The Limits of the Dragon Balls

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so you want to have a wish granted you make a device that can track the energy emitted by the seven wish orbs so you can hunt them down and summon a massive Dragon just for him to say that wish is beyond my power so you're telling me that you can't Grant any wish I wish I knew what the limits of the dragon balls are as you wish no better place to start than the dragon balls on Earth these dragon balls were originally made by Kami at some point after splitting himself in two since Demon King Piccolo didn't know about them Kami also felt nostalgic when he created them but called it a racial memory instead of just a memory this should mean that he was likely able to make them without being taught like neans in the dragon clan on Namar it also helps to explain their weird weaknesses and differences when compared to their nean counterparts originally Earth's Dragon Balls could only Grant One Wish at a time and it was originally described as being able to Grant any wish Shenron himself says so but I don't care what that Dragon says he's lying through his teeth after a wish is made the Dragon Balls go dormant for a year turning to stone for the duration Shenron himself can't grant wishes that surpass the power of His Creator who at this point is CI the first time this issue is brought up is the Saiyan Saga where he can't directly affect the Sans because they are Beyond his power it is important to note that while the wishes made must be within the Creator's power to Grant it doesn't mean his creator could just grant the wishes himself for example Kami says he can't revive people let alone restore the entire population of a Planet it really makes you wonder though does Shenron have the power to make more Dragon Balls I mean making Dragon Balls is within kami's power right but I guess Tori Alama just wanted to avoid the whole wishing for more wishes argument wait why isn't anyone tried wishing for more wishes moving on from that though the supposedly Eternal dragon can be killed we see him killed once by Demon King Piccolo which is pretty weird for a couple of reasons why didn't he just scatter immediately like he normally does after granting a wish and saying farewell also Kami was stronger than Piccolo daau so why isn't Shenron is kami's power only available for the wishes and not shenron's physical being it's a little weird but it does seem to mean that the other dragons might be killable as well of course the dragon balls are also limited by if their creator is alive or not and if they die without establishing a successor before their death like we see with elder Guru and Elder Mori the Dragon Balls will be deactivated this is also true in Reverse though as we see when Piccolo is revived in the Frieza Saga Kami is reviv D and by extension the dragon balls were restored all without additional steps needing to be taken speaking of the events on Namek the freshly restored dragon balls are used to revive everyone killed by frieza's men on Namek at first Shenron doubts if he's even capable of granting a wish that affects a planet so far away but ultimately he succeeds so despite him seeming confident of his ability to Grant any wish in original Dragon Ball Shenron not only says that there are things Beyond his power in Dragon Ball Z but he also has wishes that he's not sure or within his power without trying speaking of Reviving Shenron can't revive a person more than once he can't revive a person that died of natural causes like old age or disease and he can't revive those who have been dead for longer than a year the reason for the Revival limit originally came from Shenron not being able to Grant the same wish twice but I think Toriyama realized rewarding the wish just avoids this restriction so he specifically changed it to the Revival limit that we know today it is important to keep in mind though since Shenron might not be able to Grant the same wish twice still since we actually haven't seen him try of course Shenron gets upgraded by dende in the cell Saga and it's a pretty big one now Shenron can grant three wishes however if one of The Wishes is to revive a large group of people then the total number of wishes is dropped to two he also added the ability for Shenron to revive someone who's been dead for longer than a year this isn't explicitly mentioned but it is shown in Resurrection f with frieza's Revival notably Shenron still can't revive someone if they've already been revived before for some really weird reason people think this limitation was removed by Den day but he explicitly didn't this is stated directly before the Cell Games and after the Cell Games by Shenron himself I don't know if it was the old Dub's fault that people think this but just no dende never removed this restriction from the dragon balls and Goku even knew about this restriction before he sacrificed himself in the Cell Games Shenron under dende as God is still restricted by dende's power we see this when Shenron can't turn the Androids