R-Festival (Day 3) | Apostle Joshua Selman

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one and bus eight but you shall receive power say I receive everything to be received can be rejected he said you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you we began to discuss this yesterday and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem in all Judea Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth the Bible says that to be a witness remember discussion a validator a defender of the purposes of Christ it takes more than desire you will need power the power of the Holy Ghost that it takes more than desire to do business with God in this kingdom there are many well-meaning believers there are many well-meaning preachers many well-meaning businesspeople but the possibilities of the kingdom are not only controlled by God's desire they are controlled by the availability of his power that you access are we together some 9210 my spirit is fired up tonight Hruska la bracket Uzi attack Aparecida but my horn shalt thou exalt please just increase the volume a little for me like the Horn of a unicorn the Horn of a unicorn ever faces down even when the head is down even when a unicorn is down the horn does not face now it says my own shalt thou exalt in the simile to dove that of an unicorn and I shall be unknown tapped with fresh oil my horn shall go exalt like the horn of a unicorn and I shall be anointed with fresh oil Isaiah chapter 40 please from verse 1 to 5 Isaiah chapter 40 bone for chicken forty Kenya says your God verse to speak he comfortably to Jerusalem and cry to her that her warfare is accomplished that high iniquities pattern for she had received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins were reading 2 verse 5 3 the voice of him that cried in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God for every Valley shall be exalted and every mountain and Hill shall be made low and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places playing 5 hallelujah and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see together for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it there is a dimension of glory that is coming upon this nation please listen to me there is a dimension of the affordance of the power the grace of God that will Tabernacle upon men and women in the civil attune of the prophecy of joy he said blow the trumpet in Zion and sow the alarm upon my holy mountain then he begins to describe a type of people man terrible and great he says that it shall come to pass in the last days I shall pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters will prophesy your young men will see visions upon your handmaid he says listen let me tell you this let God be true and let every man be a liar the days that were coming to are not days of discussions excuses and explanations we are in the days of his power and the Bible says in the days of his power that the people shall be willing that we will sponsor possibilities that are not affordable in the world of men by an agency that is not human some 63 it was David who hung got to see the power and the glory of God so much from verse one and David himself began to cry and said O God thou art my god early will I seek you my soul thirsts that for you my flesh long get Ford in a dry and thirsty land where no water is the purpose for the hunger the stool to see your power and your glory revealed in my life the same way I saw in church when I get to church I saw the sea eel transport that reality to my home Oh God when I came to church I saw that with one prophetic word a man's life change I want to see your power and your glory in my life as I have seen in the sanctuary I desire to see your power your glory the effulgence of your wisdom to dumbfound principalities and powers especially of people that define the limitations of life and powered by the spirit that every Church in Korea is on fire doesn't matter which one you go to fire from everywhere you can stop the demon from one charge before he lands in another assembly this sends by the power of the Holy Spirit that you fortify the spiritual borders of your city by a dimension of power it's a sale to God how terrible are tau in your ways to the greatness of thy power shall die enemy submits themselves submit each one verse 5 the son is Christ a tragedy we must change tonight he says they know not neither will they understand verse 5 they walk on in darkness and none of the foundations of the other out of course the next verse says I have said Ye are gods and all of you are children of the Most High the next verse says what you shall die like mere men and fall like one of these Prince's someone shalt no way Kayla Hassan de braga Dulce attack that the music ministers in this city will lift up the string and it will be like it were in the days of David the sound of anything that comes from you can heal can deliver can bless you become a living wonder a testament of the lordship of Christ over territory so why's aya 61 says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me is a messianic prophecy first for Jesus and then for his church because because the Lord had ordained anointed me to number one bridge club tidings it takes more than understanding the gospel to preach glad tidings it takes the anointing he had sent me to bind up the brokenhearted this is modern psychology it takes the anointing to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty isn't it amazing that a man can look free what is bouncing scripture to proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of prison to them that are bound verse 2 he says to proclaim the acceptable year it takes the anointing to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God then by the anointing to comfort all who mourn verse 3 to a point do you know what that means to select the day that it will happen to a point does not mean to suggest to choose it day that you can see today should be your day of Liberty to appoint unto them that morning Zion he says to give them duty beauty gifts that can be given for ashes he says the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called oaks or trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified this is the heritage of the sons in light we are come to insist tonight let me tell you the truth if you believe that which God is saying your life will change in a way that will surprise you harus Kabbalah - she has cabana kuzia I became tired of religion I became tired of church not in a negative way I read my Bible and as I listen to preachers I was disturbed because what I read was not what I was seeing I left church confused where is the grace that produces the miracles why do we have to keep explaining and explaining and prophesying and nothing happens to the people we say God bless you they return with no testimony God lifts you and they return with no testimony I speak that your life will change and they return with no testimony it frustrated me I ask many pastors questions and they could not answer some said I didn't have faith I believed I did you see one of the ways they are noting of your destiny calls you is through dissatisfaction you begin to sense that I may not know what the problem is but I know something must be wrong this cannot be that hunger drove me to such Scripture I will never forget the day I place my hand on the book we call God's generals when I opened it it was as if I was reading about my brothers literally when I read I said this is it the Bible says sealed then that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses don't when got it well though we a few we're surrounded by many who have crossed that river before we may be few but there is an army of hungry and hungry men saying this cannot be the way it should be the way we beg people to come to church is a sign that something is wrong because the Bible says all nations will flow the way we call us and plead and say just be patient the house of God [Music] and so my hunger began to rise to the heavens and I cried I said Lord there has to be more this is not you this does not look like human where is your power and your glory where is the wisdom why is it so hard to save sinners you waste your time and talk for hours and at the end of your conversation they sell think about it my god what were you saying then is that why I am not ashamed of the gospel it is the power not the suggestion of God there is a nobility upon it that compels the listener [Music] to the point that believers are used to the word not working it shows by our testimonies we didn't expect it to work we're surprised at what [Music] and I said Lord you must reveal yourself to me I cannot tell a generation lies there has to be a dimension of God that we must reveal we are the preservers this baton has been