The END of GPS for Aviation?! Spoofing At Work

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- [GPWS] Terrain ahead. Pull up! (radio chatter) Terrain ahead. Pull up! Terrain ahead. Pull up! All right, so what is it that's actually going on here? Why are these pilots getting a terrain warning while cruising at 37,000 feet? Well, I have talked about GPS jamming in some of my other videos, but what you're seeing here is even more complicated than that, and it can sometimes even affect more aircraft systems than just the GPS. Stay tuned. (playful chime) This is footage that was posted on Instagram a few weeks ago by Bernardo Cantarino Féres, a pilot who kindly gave me permission to show and explain it to you guys. What it appears to show is an Airbus A320 or A321 that isn't really sure where or how high it is, and I'm sure you understand that this can be a rather nasty situation to be in. So what's causing this, then? Well, I'm sure you all know what GPS is, but to explain what you see here, we need to talk a little bit more about how the GPS system actually works, because this is a system that is both fascinating and has evolved way beyond its original intended use. GPS stands for Global Positioning System, and it's basically the first and still the most popular of many satellite navigation systems now available around the world. Collectively, all of these systems are known as Global Navigation Satellite Systems, or GNSS. Now, I will use the term GPS from now on, but what I say can apply equally to all of these systems, although as far as I know, commercial aircraft today mostly rely on the GPS system. So what are these GNSS systems then? Well, they rely on a constellation of somewhere between 24 and 32 satellites each, and these satellites all fly on precise orbits at six different orbital planes around the earth. Their actual number varies, as older satellites are retired and replaced by newer ones, and there also tends to be a few spare ones out there, but the principle stays the same. They basically work as extremely accurate timekeeping devices, with each of them keeping an atomic clock on board and ground stations that verify their orbits continuously. Simply put, each satellite then sends out a signal which says, this is where I am at precisely, this time, plus some more information that helps the receiver find more satellites. Now, by using this timing and positional information, user devices like your phone, your smartwatch, your car, or indeed an airliner can then use several of these satellites to triangulate its own position. To be more specific, what's happening is actually a little bit more complicated than this. The satellite signal actually says, this is what my orbit is, and this is what time it is where I am, and depending on how far that satellite is from you, that signal will then arrive with a specific time delay. So what your GPS device is actually doing is comparing the time delays of multiple satellites with the orbit of each one of them, converting them into distances from each satellite to figure out where you are. Now, we can go even a little bit nerdier than that if you want to involve the theory of general relativity, but I guess you get the basic idea. Of course, in our everyday lives, we don't have to think about any of this. Our phones and other devices may need a few seconds to position themselves after combining all of that information from more systems, but they generally sort themselves out pretty quickly, and then you can find your way to that sushi restaurants that you're looking for. Now, because we are using it in so many parts of our normal lives today, it's easy to forget that GPS actually started out as a military system. And even though most GPS devices today are in civilian hands, GPS itself still is a military system, which is now managed by the United States Space Force. The original purpose of GPS was to aid in the navigation of military aircraft and to guide various missiles and other weapons that could be pre-programmed with the coordinates of a target. The first studies on how a system like this could theoretically work and be used started way back in the 1950s and 60s, but only on a theoretical base then. The first satellites were then launched in the late 1970s, but the GPS system wouldn't get fully operational until much later than that. Now, initially at least, the plan was to keep GPS signals encoded in such a way that only the military could use them. That plan might have changed eventually anyway, but the event that drove the US government to release it to the public was the shoot-down of Korean Airlines Flight 007 back in 1983. This was a 747 with 269 passengers and crew, which was shot down by a Soviet fighter jet after it had strayed into Soviet airspace due to a navigation error. GPS was still far from ready at a global scale in 1983, but this tragedy convinced the United States to start offering GPS to anyone for free as a public service. The GPS signal was initially degraded for public users, making it less accurate but still good enough for most applications at the time, but various companies soon started figuring out ways to get around this accuracy limitation. So in the year of 2000 that deliberate degradation was finally taken away. Our GPS devices are now more or less as accurate as military ones, and in fact there are still some great tricks that we can use to make these devices even more accurate, although that can be a double-edged sword as I'll soon explain. The accuracy and availability of GPSs has meant that we have found more and more ways to use it, and by the way, we don't just use it for positioning purposes. Many devices also use GPS data to correct their own