These People Have Two Problems

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welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster channel where hobby beekeeping is a way of life mosquitoes me and don are on the edge of a big cypress swamp you probably won't be able to appreciate this drop one of those hills if you try to climb down you're probably gonna go down on your backside cypress knees and all of it good place for honeybees lots of water lots of forage this is an old weekend vacation camp cottage whatever you want to call it they've had bees going in under this landing for about three years i think they said now we're in early to mid spring right now when the bees would be swarming if these have swarmed they've left a whole lot of bees behind because they're super active so we're going to be looking for queen cells as we're going through just to see have they swarmed or have they not should we be looking for a queen a little overcast today rain on us a little coming up hopefully that holds off we're going through the inside to get upstairs there's an entrance door right there which we're gonna have to cut the floor right inside that but these old stairs i'd rather not break a hip i think don probably feels the same way so we're not using the stairs once we've got these out of here there's a lot of work to be done to this house to kind of keep them from moving in somewhere else on another swarm but nobody's ever here i don't know that they really are too concerned about it did they say they were trying to sell the place um they said they might know in the future let me show you this chocolate brown bathroom before we get started it matches the chocolate ground rock i don't think i've ever seen a brown tub okay that was the heat signature you just saw running this way looks like the joists run this way we're gonna pull the carpet back from the corner and try to find our joists and make as small of a cut as we can whatever we cut out we're probably going to scab in framing boards to put the floor back so don't want to make it too big but that's what we're working with a lot of heat right there pickle wings i'm pretty fortunate on this we got less than a half a sheet of plywood right here [Music] get these tack strips out of the way and see how far it goes under the wall yeah i thought maybe somebody had replaced this before but no luck while they work out for the week of being moving this out of the house hmm it sounds like with the door too we got two layers of floor cut through the first layer of subfloor and realize this has been overlaid so to make some more cuts so i'm covered with sawdust and we're pulling nails and trying to work this bottom piece out right now we got some nail heads that broke off so we're going to try around some screws on this side and pick it up saw slinging water that's crazy this is where it gets fuzzy yeah here's the fun part yeah pull the board first get in the net that one's got a nail in it somewhere over there oh i can feel the wax separating there you probably will be able to pull up on that in because it has a nail in it you can see it coming up oops i hear them there we go yeah i got it i can't get the nail boring because i'm hitting honey oh my god um i need it's got a nail in the corner don't come out well do we want to set it down just hold it there for a second i'll get the rotary saw and cut that but for now we'll start cutting combs pretty good size height yeah yeah it's going to go further back under the wall this way i'm gonna honey bucket this is the first one nice white comb new comb all ready got me i don't know what you know about honey but the uncapped which is what this is has not dried down yet so this would have to be eaten or dried down just try to store it like that in a ferment you can refrigerate it or freeze it of course and and hold that process off for a while yeah calm out you can bite it off and chew it spit the wax out when you're done wouldn't it be easier if we just pull this whole thing up and just turn it upside down it would i'm going to go get that saw there it smells good you want to come over here and look down on the floor hunting so take a bite just don't swat if they don't swat if anything flies at you all right i'm kicking my hands behind them come on over here and oh man that's awesome that is good honey tastes really good too i'm not seeing as many bees in here as i thought i would and there's some there's an open cell right there open queen so i'm gonna bring one of those down to them i'm letting them eat them go ahead take a bucket what do you think real good first wanted out some uncapped honey and that that might be all we find because now that what i'm seeing up here it's possible they have swarmed already and when they do they eat a lot of honey when they leave so i don't know we'll have to wait and see when we get in all i'm seeing right now is uncapped but it smells good according to the taste testers it is good you can see these honey frames here we ripped the tops off up and pulling this board up those bottom combs are going to be probably brood loaded with probably honey loaded as well it's a bit unusual here too we've stirred up a big old black ant colony it was occupying a little space somewhere in here they're carrying off dead bees yeah yep there you go she gave me a stinger so i got two of them so far when you care enough to see the very best it's all um laid out all the way through here you got eggs in here it's beautiful we're gonna drop the honey off of it and that's where old hive was died out this place just had a hive more than once in it for sure and it's loaded with small hive beetles yep oh we need all the lavender and everything inside yeah now is that me or is that yeah that's b that's all drones yeah all drawn larvae right that's that's not a pimple that's he got me do you watch wallace b man tim durham of north mississippi who tim durham yes i'll turn the camera he's wearing shorts so he's kind of asking for it yeah yes but last few days i haven't been able to move my fingers you know it hurts a little i got stung yesterday and my fingers are fine they say it's good for arthritis it definitely is some pretty honey hmm i'm gonna taste it good too you don't come right off easy yeah there's a yep queen cup nothing nothing in it we do have a laying queen in here definitely oh yes we got eggs and young larva all over the place a lot of drones though everybody getting ready to swarm again if if they hadn't swarmed already and i think they have just because of the numbers of bees that i'm seeing i think they've already swarmed one time and i did see an old queen cell that looked like it had been partially chewed down so i'm saying they've swarmed and they're piling up again we are the first week of april i don't know what the almanac says but our spring starts fairly early i'm thinking of the coast too i keep forgetting we're an hour north of the coast and i noticed the trees here are really a lot further bloom than what they are on the coast yeah well they're being surprisingly docile yeah i get i get one every once in a while just just to bother me enough to yeah that one went in my ear [Laughter] that's a different type of buzz you will probably have to strain the sawdust and everything out of this just take it and mush it up in your hand it's like filleting a eel where do you get those knives uh these i order on amazon this one came in a two set for 27 bucks it's a 14 inch sharp as they come when i got it i opened the package and it cut or i was opening the package and the serrated one cut me through the package these little black beetles you might see in this some of