back into humans against their Wills one of the few times we hear about a character's power being great enough to simply refuse a wish on them they didn't make themselves this is actually a bit strange though but I'll explain why later Shenron was able to remove their bombs without permission though as it doesn't fundamentally change them or their power so there are things you can wish to change with being stronger than Shenron it's just unclear what the line is in the boaga we learned that this missing Shenron early will store the remaining wishes and give him a shorter cool down so if you only need one wish now but might need one in a few months then that's a good way to do it Shenron also seems to have access access to nean sources of information maybe due to his connection with dende that allows him to access things like the contents of the nean book of Legends which contained The Legend of the Super Saiyan God ritual now I'm really trying to stay to Canon uses of Shenron but that's pretty tough when Dragon Ball super has two continuities a manga and an anime and while we could all probably agree which arcs are filler arcs that toi wrote themselves it's much harder to agree what's filler or not when it comes to anime only scenes like an anime only use of Shenron this scene of Shenron being summoned before the tournament against Universe 6 doesn't make sense in the timeline since Shenron should still be on cooldown but ignoring that Shenron is incapable of finding even a planet-sized object in the vastness of the universe and he definitely can't search a different Universe for it then Shenron received his final upgrade in Dragon Ball super superhero changing his dragon statue and allowing him to unlock people's potentials the way Elder Guru did on Namek something he couldn't do before so those are sh Ron's limits but what about the other dragons well let's start with the nean dragon punga besides being jacked out of his mind punga is generally just a less restricted Shenron if you could have made your way to Namek before it was destroyed and if you could speak Nan you could have punga Grant you three wishes he's able to revive people more than once and he was even able to find a Planet nearly identical to Namek for the neans to inhabit that might be easier than finding a Super Dragon Ball but it doesn't seem much easier since it's still a planet-sized object in the vastness of the universe the Nei and Dragon Balls even have a shorter cooldown than their Earth counterparts only being inactive for 130 days rather than a year however punga did have some limitations like being unable to revive multiple people at once no option to use up another wish to do so or anything when elder Guru died and Elder Mori took over this was changed so on new Namek punga can revive large groups of people and even better he still has three wishes making him just better than Earth's dragon balls at this point point I did skip over two very important details when covering Shenron and peruna because I thought it'd be better to just cover them both at the same time the first is asking permission I mentioned Shenron needing permission to alter being stronger than himself against their will but he doesn't seem to actually ask 17 and 18 maybe they would have refused anyway but he could have tried at least punga asks Goku if he wants to be teleported back to Earth but Goku just refuses which is pretty interesting since Broly is teleported back to vampa by Shenron meaning Broly was so so panicked by Gogeta blue he trusted a weird voice in his head for a chance of escaping the other weird inconsistency I find is bodies needing to be preserved for Revival kunga specifically says He restored krillin's body as a bonus when Reviving him in Dragon Ball and early parts of Z characters bodies were often put in some sort of preservation pod and Frieza was revived while still in pieces in Resurrection F so you need an intact body to revive characters right well in a lot of cases bodies of characters especially background characters get entirely destroyed like being turned into Candy by Boo or slurped up by cell I understand I'm overthinking things but it is weird how wishy-washy the whole restoring life doesn't mean restoring the body rule is especially when you think about it for more than 2 seconds oh and don't get me started on the whole keeping your body in the afterlife thing cuz that's an equally weird but completely unrelated and different situation before we get to the Super Dragon Balls a very minor spoiler warning for the granola Arc there are actually another set of Dr drag balls in that Arc this dragon is named tumbo he only requires two dragon balls to summon and can only Grant One Wish unlike other dragons though if a wish is beyond his power he can grant it if the person making the wish agrees to a condition that compensates for the power required to make the wish I'm not going to go too much into specifics because some people don't want to be spoiled but I think it's important enough to know finally we have the planet-sized