passed to us and we cannot fail listen to me The Hunger of days became weeks weeks became months can I tell you the truth God loves you what his presence encounters are not cheap it to take hunger that is greater than your desire for anything to really find God we have a generation that she puts and count us as if they just happen to know nothing of value comes cheap he allows your hunger to stretch you one night here is my salmon tonight [Music] my hunger had reached the heavens I knew if he did not come I may die and there he walked into my room the King of Kings himself my hunger had gotten to the heavens I was not interested in church fame how did in one ministry I wanted an encounter something I could live and die for I was tired of saying things I was not sure of preaching something you go back and say I hope I'm right no that which we have seen that which we have heard that which our hands have handled of the Word of Life is says but I know whom I have believed I'm not trying to guess I am possibly dead when the Lord Jesus appeared to me where is your that gentleman that played keyboard with you yesterday is he here please call him two of you can do it together so that there's something about the strings and the spirit of prophecy it says I will reveal my sayings upon the harp now my hunger had gotten to the heavens and when Jesus came now please look on the strange thing pastor when I saw Jesus I knew respectfully that many people represented representing him did not know him I was in shock this was the man had been preaching about Jesus the Son of the Living God any part of him was what you're looking for ever you know you cannot look at a human being forever if I look at your legs after a few minutes I'm tired I find something else to look at not Jesus brilliance I told you yesterday he never spoke a word but he said many things that was when I learned that the language of God is not English is not Hebrew is not Latin the language of God is light he does not have to talk to speak his light is a voice it speaks to you then the Bible not said the entrance of thy word given light and he stretched forth his hands towards me when he stretched forth his hands towards me the kind of lights that came from his hand I stand before God Kenya how I did not die is something I will ask him when we meet him in glory no man can receive that level of light and their life and everything entered me and then he left I don't know how he left what he left and my life changed I picked up my Bible and there was his straight line from Genesis to Revelation I saw things I never studied I understood what Paul said how by revelation the mystery was made known unto me please listen very carefully there is a reason why I say what I say in 1 or dying counter the Lord appeared to me and said son from today I give you my presence as a gift and then I saw this angel standing before me and he said this angel will walk with you and I said what is his name and he said he is called the angel of the Lord's presence [Music] this angel that's what is responsible for the miracles and the science the wonders the impartation and then in one other encounter the Lord gave me an instruction he said every city and every territory and every nation I send you two there must be people in that meeting that the light that came from me - you must you cannot leave that nation and that territory until some of those people please help them harus Kara scuba rutila cotta [Music] yella selasa braja Shalonda casterbridge Caleb ROTC hosaka Deborah to see a guitar ragged old skeleton see Amish Cabarrus Cabana is a spirit of revival it is a restoration of the act the ordinances of God it is not the bragging of a man this has nothing to do with being a man of God and ministry it is the privilege of being the host of the presence and the power of God for a generation for a territory because when he wants to minister to Israel he finds Jacob he sends the word to Jacob and then it is lighted upon Israel America zebra has given us and everytime he grants the opportunity to come to a nation it is more than a church meeting is the calling that opens the to lift gates of a nation and begins to allow spiritual realities to find expression even by the spirit now the Lord is that spirit he says and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty that is what we all with face is unveiled beholding as in a mirror the glory the Shekinah of God that we are changed from one dimension of glory to the other tonight you are immersed in a sea of his glory the glory that excels the glory that can change the glory that can turn around the captivity of Ages within a moment within the twinkling of an eye there are men and women of God here like Saul the son of Kish who are about to encounter anointings graces Mantle's for their destinies you've seen it in your dreams you've added it's been prophesied to you but let me tell you tonight is a night where you will drink of the wine that needs to be released for this generation [Music] [Music] yeah yeah the old wine is finished Kenya I stand and speak my apostolic and prophetic behold the new wine the wine the fist is not over the new wine comes to you comes to your altar we men rising in the strength of the Bora women rising in the grace of esta men like Elijah time will fail me the Bible says to talk of men like Gideon Jeff Hopp Iraq men who to faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness stopped the mouths of lions Africa that rejected stone the sofa is blowing that that which is dead will come back again to life [Music] whether it is for ministry whether it is for business we are about to enforce a reality of the life and the power of the Spirit there will be a demonstration of the possibilities of the kingdom across the length and the breadth of Kenya in a way and man I hear me i prophesy to you there is a new anointing that I young people arising from every church from every campus young people by the spirit under the influence of the spirit they will have encounters god is bringing balance to them the labor of the fathers of faith in this land have reason as a memorial to heaven and the time has come so we joined the heavens to blow the shofar over Kenya our eyes to a new dimension in the spirit [Music] seanny barakatuh where you are just open your mouth in one minute and begin to pray in the spirit [Music] please pray in the spirit don't be distracted tonight your life will never be the same your nation will never be the same [Music] harus halitosis a bar on describe arias [Music] [Music] passing crowds lifting and bowing to I have come to do casting round [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you now please listen give me five minutes if you can and then we'll stand back and now begin to minister will not take much of your time let me just share with you a very big keep listen I want to share with you one secret that can grant a man access to host the power of God [Music] Jesus began to teach us on the mysteries of the kingdom and he said that hour has come listen very carefully that the Son of Man be glorified and then the very next verse he says verily verily I say unto you except a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies the door that leads to life is death the door that leads to power is death more than your fasting more than your prayer more than your Bibles body the price for all of God is all of you more than your money more than your preaching more than your intellect you want all of God the price is all of you yes how Paul says it chapter 12 and verse 1 Romans I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that he offer your bodies not your spirits as living sacrifices holy unto God it calls it your reasonable act of worship the fire never falls until there is sacrifice upon the altar the man that God will use in these days and not just men of intelligence they are not just preachers not just men of oratory men who are dead only dead men can carry God the weight of God is too heavy for you to carry in your life you need to pass through a realm called collations to 20 I have been crucified with Christ madam the anointing is on you look at me touch this woman for me I don't know who this woman is but I'm seeing this woman step into a prophetic dimension in the spirit nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ that lives in me is as a life that I live now I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and sell for me no I have seen the Bible says no ear has heard neither has it coming to the heart of man that which God has in store not for Priya Wario's not for fasting Giants for them that love him not them that use him for fame not them that use him for a name death is the price for life hear what I say preachers nothing will ever cover the lack of the presence of