The End of People Leaking Manga from Japan

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Japan is really cracking down on leak culture because this has been an ongoing story that's been happening for the past few weeks probably people will recall to where like there was a whole wall of just different leaks and just information on people that were leaking let's say jjk in one piece and there was two foreigners that were arrested within Japan and earlier yesterday there was an update to the story to where those two foreigners were rearrested because they were leaking the magazine of kodon show and not just weekly shown and jump aka the same magazine that has rent a girlfriend in it so basically they got arrested again because of rent a girlfriend which is just there's a lot to unbox in that one just alone but I'm not going to just talk about that the point of the matter is is that this story is getting more and more out of control as time goes on because after this and then this you know you know confirmation after that post basically saying Japan now is not just going after foreigners within Japan are just leakers in Japan they are now actively shifting their focus to social media accounts that are in English or Arabic as well to shut them down and all that is legitimately crazy like this is they are really going hard in the paint with what I've been seeing here like I know Japan has been very brutal on leaks and stuff in the past which makes sense they're trying to protect their properties and rights but it's just like uh yikes like I I have never seen them actually try to do such a big push it it really is putting fear in people and leakers because of just what's going on which let's get into that earlier this morning T TCB which is a big Scandal group that uh was constantly translating let's say one piece jgk Etc you definitely probably read their fan translations before anyone that you know reads translations early and not the officials has definitely read from TCB let's just be completely blunt here and you have definitely seen longa panels from them they were the big translation group besides another group and earlier this morning they their account as you can see does not exist anymore now there was a lot of talk and conversation around this earlier this morning that um this account closed not because it had like a dmca or worry of let's say shua or Japanese authorities coming after them but because like they were just wanting to shift focuses to another site which is just completely a deflection and diversion tactic to you know just not really talk about the situation but upon further information and stuff and then with this post that came out as well and a bunch of other leakers now basically going offline and deleting their accounts and when this stems from the Reddit post it's very likely that the reason why TCB scans is now gone is because the Japanese authorities got them and they're trying to hide as much evidence as they can or try to at the very least just try to get away as quick as possible before things get even worse than they already are but clearly from just what the statement is it seems like Japan knows a lot there is a paper trail a digital footprint and now that they are getting Twitter involved for instance they are now getting Twitter headquarters involved to sepino you know these individuals by the Japanese authorities is legitimately insane what this effectively means is is Japan's going to know these individuals as full birth dates names Etc and they're going to crack the whip and try to basically you know maybe even bring them into Japan to arrest them and face trial Etc and I believe correct me if I'm wrong I'm not fully like aware of the complete Japanese legal system but I believe their conviction rate is like really freaking high and if that is indeed the case you know if those individuals that you know are now getting subpoenaed by Twitter headquarters and uh Japanese authorities you know basically they probably will be brought to Japan to face trial which is just like oh goodness like obviously will these country step in to protect their their citizens or will they be like yeah you can have them and all that and let them go to Japan to face trial we'll have to see but it's clear Japan is wanting to put a lot of money into this endeavor and crack down on leak culture in its entirety now one thing I do want to talk about before we go any further is that this post here is not fully confirmed yet for instance even this individual here States take this with a grain of salt and it stems from this Reddit post but once again looking at how there is a bunch of leakers like different accounts on social media that is now going offline disappearing EX ET this is most likely real I am inclined to believe that this is at least even if it's not fully accurate I'm inclined to believe 98% of this is fully accurate like I I'm willing to bet you now I don't think we probably have the full list of names that is probably on here but it's very clear that Japan is incredibly serious about this and they want these people's info and they want to get rid of them entirely or at least scare them off the internet so to speak now let's get into where this all began and why is this happening in the first place so why do people pirate or in in general why do people get these manga chapters early post them online why does this happen well let's talk about that now one thing in particular I will say and I'm going to say there is a there is a lot of things that just like Japan isn't the right for doing because they are protecting their legal properties but there is one thing I am in a disagreement with them and it is this right here for instance they're going after not just English-speaking countries but people ALS in Arabic countries for instance people that have to translate manga into a different language and there is a lot of countries around this world not just let's say in the west that Read Manga they love manga and they can't read it legally or officially because there is no official release within their country and so they have to go to Pirate sites to be able to read their favorite series because there is no other option for them there is no legal way for them to Read Manga because there is no official translation from shua or whatever they might not have viz Media or Manga Plus or whatever they don't have those sites because their countries just don't get offered them and so Japan cracking down on different countries and translation groups that don't even actually have an official translation I think it's a little bit too far because it's like it's clear that with all this investigation going on Japan could easily run the data and probably how much money these different countries are making from ad Revenue alone and be like maybe we should actually have an official translation in these companies or these countries not companies these countries to be able to make money off of them it just seems like shuaa and kodona and all them are just throwing away money if they're cracking down this hard on these different countries that don't have an official translation when they could easily just make money off of it but anyways getting into why it happens in the first place it all stems back to