super dragon balls if you could tug around seven planet-sized wish orbs that scattered across two universes congratulations you can have any wish granted but we've been lied to before so let's see if this is actually true the Super Dragon Balls were made by the dragon God Zama when gathered they summon super Shenron who can grant any one wish but the wish must be made in the language of the Gods supposedly the neans took pieces of the Super Dragon Balls to make their own but I don't think this means all dragon balls are fragments of the Super Dragon Balls as that wouldn't make sense for the dragon balls on Earth rather the fragments were studied and the neans reverse engineered how to make their own much more compact Dragon Balls we've recently been getting little hints here and there that there may be more to the neans than we originally thought so this whole story might just be wrong or missing some important details as for limitations it's hard to be certain but it doesn't seem like their wishing power is truly Limitless let's start with the impressive wishes though super Shenron did revive Universe 6's Earth despite it being dead for a long time and the souls that were there likely being in heaven or reincarnated remember normal Dragon Balls need a soul to revive so if you get reincarnated that should mean normal Dragon Balls can't revive you as you were and they also inconsistently need a body so to restore Universe 6's Earth super Shenron had to reshape the planet remake the decayed bodies of the universe 6 earthlings and potentially unrein carnate or even crazier make duplicates of the souls that were reincarnated this might be his least impressive wish and it seems beyond the power of any other set of Dragon Balls speaking of what normal Dragon Balls can't do super Shenron also restored most of the Multiverse with seemingly less effort than it took punga to revive the people on Earth in The Bu Saga that's a vast amount to restore for obvious reasons but to put it in perspective we're talking trillions of lives brought back without souls or bodies as well as all the matter energy and literal fabric of SpaceTime restored this is basically what was done for Universe 6's Earth but on a multiversal scale and with more than just life to recreate it is important to note that creation and restoration seems seems to be easier than destruction and eraser and Dragon Ball punga restoring Earth doesn't make Elder Mory Planet level and gods of Destruction are far stronger than gods of creation so something potentially even more impressive is super Shenron being able to force Goku to swap bodies with zamas considering how strong Goku is by this point of the series remember zamas had to travel a year into the future so the Super Dragon Balls would come off cool down to swap bodies with Goku so this Goku is a year more powerful partially explaining the gap between Goku black and reg Goku performing A Wish against Goku's will is impressive but that tells us more about zalama than super Shenron since it's the Creator's power that matters and that's where super shenron's limits lie you see speaking of the Future Trunks Arc Goku black and zamas were able to destroy the Super Dragon Balls after using them which is pretty surprising considering their status but I guess the orbs themselves being relatively weak isn't a big deal the real issue is the immortality wish if the Super Dragon Balls could truly Grant any wish then zamas would have actually been Immortal what was that you're saying he was Immortal why are you using the past tense then if he's Immortal he's still alive right right in both the manga and the anime zamas is killed by Zeno despite wishing to be immortal on the Super Dragon Balls beerus himself says that he has to use a sealing technique on Immortals since he can't kill them yes this does mean hakai doesn't work on Immortals why else would they mention sealing him then so this isn't an eraser distinction either it's just the limits of the super dragon balls and that makes sense when you think about the normal Dragon Balls the only people ever considered the strongest in the Multiverse are Zeno or the grand priest even if we presume that zalama is the third strongest it means that the wishes stop being 100% effective when Zeno or the grand priest are involved so the Super Dragon Balls can grant basically any wish there's just a little bit of fine print with that we know the limits of the dragon balls and I wish you'd subscribe if you haven't yet and thank you so very much for watching
Channel: Carthu's Dojo
Views: 470,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball, Goku, Carthu, DBS, Ultra Instinct, carthus dojo, dragon ball z, dragon ball what if, dragon ball z what if, dragon ball super what if, anime, manga, The Limits of the Dragon Balls, Bulma, limits of the dragon balls, rules of the dragon balls, shenron rules, dragon balls rules, power of the dragon balls
Id: ZQVE9X1Yy5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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