Busy DADS NEGLECT Wives and Kids, They Live To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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ah isn't this nice finally getting out getting to spend some time together for a change oh what if we have enchiladas for dinner [Music] oh did you see that beautiful orchid you used to buy me orchids all the time before you started your business richard have you heard a word i said richard what i'm listening if you're listening then what did i just say something about um dinner and flowers you have been on this phone the entire time hey look i'm in the middle of a two million dollar deal here okay you know what that could buy what is the point of having all of this money if you never have any time [Music] never mind i'm heading back wait laura where are you going hey hang on a second hey wait a second hey what's the matter with you [Music] what's the matter with me [Music] you can't even give me any of your attention look anyone else would be so happy with everything that i give you what more do you want [Music] look i tell you what do you see all these cars here lamborghini rolls-royce tesla i could buy you anything you want just name it do you know what i really want richard anything i can afford it all i want is for you to put down the phone for five minutes that's all i've ever really wanted you see before you started your business you used to always bring me flowers and would spend so much time with me [Music] and then after you started it it's like your work was the only thing that mattered [Music] even though i've always appreciated all of the nice things you bought for me i would trade all of that just to have my husband back [Music] so you see all i ever won was your time [Music] wow even with all your money you can't even afford to give me five minutes of your time can you [Music] hey honey hey i wanted to tell you that i am sorry i mean i've been so busy with my business that i didn't even realize i was neglecting you here this is for you more kids you haven't brought me these in so long well going forward i'm gonna bring you flowers all the time just like i used to thank you oh and uh hold on a second where are you going i made enchiladas your favorite i love you i love you too and i promise that i am going to spend a lot more time with you rather than on my business because after all it's a point of having all this money but never have any time [Music] hey what where's my fork i know i forgot something oh come here [Music] mommy is eddie coming i don't know honey he said he was working late today oh okay hey babe we just finished dinner but feel free to dig in thank god i'm starving daddy can i ask you a question sure honey what is it how much do you make an hour that's an inappropriate question to ask honey [Music] please i really want to know well if you really want to know why i make 25 an hour why can i borrow 20 oh so that's why you want to know how much money i make when am i an atm how would i got you all the toys and everything a girl would want this is more important than toys absolutely not you know go to your room and think about how selfish you are being kids these days nothing is ever enough well she doesn't ask for money often maybe really was for something important what could be so important at that age i've given her everything she's wanted i wish i had half the things she has when i was growing up honey just hear her out please hey honey i'm sorry about earlier i was just mad because i thought i had bought you everything already but i guess not here's a 20. [Music] twenty-five dollars i don't understand why you're giving me the money to buy one hour of your time when you said i had everything the only thing that i didn't have was you so do you think you could have dinner with me tomorrow night honey yes of course i'll have dinner with you tomorrow night i'm so sorry from now on i'm gonna have dinner with you every night okay come here i love you so much okay i love you so much hey honey would you please help me with the dishes tonight why would i do that isn't that your job excuse me but you mean it's my job isn't that what a woman supposed to do you are unbelievable all i am doing is just asking you for a little help i have been working all day long a little help you know what i'm good i don't want to deal with you right now where are you going i'm going to go to earl's place to watch the game there because i'd rather be at earl's place and be here doing your job for you i'm gonna help this game good man just started yeah earl man how you been good man good to see you you too you too hey my wife's been giving me a real hard time a hard time man we're just not seeing eye to eye that's not you get over that i hope so all right guys here you go oh honey i am going to do the dishes and go to bed no no no no no i got them are you sure it's my turn anyway all right boys have fun thank you excuse me for a sec sorry about that i had some business to handle so what's going on i thought she meant to the house and what is that supposed to mean i mean she's got you out here doing her job no man you got it all wrong it's a partnership partnership what's that supposed to mean it means that we're in this together you see i don't expect my wife to clean the house by herself since we both live in it we both do it because it's our home and i don't expect my wife to do all the cooking since we both eat we both cook and i don't expect my wife to do all the laundry we both need clean clothes so we both do them together i finally realized that helping out around the house doesn't make me any less of a man and besides it's not her job to do everything it's a partnership that's the difference know what earl i gotta go home and handle a few things but thank you for having me over take care honey it's late were you doing you know what i realized today that you weren't asking for my help asking for a partnership well if you're gonna do it you better do me right [Music] brandon stanley hey it's been a while yeah what are you up to i just clocked out of work how about you huh just waiting for my daughter it's been a long time when was the last time i saw you gosh it must have been when we were working together in the stock room oh yes stalker boy am i glad i don't work there anymore hey i just got promoted to senior vice president yeah so what about you what department are you in now well i'm actually uh i'm actually still in the stock group after all this time you're still in the stock room they got flexible hours which gives me more time spent with my daughter which is really what matters to me she's actually on her way to pick me up right now pathetic i mean look i don't have all the time in the world to spell my daughter but i can get her anything hey check it out i think it's the paris taking her there for her birthday it's a very amazing gift it's actually it's my daughter's birthday too and i got our tickets to a movie movie so you got your daughter for a birthday man i can't imagine how disappointed she's gonna be hey dad ready to go yeah look before we get out of here i want to give you something um but uh don't be too disappointed okay it's kind of small for my birthday i have been dying to see this movie thank you why would i be disappointed all that matters is that we're spending my birthday together i'm glad you liked it hey can you give me a second uh i'll meet you in the car okay okay okay wow looks like your daughter's got some pretty low standards too you know what brandon you've got it all wrong you see i may not have a job that gives me a lot of money but at least it gives me a lot of time to spend with my daughter and to me that time is worth more than any amount of money and i may not have money to give my daughter expensive birthday presents but i give her what i can and to her as long as she has me by her side that's all that matters so you see i might not have as much money like you do to spend on my daughter but i get to spend a lot of time with him and that's what's really important wow it all makes sense now i know why you're still in stock hey dad hey honey look what i got you for your birthday tickets to paris flying out tonight oh my god we finally get to spend time together and in paris right one second hello yeah no i can't can't happen any other way yeah okay i understand of course all right see you soon um it looks like i gotta have to go into work tonight so i'm not gonna go to paris what do you mean you're not gonna be able to go i knew it you always do this you never have time for me i'll give my ticket to one of your friends and you can go with them you don't get it dad i just wanted to spend my birthday with you you know what just forget it i hate you this is the worst birthday ever [Music] look if having a high position means i can't spend time with my daughter then uh i'm gonna keep working in the stocking it's nice seeing you brandon your honor i'm suing the defendant my mom she kicked me out of the house i've had to beg him to help me pay rent or help with the bill i'm your son it's your responsibility to take care of me all right what rules in favor of the
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 463,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: LNhFYD4lnfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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