money that's that's literally what it is it might begin maybe as a passion project maybe the people that first get these chapters early want to translate them out of pure passion but but eventually that devolves into greed and hunger for money because you have people within Japan that you know have magazines delivered to different stores and they're delivered maybe a few days early before the official release in Japan in the whole world to see they grab these magazines they take a picture with their phone or whatever put it through a a copy machine doesn't matter the point is is they they copy the magazine the raw physical magazine and then they send them to these groups that pay for them on in like different forms and different sites online and they pay quite the premium for it and then in turn when they get those things either they can give them to someone else or they make a scan laia group AKA like TCB scans here and then they put them on a site run ads beside the early chapters to profit and make money off of them and so this is why these groups do that because they're making a lot of money off of these chapters because let's be fair here you know if you're someone that's an average reader like let's say you read one piece jjk My Hero whatever and you hear the chapters out early let's say on a Tuesday and if you wanted to read official you're gonna have to wait another six days to read the official you're probably going to read the pirated version let's just be completely blunt here I'm not going to try to stand on a moral High Ground I'm just I'm stating facts most people are going to go after the unofficial translation that's the truth it is and you know they're going to go to these sites and these sites are going to have ads obviously a lot of people are going to have ad block but there is definitely a percentage that will not have ad block and then they're going to see these ads on the side and then TCB scans or other scan groups are going to get money from those set ads and then they're going to turn around and use that money for themselves to profit but also to buy more magazines to continue the trend of releasing manga early so it is a lucrative business an actual illegal lucrative business for these individuals to do now I'm not saying it's right I'm just saying that this is why they do it I'm just stating the facts of why this actually happens to begin with now getting into what I talked about a few weeks back why does this happen in the first place like for instance how well as you could see the main core problem or the Crux of the issue is the physical release because Japan has a physical distribution it's so ingrained in their culture that they release it every single week people go to shops bookstores Etc to grab a shown and Jump magazine and read the magazine and buy it you see this constantly referenced in anime so it is definitely a part of their culture it's a huge deal within their culture so shifting completely away from physical release magazines is definitely hard for Japan because they get a lot of money off of it but at the same time if they want to circumvent this issue and get rid of piraty at least a little bit easier they need to just go fully digital now this is not to say that it would completely disregard piracy in general for these manga as well because there could always be data breaches dos attacks Etc and Insider still willing to leak stuff but I feel like in terms of paper trail or the digital footprint would definitely be a lot easier to track than someone that is going to a physical store to scan a copy and then you know send it out to other people it' definitely be harder to track that than a digital footprint print so everything considered that is why it actually happens now to be fair is this the end of leaks itself no leaks will always be around pirated manga and all that will always be a thing it's not something that is just going to disappear it's not no matter how much Japan wants to crack down and put the the fear of anime gods in their heart it is not going to stop leak culture once again it goes back to what I said earlier it's too lucrative of a business too much money to be made people going to do it if they can find a way they will find loopholes to be able to do it and it's just going to continuously happen now regardless with all that getting back into this actual story Japan really is going crazy like they are trying to get all the personal information of these individuals they are trying to get them into their country it is actually insane I don't really think I've ever seen Japan go this hard for just like uh leaks like I know they've arrested people in the past and shut down sights and stuff I don't think I've ever seen them go after personal individuals on social media and really try to get everything about them to potentially arrest them I mean it makes sense why they're doing it because it's like let's be fair here anyone that let's say is on Twitter if you know anything you'll always see like one piece in all the series just trending like worldwide trending and it's early leaked chapters and even if you try to actively avoid one piece or different leaks in general you're going to see them on your timeline you're going to see them in the trending Tab and it's hard to really just you know get away from that people that you know browser YouTube as well I've seen it myself where other content creators will cover just leaks in text spoilers instead of actually just waiting for the official chapters to come out you know there there's it's a whole Community a lot of people do that type of stuff and so it's really hard to escape that so when you have these videos just constantly trending and you know it's getting a lot of like viral hits and stuff it's you know definitely doing potentially from Japan's perspective a lot of damage to their brand so it makes sense why they're really coming in hard for all this they're really trying to stop this because there is just it's just been so out of control at least in the last few years especially since let's say 2020 but um I leave it at that I just I wanted to talk about this a very fascinating update to everything going on once again I don't think this is going to stop anything because a lot of these different communities and stuff or groups fan translations will just Rebrand change themselves some of them will get away some of them won't but uh yeah just Japan going absolutely Bonkers with all of this but I'll leave it that if you enjoyed the video leave a like and links to all these different posts and stuff will be in the description as well if you want to check them out for yourself but uh chibi out
Channel: Chibi Reviews
Views: 40,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime review, manga, manga review, chibi, otaku, chibi reviews, review, the end of leaks, the end of leak culture, leak culture, one piece, jujutsu kaisen, jjk, op, leaking manga, leaking manga from japan, Japanese Police Arrest Two Foreigners, foreigners, leaker snitches on other leaker, jujutsu kaisen edit, solo leveling, shonen jump, end of manga, end of anime, its over for leaks, its over, its so over, JJK
Id: 4Y14SKvxrVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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