They Ruined This My Hero Academia Scene So Badly The Animator Didn't Want To Take Credit For it

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I think everybody remembers this iconic moment from the latest season of jjk where like the animation just popped off especially for this Suka moment where he unleashes his domain it is just perfection it is just high quality high octane art and animation that blew everybody's mind and the individual behind this is Vincent an animator that has quick went on to make quite a name for themselves over the years with certain key animations like this this is more of a poor quality but this is like from an episode of One Piece 1074 to also stuff from you know just different kaido moments over the years for the one piece anime as well some of these iconic moments with like you know kaido's movements to his facial expressions you know this animator has worked on so he is obviously a very high sought after animator for some very unique scenes for many different anime and obviously once again most people will recognize him probably from this jjk scene or from One Piece scenes that he has obviously worked on however there is something that has come to my attention literally today that I was linked to and it really just astonished me I was blown away by this post that someone tagged me in and I was just like what no way no way this is actually real and upon further inspection it is and I just I want to let the scene speak for itself I want to let you see this and just like what could have been and just how butchered it really was in the grand schema thing so here it is just look at this sequence okay the top is obviously the unfinished cut for the genga that Vincent was working on the bottom frame is basically the finished cut or what was actually shown to the audience and one thing I do want to make clear here before I go any further with with this sequence is that um you know when you see these type of things there could be a lot of different variables that cause this for instance it could be because of you know maybe time you know for instance there was just not enough time to finish it maybe the Final Cut maybe there was just you know the actual director of the episode or something just disagreed With The Changes maybe there was just something else going on externally or internally we don't really know unless Vincent himself comes out on record to basically say you know what actually happened from what I can gather though apparently Vincent did not even want to be tagged for this cut which makes a lot of sense when you actually see this sequence because it literally is just so different from what he actually gave to the staff what he actually Drew because like there was just so many little sequences here when you look that just is not in the Final Cut and it's just like holy crap they butchered this man's overall scene that he animated very hard like hard work probably hundreds of hours or at least weeks of work months of work potentially I mean we know how anime is so most likely was just about a week because it's like we know how they have to you know Rush stuff out nowadays with production but um it's just like when you see this like I I I want to point something out okay what's really that really stood out to me when I was looking at the sequence of just how butchered it is look at the hand movements okay of the unfinished version and then look at the bottom version hand movements of oo here or toga technically you will see that the hand starts shaking and all that she's like wobbling and you see her like having like a you know she's realizing like she can't control her transformation as well and obviously blood loss and everything you just see how her body is stressing out but when you look at how she moves in the Final Cut you don't really get that same type of life or movement of just erratic behavior and her hands don't really even Shake either like it does in the actual unfinished version and then also if you look closely with the closeup of the eyes here look closely at this like the way the hand is it looks very reminiscent of like the suca hand movement like look at this like you're not going to tell me you don't see the exact same technique here on display with like when suca uses his domain expansion the way the hands are shown just look pretty similar honestly so it's just like what could have been and what we actually got like you know actual my hero Academia Vincent animator Vincent at home so to speak and it's just it's crazy just how butchered this sequence is like look at this little eye movement here like you see this like these IM shots of just the craziness of toga taking the appearance of oo it's honestly so incredible just so much life in it like look at these expressions and stuff like the distorted face of oo while also having toga on one side as well and you just see just this weird like frown face it just looks really weird like low budget on the bottom and it's just like also if you look at this very closely you could see the people from above like look very closely in the unfinished work here you'll see people falling and all that just look at how more graphic it looks here which makes a lot more sense because you know maybe for TV broadcasting and censorship reasons but still it's just like when you see these movements here going on it is an absolute butchering of the original work and I honestly I did not know Vincent worked on my hero Academia I was completely surprised by this but now seeing this it makes me look at this from a different point of view for instance my hero Academia and where the anime started to lose a lot of people let's talk about that for a second so anyone that recognizes this scene like if you have read my hero Academia or if you have watched it know that this is from the infamous you know my villain Academia Arc where it was supposed to focus on shigaraki and his group and anyone that knows that's where the anime started to get a lot of people not really liking it a lot of people were out crying saying the changes to the anime was just really weird why would they shift the order of arcs you know it was clear that they were most likely prioritizing the movie at the time since it was coming out at the exact same time and they restructured ARS just for the movie there was a lot of things that basically happened and it really caused a lot of animosity in the community and you know looking at this sequence it's just like it shows like an inner workings of what was going on with the my villain Academia Arc and what could have been probably with so many different cuts and stuff and it's just like wow I mean they really must have been pressed for time like you know just to be able to get all this stuff done it must have been Dreadful at that time just seeing how like there's just so many Cuts in between here that is just completely removed and it's just it's like moving from one frame to the next it just it looks very jarring so I don't know man it's just uh when you see this from a different perspective now it just like I feel like if they didn't water things down the my villain Academia art could have been so much greater like it's crazy honestly even despite all the flaws and problems they did it just like it shows there was just so much going on behind the scenes fundamentally that really dismantled you know what you know could have been in one of the best scenes or one of the best seasons of my hero Academia but um yeah I just I wanted to point this out it was brought to my attention because I was just like wait a minut you're saying this exact same animator this individual that made this whole freaking sequence and all that with you know Juka it was responsible for this just like oh just yeah I want to share that anyone that you know was aware or not aware of this hopefully I your mind as well because it's like holy crap but um overall though besides that obvious butchering what happened there I will say that holy crap man I love Vincent's work dude like he is so good at like drawing kaido like he did such a good job but um yeah I guess we get to see how uh production can really affect something but before I wrap this video up there is one thing I do want to say before everything is like did I blow your minds with this like if you were unaware of this does it shock you just what like the final product of Vincent's work looked like you know uh like seriously it kind of just goes to show though what production could really do to an anime and it also makes me once again wonder what could have been here for jjk it just once again brings that question back up like how amazing would this episode of jjk season 2 would have been if they were given even more time I just I I could not imagine I really could not because like with how good it looked already to begin with imagine if they were given even more time like Vincent as well like holy crap it makes a lot of sense now why people want Vincent to like direct stuff now because uh after just seeing the cross comparisons and stuff of what people have mentioned but um I'll leave it at that if you enjoyed the video and you would like more content like this or if you just want to you know get notified for whenever I upload a video do hit that Bell icon down below please subscribe do leave a like does help me out a lot and with that chibi out
Channel: Chibi Reviews
Views: 80,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime review, manga, manga review, chibi, otaku, chibi reviews, review, jjk, jujutsukaisenedit, jujutsu kaisen edit, anime edit, JJK, mha, my hero academia, boku no hero academia, butchered, animated poorly, animator didnt want credit, they ruined it, ruined it, destroyed this anime, they destroyed this anime, my hero academia has fallen off, fallen off, fell off, studio bones, poorly animated, sukuna, sukuna domain expansion, Vincent Chansard
Id: JDF-u0JqFuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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