This One Got A Little Complicated

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do a real quick unboxing to say thank you to a couple of people that sent me some some gifts the first one is from papa bo2 on youtube busting bees from me back in the summer and i think he liked him he sent me some preserves and some salsa thank you papa b.o too i'ma link these guys channels below i say i think you like the bees this pepper's got fire blowing out his behind so he may be getting back at me for something next one is chris kinser out of tennessee i think i know what this is i don't know 100 but i know he makes his own hive tools and forged hive tools yeah that's what i was hoping for got dr stamped in it j hook i don't think you can probably see the profile on that from here sharp profile thin hook i like this i would tell you about it but i just say go watch this video i'll put it in the description thank you chris thank you papa b number three is from randy sturgeon a facebook friend send me some of his honey for the for this season in appreciation for kind of helping walk him through snc heavenly hives much appreciated buddy glad you did good pretty cool thing yeah it's a high hand forged out of square stock headed for hive number two we skipped yesterday just just because let some of the soreness go away today is gonna be part two of the twin hive removal or hot rain as you may know it let's stop in super c here and get my breakfast is my favorite breakfast spot so now i got my i got my cheese grits and my chicken strips time to get it on labor day weekend's coming up my wife tells me that's the last weekend of summer i'm all for that as we enter the death zone y'all probably can't see that for these receipt books and stuff on my days whatever some of you will remember this park maybe not by sight but when i tell you where i'm at you'll know exactly right between those two cottages right there used to set a mobile home that particular mobile home had the first giant yellowjacket nest that i ever filled with at that point in my life i didn't know much about yellowjackets i wasn't aware that their venom was different than honeybees and uh that all led into some a little bit of getting sick and learning some good hard lessons but it made a good video so that's where that giant yellowjacket nest was there's a bunch of nosy people in here and tell you i've been sitting here eating breakfast everybody drives by or walks by stops and looks i don't know if maybe they know there's a beehive in there and they're wondering what i'm doing over here we got power and tools we got smoke and i'm gonna show you my hat this was a brand new hat before i did the job the other day i was filthy when i finished this thing up probably the same today i'm not having to lay directly under last one was right there and i had to lay directly under the hive there wasn't any way around it this one right here i'm kind of off to the side a little bit it might not be as bad but it's still honey honey loaded and it's going to be running down on me anyway so some be dirty again when i get them just that's all right dude get the job done dirty jobs this hive here might not be as wet as that last one all these front combs look fairly empty i don't know if that's because of the hive being open and they've moved it or if it was like that when i opened it i didn't really pay that much attention to it i can't remember if i could even see that it might have been covered with bees at that point they may be more protecting the brood now that it's wide open not real sure but there's a lot of bees in here oh this one is going to be a lot cleaner for me i'm going to start up here on the front i don't like to run the bees back because they run back into that insulation and pile up in the back and i'll be reaching back i'll be reaching back past that frame rail to vacuum but that's all right too i can reach it it's just uh i'd rather have them out front here but you know either way whichever way is easier for me it's going to be easier to start up here on these dry combs run some bees off of it can't even tell that they're really all that dry but the bottoms are certainly open and there's one we did before this one i don't have my vacuum set up yet so i'm gonna start off with smoke and i'm just gonna run i'm just gonna run bees back i don't care that they pile up back here that's fine the more i can get them to pile up the easier they'll be the vac but i'll run them off of these combs and start cutting these combs that'll be my first move i got a little bit of room to work on this one so i'm not having to bust combs as bad i can reach up in there with a nail bar and hook over the top of that comb and wiggle back and forth and cut it if there's honey in the top of it i'll cause it to leak but at least i'm not having to break a comb open like i am if they're built tight against the frame and this is what's piling up out front because i'm laying here in their way they're not used to me being in their entrance so they're not wanting to come in these are all forage bees trying to get back into the hive i got designed me a veil i can lay down and work in this thing's round all the way around it pushes it up off your face you got to constantly be adjusting it and here's my viewpoint this is what i'm seeing as i'm laying under here i got my phone practically laying on my face this is what i can see hear how they're starting to quiet down a little bit they're running back towards the back there's less bees up here fanning first cones out got a little bit in the bottom of a few cells y'all have another flea market to do or something yep i think it's a little bigger but it looks like it's uh not quite as wet but the honey is in it's not dried down as much either i got pictures see the honey running out of it yes i'm taking another bath in it today i got the bucket as close as i can get it a lot of there's a lot of honey in it i thought we had a bunch of red propolis