time, and this includes our aircraft clocks. That's why the first indication of a failing GPS receiver or signal in our cockpit on the 737, at least, tends to be a failed clock. But the thing is, since GPS still remains a military system, its owners could decide to switch it off at any time. Or it could also be configured so that the GPS service may be restricted in certain parts of the world, where a military campaign is ongoing, for example. That's why a lot of other countries like Russia, China, India and even the European Union have developed and launched their own systems. These systems have slightly different orbits and layouts, but they all operate using the same principles, so today, a lot of consumer devices can actually use more than one system at the same time, making the operation more robust. Now, I've made a video about what was happening to GPS shortly after Russia had escalated its attack on Ukraine back in 2022. In that video I explained how GPS was frequently getting jammed in certain parts of the Northern Europe, the Black Sea and even in some areas in the Middle East. Since GPS and other such systems are military in nature, it's not difficult to understand why someone might not want them to work during a war or in other times of geopolitical tension, but how does jamming differ from spoofing, and how does this relate to that Instagram video that we saw in the beginning? Well, I'll explain that in detail just after this... If you think about the many ways we use GPS to find our way around the world today, imagine if you had a similar guide for your online journeys. Well, that's where today's sponsor, NordVPN, comes in. You can think of Nord as a virtual guide, making it easy to connect globally and access content safely from wherever you are. NordVPN is my go-to for checking out basically everything online and also for accessing geo-blocked websites for my research. They're also a key player in making sure that the Mentour merch store gets seen worldwide and that all of our products can be seen by everyone since we've actually received reports that that's not always the case. What's also really cool is that NordVPN has now leveled up and it's not only a VPN nowadays, but also a powerful cybersecurity tool that can help you to avoid anything from annoying ads, phishing attempts and even to scan files for malware before you download them. Now, if this sounds interesting to you, you will get four free months if you sign up for the two-year plan using the link here below, which is And remember, you can test NordVPN completely risk-free for 30 days with a guaranteed refund if it doesn't fulfill your needs. Thank you Nord, now back to the video. Now, since an aviation tragedy was the triggering event that made GPS available to the public, it's not surprising that the aviation industry has embraced GPS widely. Today, we use it for many things, but ultimately, to improve navigation accuracy and to add another layer of safety. The complicated grid of airways that we use today mostly aren't defined using ground NAVAIDs anymore, but instead, with a few exceptions, they are defined using GPS coordinates. And closer to the airport, we have also lately started adding the benefit of RNAV LPV approaches, who are constructed to eventually replace instrument landing systems, or ILS, especially in smaller airports and in poorer parts of the world. But the question is now starting to become if that will even be possible. Well, the actual raw accuracy of GPS isn't as good as the accuracy we get from an ILS system, so for now at least, to do a full category 3 approach with an autoland, we still need the airport to have approved and tested ILS equipment as well as procedures and power redundancies for the runway that will be used. But that could potentially soon change. There are ways to improve or augment the GPS accuracy by combining it with some other system. This process is called GNSS Augmentation, and we can do it either with something known as Satellite-based Augmentation System, SBAS, or Ground-Based Augmentation System, GBAS. And despite what these different names suggest, SBAS and GBAS work in very similar ways. Both of these systems use ground reference stations, who continuously measure the accuracy and deviations of the GPS signals in each location. Then, in the case of an SBAS, the Satellite-based Augmentation System transmits this corrected information up to dedicated satellites, who then sends it back to the aircraft or the other platforms who are receiving it. GBAS, or Ground-Based Augmentation Systems, do require some ground equipment, as their name suggest, and that's basically an array of antennas that measure the same GPS accuracy and deviation as the satellite-based system do. But in this case, the ground-based equipment then transmits this information directly out to the aircraft that needs it. This is often even a bit more accurate than the Satellite-based Augmentation, so it's already in use for Category 1 and Category 2 approaches equipped runways and for aircraft that can carry that required receivers. Eventually, full autoland CAT 3 approaches should become possible with this system as well, but as far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. Let me know if I'm wrong here, and whilst you're down in the comments, remember to like and subscribe. Now, some of you are probably wondering what these augmentation systems have to do with GPS jamming and spoofing. Well, as I said before, ground-based augmentation used to improve GPS accuracy can be a double-edged sword, and here's why: If we can use ground-based stations to measure the accuracy of GPS signals, improve them, and then broadcast the correction, then what