God our pews will remain empty until we sustain the ability to host God we need to present God to a generation in a way and a manner that is greater than preaching is a reality it is for a generation then we will see his power once again we will not have to read books again to learn of his power we will be the evidence the living epistles a restoration of patterns like Gideon it will no longer be Ichabod where is the miracles that our fathers told us will no longer speak of the proverb because we'll be living epistles of the possibilities and the realities of the Spirit we will influence governments and systems the great will entreat our favor because we carry the khatma the signature of the power the life the glory of God tonight I've come to blow a shofar over Kenya and I've come to blow a sofa over Africa it is true this convergence is an awakening for Africa that the season has come the season has come for that rejected stone to arise in power and glory in 2005 I saw a vision of the revival that will come to Africa I saw the anointing Mantle's living continents to different continents and I saw that mantle coming to Africa and hiding in people and places that they never knew they were already Carini and God concealed it so that it does not cover up your training because there are people if they know the grace that they carry it will corrupt that discipline so once you are sitting now you do not even know the kind of mantle and grace and unction that you carry it is sealed until the time appointed ekata I saw the formation of the army I saw prophetic worshipers rising from Africa men who were write songs that were not composed they would sing the songs of Miriam sons of angels received from a realm that is not bound in time songs that could not die I saw ordinary people under the influence of the Spirit nursing mothers that looked like weak people in the spirit and the power of women like Maria would want it ha I saw their willpower arising from Africa tonight by the Spirit of the Lord before I leave your nation let us give God that opportunity that that which has been locked up in the bowels of prophecy we will cry that you will rend the heavens tonight and let something that is holy and mighty come from heaven and rest upon our ministries and rest upon our lives we have only a few minutes I'll be praying for people and minister will be very fast our time is gone but please let there be a desire tonight if you will please please listen to me keep whatever title aside for a few minutes and let your heart be open to contact something that a generation cannot deny the presence of God listen to me I do not stand as one who is greater there is an anointing I see an angel standing just at the back of Chillon there is depth that row I'm seeing an anointing just coming on someone at one of the ladies there in the name of Jesus I declare right now please bring her here I want to prophesy to her there is a dimension of the Sammis tree that this lady's tapping into by the Spirit of God harus Holocaust Kaba Rhonda a tsuba hashida challah ricotta salata KATUSA Marisa Guevara - Sierra Brea Jesus Salaam Salaam Jehovah Shalom Shalom you're welcome in these plays so long so long Joe hawkish a long shallow man you're welcoming these legs shallow shallow - oh gosh I shall all go well call me miss me hallelujah please listen we're about to pray bring the lady that will shout loud under the anointing now to the hearing of everyone bring her [Music] the Bible not say you are coming to Mount Zion is not just a testament is a reality that you have come before the innumerable angels the spirits of just men made perfect unto Jesus the mediator of the new covenant my day I shift you to new dimensions in the spirit I decree and declare that the power of the Holy Ghost comes upon you and turns you into another person by the Spirit yeah well coming please play [Music] please yummy I want to pray for you now but listen to me there are three ways by which a generation encounters the anointing for their destiny number one and I wanted to listen very quickly you can get an impartation directly from God through your Honka and through your encounter but the biblical pathway is true the mystery that the Bible calls impartation please listen impartation is not anointing with oil impartation is the transference of spiritual possibilities the possibilities that you command are predicated on the grace that I mentioned the mantle that is upon your life now please watch this out of her now release that lady now in the name of Jesus out now the Bible says now the Lord is not spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is please hear me except God is not God any challenge that walk here with you this night you will drop it down see this impartation is a transference of possibilities now please watch this our walk with God is based on relationship but kingdom advance is based on covenant let me explain to you what that means God cannot give everybody just anoint everybody at the same time no when he wants to release a dimension of his possibilities on earth the way he does it is to find a man when he finds a man he enters a covenant with that man that becomes a platform for allowing a territory experience that spiritual possibility and then that man becomes his the gatekeeper of that grace we feel the life span of that dispensation no man will access that dimension of grace ignoring that man and ignoring his sacrifice let me show you how it works listen today when we talk about faith and the word of faith start from anywhere in the world it was proper Kenneth Copeland he is the spiritual system alive today after Hagen that is the gatekeeper of that spiritual possibility if Copeland dies God will find another man an entire covenant with him that represents the continuity of that dimension of possibility hear me please no matter how you love God there are anointing that will not come to you directly they will come to you in alignment to men and women that by Godfrey determinate counsel and through the sacrifice of alignment have entered a covenant that allows that time mention of grace to be visible within a territory Yammy it is not human washing when he sends a war to Jacob it is because of Israel he does not send the word to Israel he will send it to Jacob through covenant and Jacob will take it and make it visible in Israel Elijah was such a man Elijah was not a a man Elijah was a body carrying a spiritual system a spiritual system of the prophetic because every time the move of God is about to come Elijah must precede Elijah is system the first manifestation of the spirit of Elijah was in Noah not just a man Elijah when Jezebel the same way Jezebel is not just a woman Jezebel is an antichrist system and she seeks to carry out her rule by sitting in government every time Jezebel is in a place she's looking for men of power because this is how she operates and so Elijah the Tishbite shows up and when he shows up and judges the prophets of bear listen very carefully Jezebel picks a fight with Elijah and Jezebel vows that she must remove the head of Elijah Elijah goes to heaven Jezebel dies we come back to the New Testament and we see Elijah coming back again in a strange man called John the Baptist we see Jezebel coming back again in a young lady called the daughter of Herodias the bodies disappear but the systems continue and just like Jezebel said the young lady danced before the king and he said what do you want and he said the head of John like I told him I will remove his head I'm still at it again please yeah me human bodies may come and go but the system of God is eerily the mantles that come upon you will not start from you is a continuation of a program the bodies that carry it may come and go but the agenda remains the same this is what God has brought us to do is someone ready to pray are there people that train this place please I'd like you to find someone and be serious tonight in the next two three minutes lift a cry to heaven father let something from heaven let the grace under on shun mat escoba ricotta come upon my life transform my life liftoff voice at Britannia [Music] Kayla Bharat okasada bharata's Kenya pray hey nama saya ma che la vecina Nadia [Music] ha ha Baruch asada the power of the Holy Ghost turning our lives into signs and wonders the power of the Holy Ghost shifting man by the spirit to new dimensions the power of the Holy Ghost turning businessmen to signs and wonders Mary said how shall these things be seeing that I know not a man is that the power of the highest shall overshadow you shall overshadow you man of God shall overshadow you business man shall overshadow you [Music] someone pray pray for your ministry you are about to receive something some of you who travel from other nations prayer that the fire of the Holy