Entire Family Lost in NJ Plane Crash from Severe Icing! Overconfidence? #atc #planecrash

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731 Charlie Alpa maintain one 10,000 Charlie Alpha headed for one 10,000 we maintain 731 Charlie Alpha contact departure 12.85 12.85 for one Charlie Alpha today departure TBM 731 Charlie alpha 8 for 10,000 731 char M 14 14,000 144 Char Al for uh reports of moderate Ryme 15 through 17 um light L said it wasn't a problem at 14 I'll keep you out there if it gets worse let me know when the CER takes your hand off I'll climb it and they can get you higher Char off we'll let you know what happens when we get in there and uh yeah if we can go straight through it no problem for us Char Al Direct One Charlie Alpha climbing 17,000 New York C 13 4.6 going to 346 on the way up to 177,000 Charlie just entering the DMC right or thec right now hey Wisconsin 37 37 are we going to higher second all right just going to be quick we're having some uh an issues reped at 14000 4123 4123 go ahead where is that sing relation to us all along the area I've had a pretty much everyone I'm talking to has had at least like to Mo and I've had one reported extreme at 14 stack with 3055 looking for high 1355 main 17,000 direct to new and I have reports of moderate severe icing uh 14 and you should still have moderates up to 17 maintain 17,000 that's why we're asking for higher stock with 3055 and direct 1177 your departure Roger reports of Moder extrem icing and the clim exe reported around 14,000 and moderate up all the way to 17 GRE 1177 731 Charlie off I will have hire for you as soon as I can you will get some uh light icing there at 177,000 on Charlie I thought we can confirm that light icing for you it's light to uh yeah it's pretty light for now we've been in here for for a little while and H when able be great1 Charlie we're getting a little rattle here can we uh get uh higher as possible please yeah stand by our 731 Charlie Alpha climate maintain flight level 20 0 20 0 for one Charlie Alpha thank you and 731 Charlie Alp is declaring 731 Charlie Alpha New York hey you see that code 1031 I think he's having trouble with the icing oh is 731 right now what's he at right now I don't know I think he's descending oh he's just doing it on his own uh I think he doesn't want to be 731 Charlie off you there says two Hotel golf win 340 at 4 Runway 5 cleared for takeoff and are you going to be going uh southbound 287 uh that's affirmative when you get airborne would you take look uh we got um a notice that there was a a plane crash on 287 and I don't recall working anybody so when you go southbound would you uh let me know if you see anything uh yeah sure I we'll uh check okay thank you in Mar Tower we see uh smoke uh on 287 just south of marown let me get a little bit closer okay s two to off you said you are seeing Smoke on the highway yes perect okay Roger Dad thanks it looks like it's in the southbound side of 287 uh we're going to get closer okay let me know if it's a aircraft or it's a car to citation 79 Mike x-ray marown Tower reporting Four Mile final for Runway 5 altim 3018 and do you see any smoke uh on the uh Highway off to your left yeah there's uh Bunch fire truck smoke and I think I a plane okay you said you do see some planes yes ma'am okay thank you and is it just a beam you on the highway or a little bit south of you about 10:00 right now you want me to go over and look at it nope just continue in Bound we just want to uh let our um our people here know about it down 22 Hotel golf we're right over top of it and it does look like an aircraft or what was one okay yeah it says uh to Hotel golf thank you very much news copter 7 Mars Town Tower go ahead good morning man like to bring it over towards downtown Mor South 287 out of low 1.5 for now and newscopter 7 transitions approved altim 3018 for Tower Chopper 12 Shopper 12 Mars Tower yeah I'm about uh five miles to the South the um working over Route 287 I I'm quite sure exactly where yet but it'll be inside your uh may be inside your uh airspace we'll let you know we're just outside it right now okay Chopper 12 transitions approved altim 3018 alude 3018 we're below a th right now and I'll call you on a m station and tell you what I'll hold hey Chopper two Roger that uh traffic is another helicopter is about two miles behind you're also heading towards uh the area Okay choer 12 and new new copter 7 traffic is a helicopter about 2 and 1/2 miles at your 12:00 position uh out of below um 800 ft 7 copy 12 good morning marown Chopper two information Tango choer two Mar Tower 7 miles to the southeast uh we could uh take it overhead the field and on station over by Route 287 on the west side of the field with the new 7 hey chapter two my you're going to pass overhead the field transitions approved at or above 1,700 I got traffic in the pattern at the moment altimeter 30 one ner overhead the field out above 1.7 for choer good morning moris to Tower Chopper 5 with you Chopper five Mar Tower yes ma'am if we could do the same as Chopper two and we'll go and climb up to above 1,700 and Chopper 5 transitions approved altim 30 one Niner do you have the traffic in sight one Niner we do man maintain visual and we are talking Chopper five Roger approved and Chopper 12 is on station Chopper 12 thank you more sound Tower austa 5 November Julia austa 5 November Juliet Mars Tower yeah Tower 5 November Juliet uh did that the plane land on 287 in your area uh yes he did okay do you know if there's a it was a crash or did he land safely I believe he crashed okay all right Mor down uh we're just coming out of uh St Barnabas and we'll be in route where are they located to you sir you should see a couple of helicopters it's about 3 miles uh west southwest of the field I reer 12 can you verify for us if it's a helicopter or a fixed Wing I cannot it is uh completely destroyed cannot identify the type of aircraft okay thank you down Tower austa 5 November Juliet on station austa 5 November Juliet Roger maintain visual with uh the numerous helicopters in the vicinity all right we have them we're going to be uh probably 500 and below if they can just maintain their altitude that' be great okay Roger that did all the helicopters um uh hear that that the five November Juliet needs to be uh below your five and below to two and flight we copy that and if you want uh I'll take all the com for everybody up here we'll stay at 2,000 okay Roger that down Tower helicop 5 helicopter 5 November Julia Tower go ahead five they don't need us over there out to the east heading the north okay helicopter 5 November Juliet on course approved and traffic is assess and left base for Runway 31 okay look for traffic left for 31 uh five no November Juliet yeah 5 November Juliet Mar go ahead yeah 5 November Juliet coming back out of New York's airspace towards you again like to go back overhead that scene okay helicopter 5 November Julie if you can just proceed directly overhead the field uh at or above, uh 500 and when you get on the West Side you can Des send back down Altima 3018 okay 3018 uh directly overhead at 1,000 newscopter 7 newscopter 7 Tower go ahead yes man we are complete here for now if we could like to come in land Runway five and uh we be shut down for a little while stay with guys and newscopter 7 understand you want to come in and refuel Pi up the left face
Channel: Flight Follower
Views: 48,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1d2iEHj9j50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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