NASTY ARGUMENT between Pilots —"You do you and I do me"

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uh D traffic choke 6 Delta it is clear of active Runway traffic D reg traffic November 97 Delta Alpha is the party on Runway three Johnson Johnson Traffic Cherokee 69 Delta taxing Runway to Runway 3 Cherokee you should have been ready before you reach the hold short Point what's your problem you should be ready before you get to the hold short point you do you I do me okay it's called courtesy just call you shut up please well that's not very polite I was asking politely all right guys chill out sub Russian people understand what I understand is you don't understand Cherokee uh 69ine of Delta taking uh departing Runway 3 some traffic count departing Illinois 3 East on departure I hope you wear a student p one time in your life right that's correct no answer traffic Cheroke turn left cross and Cherokee staying in the P are you guys standing in the pattern or are you guys departing we are departing from the pattern have a good one and it's called critical phase of flight you don't talk while you're departing what was your question sir oh Mr per perfect okay have a good day man you're the classic old grumpy man no I'm the classic old guy that understands Aviation all right go on cry somewhere else shots Regal traffic Diamond 475 Bravo is left downwind Runway three joh this Tower good morning super cup November 129 Romeo Bravo uh super cup 9 Romeo Bravo new yeah just Departed the creek going to head south down the beach going to clip the kind of the South uh west side of your control area uh to the beach beach south of you n Romeo Bravo Rod you're going to go uh uh East Northeast to the Shor line and then south or you going over the interstate South I'm going over the interstate now but I'm going to clip just barely clip you on the on the southwest side of the area okay I I I don't understand how you're going to go from there Southwest if you want to go to the Shoreline just fly ah heading of about 070 to the Shoreline all right that's what I'm going to do I am going down the shoreline okay so I want you to go north of the field I've got right traffic for Runway 25 traffic's aheading to your right so just uh suggest a heading of about 070 yes sir we're on that now thank you epicd 783 I'm not off your touch and go that's fine well go 73 okay uh number n Rome Bravo get kind of close to the pattern sir I need you to make a left turn from where you're at you're heading right for the pattern so want to turn left about 20° no negative I'm going to turn right I don't want to go near okay I'm turning right and then turn East sir I want you to turn left now turn left follow Air Traffic Control I've got you on radar you're head right into traffic I see the traffic Roger we're going to go left for you now you're going to now you're going to fly right into them sir I want I don't understand why you can't follow instructions sir you're right over the airport I want you to turn left turn Northbound gee no problem with that I'm turning left now and I see the traffic yeah you're right in my pattern sir I want you to turn left heading 360 right now okay number nine Romeo Bravo what's your current heading 3 uh 360 you're flying Direct ly Northbound is that correct oh kind of North by East a little bit headed to the Shoreline so you're not following instructions sir uh N9 Romeo Bravo possible pilot deviation and I advise you contact the tower uh when when you land I can give you the phone number okay go ahead 42350 very good just so we're clear sir when I called you to enter the control area I did not want to go north of the airport I wanted to go south to the Shoreline thank you well sir your instructions were to go north and you did not follow the instructions that you were given any instructions that you were given and it's on radar okay thank you sir you just basically did what you wanted to do no no no not at all been living here 25 years and coming through here so no problem we'll call you yes sir living here 25 years has nothing to do with Following air trft control instructions it's on the radar sir I got that we're clear thank you no9 Romeo Bravo free EX change approve Roger November Z Li Alpha right turn at the shoreline approved wind one Niner 0 at four Runway 21 cleared 4 take up clear take Runway 21 right turn short approv we're going to left left of the Short Line Ser zero Lim Alpha I'm kind of confused uh what is your destination today is kilo Delta Mike November serus zero Liam Alpha left downwind departure approved remain outside class above air space Runway 2 one cleared 4 takeoff 2 one let's go first thank you serious zero limb Alpha are you going to be S going Southbound over the top of La Tower yes yes the Z M Roger are you going to take the special fight rules foror special fight rules yeah we climbing to 11,500 Ser zero Lim Alpha for the special flight RS Corridor typically aircraft will make a right 270 make a right turn at the shoreline to gain altitude over the San Monica okay we at the right cross traffic to G and then to the shine here's zero Lim Alpha I'm reporting a ceiling of 1, n00 overcast are you going to be able to climb up for the special FAL qu yeah we can clim to 2,000 serious zero Alpha the special flight whe Corridor is 3,500 3500 are you going to be able to get up to 3500 3400 Z November Zer Alpha there's a ceiling at 1, n00 overcast are you going to be able to climb to 3,500 we can climb to 3,500 November Zer Alpha start your right turn now right turn remain outside the class b space can you back to me to get outside the class bra start a right turn now right turn slly suggested heading 3 0 SL suggested 3 0 [Music] 0 November zero we Alpha now continue the right turn continue the right turn serious zero Lim Alpha turn right fly suggested heading 0 1 0 0 1 0 Ser zero we have Alp you can overfly the S Monica D and then fly outbound Santa Monica 132 radio for the special flexible sport or we can fly the over the v s Monica so can you give me vectors please zero Li I cannot give you vectors through the corridor negative um are you familiar with the flight Corridor negative Z zero we have Alpha fly suggested heading of 0 five 0 five thank you November zero M maintain at or below 4,500 below 4,500 Z Li Alpha squat 225 2025 Mark Ser Z Liam Alpha contact SoCal approach 24.6 246 they can provide you vectors 246 thank you [Music] e
Channel: Flight Follower
Views: 24,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YlNH-7N0F48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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