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77 Echo main Off The Runway please I don't care just get off the Runway 77 Exit the runway now M 77 Fox indicating 2,400 ft 7 sir 77 are you indicating 2,400 ft 77 77 tra 2 Cherokee 12:00 1 mile now indicating 1,500 ft also inbound the 5 mile final use caution advise traffic in site fin 7 7 fost you copy sir 277 fost P how do you hear 77 say again sir 77 Fox how do you hear 3193 make a left 360 tra moving behind be having radar problems make it left 360 CH 193 left 360 for 3193 Republic Tower 43 through 7 understand your lasty 3277 F how do you hear 77 fo loud and clear all right 77 Fox you get the field sight sir you appear to be west of the final thank you 89 Delta right that one 9 Delta continue down you're traffic 2 m final9 Delta traffic now 2:00 1 mile 600 ft I have the theide 79 thank you Father Mooney clear to touch go additional traffic Cherokee on Final 5 M7 turn up please 7 Echo Main Runway please I don't care just get off the Runway s Step Up exit the runway now say again sir Get Off The Runway T 9 to go around Joseph come on 28 7 Step Up exit the runway Get Off The Runway I don't care what you do get off the Runway 7 s Fox shot like to taxi Echo 77 fo hold position right there seven position okayy uh while you on the runway there did uh did you lose an engine or anything 77 sir I was asking to Cross Way Roger I'm going to need you to taxi straight ahead on golf turn right on Alpha and then hold short of Runway uh one Niner and when you're ready I'm going to give you a phone number you're going to have to call us up here all right sir just one exit the runway continue down number two F banan he's on Final Express right now okay follow banan is not your fault to give everybody power days9 Delta Delta in contact ground ground the Pati have a saint 630 heavy Tower 2314 only 27 left 2 left uh we do not have a gate yet so we might want to figure out some place for us to park while we sort it out 6:30 go around I'm kidding 630 if you Landing I got no one behind you expect to exit right second High spe we'll hide you out some way down by po 60 heavy you copy sorry exit the second two 6:30 left 630 on the got a 630 CL maintain 4,000 turn left8 [Applause] [Music] Z Delta 630 you maintain 4,000 turn left heading 180 please Delta 630 heavy is turning left to 180 back down to 4,000 right down 630 hold off in one second let me get a heading back to you through the down please got a 630 heavy turn left heading 1 0 0 up Turn 1 0 0 Delta 630 heavy a 630 heavy you can contact approach on 1835 get you right back in 1835 Center JBL 469 JBL 469 go ahead we got a disruptive customer in the back so uh we're working on a return to Boston table C 469 uh Roger 4 going to turn back right now uh yeah we'll start heading that way uh we're trying to uh talk to the company on the uh AC cars uh but yeah we can start heading back de with 469 okay uh turn uh B by turn right direct to Prov and then the robu one arrival 469 right direct proy and then the robu one of rival 469 verify cockpit is secure airm uh there's no violence uh just uh unruly passenger we need to get off the airplane okay 469 desend maintain 29er Z je 469 290 working about three radio here at once man be patient dispatch chip of 469 how read hey we're going to be doing an air return for a disruptive passenger he's not physically violent but he's been verbally abusive he's got a service animal that he hasn't been controlling and uh we've got multiple customers in the airplane that are very upset uh and are are concerned unfortunately we're pretty heavy we're we need to burn down about 3,000 lbs of gas so we're to sending down to a lower altitud we're going to get our fuel weight down and come on back to Boston have the person taken off then we'll press on from there if everything else is still good is there any chance you can get me a a link to a blue watch Person all we'll be fine with that uh let me just uh clear the report of a little bit more passengers in seat 1f was told multiple times to take his service animal off the seat uh he refused to respond and then started getting verbally abusive dropping multiple F bombs and and telling the cabin crew that they were you know full of effing you know stuff uh after many attempts to settle him down they finally called me I uh actually spoke to him on the intercom and tried to C him myself he was starting to become receptive but there were so many customers on the airplane that were upset by his behavior at the cabin crew is now feeling somewhat under the gun and they're a little bit upset as well I think the safest course of for the majority of our customers is to put the airplane back on the ground in Boston and we move the passenger and we'll carry on some
Channel: Flight Follower
Views: 25,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atc, air, air traffic control, aircraft, airplane, airport, aviation, control, controller, emergency, failure, flight, funny, landing, live atc, pilot, runway, takeoff, tower, traffic, world, air traffic controller, airbus, airport tower, atc audio, atc communications, atc conversations, atc radio communications, aviation compilation, best of aviation, boeing, cockpit, departure, faa, funny atc, funny atc conversation, how to talk to atc, liveatc, real, real atc, real atc communications, talking to atc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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