Ghost will come upon you and you will go back to your Nations with signs and wonders [Music] hallelujah hallelujah now please listen to me praise the Lord now please listen whether you are inside or the overflow I want to listen to me three things I want to say very quickly please whether or not you are an OSHA I would like you to help me so that those under the anointing would not injure themselves because I'm going to be asking that you bring certain people out here and if that call is made then please do cooperate number two I want to plead with you that your hearts be open we have to work with time and I'm going to pray for the sick and I'm going to just speak impartation of our lives let your heart be open praise the Lord the first prayer thank you the Spirit of the Lord is ministering to me I prayed that prayer yesterday and the Lord is asking me to create again there is a place for speed please listen listen truly let me tell you this it is true that there is an option there is a type of grease and oil that can come upon a man and put ten years in one year I believe in second I will restore he can restore time the years are the kanka warmest eaten I want to release that grace now I wanted to bring the people out I'm seeing the number 31 in the name of Jesus over Kenya I stretched my hands right now let them mantle and that grace was speed take that place now take that place now take that race now I shift you speed in business I shift you speed in ministry by the spirit of the Living God [Music] [Music] speak hey Perry pastula baccata receives be a true a conference receive speed speed and the hand of the Lord came upon elijah and iran and over to the chariots of AA down to Jezreel I released speed speed by the Spirit of God lift your hands take that place now now I release that grace I shift you to a new level in the spirit this man will never be the same I don't know who he is but the Lord is saying to speak to him that is rising to a new level in the spirit [Music] hamish kalapa rock oppose her brand ekadasi and since ayah and I'm Cynthia coming on people's hands and the Lord is saying there is a grace a healing place is coming over Kenya and strong healing anointing take that grace now how men and women and see the healing place bring them out sons and daughters of this land a healing grace strong anointing for signs and wonders [Music] then Armas Hawking on uh Cinna not in a not in another [Music] paru - ah-ha-ha-ha [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the Lord Alleluia who is into telecommunications the Lord is showing me a man here you are into telecommunications who not waste time please [Music] telecommunications I'm seeing a woman you are also into telecommunications you are where you are wearing a red dress and you're wearing glasses who is that is there someone like that please come if there's someone like that help me search quickly I just want to prophesy over that person we want to pray for the sick right now please make sure you understand what I'm saying [Music] telecommunications you are into telecom I want to pray for you because I'm seeing a grace that is coming on someone Purusha las abejas caperucita a mighty prophet is arising from this meeting right now the Lord is asking me to release a grace there is a gentle man there is a dealing of the Spirit that you have been going through seasons of fasting and prayer and I'm also seeing a few ladies too I stretch my hands I don't know where they are but in the name of Jesus I call the prophetic found him that is within your spirit s Fatah be open be open I speak and I call prophetic fountains Lord our window the prophetic be opened Fatah let ministries step into new dimensions the seeing eyes and the hearing years by the Spirit of God [Music] leave all of my sin on a man on about [Music] who is Juliet Juliet I'm hearing a name Juliet please who is that we have to hurry up let's respect time who is Juliet's please Juliet I want to pray for you then this is the telecoms lady you're all telecoms people why you're in telecommunications let me pray for this young lady where do you walk Africa's talking Africa's talking where is that what is that it's a company that's come hold my hands December January is your month of strings breakthrough I don't know this lady but I'm saying it in the open I hold your hands and I shift you by prophesy into that dimension December January the Spirit of the Lord is saying he's connecting you with men around your industry and it will shift you to sort a dimension that you will marvel and Wonder in the name of Jesus is this how you celebrate what God is doing in Kenya [Music] who is Juliet Sally guru Tasha where are you from My dear please don't just come out at random from where this nation we are from this nation where is your mother I want to pray we need to rebuke sickness I will together your mother has started complaining of pains pains around her body do I know you have I ever seen you but I'm seeing that the devil wants to bring an attack of infirmity over your mother but here at Work Conference 2019 the Bible says when the enemy comes like a flood in judgment the Spirit of the Living God will raise his standard I speak and I prophesy to you by the hand of God Almighty let every plague of darkness be shifted now and for you step into a new anointing right now I release you into that grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ what do you do my friend you aim to telecoms I will pray for you are you in this nation in this nation because I'm seeing you travel out I'm seeing you have something to do in UK I want to take note God is taking you to UK he will cross by you even by his spirit I stretched my hands towards you and I decree and declare by the spirit of grace be shifted to that dimension in the name the mighty name of Jesus Christ the mighty name of Jesus Christ I want to pray for the sick shortly but I'm hearing the name Evelyn Evelyn who is Evelyn I'm hearing a name Evelyn I'm hearing a name Evelyn what's her name please make sure you don't tell lies don't just come out because you feel like coming up we'll pray for everybody we don't have time to prophesy to everybody grace of God the name of someone's church there is grace of God something that has to do with grace of God who is that I don't know if you a pastor I'm seeing a name like grace of God something something that has to do with grace of God who is that please please if you come out let me you are at the back you are wearing yellow something that looks like yellow this is that someone like that come where are you coming from hold on where are you coming from what's the name you're a pastor yeah what's the name of your church come on coop Greece grace okay that's your wife your life is about to change I don't know you but in the name of Jesus I decree and prophesy step into any dimension magnifier now in the name of Jesus I open up the wells of the Spirit madam you are entering the level of favor and see what came on a star coming on you and I speak to you by the Spirit of God step into a new dimension of grace I shift your ministry by the spirit to ministry with integrity and may God take you to Heights on Imagine in the name of Jesus Christ there is a pastor from Uganda the Lourdes is there a pastor you are from Uganda who is that person please go ahead pastor you are wearing suits with something that a life time pastor from Uganda suits who is that person is that someone like that you're from where you can de where are you from please don't don't let's not make this place round if someone help me just control if I prayed for you you can just please politely go back to your seat so I pray for you you are a pastor in Uganda you pass all your church you love Jesus hold my hands I shift you to a new level in the spirit in the name of Jesus Christ you will never forget this conference the weakness in your spirit man beckoned by the grace of God be shifted to a new dimension where is the pastor that just left here now you came for this conference you came alone yes you came alone no I'm seeing two people oh you don't speak English you came with your PA deepen your PA needs to be prayed for where is he sorry son why are you here sorry universe Kawai are you that's all right let me just pray for you we have to save time sir I don't know you I don't know what it is that you do but the hand of God is coming upon your life and the Lord is going to shift you the teaching grace in a mighty way is coming upon you and I'm seeing praise for signs and wonders listen all of these prayers they are not a call for licensures and chalice living we're tired of all this nonsense in the church we need some level of order and discipline and dexterity so please do not mistaken this invitation as a license for carelessness we have abused the prophetic