this honeycomb uh don't worry about them they're not harmful they're just like strangers they're small high beetles this little black bug right here colony this strong keep the beetles off of them but the beetles would get into the combs and lay eggs play beetles beetle eggs and their larva look like maggots and they'll turn everything slimy in the hive and the bees will just leave but when you've got a colony like this they'll corral them up in a corner somewhere and starve them oh nice and so this honey needs to be processed pretty quick because it has high beetles in the colony but once you're done squeezing it out and straining it they're not a problem you can pull honey out down here and in the up north they would never have this problem but down here you can pull honey out that you think it's just as clean it's the cleanest honey i've ever seen and you bucket it up in a five gallon bucket and put a food safe lid on it now and come back a week later and the bucket's just full of beetle maggots because one beetle got in there and you didn't see it yeah i just thought the more that you messed with it the angrier they would get they usually are testy when you first open it and then they calm down and then the closer you get to the end of the removal they start getting aggravated again i can't say these have been dead so i i take most of those things i get are right at the beginning and an hour towards the end i guess because you're in them long enough they're like we've had enough go away oh i know my arthritis is good for a couple of days randy and they especially hey the other day my hands were achy and i get stung in the hip and it's gone it's gone it's a miracle gear it is there's a bottom of our floorboard out there basically i got it sitting outside draining because it's covered with honey see the honey on the deck there i'll scrape that clean before we put it back that piece of border go back and then right now we're about to start vacuuming and cutting these combs out of the floor i'm surprised that i was not any bigger it probably was but definitely was at some point but i'm really kind of surprised they're confined to this about uh four foot long space and one joist space we've given a little time to clean up and they ran the ants off we've been we've been downstairs talking for a little bit all those black ants i don't see them anymore so the bees have run them off or something oh here they are back here in the corner [Applause] they're all small bees aren't they yeah a little girl has some fire in her right there oh look at down there see all the high beetles that's the one i'm gonna start cutting that from under that wall and work our way back to the corner anything left in this one yeah whole big giant pile of bees and a little bit of comb hanging i think about to get the spatula and go to work on that here's where i get stung i'll lay down on something [Laughter] well no worse than sitting down on it yeah that that got my thigh right now i think i'm i'm in their uh path for flying out you know an affair so you're in there line of fire no not in the line of fire just isn't it coming and going and i'm sitting in the coming and going past before we get this started did you um did you mark the queen so we could find a reason how do you a marker in advance how'd you say your brother was coming i thought he won i just thought of that where's he come when it's all over ah does he come when it's all over yeah seems like there's a lot more bees come back here you sure you're getting them sucked up in the vacuum cleaner importing it out the front ones i'm just blowing them through the house wow look at the beetles it's deep back in the back yeah this thing a little bit later oh my god we're about halfway through this cutout now we've still got some kind of difficult access work to do back here because this is about 10 inches or 12 inches from the wall and then it'll go past the wall the depth of the frame so another 16 inches or so from this point back in there there's a lot of bees in here i when we opened the floor at first glance i didn't think there was a whole lot of bees i thought well they might have swarmed we saw some queen cups and stuff and maybe the remains of a queen cell so they may have swarmed i'm still not sure about that but there's a lot of bees in here so it's a good possibility they haven't swarmed i'm looking for the queen but i'm not really taking time to search for because we got a lot of work to do and we're just sucking up piles of bees at a time so good and because of where it's at it's just kind of difficult to look for if we spot her great we got a cage here ready for her to go in if we don't we know we got her in the vac and i ain't worried about it she'll end up with the colony either way you can see how loaded this colony is with hive beetles a lot of times i'm gonna do a cut out like this and they're really high beta loaded i don't try to save brood because it's kind of difficult to do the cut out and get bees back on the brood in a hurry which is what you got to do or have a box set up here and put them directly on it if you can jp does that a lot he's pretty good about that but if you can't do that and you work kind of like i do you can lose a colony to small hive beetles so a lot of times i'll take these even if i lose the brood it'll still be a good call now start them back over just like they were a swarm feed them up if they need it and uh if they if there's a bloom cycle going on i'll let them be on their own because they usually won't touch a feeder in that case anyway but i stick them in a small box with some drawn comb and even some of this i could save there's a lot of really good brood in here there's a lot of brood in here this hive as big as it was was about to explode in population i hate to lose all this but you saw how many hive beetles there were and they're they're like that on half the cones we're pulling out of here so i'm just not taking any chances i don't want them to abscond and lose the colony anyway so they can they can stand to lose a little brood even right here you can see the high beetles this is not high bit of slime this is honey from us busting this hive loose but look at all the beetles [Music] deliver cyrus i'm sitting in the wrong place they're coming out they're going in it's unbelievable it's a war here he's sitting spread a legged just there just daring i dare ya [Music] got some battery on it here we go don when go buy you a colander if you wanna [Music] i know i'm hitting that way [Music] we're right to the end we got all the comb out we're just running bees out with a repellent and we have the queen right here she was one of the last holdouts behind a little bitty piece of comb one of them red bones it's hard this is hard working y'all get done once you snuggle up with that stuff hippo over there i'll let you know we're ready to go real quick here this is a split i made last weekend it's brewed in a medium box i want to show you the swiffer pad taking care of the little beetle problem all these bitters legs are hung up now that don't take care of everything because they don't always get on it but when they do it works pretty good it'll hang their legs up and they'll lay there and starve to death after they get tangled up good enough
Channel: undefined
Views: 59,539
Rating: 4.9635353 out of 5
Keywords: Home repair, home improvement, honey bee sting, honey bee, beekeeping, beekeeper, bee hive removal, bee infestation, honey bees, small hive beetle, honey comb, bees wax, raw honey, eating honey
Id: eS92o7idXjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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