if we used similar equipment, but the other way around? Well, while you let that sink in, let's talk about the difference between GPS jamming and spoofing. As I explained in my previous video, GPS signals need to travel really great distances, which means that they tend to be quite weak when they actually arrive to the gadget, which is going to use them. This means that it's relatively easy for someone to transmit a competing signal, which effectively acts as white noise, blanketing out all of the GPS reception. There are several devices used to do this deliberately, especially when, for example, a key politician are traveling around in a motorcade, for example. But there have also been people who have tried to use these types of devices for their own purposes, for example, to try and hide their position from their employers while driving company cars with trackers. But as ideas go, this one is really bad and highly illegal, and because of that, it can also become very expensive. In 2013, a guy driving a company pickup truck in New Jersey was fined $32,000 because he used one of these illegal devices to hide him from his boss. As it turns out, he had chosen to park within Newark Airport to do this, which obviously wasn't ideal. Newark was one of the first airports implementing a version of ground-based augmentation system, which this guy's trick device ended up blocking, and unfortunately for him, the device transmissions also made him very easy to track. Now, what this guy was doing is an example of GPS jamming. It is basically a denial of service, and at a local level it's relatively easy to do, again because of how weak the GPS signals are. But GPS spoofing, on the other hand, is much more than just white noise and a bit more sophisticated. A spoofing signal is basically something masquerading as a proper GPS signal, or a related signal from an augmentation system, which still allows a GPS receiver to think that it's receiving a proper signal. Now, aircraft generally have more than one GPS source on board in case one of our onboard systems would fail, but in this case, obviously, since both GPSs will then be fed the same dodgy signal, they may well agree with each other, and not detect that something fishy is going on. This is a much more advanced form of interference that can be considerably harder to identify quickly, and this is likely what was happening to that aircraft that we saw in the beginning of the video. Identifying that these signals are indeed spoofing quickly is really important, because the ways that we have integrated GPS into other aircraft's functions has become much deeper and more complicated than just the GPS navigation system. In theory, if the GPS stops working in our aircraft, we just switch over to another form of navigation, like, for example, conventional navigation with VR and NDB beacons, but typically our first alternative to GPS is our inertial reference system, or IRS. Now, we have more than one of these systems as well, and they align themselves before the flight while we're still sitting at the gate. The IRSs use laser gyros, and they are so sensitive that they can sometimes even be difficult to align if it's particularly windy outside when we're starting our day. These systems can sense every turn and every acceleration that the aircraft makes in all three axes, and by taking those accelerations into consideration, they can then track our position all the way through the flight. But the problem is that the IRS will progressively become less and less accurate over the course of a day, which is why its data can be updated from other aircraft sources. These updates can come from conventional VOR/DME NAVAIDs or they can come from the GPS. That is where the GPS spoofing has the potential to become a seriously big headache compared to GPS jamming. You see, if we simply lose the GPS due to jamming, for example, then the IRS will just take over, working from the latest known update of the GPS-derived position. But if a fake GPS signal continues to come in for a while and we don't immediately figure it out, well then our IRSs could get updated with corrupted positioning data, and then suddenly we have neither GPS nor IRS to rely on. Now in practice, in many cases, the aircraft flight management computers are clever enough to figure out that there is something wrong here, because the shift between the good and the bad GPS data won't make any sense, given the speed and altitude of the aircraft, for example. This means that the pilots should get a warning, or possibly multiple warnings, that something isn't right when this is happening. And that brings us back to that video of the Airbus A320 cockpit that was cruising merrily at 37,000 feet. Now, I am not an Airbus pilot, but from what I've been able to find, the Airbus A320 family has three air data inertial reference units, or ADIRUs. These units compare data from redundant GPS and IRS sources, also comparing them with the aircraft's air data sensors, that determines its speed and its altitude. Now there are different failure modes to these systems that I won't start to speculate on here but one result of this GPS failure that we can see is a glaringly false enhanced ground proximity warning, at an altitude where there clearly can't be any obstacles. The EGPWS gets its information from a ground elevation database, so if it doesn't have the right information about where the aircraft is, it can give these kind of faulty messages, which are designed to be really hard to ignore, of course. Now in terms of navigation, the pilots here may be able to just explore a few options, and if they all fail, they can switch to using conventional navigation with VOR/NDB, and so that's