Huge Basement Workshop Untouched In Years Has Bees

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oh god don't tell me that's what i thought it was just now welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster channel where hobby beekeeping is a way of life and we are starting on a removal that looks like i'm gonna give it 14 foot up what do you think big old huge house a very unique design right here it looks like we've got a cinder block wall separating what is the workshop for the property from the living space and the garage we may have a heat signature in the wall of the garage which is looks like is where this beam comes in and i can't tell if that's center block all the way up double lanes where the level of garage was we were yeah you look at the land right around here randy i think that was behind the machine blocks is like a board space they fill in with dirt okay then they put the garage on top of it all right well we may have to take some of this wall board off it's fine go ahead and take it out that's how it's been in here for there's been a hive in here for 10 years for this at least not longer all right they've been here since 85 and they came moved in pretty quick and last year it looks like they had a swarm swarm inside down here so they've actually chewed through the sheetrock about eight to ten by eight or ten uh years ago they had somebody come supposed to kill him but i think he he put the wrong stuff in there because they didn't look like they ever with amy you want me let's go here and leave the pile of bees in the wonder this is this is just a older couple that's he's not the owner there older couple they probably just don't get down here anymore this happened last year and the entire swarm came inside died in the window and there's still a smell from that right there man that's been a year ago look when i tell people they're going to leave a rancid odor in their wall if they kill a hive on a wall this is just a swarm this is not even the remains of a hive but one year in here and this still stinks really bad what you do where's his new cord okay is that what you've been looking for i've been set up for the week out there in the sun in a plastic bag then you gang um for today oh you can find a real pencil no i think i change every time i put them in the truck and then you're gonna work a few times without me i come back i can't find a pencil i don't know what's happening to the pencils you know what else we gotta have of water and yeah bucket of water garbage bags well i got you set up we're gonna laid out a whole scaffold platform got a good nice big working area we're going to start cutting this ceiling and then after that we'll work into the wall i'm almost certain they're going to go into that wall so we're either going to take them i don't know if we're going to get them from this side i'm fixing to hit that with the flear again maybe but if not that's the back wall of the garage and there's definitely heat over there and there's no doubt we can get the rest of it through the garage what do you think man i set up easy access i see that because you you can't come up this side yeah i crawl over from the other side you just tell me what you need when you get up there it's a broom yeah there's spider webs all the way up to it oh shoot man ain't nothing wrong with a spider getting a little meal you ain't working up here i gotta tilt my head i can but i have to bring a platform up and sit on it you can work here once i open it actually it wouldn't be bad to have one up here to have a little workstation all right i'll get you one they've been trying to get somebody for years to get these things out here and then we couldn't find nobody it's a it's not a job everybody wants to do thank you i think it's fun because it's always a challenge but it's worse this one's different than any other one we've attacked coming up here like this but it's worked hey but i ain't [Music] all right let's see what i got i don't see nothing i do i'm trying to get the camera to get him there it is my brother said that time he did he put him on his suits on the thing he said because and they ain't gonna kind of smells like that house and uh if we had the weeding walls oh right well it's it's had a die out before no doubt all right i thought that little bit of sections when i go through it's kind of rotten yeah and i don't want to poke them right there so that'll just break off i hope that's fine tell me what tools you want we ain't saving it so if you gotta bust it to get a grip oh god don't tell me that's what i thought it was just now oh an old hive oh mercy that's why we wouldn't get no heat signature are they too high up yeah that's a big one all right well the old one's right there this place here dry old comb matte back that's the uh where uh wax moth it notched on the wood left left the wax hanging but you can see the notches now this is i'm fixing to pull this back and give you a good one they a huge dive in soaked oh man oh boy it keeps on coming ends right there y'all is that are you seeing it monks are you seeing the back of the garage wall right there it's wooden that's wood which is probably where that shelf is but am i helping you just light it up a little bit but up i'm so up close i got to get a better there's nasty comb all around it and good stuff in the middle here all right you see what we got going here this is not a candlelight vigil uh we shut all these lights down through the shop so that the bees aren't drawn into the shop out of this hole and the ones that are go out the door and being surprisingly calm at the moment we we drove through rain about halfway up here you just ran all the roaches out of the thing yeah all over the place yeah one of them's on your hat right now i would be extremely terrible with it it wants to crush oh yeah i think you got no weight there nah old dry comb see the uh holes all in it wax mouth ate it all up yeah i like my thing you know i think the only thing that's been up here yeah what's that there's big chew marks or sections about that very well we'll call it squirrel but that's not what i'm thinking [Laughter] we're going to call it a squirrel for your sake yep i would say that just you only got one plank behind you you can keep that in mind i don't care i can't there's no reason for any further back good yeah that's the large chunks of this thing i can't stand up up here anyway i told you i wasn't underneath here my head's angled i started i thought they lived there in the wintertime on that honeydew yeah they do you want more light up there i'll go get a flashlight not too much light there's a that's what