under here but it's the glue from when they put this thing together um we got one two three four five combs out one two three four five six still in the big slabs of honey and i'm about to have to take a break i gotta take a break and wash this uh hood off cause honey's getting in my eyes again that show burns i'm not going hungry out here that stuff running in my mouth right good morning got your stool where'd you get that stool i probably didn't flea market for two dollars it's a good one though it looks like a sample it is it's a stool sample they sell them at walmart i found out washed my hood off got some fresh water clean bucket just where we left off but the bees have come in here and cleaned up all those cut edges so i don't have honey running in my face right now it was a little drip but i think that was wax got bees starting to pile up because they don't have as much comb to congregate on or to spread out on whether they're congregating in one spot but uh i ain't going back just yet these honeycombs right here at the front i'm gonna start smoking again get the bees off of those especially that one big piece right there we'll go ahead and cut it out and that one over there i'm gonna run them run them back as much as i can cut what i can and pretty soon by the time i take these two out i can leave them alone for a few minutes they'll be piled right there just be hanging right now they're hiding up in the frame space back like there and they still will be when i get through with all this uh i'll be able to back bunches at a time probably won't spot the queen until like last time when we put him in a hive i can go in and grab her i don't worry too much about trying to find her on a job when i do it's fun it's fun for the video fun for me but as long as i get her that's all i care about [Music] um [Music] so so [Music] i got the honeycombs in here with me i'm passing the brood combs out to him as i cut them out cutting the whole comb section out at this point and then shaving the honey off of it after i get it down trying to reduce the amount of rain on my face i've still got some brood coming in here you got room for more i'm not at the back of it yet there's a freshly stuffed smoker if you want it and if you don't i'm fishing to grab the vac hose for you i'm going to leave them alone for because they're settled in right there reach out [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so i got the biggest part of it out and right there it gets complicated turn sideways again right at the frame rail so you can tell how far in we're about 36 inches in and now we're turning sideways again we just keep going and going i got to be getting close to the end of it oh no we ain't coming back we're going to finish this today [Music] right about five foot in now i'm seeing the end of it dude leave the bees clustered back behind there right now i'm at a point where i can't hardly reach it anymore unless i go on the other side of the frame rail and cut uh some more belly cloth and insulation i don't feel like dropping all that crap in my face so what i'm gonna do is slide a piece of vinyl skirting up in there under this to catch it just cut it off let it fall on it and pull it back out drag it out okay that piece was not the back of the hive but you can see the back of the hive from here you can see my house from here you can see the back of the hive from here and you can see all the beads that i've been running back with smoke are piled up back there i think there's one more comb behind this one not because i can see anything but because of how thick this one is with honey and usually they taper down to empty cones going towards the back i'll tell you what's fun right now you see that crowd of bees behind me had to take my veil off and and i moved my work platform flip around so i could reach up in there forward to get to anything because i was contorting and uh back diving to reach anyway because of where i'm sitting the back of my necks become a landing zone imagine how comfortable that is every few seconds you feel something [Music] i've been letting them move up front a little bit more i figured i started vacuuming got a good group standing in line waiting on the ride [Music] [Applause] all right we're done for the day this is a box we just dumped this one that's the ones i missed the dump on brood up top empty box on the bottom feeder up top yellow jack and enjoy what got spilled these are the ones from mundy we just released them same thing brewed up top empty on bottom uh they've been through one feeder jar already we just put another feeder jar on them they seem to be doing quite well and this is the brood combs and trash cone we didn't use my hair and my clothes are honey saturated i'm going home get cleaned up it's rare that i worry about overloading the b-vac today was one of those days i was not sure i should break that into two because i don't want to overheat them but i fed them all in one vac they did all right but that was a big hive it was ended up being six foot long and honey loaded two five gallon buckets worth of honey of comb honey once i get it crushed down it'll be five gallons maybe six gallons maybe wow that's a lot of honey it's hot out here folks but this beekeeping show is fun trigger come on come on boy come on [Applause]
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 35,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Honey, burning eyes, burns my eyes, honey in my eyes, hive removal, bee hive, feral bee hive, wild bee hive, trailer park bees, bees in a trailer park, hot rain, natures pepper spray, honey comb, bee comb, honey bees, caught the queen, bee sting, bee stings, stung by a bee, bee venom, eyes burning, itching eyes, irritated eyes, bee vacuum, comb honey, eating a bee hive, eating comb honey, eating raw honey, chewing beeswax, honey drip
Id: EgmJbPU_1uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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