How JJK's Shibuya Incident Succeeds Where MHA's War Arc Fails

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jjk shuya incident and mha's paranormal Liberation War are arcs that on paper are very similar they're both arcs that are supposed to be pivotal moments in the story where the progression of the antagonist's abilities skills and knowledge leads to an allout altercation between the good guys and the bad guys leading to moments that will forever change the direction of the story but the difference in execution between these two is something I find absolutely fascinating while mha mostly fumbles and stumbles what could and should have been the most interesting Arc in the entire series jjk Shia incident has already become one of the most acclaimed and iconic arcs in modern shown in history so how exactly did Jiu-Jitsu kaisen manage to outperform Myer Academia in a structurely similar story arc well let's find out before I continue I just like to say that I am not a writer I did not take any classes in writing so it's possible that I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about nothing being said here is supposed to be objective so this whole video is mostly just my opinion the biggest problem with mha's war Arc is that despite it being full of very interesting ideas and singular fantastic moments none of it really connects or has a grand impact as it's supposed to be mha has always been a series that prioritize characters actions having deep and Lasting consequences so it's extremely disappointing to see so many Fantastic moments be subsequently ruined by fake outs and just very safe writing bakugo getting impaled right at the end of one episode is an absolutely shocking and jaw-dropping event combined this with his inner monologue and the sheer intensity of a fight that preceded all of this the audience is led to believe that something big had just happened now we all know that bakugo isn't going to die anyone with half a brain knows that Hoshi isn't going to kill off his most popular character at this point in the story but the problem is there's no consequence for this so This Moment is effectively ruined jjk also runs into a similar problem here where Gojo who's the most popular character and not coincidentally also the most powerful cannot die in a huge War Arc but jjk does something really smart throughout season 1 of jjk the audience learns to associate Gojo with Safety and Security from the very first episode right up until his last appearance you can pretty much expect Gojo's presence to be the end of any conflict then in season 2 The Hidden inventory Arc not only reaffirms this but by giving us a mini Arc that delves into his backstory it also makes you care a lot more about him so what does the shuya incident Arc do almost immediately Gojo's gone getting rid of Gojo is the decision that makes the Shibuya incident so impactful because the trump card of Our Heroes is gone so the stakes feel much higher than before now this is where most stories would immediately falter and that is by not living up to the very high stakes that have just been established but jjk goes the full Mile with this we know that the curses are dangerous because of what happened with June and we know that all the sorcerers are in immediate danger because all of his strongest curses are present in chuya so there's already this huge tension when these fights start going down so when jjk actually kills off some of its supporting and main cast it's impactful I think that right there is the major difference between mha's War Arc and the Shibuya incident not to say that the Paranormal Liberation War isn't impactful but because of how it's written it just doesn't feel as great as a war Arc should be I know killing off characters and having darker tones doesn't immediately make a story better but I feel like a war Arc should be you know like a war like where people actually die and there are serious physical emotional and mental consequences and the audience should care about these consequences when twice dies because we spend time with him and had an entire Arc in the previous season dedicated to the league of villains we feel impacted by his death and he's not even one of a good guys when it comes to the heroes there is basically no impact because the audience doesn't care about any of the deaths the heroes face like I didn't even know who crust was before he died because there was a complete lack of focus on his character prior to his death even midnight whose death is supposed to shock us the most feels so Hollow because who cares what do we actually know about midnight what do we know about her other than the fact that she's a hero who sometimes teaches her students Midnight's death is indicative of a larger issue with MJ's War Arc and it's that the story doesn't want to have consequences anymore now you might say that's ridiculous midnight is a recurring character that died and you'd be right but it's that thing that Writers Do where they kill off less important characters to make it seem like there's more tension in the story than there actually is main characters and fan favorites will always have a lot of PL plot armor and this isn't necessarily A Bad Thing plot armored characters don't mean that the story can't have its deaths be impactful but in the case of M's War Arc it would be a lot more interesting if characters we had actually grown to know died and I have a sneaking suspition that this was hoshi's original plan early on in the ark we have moments between kaminari and Jiro that imply a romantic pairing which prior to this was only really vaguely hinted at through gags and minor conversations but because of how it's framed naturally I assumed that we were bracing to see one of these characters either be seriously injured or die and I know this isn't enough evidence to wholeheartedly prove my theory but consider how we actually got a whole Arc where Jiro was essentially the main character and we actually got to know a lot more about her I think killing her off at this point in the story would serve as a huge dramatic and emotional blow to the audience I mean you've got to be smart about these things because of M's power creep these final arcs will eventually have to leave most of class 1 a out of major fights so decommissioning a few of them along the way right here would be pretty clever it would be absolutely ridiculous if jro fought against all for one or something absolutely ridiculous Deku completely destroys his arms in a desperate battle against shigaraki and despite the show making such a big deal out of this nothing happens de's body has apparently adjusted and was able to withstand him going all out I hate this so much up until this point there's been so much focus on deku's gradual growth as he molds his body to be able to better use one for all but suddenly he can just use 100% multiple times and nothing happens remember when he literally changed up his entire fighting style because he couldn't keep straining his arms this is why this Arc feels so Hollow it's giving the illusion of consequences while never fully committing to any of the incredibly interesting conflicts it sets up and a lot of that ends up bleeding into the villain hunt Arc but for for the sake of this video I'll only keep it to the war Arc speaking of villains holy hell the shabuya incident is the exact moment I realize that these curses were not playing around don't get me wrong they were a threat in season 1 but we constantly saw them get absolutely dog walked immediately after they did something crazy compare that with how much more threatening and dangerous they are here and it's night and day I find it interesting that both shigaraki and mahito have abilities that basically mean if they touch you you're dead yet maito feels far more dangerous is because we've seen him kill characters we care about time and time again I don't care that crust is dead I would have cared if Gran Torino died but nope he's okay shigaraki punched a hole through this old man's body and he is perfectly fine in fact all of the villains in the war Arc are just super lame do you remember when they invaded UA and it was legitimately terrifying because they clearly overpowered all the students remember when all for one's mere present changed the entire enire atmosphere of an episode in the war Arc we have to remember that the villains that have supposedly become more and more powerful are being outsmarted and beaten by firste high schoolers the only aspect of the war Arc I feel really works as intended is the reveal of Dobby not only does this work because it's a massive Revelation but also because it completely changes how we both see Endeavor and Dobby not to mention it ties back into the ideas of the last few arcs criticizing how hero Society actually works Ma's War Arc is so strange because it's clearly supposed to be this big story changing event that has been building up since all might's retirement but nothing really changes nothing really matters there's a distinct lack of reaction from the students of class 1a to almost all of the events that unfold and this is kind of bad considering these are the characters we know and care about the most how does AA punching deu for being Reckless have far more emotional weight than multiple students coming across their teacher's corpse there's a lot more I could go into but all of that would sort of end up bleeding into the villain hunt dark hero Arc so I'll save that for later but I'll end with this if you were to ask me what moments in jjk I believe will fondly stick with me I would mention Gojo's capture nanami's death sukuna versus joogo and so many more that I can't even begin to list from the shuya arc on the other hand if you were to ask me what moments in mha I think will stick with me most of them wouldn't be from the war Arc because mha's War Arc is quite frankly pretty forgettable in the grand scheme of things it's masquerading as this epic Unforgettable climax but It ultimately ends up being shallow disappointing and not that interesting at the end of it all and the saddest part is this Arc was just the beginning of what I would call the downfall of my hero Academia but that's a story for another video until next time I'm out of here [Music]
Channel: EntLaiser
Views: 610,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G8WvS2S3H2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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