining God's family and that is done when you believe in Christ Jesus so I just want to leave you right away now if you are if you want to give it a surprise just after me say Lord Jesus I believe that you died and rose again and that you paid for my sins I accept you as my Lord and my Savior and from today I belong to you if you have said those words will believe you are born again you are part of God's family right now you can word I rejoiced about it and if you want to contact us just check the address is written on the screen god bless you beloved [Music]
Channel: Household of David
Views: 125,204
Rating: 4.8633256 out of 5
Keywords: HOD Church, Household of David Church, Sola Osunmakinde, Things Of The Spirit Conference, Pastor Poju Oyemade, Pastor Yemi Davids, Victoria Orenze, Nathaniel Bassey, Pastor Ibukun Awosika, Apostle Joshua Selman, ROL, Rivers of Life Choir, Praise and Worship Session
Id: kBMkgIwGFrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 34sec (5194 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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