Little Nightmares Creepiest Moments & here's why...

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hey guys super bro Mike here and in today's video we take a look at the sinister world of little nightmares as we explore its creepiest aspects from the haunting structure of form or an aquatic prison within which for game is set to the terrifying wand Strasse sees but amble through its halls little nightmares is a game full of disturbing imagery and unsettling subject matter in the original game we follow the story of a gnome like girl known as six while in the free DLC chapters we play as a runaway boy this video will cover all current little nightmares content although obviously won't touch on the upcoming sequel because well it isn't out yet so sit back relax and let's explore this strange game series as we take a look at little nightmares creepiest moments and wire [Music] throughout four more we find ourselves running into these creepy looking eye mechanisms the theme of voyeurism runs throughout this game and its environments but these eyes are the most blatant example the AI machines are used to track children attempting to escape a facility and if spotted by their gaze have the ability to petrify their target turning them to Durst one of the most unsettling moments early on in the game can be found if players discover this secret room here we get to see a view from inside one of these gigantic eye machines it is used as a secret window to spy on a nursery full of sleeping children knowing where these children end up later in the game and their purpose on this ship only make this discovery all the more sinister leeches are freaky to begin with they have few distinguishing features apart from their slimy bodies which elongate to ridiculous lengths and suction pads full of tiny teeth made for draining blood so of course their appearance in little nightmares is pretty unnerving however it's our first encounter with these particular enemies that is without doubt one of the game's most intense moments after falling through these rotten floorboards into the crawlspace below 6 is plunged into darkness however something is making a noise and upon illuminating her surroundings 6 realizes she must move quickly to escape a nest full of these blood-sucking creepy crawlies the janitor also known as Roger needs no introduction it's pretty obvious why this terrifying resident of the moor has been given a place on this list his skin has collapsed over his face blinding him to his surroundings instead of using sites by janitor has an acute sense of sound and picks up on the slightest noise then he proceeds to feel about for whatever may have made said noise with a pair of horrific ly long and disproportionate arms his legs are tiny but who needs speed when he had this kind of reach the janitors job seems not only to be maintaining the machinery on board for more but also watching over the children and delivering their bodies to the kitchen where they can be cooked up for its guests more on that later we encounter this terrifying monster at several points in the main game and its expansion for Hideaway each and every encounter is tense as we must navigate silently past sometimes mere inches from the janitors position a sequence where six finds herself trapped inside a moving elevator with the janitor is particularly memorable but it's the final fight that comes as the biggest heart in mouth moments [Music] a roomful of shoes but why well the further we get into little nightmares story the more apparent it becomes that many people won't be needing their shoes anymore and it seems as though their belongings and up here in this dump in the depths of the facility but something is living beneath these discarded clothing garments we never know exactly what and that only makes his sequence all the more and set alone six must make her way across the sea of shoes before she is dragged down by the creature living beneath them climbing aboard old suitcases grants momentary safety but the dump Monster is always ready to resume its chase whenever we climb back down our movement speed is slowed and that combined with the fear of the unknown make this sequence a genuinely scary one one of the earliest sites we come across during our time in the moor is this one an incredibly tall and thin body hanging by a noose suspended from the ceiling above we can't see the man's face but we know exactly what has happened here a letter is found on the floor beneath his swinging corpse although we can't read this letter we can imagine what it may have said it seems as though this man took his life after witnessing the slaughter of so many innocents he could no longer live with himself after being involved in such barbaric practices this simple yet chilling sight sticks out as unlike many of the game's fantasy elements this one seems far more real and relatable a disturbing image that will stick with you long after you have left this room at several points during sixes story she nearly collapses as her stomach makes some whirring sounds it seems as though changes are taking place within her and the only way to stop this pain is by consuming meats however once six comes across something to eat she returns to normality for a short amount of time until the cycle repeats as six becomes more ravenous for things she Chows down on become more and more questionable until finally in a shocking turn of events she chooses to eat a friendly gnome instead of the food it offers her this elderly woman known as the granny is highly dangerous and very creepy to behold she has the appearance of a rotting corpse with sparse hair and a long gangly limbs her flesh is wrinkled and tight to the bone we don't get a good look at her in the game as she spends most of her time beneath the flooded murky depths of for more she appears in the first chapter of a little nightmares DLC an expansion where we assume the role of this runaway boy rather than six herself of course for a several moments where we must pray for water in order to progress and Granny is always close by to give us a scare much like the dump monster before her we must pay close attention to movement on the water surface such as rising bubbles to tell if we are in danger however and like for previous monster this one can nudge floating debris over so we're never really safe and must keep moving at all times maybe it's for natural fear of drowning or perhaps being chased by the unknown whatever a reason that this horrifying resident of the moor is by far the creepiest of the bunch but luckily one of a few who can be defeated little nightmares penultimate sequence shocked many with its grotesque imagery when it first released a large number of hideously obese and monstrous looking guests board the more to feast on food prepared by equally terrifying looking chefs some of this food we know is made from human remains all this takes place under the watchful eye of the lady a masked woman of great power who seems to run the show here while the sight of these hideous creatures shoveling food down their gullets is pretty scary by itself things only gets more anxiety-inducing when they spot six and quite literally fall over themselves to catch her if they do then we become their next snack this chapter culminates in a sequence of pure terror as we have chased through the halls by a frenzy of ravenous guests only escaping by the skin of our teeth [Music] finally we come to the residents a location found in both the final chapter of the base game and its DLC expansion who run away this manner like environment is where affer mentioned antagonist the lady resides the residence contains many creepy elements from these sinister looking portraits which show just how twisted and inbred some of the family tree really is to the ghostly spirits of fallen children who seem hell-bent on consuming the runaway boy at every turn the residence is without doubt one of the spookiest locations we encounter during our time inside for more however two particular events that take place within the residents really cement it within this list the first sees six defeating the lady and then chowing down on her dying body sucking both for life and her infinite power from its six venn uses its power to drain the life from the other guests aboard for more it's a complete bloodbath but before this happens something even more disturbing has taken place something we only discover after completing the main game and dipping into a runaway DLC you see before the lady is defeated she captures the runaway boy and transforms him into one of the little gnomes we come across throughout the game we then discover that it was this gnome that six feasted on as shown earlier in this very video so all along four fate of our own character was to become the victim of our previous one and just like little nightmares we end this video on that dark note and that's it for today's video please remember to give it a like if he did enjoy watching and maybe drop a comment too as well as subscribing to the channel and turning on notifications so you never miss an load this channel specializes in variety horror content including creepypasta readings horror gaming facts and theories and general interest pop culture horror videos so if you are interested in all things speaky you'll find something to enjoy here at super horror bro thanks for watching and I will see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 741,470
Rating: 4.9293404 out of 5
Keywords: little nightmares, little nightmares creepiest moments, little nightmares scariest moments, top creepy little nightmares, top scary little nightmares, little nightmares janitor, little nightmares secrets of the maw, little nightmares the residence, little nightmares the granny, little nightmares top 10, superhorrorbro little nightmares, superhorrorbro, little nightmares guests chase, little nightmares scary moments, little nightmares theory, little nightmares 2
Id: wNfhF39BlwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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