we have abused her for Stalag but God is restoring order and restoring the patterns of God to the church just because you are anointed does not mean you should be callous Africa listen to me several people have risen in the prophetic in the apostolate and we celebrate and thank God for what they have done but if you do not manage the grace of God with character and godliness and discipline and self-control when we allow the flesh to override these giftings we end up messing up God's program and then it does not bless people so please do not think this is one of those men of God come to add to the confusion we are eminent that have come by the power of God to set things right to a noise and then to advocate the character of the spirit the love of the Spirit I pray for you my friend look at me I lay my hands upon you serve Him faithfully and may God shift you to levels untold man of God I pray for you by the Spirit of the Living God I just saw the angels of the Lord moving around this road that's why there are two people the power of God is coming on them right now just this room I just saw like the in journey please bring them out for me now [Music] arimasu da da Sierra paru docility a kasuba iscariot a buzias I release you by the power of the Holy Spirit step into a new level of grace in the name of Jesus where were you coming from ah I mean all of these people you are your OSHA's your OSHA's all of you I eat leaves my god the person who shouts among you under the anointing is the one I'm speaking no no no no no no no this is by the spirit bringer this is the one I'm talking about but I will pray for all of you anyway I release you by the Spirit of God from every captivity that is not of the Christ I pray and I declare by the Spirit of the Living God let it come to an end right now and for all of you two of you hold your hands together you and you two of you I stretched my hands I saw oil coming on two of you I released you into this grace now this man and this woman step3 of that grace by the mighty power of the Holy Ghost my dear go and tell your family that are what come friends God has brought you a visitation I'm speaking to you by the Spirit of God I don't know you from anywhere but you will never forget this conference as long as you live because salvation comes to your family strange breakthrough is coming to your family [Music] Abu Saleh to Salah broca's Kevin Aisha Krakatoa's alligaroos a Mahajan platysanic Attleboro de cèlle to Xie praça dos Camejo Sala cotta and decretals ideale kaduche a Kratos edevalla to SATA cream vamos hacia Dabashi Alleluia I want to pray for the sick right now please listen everybody listen in every conference we must give the holy spirit an opportunity to take away burdens and yokes from people I know that all kinds of ministrations have been going on here but I believe that the Lord would want to set people free right now I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit I want to pray for the sick and then afterwards who prepare hearts for the final impartation please let your hearts be open they may not be time to prophesy and speak to everyone and we must redeem the time we have to honor the time people have come they have invested their time their energy and we have to make sure that weakens up and we do the best that we can do South Africa South Africa South Africa now I know many people may have come from there but I'm seen two people two of you came you came as friends from South Africa where are they if they are here let me just pray for them before I pray for the sick South Africa where are they celebrate Jesus you came from South Africa your pastors what do you do where pastor what do you do my dear I want to pray for you I'll get pastor I'm seeing a business one what do you do in a road construction in recycling I want to pray for you two people will meet with you before the end of this year there will be part of a project that is ongoing in South Africa the Lord will use it and lift you in a strange way you see listen prophecy does not only reveal there are two dimensions to the prophetic there is the revelatory dimension of the prophetic and the goal of the revelatory dimension of the prophetic is to sponsor faith to be able to reveal to you the details to the end that your faith be strengthened are we together now but the most superior dimension of prophecy is the creative dimension of prophecy where you make things that have no business happening to happen when the Prophet said by this time tomorrow he was not revealing something that would happen anyway he made it happen I want to pray for you women of God I do not know you but in the name of Jesus your life will never be the same there is a grace that is going to come upon you for bearing women this is what the Lord is revealing to me number one and then number two I'm seeing the grace of an intercessor coming on you in a very strange dimension you are a woman of Prayer but I'm seeing a higher level you will see things at a national level in the place of prayer this is what the Lord is revealing to me I'm going to pray for you can I pray for you very quickly before we pray for the sick father shift this woman to a new dimension in the name of Jesus let me pray for you my dear in the name of Jesus I give your business wings in the spirit rise to a new dimension by the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus I program a climate of favor over you and I declare you will step into possibilities you never dreamed possible i grant you access to the hearts of kings and i compel in the name of Jesus that they will come to you they will bless you for the name of the Lord and for the advancement of his kingdom let's pray for the sick now please listen we're going to do it very fast yeah I know that many of you inside and at the overflow and those following online are trusting God for all kinds of miracles I'm going to pray for you now and all I want you to do is to lay your hands where you are trusting God for a miracle it is a part of your body you cannot touch just make contact with your chest as a sign of faith we have to conserve time so immediately I pray for you and I rebuke that devil I will give you an opportunity less fear even if it's 5-10 minutes and we're going to have those that have been healed and touched and delivered very quickly is it alright if we use here I'm going to ask you very quickly to calm please let me have a few plasters okay pastor Pete is here and they'll just check you would take a few testimonies to announce to the realm of the Spirit that Jesus is still not over Kenya and when that happens we'll do the final impartation and we're done is that Alright now please lay your hands everybody let's pray believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal and to deliver now listen there are two people who are going to shout on that the anointing to the hearing of everybody I don't know why this happens is a sign and a wonder but the moment that happens the healing power will begin to flow now please agree with me in the name of Jesus aloud amen Kenya in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus ha-ha-ha baccata in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I command every devil of infirmity right now begone in the name of Jesus I cause every Spirit responsible for any and all forms of infirmity the Lord rebuke you in the name of Jesus now I declare to you Kenya be healed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus please help those under the anointing be healed in the name of Jesus my god miracles are happening the Lord is healing someone you have a problem with your neck the power of God is touching you right now I declare healing in the name of Jesus the Lord is healing someone off pile very painful condition of pile be healed in the name of Jesus and seeing someone who cannot hear is it that you cannot hear or you cannot hear well on your right here I command that ear be open now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus multiple locks around your left breast is going now by the power of the Holy Ghost by the power of the Holy Ghost the Lord is healing a blood condition I am seeing a blood condition that the Lord is healing be healed now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus lower back pain just right here I sense a very sharp pain the power of God is touching that person right now in the name of Jesus Christ there is a gentleman then severe pain around your time here the power of God is touching you right now be healed in the name of Jesus someone has a very sharp pain around the shoulder here that pain goes right now in Jesus name in Jesus name there is a swelling around your abdominal region here I command that growth will disappear now in the name of Jesus the Lord is showing me someone you've been sensing