i'm working on i got a flashlight too much light it's not good no i don't want them being attracted to it you said it wasn't politics i'm going to get i'm probably going to get about 10. at that old dracon they're working that clone all right yeah they got anything in it that's what i'm trying to check now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is it dry yeah although there's nothing and i'm still in the nasty stuff but i'm gonna tell you how hard it was with that yeah okay i'm using your big knife i don't use that knife that's how hard it is i've really gotta i gotta saw through it to get it i mean it really is tough this piece and maybe another trash piece before i'm actually into the hub they are getting me but i stopped making noises sorry somebody's like wanna get me eaten okay now i'm just renting and bearing a little do you want uh you want the bee jacket i can take the hood off of it no it ain't that bad it's this is normal yeah i know but it'll cover your arms up at least i mean we do have bad weather so yeah and we're just getting into it so potential for getting stung up it's there i don't know until it's every time we do this i wonder if i should take the big knife and go on the outside here all this nasty stuff that's all on the outer edge here and see if i can get it to drop and get away from the good stuff so when we go in there and get better vacuum probably wouldn't hurt come on did you turn the vacuum on and started hitting them uh they hit me before i turned the vacuum on okay like that determined you did that i took two right side by side yeah they hit me pretty good up here too we might have to suit up get the smoker going ah yes [Music] [Laughter] thank you bring any of the hits casey kasem so you don't want your knife yeah i'm using this five and one to get all these wax mock for salads out of the way second so i can work no they're still stinging me in the hands uh there's a couple side pieces but i'm starting to get the new stuff a lot of garbage in here [Music] oh come on guys girls of me i'm not doing nothing they're just stung you know my rest they're ripping me a new one up here we thought they were going to be all nice and that little switch turned on [Music] [Applause] uh all right hey right there right by that tree [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not live not right now if they can find a way in uh yes spidey but she's laying she's in here somewhere if we find her but i i've done running back and been sucking up a big pile of the bees so you know tell them yeah i see it back there no telling if i'll see her i can't really see anything back in there but i'm just literally and among that old nasty stuff hey pete y'all find that snake yes we did you identified all right not yet no put it down in the comments is it still squirming uh i left it with this gentleman and it was david doesn't get differently than i was they were having a negotiation he took it behind the woodshed i think they discussed it differently but i'm about halfway through this hive they were eating pete alive they were me to begin with had to get smoker going for at this point now we've removed all this of course uh this fan part right here was just dead part of the hive we got laying going on we do have a active laying queen it looks like it looks like they swarmed and this is a newly mated queen just starting to lay because there's not a lot of larva that's uncapped in here but there's eggs all through it so i'm thinking that they swarmed and they've got a new queen in here somewhere still looking for but i've been backing giant clusters of bees from back in here it's entirely possible that i'll get her in the back because i just can't see back in there he was right here when i left because there he is right there yeah that's him oh i can't film that you could do that but i can't film it don't fail don't film it you didn't film it did you oh yeah now you got it yeah oh he wants to strike anywhere like you striking me but makes a good video come on go at me again this makes good video let's get you straight come on that's what i want into the camera buddy i was keeping a stick right outside the camera and that i got yeah you put that snake on on youtube somebody identifying for sure oh yeah no doubt if they are right or not but did you find any pine straw or that snake make you forget what you went out there for i don't know right now [Music] not yet but she's sure laying i'm just sitting on my little workbench [Applause] thank you so much yeah anytime we definitely have a laying queen but in examining this what i see is that they've recently swarmed and made a new queen this one's mated and just recently started laying so there's no honey in the hive they've the swarm took whatever they had i've got his old cat brewed from their past queen and a whole bunch of new brood from this new queen and i'm sure as i get in i probably find open queen cells everywhere there's one open cell and maybe a cup on the bottom i'll probably find more of that as i go a whole lot of bees though man i've been backing bees i've been sucking big clusters off the back here and they're still thick here we got a mass exodus running out from behind that comb it means one of two things the queen is out here or is going to be out here soon or we already got her in the back and i think where i got her in the back because i've been sticking the vac hose back up in there just sucking giant clusters of bees in the back and i think i've got her so they they're uh turning into a running bunch was the odd spot my belly's going to be swollen nobody will know [Laughter] won't be able to tell the difference i just think you stop for lunch yeah it is i didn't want to bring it but i'm glad we did it allows you to sit down that's pretty good it would have been angle wise it would have been easier to work this off a ladder but being able to sit down up here is a big plus i'd rather work on a platform yeah me too that's the next big one like this is a three in the morning i hadn't found any honey at all now i'm looking nothing now the other question i asked i don't know you may want to ask yourself on the camera or tell them have you found anything a cup so there's not even cells no they have a queen okay i'm trying to smoke them off the comb when they're coming out front that's all right come on out front i'll introduce you to your friends in the back [Music] spread all night ladies let me get a good look at yeah line you start fanning now where's the queen clip [Music] i was like no no no no where's the queen clip don't run away i didn't want to lose sight of her got that queen yes i