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we are currently working in what you call uh uh income based housing which means you are subsidizing these people's lives and from the smell of things y'all are buying a whole lot of weed yo what's up are you there okay what's up oh headed to rescue some bees man just got in the truck dude get that gopro out and make it up i'm here to rescue to be i've got the gopro out and i'm trying to mount it up with this mod on it and it won't fit the mount now we're in business if i didn't buy all this extra gopro crap i wouldn't be filming right now there you go see that's what i'm here for yeah i don't know about this gopro stuff man they lost my audio on on that last job it was one segment and half of another one oh really [Music] well starting it off right i dropped my work platform on my foot oh hey i found a new hat for mr ed the drip i think we'll leave that right there gonna be working on this little building right here taking them out of this bottom of this house i took one out of the far end balcony several years back and then went out of a building across the driveway a couple years ago i guess it's what you get with no maintenance big old gap right there that's the next place they're going to get them they got a new maintenance man i give him instructions whether or not he follows through on him i don't really care we'll just get this done get our job done get out of here let them worry about the future huh [Music] so [Music] [Music] i ain't had a single bee come out around this trim which is not a great sign it could be a small colony but normally there'll be a few of them coming out seeing what all the ruckus is about but not a 1. you got a video taken away i don't have to but i put it out on youtube oh okay a video mode what's your name on youtube 628 dirt rooster huh 628 just type in 628. all right let me look you up and subscribe to your channel there's one from that building down there on youtube huh i said there's one from that building down there i know yeah on youtube [Music] [Music] that's what i was afraid [Music] just what i was afraid of they're going in the wall somewhere so yeah they're probably between floors well they got me on this one but thankfully this one 50 wasn't put together with a whole lot of nails [Music] so get my little compressor get my nailer out and have it seal them back up in about five minutes and i'm gonna come back tomorrow go through that downstairs ceiling i think that's where that i don't know man there's water damage on that outside wall there but they hide in there i'm gonna do some more scoping before i cut anything i think they're gonna be in that ceiling there [Music] i got my trim ready nails pulled [Music] well that kind of sucked all that unnecessary work that you don't get paid for it's not that i'm not getting paid for the job but i bid the job i don't work by the hour i bid the jobs uh any unnecessary work that i do in locating bees well i mean it's necessary but anything that i do that goes for locating bees that proves futile that proves unnecessary in the end i just get to eat it it's just part of the job or part of the price so and i don't work by the hour so if you work by the hour and you just did that by mistake i i don't smoke weed maybe it was all the weed in the air that affected my thinking but i tell you a story about me and pete working on a job one time and we were in a discussion about how weed affects people's minds and how they they get stupid and unproductive when they're on it if he's gonna kill me for dallas telling the story it was hilarious we were working in an apartment complex and these people were getting evicted because they were dealing weed out of their apartment and they were high as a kite carrying stuff to their cars their eyes weren't even hardly open they were just looking through red slits as all they were looking through in this big old heavy set white girl comes out here and arm loaded junk and i said look this you know take take this girl for example it makes you stupid i said i've never smoked it but i've been around people who have and they can't even carry on a conversation at the time it doesn't doesn't make you stupid and about that time she slammed her fingers in the top edge of the back door on the driver's side slammed her right hand in the top edge of the back door driver's side and then my eyes went from little slits to wide open and she's fumbling with her left hand for that door handle she finally gets it open and speed walks back into the apartment and i said case in point and pizza [Laughter] and the funnier thing is to make my point if i could show around in here i ain't saying everybody in here is on weed because i don't know that to be a fact but dang if it ain't strong in here but every car in here has been wrecked twice but i ain't gonna show you pictures of everybody's cars and the only one that looks like it hasn't been wrecked it's got graffiti all down inside of it chase chase louise but my truck is no exception i bought it wrecked those it's got damage on the driver's rear and i bought it like that i didn't wreck it i'm stopping off at an old school it's right at sunset great time of day be taking pictures this is a school that was abandoned as a school probably a decade ago and then it was used as a court building for quite a few years and now it's just abandoned again windows being broken out of it being vandalized a little bit but the more interesting thing to me that i wanted to shoot i've got the old nick on here with me there's this playground over here i was just here a couple weeks ago and this gate wasn't off the hinge at that point but it kind of there's a genre of street photography everybody's shooting these days called urban decay i guess there's a whole apartment complex there with little kids in it right next door to this this playground that's just not being used being overgrown nobody's taken care of nobody's even using it at all that i can tell so i'm gonna see if i can take a couple of creative shots of it while the sun's going down behind me i gotta be quick because the sun is just about that's about all there is to see around the front of this place cops like to hide around the back of it the sun's gone good jet streak in the sky over that water tower if i get my truck out of shot that is one of my favorite things to do is landscape and street photography and i just like wandering around shooting practicing my photography skills i ain't great at it but i want everything off my dash i ain't great at it but i enjoy it [Music] we headed back to the job this morning couldn't do it yesterday because they had the whole family camping out in the living room so we rescheduled for today and they are going to move to the bedroom they're still going to be there this is going to be in the bedroom they didn't want me to do it yesterday though so here we go again getting out tools and getting set up oh half the family vacated halfway went to the bedroom we're a foot and a half in to their entrance by the flea image i took yesterday upstairs it looks like the ceiling joists run this way so i'll make two two marks on the ceiling and i'll cut to that joist and that'll determine how far back i cut on the ceiling that'll limit the damage i do and then we'll open it and see what we've got we got a decent heat signature upstairs yesterday i don't know why it wasn't showing anything uh was it three weeks ago i was here it's winter time so they haven't been building much they're working pulling in pollen but they wouldn't have been storing much of anything so i can't imagine a big number bump since then but it sure didn't show anything a few weeks ago i parked my damage all by their damage [Music] or joyce far as where my cut lined up there's something running along here i think i think [Music] is they gonna swarm out on you i don't know we'll find out in a minute that way opposite of where i felt that's leftovers of a dead colony right there wax moth i'm in the right area oh i see them i see okay it's trusting i thought this was two bars i didn't cut far enough over and then i made a tough spot to get to cut the rest of the ceiling over to the corner i got about another 10 inches maybe to work yeah [Laughter] i found them i got to cut the ceiling over a little further to get them oh you care if you're on the video okay you scare me like this yeah we're in the right spot this time all right it's bigger than i thought it was going to be but it ain't huge i don't think there's going to be much i see some capped honey in that end piece we'll see we'll see we've been in there a while there look at all that chewed insulation and droppings and wax moth this is not the first time there's been a hive in this spot you won't come look [Music] just don't sweat it anything if anything jump on you can't take a picture oh yeah take a picture if anything starts to get on you don't sweat just turn around come back to me okay you getting close to the wall you can see it real good [Applause] big [Music] this year [Music] hmm [Music] some crunchy cone crunchy cold kind of happy bees i guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh there's the queen right there [Music] [Music] [Music] um mom oh just more honey and more honey oh [Music] [Music] you got more than five it is it's catching you from about here down hello yeah maybe where's your parents at [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 25,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PaoyPDo2dHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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