not really a huge problem. But as you can see, the primary navigation isn't their only problem, they're also having to deal with a hugely distracting warning which will make the hair stand up on most pilot's arms. Now, I saw a lot of comments on this video on Instagram asking why the pilots didn't respond to the warning, shouldn't all EGPWS warnings be taken seriously? Well, the answer to that is obviously no. If you're clearly at 37,000 feet and nothing has changed except the indicated GPS position, you have to apply your common sense and not overreact. But the really interesting question is, what if this happened while the crew were in a descent, in cloud or at night, or whilst approaching an airport near high terrain? At 37,000 feet, we don't really need to think about executing a terrain escape maneuver, but that's because we can be absolutely sure that there is no danger there. But during the descent and around terrain, you basically have to assume that the information that you're getting is real and react to it. I mean, you might have made an actual mistake. So, how do we deal with these types of problems then? Well, the first thing we do is the same thing that we do with any other risks. We brief it together with possible contingencies. This particular crew was flying close to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, probably on their way to Abu Dhabi, and this is a part of the world where there have been many reports about possible GPS jamming and spoofing in event before. EASA, Europe's aviation regulator, regularly publishes and updates a list of areas where these type of activities have been observed, and they also list the possible effects that this might have on aircraft systems. These effects typically include: incoherence in navigational positions such as GNSS FMS position disagree or terrain warnings, abnormal differences between ground speed and true airspeed, time shifts or problems with INS or IRS. Now, other aircraft facing similar problems in that part of the world recently nearly entered the airspace of Iran because of them, and others have reported that their GPS position has shifted as much as 60 nautical miles at times. Now, these problems can, by the way, affect multiple aircraft types. Obviously, this video shows an Airbus A320 or an A321, but other pilots have reported issues with Boeing 737s, 747s and 777s, Embraer E-series jets and various business jets. Basically, any aircraft equipped with an integrated GPS will be potentially susceptible to this. Unfortunately, there are multiple hotspots in the world today, and this problem is constantly getting worse. Crews who are forced to fly in these areas needs to be well aware of all possible risks, how their aircraft might respond, and also have contingency plans for how to deal with these problems if they should occur. So, in the longer term, we will need to think about how future aircraft systems will deal with these problems more effectively. Now, near-airports, GPS-based RNAV approaches are cheap and easy for many airports to implement, but if we need to have ground equipment anyway for those ground-based GPS augmentation systems and these systems are so easy to block or spoof, then maybe we should be looking at some kind of alternatives. Before RNAV approaches became the default alternative to ILS, the FAA and NASA actually spent a lot of time and money on developing another alternative, something known as a microwave landing system. This system would still use fixed airport equipment, but it was a lot smaller and much simpler than the glide slope and localizer antennas that the ILS needs, and it also operated much further from other frequencies, making interference a lot less likely. Now, NASA actually used a version of this microwave landing system to land the space shuttle, so maybe this would be a possible way forward if these GNSS problems continue to become more widespread? In the end, the FAA abandoned the MLS system in favor of GPS, but that was before these latest issues had started rising around spoofing. So, given the need for a potential navigational alternative to GPS and other such systems today, I wouldn't be surprised if the MLS or other systems would soon start to emerge to fill this void. Now, of course, with the slow rate of all developments in aviation, we probably shouldn't hold our breath for this to happen, but it is a really interesting thing to think about though. What do you think? I would love to hear your opinions and experience in the comments below. Now, if you really want to discuss this and basically anything else aviation-related directly with me, then join my inner circle of Patreons using the link below or somewhere here on the screen. We have regular Zoom hangouts where we can discuss basically everything that comes up and it's always great. You can also support us by sending a Super Thanks using the dollar sign button below here or by buying some merch. It all really helps. Have an absolutely fantastic day and I'll see you next time. Bye-bye.
Channel: Mentour Now!
Views: 568,940
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Keywords: airbus, boeing, aviation news, news explainers, aviation trends, aviation industry, airbus vs boeing, US aviation, mentour pilot, mentour now, air travel, spirit airlines, low fare carriers, united airlines, airports, Aviation revolution, New Tech, Fascinating Tech, Things you didnt know, Aviation history, air traffic controller, mentour pilot now, door plug, alaska airlines flight, alaska airlines, 737 MAX 9, spirit aerosystems, gps, gps jamming, gps spoofing
Id: wbd9eSw6GfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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