i thought we had her in the back already i didn't think i would see the queen on this one thank you jesus thank you thank you i'm fixing to back these up and then set the queen back up there that's what it was the king was going back and forth probably yeah hey hey ah yes that's what i'm talking about oh man that's so nice there she is when they started running i knew either we had her or she was moving i i thought we had her i thought she was in the back already 2020 queen laying it up they all ran out front though i'm fixing to vacuum all these up and i'm gonna set her up there uh well i say they are they're still a bunch in the in the combs but the ones that were clustering behind the combs a bunch of them vacated and came out front just look at that layer of wax moth um defecation looks like the bottom of a bat cave that was from the old hives that were in here wax moths they ate a lot of it up uh there was comb here we scraped that out but there was an old hive and the wax moss just decimated it and these ladies were building back onto it and cleaning it up and reusing some of the wax it was still there [Music] got a marching out again i was smoking them off the cones not a lot of cones left but i guess i got smoke behind it and they started running this way so we got it was a drone i was like oh we got another queen but it's a drone another drone fishing that picked these up a little more population reduction and my shoulders uh because of the way i'm sitting and twisting sideways working backwards over my head my my right trap is on fire so i'm going to back these up and let pete get up here and finish the rest of this because he fits a little nicer yeah give me a second with switching guards he got the queen he's got the queen right now my head okay i'm gonna vac these out and then we're gonna put her back up in here uh you know we don't really need her up here do we have it now we'll put her i don't want to layer in that roach crap 628 dirt roosters the youtube channel name okay we're out here picking out some pretty combs to go to go show the homeowner because they're elderly and it's gonna be hard to get them out of the house they won't come down here and see so so what's your name again so judy's gonna take a couple pieces to show her mom i am and this this house been here this is it call the dirt roosters i said pieces of that 10 year old hive there's just enough honey in there for them to get a taste on the top edges that's mostly brewed but she's just taking it up to show them but you know i already tasted that stuff was really good we got three bags of old brood comb here so miss judy's going up show her mom and i think her dad might be coming down maybe okay thank you yes ma'am we're in a real beautiful place it's hard to show uh because of the way the house is situated on the property i just backed up by this gate so they get the mule through miss judy's dad wants to come down they got to bring him down and uh i think electric lift and they're gonna ride him around on the mule to get around here probably difficult access for him to walk up not sure how they're bringing him in but i was just getting my truck out of the way so they could bring the mule around so right here's where they're going in looks like maybe a couple dozen clustered up right there and this is a dreamland and here's our workshop the whole down whole bottom floor house [Applause] okay so we know what happened with the last bees it was in here that old comb got a big hole right here jumped out of it it swarmed out of it and pete figured out what they did when they came out they took a wrong turn they took you can see the sheetrock is there's nothing left in that corner where they were they had actually chewed through an access in the sheetrock and you know like you said they just took a wrong turn instead of going out their main entrance to swarm they came inside and with these doors closed because those doors are not open typically but these doors closed that window over there was the only light so that's where they went and sucks for them i think i already showed this we'll come back over here and look one more time [Music] pop i was about too old to get around anymore and must've been in the airplane did a cool model he was building he's a little too old to get down here but he wanted to come see what we were doing so they brought him down in the gator kept him in on his walker so it fixed me move the truck back down we're just about done there's not a whole lot left other than making sure i don't walk off of these cameras laying around [Applause] there you go [Music] i'm trying to make this darkness go away [Music] i'll paint with colors and i'll sing until my arms give out i'm gonna let the sun in the day and i will leave my windows open so that i can hear the sound of people talking the wind blowing in the dreams oh will open up my eyes so i can see the light [Music] oh and i'll try to spread my wings so i can fly oh and the darkness starts to fade feels like things are gonna go my way i'm gonna let the sunshine in the day [Music] i'm gonna let the past be filled with smoke [Music] and that will try to fix what has been broken and take this weight off my shoulders cause i know yesterday ain't coming back i'm gonna let the past stay in the cold i'm gonna listen to the ocean let it side words be spoken and i'll let my mind be carried by the ways oh i will open up my eyes so i can see the light oh and i'll try to spread my wings so i can fly oh and the darkness starts to fade feels like let the sun things [Music] little square button there's an inch and a half deep layer of wax my crap up here on top of this bottom board on top of this top plate yeah over here so let's just cut the piece off yes it's important it's bad anyway but that you're going to have way more work than what you need there's no heat showing in the wall here just right there just in the ceiling and it radiates into the wall just barely
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 43,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beekeeper, beekeeping, bee removal, hive removal, bee hive removal, how to remove a bee hive, how to remove bees, how to get rid of bees, bees wax, bee wax, honey comb, bee comb, work shop, basement workshop, save the bees, live bee removal, honey bee, bee hive, honey bees, queen bee, bee swarm, beekeeping videos, bee removal from house, bee removal vacuum, bee vac, hobby shop, hobby workshop, workshop, abandoned basement, abandoned workshop, abandoned bee hive
Id: TgY1Si1aDm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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