pain here it looks like appendicitis the power of God is touching you right now the power of God is touching you right now I'm seeing a gentle man with them I don't know if you see a growth around your throat your tie rod area here the power of God is touching you right now don't worry just received by faith in the name of Jesus I declare be healed now I command every blind eye here pass out blindness complete deafness blindness be open now in Jesus name every deaf ear be open in the name of Jesus if you are here and you are in a wheelchair or you're on crutches throw that cross and stand up now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I decree and declare be healed by the power of the Holy Ghost the Lord is showing me severe pain around the chest year when you get up in the morning you almost you cannot lie down on this side to sleep because the pain is severe the power of God is touching you right now in the name of Jesus Christ there is someone you lost your sense of smell you cannot smell things right now as I'm praying it's been restored right now you will begin to smell perfumes the power of God is watching you right now the Lord is showing me a lady you've been having a severe condition of your hair falling almost like a cancer patient I'm declaring be healed now in the name of Jesus now don't be embarrassed I want to pray for you one two three four I'm seeing four people don't come out I'm what the Bible calls the issue of blood whether is a period of your monthly circle or not you will have continual flow as I'm praying for you now after the prayer go and check yourself it stops forever in the name of Jesus it stops forever by the power of the Holy Ghost one two three four five you've been without a child for five years with that one two three four five I'm seeing like five years with that person I just want to speak to you without a child make sure you are married are we together come your time of salvation has come don't cry now the Lord is that spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is husband this is your wife and prophesy to you in the open in the presence of all Kenya I will not put my reputation on the line for nothing but I stand by the God of heaven and I speak to both of you I stand by the god of just wrong in the name of Jesus I don't care what the medical condition is I speak to you madam look at me I'm seeing something like a chain around your womb being loose I lose you now now now by the spirit have that woman by the Spirit of the Living God i prophesy to you go on return with your children returned with fruitfulness this lady - I declare over you is over now I'm seeing a spirit out out of her now your trust in God I want you to come out again because it is all of your trusting God for the fruit of the womb so let's pray pastor get ready to dedicate so many children be free now now in the name of Jesus I cost that spirit I release you right now I'm declaring by the Spirit of the Living God my friend look at me this is your wife both of you madam lay your hands on your stomach I cost that Devil now in the name of Jesus I release you from every whatever reports the doctor says to the man man I changed that report now in the name of Jesus and I declare by the Spirit of the Living God according to the time of life go and return with your children in the name of Jesus Christ my sister look at me don't cry shout Jesus as loud as you can is over go and return with your child in the name of Jesus Christ where are you from what is tighter tighter what is that is where you are coming from it's a place and I'm hearing tight is it tighter that's what I'm hearing in the spirit where are you from kya the Lord is listen I'm speaking to you you see when God reveals like this it is to strengthen your faith it is not too sure that the man is anointed no we are only three words of the mystery it is Christ that deserves glory even once he glorifies his bride then we are not careful let me tell you can you listen to me Africa listen to me there is nothing we have in ourselves to make any boost what you see is the election of grace and as we minister by the Spirit we must be intentional about letting men see Christ lifted to our ministration it is easy to want to draw the attention to yourself but we are mentoring a generation we are not only ministry where correcting wrong approaches to ministry it is very easy to brag around and make it look like it is apostle Joshua Salman brothers and sisters hear me I am a man I'm a vessel empowered by the spirit the one who deserves the glory now and always is Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God in the name of Jesus I prophesied to you let captivity come to an end now in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus my sister look at me shout Jesus as loud as you can that's not a shout daddy said the church is afraid de - she doesn't even know why she's shaking in the name of Jesus I cost that spirit it lets you go now and forever for all of you standing trusting God for the fruit of the womb in the name of Jesus the anointing of the Holy Ghost is on you my dear out of her now in the name of Jesus my dear look at me two of you I'm seeing an anointing coming upon you in the name of Jesus we free I cause every devil out now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I declare by the Spirit of the Living God and according to the time of life return with your children in the name of Jesus for all of you who have stood in for the fruit of the womb I decree and declare it doesn't matter what I speak to you specifically you just believe oh this your wife the man is drawing his wife and say you can't you can't forget us what do you do sir I serve a purpose enter and serve @ / % protocol okay and I work for company doing transport and logistics no I'm seeing you starting your own transport company there is a grace that is common only listen to me there is a grace that is coming upon you and I'm seeing you float your own transport on ask where the money will come from that does no no [Music] if you will believe then you will see the glory of the Lord I know you are here for the issue of fruit of the womb don't worry about that one God is prophesying something that will bless you I'm speaking to you by the spirit you will start your own company on the hand of God who rest upon you he will prosper you even in this land madam I stretch my hands and I declare that it is over in the name of Jesus Christ for all of you standing I pray with you and I agree that it is over forever in Jesus name God bless you let's pray let's finish up our prayer for the sick in the name of Jesus Christ I declare by the Spirit of the Living God be healed right now shout amen be healed right now be healed right now be healed right now whether I mentioned your case or not by the power of the Holy Ghost be healed right now I'm telling you the anointing of the Holy Spirit is setting people free now this is what I want you to do while we celebrate Jesus we have just 5 minutes for this there are people inside and outside check yourself now the moment you find out that the power of God has taught you I want you to run like this fire on the mountain come and stand here a few pastors will confirm you and would take the case celebrate Jesus God is doing mighty things here look at miracles happening my God look at miracles happen in Kenya are you celebrating Jesus look at this there's a desk here look at this and every weapon [Music] look at this dear Jesus praise give Jesus praise check yourself look at a miracle has happened here another miracle has happened Harold us an avocado pepero skimmer a toast check yourself in the name of Jesus check yourself that's someone you could not walk with your left leg properly check yourself now life and power has come to your lips please very quickly celebrate Jesus Kenya what is with my teachings hallelujah let me know when we're ready to just take a few just coordinate yourselves and unless let's hear what God is doing here listen please look Oh miracles are not just a proof that the man is anointed I taught you yesterday we are witnesses a miracle is a reply over Satan's assault from God to man to creation that I am still God are we together now praise the Lord praise the Lord yes go ahead she has been outsmarted for when she was a child she came into this meeting with a lot of pain on my chest and right now the pain is no completely free in and out breathe in and out breathe in and out look at this come on kaya got my dear in the name of Jesus never returns to you again by the power of the Holy Ghost and Allah will not rest I love a lamb on a branch okay yes when she came to this meeting other Micra My dear what happened to you now what happened to you now I used to feel pain here but when you mentioned about someone who loved me yes what happened do you know I can feel no pain it's gone yes Jesus Jesus the power of God is still touching people the Lord is showing me a woman you are an elderly woman I don't know what challenge you have with your your lumbar area something that has to do with your stability pain around your side check yourself now the power of God has taught you is gone and gone forever gone and gone forever my day in the name of Jesus be healed completely mommy I could not be able to lift this particular hand she couldn't live this hard right now she can lift it ah come on now Kenya look at this you can even see the hand put it down mommy put it down lift it up put it down lift it up put it down ahh [Music] she's crying hold on hold on please come my god you can you can see how twisted the hand that's how you can see it in the name of Jesus over now man of God this lady has been deaf yeah she's been dead and she has a report but she says let me see the report look at this this is our report for how long [Music] Jesus hallelujah [Applause] [Music] just Martis one of god yes sir this gentleman here Comte my dear it never returns to you again in the name of Jesus you are free now you are free forever in Jesus name yes please well this man went through his a rape victim from his uncle he says he is a rape victim rape victim he said he was about to go in for surgery in the coming week because of pains that never went away he said as he stood there the pain all went completely I command that spirit hold my hands and not devil to leave you now and to leave you forever be free now and be free forever in the mighty name of Jesus Christ be free forever in the name of Jesus man of God man of God this little builds going through if we are paying see airplanes from Monday from Monday yes when she came into this meeting the pain was still there but as you were praying the pain is gone the anointing is on her look at me pain is gone look at me top the lady for me the pain is gone completely I stretched my hands and I declare the name of Jesus never returns to you never returns to you by the power of the Holy Ghost man of God this lady and having numbness on a left side numbness on your left side yes and some pain when she came to the meeting as you were praying the pain is gone at the numbness in Manama run run go run any pain any pain do what I'm doing come on Tanya give Jesus praise [Applause] in the name of Jesus never returns to you again by the power of the Holy Ghost yes please man of God this lady has been experiencing back pains for the last two weeks so when you declare someone with a back pain belly pain disappeared completely check yourself now bend down up any pain completely give Jesus praise never returns to you again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ [Music] Jerusha la pérouse Kandahar second Travel Lucia man of God she's had multiple lumps on her left breast multiple lumps let me go ahead give her the mic I have I had what's your name my name is messy okay multiple lumps on my left breast even if you hugged me tight I'd feel a lot of my god completely it's God [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] there is a strong anointing on you my dear and in the name of Jesus I'm speaking to you let every door that stands close before you by the spirit of prophecy I declare it open right now in the name of Jesus hold my hands do your best come I release you by the power of the Holy Spirit let the old go I open you to the new by the Spirit of the Living God in the name of Jesus the Son of the Living God Jesus the Son of the Living God Jesus the Son of the Living God man of God let's take one or two more yes applause this woman came here into this meat with a lot of pain on that joints and joy she could not stand for long because of the pain but after the prayer the pain is no more she knew if we check yourself my dear any pain she's smiling don't hold my hands lovely people Kenya is a wonderful place you smile a lot may God bless you I receive that anointing and I take it back to Nigeria and Jesus name we also smile we're happy people but I mean you smile at another dimension god bless you hallelujah now I don't know we may not have the time my god timeless is gone I know that we want to take some more testimonies but I sincerely apologize who have to stop so I just do the impartation my excellence is here a number of people here and would not want to keep them for unusually long but then you have your testimonies I'm sure that there should be a system where you get it across to the pastor and then you share the testimony here at the church or whatever assembly that you come from I want to do the impartation as we round up now this is where everyone must receive let's pray La Russa he asked about Deus kamenashi the Lord spoke to Moses and said thou shall anoint Joshua and he anointed Joshua and he said thou shall take some of your honor our know is transferable you shall take some of your honor and you shall cleave to him and the Bible said this that Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses laid hands on him please listen to me an impartation does not mean you are weak spiritually an impartation is a privilege of the transference of dimensions levels of the anointing every possibility in the kingdom is not only sponsored by the anointing but sponsored by the level of the anointing please look up let me give an illustration I think I have some money here look up please this is a hundred dollar bill everybody please look up now I don't know how much that translates to in your currency but this is ten thousand now look up please if you have a hundred dollar bill how many of you know that this can grab you a very good meal this can grab you many things but this may not buy a car for you yet it is money so if what you want is lunch this is sufficient but if what you want is something that is a house or a car you will need more of these it's not enough to be anointed the extent of the anointing determines the extent of the possibilities so Apostle Peter is speaking in the house of Cornelius to the Gentile church and he says in this way chapter 10 and verse 38 of Acts how God anointed not just that Jesus was anointed look at the extent to which God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power and he went about doing good and healing all day that were oppressed of the devil and the Bible says for God was with him it is not enough to be a you must be anointed to the degree to which every condition that comes is we feel the jurisdiction of your anointing to solve listen you are not a blessing until you are anointed it is true as a man of God you must sustain the level of grace that is higher than every challenge your members will come with that way you become a blessing Eve out of hundred conditions you solve two you have failed even if the to testify and make a big deal out of it so meetings like these are systems of upgrade for some of you what you need is a greater level of the same anointing for some of you what you need is another dimension just because you carry the healing anointing does not mean the anointing for favors upon you please understand the same key does not open every room what is called a key just because you have the key to the kitchen does not mean you have the key to the restroom if what you want is food you are safe but if you want to use the restroom you will need keys the anointing is that way now watch this please I want to do the final impartation I apologize let me have four people gentlemen never forget this illustration for the rest of your life any four gentlemen just cutter yourselves around watch this this is how Paul says it please stand here son he said and God is able to make all grace everybody say all grace that means you can have some not all call this the grace for wealth and abundance call this the grace for favor and influence call this the graceful speed call this the spirit of wisdom for instance just because I have the grace for wealth and abundance does not mean I have faithful the proof of favor is not money is the loyalty of men the heart of men is the proof that you are favored watch this I can be blessed financially I have a dimension of grace but when I need to make decisions because I lack this fortitude for wisdom it will show my life so here's what the Bible says God is able all of you come to me to make all grace all my hands bound towards you so that he having all sufficiency the sufficiency is a product of this multifaceted dimension so I when my challenge if I'm faced with a financial situation I project the grace that solves it if I'm faced with a situation of wisdom there is a grace some of you have some Grace's but there are dimensions your results show the deficiency of certain Grace's so Paul says in Romans chapter one and the tenth verse he says I long to come to you that I may impart upon you some spiritual gift to the end that ye may be established I came before but now I come again because your stability is my concern so that when we receive this it will be a profitable conference you can go you know the Grace on your life by the possibility studied that your destiny commands the testimonies that recycle around your life I report card to the kind of grace that is upon you until what is upon your head changes what is around you will never change there are known tests my head with oil but the result shows in my cup he does not anoint my cup he anoints my head I use my cup to see what is on my head what is on my head is overflowing the cup will be overflowing is someone ready to receive praise the Lord bless you gentlemen thank you hallelujah now watch this I stand by the grace of God and I stand as one who has been privileged it's an honor to do this that I do for your nation and for Africa it's an honor many of you here are great men and women of God veterans of the gospel I do not downplay your sacrifice with the Holy Spirit I understand that dimension that has been committed to you and I honor it with all my heart I only stand as one who has been graced by God to be a communicator of the spiritual mystery it is not a show of superiority by any means it is simply the privilege of God's grace granted on to all these apostles and prophets to be the dispensers of this spiritual reality but then that your heart be open to receive and then it will change your life I pray for you now in the name of Jesus the anointing for revelation listen actuate understanding of the mysteries of the kingdom according to Luke chapter one perfect understanding I release that grace take that crease now take that crease now take that crease now take that crease now shout Amen come on Kenya take that crease now take that crease in the name of Jesus take that place in the name of Jesus let me man of God I release you to a new dimension of Revelation insight into scripture in the name of Jesus Christ number two I pray for you Paul said when I came to you I did not come with the excellency of speech but in the demonstration of power so that your faith will not rest upon the wisdom of men Sophia but the power of God I pray for you the dimension of spiritual possibilities that makes for science one describe Mikado's shall i I see there anoint him coming on people take that grace now take that grace now received an anointing in the name of Jesus right Yemi the Bible says because there was love righteousness and hated wickedness it says therefore God even thy god hath anointed you with an oil of gladness that sets you above your fellows I want to prophesy to you and Jabez was more honorable than his brethren the grace that distinguishes you I release that anointing upon you I release that anointing upon you in government in business i sat a Mac of separation and I commanded distinguishing of your life and destiny in the name of Jesus yummy the Bible says and the king sent for Joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon please listen Kenya all blessings come from God through men to men nothing comes from God directly to men from God through men to men the distance between you and your next level is a help of destiny yummy no help of destiny comes from their own they are called by prophecy let me speak to Kenya i prophesy to the north to the south to the east and the west of Kenya every help of your destiny between now on the end of 2019 Perot called Posca Bharata I call them into your life now I call them into your ministry now [Applause] please yummy let me speak about your finances there are three levels of wealth the first level of wealth is called transactional wealth this is the wealth that comes by providing value turning it into products and services and selling it with excellence to a targeted consumer base that's what you call business it is called transactional wealth where reward is authorized for selling your value the second dimension of wealth is called transformation our wealth well that comes by reason of the lives who have changed you provide value what you don't sell it you dispense it and the law of rewards makes that every time you dispense value whether it is sold or given for free a reward must be authorized to come to you for instance the reward a man of God receives for changing a man's life but the third dimension of wealth is called suffering world wealth by prophecy well that comes by the finger of God and by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt and by a prophet they were preserved is that believe in the Lord your God so shall you be established and believe in his prophets if you stand tonight to believe this word that I oughta I tell you your finances will change like day and night I stand by the God of heaven the helper of man and the giver of all good things between now and the next 90 days can you hear me I speak by the Spirit of God like the Ark of God in the house of obed-edom I provoke abundance to you I provoked abundance to you I prefer up abba-abba-abba I prefer abundance to you Alleluia world up you know let me pray for your spiritual life if I hope is only in this life where of all men most miserable please listen to me God is looking for people who will be serious with him not just people who will use him there is a hunger and a passion and a fire that must never die in your life let me pray for your prayer life I don't know what to get down that the hunger the passion the zest Sokolsky baroque's c'mon 'his egative anakata in the name of Jesus SIA from heaven fall on your prayer life fire from heaven fall on your prayer life the grace to trust the grants to pray take that grace Ganga director class Ganga hola chalets komaru na SI asha listen to me i pray for you for the graceful character that you can stand before a million dollars and if it foul it's your conviction you can water we are not feel bad i decree there is a grace that teaches men to say no i released that grace upon you in the name of Jesus Christ CEOs with character men of God Nick Perata business people with character career people with character every business represented here I provide wings in the spirit rise to a new dimension every church every assembly every mission agency represented here we are using pastors Church to speak about the church in Kenya regardless of limitation I speak to the church in Kenya by the privilege of the election of grace rise to a new dimension rise to a new level science and Wanda's salvation fire apostolic Kingdom driven teachings mentorship of believers in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] let's pray for the government of Kenya he says to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper who love you we please call her excellencies here standing to represent the government and the former vice president is here we honor you sir we use both of you as the witnesses to pray over Kenya that in the name of Jesus Kenya hear the word of the Lord rise to a new level economically rise to a new level we press the anointing upon your Parliament we press the anointing upon your social economy we press the anointing upon education we press the anointing upon media we press the anointing upon family we press the anointing upon the religious circles yummy i declare by the spirit let the name of the lord be exalted over kenya the length the breath of kenya is submerged under the influence of the spirit of grace finally i pray for every member every partner every financier and everyone who is part of this ministry and part of this vision the Bible says a laborer is deserving of his wages I stand by God joining my faith with your pastor alongside all the men and women of God that have been used up on this platform we stand on this corporate grace and we pray for everyone who is part of this church and this vision rise from glory to glory to glory to glory to glory in the name of Jesus we declare that the least among you will be as great as David by the power of the Holy Ghost let the sound of morning and the sound of weeping not be heard within your vicinity again in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] thank you so much for the invitation I thank you and your dear wife in the presence of her excellency His Excellency the fathers of faith in this land and the church within Kenya Thank You Kenya for receiving me and receiving us all I love you with all my heart then you go from glory to glory in the name of Jesus god bless you
Channel: Purpose Centre Church
Views: 27,815
Rating: 4.9584198 out of 5
Id: 6Au_bdDHEwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 9sec (6369 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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